This log is also available as text (s23591.txt) and as a (binary) annotation file (s23591.log).
Generated: Monday, 07-Jun-2010 13:20:40 EDT
(All dates below are surrogates.)
t0: [01:00:15 04/03/2013] tf: [13:41:54 08/03/2013] id: a40164 [view]
t0: [23:53:59 04/03/2013] tf: [13:39:59 09/03/2013] id: a40164n [view]
dd: 2720 ds: 2 ld: PURE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEM dd: 4011 ds: 1 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 79093 ds: 3 ld: ELEV PROSTATE SPEC ANTIG
dd: 4011 ds: 1 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 4019 ds: 2 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 6011 ds: 3 ld: CHRONIC PROSTATITIS
dd: 4019 ds: 2 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 4549 ds: 1 ld: VARICOSE VEIN OF LEG NOS
dd: 8798 ds: 1 ld: OPEN WOUND SITE NOS
dd: 25000 ds: 5 ld: DIABETES MELLITUS W/OUT dd: 2720 ds: 4 ld: PURE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEM dd: 2722 ds: 2 ld: MIXED HYPERLIPIDEMIA dd: 2749 ds: 3 ld: GOUT NOS dd: 4011 ds: 1 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION
dd: 4019 ds: 3 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 41400 ds: 2 ld: CORNARY ATHERO-VESL NOS dd: 4549 ds: 1 ld: VARICOSE VEIN OF LEG NOS
dd: 4019 ds: 3 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 41400 ds: 2 ld: CORNARY ATHERO-VESL NOS dd: 4549 ds: 1 ld: VARICOSE VEIN OF LEG NOS
dd: 4549 ds: 1 ld: VARICOSE VEIN OF LEG NOS
dd: 2520 ds: 1 ld: HYPERPARATHYROIDISM dd: 4019 ds: 2 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS
dd: 2520 ds: 1 ld: HYPERPARATHYROIDISM dd: 4019 ds: 2 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS
dd: 2749 ds: 2 ld: GOUT NOS dd: 4011 ds: 1 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 4019 ds: 3 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS
dd: 496 ds: 1 ld: CHR AIRWAY OBSTRUCT NEC dd: 515 ds: 2 ld: POSTINFLAM PULM FIBROSIS dd: 5181 ds: 3 ld: INTERSTITIAL EMPHYSEMA
dd: 2722 ds: 3 ld: MIXED HYPERLIPIDEMIA dd: 4011 ds: 1 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 79093 ds: 2 ld: ELEV PROSTATE SPEC ANTIG
dd: 4011 ds: 2 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 41401 ds: 3 ld: CORON ATHEROSCLER NATIVE dd: 496 ds: 1 ld: CHR AIRWAY OBSTRUCT NEC
dd: 41400 ds: 3 ld: CORNARY ATHERO-VESL NOS dd: 71590 ds: 4 ld: OSTEOARTHROS NOS-UNSPEC dd: 8470 ds: 1 ld: SPRAIN OF NECK dd: E927 ds: 2 ld: ACCID FROM OVEREXERTION
dd: V048 ds: 1 ld: VACCIN FOR INFLUENZA
dd: 496 ds: 2 ld: CHR AIRWAY OBSTRUCT NEC dd: 515 ds: 3 ld: POSTINFLAM PULM FIBROSIS dd: 78650 ds: 1 ld: CHEST PAIN NOS
dd: 2511 ds: 2 ld: OTHER SPEC HYPOGLYCEMIA dd: 2512 ds: 1 ld: HYPOGLYCEMIA NOS dd: 2749 ds: 4 ld: GOUT NOS dd: 4019 ds: 5 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 412 ds: 6 ld: OLD MYOCARDIAL INFARCT dd: 4240 ds: 3 ld: MITRAL VALVE DISORDER dd: 515 ds: 2 ld: POSTINFLAM PULM FIBROSIS dd: 9623 ds: 1 ld: POISON-INSULIN/ANTIDIAB dd: 9623 ds: 7 ld: POISON-INSULIN/ANTIDIAB dd: E8580 ds: 3 ld: ACC POISON-HORMONES dd: E8580 ds: 8 ld: ACC POISON-HORMONES
dd: 4011 ds: 2 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: 51889 ds: 1 ld: OTHER LUNG DISEASE NEC
dd: 4011 ds: 2 ld: BENIGN HYPERTENSION dd: V7283 ds: 1 ld: OTHER SPEC PRE-OP EXAM
dd: 36616 ds: 1 ld: SENILE NUCLEAR CATARACT dd: 4019 ds: 2 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 412 ds: 4 ld: OLD MYOCARDIAL INFARCT dd: 41401 ds: 3 ld: CORON ATHEROSCLER NATIVE dd: V1259 ds: 5 ld: PERS HX OTH DIS CIRC SYS
dd: 3310 ds: 1 ld: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE
dd: 7847 ds: 1 ld: EPISTAXIS
dd: 7847 ds: 1 ld: EPISTAXIS
dd: 3310 ds: 1 ld: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE
dd: 2749 ds: 1 ld: GOUT NOS
dd: 2762 ds: 9 ld: ACIDOSIS dd: 4019 ds: 5 ld: HYPERTENSION NOS dd: 40391 ds: 5 ld: HYPERTENSIVE KIDNEY DIS dd: 41071 ds: 2 ld: AMI, SUBENDOCARD INFARCT dd: 4111 ds: 1 ld: INTERMED CORONARY SYND dd: 42731 ds: 1 ld: ATRIAL FIBRILLATION dd: 42731 ds: 4 ld: ATRIAL FIBRILLATION dd: 4280 ds: 2 ld: CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE dd: 4280 ds: 3 ld: CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE dd: 4414 ds: 3 ld: ABDOM AORTIC ANEURYSM dd: 4928 ds: 8 ld: EMPHYSEMA NEC dd: 515 ds: 7 ld: POSTINFLAM PULM FIBROSIS dd: 51882 ds: 6 ld: OTHER PULMONARY INSUFF N dd: 5849 ds: 4 ld: ACUTE RENAL FAILURE NOS
tf: [01:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Lisinopril v1: 10 u1: mg tf: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Aspirin EC v1: 81 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Atorvastatin v1: 10 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Finasteride v1: 5 u1: mg
tf: [16:00:00 29/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 17 dn: 1 m1: Heparin v1: 4000 u1: UNIT tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ASDIR m1: Heparin Sodium v1: 25000 u1: UNIT m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml
tf: [22:00:00 29/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Potassium Chloride v1: 10 u1: mEq tf: [01:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Furosemide v1: 40 u1: mg tf: [01:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metoprolol v1: 75 u1: mg tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Ranitidine v1: 150 u1: mg
tf: [14:00:00 29/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 2 dn: 1 m1: Furosemide v1: 40 u1: mg
tf: [14:00:00 29/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 9 dn: 1 m1: Furosemide v1: 40 u1: mg
tf: [18:00:00 29/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IH fr: Q6H:PRN m1: Albuterol Neb Soln v1: 1 u1: NEB
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IH fr: QID fs: 10, 14, 18, 22 dn: 4 m1: Ipratropium Bromide MDI v1: 2 u1: PUFF
tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IH fr: Q6H fs: 19, 1, 7, 13 dn: 4 m1: Albuterol Neb Soln v1: 1 u1: NEB
tf: [01:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 21 dn: 1 m1: Furosemide v1: 80 u1: mg tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: TP fr: 1X fs: 21 m1: Nitroglycerin Oint. 2% v1: 0.5 u1: in
tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 6568 cu: MICU-A di: No Disch Status
t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: BSA el: 1033 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Admit Wt el: 1032 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 1 el: 1020 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Diagnosis/op el: 1023 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Service el: 1026 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 v1: MED t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Admit Ht el: 1034 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Readmission el: 1014 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Marital Status el: 1006 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 v1: M t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Religion el: 1000 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 v1: PRO t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 2 el: 1021 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Ext el: 1010 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: PIN el: 1012 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531 t0: [01:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 3 el: 1022 cu: MICU-A cg: 1531
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 io: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions vo: 100 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: Po Intake el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 io: Po Intake PO/Gastric du: ml rt: Oral
t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.38 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 29 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 65 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [01:54:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.38 rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Nitroglycerin v1: 100 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 2 dn: 1 m1: Furosemide v1: 120 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 50 u2: ml tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID:PRN m1: Senna v1: 1 u1: TAB tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: ONCE fs: 2 dn: 1 m1: Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate v1: 30 u1: gm tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: Q4-6H:PRN m1: Acetaminophen v1: 325-650 u1: mg
t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: WBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 37.3 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Hemoglobin Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.5 u1: gm/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Platelets Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 272 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.91 u1: /mic l rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 62.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 62.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 68 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.6 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 110 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 143 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Magnesium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Phosphorous Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.5 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 68 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 398 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.6 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 110 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 143 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.5 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -14 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 13 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 33 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 234 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:47:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.18 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 11 rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Phenylephrine HCl v1: 60 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Norepinephrine v1: 4 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Propofol (Generic) v1: 1000 u1: mg tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Norepinephrine v1: 8 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: Q24H fs: 5 dn: 1 m1: Famotidine v1: 20 u1: mg m2: Iso-Osmotic Sodium Chloride v2: 50 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: Q48H dn: 0 m1: Levofloxacin v1: 250 u1: mg m2: Dextrose 5% v2: 50 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IH fr: Q6H:PRN m1: Albuterol Inhaler v1: 1-2 u1: PUFF
t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.17 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -13 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 38 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 145 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.17 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:03:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: 1X m1: Sodium Bicarbonate v1: 150 u1: mEq m2: D5W v2: 1000 u2: ml
t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.25 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: CaO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.4241 u1: ml/dl st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 40 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.25 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0.92 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:52:00 30/09/2015] id: SaO2 ABG's el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 96 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd
id: Neosynephrine-k el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions am: 60 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip id: Propofol el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions am: 500 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip id: Heparin el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions am: 25000 du: Uhr rt: IV Drip
io: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 5 ru: ml/hr io: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 9.5 ru: ml/hr io: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 23.76 ru: ml/hr io: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 49.5 ru: ml/hr
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: N/A el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions vo: 50 du: vl rt: Intravenous Push id: Gastric Meds el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric du: ml rt: Gastric/Feeding Tube id: .9% Normal Saline el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions vo: 1000 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22.3881 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.6 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 35 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.6 st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.1 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 11.5 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 31.8 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 3 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 600 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 600 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [08:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 35.2778 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95.5 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/O2 Issues st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Daily Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: BSA el: 1033 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Admit Wt el: 1032 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 v1: 66 u1: kg t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 1 el: 1020 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Diagnosis/op el: 1023 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Service el: 1026 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 v1: MED t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Admit Ht el: 1034 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Readmission el: 1014 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Marital Status el: 1006 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 v1: M t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Religion el: 1000 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 v1: PRO t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 2 el: 1021 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Ext el: 1010 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: PIN el: 1012 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Allergy 3 el: 1022 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: mmHg v2: 64 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Po Intake PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 103 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 6159 id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 900 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Right Femoral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Icteric v2: Cloudy st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Moist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 10 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 60 id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 3840 id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.5 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 2100 id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.8 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 60 id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 49.5 vu: ml nb: 1
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 60 id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 6159 id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 60 id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:30:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 6249 id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 7915 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Absent v2: Absent st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Flat in Bed st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Absent v2: Absent st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Stool Guaiac el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Back st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 48 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
id: Levophed-k el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions am: 4 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip
io: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 24.75 ru: ml/hr
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] dt: 5790 id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 20 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 6099 id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped
t0: [09:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: EKG st: NotStopd
t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 1000 vu: ml
t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Urinalysis st: NotStopd
t0: [09:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.12 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:25:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: BPM st: NotStopd
t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 57 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: mmHg v2: 51 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.15 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:35:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 65 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 59 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg v2: 46 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 59.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 65 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd
tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Docusate Sodium v1: 100 u1: mg tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metoprolol v1: 100 u1: mg tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metoprolol v1: 50 u1: mg tf: [04:00:00 30/09/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Lisinopril v1: 10 u1: mg tf: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Vancomycin HCl v1: 1000 u1: mg m2: Iso-Osmotic Dextrose v2: 200 u2: ml tf: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Acetylcysteine 20% v1: 600 u1: mg tf: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Phenylephrine HCl v1: 60 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: Q12H fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metronidazole v1: 500 u1: mg m2: NS v2: 100 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: SC fr: ASDIR m1: Insulin v1: 0 u1: UNIT
t0: [09:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Radiologic Study el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: CT scan st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 104 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [10:15:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg v2: 60 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 200 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 47.52 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 23 vu: ml
t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: PO/Gastric In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 910 ap: none
t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Cardiac Echo st: NotStopd
t0: [10:40:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 405 rs: Final st: NotStopd
id: Levophed-k el: 101 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips am: 8 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip id: Dopamine el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions am: 400 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip
io: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 49.5 ru: ml/hr
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 59 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg v2: 33 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 51 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/O2 Issues st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 1740 id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 1.54688 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 5919 id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 99 vu: ml
t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 30/09/2015] tf: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] dt: 870 id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.1111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Brown v2: Sludge st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.16 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: CaO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15.8534 u1: ml/dl st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -11 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 48 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 89 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.16 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: SaO2 ABG's el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 93 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 17.1429 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: ETT Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.6 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 35 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:3.4 st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 11.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9.33 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 21 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 91 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Blood Tinged v2: Thin st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Scant st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 590 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 600 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Absent v2: Doppler st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Absent v2: Absent st: NotStopd
t0: [12:27:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd
t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 223 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:07:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 223 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 45 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg v2: 77 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml
t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.1875 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 59.8125 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 21 vu: ml
t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Sodium Bicarbonate el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W IV Infusions am: 150 du: mEq rt: Intravenous Push
io: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 500 ru: ml/hr
tf: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 13 dn: 1 m1: Calcium Gluconate v1: 2 u1: gm tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Large Volume rt: IV fr: INFUSION m1: Sodium Bicarbonate v1: 150 u1: mEq m2: D5W v2: 1000 u2: ml tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: DopAmine v1: 400 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W IV Infusions du: ml rt: Intravenous Infusion
t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1
t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 19 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 43 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 95 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.23 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: CaO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.3745 u1: ml/dl st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0.97 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:11:00 30/09/2015] id: SaO2 ABG's el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 96 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 52 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2.5 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 3.09375 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11.88 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] tf: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 150 id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 24.75 vu: ml
t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.15 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:40:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [13:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Brown v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [13:45:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd
tf: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 14 dn: 1 m1: Calcium Gluconate v1: 2 u1: gm
t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg v2: 64 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: EKG st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2.5 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 3.09375 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11.88 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 8.25 vu: ml
t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.15 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [10:40:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 14 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd
t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.1875 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 15.4688 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 110 vu: ml
t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd
t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 38.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 38.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 65 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 226 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 65 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 226 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg v2: 60 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 114 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Radiologic Study el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Chest Xray st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.1667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.9 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 47.85 vu: ml st: Stopped t0: [09:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.1875 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 12.375 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 70 vu: ml
t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.075 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 55 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Brown v2: Sludge st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bair Hugger v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd
t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 140 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 3300 id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.5 vu: ml st: Stopped t0: [11:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [13:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.5 vu: ml st: Restart t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.1875 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 21.78 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 9.28125 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 90 vu: ml
t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.075 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 55 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 5619 id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.025 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [16:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Line Placement st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2 D/C Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Right Femoral st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#2InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: ? v2: ? st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RL Ant Forearm v2: 18 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sputum Cx st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd
t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 13.7931 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 0.6 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 1:2.4 st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 12.3 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 14.4 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 34 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 20 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 4 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 34 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: Blood Tinged v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 470 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rare st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 52 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 64 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.5 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 12.375 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 24.75 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] tf: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 60 id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 8mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Drips el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 274 vo: 3.09375 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 110 vu: ml
t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [17:15:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.32 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 24 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 44 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 120 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.32 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [18:40:00 30/09/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd
t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 166 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 166 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [18:18:00 30/09/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.01 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.5 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 12.375 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 25.74 vu: ml
t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 494 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Done st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: ? v2: ? st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RL Ant Forearm v2: 18 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.8333 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.3 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bair Hugger v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 12 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [19:00:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml st: Stopped t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2.5 vu: ml t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 4.75 vu: ml t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.1875 vu: ml t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 12.87 vu: ml t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 350 vu: ml
t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.37 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: CaO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.6102 u1: ml/dl st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 26 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 43 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 117 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.37 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:51:00 30/09/2015] id: SaO2 ABG's el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 97 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 20 dn: 1 m1: Calcium Gluconate v1: 2 u1: gm
t0: [18:00:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 29 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.7931 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.4 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 15 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 35 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 420 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: None st: NotStopd
t0: [19:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 34 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: ? v2: ? st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RL Ant Forearm v2: 18 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 46 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bair Hugger v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 19 vu: ml t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 24.75 vu: ml t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 51.48 vu: ml t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 450 vu: ml
t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 1 id: Total Hourly Output el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 1 id: Net Hourly Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: IV Infusion In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 12926.8 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total In el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 13836.8 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: Urine Out Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 1244 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 12592.8 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total Out el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 1244 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] dt: multiple days id: LOS Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 12592.8 ap: none
t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.37 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 26 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 44 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 128 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.37 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0.99 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:50:00 30/09/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [21:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fam Talked to RN st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: ? v2: ? st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RL Ant Forearm v2: 18 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.6667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bair Hugger v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 rs: Manual st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 12.5 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.75 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 30.9375 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 64.35 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 500 vu: ml
t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [22:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 950 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 46.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 46.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 122 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 546 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.7931 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2.4 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.6 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 450 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 104 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 129 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3.0303 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: PRN m1: Calcium Gluconate v1: 2 u1: gm
t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 49 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 60.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 200 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 21.625 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 19.875 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 51.48 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 525 vu: ml
t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3.0303 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg v2: 49 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3.0303 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped
t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 52 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 65.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 158 u1: mmHg v2: 98 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PAC's st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 16.1375 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 25.74 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 250 vu: ml
t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:30:00 01/10/2015] tf: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] dt: 865 id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 10.0202 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 65 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.9899 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Total Hourly Output el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Net Hourly Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 22 cv: 22 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: IV Infusion In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 22 cv: 4409.56 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total In el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 22 cv: 4844.56 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Urine Out Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 4495 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 22 cv: 349.56 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total Out el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 4495 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: multiple days id: LOS Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 22 cv: 12942.4 ap: none
t0: [23:30:00 30/09/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 37 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: ? v2: ? st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RL Ant Forearm v2: 18 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 134 u1: mmHg v2: 80 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.3889 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97.5 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bair Hugger v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 7.4 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 25.74 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 300 vu: ml
t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 67.9293 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 12 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.8148 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RSBI Not Completed el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.5 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 31 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 450 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [23:00:00 30/09/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 34 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 35 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 31 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36 u1: BPM st: NotStopd
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 28 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 47 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 121 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.04 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: WBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 31.4 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Hemoglobin Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.1 u1: gm/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Platelets Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 188 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: RBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.24 u1: /mic l rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg v2: 52 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 22 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 17.3 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 53.8 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 500 vu: ml
t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 67.9293 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.9899 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 67.9293 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3.0303 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 63.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 63.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg v2: 50 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 31 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 3.75 vu: ml t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 8.25 vu: ml t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 5.625 vu: ml t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 20.175 vu: ml
t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 67.9293 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5.9798 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 65 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.8 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 106 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 96 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Magnesium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Phosphorous Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.8 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 142 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 65 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 527 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.8 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 106 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 96 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.8 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 142 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 104 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 82 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 32 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 67.9293 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 33 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.5455 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 11.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.6 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Blood Tinged v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 460 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PainLevel Acceptable el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Hemodyn Issue st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 114 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Children st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.1667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97.1 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 12 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 9.9 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.8 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 400 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 24 rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PR fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Aspirin v1: 300 u1: mg
t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg v2: 49 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 58.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PainLevel Acceptable el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 125 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Back st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 11 dn: 1 m1: Hydralazine HCl v1: 10 u1: mg tf: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: NG fr: ONCE fs: 11 dn: 1 m1: Potassium Chloride v1: 40 u1: mEq
id: .9% Normal Saline el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions vo: 1000 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 129 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 129 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg v2: 45 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 60 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Dysrhythmia st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 144 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: mmHg v2: 83 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 138 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 2220 id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 400 vu: ml
t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 7 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 7 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.0404 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [11:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 146 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 153 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: mmHg v2: 82 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 4514 id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.11 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 144 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 65 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: mmHg v2: 39 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 47 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: mmHg v2: 45 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 54.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.22 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Vasopressin el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions am: 200 du: Umin rt: IV Drip id: Vasopressin el: 200 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions am: 200 du: Umin rt: IV Drip
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: D5W el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.6054 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.4 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.8 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34.4 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PainLevel Acceptable el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg v2: 43 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 51.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 32 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.1111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.8 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg v2: 51 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg v2: 48 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 58 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg v2: 51 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 59 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 133 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70 u1: mmHg v2: 45 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 53.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Cardioversion st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 147 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 144 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: mmHg v2: 77 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supravent Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 6 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:25:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:59:00 01/10/2015] id: Vancomycin/Random Drug Level el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Low Cont Suction v2: Brown st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bronchial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 86 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 12 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 8.48958 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 6.49688 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 250 vu: ml
t0: [12:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:40:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:45:00 01/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 4434 id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:50:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [12:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: mmHg v2: 51 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 64 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: mmHg v2: 42 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 52.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: mmHg v2: 45 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 54 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.75 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fam Talked to RN st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Spouse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Flat in Bed st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Children st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Back st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 64 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg v2: 49 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 60 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.22 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 26 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 45 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 102 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [13:24:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 131 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 149 u1: mmHg v2: 83 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 104 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.22 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [13:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [14:06:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg v2: 38 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 48 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg v2: 43 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 50 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 134 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 131 u1: mmHg v2: 90 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103.667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 149 u1: mmHg v2: 86 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 149 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 7 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:05:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 7 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:20:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Back st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 10.3125 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml
t0: [12:21:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 83.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [12:21:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 83.3 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 79 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg v2: 38 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 48.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg v2: 58 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:15:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Midazolam HCl v1: 50 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 50 u2: ml tf: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 16 dn: 1 m1: Magnesium Sulfate v1: 2 u1: gm tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Midazolam HCl v1: 100 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 100 u2: ml
t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.33 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 25 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 45 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 103 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:58:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.33 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 80 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PainLevel Acceptable el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg v2: 83 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 154 u1: mmHg v2: 90 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 10.1062 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 23.76 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 9.9 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 400 vu: ml
t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:30:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [15:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 28.5 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.8148 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.5 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 11.6 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.8 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Blood Tinged v2: Plug st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 6.7 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Magnesium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Phosphorous Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.1 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 577 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 6.7 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.1 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [13:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Conferenc st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Distended st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Crackles st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Children st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.8333 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.3 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 13 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sl. Limited st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 152 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sinus Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 167 u1: mmHg v2: 97 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Full Code st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 104 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous Weight el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 114 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 300 vu: ml
t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:35:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:45:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [16:55:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Midazolam el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions am: 50 du: mghr rt: IV Drip
tf: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 18 dn: 1 m1: Vancomycin HCl v1: 1000 u1: mg m2: Iso-Osmotic Dextrose v2: 200 u2: ml tf: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 18 dn: 1 m1: Calcium Gluconate v1: 2 u1: gm
id: .9% Normal Saline el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions vo: 50 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: CoWker v1: 121 rs: Manual st: NotStopd
t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd
t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 62 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 109 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 107 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 62 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 109 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 107 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 144 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [15:10:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 25 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 19 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 87.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 19 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [17:58:00 01/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 87.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Children st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fam Talked to RN st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 64.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: mmHg v2: 55 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 60 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 1080 id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 11 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 300 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 960 id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [17:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 4179 id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1100 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 60 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: PO/Gastric In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 60 ap: none
t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
id: Packed RBC's el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: Packed RBC's IV Infusions du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.39 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 36 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [19:56:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.39 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.1111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.8 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No Apparent Prob st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 14 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 1680 id: Packed RBC's IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Packed RBC's IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 375 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 120 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Blood Products Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 375 ap: none
t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.8148 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2.2 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.4 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 80 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 3 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 350 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 400 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 129 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 31 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [19:00:00 01/10/2015] tf: [03:01:00 02/10/2015] dt: 481 id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 2.4 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 2.4 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: ASDIR fs: 22 m1: Potassium Chloride v1: 40 u1: mEq
t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.4 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.5 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 740 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Good st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: mmHg v2: 50 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 62 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 108 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No Apparent Prob st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Adequate st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 15 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rare st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 127 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 84 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [22:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 01/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd
t0: [22:30:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 528 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 141 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 36 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 92 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:33:00 02/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 141 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 139 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tachypneic st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 260 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 79.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [00:20:00 02/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 79.7 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [22:30:00 01/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 17 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.0556 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.7 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg v2: 62 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 71 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 70 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 132 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Scant st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 220 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Total Hourly Output el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Net Hourly Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: IV Infusion In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 557 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total In el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 647 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: PO/Gastric In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 30 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Urine Out Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 2260 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: -1613 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total Out el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 2260 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: multiple days id: LOS Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 11329.4 ap: none
t0: [03:01:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: WBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 31.5 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Hemoglobin Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.2 u1: gm/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Platelets Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 159 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.26 u1: /mic l rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 70 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.2 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 114 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 135 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Magnesium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Phosphorous Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.9 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 147 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 70 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 626 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.2 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 25 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 114 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 135 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.9 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 147 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.8 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 90 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 670 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RSBI (<100) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 37.037 u1: units st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RSBI (<200) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 37.037 u1: units st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Spon RR (Mech.) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Spon. Vt (L) (Mech.) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.54 u1: L st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 7 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 77 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.6667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Called st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 72 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 114 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 147 u1: mmHg v2: 80 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg v2: 82 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diminished st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 270 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.1 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 600 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [06:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Called st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 159 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Previous WeightF el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71.6 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 2 vu: ml
t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Called st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 7 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 131 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92.3333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Compress Sleeves v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 164 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Management el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: IV Gtt st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: RestraintReapply st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.6667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sl. Limited st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 14 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 115 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 120 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 1 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.7 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 11.8 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 19 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 640 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 26 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 44 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 92 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.36 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:05:00 02/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 115 vo: 0 st: D/C'd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 50.0ml + 50mghr Midazolam IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 189 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
tf: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Docusate Sodium v1: 100 u1: mg tf: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Senna v1: 2 u1: TAB tf: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Senna v1: 2 u1: TAB tf: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metoprolol v1: 12.5 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Docusate Sodium (Liquid) v1: 100 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Senna v1: 2 u1: UDCUP
t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 151 u1: mmHg v2: 79 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 82 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100.333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 164 u1: mmHg v2: 88 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 220 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Midazolam el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: .9% Normal Saline vo: 0 du: mghr sv: 50 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 86 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Compress Sleeves v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 166 u1: mmHg v2: 89 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 17 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Back st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 140 vu: ml
t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Blood Products Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none
io: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 10 ru: ml/hr
id: Promote w/fiber el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding du: str rt: Gastric/Feeding Tube
t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fam Talked to RN st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 7 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: mmHg v2: 79 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94.6667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 162 u1: mmHg v2: 89 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sputum Cx st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 16 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.6 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 80 vu: ml
t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 12.7 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1.5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 630 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 139 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 169 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Visited st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 45 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 91 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106.333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Compress Sleeves v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 173 u1: mmHg v2: 96 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] tf: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 300 id: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 160 vu: ml
t0: [13:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [14:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 132 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 160 u1: mmHg v2: 86 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Small st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 To pain st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 8 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 142 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101.333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 176 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rhonchi st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Axillary st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.7222 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.1 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 180 vu: ml
t0: [15:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.6 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 15 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 620 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 139 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102.333 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Compress Sleeves v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 177 u1: mmHg v2: 93 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Cartridge/Bag Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Initials (2 RNs) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Med Wasted/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 D/C Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd
io: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 10 ru: ml/hr
t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Po Intake PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 103 vo: 0 st: D/C'd t0: [19:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Promote w/fiber Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 189 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
tf: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q6H fs: 19, 1, 7, 13 dn: 4 m1: Hydralazine HCl v1: 10 u1: mg
id: Nepro el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: Nepro Tube Feeding du: str rt: Gastric/Feeding Tube
t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: H2 Blocker st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 To pain st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 8 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Introducer v2: Right IJ st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Compress Sleeves v2: Off st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 177 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 119 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Tenacious st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.2778 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.1 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 11 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 210 vu: ml
t0: [20:01:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [20:01:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [20:01:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#3SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [20:01:00 02/10/2015] id: AntiEmbDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd
t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 18.4 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 690 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 143 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 171 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] tf: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 1140 id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 160 vu: ml
t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [21:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [20:53:00 02/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [20:53:00 02/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 154 u1: mmHg v2: 98 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116.667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 187 u1: mmHg v2: 100 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 33 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 140 vu: ml
t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 02/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Tube Feeds In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 60 ap: none
t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Line Placement st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 162 u1: mmHg v2: 100 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120.667 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 192 u1: mmHg v2: 102 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 131 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Radiologic Study el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Chest Xray st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [22:30:00 02/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 23 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg
id: Propofol el: 200 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions am: 500 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip
t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: NBP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: NBP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: WarmingDevice/Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd
t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Packed RBC's IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
id: N/A el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions vo: 50 du: vl rt: Intravenous Push id: TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual du: ml rt: Gastric/Feeding Tube
t0: [23:40:00 02/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [23:40:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [23:40:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd
t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16.3 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 620 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [00:25:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 02/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Change in Vitals st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 To pain st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 8 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 Localizes Pain st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 213 u1: mmHg v2: 117 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 31 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.6111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.7 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 rs: Manual st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 11 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 174 u1: mmHg v2: 90 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 02/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 70 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 50 vu: ml
t0: [00:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [00:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: PO/Gastric In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 520 ap: none
t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 116 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sinus Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 190 u1: mmHg v2: 100 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 2259 id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 2259 id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 40 vu: ml
t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 480 id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [01:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Total Hourly Output el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 12 cv: 12 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Net Hourly Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 8 cv: 8 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: IV Infusion In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 20 cv: 741.68 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total In el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 20 cv: 1761.68 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Tube Feeds In Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 500 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Urine Out Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 12 cv: 1344 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 8 cv: -122.32 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total Out el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 12 cv: 1884 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: multiple days id: LOS Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN pv: 8 cv: 11207 ap: none
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Propofol (Generic) v1: 1000 u1: mg
t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.42 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 0 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 24 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 36 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 116 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:11:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.42 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.3 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 13.8 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 540 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PT el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INR Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PT(11-13.5) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 16.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 17.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: WBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 17.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 32 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Hemoglobin Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10 u1: gm/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Platelets Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 214 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.27 u1: /mic l rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 17.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 49.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 49.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 142 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 138 u1: mmHg v2: 73 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Pain st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 140 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Weak Palpable v2: Weak Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.3333 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.2 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Back Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bath el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Behavior el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Hypoactive st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 11 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 1140 id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 50 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 20 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 130 vu: ml
t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [02:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [04:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 68 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.2 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 150 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Magnesium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Phosphorous Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.8 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 146 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 68 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 8.2 u1: mg/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 22 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 111 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 150 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.1 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.8 u1: mEq/L rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 146 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: mmHg v2: 65 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RSBI (<100) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32.3529 u1: units st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RSBI (<200) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 32.3529 u1: units st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Spon RR (Mech.) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Spon. Vt (L) (Mech.) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.68 u1: L st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 03/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 6 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8 st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.7 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 670 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [05:20:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg v2: 79 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 50 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 30 vu: ml
t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 152 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.2778 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97.3 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occ. Moist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 12 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 960 id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 35 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 50 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 100 vu: ml
t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.39 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 36 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 100 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [08:23:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.39 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 145 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 30 vu: ml
t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.3 st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16.3 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 92 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 680 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [09:10:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [07:51:00 03/10/2015] id: PTT Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 58.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:51:00 03/10/2015] id: PTT(22-35) Coags el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 58.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 145 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 18 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 120 vu: ml
t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: BID fs: 10, 22 dn: 2 m1: Metoprolol v1: 25 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QD fs: 10 dn: 1 m1: Aspirin v1: 325 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: PO fr: QID fs: 10, 14, 18, 22 dn: 4 m1: Nystatin Oral Suspension v1: 5 u1: ml
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: CoWker v1: 144 rs: Manual st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 159 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.3889 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97.5 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 100 vu: ml
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 166 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.8333 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.3 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 40 vu: ml
t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Free Water Bolus el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: Free Water Bolus PO/Gastric du: ml rt: Nasogastric
t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Back Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 186 u1: mmHg v2: 98 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 27 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 1659 id: Free Water Bolus PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 50 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 70 vu: ml
t0: [13:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 155 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 30 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 80 vu: ml
t0: [14:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 165 u1: mmHg v2: 89 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 70 vu: ml
t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd
t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [15:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 40 vu: ml
t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 205 u1: mmHg v2: 114 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 144 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 29 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 202 u1: mmHg v2: 118 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 148 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [15:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [15:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [15:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 16 dn: 1 m1: Fentanyl Citrate v1: 25 u1: mcg
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Teeth/Tissue WNL st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 140 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.1111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.8 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Cloudy st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 30 vu: ml
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.5 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.3 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 17.7 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 740 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
tf: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 17 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg
t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: CoWker v1: 142 rs: Manual st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Back Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 120 vu: ml t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vu: ml st: Stopped t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Free Water Bolus PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 150 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 1239 id: Gastric Oral Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 80 vu: ml t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Gastric Oral Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 300 vu: ml
t0: [16:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 137 u1: mmHg v2: 74 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 152 u1: mmHg v2: 79 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 101 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [17:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [18:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 175 u1: mmHg v2: 100 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 126 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 70 vu: ml
t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tolerated Well st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [19:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd
tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q6H fs: 19, 1, 7, 13 dn: 4 m1: Hydralazine HCl v1: 20 u1: mg
t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 107 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 160 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 28 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 172 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [19:15:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [19:30:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 143 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 112 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: EKG st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: mmHg v2: 84 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 106 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 60 vu: ml
t0: [19:45:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 20 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg
t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.6 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6.3 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 21.7 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Not Applicable st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 740 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [20:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE MR1 fs: 21 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped v2: Undigested Food st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sinus Tachy st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 155 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Pain Management el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: IV Push st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.6667 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.8 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Immobile st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 10 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 80 vu: ml
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 240 vu: ml t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Gastric Oral Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 240 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 12 vu: ml
t0: [22:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Gastric Out Total el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN cv: 540 ap: none
tf: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q2H:PRN m1: Fentanyl Citrate v1: 25 u1: mcg
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 89 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 110 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 12 vu: ml
tf: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q1H fs: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 dn: 24 m1: Fentanyl Citrate v1: 25 u1: mcg
t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: GI Guaiac/ph el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Positive v2: 5-7 st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [21:00:00 03/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Tube Feeding st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Family Communication el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Family Called st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 6 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Feeding v2: Bilious st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Left Side st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yellow v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Suctioned v2: Moderate st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.4444 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99.4 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Clear st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Immobile st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 10 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 100 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 0 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 600 id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Gastric Meds PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 50 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Free Water Bolus PO/Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: PO/Gastric In Total el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 300 ap: none
t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.5 st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7.9 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 20.4 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Not Applicable st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 790 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [00:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [00:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 129 rs: Manual st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 76 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 240 id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [01:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 64 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 10 vu: ml
t0: [02:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [02:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd
t0: [02:45:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 250 vu: ml
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Assess Method el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Non-verbal cues st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fair st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 78 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Not Indicated st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.0556 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.7 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side to Side st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 5 vu: ml
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Total Hourly Output el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 1 id: Net Hourly Balance el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 0 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: IV Infusion In Total el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 5438.22 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total In el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 5788.22 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Tube Feeds In Total el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 50 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Urine Out Total el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 173 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 5365.22 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: 24h Total Out el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 423 ap: none t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: multiple days id: LOS Net Body Balance el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 16572.3 ap: none
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: WBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Hematocrit Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 29.3 u1: % rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Hemoglobin Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 9.5 u1: gm/dl rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Platelets Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 231 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RBC Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 2.95 u1: /mic l rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: WBC (4-11,000) Hematology el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 23.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 88 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: mmHg v2: 75 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 21 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 22 vu: ml
t0: [04:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: BUN el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 89 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Chloride Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 117 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Creatinine Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 147 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Potassium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sodium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 152 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: BUN (6-20) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 89 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Carbon Dioxide Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 20 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Chloride (100-112) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 117 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 3.8 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Glucose (70-105) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 147 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 4.4 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sodium (135-148) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 152 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.5 st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7.6 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 19 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Not Applicable st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: . st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 820 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: CPAP+PS st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd
t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Plug st: NotStopd t0: [04:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Copious st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 Reason DC'D el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 st: D/C'd
t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Medicated st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Dorsal PedPulse R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Easily Palpable v2: Easily Palpable st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Eye Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 To pain st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 7 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped v2: Bilious st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: HOB el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 30 degrees st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 100 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 D/C Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 7 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 Insert Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 2 st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV #1 Site/Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: LL Ant Forearm v2: 20 gauge st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedrest st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: IV Site Appear #1 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Activity Tolerance el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Poor st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Stimul st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 4 Flex-withdraws st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Oral Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 158 u1: mmHg v2: 88 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 109 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Supine st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: PostTib. Pulses R/L el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Diff to Palpate v2: Diff to Palpate st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Assistance Device el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 2 Person Assist st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Skin Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 95 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Turn el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Right Side st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Amber v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Back Care el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Bath el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Present st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Immobile st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rarely Moist st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Poor st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 10 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Limited st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 154 u1: mmHg v2: 94 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 25 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 579 id: TF Residual Gastric/TF Residual el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 109 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Nepro Tube Feeding el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 10 vu: ml st: Stopped t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 80 vu: ml t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Gastric Oral Gastric el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 250 vu: ml
t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [23:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 24 id: Gastric Out Total el: 2 cu: -1 cg: RN cv: 250 ap: none
t0: [05:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RSBI Not Completed el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Isch/Arrhythmia st: NotStopd
t0: [05:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 156 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 140 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 141 u1: mmHg v2: 87 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 103 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 125 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 133 u1: mmHg v2: 83 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [05:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [05:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Neosynephrine-k el: 200 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions am: 60 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip
tf: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 6 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 6 dn: 1 m1: Fentanyl Citrate v1: 25 u1: mcg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 6 dn: 1 m1: Metoprolol v1: 5 u1: mg
id: D5W el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rare st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 132 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 108 u1: mmHg v2: 67 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rare st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 105 u1: mmHg v2: 61 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 74 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temp. Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 36.8333 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.3 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 152 rs: Manual st: NotStopd
t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 150 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 20 vu: ml
t0: [05:50:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pressure Support el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 15 u1: . st: NotStopd
t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 86 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg v2: 46 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 56 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 23 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 500 vu: ml
t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: mmHg v2: 43 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 50 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 24 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1
t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] tf: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] dt: 150 id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 9.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -12 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 34 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 158 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.23 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [06:43:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 9.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 85 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 117 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 79 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] dt: 135 id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 8.25 vu: ml t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 4 vu: ml
t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 180 id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [07:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 22.5806 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 45 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:1.8 st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 4.5 st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 10 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 21.4 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 36 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 750 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 700 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [06:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: RAMP st: NotStopd
t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.24 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -12 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 14 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 31 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 193 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.24 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [07:48:00 04/10/2015] id: Ionized Calcium Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 1.2 rs: Final st: NotStopd
tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO m1: Phenylephrine HCl v1: 60 u1: mg m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml
id: .45% Normal Saline el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: .45% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions vo: 1000 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Rare st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 128 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Culture/remarks st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [10:06:00 04/10/2015] dt: 126 id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 33 vu: ml t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 8 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Fluid Bolus st: NotStopd
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 120 id: .45% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 1000 vu: ml
t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Less Restrict Meas. el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Orientation st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Range of Motion el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Circulation/SkinInt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Circulation Adeq st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: A-Line v2: Left Radial st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1 Zero/Cal el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#1SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4 Type/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Multi-lumen v2: Left IJ st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4InsertDate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 9 v2: 5 st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV Line#4SiteAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: WNL st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: INV#1 WaveformAppear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Sharp st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Position Change el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Reason For Restraint el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Ext/TXInterfere st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Removed x 5 Mins el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Both Arms st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraint Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft Limb st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Restraints Evaluated el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Behavior Conts st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Side Rails el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Side Rails Up st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Skin Integrity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Intact st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Support Systems el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Relative st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Activity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Bedfast st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Frict/Shear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Potential Prob st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Mobility el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comp. Immobile st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Moisture el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Moist st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Nutrition el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Prob. Inadequate st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden Score el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 10 u1: number st: NotStopd t0: [08:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Braden SensoryPercep el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Very Limited st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Pain Present el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Calm/Cooperative st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Daily Wake Up el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: No/Not Sedated st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Prophylaxis el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Proton/Pump/Inhi st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Diet Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: NPO st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Eye Opening el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GCS Total el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 3 u1: points st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI Intub #1/Site el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Salem Sump v2: Oral st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Done st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Clamped v2: Bilious st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Abdominal Assessment el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Soft st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: LUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Level of Conscious el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Arouse to Pain st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Motor Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 No Response st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Oral Cavity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Thrush st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Orientation el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: mmHg v2: 69 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RLL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: RUL Lung Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Coarse st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Pattern el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Regular st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature C (calc) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37.1111 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Temperature F el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98.8 u1: Deg. F st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Color/Appear el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Brown v2: Sediment st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Source el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Indwelling Cath st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Verbal Response el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1.0 ET/Trach st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Bowel Sounds el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Absent st: NotStopd
t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 3.96 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 24.75 vu: ml t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 4 vu: ml
t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 18.9189 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 55 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.0 st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 34 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 17 st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 20 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16.2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 20 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 50 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 42 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 40 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Color/Consist el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Tan v2: Thick st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sputum Source/Amt el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Suctioned v2: Scant st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 730 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 700 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [09:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: SQUARE st: NotStopd
id: Dopamine el: 200 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions am: 400 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip
id: D5W el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 77 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Normal Sinus st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 56 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.18 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -15 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 31 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 193 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.18 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [09:17:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 12 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 150 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: mmHg v2: 51 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 90 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 133 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg v2: 57 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 98 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 76 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 63 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 73 u1: mmHg v2: 53 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 61 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 1000 vu: ml t0: [09:15:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 60mcgkgmin Neosynephrine-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 416 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 257 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 5 vu: ml t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 1.98 vu: ml t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 0 vu: ml
t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 164 id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:16:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:20:00 04/10/2015] tf: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] dt: 70 id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:35:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:37:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 115 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg v2: 54 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 68 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Procedures el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 118 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 82 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 69 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:39:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [09:46:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
id: Levophed-k el: 200 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions am: 4 du: mcgkgmin rt: IV Drip id: Sodium Bicarbonate el: 100 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions am: 150 du: mEq rt: Intravenous Push id: Vasopressin el: 300 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions am: 200 du: Umin rt: IV Drip
io: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ra: 1000 ru: ml/hr
t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .45% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 189 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: ASDIR m1: Sodium Bicarbonate v1: 100 u1: mEq
id: D5W el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions vo: 1000 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: D5W el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push id: D5W el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN io: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions vo: 250 du: ml rt: Intravenous Push
t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Compliance (40-60ml) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 19.697 u1: ml/cmH st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: ETT Mark/Location el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 24cm v2: Lip st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: FiO2 Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0.4 u1: torr st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-By (lpm) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 u1: lpm st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Flow-by Sensitivity el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: High Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 55 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: High Resp. Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 30 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: I:E Ratio el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 1:2.4 st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Size el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 8.0 mm st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Airway Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Endotracheal st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Inspired Gas Temp el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33.9 u1: Deg. C st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Intubation Date el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 9 v2: 3 st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Exhaled Min Vol el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 16 st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Low Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 20 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Albuterol st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 6 v2: Atrovent st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Mean Airway Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 14.1 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Minute Volume(Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 18.7 u1: L/min st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: PEEP Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 5 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Peak Flow el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 60 u1: L/m st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Peak Insp. Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 38 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau Pressure el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 33 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Plateau-Off el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Spont) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 0 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Resp Rate (Total) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate Set el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Sensitivity-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 2 u1: cmH2O st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 96 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Obser) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 650 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Tidal Volume (Set) el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 650 u1: ml/B st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Mode el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: Assist Control st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ventilator Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: 7200A st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Waveform-Vent el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RRT v1: SQUARE st: NotStopd
t0: [10:06:00 04/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: -1 ai: 107 vo: 0 st: D/C'd
t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg v2: 59 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 67 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Occasional st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg v2: 63 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 71 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 92 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: None st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 132 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 87 u1: mmHg v2: 66 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 75 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 83 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 168 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 5.83333 vu: ml t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 5.83333 vu: ml t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 274 id: D5W 250.0ml + 400mcgkgmin Dopamine IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 257 vo: 13.6125 vu: ml t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: N/A 50.0vl + 500mcgkgmin Propofol IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 2.31 vu: ml t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 210 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 266 vo: 0 vu: ml nb: 1
t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 115 id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Propofol el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: N/A vo: 0 v1: 10 du: mcgkgmin sv: 50 su: vl rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:05:00 04/10/2015] tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] dt: 115 id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:10:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Unarousable st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 134 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 91 u1: mmHg v2: 68 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 78 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 134 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Vancomycin/Random Drug Level el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PNC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 136 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 80 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 97 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 134 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg v2: 70 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 81 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 4.28 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:25:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Dopamine el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped
tf: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV DRIP fr: TITRATE TO EFFECT m1: Vasopressin v1: 100 u1: UNIT m2: D5W v2: 250 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Large Volume rt: IV fr: ASDIR m1: Sodium Bicarbonate v1: 150 u1: mEq m2: D5W v2: 1000 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 11 dn: 1 m1: Gentamicin v1: 120 u1: mg m2: Isotonic Sodium Chloride v2: 100 u2: ml tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: IV Piggyback rt: IV fr: ONCE fs: 11 dn: 1 m1: Vancomycin HCl v1: 1000 u1: mg m2: Iso-Osmotic Dextrose v2: 200 u2: ml
t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Art.pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.25 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial Base Excess ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: -11 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 15 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaCO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 33 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial PaO2 ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 231 u1: mmHg rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial pH ABG el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 7.25 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 14.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [11:20:00 04/10/2015] id: Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 14.6 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 113 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 94 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 130 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 120 u1: mmHg v2: 85 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 99 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 5 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: SpO2 el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 20 u1: % st: NotStopd t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 123 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 114 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 102 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Do Not Resuscita st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 124 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 9.16667 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 9.16667 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 219 id: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 168 vo: 1000 vu: ml nb: 1 t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 219 id: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 210 vo: 38.5688 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] tf: [14:39:00 04/10/2015] dt: 219 id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 266 vo: 2.75 vu: ml t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 0 vu: ml
t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3.5 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [10:45:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 3 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:15:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.17 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 2.8 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip t0: [11:30:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 0.04 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Riker-SAS Scale el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Unarousable st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 121 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 111 u1: mmHg v2: 81 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 93 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 100.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 105 vo: 250 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: .9% Normal Saline 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 189 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 25000Uhr Heparin IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 107 vo: 10 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 1000.0ml IV Infusions el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 168 vo: 500 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 4mcgkgmin Levophed-k IV Infusions el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 210 vo: 42.075 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: D5W 250.0ml + 200Umin Vasopressin IV Infusions el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN ai: 266 vo: 3 vu: ml t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Urine Out Foley el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN vo: 0 vu: ml
t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip
tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q4H:PRN m1: Lorazepam v1: 2-4 u1: mg tf: [18:00:00 04/10/2015] pt: Unit Dose rt: IV fr: Q4H:PRN m1: Morphine Sulfate v1: 1-5 u1: mg
t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Levophed-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Neosynephrine-k el: 2 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 du: mcgkgmin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Vasopressin el: 3 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 du: Umin sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip st: Stopped
t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comfort Measures st: NotStopd t0: [12:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Significant Events el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Other/Remarks st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Total Bili Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: AST Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 565 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Alk. Phosphate Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 259 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Amylase Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 637 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: CPK Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 484 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: CPK/MB Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 5 rs: Final st: NotStopd t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Total Bili (0-1.5) Chemistry el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 10.9 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [03:00:00 04/10/2015] id: ALT Enzymes el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: 1663 v1: 957 rs: Final st: NotStopd
t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Service Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: MICU st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Code Status el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Comfort Measures st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Risk for Falls el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Yes st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Frequency el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Frequent st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Ectopy Type el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: PVC's st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 66 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heart Rhythm el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Atrial Fib st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 42 u1: mmHg v2: 33 u2: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Arterial BP Mean el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 37 u1: mmHg st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Precautions el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: Universal st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Respiratory Rate el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 26 u1: BPM st: NotStopd t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: calprevflg el: 0 cu: MICU-A cg: RN v1: 1 u1: kg st: NotStopd
t0: [13:00:00 04/10/2015] id: Heparin el: 1 cu: MICU-A cg: RN so: D5W vo: 0 v1: 1000 du: Uhr sv: 250 su: ml rt: IV Drip