%MAP Map a dataset, train a mapping or classifier, or combine mappings % % B = MAP(A,W) or B = A*W % % Maps a dataset A by a fixed or trained mapping (or classifier) W, % generating % a new dataset B. This is done object by object. So B has as many objects % (rows) as A. The number of features of B is determined by W. All dataset % fields of A are copied to B, except the feature labels. These are defined % by the labels stored in W. % % V = MAP(A,W) or B = A*W % % If W is an untrained mapping (or classifier), it is trained by the dataset A. % The resulting trained mapping (or classifier) is stored in V. % % V = MAP(W1,W2) or V = W1*W2 % % The two mappings W1 and W2 are combined sequentially. See SEQUENTIAL for % a description. The resulting combination is stored in V. % % See also DATASETS, MAPPINGS, SEQUENTIAL % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@prtools.org function [d,varargout] = map(a,b) %printdebug(a,b) % remove % for printing debug info if iscell(a) || iscell(b) if ismapping(b) && isfixed_cell(b) % mappings of type fixed_cell accept cell arrays, treat them as 'fixed' b = setmapping_type(b,'fixed'); else % return a cell array with the individual mappings % in case and b are both cell arrays, they should have the same size % and the result is computed element by element d = cellmap(a,b); return end end if stamp_map > 0 && nargout == 1 % if stamp_map is enabled and ifthis map is already computed, take it. % if map is new and needs to be stored, do so. d = stamp_map(a,b); if ~isempty(d) % this map is found, use it return end end % allow for multiple outputs varargout = repmat({[]},[1, max((nargout-1),0)]); % enable/disable checking of sizes global CHECK_SIZES; if isempty(CHECK_SIZES), CHECK_SIZES = true; end % should be false to disable size checking % get dataset / mapping sizes [ma,ka] = size(a); [mb,kb] = size(b); % batch processing, to be enables/disable by setbatch % global BATCHSETTINGS % needed to get batch settings in CNORMC batchsettings = cell(1,3); d = batchmap(a,b,ma,ka,mb,kb); if ~isempty(d) % in case batch processing is enabled and executed, we are done return end clear d; % needed to avoid an empty return in case of nargout = 0 if all([ma,mb,ka,kb] ~= 0) && ~isempty(a) && ~isempty(b) && ~isscalar(a) && ~isscalar(b) && ka ~= mb && CHECK_SIZES error(['Output size of first argument should match input size of second.' ... newline 'Checking sizes might be skipped by defining global CHECK_SIZES = false']) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Here the real works starts % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if isa(a,'mapping') && isa(b,'mapping') % mapping * mapping if isempty(b) % empty mappings are treated as unity mappings d = a; elseif istrained(a) && isaffine(a) && istrained(b) && isaffine(b) % combine affine mappings d = affine(a,b); else [d, varargout{:}] = sequential(a,b); end elseif isa(a,'dataset') || isa(a,'datafile') || isa(a,'double') || ... isa(a,'uint8') || isa(a,'uint16') || isa(a,'dipimage') || iscell(a) % data * mapping if isa(a,'uint8') || isa(a,'uint16') || isa(a,'dipimage') % convert to double where needed a = double(a); end if ~isa(b,'mapping') error('Second argument should be mapping or classifier') end % handle special cases if isempty(b) % treat empty mappings as unity mappings d = a; return elseif isempty(a) % return empty mapping if data is empty d = mapping([]); return elseif isa(a,'double') && ka == 1 && ma == 1 % handle scalar * mapping by .* (see times.m) d = a.*b; return; end % now we have proper data * mapping mapp = getmapping_file(b); if isuntrained(b) % training % set batch settings locally for usage during training, e.g. CNORMC % as batch processing might be needed inside training pars = +b; % data stored in mapping % might be another mapping if issequential(b) || isstacked(b) || isparallel(b) [d, varargout{:}] = feval(mapp,a,b); else if ~iscell(pars), pars = {pars}; end [d, varargout{:}] = feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); end if ~isa(d,'mapping') error('Training an untrained classifier should produce a mapping') end % training is finished, some postprocessing needed if getout_conv(b) > 1 % proper confidences needed, set out_conv in mapping d = d*classc; end % set scaling d = setscale(d,getscale(b)*getscale(d)); name = getname(b); if ~isempty(name) d = setname(d,name); end [batchsettings{:}] = getbatch(b); d = setbatch(d,batchsettings{:}); % copy batch from untrained classifier elseif isdatafile(a) && istrained(b) % execution of datafile on trained mapping if issequential(b) d = feval(mapp,a,b); else d = addpostproc(a,{b}); % just add mapping to postprocesing and execute later end elseif isdatafile(a) % execution of datafile on fixed mapping try % try whether this is a mapping that knows how to handle a datafile pars = getdata(b); % parameters supplied in fixed mapping definition if nargout > 0 if isempty(varargout) d = feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); else [d, varargout{:}] = feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); end if b.scale ~= 1 d = b.scale*d; end else b.scale*feval(mapp,a,pars{:}) return end catch [lastmsg,lastid] = lasterr; if ~strcmp(lastid,'prtools:nodatafile') % rethrow is buggy, so generate again the erroneous call disp(lastid) feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); error(lastmsg); end d = addpostproc(a,{b}); % just add mapping to postprocesing and execute later return end elseif isfixed(b) & isparallel(b) % execution of fixed paralllel mapping d = parallel(a,b); elseif isfixed(b) || isfixed_cell(b) || iscombiner(b) % execution of fixed or combiner pars = getdata(b); % parameters supplied in fixed mapping definition if ~iscell(pars), pars = {pars}; end if nargout == 1 fsize = getsize_in(b); if isdataset(a) & any(fsize~=0) & ~isobjim(a) a = setfeatsize(a,fsize); % needed to set object images, sometimes end d = feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); elseif nargout > 1 [d, varargout{:}] = feval(mapp,a,pars{:}); else % no output parameters, display result feval(mapp,a,pars{:}) return end elseif istrained(b) % execution of trained mapping %if ~isdataset(a) % needed ????? % a = dataset(a); %end if isa(a,'dataset') fsize = getsize_in(b); if any(fsize~=0) & ~isobjim(a) a = setfeatsize(a,fsize); % needed to set object images, sometimes end end [d,varargout{:}] = feval(mapp,a,b); if isa(a,'dataset') d = setuser(d,getname(b),'evaluated_by'); end if ~isreal(+d) prwarning(2,'Complex values appeared in dataset'); end if ~isdataset(d) && getout_conv(b) > 0 % classifiers should output dataset to set featue labels (classnames) d = setfeatlab(dataset(d),getlabels(b)); end if isdataset(d) d = setcost(d,b.cost); % see if we have reasonable data in the dataset end else error(['Unknown mapping type: ' getmapping_type(b)]) end if isdataset(d) % we assume that just a basic dataset is returned, but that scaling % and outputconversion still have to be done. % scaling v = getscale(b); if length(v) > 1, v = repmat(v(:)',ma,1); end d = v.*d; % outputconversion switch getout_conv(b); case 1 % SIGM output if size(d,2) == 1 d = [d -d]; % obviously still single output discriminant d = setfeatlab(d,d.featlab(1:2,:)); end d = sigm(d); case 2 % NORMM output if size(d,2) == 1 d = [d 1-d]; % obviously still single output discriminant d = setfeatlab(d,d.featlab(1:2,:)); end % needs conversion to two-classes before normm d = normm(d); case 3 % SIGM and NORMM output if size(d,2) == 1 d = [d -d]; % obviously still single output discriminant d = setfeatlab(d,d.featlab(1:2,:)); end % needs conversion to two-classes before sigmoid d = sigm(d); d = normm(d); end %DXD finally, apply the cost matrix when it is defined in the %mapping/dataset: d = costm(d); end elseif isa(a,'mapping') % mapping * data if isa(b,'dataset') error('Datasets should be given as first argument') elseif isdouble(b) && isscalar(b) d = setscale(a,b*getscale(a)); elseif istrained(a) && isdouble(b) d = a*affine(b); else error('Mapping not supported') end else %a b error('Data type not supported') end function d = batchmap(a,b,ma,ka,mb,kb) % compute d in batch mode, return d = [] if not applicable d = []; if ismapping(b) && ~isuntrained(b) % check for batch processing [batchflag,batchsize,objsize] = getbatch(b); if batchflag && ((isdataset(a) && ~isfeatim(a)) || isdouble(a)) && (ma > objsize) % go for batch processing s = sprintf('Mapping %i objects: ',ma); prwaitbar(ma,s); %DXD map the first batch to setup the output dataset: dd = map(a(1:batchsize,:),b); %DXD first test if we are dealing with a mapping that outputs just a %single value (like testc): nb = size(dd,1); average_output = 0; if (nb~=batchsize) if (nb==1) % map returns a single value warning('prtools:map:AverageBatchOutputs',... ['The mapping appears to return a single object from a input',... newline,... 'dataset. The objects resulting from different batches in the batch',... newline,'processing will be *averaged*.']); average_output = 1; end end kb = size(dd,2); nobatch = false; if isdataset(dd) if isdataset(a) d = setdata(a,zeros(ma,kb)); else d = dataset(zeros(ma,kb)); end d = setfeatlab(d,getfeatlab(dd)); elseif isa(dd,'double') d = zeros(ma,kb); else % irregular, escape from batch processing d = []; prwaitbar(0); return end d(1:batchsize,:) = dd; % start the batch processing n = floor(ma/batchsize); prwaitbar(ma,batchsize,[s int2str(batchsize)]); for j=2:n L = (j-1)*batchsize+1:j*batchsize; aa = doublem(a(L,:)); d(L,:) = map(aa,b); prwaitbar(ma,j*batchsize,[s int2str(j*batchsize)]); end L = n*batchsize+1:ma; if ~isempty(L) aa = doublem(a(L,:)); dd = map(aa,b); d(L,:) = dd; end if isdataset(d) featlabd = getfeatlab(d); d = setdat(a,d); d = setfeatlab(d,featlabd); end if average_output d = mean(d,1); end prwaitbar(0); end end function d = cellmap(a,b) if iscell(a) && ~iscell(b) d = cell(size(a)); [n,s,count] = prwaitbarinit('Mapping %i cells: ',numel(a)); for i = 1:size(a,1); for j = 1:size(a,2); d{i,j} = map(a{i,j},b); count = prwaitbarnext(n,s,count); end end elseif ~iscell(a) && iscell(b) d = cell(size(b)); [n,s,count] = prwaitbarinit('Mapping %i cells: ',numel(b)); for i = 1:size(b,1); for j = 1:size(b,2); d{i,j} = map(a,b{i,j}); count = prwaitbarnext(n,s,count); end end else d = cell(numel(a),numel(b)); [n,s,count] = prwaitbarinit('Mapping %i cells: ',numel(d)); for i = 1:length(a) for j = 1:length(b) d{i,j} = map(a{i},b{j}); count = prwaitbarnext(n,s,count); end end end function printdebug(a,b) % print debug info disp(' ') if isdouble(a) disp(['double ' num2str(size(a,1)) ' by ' num2str(size(a,2))]) else a end if isdouble(b) disp(['double ' num2str(size(b,1)) ' by ' num2str(size(b,2))]) else b end return