.TH WFDB-CONFIG 1 "1 August 2002" "WFDB 10.2.7" "WFDB Applications Guide" .SH NAME wfdb-config \- print WFDB library version and configuration info .SH SYNOPSIS \fBwfdb-config\fR [ \fB--cflags\fR ] [ \fB--libs\fR ] [ \fB--version\fR ] .SH DESCRIPTION This program prints information about the WFDB library installation. Use it with one of these options: .TP \fB--cflags\fR Print options needed by \fBcc\fR(1) or \fBgcc\fR(1) to find the WFDB library's 'include' (*.h) files. .TP \fB--libs\fR Print options needed by \fBcc\fR(1), \fBgcc\fR(1), or \fBld\fR(1) to find and link a program with the WFDB library (and, if \fBNETFILES\fR support is compiled into the WFDB library, with the \fIlibwww\fR libraries). .TP \fB--version\fR Print the version number of the most recent version of the WFDB library that has been installed. .SS Example .PP To compile \fIprog.c\fR with the WFDB library, use: .br \fBgcc `wfdb-config --cflags` prog.c `wfdb-config --libs`\fR .br Additional options may be added to the command if needed (for example, to link to other libraries). .SH AUTHOR George B. Moody (george@mit.edu) .SH SOURCE http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wfdb/lib/wfdb-config.c