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The C program below generates an instantaneous heart rate (HR) signal suitable for Lomb PSD estimation. Its input should be a two-column list of beat arrival times (in seconds) and beat type codes (1 for normal beats, any other value for other types of beats). The output contains a subset of the beat arrival times, with a sample of the HR signal (in units of beats per minute) following each time. The scanf and printf statements may be replaced if different input or output formats are required.

Note that this algorithm aggressively rejects intervals likely to be outliers (whether due to ectopic beats, falsely detected beats, missed beats, or simply mismeasured beat arrival times). When used to derive a Lomb PSD estimate, this strategy works well, and permits robust derivation of spectra even from highly corrupted time series.

When deriving FT or AR spectra, less stringent criteria must be used, since the cost of deleting samples is high (either they must be replaced, or the entire time series must be discarded).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define NORMAL 1
#define OTHER  2
#define TOL   10    /* tolerance (bpm) */

    double ihr, ihrp, mhr = 70., t, tp;
    int b, bp = OTHER;

    while (scanf("%lf%d", &t, &b) == 2) {
        if (b == NORMAL) {
            ihr = 60./(t - tp);
            mhr += (ihr - mhr)/10.;
            if (bp == NORMAL &&
                fabs(ihr - ihrp) < TOL &&
                fabs(ihr - mhr) < TOL)
                printf("%g %g\n", tp, ihr);
            bp = NORMAL;
            tp = t;
            ihrp = ihr;
            bp = OTHER;

George B. Moody\\
MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.\\

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George B. Moody 2002-04-22