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must follow -VT %s: amplitude scale choice must follow -Vv HELPPATH/usr/lib/helpHELPPATH=%s:%s/wave%s: memory allocation error :%s@o@@$@i@??@o@Record %s is unavailable Continuerecord %s, mVDBCAL0 %s (%s)@@$?DBCALLoadFile: Loadwave:file.load.recordRecord: wave:file.load.annotatorAnnotator: Reloadwave:file.load.reloadwave:file.load.calibration_fileCalibration file: wave:file.load.db_pathDB Path: TEXTPRINTPRINTERlprlpr -P%sPSPRINTPRINTERlprlpr -P%sPrint setupPrint setupwave:file.printsetup.psprintPostScript print command: wave:file.printsetup.textprintText print command: Load...wave:file.loadSavewave:file.savePrintwave:file.printPrint setup...wave:file.printsetupAnalyze...wave:file.analyzeLog...wave:file.logFilewave:fileAllow editingwave:edit.allow_editingView onlywave:edit.view_onlyEditwave:edit/tmp/wave-sdbdesc $RECORD | %s /tmp/wave-asumann -r $RECORD -a $ANNOTATOR | %s %s <%s Printwave:help.printSorry, no property informationis available for this topic.Continuer/tmp/wave-s.XXXXXX(dbdesc $RECORD; echo =====) >%s Signals/tmp/wave-a.XXXXXX(sumann -r $RECORD -a $ANNOTATOR; echo =====) >%s Annotations%s/wave/wave.proAbout WAVESignals...wave:prop.signalsAnnotations...wave:prop.annotationsAbout WAVE...wave:prop.wavePropertieswave:propFindFindwave:find.start_timeStart time: 0wave:find.end_timeEnd time: 10wave:find.search_forSearch for: More options...wave:find.more_optionswave:main_panelWAVE6.1Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990-1997.All rights reserved.wave:syncSyncwave:viewView...wave:>wave:>>>>wave:search>Search >wave:helpHelpwave:quitQuit-1UView menu item: %s Prop menu item: %s e.:<>*n*s*v*No match found!ContinueUUUUUVV VV#V/V9VCVNVYVaVkVsV|VV?@@@$@4@D@Y??q??UUUUUU?ڪ?ꪪ@@@ @)@9@I@_@@o@0.25 mm/min1 mm/min5 mm/min25 mm/min50 mm/min125 mm/min250 mm/min500 mm/min12.5 mm/sec25 mm/sec50 mm/sec125 mm/sec250 mm/sec1 mm/mV2.5 mm/mV5 mm/mV10 mm/mV20 mm/mV40 mm/mV100 mm/mVViewViewwave:view.showShow: subtype`chan' field`num' field`aux' fieldmarkerssignal namesbaselineslevelwave:view.time_scaleTime scale: wave:view.amplitude_scaleAmplitude scale: wave:view.drawDraw: all signalslisted signals onlywave:view.show_annotationsShow annotations: centeredattached to signalsas a signalwave:view.time_displayTime display: elapsedabsolutein sample intervalswave:view.gridGrid: None0.2 s0.5 mV0.2 s x 0.5 mV0.04 s x 0.1 mV1 m x 0.5 mV1 m x 0.1 mVwave:view.undoUndo changeswave:view.redrawRedrawwave:view.save_as_new_defaultsSave as new defaults[%s]0:00s%ld0:00s%ld%s/html/wug/wug.htmrwug.htmr%s/wug.htmhttp://ecg.mit.edu/wug/wug.htmWAVE version %s; %s6.1usage: %s -r RECORD[+RECORD] [ options ] Options are: -a annotator-name Open an annotation file -dpi XX[xYY] Calibrate for XX [by YY] dots/inch -f TIME Open the record beginning at TIME -g Use shades of grey only -H Use high-resolution mode -m Use black and white only -O Use overlay graphics -s SIGNAL [SIGNAL ...] Initialize the signal list -S Use a shared colormap -Vx Set initial display option x DISPLAY %s is an X11 client. You must specify the X server connection for it in the DISPLAY environment variable. DB Be sure to set the DB environment variable to indicate a list of directories that contain input files for %s. For more information, type `more %s/wave/%s', wave.hlpor open `%s' using your web browser. %s %s/wave/%s.hlp analysisbuttonseditingfaqlognewsprintingresourceintroPrintwave:help.print%s/wave/%s.hlpSorry, help is not available for this topic.ContinueHelpHelp TopicsIntroductionwave:help.introButtonswave:help.buttonsAnnotation Editingwave:help.editingWAVE Logswave:help.logsPrintingwave:help.printingAnalysiswave:help.analysisResourceswave:help.resourcesWhat's newwave:help.newsFrequently asked questionswave:help.faqUser's Guidewave:help.ugQuit from Helpwave:help.quit@?Error in allocating memory for log Continuer %s~Your log cannot be saved unless you remove the file namedYou may attempt to correct this problem fromanother window after pressing `Continue', oryou may exit immediately and discard yourchanges by pressing `Exit'.ContinueExitwYour log cannot be saved until you obtainwrite permission forYou may attempt to correct this problem fromanother window after pressing `Continue', oryou may exit immediately and discard yourchanges by pressing `Exit'.ContinueExit%s %s %s EDITORwave.texteditorWave.TextEditortextedit%s %s - %s~LogWAVE logFile: wave:file.log.fileLoadwave:file.log.loadDescription: wave:file.log.descriptionwave:file.log.review_delayDelay:Addwave:file.log.addReplacewave:file.log.replaceDeletewave:file.log.deleteEditwave:file.log.edit|<wave:file.log.|<<<wave:file.log.<<<wave:file.log.<Pausewave:file.log.pause>wave:file.log.>>>wave:file.log.>>>|wave:file.log.>|wave/demo.txtDEMOTITLEDemonstration of WAVEDEMOXDEMOYDEMOCOLSDEMOROWS%s/wave/demo.txt. (Deleted annotation)[%d](unassigned annotation type): (Index mark)< (Start of analysis)> (End of analysis); (Reference mark)TemplateAnnotation TemplateType: wave:annot.typeText: wave:annot.textSubtype: wave:annot.subtype`Chan' field: wave:annot.chan`Num' field: wave:annot.numChange all in rangewave:annot.changeDismisswave:annot.dismiss    ) !ONNNNVFNNNENPQUOOOOOOOOOONOOOOQO[]NNOONOOROOOOOOOO@ ?@??@@@@?@?@$Time: %sInterval: %sInterval: -%sSample number: %ldInterval: %ld samples%8s: %8.3lf%s%s *%8.3lf%s%s *%6dadu%6daduLevelsLevelsShow: wave:level.showphysical units (absolute)physical units (relative)DB units (absolute)DB units (relative)wave:level.timewave:level.signamewave:level.valuewave:level.unitsDismisswave:level.dismiss%s/%swave:canvasYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueThis annotation cannot be insertedbecause there is insufficient memory.ContinueYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueThis annotation cannot be insertedbecause there is insufficient memory.ContinueThis annotation cannot be insertedbecause there is insufficient memory.Continue?ə?zG{@r@N??@??@?@?i    ) !ONNNNVFNNNENPQUOOOOOOOOOONOOOOQO[]NNOONOOROOOOOOOO?@@$?@*@ Error in allocating memory for annotations Continue`%s'The annotator name:cannot be used. Press `Continue', thenselect an annotator name containing onlyletters, digits, and underscores.ContinueError in allocating memory for aux string Continue..U:<>;%d%d%dYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueYou may not edit annotations unless you firstenable editing from the `Edit' menu.ContinueYou must specify a range by inserting `<' and `>'markers (or by setting the Start and End timesin the Analyze panel).ContinueSelect a different annotation type.ContinueThe range of this action is not limited to visibleannotations. Press `Cancel' to continue withoutchanging any annotations, or `Confirm' to makechanges anyway.CancelConfirm_%s.%srYour changes cannot be saved unless you remove,or obtain permission to rename, the file namedin the current directory.You may attempt to correct this problem fromanother window after pressing `Continue', oryou may exit immediately and discard yourchanges by pressing `Exit'.ContinueExitYour changes cannot be saved until you obtainwrite permission in the current directory.You may attempt to correct this problem fromanother window after pressing `Continue', oryou may exit immediately and discard yourchanges by pressing `Exit'.ContinueExitYour changes cannot be saved until additionalfile space is made available.You may attempt to correct this problem fromanother window after pressing `Continue', oryou may exit immediately and discard yourchanges by pressing `Exit'.ContinueExitRecord %s(%s) Record %s %s Record %s wave.anntabWave.AnntabANNTABr read_anntab: insufficient memory ANNTABw%d %s %s @l ?echo $RECORD $LEFT-$RIGHT | pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g -l -L -n 0 -R -t 20 -v 8 - | %s urlview $URL WAVEMENUrCan't read menu file:ContinuewavemenurwavemenuMENUDIR/usr/local/libwavemenu.def%s/%swavemenu.defrCan't read default menu file:ContinueOut of memory while reading menu fileContinueAnalyzeAnalyze<wave:file.analyze.<Start (elapsed): wave:file.analyze.startEnd (elapsed): wave:file.analyze.end>wave:file.analyze.<Signal: wave:file.analyze.signalxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFrom: wave:file.analyze.astartwave:file.analyze.dstartTo: wave:file.analyze.aendwave:file.analyze.dendSignal list: wave:file.analyze.signal_listShow scope windowwave:file.analyze.show_scope_windowShow command windowwave:file.analyze.show_command_windowEdit menuwave:file.analyze.edit_menuReread menuwave:file.analyze.reread_menuReloadwave:file.analyze.reloadwave:file.analyze.analysis_buttonwave:file.analyze.analysis_buttonCommandsAnalysis commandsEDITORwave.texteditorWave.TextEditortexteditYou are now using the system default menu file,which you may not edit directly.Press `Copy' to copy it into the current directoryas `wavemenu' (and remember to set the WAVEMENUenvironment variable next time),- or -Press `Quit' if you prefer not to edit a menu file.CopyQuitwavemenu.defcp %s/%s wavemenu wavemenu.defwavemenu%s %s %d[%s %s]beginning[0:0:0 %s]beginning[%s %s]beginning[0:0:0 %s]beginningebeginningeend%d RECORDANNOTATOR""START0END0eDURATIONe0SIGNALS%d%s SIGNAL%dLEFT0RIGHTWIDTHLOGlog.%sDBCALDBTSCALE%gVSCALE%gDISPMODE%dPSPRINTTEXTPRINTURLr/tmp/wave.XXXXXXtouch %s     ) !ONNNNVFNNNENPQUOOOOOOOOOONOOOOQO[]NNOONOOROOOOOOOO@??@b?@9@Y@4?@?@?Error in allocating memory for scope ContinueError in allocating memory for scope Continue0.5wave:scope_canvasScopeScopewave.scope.color.backgroundWave.Scope.Color.backgroundwhitewave.scope.color.foregroundWave.Scope.Color.Foregroundbluewave.scope.grey.backgroundWave.Scope.Grey.backgroundwhitewave.scope.grey.foregroundWave.Scope.Grey.Foregroundblackwave.scope.mono.backgroundWave.Scope.Mono.backgroundwhiteblackBlackblackwhiteScope functions cannot be used while theannotation list is empty.Continue0wave:scope_panelwave:scope_panel.speedSpeedwave:scope_panel.dtdt: 0.500wave:scope_panel.<<<<wave:scope_panel.<<wave:scope_panel.pause Pause wave:scope_panel.>>wave:scope_panel.>>>>. (Deleted annotation)[%d](unassigned annotation type): (Index mark)< (Start of analysis)> (End of analysis)SearchSearch TemplateIgnoreMatchType: wave:search.typeIgnoreMatchText: wave:search.textIgnoreMatchSubtype: wave:search.subtypeIgnoreMatch`Chan' field: wave:search.chanIgnoreMatch`Num' field: wave:search.numMatch selected annotationwave:search.matchselectedDismisswave:search.dismiss@@@@@@@@(@@(@@H@@H@@*@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@D@@*@@@B@@@@X @@@@ @@0B@@^D@@@@@ @@@@@@@@*@@@@@@`@@@J@ @@L@@@@@q8@@D@@d@@D*D@@dqX@@?@9?ə?@$@9ffffff@$@9@9ffffff@?@.@4@IHOMEUSERHOME=%s.RESDIR/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults%s/WaveXUSERFILESEARCHPATHXAPPLRESDIR%s/Wave%s/.XdefaultsHOMEXENVIRONMENT%s/.Xdefaults-HOME%gx%gWave.AllowDottedLinesWave.DpiWave.SignalWindow.Height_mmWave.SignalWindow.Width_mmWave.GraphicsModeWave.View.SubtypeWave.View.ChanWave.View.NumWave.View.AuxWave.View.MarkersWave.View.SignalNamesWave.View.BaselinesWave.View.LevelWave.View.TimeScaleWave.View.CoarseTimeScaleWave.View.AmplitudeScaleWave.View.AnnotationModeWave.View.SignalModeWave.View.TimeModeWave.View.GridModeWave.View.CoarseGridMode%s/.XdefaultsHOMEAre you sure you want to Quit?ConfirmCancelrwave-remote -pid %d -r %s -f '%s' wave-remote -pid %d -f '%s' wwave-remote -pid %d -f '%s' wave.dpiWave.Dpi0x0%lfx%lf%s: unsupported display type, visual class %d wave.graphicsmodeWave.GraphicsMode%s: display too small wave.signalwindow.width_mmWave.SignalWindow.Width_mmwave.signalwindow.height_mmWave.SignalWindow.Height_mm/tmp/.wave.%d.%dwwave.view.subtypeWave.View.Subtypewave.view.chanWave.View.Chanwave.view.numWave.View.Numwave.view.auxWave.View.Auxwave.view.markersWave.View.Markerswave.view.signalnamesWave.View.SignalNameswave.view.baselinesWave.View.Baselineswave.view.levelWave.View.Levelwave.view.timescaleWave.View.TimeScalewave.view.coarsetimescaleWave.View.CoarseTimeScalewave.view.amplitudescaleWave.View.AmplitudeScalewave.view.annotationmodeWave.View.AnnotationModewave.view.signalmodeWave.View.SignalModewave.view.timemodeWave.View.TimeModewave.view.gridmodeWave.View.GridModewave.view.coarsegridmodeWave.View.CoarseGridModeWAVEwave.signalwindow.mono.backgroundWave.SignalWindow.Mono.BackgroundwhiteblackBlackwave.signalwindow.grey.backgroundWave.SignalWindow.Grey.Backgroundwhitewave.signalwindow.color.backgroundWave.SignalWindow.Color.Backgroundwhitewave.signalwindow.grey.gridWave.SignalWindow.Grey.Gridgrey75wave.signalwindow.color.gridWave.SignalWindow.Color.Gridgrey90wave.signalwindow.grey.cursorWave.SignalWindow.Grey.Cursorgrey50wave.signalwindow.color.cursorWave.SignalWindow.Color.Cursororange redwave.signalwindow.grey.annotationWave.SignalWindow.Grey.Annotationgrey25wave.signalwindow.color.annotationWave.SignalWindow.Color.Annotationyellow greenwave.signalwindow.grey.signalWave.SignalWindow.Grey.Signalblackwave.signalwindow.color.signalWave.SignalWindow.Color.Signalbluewave.allowdottedlinesWave.AllowDottedLineswave.signalwindow.fontWave.SignalWindow.Fontfixedcan't find font %sfixed -- exiting -- substituting font %s fixedError allocating graphics context OEEEF]HF FF$^HF0F<ApFHFTF`FlRHFxFFFRFFFFRFFFFRGGG G, SHG8GDGPG\(TpGhGtGG8TpGhGtGGDTpGhGtGGPTpGGGGG`VHGGGGpU$HHЀU$HH(H4H@АU HLРU$HXHdHpH|иU$HHHHU HHHHHU HHHHU ,HU$HII IU$I$I0I<IHD,ITI`IlIxWIIII[HIIII Q(IIIJ(`$HJJ J,J88IJDJPJ\Jh@@ JtJJJHBpJJJXU pJJJJ ((((( DDDDDDDDDDAAAAAABBBBBB