%TRAINED_MAPPING Define untrained or fixed mapping % % W = TRAINED_CLASSIFIER(A,DATA) % % INPUT % A - Dataset used for training % DATA - Data (cell array or structure) to be stored in the data-field % of the mapping in order to transfer it to the execution part % % OUTPUT % W - Classifier % % DESCRIPTION % This routine serves as a simplified definition of a trained classifier. % It sets automatically the name, the label list and the size. In DATA % everything should be stored needed for the execution of the mapping, % either in a structure or by a cell array. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % MAPPINGS, PRMAPPING, TRAINED_MAPPING, DEFINE_MAPPING, MAPPING_TASK % Copyright: Robert P.W. Duin, prtools@rduin.nl function w = trained_classifier(varargin) [a,data] = setdefaults(varargin); fname = callername; classfname = getname(feval(fname)); [m,k,c] = getsize(a); w = prmapping(fname,'trained',data,getlablist(a),k,c); w = setname(w,classfname); return %CALLERNAME % % NAME = CALLERNAME % % Returns the name the calling function function name = callername [ss ,i] = dbstack; if length(ss) < 3 name = []; else name = ss(3).name; end