function peakloc = PeakDetection2(data,fs,varargin) % % peaks = PeakDetection2(x,fs,wlen,fp1,fp2,th,flag), % R-peak detector based on Pan-Tompkins method. % % inputs: % x: vector of input data % fs: sampling rate % wlen: moving average window length (default = 150ms) % fp1: lower cut-off frequency (default = 10Hz) % fp2: upper cut-off frequency (default = 33.3Hz) % th: detection threshold (default = 0.2) % flag: search for positive (flag=1) or negative (flag=0) peaks. By default % the maximum absolute value of the signal, determines the peak sign. % % output: % peaks: vector of R-peak impulse train % % % Open Source ECG Toolbox, version 2.0, March 2008 % Released under the GNU General Public License % Copyright (C) 2008 Reza Sameni % Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran -- GIPSA-Lab, INPG, Grenoble, France % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % % See also ECGtask_QRS_detection % % Adapted by Mariano Llamedo Soria % to ecg-kit toolbox for Matlab. % Version: 0.1 beta % Last update: 14/5/2014 % Birthdate : 21/4/2015 % Copyright 2008-2015 % if(nargin>2 && ~isempty(varargin{1})), winlen = varargin{1}; else winlen = .150; % 150ms end if(nargin>3 && ~isempty(varargin{2})), fp1 = varargin{2}; else fp1 = 10; end if(nargin>4 && ~isempty(varargin{3})), fp2 = varargin{3}; else fp2 = 33.3; end if(nargin>5 && ~isempty(varargin{4})), thr = varargin{4}; else thr = 0.2; end if(nargin>6 && ~isempty(varargin{5})), flag = varargin{5}; else flag = abs(max(data))>abs(min(data)); end N = length(data); data = data(:); L1 = round(fs/fp2); % first zero of the LP filter is placed at f = 33.3Hz; L2 = round(fs/fp1); % first zero of the HP filter is placed at f = 3Hz; fprintf(1, '.'); % x0 = data - Median(data',N,round(fs*winlen/3)); q = ceil(fs/150); N_padded = (ceil(N / q) * q); data = [data; zeros(N_padded-N,1)]; data = data - resample(MedianFilt(resample(data,1,q), round(fs*winlen/3/q)), q, 1); data = data(1:N); % x0 = data; fprintf(1, '.'); % LP filter x = filter([1 zeros(1,L1-1) -1],[L1 -L1],data); x = filter([1 zeros(1,L1-1) -1],[L1 -L1],x); x = [x(L1:end);zeros(L1-1,1) + x(end)]; % lag compensation fprintf(1, '.'); % HP filter y = filter([L2-1 -L2 zeros(1,L2-2) 1],[L2 -L2],x); % differentiation z = diff([y(1) ; y]); % squaring w = z.^2; fprintf(1, '.'); % moving average L3 = round(fs*winlen); v = filter([1 zeros(1,L3-1) -1],[L3 -L3],w); v = [v(round(L3/2):end);zeros(round(L3/2)-1,1) + v(end)]; % lag compensation vmax = max(v); p = v > (thr*vmax); fprintf(1, '.'); % edge detection rising = find(diff([0 ; p])==1); % rising edges falling = find(diff([p ; 0])==-1); % falling edges if( length(rising) == length(falling)-1 ), rising = [1 ; rising]; elseif( length(rising) == length(falling)+1 ), falling = [falling ; N]; end fprintf(1, '.'); peakloc = zeros(length(rising),1); width = zeros(length(rising),1); Nrising = max(1, length(rising)/20); j = 0; if(flag) for i=1:length(rising) if( j > Nrising) fprintf(1, '.'); j = 0; else j = j + 1; end [val mx] = max( data(rising(i):falling(i)) ); peakloc(i) = mx - 1 + rising(i); width(i) = falling(i) - rising(i); end else for i=1:length(rising) if( j > Nrising) fprintf(1, '.'); j = 0; else j = j + 1; end [val mn] = min( data(rising(i):falling(i)) ); peakloc(i) = mn - 1 + rising(i); width(i) = falling(i) - rising(i); end end fprintf(1, '\n'); % peaks = zeros(1,N); % peaks(peakloc) = 1;