classdef ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier < ECGtask % ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab) % --------------------------------- % % Description: % % Abstract class for defining ECGtask interface % % % Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria (llamedom at {;} % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate : 18/2/2013 % Last update: 18/2/2013 properties(GetAccess = public, Constant) name = 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier'; target_units = 'ADCu'; doPayload = true; end properties( GetAccess = public, SetAccess = private) % if user = memory; % memory_constant is the fraction respect to user.MaxPossibleArrayBytes % which determines the maximum input data size. memory_constant = 0.3; started = false; end properties( Access = private, Constant) fig_hdl = 1; cKnownModesOfOperation = {'auto' 'slightly-assisted', 'assisted'}; end properties( Access = private ) end properties progress_handle payload mode tmp_path % minimum amount of heartbeats required min_heartbeats_required = 500; % maximum amount of heartbeats to process each iteration max_heartbeats_per_iter = 4000; % qrs locations provided to the task, result of previous QRS % detections / correction annotations = []; end methods function obj = ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier(obj) if( isempty(obj.mode) ) obj.mode = obj.cKnownModesOfOperation{1}; end end function Start(obj, ECG_header, ECG_annotations) if( ECG_header.nsig == 1 ) return end lead_idx = get_ECG_idx_from_header(ECG_header); if( length(lead_idx) <= 1 ) return end obj.annotations = ParsePayloadAnnotations(obj); if( (~isempty(obj.annotations) && length(obj.annotations) > obj.min_heartbeats_required ) || ( isfield(ECG_annotations, 'time') && ~isempty(ECG_annotations.time)) ) obj.started = true; end end function payload_out = Process(obj, ECG, ECG_start_offset, ECG_sample_start_end_idx, ECG_header, ECG_annotations, ECG_annotations_start_end_idx ) payload_out = []; if( ~obj.started ) obj.Start(ECG_header); if( ~obj.started ) cprintf('*[1,0.5,0]', 'Task %s unable to be started for %s.\n',, ECG_header.recname); return end end % aux_val = ECG_sample_start_end_idx + ECG_start_offset - 1; % disp_string_title(1, sprintf( 'Classifying from %d to %d', aux_val(1), aux_val(2) ) ); [lead_idx, ECG_header ] = get_ECG_idx_from_header(ECG_header); [aux_val, ~, lablist ] = a2hbc('ECG', ECG(:,lead_idx), ... 'ECG_header', ECG_header, ... 'ECG_annotations', ECG_annotations, ... 'op_mode', obj.mode ); bAux = ECG_annotations.time > ECG_sample_start_end_idx(1) & ECG_annotations.time < ECG_sample_start_end_idx(2); ECG_annotations.anntyp = lablist(colvec(aux_val(bAux)),1); ECG_annotations.time = ECG_annotations.time(bAux) + ECG_start_offset - 1; payload_out = ECG_annotations; end function payload = Finish(obj, payload, ECG_header) end function payload = Concatenate(obj, plA, plB) if( isempty(plA) ) payload = plB; else for fn = rowvec(fieldnames(plA)) if( isfield(plA, fn{1}) && isfield(plB, fn{1}) ) payload.(fn{1}) = [ plA.(fn{1}); plB.(fn{1}) ]; elseif( ~isfield(plA, fn{1}) && isfield(plB, fn{1}) ) payload.(fn{1}) = plB.(fn{1}); end end end end %% property restriction functions function set.mode(obj,x) if( ischar(x) && ~isempty(strcmpi(x, obj.cKnownModesOfOperation)) ) obj.mode = x; else warning('ECGtask_QRS_detection:BadArg', 'Invalid detectors.'); end end end methods ( Access = private ) function aux_val = ParsePayloadAnnotations(obj) aux_val = []; if( isstruct(obj.payload) ) aux_fn = fieldnames(obj.payload); jj = 1; while( isempty( aux_val ) ) % prefer manually reviewed annotations corrected aux_idx = find(cell2mat( cellfun(@(a)(~isempty(strfind(a, 'corrected_'))), aux_fn, 'UniformOutput', false))); if( isempty(aux_idx) ) if( isfield(obj.payload, 'series_quality') ) % choose the best ranked automatic detection [~, aux_idx] = sort(obj.payload.series_quality.ratios, 'descend' ); if( jj <= length(aux_idx)) aux_val = obj.payload.(obj.payload.series_quality.AnnNames{aux_idx(jj),1} ).(obj.payload.series_quality.AnnNames{aux_idx(jj),2}); delineation_chosen = obj.payload.series_quality.AnnNames{aux_idx(jj),1}; else break end else % choose the first of wavedet aux_idx = find(cell2mat( cellfun(@(a)(~isempty(strfind(a, 'wavedet_'))), aux_fn, 'UniformOutput', false))); if( isempty(aux_idx) ) disp_string_framed(2, 'Could not identify QRS detections in the input payload.'); return else if( jj <= length(aux_idx)) aux_val = obj.payload.(aux_fn{aux_idx(jj)}).time; delineation_chosen = aux_fn{aux_idx(jj)}; else break end end end else % choose the first manually audited if( jj <= length(aux_idx)) aux_val = obj.payload.(aux_fn{aux_idx(jj)}).time; delineation_chosen = aux_fn{aux_idx(jj)}; else break end end cprintf('blue', [' + Using ' delineation_chosen ' detections.\n' ] ); aux_val = sort(unique(aux_val)); jj = jj + 1; end elseif( isnumeric(obj.payload) ) aux_val = sort(unique(obj.payload)); end end end end