function [tfr,t,f] = tfrspwv(x,t,N,g,h,trace); %TFRSPWV Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville time-frequency distribution. % [TFR,T,F]=TFRSPWV(X,T,N,G,H,TRACE) computes the Smoothed Pseudo % Wigner-Ville distribution of a discrete-time signal X, or the % cross Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville representation between two % signals. % % X : signal if auto-SPWV, or [X1,X2] if cross-SPWV. % T : time instant(s) (default : 1:length(X)) . % N : number of frequency bins (default : length(X)). % G : time smoothing window, G(0) being forced to 1. % (default : Hamming(N/10)). % H : frequency smoothing window in the time-domain, % H(0) being forced to 1 (default : Hamming(N/4)). % TRACE : if nonzero, the progression of the algorithm is shown % (default : 0). % TFR : time-frequency representation. When called without % output arguments, TFRSPWV runs TFRQVIEW. % F : vector of normalized frequencies. % % Example : % sig=fmlin(128,0.05,0.15)+fmlin(128,0.3,0.4); % g=tftb_window(15,'Kaiser'); h=tftb_window(63,'Kaiser'); % tfrspwv(sig,1:128,64,g,h,1); % % See also all the time-frequency representations listed in % the file CONTENTS (TFR*) % F. Auger, May-August 1994, July 1995. % Copyright (c) 1996 by CNRS (France). % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA if (nargin == 0), error('At least 1 parameter required'); end; [xrow,xcol] = size(x); if (xcol==0)|(xcol>2), error('X must have one or two columns'); end if (nargin <= 2), N=xrow; elseif (N<0), error('N must be greater than zero'); elseif (2^nextpow2(N)~=N), fprintf('For a faster computation, N should be a power of two\n'); end; hlength=floor(N/4); hlength=hlength+1-rem(hlength,2); glength=floor(N/10);glength=glength+1-rem(glength,2); if (nargin == 1), t=1:xrow; g = tftb_window(glength); h = tftb_window(hlength); trace = 0; elseif (nargin == 2)|(nargin == 3), g = tftb_window(glength); h = tftb_window(hlength); trace = 0; elseif (nargin == 4), h = tftb_window(hlength); trace = 0; elseif (nargin == 5), trace = 0; end; [trow,tcol] = size(t); if (trow~=1), error('T must only have one row'); end; [grow,gcol]=size(g); Lg=(grow-1)/2; % g=g/sum(g); if (gcol~=1)|(rem(grow,2)==0), error('G must be a smoothing window with odd length'); end; [hrow,hcol]=size(h); Lh=(hrow-1)/2; h=h/h(Lh+1); if (hcol~=1)|(rem(hrow,2)==0), error('H must be a smoothing window with odd length'); end; tfr= zeros (N,tcol) ; if trace, disp('Smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution'); end; for icol=1:tcol, ti= t(icol); taumax=min([ti+Lg-1,xrow-ti+Lg,round(N/2)-1,Lh]); if trace, disprog(icol,tcol,10); end; points= -min([Lg,xrow-ti]):min([Lg,ti-1]); g2=g(Lg+1+points); g2=g2/sum(g2); tfr(1,icol)= sum(g2 .* x(ti-points,1) .* conj(x(ti-points,xcol))); for tau=1:taumax, points= -min([Lg,xrow-ti-tau]):min([Lg,ti-tau-1]); g2=g(Lg+1+points); g2=g2/sum(g2); R=sum(g2 .* x(ti+tau-points,1) .* conj(x(ti-tau-points,xcol))); tfr( 1+tau,icol)=h(Lh+tau+1)*R; R=sum(g2 .* x(ti-tau-points,1) .* conj(x(ti+tau-points,xcol))); tfr(N+1-tau,icol)=h(Lh-tau+1)*R; end; tau=round(N/2); if (ti<=xrow-tau)&(ti>=tau+1)&(tau<=Lh), points= -min([Lg,xrow-ti-tau]):min([Lg,ti-tau-1]); g2=g(Lg+1+points); g2=g2/sum(g2); tfr(tau+1,icol) = 0.5 * ... (h(Lh+tau+1)*sum(g2 .* x(ti+tau-points,1) .* conj(x(ti-tau-points,xcol)))+... h(Lh-tau+1)*sum(g2 .* x(ti-tau-points,1) .* conj(x(ti+tau-points,xcol)))); end; end; if trace, fprintf('\n'); end; tfr= fft(tfr); if (xcol==1), tfr=real(tfr); end ; if (nargout==0), tfrqview(tfr,x,t,'tfrspwv',g,h); elseif (nargout==3), f=(0.5*(0:N-1)/N)'; end;