! file: Wave.res G. Moody April 1990 ! Last revised: 13 December 2004 ! X11 resources for WAVE ! ! You can control many aspects of WAVE's appearance and behavior by setting ! its X11 resources. This file illustrates how each of the WAVE-specific ! resources can be set. To make these settings effective, the contents of ! this file should be included in a file named .Xdefaults in your home ! directory. If you use other X11 applications, this file may exist already, ! and it may contain resources to be shared by some or all X11 applications. ! For this reason, you should be careful not to replace .Xdefaults when you ! add material from this file to it. ! ! This file can also be installed as /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Wave (and in ! this location, its contents can be shared by all users). ! If you make changes in .Xdefaults or /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Wave while ! WAVE is running, you will need to restart WAVE in order to see the effects ! of your changes. It may also be necessary to force the resource database ! to be reread, either by logging out and in again, or using a command such as: ! xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Here are two WAVE resources that most users will want to set (although you ! may prefer a different setting than those shown here). Wave*background: white Wave.SignalWindow.font: -*-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-14-* ! If WAVE complains it can't find the font above, try this one instead: ! Wave.SignalWindow.font: lucidasans-bold-14 ! (or use xlsfonts to find an alternative that you like). ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The remainder of this file contains a listing of all WAVE-specific X11 ! resources, illustrating their default settings. For further information, ! see 'X11 resources for WAVE' in the WAVE User's Guide. If you wish to change ! any of the defaults, remove the 'comment.' at the beginning of the ! appropriate line, and change the setting as desired. WAVE should be tolerant ! of most incorrect settings, but it is possible that changing something below ! may make WAVE temporarily unusable. If this happens, simply undo the last ! change(s) you made and run WAVE again. ! ! Since WAVE is built using the XView toolkit, its appearance and behavior can ! also be modified using many of the generic XView X11 resources; for details, ! see http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wag/xview-7.htm . ! ! Note that many X11 applications rewrite .Xdefaults if the user changes ! preferences within the application, and that any lines beginning with '!' ! will be removed when this happens. WAVE itself does this when you use ! the 'Save as new defaults' button in the 'View' panel. A simple way to ! comment out settings in .Xdefaults without risking their removal is to ! prefix the resource name with 'comment.', as below. comment.Wave.AllowDottedLines: true comment.Wave.Anntab: /path/to/anntab comment.Wave.Dpi: 100x100 comment.Wave.GraphicsMode: 8 comment.Wave.Scope.Color.Background: white comment.Wave.Scope.Color.Foreground: blue comment.Wave.Scope.Grey.Background: white comment.Wave.Scope.Grey.Foreground: black comment.Wave.Scope.Mono.Background: white comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Color.Annotation: yellow green comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Color.Background: white comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Color.Cursor: orange red comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Color.Grid: grey90 comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Color.Signal: blue comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Font: fixed comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Grey.Annotation: grey25 comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Grey.Background: white comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Grey.Cursor: grey50 comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Grey.Grid: grey75 comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Grey.Signal: black comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Height_mm: 120 comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Mono.Background: white comment.Wave.SignalWindow.Width_mm: 250 comment.Wave.TextEditor: textedit comment.Wave.View.AmplitudeScale: 3 comment.Wave.View.AnnotationMode: 0 comment.Wave.View.AnnotationOverlap: 0 comment.Wave.View.Aux: false comment.Wave.View.Baselines: false comment.Wave.View.Chan: false comment.Wave.View.CoarseGridMode: 5 comment.Wave.View.CoarseTimeScale: 5 comment.Wave.View.GridMode: 3 comment.Wave.View.Level: false comment.Wave.View.Markers: false comment.Wave.View.Num: false comment.Wave.View.SignalNames: false comment.Wave.View.Subtype: false comment.Wave.View.TimeMode: 0 comment.Wave.View.TimeScale: 12