%% (Internal) Create a colormap for signal visualization % % colors = my_colormap( cant_colors ) % % Arguments: % % + cant_colors: amount of colors required % % Output: % % + colors: the colormap created % % Example: % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria llamedom@electron.frba.utn.edu.ar % Version: 0.1 beta % Last update: 14/5/2014 % Birthdate : 21/4/2015 % Copyright 2008-2015 % function colors = my_colormap( cant_colors ) colors = hsv(64); %avoid yellowish colours bAux = colors(:,1) > 200/255 & colors(:,2) > 200/255 & colors(:,3) == 0; if( any(bAux) ) colors( bAux,: ) = repmat([200 200 0]./255, sum(bAux),1 ); end ncol = size(colors,1); aux_idx = 1+rem(round(round(ncol/6)+linspace(0, (round(ncol/2)+1)*(ncol-1), ncol)), ncol); if( cant_colors > 4 ) colors = colors( aux_idx(round(linspace(1,64, cant_colors))) , :); else colors = colors( aux_idx(1:cant_colors) , :); end