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You may wish to rerun %s with option `-S %d %d' record %s doesn't have a signal '%s' Massachusetts Institute of Technology %d. All rights reserved.%s: annotator name must follow -a %s: annotator name must follow -A %s: binding offset (mm) must follow -b %s: copyright notice string must follow -c %s: unrecognized color specification '%s' %s: RGB triplet must follow '%s' %s: RGB values must be between 0 (black) and 1 %s: printer resolution (dpi) must follow -d %s: the name of a readable file must follow -i %s: incorrect format (%d) specified after -M %s: page number must follow -n %s: page size specification must follow -P %s: signal list must follow -s %s: scale and time stamp modes must follow -S %s: time scale (mm/sec) must follow -t %s: page title must follow -T %s: voltage scale (mm/mV) must follow -v %s: line width (mm) must follow -w %s: sample range must follow -x % If this message appears in your printout, you may be using a buggy version % % of Adobe TranScript. Try using pschart with the -u option as a workaround. %save 100 dict begin /pschart exch def/I {/Times-Italic findfont exch scalefont setfont}def/R {/Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont}def/C {/Courier findfont exch scalefont setfont}def /dy1 exch dpi 25.4 div mul lw sub def /dy2 dy1 lw add 5 mul def /dx1 exch dpi 25.4 div mul lw sub def /dx2 dx1 lw add 5 mul def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y0 exch def /x0 exch def dpi 100 idiv setlinewidth x0 y0 moveto x1 y0 lineto x1 y1 lineto x0 y1 lineto closepath stroke lw setlinewidth [lw dx1] 0 setdash y0 dy2 add dy2 y1 {newpath dup x0 exch moveto x1 exch lineto stroke}for x0 dx2 add dx2 x1 {newpath dup y0 moveto y1 lineto stroke }for closepath stroke lw setlinewidth/prpn { mm exch mm exch moveto 10 R /pn exch def /str 10 string def pn str cvs stringwidth exch -.5 mul exch rmoveto (- ) stringwidth exch neg exch rmoveto/prco { mm exch mm exch moveto /Symbol findfont 6 scalefont setfont (\323) show/newpage {/dpi exch def tm setmatrix newpath [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap /lw lwmm mm def mark } def/ss {72 dpi div dup scale /gm matrix currentmatrix def lw setlinewidth} def/t {tm setmatrix show gm setmatrix}def/b {tm setmatrix dup stringwidth exch neg exch rmoveto currentpoint 3 -1 roll/N {rlineto currentpoint stroke moveto}bind def/z {{counttomark 2 ge{79 sub rlineto}{126 exch sub}ifelse}forall currentpoint stroke moveto}bind def/sb {/yd exch def /yc exch def /yb exch def /ya exch def}def/Sb {/yb exch def /ya exch def /yc yb def /yd yb def}def/mb { dup ya newpath moveto dup yb lineto dup yc moveto yd lineto/a {ya yb ne {dup mb}if ay m t}bind def/A {ya yb ne {dup mb}if ay m (\267) t}bind def/endpschart {cleartomark showpage pschart end restore}def -a ANN specify first annotator (default: atr) -A ANN specify second annotator (default: none) -b N set binding offset in mm (default: 0) -c STR set copyright notice -C produce charts in color (default: black and white) -CX RED GREEN BLUE specify a color, where 'X' is 'a' (annotations), 'g' (grid), 'l' (labels), or 's' (signals); and RED, GREEN, BLUE are between 0 and 1 inclusive (example: '-Cs 0 .5 1' causes the signals to be drawn in blue-green on a color-capable device) -d N specify printer resolution in dpi (default: 300) -e even/odd processing for two-sided printing -G print alternate grids -h print this usage summary -H use high-resolution mode for multi-frequency records -i FILE print (as text) contents of FILE in title area of first page -l print signal labels -L use landscape orientation -m IN OUT TOP BOTTOM set margins in mm -M print annotation marker bars across all signals (same as -M1) -Mn (NOTE: no space after M) set marker bar and annotation format, where n is 0 (no bars), 1 (bars across all signals), 2 (bars across attached signal, annotations at center), or 3 (bars across attached signal, annotations above bars) (default: 0) -n N set first page number (default: 1) -p pack short strips side-by-side -P PAGESIZE set page dimensions (default: letter) -r include record names in strip titles -R include record names in page headers -s SIGNAL-LIST print listed signals only SCALE-MODE 0: none; 1, 2: footer; 3, 4: above strips; 5, 6: in strips 1, 3, or 5 for mm/unit; 2, 4, or 6 for units/tick (default: 1) TIMESTAMP-MODE 0: none, 1: elapsed, 2: absolute or elapsed (default: 2) -t N set time scale to N mm/sec (default: 12.5) -u generate `unstructured' PostScript -v N set voltage scale to N mm/mV (default: 5) -w N set line width to N mm (default: 0.2; 0 is narrowest possible) -x MIN MAX plot samples only if raw values are between MIN and MAX -1 print only first character of comment annotation strings - read script from standard input TIME may include start and end separated by `-'. TITLE is optional. 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