// File: example9.java I. Henry February 18 2005 // // Java translation of example9.c from the WFDB Programmer's Guide // // Copyright (C) 2005 Isaac C. Henry (ihenry@physionet.org) import java.io.*; import wfdb.*; public class example9 { static { System.loadLibrary("wfdbjava"); } public static void main(String argv[]) { int btype, i, j, nbeats = 0, nsig, hwindow, window, stoptime = 0; WFDB_Anninfo a = new WFDB_Anninfo(); WFDB_Annotation annot = new WFDB_Annotation(); if (argv.length < 2) { System.out.println( "usage: example9 annotator record [beat-type from to]"); // Unlike C programs, Java programs do not have any foolproof way // to discover their own names, so the name is given as a constant // above. The usage statement is correct if this file has been // compiled. The command needed to run this program within a JVM // is platform-dependent and likely to be more complex. System.exit(1); } a.setName(argv[0]); a.setStat(wfdb.WFDB_READ); if ((nsig = wfdb.isigopen(argv[1], null, 0)) < 1) System.exit(2); WFDB_SiginfoArray s = new WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig); WFDB_SampleArray v = new WFDB_SampleArray(nsig); WFDB_SampleArray vb = new WFDB_SampleArray(nsig); if (wfdb.wfdbinit(argv[1], a, 1, s.cast(), nsig) != nsig) System.exit(3); hwindow = wfdb.strtim(".05"); window = 2*hwindow + 1; long sum[][] = new long[nsig][window]; btype = (argv.length > 2) ? wfdb.strann(argv[2]) : wfdb.NORMAL; if (argv.length > 3) wfdb.iannsettime(wfdb.strtim(argv[3])); WFDB_Siginfo s_0_ = s.getitem(0); if (argv.length > 4) { if ((stoptime = wfdb.strtim(argv[4])) < 0) stoptime = -stoptime; if (s_0_.getNsamp() > 0 && stoptime > s_0_.getNsamp()) stoptime = s_0_.getNsamp(); } else stoptime = s_0_.getNsamp(); if (stoptime > 0) stoptime -= hwindow; while (wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0 && annot.getTime() < hwindow) ; do { if (annot.getAnntyp() != btype) continue; wfdb.isigsettime(annot.getTime() - hwindow - 1); wfdb.getvec(vb.cast()); for (j = 0; j < window && wfdb.getvec(v.cast()) > 0; j++) for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) sum[i][j] += v.getitem(i) - vb.getitem(i); nbeats++; } while (wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0 && (stoptime == 0L || annot.getTime() < stoptime)); if (nbeats < 1) { System.out.println("example9: no `" + wfdb.annstr(btype) + "' beats found"); System.exit(4); } System.out.println("Average of " + nbeats + " `"+ wfdb.annstr(btype) + "' beats:"); for (j = 0; j < window; j++) for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) System.out.print( (double)sum[i][j]/nbeats + ((i < nsig-1) ? "\t" : "\n")); wfdb.wfdbquit(); } }