Bug List

Number Description Priority
1 Cannot use Java Web Start to launch CVSim on Athena Sun machines High
2 Cannot use Java Web Start to launch CVSim on Athena SGI machines High
3 The turning-point algorithm used to compress the simulation data needs to be implemented in the Java code, not in the C code where it is currently implemented. Under the current implementation, parameter updates made via the GUI are not passed to the underlying simulation until the turning-point cycle is complete. This causes the turning-point algorithm to miss some peaks and troughs in the dynamic response. High
4 Set minimum sizes for GUI components High
5 When the user exits patient mode, close patient history windows. Medium
6 When multiple x and y scales are displayed on the XY plotter, new y scales are added to the right of the old y scales while new x scales are added below the old x scales. One of these needs to be switched. Corresponding x and y scales should be aligned in an L shape. Medium
7 If a plot window is resized when the simulation is stopped, the traces are not rescaled until the simulation is restarted Low
8 The plot y scales are not painted properly when new traces are added in single-axis mode. (This problem occurs on Mac only.) Low
9 Alphabetize variables in the output table Low
10 Get rid of aliasing effects when drawing traces Low

New Feature Requests

Number Description Priority
1 Ability to define simulation parameters as a function of time High
2 Ability to plot simulation parameters High
3 Ability to save simulation output data High
4 Ability to save simulation parameter data High
5 Ability to save plot data High
6 Add time axis to strip chart High
7 Ability to save plots as image files Medium
8 Ability to print plots Medium
9 Add ability to reset the simulation (without restarting the application) Medium
10 Add cardiac output to simulation outputs Medium
11 Add stroke volume to simulation outputs Medium
12 Add auto-scaling ability to plots Medium
13 When the user selects a parameter in the parameter table, highlight the corresponding anatomical region in the graphics panel. Medium
14 When the user mouses over a circuit element in the graphics panel, highlight the corresponding parameters in the parameter table. Medium
15 When the user clicks on a circuit element in the graphics panel, filter the parameter table to display only the corresponding parameters. Medium
16 Add button to reset the parameter table filtering. (Currently, to reset the parameter table filtering, the user has to set the "Show Location:" dropdown menu in the parameter panel to "ALL".) Low
17 Add redraw button to plot windows Low
18 Add tool tips to the controls in the parameter panel Low
19 Add tool tips to the controls in the output panel Low
20 Ability to save experimental notes as part of the dataset Low
21 Add status window for displaying messages to the user Low
22 Add log indicator that periodically reminds the user that they are logging data Low
23 Add log indicator that periodically reminds the user that they are logging data Low
24 Include units in the list of simulation outputs in the plot variable combo boxes Low
25 Modify the simulation to generate cardiac output - venous return curves Low
26 Ability to label plot axes Low
27 Ability to label plot title Low
28 Add "Exit Patient Mode" menu item to Patient menu Low

Wish List

Number Description
1 Rewrite simulation in Java
2 Combine 6-compartment simulation and 21-compartment simulation into one simulation with compartment flag
3 Use Ant instead of make as a build tool
4 Upgrade to Java 1.6
5 Redo anatomical and circuit graphics in SVG
6 Create a test harness for the CVSim GUI code