function result = pam(x,kclus,vtype,stdize,metric,silhplot) %PAM is the Partitioning Around Medoids clustering algorithm. % It returns a list representing a clustering of the data into kclus % clusters based on the search for kclus representative objects or medoids among the observations of % the data set. % % The algorithm is fully described in: % Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (1990), % "Finding groups in data: An introduction to cluster analysis", % Wiley-Interscience: New York (Series in Applied Probability and % Statistics), ISBN 0-471-87876-6. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix (rows = observations, columns = variables) % or Dissimilarity matrix (if number of columns equals 1) % kclus : The number of desired clusters % vtype : Variable type vector (length equals number of variables) % Possible values are 1 Asymmetric binary variable (0/1) % 2 Nominal variable (includes symmetric binary) % 3 Ordinal variable % 4 Interval variable % (if x is a dissimilarity matrix vtype is not required.) % % Optional input arguments: % stdize : standardise the variables given by the x-matrix % Possible values are 0 : no standardisation (default) % 1 : standardisation by the mean % 2 : standardisation by the median % (if x is a dissimilarity matrix, stdize is ignored) % metric : Metric to be used % Possible values are 'eucli' Euclidian (all interval variables, default) % 'manha' Manhattan % 'mixed' Mixed (not all interval variables, default) % (if x is a dissimilarity matrix, metric is ignored) % silhplot : draws picture % Possible values are 0 : do not create a silhouette plot (default) % 1 : create a silhouette plot % % I/O: % result=pam(x,kclus,vtype,'eucli',silhplot) % % Example (subtracted from the referenced book) % load ruspini.mat % result=pam(ruspini,2,[4 4],1); % % The output of PAM is a structure containing: % result.dys : dissimilarities (read row by row from the % lower dissimilarity matrix) % result.metric : metric used % result.number : number of observations % result.ttd : Average silhouette width per cluster % result.ttsyl : Average silhouette width for dataset % result.idmed : Id of medoid observations % result.obj : Objective function at the first two iterations % result.ncluv : Cluster membership for each observation % result.clusinf : Matrix, each row gives numerical information for % one cluster. These are the cardinality of the cluster % (number of observations), the maximal and average % dissimilarity between the observations in the cluster % and the cluster's medoid, the diameter of the cluster % (maximal dissimilarity between two observations of the % cluster), and the separation of the cluster (minimal % dissimilarity between an observation of the cluster % and an observation of another cluster). % result.sylinf : Matrix, with for each observation i the cluster to % which i belongs, as well as the neighbor cluster of i % (the cluster, not containing i, for which the average % dissimilarity between its observations and i is minimal), % and the silhouette width of i. % result.nisol : Vector, with for each cluster specifying whether it is % an isolated cluster (L- or L*-clusters) or not isolated. % A cluster is an L*-cluster iff its diameter is smaller than % its separation. A cluster is an L-cluster iff for each % observation i the maximal dissimilarity between i and any % other observation of the cluster is smaller than the minimal % dissimilarity between i and any observation of another cluster. % Clearly each L*-cluster is also an L-cluster. % % And PAM will create the silhouette plot if silhplot equals 1 (an empty bar indicated by % zero is a sparse between two clusters). % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Guy Brys (May 2006) %Checking and filling in the inputs res1=[]; if (nargin<2) error('Two input arguments required') elseif ((nargin<3) & (size(x,2)~=1) & (size(x,1)~=1)) error('Three input arguments required') elseif (nargin<3) if (size(x,2)==1) x = x'; end res1.metric = 'unknown'; res1.disv = x; lookup=seekN(x); res1.number = lookup.numb; %(1+sqrt(1+8*size(x,1)))/2; stdize = 0; silhplot = 0; elseif (nargin<4) stdize = 0; silhplot = 0; if (sum(vtype)~=4*size(x,2)) metric = 'mixed'; else metric = 'eucli'; end elseif (nargin<5) silhplot = 0; if (sum(vtype)~=4*size(x,2)) metric = 'mixed'; else metric = 'eucli'; end elseif (nargin<6) silhplot = 0; end %Replacement of missing values for i=1:size(x,1) A=find(isnan(x(i,:))); if (~(isempty(A))) for j=A valmisdat=0; for c=1:size(x,2) if (c~=j) [a,b] = sort(x(:,c)); if (~isempty(b(find(a==x(i,c))))) valmisdat=valmisdat+find(a==x(i,c)); end end end x(i,j)=prctile(x(isnan(x(:,j))==0,j),100*valmisdat/(size(x,1)*(size(x,2)-1))); end end end %Standardization if ((stdize==1) & (strcmp(metric,'eucli'))) x = ((x - repmat(mean(x),size(x,1),1))./(repmat(std(x),size(x,1),1))); elseif ((stdize==2) & (strcmp(metric,'eucli'))) x = ((x - repmat(median(x),size(x,1),1))./(repmat(mad(x),size(x,1),1))); end %Calculating the dissimilarities with daisy if (isempty(res1)) res1=daisy(x,vtype,metric); end %Actual calculations (the second for latter use with CLUSPLOT) [dys,ttd,ttsyl,idmed,obj,ncluv,clusinf,sylinf,nisol]=pamc(res1.number,kclus,[0 res1.disv]'); dys=res1.disv(lowertouppertrinds(res1.number)); %Create a silhouetteplot if (silhplot==1) Y=sylinf(:,3); Y1=flipdim(Y,1); whitebg([1 1 1]); % we calculate b="a but with a bar with length zero if the objects % are from another cluster" % and h="objects but with a 0 between 2 clusters"="g with a 0 if % it is a sparse between 2 clusters" a=flipdim(Y1,1); b=[]; g=sylinf(:,4); f=sylinf(:,1)-1; for j=1:res1.number b(j+f(j))=a(j); h(j+f(j))=g(j); end b1=flipdim(b,2); h1=flipdim(h,2); % we use this b1 and h1 to plot the barh (instead of a and g) barh(b1,1); title 'Silhouette Plot of Pam' ; xlabel('Silhouette width'); YT=1:res1.number+(sylinf(res1.number,1)-1); set(gca,'YTick',YT); set(gca,'YTickLabel',h1); axis([min([Y' 0]),max([Y' 0]),0.5,res1.number+0.5+f(res1.number)]); elseif ((silhplot~=0) & (silhplot~=1) & (nargin==6)) error('silhplot must equals 0 or 1') end %Putting things together result = struct('dys',dys,'metric',res1.metric,'number',res1.number,... 'ttd',ttd,'ttsyl',ttsyl,'idmed',idmed,'obj',obj,'ncluv',ncluv,... 'clusinf',clusinf,'sylinf',sylinf,'nisol',nisol,'x',x); %------------ %SUBFUNCTIONS function dv = lowertouppertrinds(n) dv=[]; for i=0:(n-2) dv = [dv cumsum(i:(n-2))+repmat(1+sum(0:i),1,n-i-1)]; end %--- function outn = seekN(x) ok=0; numb=0; k=size(x,2); sums=cumsum(1:k); for i=1:k if(sums(i)==k) numb=i+1; ok=1; end end outn=struct('numb',numb,'ok',ok);