function result=csimpls(x,y,varargin) %CSIMPLS performs Partial Least Squares regression using the SIMPLS % algorithm of de Jong (1993). % % Reference: % de Jong, S. (1993), % "SIMPLS: an alternative approach to Partial Least Squares Regression", % Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 18, 251-263. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix of the explanatory variables % (n observations in rows, p variables in columns) % y : Data matrix of the response variables % (n observations in rows, q variables in columns) % % Optional input arguments: % k : Number of components to be used. % (default = min([9,rank([x,y]),floor(n/2),p])). % plots : If equal to one, a menu is shown which allows to draw several plots, % such as a score outlier map and a regression outlier map. (default) % If 'plots' is equal to zero, all plots are suppressed. % See also makeplot.m % % I/O: result=csimpls(x,y,'k',10); % % The output of CSIMPLS is a structure containing: % % result.slope : Classical slope estimate % : Classical intercept estimate % result.fitted : Classical prediction vector % result.res : Classical residuals % result.cov : Estimated variance-covariance matrix of the residuals % result.M : Classical center of the matrix [X;Y] % result.T : Classical scores % result.weights.r : Classical simpls weights % result.weights.p : Classical simpls weights % result.Tcov : Classical covariance matrix of the scores % result.k : Number of components used in the regression % : Classical score distances % result.od : Classical orthogonal distances % result.resd : Residual distances (when there are several response variables). % If univariate regression is performed, it contains the standardized residuals. % result.cutoff : Cutoff values for the score, orthogonal and residual distances. % result.flag : The observations whose orthogonal distance is larger than result.cutoff.od % (orthogonal outliers => result.flag.od) and/or whose residual distance is % larger than result.cutoff.resd (bad leverage points/vertical outliers => result.flag.resd) % can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero (=> result.flag.all). % The regular observations, including the good leverage points, receive a flag 1. % result.class : 'CSIMPLS' % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % %Written by Karlien Vanden Branden %Last Update: 05/04/2003 %Last revision: 20/05/2008 [n,p1]=size(x); [n2,q1]=size(y); if n~=n2 error('The response variables and the predictor variables have a different number of observations.') end kmin=min([9,rank(x),floor(n/2),p1]); default=struct('plots',1,'k',kmin); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; counter=1; if nargin>2 % % placing inputfields in array of strings % for j=1:nargin-2 if rem(j,2)~=0 chklist{i}=varargin{j}; i=i+1; end end % Checking which default parameters have to be changed % and keep them in the structure 'options'. while counter<=IN index=strmatch(list(counter,:),chklist,'exact'); if ~isempty(index) % in case of similarity for j=1:nargin-2 % searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp(chklist{index},varargin{j}) I=j; end end end options=setfield(options,chklist{index},varargin{I+1}); index=[]; end counter=counter+1; end end [xcentr,cx]=mcenter(x); [ycentr,cy]=mcenter(y); out.M=[cx cy];%[xcentr ycentr]; sigmaxy=xcentr'*ycentr; for i=1:options.k sigmayx=sigmaxy'; if q1>p1 [RR,LL]=eig(sigmaxy*sigmayx); [LL,I]=greatsort(diag(LL)); rr=RR(:,I(1)); qq=sigmayx*rr; qq=qq/norm(qq); else if q1==1 qq = 1; rr = sigmaxy; else [QQ,LL]=eig(sigmayx*sigmaxy); [LL,I]=greatsort(diag(LL)); qq=QQ(:,I(1)); rr=sigmaxy*qq; end end tt=xcentr*rr; nttc=norm(tt); rr=rr/nttc; tt=tt/nttc; qq=ycentr'*tt; uu=ycentr*qq; pp=xcentr'*tt; vv=pp; if i>1 vv = vv -v*(v'*pp); end vv = vv/norm(vv); sigmaxy = sigmaxy - vv*(vv'*sigmaxy); v(:,i)=vv; q(:,i)=qq; t(:,i)=tt; u(:,i)=uu; p(:,i)=pp; r(:,i)=rr; end %Second Stage : Classical Regression and transformation b=r*q'; int=cy-cx*b; %classical output out.T=t; out.weights.p=p; out.weights.r=r; out.coef=[b; int]; out.b=b;; out.yhat=x*b+repmat(int,n,1); out.res=y-out.yhat; out.covar=cov(out.res); if q1==1 out.stdres=out.res./sqrt(out.covar); end out.k=options.k; STTm=sum((y-repmat(mean(y),length(y),1)).^2); SSE=sum(out.res.^2); out.rsquare=1-SSE/STTm; out.class='CSIMPLS'; %calculating classical distances in x-space out.Tcov=cov(t);,zeros(1,out.k),'cov',out.Tcov))';,out.k)); %calculating classical orthogonal distances xt=t*p'; tempo=xcentr-xt; for i=1:n out.od(i,1)=norm(tempo(i,:)); end r=rank(x); if out.k~=r m=mean(out.od.^(2/3)); s=sqrt(var(out.od.^(2/3))); out.cutoff.od = sqrt(norminv(0.975,m,s)^3); else out.cutoff.od=0; end %calculating residual distances if q1>1 if (-log(det(out.covar)/(p1+q1-1)))>50 out.resd='singularity'; else cen=zeros(q1,1); out.resd=sqrt(libra_mahalanobis(out.res,cen','cov',out.covar))'; end else %here q==1 out.resd=out.stdres; %standardized residuals end out.cutoff.resd=sqrt(chi2inv(0.975,q1)); %Computing flags out.flag.od=out.od<=out.cutoff.od; out.flag.resd=abs(out.resd)<=out.cutoff.resd; out.flag.all=(out.flag.od & out.flag.resd); result=struct('slope',{out.b}, 'int',{},'fitted',{out.yhat},'res',{out.res}, 'cov',{out.covar},... 'M', {out.M},'T',{out.T} ,'weights', {out.weights},'Tcov',{out.Tcov},'k',{out.k},'sd', {},'od',{out.od},'resd',{out.resd},... 'cutoff',{out.cutoff},'flag',{out.flag},'class',{out.class}); try if options.plots makeplot(result) end catch %output must be given even if plots are interrupted end