%PRKMEANS PRTools k-means clustering % % [LABELS,B] = PRKMEANS(A,K,MAXIT,INIT) % % INPUT % A Matrix or dataset % K Number of clusters to be found (optional; default: 2) % MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional; default: 50) % INIT Labels for initialisation, or % 'rand' : take at random K objects as initial means, or % 'kcentres' : use KCENTRES for initialisation (default) % % OUTPUT % LABELS Cluster assignments, 1..K % B Dataset with original data and labels LABELS: % B = PRDATASET(A,LABELS) % % DESCRIPTION % K-means clustering of data vectors in A. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % DATASETS, HCLUST, KCENTRES, MODESEEK, EMCLUST, PRPROGRESS % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function [assign,a] = prkmeans(a,varargin) [kmax,maxit,init] = setdefaults(varargin,2,50,'kcentres'); n_ini = 100; % Maximum size of subset to use for initialisation. % Create dataset with all equal labels and no priors. m = size(a,1); a = prdataset(a); islabtype(a,'crisp'); a=set(a,'labels',ones(m,1),'lablist',[1:kmax]','prior',[]); % for speed n_ini = max(n_ini,kmax*5); % initialisation needs sufficient samples text = sprintf('k-means clustering, %i iterations: ',maxit); prwaitbar(maxit,text); % Initialise by performing KCENTRES on... if (size(init,1) == 1) & strcmp(init,'kcentres') & (m > n_ini) %prwarning(2,'Initializing by performing KCENTRES on subset of %d samples.', n_ini); b = +gendat(a,n_ini); % ... a random subset of A. d = +distm(b); assign = kcentres(d,kmax,[]); bb = setprior(prdataset(b,assign),0); w = nmc(bb); % Initial partition W and assignments ASSIGN. elseif (size(init,1) == 1) & strcmp(init,'kcentres') %prwarning(2,'Initializing by performing KCENTRES on training set.'); d = +distm(a); % ... the entire set A. assign = kcentres(d,kmax,[]); aa = setprior(prdataset(a,assign),0); aa = setlablist(aa); w = nmc(aa); % mapping trained on the complete dataset elseif (size(init,1) == 1) & strcmp(init,'rand') %prwarning(2,'Initializing by randomly selected objects'); R = randperm(m); w = nmc(prdataset(a(R(1:kmax),:),[1:kmax]')); % mapping trained on kmax random samples elseif (size(init,1) == m) assign = renumlab(init); kmax = max(assign); %prwarning(2,'Initializing by given labels, k = %i',kmax); w = nmc(prdataset(a,assign)); else error('Wrong initialisation supplied') end assign = labeld(a*w); a = prdataset(a,assign); a = setprior(a,0); %tmp_assign = zeros(m,1); % Allocate temporary array. % Main loop, while assignments change it=1; % number of iterations ndif = 1; while (it 0) prwaitbar(maxit,it,[text num2str(it)]); tmp_assign = assign; % Remember previous assignments. a = setnlab(a,assign); a = setlablist(a); % remove empty classes % disp([it classsizes(a)]) w = a * nmc; % Re-partition the space by assigning samples to nearest mean. [dummy,assign] = max(+a*w,[],2); % Re-calculate assignments. it = it+1; % increase the iteration counter ndif = sum(tmp_assign ~= assign); end prwaitbar(0); if it>=maxit prwarning(1,['No convergence reached before the maximum number of %d iterations passed. ' ... 'The last result was returned.'], maxit); end return;