function simcaplot(result); %SIMCAPLOT plots a scatter plot with the boundaries defined by the SIMCA method. % It is based on the results from a simca analysis (see rsimca.m or csimca.m). % % For technical reasons, 6 different groups can be plotted (with different symbols). % In case there are more groups, please adapt lines 15--17. % % I/O: simcaplot(result) % % Written by K. Vanden Branden on 01/08/04 % Last update: 21/09/2004 p = size(result.x,2); markings={'bx';'ro';'kdiamond';'y+';'g.';'m*'}; linecolor={'b-','r-','k-','y-','g-','m-'}; colorellipse={'b','r','k','y','g','m'}; if p>3 error('The dimension of the dataset is larger than 3.') elseif length(result.avemisclasprob)>6 error(['Only 6 groups can be drawn with different symbols. Please adapt the code',... ' of simcaplot.m if you want to draw more groups.']) else legstr=[]; nClass = length(result.groupmisclasprob); for iClass = 1:nClass out = result.pca{iClass}; groupi = result.x(find( == iClass),:); %legstr=[legstr; sprintf(['Group',num2str(iClass)])]; if out.k == 1 [out.lbord,out.rbord]=confreg(out); bord=[out.lbord,out.rbord]; elseif out.k == 2 bord=ellipse([0 0],diag(out.L(1:2))); elseif out.k == 3 bord=ellips3D(out.M, out.P*diag(out.L)*out.P'); end if p == 2 xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); if size(bord) == [1,4] plot(groupi(:,1),groupi(:,2),markings{iClass});hold on; plot([bord(1,1),bord(1,3)],[bord(1,2),bord(1,4)],linecolor{iClass}); elseif size(bord)==[802,2] plot(groupi(:,1),groupi(:,2),markings{iClass});hold on; newbord=bord*out.P'+repmat(out.M,802,1); line(newbord(:,1),newbord(:,2)); end elseif p == 3 xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z') if size(bord) == [1,6] plot3(groupi(:,1),groupi(:,2),groupi(:,3),markings{iClass});hold on;grid on; plot3([bord(1,1),bord(1,4)],[bord(1,2),bord(1,5)],[bord(1,3),bord(1,6)],linecolor{iClass}) elseif size(bord)==[802,2] plot3(groupi(:,1),groupi(:,2),groupi(:,3),markings{iClass});hold on;grid on; newbord=bord*out.P'+repmat(out.M,802,1); plot3(newbord(:,1),newbord(:,2),newbord(:,3),linecolor{iClass}); else plot3(groupi(:,1),groupi(:,2),groupi(:,3),markings{iClass});hold on;grid on; mesh(bord.x,bord.y1,bord.z1,'Edgecolor',colorellipse{iClass});alpha(0.2); end end end title(result.class) %legend(legstr,0) hold off end %------------------ function [lbord,rbord,outl]=confreg(result); n1=size(result.T,1);p=size(result.P,1); rbord=result.M+sqrt(result.L)**result.P'; lbord=result.M-sqrt(result.L)**result.P'; %---------------------- function coord=ellipse(mean,covar) % Determines the coordinates of some points that lie on the 97.5 % tolerance ellipse. deter=covar(1,1)*covar(2,2)-covar(1,2)^2; ylimit=sqrt(7.37776*covar(2,2)); y=-ylimit:0.005*ylimit:ylimit; sqtdi=sqrt(deter*(ylimit^2-y.^2))/covar(2,2); sqtdi([1,end])=0; b=mean(1)+covar(1,2)/covar(2,2)*y; x1=b-sqtdi; x2=b+sqtdi; y=mean(2)+y; coord=[x1,x2([end:-1:1]);y,y([end:-1:1])]'; %---------------- function out = ellips3D(mu, sigma) %This function determines the 3D ellipsoid. dist = sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,3)); A = inv(sigma); [ev,ew] = eig(A); A = ev'*A*ev; c1 = 0.1; zlimit = dist/sqrt(A(3,3)); z = -zlimit:(c1*zlimit):zlimit; c2 = (1/c1*2 + 1)*2; % is length(z)*2 c3 = c2/2; % is length(z) z1 = ones(1,c2)*z(1); x1 = zeros(c3,c3); x2 = zeros(c3,c3); y = zeros(c3,c3); y1 = zeros(c3,c2); for i = 2:(c3-1) z1 = [z1 ones(1,c2)*z(i)]; D = dist^2 - A(3,3)*z(i)^2; ylimit = sqrt(D)/sqrt(A(2,2)); y(i,:) = -ylimit:(c1*ylimit):ylimit; y1(i,:) = [y(i,:) ylimit:(-c1*ylimit):-ylimit]; for j = 2:(c3-1) x1(i,j) = sqrt((D - A(2,2)*y(i,j)^2)/A(1,1)); x2(i,j) = -sqrt((D - A(2,2)*y(i,j)^2)/A(1,1)); end end x = [x1,x2]; z1 = [z1 ones(1,c2)*z(c3)]; z1 = vec2mat(z1,c2); grotex = vec2mat([mat2vec(x) mat2vec(y1) mat2vec(z1)],c2*c3); groottex = ev*grotex; groottex(1,:) = groottex(1,:) + mu(1); groottex(2,:) = groottex(2,:) + mu(2); groottex(3,:) = groottex(3,:) + mu(3); x = vec2mat(groottex(1,:),c2); y1 = vec2mat(groottex(2,:),c2); z1 = vec2mat(groottex(3,:),c2); out.x=x; out.y1=y1; out.z1=z1; %----------------- function vec = mat2vec(mat) nkolom = size(mat,2); nrij = size(mat,1); vec = []; for i=1:nkolom hulpvec = wkeep(mat,[nrij,1],[1,1]); vec = [vec hulpvec']; mat = mat(:,2:(nkolom - (i-1))); end %---------------------- function mat = vec2mat(vec,ncol) nrow = length(vec)/ncol; for i = 1:nrow mat(i,:) = wkeep(vec,ncol,'l'); vec = vec((ncol + 1):length(vec)); end