function result = cdq(x,y,c,varargin) %CDQ computes Censored Depth Quantiles for regression, as described in % % Debruyne, M., Hubert, M., Portnoy, S., Vanden Branden, K. (2008), % "Censored depth quantiles", % Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 1604-1614. % % Required input arguments: % x : Data matrix of explanatory variables (also called 'regressors'). % Rows of x represent observations, and columns represent variables. % If the regression should contain an intercept, the x-matrix should % contain a column of ones. % y : A vector with n elements that contains the response variables. % c : A vector that contains the indices of the censored observations. % % Optional input arguments: % nrCan : Number of candidate hyperplanes to compute objective % function at first grid point. The default is 500. % nrCom : The objective function at each grid point after the first one is optimized over % a set of nrCom hyperplanes having p-1 points in common with % the previously fitted hyperplane. The default is 100. % If nrCom = 0, the objective function at each grid point after the first one is optimized over % a fixed set of 'nrCan' hyperplanes. % nrLam : Number of hyperplanes used in the computation of the regression depth of each hyperplane. % The default is 500. % grid : Vector containing the gridpoints. The default is 0.05:0.05:0.95 % maxit : Maximum number of iterations at each grid point. The default % is 4. % % I/O: result=cdq(x,y,c,'nrCan',nrCan,'nrCom',nrCom,'nrLam',nrLam,'grid',grid,'maxit',maxit); % The user should only give the input arguments that have to change their default value. % The name of the input arguments needs to be followed by their value. % The order of the input arguments is of no importance. % % The output of CDQ is a (g x p) matrix containing the regression quantiles, % with g the number of grid points and p the number of regression parameters. % % This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis, % available at: % % % Written by Michiel Debruyne % Last Update: April 27, 2007. %Handle defaults and optional user inputs. nrCan=500; nrCom=100; nrLam=500; grid=0.05:0.05:0.95; maxit=4; default=struct('nrCan',nrCan,'nrCom',nrCom,'nrLam',nrLam,'grid',grid,'maxit',maxit); list=fieldnames(default); options=default; IN=length(list); i=1; % if nargin==1 error('At least 3 inputs are required, see help cdq.') elseif nargin==2 error('At least 3 inputs are required, see help cdq.') end if nargin>2 nrCan=round(options.nrCan); nrLam=round(options.nrLam); nrCom=floor(options.nrCom); grid=sort(options.grid); maxit=round(options.maxit); for j=1:nargin-3 % searching the index of the accompanying field if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('nrCan',varargin{j}) nrCan=varargin{j+1}; if nrCan<1 error('nrCan should be positive, see help cdq.') end end end if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('nrCom',varargin{j}) nrCom=varargin{j+1}; if nrCom<1 error('nrCom should be positive, see help cdq.') end end end if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('nrLam',varargin{j}) nrLam=varargin{j+1}; if nrLam<1 error('nrLam should be positive, see help cdq.') end end end if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('grid',varargin{j}) grid=varargin{j+1}; if size(grid,1)>1 & size(grid,2)>1 error('grid should be a vector containing the grid points, not a matrix. See help cdq.') elseif size(grid,1)==1 & size(grid,2)==1 error('grid should be a vector containing the grid points, not a number. See help cdq.') elseif sum(grid>=1)+sum(grid<=0) error('All entries of grid should be between 0 and 1. See help cdq.') end end end if rem(j,2)~=0 % fieldnames are placed on odd index if strcmp('maxit',varargin{j}) maxit=varargin{j+1}; if maxit<2 error('maxit should at least be 2, see help cdq.') end end end end end %Start main program n=length(y); p=size(x,2); L=length(grid); %Construct sets of hyperplanes. M=nrCan+nrLam; for i=1:M ok=0; while (ok==0) a=transpose(willcomb(n,p)); ppu=x(a,:); if (rank(ppu)==p) ok=1; end end beti=ppu\y(a); betakan(:,i)=beti; end setCan=betakan(:,1:nrCan); setLam=betakan(:,nrCan+1 : nrCan+nrLam); %tauh contains the tau-hats, defined for every crossed censored observation. tauh=[]; crossedobs=[]; tau=grid(1); beta(1,1)=tau; %Determine the first estimate betaPrev=maxObj(x,y,tau,c,crossedobs,tauh,setCan,setLam); tauPrev=tau; beta(2:(p+1),1)=betaPrev; l=2; iterations=0; while l<=L tau=grid(l); if nrCom~=0 & iterations==0 setCom=bepKanU(x,y,betaPrev,nrCom); [betaNext,mm]=maxObj(x,y,tau,c,crossedobs,tauh,setCom,setLam); elseif nrCom==0 betaNext=maxObj(x,y,tau,c,crossedobs,tauh,setCan,setLam); else [betaNext,mm]=maxObj(x,y,tau,c,crossedobs,tauh,setCom,setLam); end residuals=y-x*betaNext; %Good observations were crossed and still are. resn=residuals(crossedobs)<=0; goodObs=crossedobs(resn); %Bad observations were crossed but are not anymore. badObs=crossedobs(residuals(crossedobs)>0); %New ones are the ones that are crossed for the first time. notCross=comp(crossedobs,c); newObs=notCross(residuals(notCross)<=0); if iterations0)|(length(newObs)>0)) %Retain the weights of the good ones. tauh=tauh(resn); crossedobs=goodObs; %Add the new ones. nrNew=length(newObs); crossedobs=[crossedobs newObs]; %Their weight equals the previous grid point. tauh=[tauh repmat(tauPrev,[1,nrNew])]; iterations=iterations+1; elseif iterations==maxit %No solution is found (zero in output). beta(:,end+1)=[tau; zeros(p,1)]; iterations=0; residuals=y-x*betaNext; if ~isempty(tauh) tauh=tauh(tauh~=tauPrev); crossedobs=crossedobs(1:length(tauh)); end l=l+1; %BetaNext is a good solution. else beta(:,end+1)=[tau;betaNext]; iterations=0; betaPrev=betaNext; tauPrev=tau; l=l+1; end end result=beta(2:end,:)'; %function computing the maximum of the objective function function[beta,maxobjf]=maxObj(x,y,tau,c,crossedobs,tauh,cand,setLam) n=length(y); nrCan=size(cand,2); nrLam=size(setLam,2); nc=comp(c,1:n); i=1; maxobjf=0; while i<=nrCan betai=cand(:,i); ri=y-x*betai; minobjBetai=10^20; j=1; while j<=nrLam & minobjBetai>maxobjf %Take next direction. setLamj=betai-setLam(:,j); if ~isempty(find(abs(setLamj)>0.0000001)) %Project. proj=x*setLamj; notCross=comp(crossedobs,c); Kcomp=[notCross nc]; %Part objective function observations in Kcomp. riKcompos=ri(Kcomp)>=-0.0000001; projKcompos=proj(Kcomp)>0.0000001; riKcompne=ri(Kcomp)<=0.0000001; projKcompne=proj(Kcomp)<-0.0000001; obj1V=tau*sum(riKcompos.*projKcompne)+(1-tau)*sum(riKcompne.*projKcompos); obj1G=tau*sum(riKcompos.*projKcompos)+(1-tau)*sum(riKcompne.*projKcompne); if ~isempty(crossedobs) %Part objective function for pseudo-observations in crossed censured observations. xcl=x(crossedobs,:)*setLamj; ric=ri(crossedobs); xclp=xcl>0.0000001; xcln=xcl<-0.0000001; ricn=ric<=0.0000001;ricp=ric>=-0.0000001; proposResnegV=tauh(xclp & ricn); pronegResposV=tauh(xcln & ricp); obj2V=tau*sum((tau-pronegResposV)./(1-pronegResposV))+(1-tau)*sum((tau-proposResnegV)./(1-proposResnegV)); proposResnegG=tauh(xcln & ricn); pronegResposG=tauh(xclp & ricp); obj2G=tau*sum((tau-pronegResposG)./(1-pronegResposG))+(1-tau)*sum((tau-proposResnegG)./(1-proposResnegG)); %Part objective function for pseudo-observations at infinity. pronegV=tauh(xcl<-0.0000001); obj3V=tau*sum(1-(tau-pronegV)./(1-pronegV)); pronegG=tauh(xcl>0.0000001); obj3G=tau*sum(1-(tau-pronegG)./(1-pronegG)); else obj2V=0; obj2G=0; obj3V=0; obj3G=0; end %Paste 3 parts. objG=obj1G+obj2G+obj3G; objV=obj1V+obj2V+obj3V; minobjBetai=min([objG,objV,minobjBetai]); end j=j+1; end if minobjBetai>maxobjf beta=betai; maxobjf=minobjBetai; end i=i+1; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function[thetann] = exchangeob(theta,Minv,zu,yu,zi,yi) zit=transpose(zi); u=Minv*zi; w=-1/(1+zit*u); thetan=theta-(yi-zit*theta)*w*u; Mninv=Minv+w*u*transpose(u); zut=transpose(zu); un=Mninv*zu; wn=-1/(1-zut*un); thetann=thetan+(yu-zut*thetan)*wn*un; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function [nr] = willcomb(n,p) he=randperm(n); nr=he(1:p); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function[zComp]=comp(z,c) n=length(z); i=1; while i<=n c=c(z(i)~=c); i=i+1; end zComp=c; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function[setHyp]=bepKanU(x,y,betaNext,M) betaNext; n=size(x,1); p=size(x,2); residuals=y-x*betaNext; a=abs(residuals)<=0.00001; blq=cumsum(a); if blq(end)>p a(blq>p)=0; end xa=x(a,:); ya=y(a,1); xb=x(a==0,:); yb=y(a==0,1); aa=size(xa); setHyp=zeros(p,M); setHyp(:,1)=betaNext; minv=inv(transpose(xa)*xa); for i=2:M j=ceil(rand(1,1)*p); k=ceil(rand(1,1)*(n-p)); bb=size(xb); aa=size(xa); if rank([xa(1:(j-1),:);xa((j+1):end,:);xb(k,:)])==p gre=exchangeob(betaNext,minv,transpose(xa(j,:)),ya(j),transpose(xb(k,:)),yb(k,1)); setHyp(:,i)=gre; else setHyp(:,i)=betaNext; end end