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Sampling frequencies of records `%s' and `%s' differ significantly _%d ... substituting record `%s' for `%s' %s: can't read record %s %s.datxform -i %s -o %s -N %s -a %s ... resampling record `%s' ...headerResampled noise record `%s' has been generated. Generating record `%s' ... done +%sCopying reference annotations for record `%s' to `%s' ... done %s: can't read record %s %s.date30:01:0.%lf Created by `%s' from records %s and %s, using protocol %s Created by `%s' from records %s and %s (SNR = %g dB)usage: %s [OPTIONS ...] where OPTIONS may include any of: -a ANNOTATOR copy annotations for the specified ANNOTATOR from SREC to OREC (default: atruth); unless -p is used, normal QRS annotations from this annotator are used in determining signal amplitudes (hence noise scale factors) -F N write output signals in format N (default: 16) -h print this usage summary -i SREC NREC read signals from record SREC, and noise from record NREC -o OREC generate output record OREC -p PROTOCOL use the specified PROTOCOL (in an annotation file with annotator name PROTOCOL and record name NREC); if this option is omitted, a protocol annotation file is generated using scale factors that may be set using -s -s SNR set scale factors for noise such that the signal-to-noise ratio during noisy segments is SNR (in dB); this option is ignored if a protocol is specified using -p%s @(#)pow.c 1.9 88/02/08 SMI?.B9?.B=95y@????.MgkzfJ 5RI\n4~_E~=fkh>yMEaɉm{T*5,Nn.R3JQQ Y$@(#)ieee_func.S 1.11 89/06/21 SMICP<@(#)SVID_libm_err.c 1.9 89/02/27 SMI?.B9?.B=95y