function [path, j1, j2] = hmmViterbiCM(logpi, logA, logB) % Find the most-probable (Viterbi) path through the HMM state trellis. % logpi(j) = log of initial state distribution % logA(i,j) = log of transition matrix % logB(k,t) = log of soft evidence % * we use log of inputs for compatability with .mex version * % * called hmmViterbiC since Matlab has an hmmViterbi function already * %% % This file is from pi = exp(logpi); A = exp(logA); B = exp(logB); [K T] = size(B); delta = zeros(K,T); psi = zeros(K,T); path = zeros(1,T); t=1; delta(:,t) = normalize(pi(:) .* B(:,t)); psi(:,t) = 0; % arbitrary value, since there is no predecessor to t=1 for t=2:T for j=1:K [delta(j,t), psi(j,t)] = max(delta(:,t-1) .* A(:,j)); delta(j,t) = delta(j,t) * B(j,t); end delta(:,t) = normalize(delta(:,t)); end % Traceback [p, path(T)] = max(delta(:,T)); for t=T-1:-1:1 path(t) = psi(path(t+1),t+1); end j1 = []; % for .mex compatability j2 = []; end