Usage : av Reads stdin and outputs n, av, and sd of data Usage : detruns incr win minlen Reads one column of data (hour) and outputs start and end times of run detection windows and sum total detection time. incr : output increment in hh:mm:ss win : window length in hh:mm:ss minlen : min length of run in hh:mm:ss Usage : filt filt hwin [options] Reads 2 columns from stdin and filters outliers by deleting those intervals outside of `filt' range of the average within a window hwin' distance on either side of the current interval. options are : [-x min max] : exclude date outside min - max ht Reads 2 columns of input (time and x) and outputs time and Hilbert transform ampltudes and frequencies. Usage : htavsd incr win ampthres Reads stdin of time in secs, amp and freq outputs time, av, sd, and time within threshold limits for both amp and freq incr] : output for every 'incr' time steps win : window length ampthres : minumum amplitude threshold Usage : htmedfilt win Separately median filter Hilbert amplitudes and frequencies with a sliding window hwin points wide. Usage : ldetrend hwin Reads 2 columns from stdin and locally detrends by subtracting a least squares fitted line over a sliding window 2*hwin+1 points wide. Usage : linsamp dt Resample stdin by linear interpolation Output evenly sampled data dt : sampling interval Usage : mm Print minimum and maximum of data Usage : rrlist annotator tape [options] options are : [-f start] : begin at time 'start' [-t end] : end at time 'end' [-l length] : output for duration 'length' [-h] : output time in hours in first column [-m] : output time in minutes in first column [-s] : output time in seconds in first column [-a annotation] : list only intervals between consecutive annotations Usage : smooth window Smooth two column stdin with sliding window average.