%SETPRIOR Reset class prior probabilities of dataset % % A = SETPRIOR(A,PROB,LABLIST) % % INPUT % A Dataset % PROB Prior probabilities to be set % LABLIST Label list (optional) % % OUTPUT % A Updated dataset % % DESCRIPTION % Resets the class prior probabilities of the dataset A to PROB. PROB should % be a vector of the length equal to the number of classes in A. In LABLIST, % the corresponding class labels may be supplied. LABLIST may have only % class names of the existing classes in A. Reset class names first by % SETLABLIST if necessary. % % If LABLIST is not given, the order defined by the existing LABLIST for A % (determined by [NLAB,LABLIST] = renumlab(LABELS)) is used. % % PROB = 0 makes all C classes equally probable: 1/C. % PROB = [] is interpreted as using the existing class frequencies in A as % prior probabilities. Note that these prior probabilities change, if the % number of elements in A is changed, or its labeling. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % PRDATASET, GETPRIOR, ISEMPTY