%PRVERSION PRtools version number % % [VERSION,STR,DATE] = PRVERSION % % OUTPUT % VERSION Version number (double) % STR Version number (string) % DATE Version date (string) % % DESCRIPTION % Returns the numerical version number of PRTools VER (e.g. VER = 3.0205) % and as a string, e.g. STR = '3.2.5'. In DATE, the version date is returned % as a string. % $Id: prversion.m,v 1.2 2006/03/08 22:06:58 duin Exp $ function [version,str,date] = prversion(location) if nargin < 1 % get it locally signature = prtver; str = signature{1}.Version; date = signature{1}.Date; version = str2version(str); %version = str2num(str(1)) + (str2num(str(3))*1000 + str2num(str(5))*10)/10000; if nargout == 0 disp([newline ' PRTools version ' str newline]) clear version end else % location is url if verLessThan('matlab','8.0') s = ''; % Cannot read if server is down else [s,status] = urlread(location,'TimeOut',5); end %s = urlread(location); s = [s ' ']; % make sure there is a space s = strrep(s,char(10),' '); % replace newline by space n = strfind(lower(s),'version'); nspace = strfind(s,' '); str = s(nspace(1)+1:nspace(2)-1); version = str2version(str); date = s(nspace(2)+1:nspace(3)-1); end function version = str2version(str) n = strfind(str,'.'); if isempty(n) version = str2num(str); elseif length(n) == 1 version = str2num(str(1:n-1)) + str2num(str(n+1:end))/100; else version = str2num(str(1:n(1)-1)) + str2num(str(n(1)+1:n(2)-1))/100 + str2num(str(n(2)+1:end))/10000; end return;