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Annotations still need to be rearranged. Use the command: %s to rearrange annotations in the correct order. =P6 @o@?AA?@@??@N@ @Ո?@v@^fffff@@>'RTa@v?v@>'RTa?zG{@i?@@@i??PbM@i@i?headerinit: can't open header for record %s init: can't find record name in record %s header init: record %s cannot be nested in another multi-segment record init: record name in record %s header is incorrect init: number of signals in record %s header is incorrect init: sampling frequency in record %s header is incorrect warning (init): record %s sampling frequency differs from that of previously opened record init: number of samples in record %s header is incorrect warning (init): record %s duration differs from that of previously opened record init: insufficient memory init: unexpected EOF in header file for record %s init: `%s' is too long for a segment name in record %s init: length must be specified for segment %s in record %s warning (init): sum of segment lengths (%ld) does not match stated record length (%ld) init: unexpected EOF in header file for record %s init: insufficient memory init: illegal format for signal %d, record %s init: insufficient memory init: error in specification of signal %d or %d init: insufficient memory record %s, signal %dinit: obsolete format in record %s header -isgsettime: incorrect signal group number %d isigsettime: improper seek on signal group %d isigsettime: can't open segment %s isigsettime: improper seek on signal group %d isigsettime: improper seek on signal group %d getvec: unexpected EOF in signal %d getvec: error opening segment %s getvec: unexpected EOF in signal %d getvec: checksum error in signal %d isigopen: record %s has no signals -isigopen: none of the signals for record %s is readable isigopen: can't allocate buffer for deskewing osigopen: attempt to open too many output signals osigopen: record %s has fewer signals than needed -osigopen: can't open %s osigopen: can't allocate buffer for %s osigfopen: error in specification of signal %d osigfopen: incorrect file name or group for signal %d osigfopen: error in specification of signal %d or %d -osigfopen: can't open %s osigfopen: can't allocate buffer for %s osigfopen: insufficient memory osigfopen: insufficient memory putvec: write error in signal %d isigsettime: improper seek on signal group %d setibsize: can't change buffer size after isigopen setibsize: illegal buffer size %d setobsize: can't change buffer size after osig[f]open setobsize: illegal buffer size %d recordheadernewheader: can't create header for record %s %s %d %g/%g(%g) %ld %s%s %s %dx%d:%d+%ld %g(%d) /%s %d %d %d %d %d %s recordsetmsheader: record must contain at least one segment setmsheader: insufficient memory setmsheader: `%s' is too long for a segment name in record %s setmsheader: can't read segment %s header setmsheader: length of segment %s must be specified setmsheader: incorrect number of signals in segment %s setmsheader: incorrect sampling frequency in segment %s headersetmsheader: can't create header file for record %s %s/%u %d %g/%g(%g) %ld %s%s %s %ld getinfo: can't read record %s header getinfo: caller did not specify record name putinfo: header not initialized (call `newheader' first) #%s setsampfreq: sampling frequency must not be negative %02d/%02d/%d%d:%d:%dsetbasetime: incorrect time format, '%s' .]%2d:%02d:%02d.%03d %2d:%02d.%03d %ld[%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%s] %02d/%02d/%dDBCALdbcalcalopen: can't read calibration file %s calopen: insufficient memory --squaresinesawtoothputcal: insufficient memory calibration filenewcal: can't create calibration file %s %s %g - %g - squaresinesawtoothundefined%s %g %s DBDB library version %d.%d.%d Copyright (C) MIT 1980-1996. %sgetdb: files nested too deeply rdb_addtopath: insufficient memory -header-%s.%sw%s.%sr%s.%.3srinit: illegal character %d in %s name - &d(&(.&H5 >&XD& J&Q&tW&a&g&u&&&&@ P&&P&&\"0JJIAD$***80)66@6xIAdPA`WIaAXh6|o8u7{7JJJ AH>X5P(AhJ)83"035xE:IJ Ap06),!6)6057>PFAPM2X)4`)0h+p4xx+86669@84+XQJJ|A@)(AxIx6 8"$PP.PH9PLCJR`P%(^Q\mPXuP\%,& Rp`\ !!`x0;, "S0@8CPKvS[w8cl0mu\tHl\\Vh @3 tvqX&24B/0OT\DiDs_~_h$TqaL$u bd`,nkKS t%00 8DxLUK@]HeHm@w4L,XT6<[t__DYNAMICdbinit.oannot.o_oafinfo_iann_ateof_tstring_noaf_niaf_db_mt_oann_modified_tmul_out_of_order_ungotten_oarec_oanum_get_ann_table_iaword_astring_put_ann_table_cstring_db_mamp_db_ammp_iaf_iantime_iafinfo_oafsignal.o_msbdate_msbtime_isgsetframe_oheader_ivec_isbe_isbp_framelen_skewmax_bdate_btime_in_msrec_cfreq_dsbuf_ovec_osbe_osbp__g__l__n_ffreq_r310_r212_time_string_nsamples_segp_isbuf_iseek_isfmt_istat_iskew_w310_w212_segments_segarray_bcount_isigclose_nosig_nisig_dsblen_osbuf_oskew_pdays_gvmode_sfreq_osigclose_ibsize_istime_isinfo_istart_icount_gvc_obsize_ostime_osinfo_ocount_ostart_isf_getskewedframe_msnsamples_segend_date_string_iheader_ispfmax_tsinfo_tstart_dsbi_osf_readheadercalib.o_prev_cle_first_cle_this_cledbio.o_irec_getidb_count_error_message_dbpath_db_filename_error_print_etext_edata_end_isigopen_dbquit_dbinit_db_anclose_db_osflush_db_oaflush_annopen_dbflush_db_sigclose_setanndesc_iannsettime_db_error_db_checkname_annstr_iannclose_db_p32_db_g32_db_p16_db_g16_ungetann_ecgstr__GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__getspf_getann_db_setirec_oannclose_anndesc_setecgstr_setannstr_db_open_putann_strecg_strann_isigsettime_putinfo_physadu_getframe_getcfreq_db_addtopath_getbasecount_setbasetime_setsampfreq_setmsheader_mstimstr_dbsetskew_dbgetskew_osigopen_adumuv_setcfreq_sampfreq_datstr_setbasecount_getvec_newheader_dbsetstart_dbgetstart_osigfopen_aduphys_setobsize_setibsize_setgvmode_setheader_muvadu_isgsettime_putvec_getinfo_strtim_strdat_timstr_flushcal_getcal_calopen_newcal_putcal_getdb_db_getidb_dbverbose_dbfile_setdb_dberror_dbquiet