%SCATTERD Display scatterplot % % H = SCATTERD(A) % H = A*SCATTERD % % H = SCATTERD(A,DIM,S,CMAP,FONTSIZE,'label','both','legend','gridded') % H = A*SCATTERD([],DIM,S,CMAP,FONTSIZE,'label','both','legend','gridded') % H = A*SCATTERD(DIM,S,CMAP,FONTSIZE,'label','both','legend','gridded') % % INPUT % A Dataset or matrix % DIM Number of dimensions: 1,2 or 3 (optional; default: 2) % S String specifying the colors and markers (optional) % CMAP Matrix with a color map (optional) % % OUTPUT % H Vector of handles % % DESCRIPTION % SCATTERD(A) displays a 2D scatterplot of the first two features of the % dataset A. If the number of dimensions DIM is specified (1..3), it plots % the first D features in a D-dimensional plot (D<4). If the plot string S % is provided, e.g. S = 'w+', all points are plotted accordingly. If given, % different plot strings are used for different classes. See PLOT for the % specification of plot strings. % % If CMAP is specified, the color of the object symbols is determined by % CMAP indexed by the object labels. A colormap has the size [C x 3], where % C is the number of classes. The three components of CMAP(I,:) determine % the red, green and blue components of the color. For instance: % % MAP = HSV; [M,K] = SIZE(A); LABELS = CEIL(64*[1:M]'/M); % A = PRDATASET(A,LABELS); SCATTERD(A,'.','COLORMAP',MAP); % % This may be used for tracking ordered objects. % % FONTSIZE may be a vector with three elements: fontsize, markersize and % size of the label font in case of a label plot. % % Various other options are: % 'LABEL' : plot labels instead of symbols % 'BOTH' : plot labels next to each sample % 'LEGEND' : place a legend in the figure % 'GRIDDED': make a grid of 2D scatterplots of each pair of features % % All the parameters, except for the dataset A can be specified in any % order or can be left out. % % Classifiers can be plot in the scatterplot by PLOTC. % Note that PLOTC does not work for 1D and 3D scatterplots. % % EXAMPLES % See PREX_CONFMAT, PREX_DENSITY, PREX_PLOTC, PREX_MCPLOT. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % DATASETS, PLOTC, SCATTERN % Copyright: D. de Ridder, R.P.W. Duin, duin@ph.tn.tudelft.nl % Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands % $Id: scatterd.m,v 1.8 2010/06/25 09:52:40 duin Exp $ % REVISIONS % DR1 - Dick, 05-10-2004 % Added plotting of unlabeled data as 'k.'. function handle = scatterd(varargin) argin = shiftargin(varargin,'scalar'); argin = shiftargin(argin,'char'); argin = setdefaults(argin,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]); if mapping_task(argin,'definition') % standard return, name = filename handle = define_mapping(argin,'fixed'); return end par = cell(1,8); [a,par{:}] = deal(argin{:}); a = prdataset(a); % Allow for a non-dataset data a = remclass(a); % Defaults d = min(size(a,2),2); % Dimensionality of plot s = []; % Plot symbol(s) map = []; % Color map plotlab = 0; % Put text labels instead of or next to samples plotsym = 1; % Plot symbols for samples plotlegend = 0; % Plot legend gridded = 0; % Make a gridded plot gridrun = 0; % Inner loop in a gridded plot? font_size = []; mark_size = []; lab_size = []; hold_axis = ishold; % A flag to check if 'hold on' is set for the current axis % % if (nargin < 9), par{8} = []; else, par{8} = p8; end % if (nargin < 8), par{7} = []; else, par{7} = p7; end % if (nargin < 7), par{6} = []; else, par{6} = p6; end % if (nargin < 6), par{5} = []; else, par{5} = p5; end % if (nargin < 5), par{4} = []; else, par{4} = p4; end % if (nargin < 4), par{3} = []; else, par{3} = p3; end % if (nargin < 3), par{2} = []; else, par{2} = p2; end % if (nargin < 2), par{1} = []; else, par{1} = p1; end % Set up default values. for i = 1:5 if (~isempty(par{i})) if (length(par{i}) == 1) & par{i} < 5 & (~ischar(par{i})) % Dimensionality d = par{i}; par{i} = 2; % Necessary for gridded: D needs to be 2. elseif ((size(par{i},1) > 1) & (size(par{i},2)==3) & (~ischar(par{i}))) % Color map map = par{i}; elseif (strcmp(par{i},'label')) plotlab = 1; plotsym = 0; elseif (strcmp(par{i},'both')) plotlab = 1; plotsym = 1; elseif (strcmp(par{i},'legend')) plotlegend = 1; elseif (strcmp(par{i},'gridded')) gridded = 1; par{i} = 'gridrun'; % Necessary for gridded: otherwise an infinite recursion :) elseif (strcmp(par{i},'gridrun')) gridrun = 1; elseif ~isstr(par{i}) & length(par{i}) <= 3 & par{i}(1) >= 5 font_size = par{i}(1); if length(par{i}) >= 2 mark_size = par{i}(2); end if length(par{i}) == 3 lab_size = par{i}(3); end else s = par{i}; end end end if (gridrun) if isempty(font_size), font_size = 10; end if isempty(mark_size), mark_size = 5; end if isempty(lab_size), lab_size = 8; end elseif (~hold_axis) %clf; cla; if isempty(font_size), font_size = 16; end if isempty(mark_size), mark_size = 7; end if isempty(lab_size), lab_size = 14; end else if isempty(font_size), font_size = get(gca,'fontsize'); end if isempty(mark_size), mark_size = font_size/2; end if isempty(lab_size), lab_size = font_size-2; end end feats = getfeatlab(a,'string'); if isempty(feats) for i=1:size(a,2) feats = strvcat(feats,sprintf('Feature %d',i)); end else if size(feats,2) == 1 feats = [repmat('Feature ',size(feats,1),1) feats]; end end if (gridded) clf; gs = size(a,2); for i = 1:gs for j = 1:gs subplot(gs,gs,(i-1)*gs+j); gridrun = 1; h = feval(mfilename,a(:,[j i]),par{1},par{2},par{3},par{4},par{5},par{6},par{7}); gridrun = 0; if (i~=gs), xlabel(''); end if (j~=1), ylabel(''); end end subplot(111); % Takes care of clf for the next scatterplot. end return; end if (isa(a,'prdataset')) & (~isempty(getlablist(a))) [m,k,c] = getsize(a); lab = getnlab(a); lablist = getlablist(a,'string'); ident = getident(a); %DXD: needed for prcursor dataset_name = getname(a); a = double(a); else [m,k] = size(a); lab = ones(m,1); ident = (1:m)'; %DXD: needed for prcursor dataset_name = []; c = 1; a = double(a); end % Character string defining the plotting setup in terms of symbols and colors. if (isempty(s)) vers = version; if (str2num(vers(1)) < 5) col = 'brmw'; sym = ['+*xo.']'; i = [1:20]; ss = [col(i-floor((i-1)/4)*4)' sym(i-floor((i-1)/5)*5)]; else col = 'brmk'; sym = ['+*oxsdv^<>p']'; i = [1:44]; ss = [col(i-floor((i-1)/4)*4)' sym(i-floor((i-1)/11)*11)]; end ss = ['k.'; ss]; % DR1 - Add symbol for "unlabeled" data. [ms,ns] = size(ss); if ms == 1, ss = setstr(ones(m,1)*ss); end else if size(s,1) == 1 ss = repmat(s,c,1); s = []; else ss = s; s = []; end ss = char('k.', ss); % DR1 - Add symbol for "unlabeled" data. %DXD - changed [.] into char(.) end % Define some 'space' OY to be added around the data plotted in symbols. oy = zeros(1,3); if (plotsym) oy = 0.02*(max(a)-min(a)); else s = 'w.'; % Plot white spot instead of symbols. end oy(2) = 0; % Make a plot. lhandle = []; thandle = []; % Also plot label "0" (unlabeled). ss = [ss; ss; ss; ss]; for i = 0:c J = find(lab==i); if (isempty(s)), symbol = ss(i+1,:); else, symbol = s; end if ((d == 1) & ~isempty(J)) h = plot(a(J,1),zeros(length(J),1),symbol); hold on; set(h,'markersize',mark_size); lhandle = [lhandle h]; if (plotlab) for j = 1:length(J) h = text(a(J(j),1)+oy(1),oy(2),lablist(lab(J(j)),:)); set(h,'fontsize',lab_size); thandle = [thandle h]; if (~isempty(map)), set (h, 'color', prmap(i+1,:)); end end end elseif ((d == 2) & ~isempty(J)) h = plot(a(J,1),a(J,2),symbol); hold on; set(h,'markersize',mark_size); lhandle = [lhandle h]; if (plotlab) for j = 1:length(J) h = text(a(J(j),1)+oy(1),a(J(j),2)+oy(2),lablist(lab(J(j)),:)); set(h,'fontsize',lab_size); thandle = [thandle h]; if (~isempty(map)), set (h, 'color', prmap(i+1,:)); end end end elseif (~isempty(J)) h = plot3(a(J,1),a(J,2),a(J,3),symbol); hold on; set(h,'markersize',mark_size); lhandle = [lhandle h]; if (plotlab) for j = 1:length(J) h = text(a(J(j),1)+oy(1),a(J(j),2)+oy(2),a(J(j),3)+oy(3),lablist(lab(J(j)),:)); set(h,'fontsize',lab_size); thandle = [thandle h]; if (~isempty(map)), set (h, 'color', prmap(i+1,:)); end end end end %DXD: store the object identifiers in the userdata such that you %can retrieve them by prcursor: if ~isempty(J) ud = get(h,'UserData'); ud.ident = ident(J); set(h,'UserData',ud); end end if (plotsym) if (~isempty(map)) for i = 0:c, set (lhandle(i+1), 'color', prmap(i+1,:)); end end if (plotlegend), [ht, hl] = legend(lhandle(:),lablist); hl = hl(:)'; %set(hl(1:2*c),'markersize',mark_size); lhandle = [lhandle hl]; thandle = [thandle ht(:)']; end end % !%_%*!_% Matlab set(gca,'fontsize',font_size); if (~hold_axis) dd = (max(a,1) - min(a,1))*0.05; % offset, avoiding points on plot box. J = find(dd==0); dd(J) = dd(J)+1; %feats if (d == 1), axis ([min(a(:,1))-dd(1) max(a(:,1))+dd(1) -0.5 0.5]); hx = xlabel(feats(1,:)); thandle = [thandle hx]; elseif (d == 2), axis ([min(a(:,1))-dd(1) max(a(:,1))+dd(1) min(a(:,2))-dd(2) max(a(:,2))+dd(2)]); hx = xlabel(feats(1,:)); hy = ylabel(feats(2,:)); thandle = [thandle(:)' hx hy]; view(2); else % D = 3 axis ([min(a(:,1))-dd(1) max(a(:,1))+dd(1) min(a(:,2))-dd(2) max(a(:,2))+dd(2) min(a(:,3))-dd(3) max(a(:,3))+dd(3)]); hx = xlabel(feats(1,:)); hy = ylabel(feats(2,:)); hz = zlabel(feats(3,:)); thandle = [thandle hx hy hz]; view(3); end end %if (~gridrun) & (length(get(gcf,'children')) < 3 & any(get(gca,'position')>0.80)) if (~gridrun) & (length(get(gcf,'children')) < 3) P = get(gca,'position'); if any(P) > 0.80 & all(P(3:4)>0.50) % don't do this in case of subplots set(gca,'position',[0.13 0.13 0.79 0.78]); % make axis labels visible end end if (~gridrun) & (~isempty(dataset_name)) title(dataset_name); end hold off; if (nargout > 0) handle = [lhandle thandle]; end %DXD this should be standard: vers = version; if (str2num(vers(1)) > 6) prcursor(gcf); datacursormode('off'); end return;