QXt0=47409 tf=1163959 id=a40374Xt0=11399 tf=1991819 id=a40374nX$dd=185 ds=7 ld=MALIGN NEOPL PROSTATEX dd=4019 ds=9 ld=HYPERTENSION NOSX&dd=486 ds=2 ld=PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOSXdd=7070 ds=6 ld=DECUBITUS ULCERXdd=78650 ds=8 ld=CHEST PAIN NOSXdd=7907 ds=1 ld=BACTEREMIAX(dd=8082 ds=4 ld=FRACTURE OF PUBIS-CLOSEDX )dd=81382 ds=3 ld=FRACTURE ULNA NOS-CLOSEDX dd=E888 ds=5 ld=FALL NEC & NOS3jX$dd=185 ds=6 ld=MALIGN NEOPL PROSTATEX dd=4019 ds=8 ld=HYPERTENSION NOSX&dd=486 ds=2 ld=PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOSXdd=7070 ds=5 ld=DECUBITUS ULCERXdd=78650 ds=7 ld=CHEST PAIN NOSXdd=7907 ds=1 ld=BACTEREMIAX(dd=8082 ds=4 ld=FRACTURE OF PUBIS-CLOSEDX)dd=81382 ds=3 ld=FRACTURE ULNA NOS-CLOSEDXdd=E888 ds=9 ld=FALL NEC & NOSXdd=5539 ds=3 ld=HERNIA NOSX"dd=71945 ds=2 ld=JOINT PAIN-PELVISX(dd=8082 ds=1 ld=FRACTURE OF PUBIS-CLOSEDXdd=7242 ds=1 ld=LUMBAGOXdd=7242 ds=1 ld=LUMBAGOQXdd=7242 ds=1 ld=LUMBAGOX&dd=81343 ds=2 ld=FX DISTAL ULNA-CLOSEDX#dd=8730 ds=1 ld=OPEN WOUND OF SCALPXdd=E888 ds=3 ld=FALL NEC & NOSQX$dd=7809 ds=2 ld=GENERAL SYMPTOMS NECX(dd=85300 ds=1 ld=TRAUMATIC BRAIN HEM NECuX'dd=51889 ds=2 ld=OTHER LUNG DISEASE NECXdd=78321 ds=1 ld=LOSS OF WEIGHT?HXdd=5640 ds=5 ld=CONSTIPATIONX"dd=71945 ds=3 ld=JOINT PAIN-PELVISX&dd=7200 ds=4 ld=ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITISX)dd=80843 ds=2 ld=PELV FX-CLOS/PELV DISRUPX(dd=81342 ds=1 ld=FX DISTAL RADIUS NEC-CLX)dd=03811 ds=4 ld=STAPHYLOCCOCCUS AUR SEPTX(dd=4280 ds=5 ld=CONGESTIVE HEART FAILUREX&dd=486 ds=1 ld=PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOSX$dd=51881 ds=2 ld=RESPIRATORY FAILUREX"dd=5225 ds=6 ld=PERIAPICAL ABSCESSXdd=7070 ds=3 ld=DECUBITUS ULCERX"dd=71945 ds=2 ld=JOINT PAIN-PELVISX)dd=73390 ds=8 ld=BONE & CARTILAGE DIS NOSX$dd=78605 ds=1 ld=SHORTNESS OF BREATHX )dd=80843 ds=7 ld=PELV FX-CLOS/PELV DISRUPX (dd=V090 ds=9 ld=INF W/ MICR RESIST PENICX >id=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 io=104 vo=100 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX +id=56 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 io=102 du=ml rt=OralxX,tf=1957920 dt=32632 cu=70 di=No Disch Status[6t0=-1740 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1740 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-1740 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX?t0=-1740 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-1740 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1740 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX Kt0=-1740 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=155 u1=mmHg v2=97 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX At0=-1740 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=116.333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX @t0=-1740 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1740 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX:t0=-1740 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1740 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXAt0=-1740 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXAt0=-1740 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX9t0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdt0=-1980 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX7t0=-1980 id=733 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=kg st=NotStopdX:t0=-1980 id=763 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=51.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1020 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdX9t0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX8t0=-1020 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXBt0=-1020 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX4t0=-1020 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=-1020 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX:t0=-1020 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Wet to Dry st=NotStopdX 3t0=-1020 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Red st=NotStopdX!5t0=-1020 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Black st=NotStopdX";t0=-1020 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdX#:t0=-1020 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX$Ht0=-1020 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX%:t0=-1020 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX&>t0=-1020 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdX'=t0=-1020 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdX(9t0=-1020 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX)8t0=-1020 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX*9t0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX+:t0=-1020 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=51.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdX,9t0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX-=t0=-1020 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX.8t0=-1020 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX/7t0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX08t0=-1020 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Children st=NotStopdX17t0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX23t0=-1020 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX36t0=-1020 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX46t0=-1020 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Problem st=NotStopdX5;t0=-1020 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX64t0=-1020 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Moist st=NotStopdX7?t0=-1020 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX8;t0=-1020 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdX9;t0=-1020 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX:>t0=-1020 tf=175380 dt=2940 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=800 vu=ml X?t0=-11400 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-11400 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-11400 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.3 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-11400 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-11400 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-11400 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-11400 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=141 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-11400 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-11400 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX ?t0=-11400 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX ?t0=-11400 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=141 rs=Final st=NotStopdtX;t0=-900 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdt0=-4500 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdX3=t0=-4500 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdX49t0=-4500 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX58t0=-4500 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX69t0=-4500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7:t0=-4500 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=51.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdX89t0=-4500 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX97t0=-4500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX:7t0=-4500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;Ht0=-8100 tf=1936200 dt=32405 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=500 vu=mlX<,t0=-8100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=300 vu=mlX6t0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2580 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.41 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-900 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=129 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-900 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=94 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdY6t0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-2040 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=130 cv=1720 ap=noneX ?t0=-2040 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=-30 cv=-1120 ap=noneX =t0=-2040 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=130 cv=1720 ap=noneX Jt0=-2040 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=-30 cv=-1120 ap=noneX Ht0=84360 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=90 cv=-950 ap=none!X=t0=-10680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdX6t0=-7080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-9180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-9180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-5580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5580 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5580 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopd [Dt0=-1920 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-1920 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1920 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=279 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1920 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.51 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1920 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=19.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdY;t0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-3720 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=106 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=115 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=144 rs=Final st=NotStopdZ6t0=-2340 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2340 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-4500 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.9 rs=Final st=NotStopd X1t0=0 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dX6t0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-2880 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX5t0=-2880 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX8t0=-2880 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2880 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-2880 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXBt0=-2880 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXBt0=-2880 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX >t0=-2880 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX Rt0=-2880 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2880 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2880 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX ?t0=-2880 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX@t0=-2880 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXAt0=-2880 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXt0=-5040 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdxXBt0=-3360 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdXt0=-3360 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdxX8t0=-3480 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXQt0=-3480 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX8t0=-3480 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-3480 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-3480 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-3480 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-3480 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-3480 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-3480 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 7t0=-3480 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX 8t0=-3480 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Jt0=-3480 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX 5t0=-3480 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 4t0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-5160 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5160 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5160 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5160 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=56 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1620 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX5t0=-1620 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-1620 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1620 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1620 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX >t0=-1620 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX Tt0=-1620 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1620 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX?t0=-1620 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX:t0=-1620 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Children st=NotStopdX@t0=-1620 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXAt0=-1620 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdTX;t0=-4320 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=7 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX5t0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=51.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :t0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6t0=-3540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=960 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdX?t0=960 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX:t0=960 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX7t0=960 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdX9t0=960 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdt0=900 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX4t0=900 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXAt0=900 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=35.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX>t0=900 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=95.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX4t0=900 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back st=NotStopdX1t0=0 id=187 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dX 9id=15 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 io=130 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX;t0=-5160 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6t0=-5160 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5160 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5160 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5160 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5160 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5160 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5160 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdZt0=0 id=69 el=1033 cu=70 cg=-1X+t0=0 id=762 el=1032 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=52 u1=kgXt0=0 id=916 el=1020 cu=70 cg=-1X*t0=0 id=917 el=1023 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=HYPOXIAX&t0=0 id=919 el=1026 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MEDXt0=0 id=920 el=1034 cu=70 cg=-1Xt0=0 id=924 el=1014 cu=70 cg=-1X$t0=0 id=925 el=1006 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WX&t0=0 id=926 el=1000 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=JEWX t0=0 id=927 el=1021 cu=70 cg=-1X t0=0 id=930 el=1010 cu=70 cg=-1X t0=0 id=932 el=1012 cu=70 cg=-1X t0=0 id=935 el=1022 cu=70 cg=-1H!X;t0=-3720 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6t0=-3720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-8160 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-8160 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8160 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8160 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-4560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-4560 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=150 cv=1212 ap=noneX +=t0=-4560 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=150 cv=1212 ap=noneX ,t0=-1140 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6t0=-3900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-2460 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=282 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2460 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.51 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2460 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=16.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=35 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=108 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=151 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[Bt0=-37980 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX?t0=-37980 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdX6t0=-37980 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXAt0=-37980 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdXAt0=-37980 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX;t0=-37980 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXEt0=-37980 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX=t0=-37980 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wet to Dry st=NotStopdX6t0=-37980 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Red st=NotStopdX @t0=-37980 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX >t0=-37980 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdX =t0=-37980 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX 9t0=-37980 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-37980 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXt0=-37980 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX t0=-37980 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdX#=t0=-37980 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdX$@t0=-34380 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX%=t0=-30780 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX&9t0=-30780 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX'Rt0=-30780 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX(9t0=-30780 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX)6t0=-30780 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX*9t0=-30780 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX+Ht0=-30780 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX,9t0=-30780 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX-6t0=-30780 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX.9t0=-30780 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX/Kt0=-30780 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX09t0=-30780 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX16t0=-30780 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX27t0=-30780 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back st=NotStopdX3Bt0=-23580 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX4?t0=-23580 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdX56t0=-23580 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX69t0=-23580 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX79t0=-23580 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8;t0=-23580 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Confused st=NotStopdX9Ct0=-23580 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX:?t0=-23580 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bleeding Gum st=NotStopdX;?t0=-23580 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX<@t0=-23580 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX=9t0=-23580 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX>9t0=-23580 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX?@t0=-23580 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX@Bt0=-23580 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXABt0=-23580 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXB=t0=-23580 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXC9t0=-23580 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdXD=t0=-16380 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXE9t0=-16380 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXFRt0=-16380 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdXG9t0=-16380 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXH6t0=-16380 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXI9t0=-16380 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXJHt0=-16380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXK9t0=-16380 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXL6t0=-16380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXM9t0=-16380 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXNKt0=-16380 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXO9t0=-16380 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXP6t0=-16380 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXQ@t0=-16380 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdXR;t0=-16380 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXSEt0=-16380 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXT7t0=-16380 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXU>t0=-16380 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXV=t0=-16380 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdXW;t0=-16380 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXX;t0=-16380 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdXY7t0=-16380 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back st=NotStopdXZ9t0=-16380 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdX[;t0=-9180 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdX\=t0=-9180 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdX]5t0=-9180 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX^8t0=-9180 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX_8t0=-9180 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX`9t0=-9180 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXaBt0=-9180 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXb>t0=-9180 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bleeding Gum st=NotStopdXc?t0=-9180 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXd?t0=-9180 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXe8t0=-9180 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXf8t0=-9180 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXg?t0=-9180 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXhAt0=-9180 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXi>t0=-9180 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXj6t0=-5580 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXk6t0=-5580 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXl;t0=-5580 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXm>t0=-5580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXnJt0=-5580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXo;t0=-5580 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXp;t0=-5580 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXqt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXyJt0=-1980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXz;t0=-1980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX{;t0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX|t0=-4740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-1680 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX4t0=-1680 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXHt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=94 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=51.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Yt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=19.23 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX4t0=-540 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX9t0=-540 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=5.99976 vu=mlX,t0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=80 vu=mlXBt0=-4380 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXBt0=-4380 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX:t0=-4380 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXAt0=-4380 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Serous v2=Small st=NotStopdXIt0=-4380 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Large st=NotStopdXt0=-4380 id=369 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 cm v2=4 cm st=NotStopdX =t0=-4380 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdX t0=-4380 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.51 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=94 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd[;t0=-1860 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=7 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 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C st=NotStopdX1?t0=1560 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX28t0=1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 3Wt0=-9240 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 4Wt0=-5640 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 5Wt0=-2040 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 6Vt0=1560 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dript0=1500 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX St0=1500 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX 7t0=1500 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 7t0=1500 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 8t0=1500 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX?t0=1500 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdX@t0=1500 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX=t0=1500 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX:t0=1500 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdX6t0=-5700 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-5700 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX-t0=-5700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=30 vu=mlX,t0=-2100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=0 vu=mlX5t0=1500 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX7t0=1500 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX+t0=1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=0 vu=mlt0=1440 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX9t0=1440 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Children st=NotStopdX4t0=1440 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Calm st=NotStopdt0=1380 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX>t0=1380 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX7t0=1380 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX?t0=1380 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX5t0=1380 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back st=NotStopd0Xt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-1980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=83 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1980 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1980 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1980 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ut0=-1980 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dript0=-3840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-3840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX t0=-2940 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-2940 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=92 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2940 id=52 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cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-9600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-9600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-9600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-6000 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6000 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6000 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-6000 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6000 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-6000 id=646 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v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX%6t0=-2400 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX&Ct0=-2400 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=36.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX'@t0=-2400 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX(At0=-2400 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX)9t0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX*8t0=-2400 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Present st=NotStopdX+5t0=-2400 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX,6t0=-2400 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX-8t0=-2400 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=37.44 vu=mlX.5t0=-2400 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlX/,t0=-2400 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=0 vu=mlX 0Ut0=-9600 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX 1Wt0=-9600 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 2Ut0=-6000 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX 3Wt0=-6000 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 4Ut0=-2400 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX 5Wt0=-2400 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX 69t0=4800 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=40 cv=40 ap=noneX 7?t0=4800 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=94.96 cv=94.96 ap=noneX 8Ct0=4800 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=134.96 cv=1843.88 ap=noneX 9Bt0=4800 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=134.96 cv=1843.88 ap=noneX :;t0=4800 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=40 cv=565 ap=noneX ;Bt0=4800 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=94.96 cv=1278.88 ap=noneX <:t0=4800 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=40 cv=565 ap=noneXCt0=-3840 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20.0893 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-3840 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-3840 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-3840 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-3840 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-3840 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:3 st=NotStopdX7t0=-3840 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-3840 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdX8=t0=-480 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX98t0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :Vt0=-14880 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ;Xt0=-14880 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Ut0=-7680 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ?Wt0=-7680 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX @Ut0=-4080 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX AWt0=-4080 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX BVt0=-480 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripxX7t0=-11400 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX9t0=-11400 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX6t0=-11400 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX>t0=-11400 tf=24600 dt=600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=40 vu=mlX6t0=-4200 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-4200 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX5t0=-4200 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX-t0=-4200 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=60 vu=mlX4t0=-600 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX 7t0=-600 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX 3t0=-600 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlX ,t0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=20 vu=mlX Tt0=-600 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX;t0=-2340 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-2340 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=95 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=55 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2340 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2340 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ut0=-2340 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-2340 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripXX;t0=-3180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-3180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=107 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Kt0=-3180 tf=241620 dt=4080 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X 5t0=-3180 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX 6t0=-3180 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-3180 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX5t0=-3180 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX5t0=-3180 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=16 vu=mlX Ut0=-3180 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-3180 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Drip$ X;t0=-1920 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1920 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1920 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 't0=-5520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vu=mlX 5t0=-1920 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX 8t0=-1920 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX5t0=-1920 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX4t0=-1920 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=8 vu=mlX-t0=-1920 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=30 vu=mlX Ut0=-1920 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-1920 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dripl XCt0=-6000 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20.7373 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-6000 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-6000 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-6000 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-6000 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:3.1 st=NotStopdX7t0=-6000 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-6000 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-6000 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 8t0=-6000 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 3t0=-6000 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 st=NotStopdX =t0=-6000 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-6000 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=17.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-6000 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=6.97 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX=t0=-6000 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-6000 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=36.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-6000 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-6000 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-6000 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-6000 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-6000 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-2760 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=306 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2760 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.67 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2760 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=16.5 rs=Final st=NotStopd[=t0=-3720 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=35 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=108 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-3720 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopd X:t0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Tt0=-240 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Vt0=-240 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DrippXAt0=-1500 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20.4545 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-1500 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:2.6 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1500 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nasotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-1500 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1500 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 1t0=-1500 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1500 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-1500 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=18.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-1500 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10.2 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX3t0=-1500 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX2t0=-1500 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-1500 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX7t0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX?t0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXBt0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=520 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX>t0=-1500 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-1500 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-1500 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX 4t0=-1500 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopddX6t0=-3780 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-3780 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=36.8333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-3780 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdt0=-3900 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXBt0=-4080 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdX@t0=-4080 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX@t0=-4080 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX:t0=-4080 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdX?t0=-4080 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXDt0=-4080 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXIt0=-4080 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Small st=NotStopdX9t0=-4080 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdXt0=-4080 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopddX?t0=-960 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=1999 v1=22.5 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX Jt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1740 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-1740 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-1740 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=36.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-1740 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX>t0=-5340 tf=95460 dt=1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=50 vu=mlX6t0=-1740 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-1740 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX5t0=-1740 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX5t0=-1740 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=16 vu=mlX-t0=-1740 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=35 vu=mlX Ut0=-5340 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-5340 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Ut0=-1740 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-1740 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dript0=-1800 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX5t0=-1800 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX5t0=-1800 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdt0=-9660 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-9660 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-9660 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX 4t0=-9660 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd,Y>t0=60 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24.1935 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:3.1 st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX9t0=60 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 3t0=60 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX .t0=60 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdX 8t0=60 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=60 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=17.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 8t0=60 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX:t0=60 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX0t0=60 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX/t0=60 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdX5t0=60 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=60 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=500 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX;t0=60 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX3t0=60 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX1t0=60 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdP X=t0=-12600 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-9000 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-9000 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9000 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-9000 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-9000 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-9000 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5400 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-5400 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5400 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5400 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5400 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-5400 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5400 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5400 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-5400 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-5400 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5400 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX!;t0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX"6t0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX#6t0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX$;t0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX%>t0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX&Jt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX';t0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX(;t0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX);t0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX*:t0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX+:t0=-1800 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX,Ct0=-1800 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=36.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX-@t0=-1800 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX.9t0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX/:t0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX05t0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX15t0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX2:t0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX3=t0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX4It0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX5:t0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6:t0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7:t0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX89t0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX98t0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :Vt0=-12600 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ;Xt0=-12600 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Ut0=-5400 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ?Wt0=-5400 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX @Ut0=-1800 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX AWt0=-1800 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX BSt0=-900 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX CVt0=-900 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dript0=-16320 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdX=t0=-16320 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdXTt0=-1920 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Strong/Palpable v2=Strong/Palpable st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX?t0=-1920 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXBt0=-1920 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdX=t0=-1920 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1920 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1920 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX!5t0=-1920 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX";t0=-1920 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdt0=-3000 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-3000 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3000 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3000 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-3000 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3000 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ut0=-3000 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-3000 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dript0=-7020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-7020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=96 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-7020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-3420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-3420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-3420 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-3420 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX5t0=-3420 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX5t0=-3420 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=16 vu=mlX-t0=-3420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=80 vu=mlX Ut0=-7020 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-7020 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Ut0=-3420 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-3420 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Drip` X=t0=-3120 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-3120 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:4 st=NotStopdX7t0=-3120 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-3120 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 3t0=-3120 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 st=NotStopdX =t0=-3120 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-3120 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=19.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-3120 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=6.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3120 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-3120 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-3120 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=31.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-3120 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-3120 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-3120 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4920 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4920 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-1320 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-1320 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=36.2778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-1320 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX8t0=-1320 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX5t0=-1320 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX5t0=-1320 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=16 vu=mlX-t0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=90 vu=mlX Ut0=-4920 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=32 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-4920 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Wt0=-1320 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX !2t0=2280 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=0 ap=noneX "2t0=2280 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=0 ap=noneX #9t0=2280 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=2656.04 ap=noneX $8t0=2280 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=2846.04 ap=noneX %5t0=2280 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=190 ap=noneX &5t0=2280 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=600 ap=noneX 'At0=2280 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=2246.04 ap=carryForwardX (t0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX,Ft0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdX-At0=-1500 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX.At0=-1500 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX/>t0=-1500 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX09t0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX18t0=-1500 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Present st=NotStopdX25t0=-1500 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX36t0=-1500 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX48t0=-1500 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX55t0=-1500 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX65t0=-1500 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX7.t0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=150 vu=mlX 8Ut0=-1500 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX 9Wt0=-1500 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX :3t0=81300 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 cv=0 ap=noneX ;5t0=81300 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=40 ap=noneX ?7t0=81300 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 cv=1080 ap=noneX @It0=81300 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=572 cv=2986.56 ap=carryForwardX A>t0=81300 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 cv=1080 ap=carryForwardX BQt0=81300 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=550 cv=4285 ap=carryForward4X =id=95 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=128 du=ml rt=Gastric/Feeding TubeDX=t0=-2760 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-2760 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-2760 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-2760 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:4 st=NotStopdX7t0=-2760 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-2760 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-2760 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-2760 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 3t0=-2760 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-2760 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-2760 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=17.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-2760 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2760 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-2760 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-2760 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=29.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-2760 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-2760 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-2760 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=2 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-32160 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXDt0=-17760 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=22.2772 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX>t0=-17760 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXCt0=-3660 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=25.8621 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-3660 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXZ Ut0=-3060 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=56 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxX9t0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX4t0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=54 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXHt0=420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 0t0=-6780 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vu=ml es=SmallX 4t0=420 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=420 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX3t0=420 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=24 vu=mlX,t0=420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=100 vu=mlX St0=420 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Ut0=420 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX t0=-1500 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=361 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1500 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.75 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1500 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22.5 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-2160 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-2160 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:4.0 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2160 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXt0=-2160 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-2160 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-2160 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX 4t0=-2160 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd[=t0=-4320 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=34 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4320 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4320 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-4320 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=114 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4320 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4320 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=140 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-8340 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-8340 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-8340 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-8340 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=53 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-8340 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-8340 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8340 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8340 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-8340 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-8340 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-4740 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4740 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX Tt0=-4740 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4740 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4740 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-4740 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-4740 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-4740 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=49 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-4740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdX8t0=-4740 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXQt0=-4740 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX8t0=-4740 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4740 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-4740 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-4740 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-4740 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-4740 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4740 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-4740 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-4740 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-4740 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXJt0=-4740 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX 5t0=-4740 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX!?t0=-4740 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX"?t0=-4740 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX#?t0=-4740 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdX$At0=-4740 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdX%?t0=-4740 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX&:t0=-4740 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Negative st=NotStopdX?Bt0=-4740 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdX@At0=-4740 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXA>t0=-4740 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXB9t0=-4740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXC8t0=-4740 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXD8t0=-4740 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXE8t0=-4740 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXF?t0=-4740 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXG=t0=-4740 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXH6t0=-4740 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXIAt0=-4740 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXJ=t0=-4740 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXKt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-1200 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21.4286 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-1200 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-1200 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:4.0 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1200 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXt0=-1200 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-1200 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-1200 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX 4t0=-1200 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdX;t0=-6960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-6960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-6960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-6960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=53 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-6960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-6960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-6960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-3360 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX Tt0=-3360 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX6t0=-3360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3360 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-3360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-3360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX?8t0=-3360 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX@7t0=-3360 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXAAt0=-3360 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXB6t0=-3360 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXC9t0=-3360 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXD;t0=-3360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXE;t0=-3360 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXF;t0=-3360 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXG@t0=-3360 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXH?t0=-3360 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXI6t0=-3360 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXJ:t0=-3360 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXK:t0=-3360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXL:t0=-3360 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXMt0=-3360 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXQ5t0=-3360 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXR9t0=-3360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXS8t0=-3360 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXT8t0=-3360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXU8t0=-3360 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXV?t0=-3360 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXW=t0=-3360 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXX6t0=-3360 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXYAt0=-3360 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXZ=t0=-3360 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdX[=t0=-3360 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX\5t0=-6960 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX]5t0=-3360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX^Ht0=-3360 tf=101040 dt=1740 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX_8t0=-3360 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=24.96 vu=mlX`8t0=-3360 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=21.25 vu=mlXa.t0=-3360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=130 vu=mlX bUt0=-6960 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=18 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX cWt0=-6960 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX dUt0=-3360 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=18 vo=0 v1=25 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX eWt0=-3360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Drip X;t0=-3060 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-3060 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3060 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3060 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=54 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-3060 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-3060 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3060 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3060 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3060 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-3060 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3060 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-3060 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX 8t0=-3060 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX 7t0=-3060 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=6.25 vu=mlX-t0=-3060 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=10 vu=mlX Ut0=-3060 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-3060 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripP X;t0=-2100 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=54 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-2100 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-2100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2100 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-300 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX :t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXIt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=600 vu=mlX5t0=-2100 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX8t0=-2100 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX4t0=-2100 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlX.t0=-2100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mlX Ut0=-2100 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=18 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Wt0=-2100 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX ^t0=-300 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedX Vt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV Dript0=-1080 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22.5 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-1080 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-1080 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:4.0 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1080 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXt0=-1080 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-1080 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX 4t0=-1080 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdX,t0=-3780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=0 vu=mlhY9t0=-540 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX3t0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX8t0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXFt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=92 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX 8t0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 8t0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 6t0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 6t0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Nt0=-540 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripXZTt0=-1140 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX?t0=-1140 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-1140 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXQt0=-1140 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1140 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 4t0=-1140 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1140 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1140 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1140 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX 7t0=-1140 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdX?t0=-1140 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXBt0=-1140 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-1140 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXTt0=-1140 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX:t0=-1140 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Negative st=NotStopdX:t0=-1140 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-1140 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX>t0=-1140 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-1140 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdX At0=-1140 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX!>t0=-1140 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX"8t0=-1140 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdX#6t0=-1140 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlX$5t0=-1140 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX%8t0=-1140 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX&4t0=-1140 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX',t0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=0 vu=ml X;id=141 el=100 cu=70 cg=2320 io=162 am=20 du=mghr rt=IV DripX(io=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ra=20 ru=ml/hrX @id=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 io=162 vo=200 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX;t0=-2220 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=9 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=57 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2220 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX 8t0=-2220 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=12.48 vu=mlX9t0=-2220 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X4t0=-2220 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.34 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=56 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXIt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1860 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX 7t0=-1860 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=9.36 vu=mlX 5t0=-1860 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX4t0=-1860 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX Wt0=-1860 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 so=140 vo=0 v1=30 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX Rt0=-1860 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX:t0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=51 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-60 tf=370740 dt=6180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=140 vu=mlX Pt0=-60 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX5t0=-240 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX=t0=-240 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=36 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?t0=-240 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=96.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdYCt0=-1020 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=22.1675 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-1020 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:3.7 st=NotStopdX7t0=-1020 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-1020 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1020 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 3t0=-1020 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-1020 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1020 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-1020 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.2 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=30.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=26.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-1020 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-1020 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-1020 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-10080 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdX9t0=-10080 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXRt0=-10080 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX9t0=-10080 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX6t0=-10080 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-10080 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXHt0=-10080 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX9t0=-10080 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-10080 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX @t0=-10080 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX 8t0=-10080 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX 9t0=-10080 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Kt0=-10080 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX6t0=-10080 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXAt0=-10080 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX@t0=-10080 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXBt0=-10080 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Small st=NotStopdXt0=-10080 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Loose Teeth st=NotStopdX@t0=-10080 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX@t0=-10080 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX:t0=-10080 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX:t0=-10080 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXBt0=-10080 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX :t0=-10080 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX!2t0=720 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlX?3t0=720 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX@2t0=720 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX1t0=0 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dH[At0=-840 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=None st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX6t0=-840 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX7t0=-840 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-840 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdX4t0=-840 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX7t0=-840 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXIt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Done st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 8t0=-840 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX!8t0=-840 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX"@t0=-840 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX#5t0=-840 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Done st=NotStopdX$8t0=-840 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX%:t0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX&:t0=-840 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdX':t0=-840 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX(At0=-840 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdX)>t0=-840 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX*9t0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX+9t0=-840 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Children st=NotStopdX,5t0=-840 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX-Bt0=-840 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX.=t0=-840 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX/@t0=-840 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX0@t0=-840 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX1=t0=-840 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX28t0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX37t0=-840 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdX47t0=-840 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Present st=NotStopdX55t0=-840 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX64t0=-840 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX74t0=-840 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX83t0=-840 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX9,t0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 vo=50 vu=mlX :Vt0=-4440 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 so=140 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=50 su=vl rt=IV DripX ;Rt0=-4440 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX 3t0=81960 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=0 ap=noneX ?3t0=81960 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=0 ap=noneX @7t0=81960 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=2180 ap=noneX A6t0=81960 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=2280 ap=noneX B7t0=81960 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=1024 ap=noneX C?t0=81960 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=1256 ap=carryForwardX D>t0=81960 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=1024 ap=carryForwardX EJt0=81960 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=5361 ap=carryForwarddXCt0=-4860 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=22.9592 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-4860 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-4860 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-4860 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-4860 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-4860 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=1:4 st=NotStopdX7t0=-4860 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-4860 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-4860 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 8t0=-4860 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX 3t0=-4860 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-4860 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-4860 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX,9t0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX-8t0=-1380 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2283 v1=Present st=NotStopdX .Rt0=-1380 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2283 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV Drip [8t0=-2160 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXAt0=-2160 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdDXBt0=-1620 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1620 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.8 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1620 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=253 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1620 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.46 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1620 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-840 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20.9302 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=13.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=31.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.36 rs=Final st=NotStopd [=t0=-3840 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3840 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.7 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3840 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=20 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=116 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3840 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=5.1 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3840 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopd@t0=-2220 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX?;t0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX@t0=-2220 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXPt0=-2220 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXT5t0=-2220 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXU9t0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXV8t0=-2220 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXW8t0=-2220 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXX?t0=-2220 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXY=t0=-2220 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXZ6t0=-2220 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdX[:t0=-2220 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdX\=t0=-2220 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdX]=t0=-2220 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX^:t0=1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX_5t0=1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX`5t0=1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXa:t0=1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=55 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXbt0=-900 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=12.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-900 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-7980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-7980 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7980 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7980 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-4380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-4380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-4380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX>t0=-780 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX1At0=-780 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX2>t0=-780 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX3It0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=107 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX4:t0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX5:t0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX68t0=-780 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX76t0=-780 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX8@t0=-780 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX98t0=-780 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX::t0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;5t0=-780 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX<:t0=-780 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX=8t0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=84 u1=% st=NotStopdX>9t0=-780 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Negative st=NotStopdX?9t0=-780 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdX@9t0=-780 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXABt0=-780 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXB?t0=-780 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXC@t0=-780 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXD@t0=-780 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXE=t0=-780 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXF8t0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXG7t0=-780 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXHAt0=-11580 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=ml st=RestartXI5t0=-7980 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXJ5t0=-4380 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXKGt0=-780 tf=938820 dt=15660 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=103 vo=60 vu=mlXL4t0=-780 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXM5t0=-780 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXN4t0=-780 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXO4t0=-780 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXP-t0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=200 vu=mlX QRt0=-7980 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX RRt0=-4380 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX SSt0=-780 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX T5t0=38820 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 cv=60 ap=noneX U5t0=38820 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 cv=40 ap=none4XBt0=-480 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=27.2727 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXt0=-480 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-480 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX =t0=-480 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXt0=-3960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :t0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 5t0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX4t0=-360 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=TEE st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX7t0=-14760 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX7t0=-11160 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX6t0=-3960 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX5t0=-360 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX4t0=-360 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX Rt0=-3960 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX Qt0=-360 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX:t0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-360 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX 4t0=-360 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX 3t0=-360 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX St0=-360 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX;t0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Tt0=-1020 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripTXAt0=-60 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=31.0345 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX6t0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdZBt0=-3360 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-3360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdX8t0=-3360 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXQt0=-3360 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX8t0=-3360 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-3360 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-3360 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-3360 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 4t0=-3360 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX 8t0=-3360 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-3360 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 5t0=-3360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 7t0=-3360 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXAt0=-3360 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Scant st=NotStopdXGt0=-3360 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXt0=-3360 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX08t0=-3360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdX18t0=-3360 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX2?t0=-3360 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX3?t0=-3360 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdX46t0=-3360 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdX5At0=-3360 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX6=t0=-3360 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdX7=t0=-3360 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX85t0=-3360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX96t0=-1560 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX:4t0=240 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX;2t0=240 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX<3t0=240 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX=2t0=240 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mltX:t0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=61 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX /t0=-26100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mlX /t0=-15300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mlX /t0=-11700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mlX St0=-900 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX:t0=-4740 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-4740 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36.1667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-4740 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXGt0=-1140 tf=207660 dt=3480 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX4t0=-1140 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX.t0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mlX Tt0=-1140 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX;t0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-1020 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Qt0=-1020 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1020 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1020 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1020 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-1020 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-1020 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-1020 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1020 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-1020 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-1020 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-1020 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXAt0=-1020 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Yellow v2=Scant st=NotStopdXGt0=-1020 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXt0=-1020 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX89t0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX9;t0=-1020 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdX:8t0=-1020 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX;?t0=-1020 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXAt0=-1020 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX?=t0=-1020 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdX@>t0=-1020 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXA6t0=-1020 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXB6t0=-1020 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXCDt0=-1020 tf=9780 dt=180 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXD4t0=-1020 id=347 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXE-t0=-1020 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 vo=14 vu=mlX FXt0=-1020 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 so=13 vo=0 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=Stoppedt0=-960 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=11.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-960 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=9.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX=t0=-960 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXt0=-960 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=21.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX4t0=-960 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX3t0=-960 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX9t0=-960 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-960 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2280 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdt0=-1140 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-1140 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=22.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-1140 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=21.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-1140 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-1140 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1140 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-1140 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX=t0=-1140 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=540 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX=t0=-1140 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX@t0=-1140 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-1140 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdHXt0=-9420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=5 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX Jt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2220 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-2220 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=35.9444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-2220 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=96.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=300 vu=mlX.t0=-2220 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 vo=100 vu=ml(XLt0=-14340 tf=280860 dt=4920 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X6t0=-14340 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX6t0=-10740 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX5t0=-7140 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=35 vu=mlX5t0=-3540 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1545 ai=107 vo=35 vu=ml Xt0=-1200 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX?t0=-1200 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=21.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-1200 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=24.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX5t0=-1200 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX4t0=-1200 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-1200 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1200 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-1200 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=550 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX@t0=-1200 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX8t0=-1200 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX 7t0=-1200 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX!6t0=-1200 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd/X;t0=-4200 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=4 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-4200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-4200 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-4200 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-4200 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=36.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-4200 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@t0=-4200 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX8t0=-4200 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-4200 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX6t0=-4200 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdX9t0=-4200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXCt0=-1500 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=29.0323 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-1500 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-1500 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-1500 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-1500 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1500 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-1500 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-1500 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX3t0=-1500 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=4 st=NotStopdX=t0=-1500 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX?t0=-1500 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1500 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX!>t0=-1500 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX";t0=-1500 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX#=t0=-1500 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=23 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX$=t0=-1500 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=22 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX%5t0=-1500 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX&4t0=-1500 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=No st=NotStopdX':t0=-1500 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX(;t0=-1500 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX);t0=-1500 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX*t0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX,Dt0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX-=t0=-1500 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=530 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX.=t0=-1500 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX/@t0=-1500 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdX08t0=-1500 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX17t0=-1500 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX26t0=-1500 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdX3:t0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX45t0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX55t0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6:t0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7=t0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8It0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9:t0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX::t0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;8t0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX<8t0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX=5t0=-4200 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX>6t0=-4200 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=300 vu=mlX?6t0=-4200 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=140 vu=mlX@.t0=-4200 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=200 vu=mlt0=-4260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX8t0=-4260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Present st=NotStopdxXBt0=-4380 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdX@t0=-4380 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXAt0=-4380 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Yellow v2=Scant st=NotStopdX6t0=-4380 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-4380 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdt0=-77160 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-3 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-77160 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22 rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-77160 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-77160 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=70 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-77160 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.36 rs=Final st=NotStopdt0=-65940 id=784 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-44520 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-3 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-44520 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22 rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-44520 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-44520 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=70 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-44520 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-44520 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.05 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-19740 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-19740 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdX Ht0=-19740 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.3 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-19740 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdX ?t0=-19740 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdX ?t0=-19740 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-19740 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=122 rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-19740 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=32.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-19740 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-19740 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-19740 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-19740 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=313 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-19740 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXJt0=-19740 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.73 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-19740 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=135 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-19740 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-6900 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.1878 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdX=t0=-6900 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-3 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-6900 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22 rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-6900 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=35 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-6900 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=69 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-6900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.38 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-6900 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.09 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-6900 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=94 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdZ=t0=-7800 id=784 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13 rs=Final st=NotStopdxX=t0=-720 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=9.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX;t0=-720 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX7t0=-720 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :t0=-300 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=7 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=93 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd(X;t0=-1860 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-1860 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-1860 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=36.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-1860 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX5t0=-1860 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX-t0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=40 vu=mlt0=-1920 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX8t0=-1920 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Present st=NotStopdt0=-600 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-600 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 7t0=-600 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX 3t0=-600 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-600 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=4 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-9960 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=103 vo=30 vu=mlX 6t0=-2760 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX5t0=-2760 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX.t0=-2760 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=180 vu=ml X;t0=-2640 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2640 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2640 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2640 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2640 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 9t0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 4t0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=960 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX7t0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX3t0=960 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=103 vo=30 vu=mlX3t0=960 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX4t0=960 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX3t0=960 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX+t0=960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=20 vu=mlX 6t0=26160 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1958 cv=140 ap=nonet0=900 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX@t0=900 id=661 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdX8t0=900 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Children st=NotStopdX>t0=900 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdX?t0=900 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXt0=840 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX4t0=840 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX4t0=840 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back st=NotStopdX 3t0=840 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdXt0=-420 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=11.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-420 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 7t0=-420 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdXAt0=-420 id=595 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=66.6667 u1=units st=NotStopdX3t0=-420 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=651 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=652 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=0.36 u1=L st=NotStopdXt0=-3960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX :t0=-360 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=6 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 5t0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=145 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdt0=-3660 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3660 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3660 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-1740 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1819 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1819 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX3t0=-1740 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1819 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-1740 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=1819 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2580 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2580 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=82800 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=115 cv=2150 ap=noneX 6t0=82800 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 cv=1325 ap=noneX Qt0=82800 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=115 cv=9556 ap=carryForward X9t0=240 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX4t0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-480 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=10.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-480 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 4t0=-480 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX7t0=-480 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX3t0=-480 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-6120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-2520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2520 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2520 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2520 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-3600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX Jt0=-3600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-22920 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-22920 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX=t0=-22920 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX6t0=-22920 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX9t0=-22920 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22920 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXCt0=-22920 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdX@t0=-22920 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX9t0=-22920 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdX@t0=-22920 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX9t0=-22920 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22920 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-22920 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXBt0=-22920 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXBt0=-22920 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX?t0=-22920 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX 6t0=-22920 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdX!9t0=-22920 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX";t0=-8520 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdX#=t0=-8520 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 u1=points st=NotStopdX$Dt0=-8520 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX%t0=-8520 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX35t0=-8520 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdX48t0=-8520 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX56t0=-1320 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX6Ct0=-1320 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX7@t0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXZ=t0=-1020 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-1020 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-1020 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-1020 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=59 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1020 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopd[Dt0=-1920 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.7 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-1920 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.4 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1920 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=372 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1920 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.66 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1920 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=16.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-540 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXFt0=-540 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopd,Y=t0=-3420 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3420 id=784 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=16 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3420 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.7 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3420 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=112 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3420 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3420 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3420 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=132 rs=Final st=NotStopd X%t0=0 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX;t0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=79 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2280 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX8t0=-2280 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Present st=NotStopdt0=-1320 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1320 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=10.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-1320 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXGt0=-1320 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX=t0=-1320 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX9t0=-1320 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX8t0=-1320 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-1320 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-7740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-4140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=81 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-540 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX&7t0=-540 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX'7t0=-540 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX(At0=-540 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdX)At0=-540 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdX*At0=-540 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX+>t0=-540 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX,It0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=81 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX-;t0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=104 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX.St0=-540 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Strong/Palpable v2=Strong/Palpable st=NotStopdX/:t0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX0;t0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=58.2 u1=kg st=NotStopdX17t0=-540 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX27t0=-540 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX38t0=-540 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX4:t0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX58t0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX6=t0=-540 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=37 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX7?t0=-540 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX8@t0=-540 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX9@t0=-540 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX:=t0=-540 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX;8t0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX<7t0=-540 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Present st=NotStopdX=5t0=-540 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlX>5t0=-540 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=225 vu=mlX?5t0=-540 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=120 vu=mlX@-t0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=200 vu=mlt0=-600 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX;t0=-600 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX5t0=-600 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX7t0=-600 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX?t0=-600 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX5t0=-600 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-600 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdX 9t0=-600 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX 9t0=-600 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Children st=NotStopdX 5t0=-600 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Back st=NotStopdX 4t0=-600 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Done st=NotStopdt0=-660 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXt0=-960 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXCt0=-960 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2070 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXt0=-4860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=79 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX&?t0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX'8t0=-1260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX(8t0=-1260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX)Bt0=-1260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdX*Bt0=-1260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdX+Bt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX,?t0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX-Jt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX.;t0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX/Tt0=-1260 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Strong/Palpable v2=Strong/Palpable st=NotStopdX0;t0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX1t0=-1260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX=9t0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX>8t0=-1260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Present st=NotStopdX?6t0=-1260 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=300 vu=mlX@6t0=-1260 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 ai=107 vo=160 vu=mlXA.t0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1958 vo=150 vu=mlt0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-900 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd [;t0=-2160 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2160 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2160 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2160 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1958 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-300 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=10.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-300 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 4t0=-300 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdX3t0=-300 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX7t0=-1200 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX8t0=-1200 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX Jt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=90 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-900 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=11.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX ;t0=-900 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 4t0=-900 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdX3t0=-900 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2254 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2100 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-2520 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2520 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=353 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2520 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.42 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2520 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=15.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-2460 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.7416 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdt0=-2580 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=111 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2580 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.3 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2580 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopd,Y>t0=-2880 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2880 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2880 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=28.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-31380 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXAt0=-31380 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdXBt0=-31380 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Small st=NotStopdXt0=-31380 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXAt0=-9780 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX?At0=-9780 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX@>t0=-9780 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXA;t0=-2580 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXB6t0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXC6t0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXDt0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXG8t0=-2580 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXHJt0=-2580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXI?t0=-2580 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXJ;t0=-2580 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXK;t0=-2580 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXLt0=-1140 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-1140 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-2400 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXt0=-360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX>t0=-360 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXAt0=-360 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXAt0=-360 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX>t0=-360 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXIt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=58.2 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX!9t0=-360 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX"Bt0=-360 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=37.0556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX#?t0=-360 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=98.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX$@t0=-360 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX%@t0=-360 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX&=t0=-360 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX'8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX(7t0=-360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Present st=NotStopdX)5t0=-360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX*4t0=-360 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX+,t0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 vo=60 vu=mlX;t0=-2640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2640 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=107 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2100 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-6540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 5t0=-6540 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXt0=-6540 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX#9t0=-6540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX$8t0=-6540 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Present st=NotStopdX%t0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.36 rs=Final st=NotStopdhXt0=-4260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX/5t0=-4260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX08t0=-4260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX15t0=-4260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Good st=NotStopdX2?t0=-4260 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX3?t0=-4260 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX4At0=-4260 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Yellow v2=Scant st=NotStopdX5?t0=-4260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?Jt0=-4260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX@;t0=-4260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXA@t0=-4260 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXB;t0=-4260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXC7t0=-4260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXD7t0=-4260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXE9t0=-4260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXF;t0=-4260 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXG6t0=-4260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdXH6t0=-4260 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Done st=NotStopdXI:t0=-4260 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXJ9t0=-4260 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXK:t0=-4260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Children st=NotStopdXLt0=-4260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXP5t0=-4260 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Done st=NotStopdXQ9t0=-4260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXR8t0=-4260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Present st=NotStopdXS8t0=-4260 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXT8t0=-4260 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXU?t0=-4260 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXV=t0=-4260 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXW9t0=-4260 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXX=t0=-4260 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXY>t0=-4260 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXZ5t0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX[5t0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX\:t0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX]=t0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX^It0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=182 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX_;t0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=110 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX`:t0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXa:t0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXb8t0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXc8t0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXd5t0=-18660 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXe5t0=-4260 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXf-t0=-4260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 vo=40 vu=mlXg4t0=-660 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXh,t0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2037 vo=40 vu=mlXBt0=-9420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdXBt0=-5820 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX?t0=-5820 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXBt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopd[@t0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2037 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1440 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-1440 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-1440 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1440 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1740 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX It0=-1740 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1740 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1740 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1740 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-1740 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1740 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-1740 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-1740 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-1740 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX5t0=-1740 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Good st=NotStopdXt0=-1740 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdX7At0=-1740 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX8At0=-1740 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX9>t0=-1740 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX:9t0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;8t0=-1740 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Problem st=NotStopdX??t0=-1740 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdX@;t0=-1740 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXA9t0=-1740 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXB=t0=-1740 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXC=t0=-1740 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXD6t0=-1740 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXE4t0=-1740 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXF5t0=-1740 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlXG-t0=-1740 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=80 vu=ml XAt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=89 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-960 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXBt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1080 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX -t0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=60 vu=mlXBt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd$ X:t0=-420 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-420 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-420 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX5t0=-420 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX0t0=-420 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX :t0=-420 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-420 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-2520 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-2520 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX6t0=-2520 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXLt0=-2520 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXt0=-2520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2520 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX It0=-2520 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2520 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2520 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-2520 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-2520 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX4t0=-2520 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=No st=NotStopdX8t0=-2520 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2520 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-2520 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-2520 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-2520 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX5t0=-2520 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Good st=NotStopdXt0=-2520 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdX7At0=-2520 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX8At0=-2520 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX9>t0=-2520 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX:9t0=-2520 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;5t0=-2520 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX?-t0=-2520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=40 vu=mlX @8t0=80280 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=25 cv=25 ap=noneX A8t0=80280 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=90 cv=90 ap=noneX B;t0=80280 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=75 cv=1825 ap=noneX C;t0=80280 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=115 cv=2565 ap=noneX D:t0=80280 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=40 cv=740 ap=noneX E;t0=80280 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=25 cv=1245 ap=noneX F;t0=80280 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=90 cv=1100 ap=noneX G:t0=80280 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=25 cv=1465 ap=noneX HOt0=80280 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=90 cv=11376 ap=carryForwardX>t0=-840 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXHt0=-840 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Small st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Wet to Dry st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX5t0=-4620 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXBt0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=49 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 4t0=-8400 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX 5t0=-1200 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=80 vu=ml [=t0=-1980 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdX6t0=-1980 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlX-t0=-1980 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=10 vu=ml XBt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=173 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.32 rs=Final st=NotStopdxXBt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdX=t0=-1140 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX>t0=-1140 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-1140 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXLt0=-1140 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX t0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 8t0=-1140 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX It0=-1140 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1140 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX4t0=-1140 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=No st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-1140 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-1140 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Good st=NotStopdXt0=-1140 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdX7At0=-1140 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX8>t0=-1140 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX95t0=-1140 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdX:9t0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;9t0=-1140 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdX<8t0=-1140 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Present st=NotStopdX=,t0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=0 vu=mlXGt0=-1320 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-1320 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXZ:t0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX5t0=-120 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX0t0=-120 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX :t0=-120 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-120 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-1980 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=409 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1980 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.39 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1980 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=17.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdDX=t0=-6060 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=17 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-6060 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.9 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-6060 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6060 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=102 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6060 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-6060 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-6060 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-6060 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdZAt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=89 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 4t0=-7680 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX 4t0=-480 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX +t0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=0 vu=ml XBt0=-5220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-5220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5220 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX Tt0=-1620 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-1620 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdX=t0=-1620 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-1620 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX6t0=-1620 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXLt0=-1620 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-1620 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1620 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1620 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX4t0=-1620 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX8t0=-1620 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1620 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-1620 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 7t0=-1620 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX!@t0=-1620 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX"?t0=-1620 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX#?t0=-1620 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX$Gt0=-1620 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX%Gt0=-1620 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX&At0=-1620 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdX'9t0=-1620 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX(?t0=-1620 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX)5t0=-1620 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Red st=NotStopdX*Bt0=-1620 id=661 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdX?:t0=-1620 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdX@:t0=-1620 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXACt0=-1620 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=37.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXB@t0=-1620 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXCPt0=-1620 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXDAt0=-1620 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXE>t0=-1620 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXF9t0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXG9t0=-1620 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXH8t0=-1620 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXI8t0=-1620 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXJ?t0=-1620 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXK=t0=-1620 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXL6t0=-1620 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXMAt0=-1620 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXN=t0=-1620 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXOt0=-1860 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1860 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=9.39 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-1860 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXGt0=-1860 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX=t0=-1860 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=310 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX9t0=-1860 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX8t0=-1860 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-1860 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7200A st=NotStopdZ@t0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1860 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX ,t0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=0 vu=mlX;t0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.44 rs=Final st=NotStopdXX=t0=-2940 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-2940 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-2940 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-2940 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-2940 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-2940 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-2940 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-2940 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX3t0=-2940 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-2940 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-2940 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-2940 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=12.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-2940 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-2940 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX=t0=-2940 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX9t0=-2940 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX8t0=-2940 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-2940 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7200A st=NotStopdZ(io=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ra=75 ru=ml/hrX Aid=60 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 io=297 vo=1000 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushH[Bt0=-8040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-8040 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-8040 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-8040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-8040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-8040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-8040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-8040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-8040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-4440 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4440 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4440 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4440 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4440 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4440 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4440 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4440 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4440 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-4440 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-4440 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=37.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-4440 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-4440 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=176 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=104 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX!8t0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX"8t0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX#@t0=-8040 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=ml st=StoppedX$9t0=-4440 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1t0=-4680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-4680 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX.t0=-4680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=160 vu=mlX8t0=-1980 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdpXBt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1380 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX -t0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=80 vu=mlXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopd X=t0=-1080 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-1080 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-1080 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-1080 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX3t0=-1080 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-1080 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-1080 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1080 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-1080 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-1080 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=380 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX9t0=-1080 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX8t0=-1080 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-1080 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX>t0=-20280 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX?t0=-20280 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-20280 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX7t0=-20280 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXMt0=-20280 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX9t0=-20280 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXJt0=-20280 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX9t0=-20280 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX6t0=-20280 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-20280 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Ht0=-20280 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 5t0=-20280 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX 9t0=-20280 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-20280 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX6t0=-20280 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX8t0=-20280 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX:t0=-20280 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-20280 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXBt0=-20280 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXCt0=-20280 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXCt0=-20280 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX@t0=-20280 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX:t0=-20280 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-20280 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX:t0=-20280 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXBt0=-20280 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXBt0=-20280 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX?t0=-20280 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX9t0=-20280 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdX=t0=-5880 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX>t0=-5880 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-5880 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX 6t0=-5880 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdX!Lt0=-5880 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX"8t0=-5880 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX#It0=-5880 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX$8t0=-5880 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX%5t0=-5880 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX&8t0=-5880 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX'Gt0=-5880 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX(4t0=-5880 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX)8t0=-5880 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX*5t0=-5880 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX+5t0=-5880 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX,7t0=-5880 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX-@t0=-5880 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX.?t0=-5880 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX/?t0=-5880 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX0Gt0=-5880 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX1Gt0=-5880 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX2At0=-5880 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdX39t0=-5880 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX48t0=-5880 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow st=NotStopdX55t0=-5880 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Red st=NotStopdX69t0=-5880 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX?7t0=-5880 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX@9t0=-5880 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXA6t0=-5880 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXB:t0=-5880 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXC:t0=-5880 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdXD:t0=-5880 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXECt0=-5880 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=37.2778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXF@t0=-5880 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXG?t0=-5880 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Pink v2=Clear st=NotStopdXHAt0=-5880 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXI>t0=-5880 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXJ8t0=-5880 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXK8t0=-5880 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXL?t0=-5880 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXM=t0=-5880 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXN6t0=-5880 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXOAt0=-5880 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXP=t0=-5880 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXQ=t0=-5880 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXRBt0=-2280 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdXS6t0=-2280 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXT6t0=-2280 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXU;t0=-2280 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXV>t0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXWJt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXX;t0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXY;t0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXZ;t0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX[9t0=-2280 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX\9t0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX]?t0=-2280 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml st=RestartX^5t0=-2280 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX_-t0=-2280 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=60 vu=ml0 XBt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ft0=-1800 tf=70200 dt=1200 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX 5t0=-1800 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXZ-t0=-2400 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=35 vu=mlX@t0=780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=780 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXt0=-3000 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-3000 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-3000 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3000 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=-3000 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-3000 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX :t0=-3000 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3000 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX9t0=-3000 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-3000 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX?t0=-3000 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXEt0=-3000 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX;t0=-3000 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=460 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX7t0=-3000 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX6t0=-3000 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-3000 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdH[9t0=-240 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXBt0=-240 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?t0=-240 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX5t0=-240 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXAt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXBt0=-720 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=0 u1=mmHg u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXIt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 4t0=-720 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX 4t0=-720 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX,t0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=70 vu=mlXBt0=-2700 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2700 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2700 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2700 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2700 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2700 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX 5t0=-2700 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX -t0=-2700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=70 vu=mlX@t0=-3420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=-3420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=-3420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=-3420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-3480 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-3480 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3480 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-2760 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-2760 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX ?t0=-2760 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-2760 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX5t0=-2760 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX5t0=-2760 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX-t0=-2760 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=30 vu=mlX t0=80040 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=160 cv=3450 ap=noneX >t0=80040 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=-85 cv=-370 ap=noneX =t0=80040 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=160 cv=3450 ap=noneX Rt0=80040 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=-85 cv=11006 ap=carryForward@ XBt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdXt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2040 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX 5t0=-2040 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX -t0=-2040 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=40 vu=ml(X9t0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX3t0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX3t0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXBt0=-3600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX >t0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 2t0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 2t0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXFt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=145 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX5t0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-3600 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX5t0=-3600 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX1t0=0 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX1t0=0 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=ml,X:t0=-540 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-540 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-540 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-540 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX5t0=-540 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX0t0=-540 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdX :t0=-540 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-540 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-540 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX 9t0=-540 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 6t0=-540 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdX8t0=-540 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX:t0=-540 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=580 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX6t0=-540 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX5t0=-540 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX4t0=-540 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX3t0=-540 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdXBt0=-4260 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4260 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4260 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-4260 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-4260 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX ?t0=-4260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX At0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX-t0=-7860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=90 vu=mlX6t0=-4260 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX5t0=-4260 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX5t0=-4260 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX4t0=-660 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX4t0=-660 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX,t0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=90 vu=ml XDt0=-1800 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=26.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1800 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=429 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1800 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.02 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1800 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.9 rs=Final st=NotStopd [>t0=-2580 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2580 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2580 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdZt0=-3120 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX Gt0=-3120 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3120 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3120 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3120 id=848 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdZ=t0=-3780 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-2820 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2820 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2820 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2820 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2820 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2820 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2820 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2820 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2820 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2820 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2820 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX 5t0=-2820 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX -t0=-2820 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=80 vu=ml,YAt0=-39120 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdX=t0=-24720 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX9t0=-24720 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX@t0=-24720 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX=t0=-24720 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXt0=-17520 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-17520 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX:t0=-17520 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdX 9t0=-17520 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Jt0=-17520 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX 9t0=-17520 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-17520 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-17520 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXHt0=-17520 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX9t0=-17520 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX6t0=-17520 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX@t0=-17520 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXAt0=-17520 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX;t0=-17520 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXJt0=-17520 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Small st=NotStopdXt0=-17520 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX9t0=-17520 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-17520 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXCt0=-17520 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXCt0=-17520 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXCt0=-17520 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX@t0=-17520 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX9t0=-17520 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-17520 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX!:t0=-17520 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX"7t0=-17520 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX#@t0=-17520 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX$;t0=-17520 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX%;t0=-17520 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdX&Et0=-17520 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX'Bt0=-17520 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX(?t0=-17520 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX)6t0=-17520 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX*9t0=-17520 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX+7t0=-10320 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdX,=t0=-10320 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX-9t0=-10320 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX.7t0=-10320 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdX/@t0=-10320 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX0At0=-10320 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdX17t0=-10320 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdX2Ct0=-10320 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX3t0=-6300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-2700 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX Tt0=-2700 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2700 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-2700 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX=t0=-2700 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-2700 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXLt0=-2700 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2700 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-2700 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-2700 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-2700 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2700 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-2700 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXGt0=-2700 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-2700 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-2700 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2700 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-2700 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX 7t0=-2700 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX!@t0=-2700 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX"?t0=-2700 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX#?t0=-2700 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX$?t0=-2700 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX%Gt0=-2700 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX&Gt0=-2700 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX'9t0=-2700 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX?@t0=-2700 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX@?t0=-2700 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXABt0=-2700 id=661 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdXB:t0=-2700 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdXCAt0=-2700 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXDAt0=-2700 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXE>t0=-2700 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXF9t0=-2700 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXG:t0=-2700 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Withdrawn st=NotStopdXH8t0=-2700 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXI8t0=-2700 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXJ?t0=-2700 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXK?t0=-2700 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXL6t0=-2700 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXM9t0=-2700 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXN=t0=-2700 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXO=t0=-2700 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXP@t0=900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdXQ4t0=900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXR4t0=900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdXS9t0=900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXTt0=900 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX]7t0=900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX^5t0=-2700 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=103 vo=60 vu=mlX_6t0=-2700 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlX`5t0=-2700 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlXa6t0=-2700 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXb.t0=-2700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=100 vu=mldX;t0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[=t0=-1320 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=23cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX=t0=-1320 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-1320 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-1320 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1320 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX@t0=-1320 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX8t0=-1320 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX3t0=-1320 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdX =t0=-1320 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-1320 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=6.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-1320 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=9.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX t0=-1320 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXDt0=-1320 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX=t0=-1320 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX9t0=-1320 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX8t0=-1320 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 u1=# st=NotStopdX7t0=-1320 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7200A st=NotStopdH[Bt0=-2520 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=26 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2520 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopddXBt0=-3780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-7380 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX 4t0=-7380 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX 5t0=-3780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX5t0=-3780 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlX4t0=-3780 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX4t0=-180 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX4t0=-180 id=191 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX3t0=-180 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml XBt0=-2760 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=840 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=840 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX6t0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdX1t0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-3840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=176 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2040 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXGt0=-2040 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.38 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=175 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-12600 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX?t0=-12600 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-12600 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX7t0=-12600 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXMt0=-12600 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdX9t0=-12600 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXJt0=-12600 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX9t0=-12600 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX6t0=-12600 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-12600 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Ht0=-12600 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 6t0=-12600 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX 9t0=-12600 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-12600 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX@t0=-12600 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX8t0=-12600 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXAt0=-12600 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX@t0=-12600 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX@t0=-12600 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXHt0=-12600 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXHt0=-12600 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX=t0=-12600 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wet to Dry st=NotStopdX:t0=-12600 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX9t0=-12600 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow st=NotStopdX6t0=-12600 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Red st=NotStopdX=t0=-12600 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX>t0=-12600 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX:t0=-12600 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-12600 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXBt0=-12600 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXCt0=-12600 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXCt0=-12600 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX @t0=-12600 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX!:t0=-12600 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX"8t0=-12600 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX#:t0=-12600 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX$7t0=-12600 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX%;t0=-12600 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX&;t0=-12600 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdX'Bt0=-12600 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX(Bt0=-12600 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX)?t0=-12600 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX*9t0=-12600 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdX+9t0=-12600 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX,@t0=-12600 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX->t0=-12600 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX.7t0=-12600 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdX/:t0=-12600 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdX0>t0=-12600 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdX1>t0=-12600 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX2=t0=-5400 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX3>t0=-5400 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX4Dt0=-5400 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX59t0=-5400 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX67t0=-5400 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX7;t0=-5400 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Lethargic st=NotStopdX8Bt0=-5400 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX9?t0=-5400 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX:9t0=-5400 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX;7t0=-5400 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX<9t0=-5400 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX=At0=-5400 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX>At0=-5400 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdXBt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-2040 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX>t0=-2040 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-2040 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-2040 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2040 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2040 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2040 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-2040 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2040 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-2040 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2040 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-2040 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-2040 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX@t0=-2040 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX?t0=-2040 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX?t0=-2040 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXGt0=-2040 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXGt0=-2040 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXGt0=-2040 tf=260760 dt=4380 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX?.t0=-2040 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=500 vu=ml` Xt0=-3300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=90 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-6300 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.7 rs=Final st=NotStopddXBt0=-2880 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2880 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2880 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2880 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2880 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2880 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2880 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1440 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdXDt0=-1440 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX2t0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX2t0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXFt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 5t0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 5t0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 1t0=0 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX *t0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=320 vu=ml X@t0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1680 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX .t0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=160 vu=ml XAt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Venti Mask st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=50 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXIt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=109 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-8040 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX5t0=-840 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX4t0=-840 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX,t0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=50 vu=mlX t0=81960 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=225 cv=2300 ap=noneX =t0=81960 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=225 cv=2300 ap=noneX >t0=81960 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=300 cv=1195 ap=noneX >t0=81960 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=-75 cv=1105 ap=noneX =t0=81960 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=300 cv=1195 ap=noneX Rt0=81960 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=-75 cv=12111 ap=carryForwardH[?t0=-840 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.48 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.38 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-4680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-4680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-4680 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX5t0=-1080 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXZ.t0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=140 vu=mlX;t0=-12660 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXDt0=-12660 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-12660 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-1860 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXBt0=-3900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX At0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 5t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-3900 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX4t0=-300 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX-t0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=140 vu=mlTX:t0=-5520 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-5520 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-5520 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@t0=-35760 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX>t0=-21360 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX@t0=-21360 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdX?t0=-21360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-21360 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX=t0=-21360 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX@t0=-21360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX9t0=-21360 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX=t0=-21360 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX >t0=-21360 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX 9t0=-21360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-21360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX t0=-6960 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX#Dt0=-6960 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX$?t0=-6960 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX%@t0=-6960 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX&:t0=-6960 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdX'At0=-6960 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Serous v2=Small st=NotStopdX(;t0=-6960 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Gel st=NotStopdX)9t0=-6960 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX*8t0=-6960 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow st=NotStopdX+At0=-6960 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX?At0=-6960 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdX@5t0=-6960 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXA8t0=-6960 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdXB8t0=-6960 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXC8t0=-6960 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXD=t0=-6960 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXE;t0=-6960 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXF:t0=-6960 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXG=t0=-6960 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXHt0=-1860 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=490 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1860 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.11 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1860 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.3 rs=Final st=NotStopd X=t0=-4440 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4440 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.2 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4440 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4440 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4440 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4440 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=111 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4440 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4440 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.7 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-4440 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-4680 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-4860 id=796 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4860 id=797 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-4860 id=798 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4860 id=799 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=5.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4860 id=800 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=78 rs=Final st=NotStopdX%t0=0 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXBt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=169 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2100 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX?t0=-2100 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX8t0=-2100 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2100 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Lethargic st=NotStopdXBt0=-2100 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX=t0=-2100 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdX?t0=-2100 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2100 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2100 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2100 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX At0=-2100 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX At0=-2100 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdX8t0=-2100 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Present st=NotStopdxX6t0=-2220 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdXt0=-2220 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Uncomfortable st=NotStopdX8t0=-2220 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX?t0=-2220 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX=t0=-2220 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXAt0=-2220 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX=t0=-2220 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdX =t0=-2220 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdZ;t0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopd@ XAt0=-5640 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXMt0=-5640 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopdXBt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=88 u1=% st=NotStopdX At0=-2040 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdX Nt0=-2040 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX9t0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd XBt0=-3060 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3060 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Rare st=NotStopdX7t0=-3060 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdX;t0=-3060 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3060 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3060 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=170 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX:t0=-2040 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-2040 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.6111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-2040 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=96.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2040 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=-2040 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX.t0=-2040 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=120 vu=mlxXAt0=-16560 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Brown v2=Clots st=NotStopdX=t0=-2160 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXBt0=-2160 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-2160 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXt0=-4560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-4560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-4560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX At0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 5t0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-960 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX :t0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX7t0=-960 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX4t0=-960 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Good st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXAt0=-960 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX8t0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-960 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX;t0=360 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1596 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXt0=-9420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXBt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX Kt0=-2220 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX t0=-2340 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX?t0=-2340 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdX8t0=-2340 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Lethargic st=NotStopdXBt0=-2340 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX=t0=-2340 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2340 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2340 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX @t0=-2340 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Brown v2=Clots st=NotStopdX t0=-4980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-4980 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-4980 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-1380 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX-t0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=80 vu=mlt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=180 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd,Y3t0=-600 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=150 vu=ml,Y&t0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vu=ml6X;t0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-8520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX&Jt0=-8520 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=186 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX't0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX4Jt0=-4920 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=167 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX5;t0=-4920 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6;t0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7;t0=-4920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8:t0=-4920 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX99t0=-4920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-7740 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-7740 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7740 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-7740 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-7740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=187 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=178 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-26280 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX7t0=-26280 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-26280 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Children st=NotStopdX9t0=-22680 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22680 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22680 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22680 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-22680 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX ?t0=-4680 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX ?t0=-4680 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX At0=-4680 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Yellow v2=Small st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4680 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Wound Gel st=NotStopdX .t0=-4680 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 st=NotStopdXt0=-960 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.34 rs=Final st=NotStopd[Dt0=-1380 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25.4 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1380 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1380 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=498 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1380 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.89 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1380 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 rs=Final st=NotStopd,YBt0=-6480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-6480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-6480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-6480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-6480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-6480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-2880 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2880 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2880 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2880 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2880 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-2880 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-2880 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-2880 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=225 vu=mlX.t0=-2880 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=210 vu=mlX=t0=-3120 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3120 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.6 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3120 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3120 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-2700 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2700 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2700 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2700 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2700 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-2700 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-2700 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=36.1667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-2700 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=97.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2700 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-2700 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=105 vo=150 vu=mlX6t0=-2700 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX.t0=-2700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=120 vu=mlpX>t0=-8700 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXMt0=-8700 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopdXBt0=-5100 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-5100 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5100 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5100 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5100 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=179 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-5100 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5100 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXNt0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX9t0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-1500 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlX-t0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=40 vu=mlX 4t0=45300 dt=24 id=22 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 cv=0 ap=noneX6t0=-8880 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX!?t0=-1680 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX";t0=-1680 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdX#8t0=-1680 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX$At0=-1680 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdX%Bt0=-1680 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX&=t0=-1680 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdX'>t0=-1680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX(;t0=-1680 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdX)8t0=-1680 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX*9t0=-1680 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX+At0=-1680 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX,t0=-4560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-4560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX At0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 5t0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-9120 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Chair st=NotStopdX5t0=-9120 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Good st=NotStopdXt0=-1920 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX8t0=-1920 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-1920 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-1920 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1920 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1920 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-1920 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1920 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1920 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1920 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-1920 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-1920 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdXt0=-1920 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-1920 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX:t0=-1920 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Children st=NotStopdXAt0=-1920 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdhX(io=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ra=10 ru=ml/hrX >id=88 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 io=191 du=str rt=Gastric/Feeding TubeYBt0=-4020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdt0=-6720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=169 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-3120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-3120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-3120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX@t0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1020 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdt0=-1200 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1200 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX*t0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.38 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-4200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX5t0=-1080 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX Jt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=167 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-1080 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX6t0=-1080 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=225 vu=mlX-t0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=90 vu=ml8XAt0=-2160 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-2160 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX;t0=-2160 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX@t0=-2160 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX8t0=-2160 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2160 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-2160 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX6t0=-2160 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-2160 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX :t0=-2160 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX!:t0=-2160 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Children st=NotStopdX"Bt0=-2160 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX#;t0=-2160 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX$At0=-2160 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX%t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=170 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX t0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1740 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1740 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=10 vu=mlX 5t0=-1740 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX :t0=-1740 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 pv=85 cv=85 ap=noneX =t0=-1740 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 pv=75 cv=2300 ap=noneX t0=900 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=96.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 7t0=900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd [:t0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdX3t0=120 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=EKG st=NotStopdX@t0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=122 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXHt0=420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX 9t0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 9t0=420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 4t0=120 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX3t0=120 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=10 vu=mlX3t0=120 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX+t0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=50 vu=mlX 3t0=82920 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=0 ap=noneX 6t0=82920 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=280 ap=noneX 7t0=82920 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=2020 ap=noneX 6t0=82920 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=2020 ap=noneXZ@t0=-840 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.058 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.41 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=128 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.09 rs=Final st=NotStopdX =t0=-840 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX At0=-840 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdxX>t0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX8t0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=112 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXFt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=0 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdX5t0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX5t0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 2t0=0 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlX 3t0=82200 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=0 ap=noneX 7t0=82200 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=1795 ap=noneX 6t0=82200 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=2450 ap=noneX 6t0=82200 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=430 ap=noneX Kt0=82200 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 cv=13446 ap=carryForwardt0=-6120 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX 8t0=-6120 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX!@t0=-6120 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX"8t0=-6120 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX#8t0=-6120 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX$9t0=-6120 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX%6t0=-6120 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX&?t0=-6120 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX'6t0=-6120 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdX(:t0=-6120 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX)>t0=-6120 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX*Kt0=-6120 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Small st=NotStopdX+:t0=-6120 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Children st=NotStopdX,Bt0=-6120 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX-6t0=-6120 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Back st=NotStopdX.At0=-6120 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX/9t0=-2520 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX?5t0=-2520 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=10 vu=mlX@5t0=-2520 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXA-t0=-2520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=30 vu=ml[4t0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX@t0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=112 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXHt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 3t0=-60 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=10 vu=mlX 3t0=-60 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlhXAt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-5160 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=15 u1=points 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st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1560 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=304 vo=10 vu=mlX 5t0=-1560 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX -t0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=60 vu=ml8Xt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=94 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-3900 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25.3 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3900 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.4 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3900 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=542 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-3900 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.89 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3900 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-2400 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.7976 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdH[>t0=-4740 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 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st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ?t0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX Qt0=60 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX 3t0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX>t0=60 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX;t0=60 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX5t0=60 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXFt0=60 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX5t0=60 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXDt0=60 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX7t0=60 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Drainage st=NotStopdX=t0=60 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX?=t0=60 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdX@9t0=60 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdXA9t0=60 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXB6t0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXC2t0=60 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXD8t0=60 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXE7t0=60 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Chairfast st=NotStopdXFt0=-4260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-7980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=163 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-4380 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-4380 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-4380 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4380 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-4380 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXGt0=-4380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX4t0=-4380 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX9t0=-4380 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-4380 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-3480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX 9t0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-8760 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX 5t0=-5160 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX 5t0=-5160 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=304 vo=20 vu=mlX5t0=-5160 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX-t0=-5160 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=30 vu=mlX 8id=1 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 io=144 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushXAt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Bt0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX =t0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 8t0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopddXPt0=-1560 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXAt0=-1560 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-1560 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX8t0=-1560 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXIt0=-1560 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdX8t0=-1560 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1560 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-1560 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1560 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 4t0=-1560 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1560 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1560 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Lt0=-1560 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-1560 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1560 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-1560 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-1560 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXPt0=-1560 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdX8t0=-1560 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-1560 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-1560 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX6t0=-1560 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-1560 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Children st=NotStopdX @t0=-1560 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdX!t0=-4860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-4860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX At0=-1260 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX@t0=-1260 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdX=t0=-1260 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX>t0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX9t0=-1260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXGt0=-1260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-1260 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX9t0=-1260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-1260 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-1260 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-1260 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1260 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX7t0=-1260 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-1260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Good st=NotStopdX!9t0=-1260 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX"t0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX,Jt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX-;t0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX.@t0=-1260 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX/;t0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX08t0=-1260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX18t0=-1260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX29t0=-1260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX36t0=-1260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX4?t0=-1260 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX5:t0=-1260 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX69t0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX7:t0=-1260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Children st=NotStopdX8:t0=-1260 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX9Ct0=-1260 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=36.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX:@t0=-1260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX;?t0=-1260 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Airbed/Kinair st=NotStopdX<t0=420 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdX'9t0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX(6t0=420 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX)6t0=420 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX*?t0=420 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX+4t0=420 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdX,7t0=420 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX-8t0=420 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Left Arm st=NotStopdX.9t0=420 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX/>t0=420 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX0=t0=420 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX14t0=420 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdX28t0=420 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX37t0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX48t0=420 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Children st=NotStopdX58t0=420 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX6At0=420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=36.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX7>t0=420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX8=t0=420 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Airbed/Kinair st=NotStopdX94t0=420 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Back st=NotStopdX:Et0=420 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Light Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX;:t0=420 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdX<:t0=420 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX=3t0=420 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdX>7t0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX?7t0=420 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sleeping st=NotStopdX@9t0=420 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXA4t0=420 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXB2t0=420 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXC3t0=420 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=80 vu=mlXD,t0=420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=600 vu=mlXCt0=-12180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX7t0=-12180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=-12180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-1380 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX.t0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=120 vu=mlXBt0=-3540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=176 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-1140 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-1140 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=36.1667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-1140 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1140 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXBt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-1140 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX >t0=-1140 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX Nt0=-1140 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdX9t0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-1140 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX.t0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=210 vu=ml4X@t0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.34 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=91 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-2580 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.5 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2580 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=522 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2580 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.39 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdP Xt0=-5220 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-5220 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-5220 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-5220 id=817 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=189 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-5220 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-5220 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=138 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-5220 id=848 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdYBt0=-2220 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXBt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-2220 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX=t0=-2220 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2220 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-2220 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2220 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2220 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2220 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-2220 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2220 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-2220 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-2220 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-2220 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX?t0=-2220 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdXt0=-2220 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX"Jt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX#?t0=-2220 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX$9t0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX?5t0=-2220 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX@8t0=-2220 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Present st=NotStopdXA8t0=-2220 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXB8t0=-2220 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXC?t0=-2220 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXD;t0=-2220 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXE9t0=-2220 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXF=t0=-2220 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXGt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=818 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=135 rs=Final st=NotStopdXZBt0=-5640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-5640 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5640 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5640 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5640 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-5640 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5640 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5640 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=163 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-5880 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5880 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=174 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=164 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-5700 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5700 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=179 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-9480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-9480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=176 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXJt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=175 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4320 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-4320 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX?t0=-4320 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX6t0=-4320 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Done st=NotStopdX@t0=-4320 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX8t0=-4320 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-4320 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXAt0=-4320 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4320 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Done st=NotStopdX!9t0=-4320 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX":t0=-4320 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Left Arm st=NotStopdX#;t0=-4320 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX$@t0=-4320 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX%?t0=-4320 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX&6t0=-4320 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Done st=NotStopdX':t0=-4320 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX(?t0=-4320 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Brown v2=Soft st=NotStopdX):t0=-4320 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Negative st=NotStopdX*:t0=-4320 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Children st=NotStopdX+Bt0=-4320 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX,6t0=-7920 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX?0t0=-4320 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 vu=ml es=SmallX@.t0=-4320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 vo=120 vu=mlXA4t0=-720 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=304 vo=50 vu=mlXB4t0=-720 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX Ct0=-120 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX;t0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=119 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=-120 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-120 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-120 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX:t0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXAt0=-120 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX;t0=-120 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdX@t0=-120 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX;t0=-120 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdX ;t0=-120 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX!8t0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX"7t0=-120 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX#5t0=-120 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX$5t0=-120 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=100 vu=mlX%4t0=-120 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX&,t0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=55 vu=ml XBt0=-4740 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4740 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4740 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4740 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=184 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=185 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-3540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=190 u1=mmHg v2=79 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-13920 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX Bt0=-13920 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX ;t0=-13920 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Arm st=NotStopdX t0=-3120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX3Jt0=-3120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=175 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX4t0=-3180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=181 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-27300 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXt0=-14700 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXt0=-4080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-4080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=185 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1620 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=450 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-1620 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.2 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1620 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXAt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=184 u1=mmHg v2=80 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=120 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXBt0=-480 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?t0=-480 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-4080 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=50 vu=mlX5t0=-4080 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX 4t0=-480 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=50 vu=mlX!4t0=-480 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX"-t0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=100 vu=mlTX>t0=-3240 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-3240 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-3240 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29.6 rs=Final st=NotStopd [t0=-4020 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4020 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4020 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=131 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4020 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4020 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-4020 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=136 rs=Final st=NotStopd XBt0=-4080 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXBt0=-4080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-4080 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX=t0=-4080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX>t0=-4080 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-4080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4080 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-4080 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 5t0=-4080 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4080 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4080 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-4080 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-4080 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-4080 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4080 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-4080 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-4080 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-4080 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX?t0=-4080 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX@t0=-4080 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX?t0=-4080 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXGt0=-4080 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXt0=-4080 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX'Jt0=-4080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=183 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX(?t0=-4080 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX)At0=-4080 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX?t0=-5280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-5280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=181 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=182 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6t0=-1680 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=304 vo=100 vu=mlX5t0=-1680 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX-t0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 vo=80 vu=mlXBt0=-13380 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXOt0=-13380 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXBt0=-2580 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2580 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=174 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXid=144 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 io=155 du=ml rt=Gastric/Feeding Tube [At0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=184 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=117 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX 3t0=-780 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlX Gt0=-780 tf=665520 dt=11105 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlX4t0=-780 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=60 vu=mlX4t0=-780 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX,t0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=40 vu=mlt0=-840 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXIt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=166 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXAt0=-840 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Back st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=-840 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX4t0=-840 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-1620 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlX 5t0=-1620 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX 5t0=-1620 id=297 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlTX@t0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-660 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXIt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=180 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=109 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-660 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdX :t0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-660 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXBt0=-660 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=36.0556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?t0=-660 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=96.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXAt0=-660 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX4t0=-660 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Done st=NotStopdX8t0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=-660 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=60 vu=mlXFt0=-660 tf=190140 dt=3180 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX/t0=-660 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vu=ml es=SmallX,t0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=50 vu=mlX t0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=170 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=177 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=174 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-3780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=186 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-3420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX6t0=-3420 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-3420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=36.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-3420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@t0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 9t0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX t0=-6840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-6840 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6840 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-6840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX!Bt0=-3240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX"6t0=-3240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX#6t0=-3240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX$;t0=-3240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX%>t0=-3240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX&Jt0=-3240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=168 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX'5t0=-3240 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlX?3t0=360 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=60 vu=mlX@3t0=360 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXZ.t0=-14640 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=45 vu=mlX.t0=-11040 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=50 vu=mlX-t0=-7440 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=55 vu=mlX-t0=-3840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=60 vu=mlX,t0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=50 vu=ml0*XDt0=-1320 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29.4 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1320 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.5 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1320 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=465 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1320 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.29 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1320 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[t0=-2160 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=100 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=141 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2160 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2160 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.7 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2160 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2160 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdTXBt0=-42300 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX?t0=-42300 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX:t0=-42300 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXHt0=-42300 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX:t0=-42300 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX6t0=-42300 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX:t0=-42300 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXMt0=-42300 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX:t0=-42300 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-42300 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX @t0=-42300 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX 8t0=-42300 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX 9t0=-42300 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-42300 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-42300 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXCt0=-42300 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX?t0=-42300 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bleeding Gum st=NotStopdX?t0=-42300 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX9t0=-42300 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-42300 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-42300 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX@t0=-42300 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Green v2=Soft st=NotStopdXEt0=-42300 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX=t0=-42300 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdX=t0=-42300 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX9t0=-42300 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX@t0=-35100 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdX=t0=-35100 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXAt0=-35100 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX;t0=-35100 id=344 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdX:t0=-35100 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Blister st=NotStopdXBt0=-35100 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Small st=NotStopdX 7t0=-35100 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX!t0=-35100 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX&@t0=-35100 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX';t0=-35100 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX(;t0=-35100 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdX)6t0=-35100 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX*9t0=-35100 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX+9t0=-35100 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Problem st=NotStopdX,>t0=-35100 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX-t0=-35100 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdX0=t0=-35100 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdX19t0=-31500 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdX26t0=-31500 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX3Bt0=-27900 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX4?t0=-27900 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX5=t0=-27900 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX6@t0=-27900 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX79t0=-27900 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX89t0=-27900 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX99t0=-27900 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:8t0=-27900 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX;Ct0=-27900 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX@t0=-27900 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX?9t0=-27900 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX@9t0=-27900 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXA9t0=-27900 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXB:t0=-27900 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXC@t0=-27900 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Green v2=Soft st=NotStopdXDCt0=-27900 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXEt0=-13500 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX[8t0=-13500 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX\9t0=-13500 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX]8t0=-13500 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX^Ct0=-13500 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX_?t0=-13500 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bleeding Gum st=NotStopdX`?t0=-13500 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXa@t0=-13500 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXb9t0=-13500 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXc9t0=-13500 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXd:t0=-13500 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXe@t0=-13500 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXf;t0=-13500 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXg@t0=-13500 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Green v2=Soft st=NotStopdXh;t0=-13500 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXiDt0=-13500 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXjAt0=-13500 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXkBt0=-13500 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXl=t0=-13500 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdXm=t0=-13500 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXn9t0=-13500 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdXo9t0=-13500 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXp9t0=-13500 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXq>t0=-13500 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXrt0=-13500 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdXu?t0=-13500 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdXvBt0=-9900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdXw6t0=-9900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXx6t0=-9900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXy;t0=-9900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXz>t0=-9900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX{Jt0=-9900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=176 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX|t0=-6300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-6300 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX6t0=-6300 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Done st=NotStopdXJt0=-6300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=184 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4980 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX?t0=-4980 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX t0=-4980 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXJt0=-4980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXRt0=-4980 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Strong/Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-4980 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-4980 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-4980 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX;t0=-4980 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=-4980 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-4980 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX:t0=-4980 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX9t0=-4980 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=90 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-4980 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdX :t0=-4980 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX!Ct0=-4980 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=35.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX"@t0=-4980 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=95.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX#At0=-4980 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX$t0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX79t0=-1380 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdX8Gt0=-1380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX99t0=-1380 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX:5t0=-1380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX;9t0=-1380 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-1380 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX?8t0=-1380 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX@?t0=-1380 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXA6t0=-1380 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Done st=NotStopdXBJt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=183 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXC?t0=-1380 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXDt0=-21720 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX t0=-7320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX(Jt0=-7320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=192 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX)/t0=-21720 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 vo=120 vu=mlZ6t0=-33060 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX8t0=-33060 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXBt0=-22260 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX?t0=-22260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX=t0=-22260 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdX:t0=-22260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXHt0=-22260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX:t0=-22260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX6t0=-22260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX :t0=-22260 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Mt0=-22260 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX :t0=-22260 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-22260 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 6t0=-22260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX@t0=-22260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX=t0=-22260 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdX>t0=-22260 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-22260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXCt0=-22260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX7t0=-22260 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Done st=NotStopdXCt0=-22260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX?t0=-22260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXAt0=-22260 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-22260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX7t0=-22260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-22260 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXAt0=-22260 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX ;t0=-22260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Children st=NotStopdX!Ct0=-22260 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX"=t0=-22260 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdX#Bt0=-22260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX$=t0=-22260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=3way Foley st=NotStopdX%=t0=-22260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX&9t0=-22260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Present st=NotStopdX'At0=-7860 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX(>t0=-7860 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX)5t0=-7860 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX*8t0=-7860 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX+8t0=-7860 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX,7t0=-7860 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX-Bt0=-7860 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX.Bt0=-7860 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX/>t0=-7860 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX08t0=-7860 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX18t0=-7860 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX29t0=-7860 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX36t0=-7860 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Done st=NotStopdX4@t0=-7860 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX5At0=-7860 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX6Gt0=-4260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX?5t0=-4260 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX@9t0=-4260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdXA5t0=-4260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXB9t0=-4260 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXCLt0=-4260 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXD9t0=-4260 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXE5t0=-4260 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXF7t0=-4260 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXG8t0=-4260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXH?t0=-4260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXI@t0=-4260 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdXJ?t0=-4260 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdXK6t0=-4260 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdXLAt0=-4260 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXM6t0=-4260 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXN6t0=-4260 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXOt0=-660 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXZ@t0=-660 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Culture/remarks st=NotStopdX[/t0=-11460 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 vo=180 vu=mlX\5t0=-7860 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlX]6t0=-7860 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=304 vo=240 vu=mlX^5t0=-7860 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX_5t0=-660 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=304 vo=120 vu=mlX`4t0=-660 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX a6t0=17340 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1831 cv=210 ap=noneX-t0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1831 vo=200 vu=mlH[?t0=-37680 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXLt0=-37680 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Small st=NotStopdXKt0=-23280 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=None st=NotStopdX>t0=-8880 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXHt0=-8880 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Small st=NotStopdX>t0=-5280 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXHt0=-5280 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Small st=NotStopdX>t0=-1680 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXHt0=-1680 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Small st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1680 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX Ct0=-1680 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=35.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-1680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=95.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXt0=-1980 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXNt0=-1980 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXBt0=-7320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-7320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7320 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Done st=NotStopdXAt0=-7320 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-7320 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-7320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7320 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdX Gt0=-7320 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7320 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-7320 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7320 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-7320 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-7320 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-7320 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-7320 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-7320 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX8t0=-7320 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX?t0=-7320 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ft0=-1320 tf=81480 dt=1380 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 ai=304 vo=60 vu=mlX 5t0=-1320 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX -t0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 vo=30 vu=mlX 2t0=2280 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=0 ap=noneX 2t0=2280 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=0 ap=noneX 5t0=2280 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=430 ap=noneX 5t0=2280 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=1960 ap=noneX 6t0=2280 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=1320 ap=noneX 6t0=2280 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=1190 ap=noneX 5t0=2280 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=770 ap=noneX 5t0=2280 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=1190 ap=noneXt0=-9780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-9780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-9780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=233 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=19 st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=14 st=NotStopdXHt0=-10020 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdX5t0=-10020 id=236 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=No st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=13 st=NotStopdX@t0=-10020 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXMt0=-10020 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 6t0=-10020 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 6t0=-10020 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX ;t0=-10020 id=284 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Dampened st=NotStopdX 9t0=-10020 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX 9t0=-10020 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-10020 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXCt0=-10020 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXAt0=-10020 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX9t0=-10020 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-10020 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-10020 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXCt0=-10020 id=680 el=0 cu=70 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u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX At0=-6180 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=78.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-6180 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX;t0=-6180 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX@t0=-6180 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX;t0=-6180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-6180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=86 u1=% st=NotStopdXCt0=-6180 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=35.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-6180 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=95.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-6180 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXt0=-2580 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXAt0=-2580 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX9t0=-2580 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-2580 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-2580 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2580 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-2580 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2580 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX!8t0=-2580 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX"7t0=-2580 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Alert st=NotStopdX#Bt0=-2580 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX$?t0=-2580 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX%?t0=-2580 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX&8t0=-2580 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX'8t0=-2580 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX(9t0=-2580 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX)Bt0=-2580 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn st=NotStopdX*At0=-2580 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX+t0=-3840 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=349 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-3840 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.9 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3840 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdtX=t0=-4980 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=15 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4980 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.6 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4980 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4980 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=99 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4980 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4980 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=143 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4980 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4980 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4980 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-4980 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-4020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-4020 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-4020 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=72.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2460 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-2460 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX=t0=-2460 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX>t0=-2460 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX9t0=-2460 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Lt0=-2460 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2460 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2460 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2460 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX t0=-2460 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdX;t0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-2460 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2460 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-2460 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX;t0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=-2460 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX?t0=-2460 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX:t0=-2460 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2460 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX!@t0=-2460 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX":t0=-2460 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Children st=NotStopdX#Bt0=-2460 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX$At0=-2460 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX%t0=-2220 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2220 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2220 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=32.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdP XCt0=-17640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX7t0=-17640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-5940 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX0Kt0=-5940 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX1At0=-5940 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=77.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX2;t0=-5940 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX3;t0=-5940 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX49t0=-5940 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX59t0=-5940 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX6Bt0=-3240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX76t0=-3240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX8=t0=-3240 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX9;t0=-3240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:>t0=-3240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;Lt0=-3240 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=123 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX<=t0=-3240 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=135 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX=;t0=-3240 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX>;t0=-3240 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX?;t0=-3240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX@;t0=-3240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXA9t0=-3240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=78 u1=% st=NotStopdXB>t0=-3240 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=35 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXC>t0=-3240 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=95 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXD9t0=-3240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXEt0=-6060 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX5t0=-6060 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX@t0=-6060 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX6t0=-6060 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-6060 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-6060 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdX9t0=-6060 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX ?t0=-6060 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX t0=-9240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-9240 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-6540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-6540 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-6540 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=81.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-6540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-6540 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXCt0=-6540 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=35.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-6540 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=95.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX!Bt0=-5640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX"6t0=-5640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=None st=NotStopdX#=t0=-5640 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX$;t0=-5640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX%>t0=-5640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX&Kt0=-5640 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1831 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX'6t0=-5880 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1831 ai=304 vo=120 vu=mlX?t0=-1680 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXMt0=-1680 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopd X1t0=0 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dl XCt0=-13980 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX7t0=-13980 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=-13980 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-6780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX5t0=-6780 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX@t0=-6780 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdXAt0=-6780 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Yellow v2=Scant st=NotStopdX;t0=-6780 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Wound Gel st=NotStopdX9t0=-6780 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Duoderm st=NotStopdX6t0=-6780 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Pink st=NotStopdX>t0=-6780 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdX?t0=-3240 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 pv=-120 cv=-120 ap=noneX 6t0=-3240 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=380 ap=noneX 6t0=-3240 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 cv=2195 ap=noneX Et0=-3240 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 pv=120 cv=375 ap=carryForwardX Gt0=-3240 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 pv=-120 cv=1820 ap=carryForwardX Dt0=-3240 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 pv=120 cv=375 ap=carryForwardX St0=-3240 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 pv=-120 cv=17711 ap=carryForwardX Qt0=83160 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=60 cv=16976 ap=carryForwardhYdd=78441 ds=1 ld=APHONIAX?t0=-10980 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXBt0=-7380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-7380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-7380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-7380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7380 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-7380 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=54.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-7380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-3780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3780 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-3780 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=48.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-3780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-3780 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=35 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=95 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-3780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=-1980 id=144 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 ai=189 vu=ml nb=1XAt0=-1980 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1618 ai=304 vo=210 vu=ml st=StoppedX-t0=-1980 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 vo=45 vu=mlZt0=-2880 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=309 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2880 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.94 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2880 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-14880 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX7t0=-14880 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=-14880 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-11280 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX t0=-7680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-7680 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-7680 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=63.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-7680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-7680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-7680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX=t0=-4080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX9t0=-4080 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-4080 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-4080 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-4080 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1618 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXt0=-5280 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-5280 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=15 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-5280 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-5280 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-5280 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=99 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-5280 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-5280 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=93 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-5280 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-5280 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.5 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-5280 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-5280 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopddX6t0=-6660 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX.t0=-3060 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1618 vo=145 vu=ml,X%t0=0 id=291 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'd XBt0=-3300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-3300 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-3300 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=91.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX;t0=-3300 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX >t0=-3300 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX Kt0=-3300 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Small st=NotStopdX:t0=-3300 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-3300 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.0556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-3300 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=95.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-3300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX;t0=-14100 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=304 vu=ml st=RestartXAt0=-3300 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=304 vo=180 vu=ml st=StoppedX.t0=-3300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=140 vu=mlX6t0=-4560 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdXAt0=-4560 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-4560 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-10260 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX t0=-10260 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdX>t0=-10260 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXBt0=-6660 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-6660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-6660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-6660 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-6660 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-6660 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-6660 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=70.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6660 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-6660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-6660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXt0=-3360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-3360 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Red v2=Clots st=NotStopdX%At0=-3360 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX&t0=-7200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7200 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-7200 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=55.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-7200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-7200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-7200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-3600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3600 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-3600 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=58.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-3600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-3600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX>t0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX2t0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX2t0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX2t0=0 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX=t0=0 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXt0=0 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX0Ht0=0 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=105 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX19t0=0 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=117 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX22t0=0 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX39t0=0 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdX4;t0=0 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX58t0=0 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdX62t0=0 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX?6t0=0 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX@6t0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXA>t0=0 id=661 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdXB6t0=0 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Children st=NotStopdXC2t0=0 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXD?t0=0 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=34.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXEt0=0 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXG8t0=0 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXH=t0=0 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXI=t0=0 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXJ8t0=0 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXK1t0=0 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdXL5t0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXM1t0=0 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXN4t0=0 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Present st=NotStopdXO-t0=-3600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=40 vu=mlDXBt0=-2100 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2100 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2100 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=86.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX :t0=-2100 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX Ct0=-2100 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX @t0=-2100 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2100 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdxX?t0=-5820 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Thoracentesis st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=105 vo=350 vu=mlXAt0=-2220 tf=390480 dt=6545 id=403 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=900 vu=mlX-t0=-2220 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=30 vu=ml XBt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1140 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1140 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX?t0=-19320 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXOt0=-19320 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXBt0=-4920 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Fam Talked to MD st=NotStopdX=t0=-4920 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdX:t0=-4920 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Children st=NotStopdX@t0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-3420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXMt0=-3420 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopdX:t0=-3420 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-3420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-3420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=96.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-3420 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX5t0=-3420 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX-t0=-3420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=60 vu=ml,XAt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-360 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-360 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=60 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ht0=-360 tf=14040 dt=240 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X 5t0=-360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=105 vo=125 vu=mlX 4t0=-360 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlX5t0=-360 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=120 vu=mlX,t0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=40 vu=mlX 6t0=10440 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 cv=575 ap=noneX 6t0=10440 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 cv=120 ap=noneXAt0=-2580 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX5t0=-2580 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXt0=-1440 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX;t0=-1440 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXHt0=-1440 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Thick st=NotStopdXNt0=-1440 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdDX&dd=78449 ds=1 ld=VOICE DISTURBANCE NECX1t0=0 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=304 vo=0 st=D/C'dH[At0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX@t0=-840 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Kt0=-840 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX 8t0=-840 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 4t0=-840 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 4t0=-840 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 7t0=-840 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX;t0=-840 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdXt0=-840 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX>t0=-840 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=-840 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-840 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-840 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX:t0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-840 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX >t0=-840 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX!7t0=-840 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Intact st=NotStopdX"9t0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX#9t0=-840 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdX$At0=-840 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX%:t0=-840 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX&?t0=-840 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Brown v2=Clots st=NotStopdX'@t0=-840 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX(@t0=-840 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdX)8t0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX*7t0=-840 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX+5t0=-4440 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=60 vu=mlX,,t0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=60 vu=mlX -:t0=-4440 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=60 cv=60 ap=noneX .t0=-6120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-6120 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX At0=-6120 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=61.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX ;t0=-6120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-6120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX :t0=-6120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-2520 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2520 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2520 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2520 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2520 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-9840 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-9840 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-9840 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=85.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-9840 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-9840 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9840 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-6240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-6240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-6240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-6240 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-6240 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=94.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-6240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-6240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-6240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-6240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-2640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2640 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2640 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=91.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2640 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-2640 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2640 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX!7t0=-20640 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX"7t0=-13440 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlX#6t0=-6240 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX$-t0=-6240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=60 vu=mlt0=-9420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2220 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX t0=-4200 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-4200 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=84 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4200 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-4200 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-4200 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-4200 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-4380 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=32.7 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-4380 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.8 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4380 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=292 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-4380 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.74 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-4380 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdP(Xt0=-8520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-8520 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4920 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX*t0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX-9t0=-4920 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX.Lt0=-4920 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX/9t0=-4920 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX05t0=-4920 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX1?t0=-4920 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX28t0=-4920 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX35t0=-4920 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Good st=NotStopdX4t0=-4920 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX>;t0=-4920 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX?6t0=-4920 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX@=t0=-4920 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdXA>t0=-4920 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXB;t0=-4920 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXC@t0=-4920 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXD;t0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXE;t0=-4920 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdXFt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXgKt0=-1320 id=442 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXh=t0=-1320 id=443 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=102 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXi;t0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXj;t0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXk9t0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXl:t0=-1320 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXmCt0=-1320 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.2778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXn@t0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=95.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXo9t0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXp-t0=-8520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=80 vu=mlXq5t0=-4920 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXr-t0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=30 vu=mlt0=-7560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-7560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-7560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-7560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-7560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-3960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-3960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-3960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-3960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdxXt0=-480 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX 7t0=-480 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX 4t0=-480 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Good st=NotStopdX?t0=-480 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Blister st=NotStopdX@t0=-480 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Serous v2=Small st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=356 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Wound Gel st=NotStopdX:t0=-480 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Dermagran st=NotStopdX7t0=-480 id=362 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Yellow st=NotStopdX5t0=-480 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Pink st=NotStopdX;t0=-480 id=374 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Hip, Right st=NotStopdXt0=-480 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX%5t0=-480 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX&9t0=-480 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX'Ft0=-480 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Soft st=NotStopdX(9t0=-480 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Children st=NotStopdX)At0=-480 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX*:t0=-480 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX+@t0=-480 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Red v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX,@t0=-480 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX-;t0=-480 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX.4t0=-480 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdX/4t0=-480 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX07t0=-480 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Present st=NotStopdX16t0=-4080 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=105 vo=250 vu=ml0 XBid=26 el=200 cu=70 cg=1951 io=134 am=60 du=mEq rt=Intravenous PushX)io=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ra=150 ru=ml/hrX Eid=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 io=134 vo=1000 du=ml rt=Intravenous InfusionTXBt0=-5220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-5220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-5220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-5220 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-5220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1620 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1620 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=88.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX't0=-8820 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vu=mlX-t0=-8820 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=60 vu=mlX-t0=-1620 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=30 vu=mlxX4t0=-8940 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vu=ml nb=1,XBt0=-9420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-9420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-9420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-9420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-9420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-9420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-9420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-9420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-9420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-5820 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-5820 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-5820 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-5820 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-5820 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-5820 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-5820 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-5820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-5820 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXBt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2220 id=442 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=80 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2220 id=443 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=110.667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX:t0=-2220 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-2220 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=35.6111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-2220 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=96.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Et0=-5820 tf=5040 dt=181 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=600 vu=mlX!-t0=-5820 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1951 vo=30 vu=mlX"6t0=-2220 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1951 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlxX6t0=-9540 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Back st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=183 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Done st=NotStopdXAt0=-2340 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-2340 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1951 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXt0=-8100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-8100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-8100 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-8100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-8100 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-4500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4500 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-4500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX ;t0=-4500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-4500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-4500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4500 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-4500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-4500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXAt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXGt0=-4500 tf=74700 dt=1320 id=297 el=2 cu=70 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st=NotStopdX$At0=-3000 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX%t0=-3000 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdX/.t0=-13800 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=60 vu=mlX0-t0=-6600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=60 vu=mlt0=-1920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX-t0=-5520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=50 vu=ml$XBt0=-4500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4500 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-4500 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-4500 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=90.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-4500 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-4500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX At0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 5t0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 5t0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=90 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-8100 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=154 vo=60 vu=mlX5t0=-4500 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=154 vo=60 vu=mlX4t0=-900 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=154 vo=60 vu=mlX,t0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=40 vu=mlT$X@t0=-13800 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX9t0=-10200 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXCt0=-10200 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXt0=-6600 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX ;t0=-6600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX >t0=-6600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6600 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Lt0=-6600 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6600 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-6600 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX8t0=-6600 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-6600 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-6600 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXBt0=-6600 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXKt0=-6600 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-6600 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=90.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX>t0=-6600 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX;t0=-6600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-6600 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-6600 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-6600 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX;t0=-6600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-6600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX:t0=-6600 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-6600 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=36.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-6600 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXAt0=-6600 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX t0=-3000 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX'?t0=-3000 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX(;t0=-3000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX);t0=-3000 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX*9t0=-3000 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=88 u1=% st=NotStopdX+9t0=-3000 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX,@t0=600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX-4t0=600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX.4t0=600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX/:t0=600 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX09t0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX1t0=-2640 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=295 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-2640 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2640 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdZ>t0=-3360 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-3360 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=32.3 rs=Final st=NotStopd Xt0=-6360 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=100 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6360 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6360 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-6360 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.3 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-6360 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=135 rs=Final st=NotStopd X1t0=0 id=144 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'dY=t0=-9840 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=96 rs=Final st=NotStopdhYBt0=-4380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-4380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-4380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-4380 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX@t0=-4380 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdX>t0=-4380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-4380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX 5t0=-4380 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 5t0=-4380 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 8t0=-4380 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX ?t0=-4380 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Saline st=NotStopdX It0=-4380 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Small st=NotStopdXt0=-4380 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX?t0=-4380 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX;t0=-4380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-4380 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 8t0=-4380 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX!9t0=-4380 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX";t0=-4380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX#6t0=-4380 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX$:t0=-4380 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX%9t0=-4380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX&:t0=-4380 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Children st=NotStopdX':t0=-4380 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX(Ct0=-4380 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX)>t0=-4380 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX*Bt0=-4380 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX+;t0=-4380 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX,Et0=-4380 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Icteric v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX-At0=-4380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX.t0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2340 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1440 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1440 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1440 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=81.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1440 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX.t0=-1440 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 st=NotStopdX ;t0=-1440 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1440 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1440 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 6t0=-8640 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=-1440 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=154 vo=120 vu=mlX-t0=-1440 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=50 vu=ml,Y:t0=-1740 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-1740 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=35.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-1740 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=95.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopd| XBt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1080 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-4740 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX5t0=-4740 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX7t0=-4740 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXBt0=-4740 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXBt0=-4740 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX>t0=-4740 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX9t0=-4740 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXEt0=-4740 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Icteric v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX At0=-4740 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX t0=-240 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXJt0=-240 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX@t0=-240 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=73.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX?t0=-240 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=89 u1=% st=NotStopdXAt0=-240 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX8t0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXFt0=-240 tf=150960 dt=2520 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX4t0=-240 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=154 vo=60 vu=mlX-t0=-240 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=120 vu=mlX,t0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=60 vu=mlX>t0=-420 id=346 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXBt0=-420 id=350 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Serous v2=Copious st=NotStopdX@t0=-420 id=358 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=376 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Abdomen st=NotStopdXAt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX-t0=-960 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd[6t0=-2760 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=105 vo=100 vu=ml| XBt0=-2100 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2100 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2100 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2100 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=66.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX?t0=-2100 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdX:t0=-2100 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-2100 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=90 u1=% st=NotStopdX Gt0=-2100 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdX Mt0=-2100 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopdX9t0=-2100 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-2100 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX5t0=-2100 id=297 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=154 vo=10 vu=mlX.t0=-2100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=220 vu=mlt0=-360 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX?t0=-360 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXAt0=-360 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX;t0=-360 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdt0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1800 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1800 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=78.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 9t0=-1800 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=153 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1XFt0=1620 tf=203520 dt=3365 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlX4t0=1620 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX-t0=1620 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=140 vu=mlZ@t0=900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=56 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXIt0=900 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=900 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX At0=900 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=35.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX >t0=900 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 7t0=900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd X=t0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdX@t0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=58 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXIt0=960 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX?t0=960 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=78.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 9t0=960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 3t0=960 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlX 3t0=960 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlxX;t0=-960 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdX7t0=-960 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX>t0=-960 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX?t0=-960 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXAt0=-960 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX.t0=-2880 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 st=NotStopdXBt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=58 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXKt0=-1080 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-1500 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=600 cv=1920 ap=noneX Dt0=-1500 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 pv=600 cv=2040 ap=estimateVol XAt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-360 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX@t0=-360 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=78.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 8t0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX 4t0=-360 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlX 4t0=-360 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=2353 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX-t0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2353 vo=220 vu=mlX 3t0=82440 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=0 ap=noneX 3t0=82440 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=0 ap=noneX 6t0=82440 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=530 ap=noneX 6t0=82440 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=1490 ap=noneX 6t0=82440 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=870 ap=noneX 7t0=82440 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=2250 ap=noneX 8t0=82440 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=-1135 ap=noneX 6t0=82440 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=2625 ap=noneX Kt0=82440 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1545 cv=17486 ap=carryForwardTX:t0=-1980 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXCt0=-1980 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=36.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-1980 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=98.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-3180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-3180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-3180 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-3180 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=66.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-3180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-2880 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-2880 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2880 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=81.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-2880 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2880 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2880 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX @t0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX 4t0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX 4t0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-22260 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX :t0=-22260 id=376 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abdomen st=NotStopdX 9t0=-22260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX 9t0=-22260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-22260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXCt0=-22260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX>t0=-22260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdX?t0=-22260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX@t0=-22260 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX:t0=-22260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX7t0=-22260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-22260 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Green v2=Loose st=NotStopdX;t0=-22260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdXCt0=-22260 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX=t0=-22260 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXBt0=-22260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXBt0=-22260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX=t0=-22260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX9t0=-22260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Present st=NotStopdX=t0=-15060 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX 9t0=-15060 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX!At0=-15060 id=338 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Wound Cleanser st=NotStopdX"Bt0=-15060 id=352 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Serous v2=Small st=NotStopdX#t0=-15060 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdX':t0=-15060 id=376 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Abdomen st=NotStopdX(7t0=-15060 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=None st=NotStopdX);t0=-15060 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX*;t0=-15060 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Children st=NotStopdX+Ct0=-15060 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX,t0=-15060 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX17t0=-15060 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Moist st=NotStopdX2;t0=-15060 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdX3>t0=-15060 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdX4?t0=-15060 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdX5Bt0=-7860 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=2353 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX?t0=-1320 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=283 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1320 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.82 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1320 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.1 rs=Final st=NotStopd [t0=-2580 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=105 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2580 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXEt0=-2580 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2580 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2580 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=136 rs=Final st=NotStopdhY>t0=-2940 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2940 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-2940 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=32 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX4t0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-6660 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-6660 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX?t0=-6660 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX8t0=-6660 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-6660 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-6660 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX6t0=-6660 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-6660 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdX?t0=-6660 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Green v2=Soft st=NotStopdX:t0=-6660 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Children st=NotStopdX Bt0=-6660 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX!t0=-6660 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdX.Bt0=-3060 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX/6t0=-3060 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX06t0=-3060 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX1;t0=-3060 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX2>t0=-3060 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX3Kt0=-3060 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX4At0=-3060 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=79.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX5;t0=-3060 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX6;t0=-3060 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX79t0=-3060 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX89t0=-3060 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX95t0=-3060 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlX:5t0=-3060 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=304 vo=30 vu=mlX;.t0=-3060 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 vo=180 vu=ml$ XBt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=56 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXKt0=-1800 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=35 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX#>t0=-3480 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=95 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX$Bt0=-3480 id=680 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdX%t0=300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX7t0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXGt0=300 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX=t0=300 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=77.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX7t0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=300 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX?t0=300 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX t0=-1440 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-10020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdX Lt0=-10020 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX Bt0=-10020 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=87.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX t0=-2820 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-2820 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-2820 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdX9t0=-2820 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdXLt0=-2820 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX9t0=-2820 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX5t0=-2820 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX5t0=-2820 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXt0=-2820 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX&;t0=-2820 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX'8t0=-2820 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX(8t0=-2820 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX)9t0=-2820 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX*;t0=-2820 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX+6t0=-2820 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=None st=NotStopdX,9t0=-2820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdX->t0=-2820 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdX.Mt0=-2820 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Copious st=NotStopdX/?t0=-2820 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX0:t0=-2820 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Children st=NotStopdX1Ct0=-2820 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=35.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX2@t0=-2820 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=95.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX3At0=-2820 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1545 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX4t0=-2340 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=243 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-2340 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.76 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-2940 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2940 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-2940 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=33.6 rs=Final st=NotStopd [>t0=-3720 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=17 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3720 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.5 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=99 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3720 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX t0=-3720 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopdt1XBt0=-2340 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-2340 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXAt0=-2340 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=torr st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX9t0=-2340 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX Lt0=-2340 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2340 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=15 st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2340 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX 5t0=-2340 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdX 8t0=-2340 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2340 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX7t0=-2340 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXBt0=-2340 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXKt0=-2340 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-2340 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=66.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Face Tent st=NotStopdX?t0=-2340 id=468 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX:t0=-2340 id=471 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=5 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXBt0=-2340 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX>t0=-2340 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=-2340 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX8t0=-2340 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdX9t0=-2340 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX;t0=-2340 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-2340 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX:t0=-2340 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX >t0=-2340 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=35 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX!>t0=-2340 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=95 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX"At0=-2340 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX#At0=-2340 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX$t0=-9900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-9900 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-9900 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=73.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX?t0=-9900 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX;t0=-9900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-9900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-9900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX t0=-960 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.15 rs=Final st=NotStopd`XBt0=-7140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-7140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-7140 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=49 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-7140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXJt0=-7140 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-8340 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Unresponsive st=NotStopdX9t0=-8340 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXAt0=-8340 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX6t0=-26340 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXAt0=-26340 id=191 el=2 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=304 vo=60 vu=ml st=StoppedX@t0=-15540 tf=-1140 dt=240 id=865 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 vo=500 vu=mlX5t0=-4740 id=107 el=1 cu=70 cg=1630 ai=153 vo=60 vu=mlX 6t0=20460 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1630 cv=720 ap=none8XBt0=-5820 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Do Not Resuscita st=NotStopdX6t0=-5820 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-5820 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5820 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=51 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-5820 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXIt0=-5820 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=94 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5820 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5820 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-5820 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=9 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-5820 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1630 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopddX