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st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1440 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1440 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1440 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1440 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1440 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1440 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìXôø?üt0=-12660 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-12660 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-12660 id=817 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=135 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-12660 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-12660 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.3 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdì@ Xôø;üt0=-4680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 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F st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=-1380 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô.øAüt0=-1380 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Voids st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-1380 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-1380 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô4ø5üt0=-1380 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô5ø-üt0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=30 vu=mlÀ[ôø8üt0=-720 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 v1=alb/atr st=NotStopd,Yô>üt0=-840 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=172 rs=Manual st=NotStopdðXô8üt0=-2880 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2880 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 v1=Nonprod/Congest st=NotStopdì Xôø:üt0=-720 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 v1=1 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=1625 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v1=alb/atr st=NotStopd”Zô;üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1620 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Nonprod/Congest st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1620 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1620 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1620 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1620 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Right Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1620 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1620 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1620 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1620 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=93 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 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cu=70 cg=1939 ai=103 vo=40 vu=mlX ô ø5üt0=2520 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=280 ap=nonehYôøAüt0=-780 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=15.1184 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-780 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdìÄXôø;üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=117 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 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ø8üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=1680 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=1680 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=1680 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1680 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1680 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1680 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1680 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=1680 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=1680 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1680 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1680 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1680 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1680 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1680 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1680 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1680 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1680 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1680 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1680 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=234 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=1680 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=1680 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=1680 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=1680 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=1680 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=1680 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô&ø<üt0=1680 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=1680 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdðXôø8üt0=1440 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=1440 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1440 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1440 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1440 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=1440 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=1440 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Right Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=1440 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=1440 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=1440 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=1440 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1440 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5760 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vu=ml st=StoppedXôøHüt0=1440 tf=1216920 dt=20258 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôø5üt0=1440 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXôø,üt0=1440 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=60 vu=mlX ôø3üt0=-2160 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø7üt0=-2160 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=3545 ap=noneX ôø6üt0=-2160 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=3825 ap=noneX ôø7üt0=-2160 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=3363 ap=noneX ôøAüt0=-2160 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=225 ap=noneì°Xôø3üt0=240 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=240 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=240 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=240 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 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cg=1939 v1=83 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-120 tf=6480 dt=110 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=500 vu=mlìtXôø%üt0=0 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø%üt0=0 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dH[ôø:üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-900 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=92 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=37 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd„[ôø7üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=86 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=0 id=640 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Cath st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-16200 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1800 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-1800 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1800 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1800 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1800 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1800 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1800 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1800 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1800 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Present st=NotStopdZôø;üt0=-4140 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4140 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4140 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4140 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-4140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4140 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2340 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2340 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2340 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=36 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2340 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=117 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd [ôøBüt0=-2220 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14.5242 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-2220 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=35.7 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2220 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.2 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=149 rs=Final 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cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=114 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=87 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1080 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=6 vu=ml,Yôø=üt0=-4080 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=37 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-4080 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.3 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4080 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=19 rs=Final 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cg=2291 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=300 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=300 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=300 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=300 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=300 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=300 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=300 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øNüt0=300 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=300 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=300 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô$ø,üt0=300 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=300 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=300 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXô(ø6üt0=300 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô)ø7üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=300 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô+øAüt0=300 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=35.9444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô,ø>üt0=300 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=300 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô.ø?üt0=300 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô/ø:üt0=300 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=300 id=763 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=300 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=300 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=300 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô4ø=üt0=300 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=300 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=300 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô7ø?üt0=300 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=300 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=300 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sl. 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C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3120 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdðXôø=üt0=240 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=218 rs=Manual st=NotStopdÐZô:üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=114 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-480 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Non-Rebreather st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-480 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=12 vu=mlìP Xôø:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=119 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=480 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=500 vu=ml„[ôø:üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-420 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=14 vu=mlhYôø6üt0=-780 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdìXô>üt0=-2580 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2580 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Expectorated v2=Small st=NotStopdðXôø9üt0=-2820 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-2820 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdhYôø<üt0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=38 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=98 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdì°Xôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=127 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-780 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=20 vu=mlìøXôø=üt0=-2820 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2820 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlìtXôø7üt0=-3960 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopd„[ô;üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None 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C st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-1260 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlàYôø-üt0=-1740 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=14 vu=mlüt0=-1800 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1800 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Small st=NotStopdü[ôøAüt0=-28020 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdìøXô;üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-1260 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1260 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=136 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1260 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1260 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1260 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1260 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô!øJüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1260 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$øPüt0=-1260 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô%ø=üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô&ø<üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-1260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-1260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô)ø<üt0=-1260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô,øBüt0=-1260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô-øAüt0=-1260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô.ø<üt0=-1260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô/ø9üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-1260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-1260 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXô2ø-üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=18 vu=ml¤Yôø<üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=71 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdìTXôø<üt0=-3300 id=604 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdZô:üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=132 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-240 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=20 vu=mlüt0=-960 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=307 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=28 vu=mlìdXôøGüt0=-2340 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdüt0=-1680 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-1680 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXZôø9üt0=-4980 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4980 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4980 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4980 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=126 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4980 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4980 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4980 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4980 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4980 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4980 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4980 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4980 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-4980 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-4980 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4980 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-1380 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=90 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=130 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1380 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1380 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1380 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-1380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-1380 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=-1380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô#ø=üt0=-1380 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=-1380 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-1380 id=291 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-1380 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô'øJüt0=-1380 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-1380 id=295 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô)ø7üt0=-1380 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô*øIüt0=-1380 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-1380 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-1380 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Infiltrated st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-1380 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Ecchymotic st=NotStopdXô.ø=üt0=-1380 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=-1380 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô0ø6üt0=-1380 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1ø5üt0=-1380 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô2ø@üt0=-1380 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-1380 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô4ø@üt0=-1380 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô5ø<üt0=-1380 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô6øEüt0=-1380 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô7øHüt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-1380 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô:øNüt0=-1380 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô;ø>üt0=-1380 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-1380 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-1380 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô?ø6üt0=-1380 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-1380 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø=üt0=-1380 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôCø4üt0=-1380 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôDø6üt0=-1380 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôFø4üt0=-1380 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôGø>üt0=-1380 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôHø?üt0=-1380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôIø:üt0=-1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôJø3üt0=-1380 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôLø3üt0=-1380 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôMø6üt0=-1380 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-1380 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôOø=üt0=-1380 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôPø;üt0=-1380 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôQø9üt0=-1380 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôRø8üt0=-1380 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôSø;üt0=-1380 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôTø:üt0=-1380 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôUø4üt0=-1380 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXôVø+üt0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=16 vu=mlì Xôø9üt0=-3060 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=128 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3060 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3060 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3060 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3060 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3060 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3060 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3060 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=540 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=131 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=540 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3060 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=103 vo=50 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-3060 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=15 vu=mlXôø2üt0=540 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXôø)üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=15 vu=mlX ô ø3üt0=4140 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 cv=150 ap=noneì” Xôø9üt0=-4200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=126 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4200 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-600 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-600 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-600 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=114 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-600 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-600 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-600 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-600 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô!ø4üt0=-600 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-600 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-600 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-600 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-600 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô&ø>üt0=-600 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô'ø?üt0=-600 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô(ø?üt0=-600 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=-600 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô*øDüt0=-600 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô+øGüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-600 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô.øMüt0=-600 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô/ø=üt0=-600 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-600 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-600 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=-600 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-600 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-600 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô7ø6üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô8ø3üt0=-600 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-600 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-600 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=-600 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô<ø=üt0=-600 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-600 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-600 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô?ø6üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô@ø6üt0=-600 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sleeping st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=-600 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôBø3üt0=-4200 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôCø+üt0=-4200 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=15 vu=mlXôDø2üt0=-600 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=103 vo=25 vu=mlXôEø2üt0=-600 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôFø2üt0=-600 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôGø*üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=20 vu=mlX ôHø8üt0=-4200 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=15 cv=15 ap=noneX ôIø8üt0=-4200 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=60 cv=60 ap=noneX ôJø;üt0=-4200 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=75 cv=5400 ap=noneX ôKø:üt0=-4200 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=75 cv=5550 ap=noneX ôLø:üt0=-4200 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=15 cv=384 ap=noneX ôMø;üt0=-4200 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=60 cv=5166 ap=noneX ôNø9üt0=-4200 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=15 cv=384 ap=noneX ôOøFüt0=-4200 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=60 cv=8529 ap=noneX ôPø6üt0=82200 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 cv=345 ap=noneì„Xôø9üt0=-1740 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=118 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23 u1=BPM 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id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3780 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3780 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-3780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3780 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-3780 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-180 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-180 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-180 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-180 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-180 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô!ø2üt0=-180 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-180 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô#øIüt0=-180 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-180 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=-180 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô&ø<üt0=-180 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-180 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-180 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-180 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô*ø4üt0=-180 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-180 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô,ø?üt0=-180 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-180 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô.øGüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-180 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=-180 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-180 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-180 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô7ø5üt0=-180 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô8ø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXô:ø@üt0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-180 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-180 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-180 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô?ø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=-180 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=-180 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=-180 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôCø<üt0=-180 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-180 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-180 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôFø7üt0=-180 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôGø:üt0=-180 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-180 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôIø3üt0=-180 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXôJø*üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=60 vu=mlì Xôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=72 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=61.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 tf=375240 dt=6255 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=56.25 vu=mlXô ø2üt0=-60 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=500 vu=mlìøXôø?üt0=-8640 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-8640 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5040 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5040 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5040 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5040 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5040 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-5040 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-5040 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-5040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-5040 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5040 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=BPM 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C st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1740 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1740 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-1740 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=65 vu=mlxXôø9üt0=-9060 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-9060 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9060 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-9060 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9060 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-9060 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-9060 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-9060 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9060 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-9060 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1860 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1860 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1860 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1860 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1860 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1860 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=-1860 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1860 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1860 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdì°Xôø6üt0=-3060 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3060 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-3060 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3060 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3060 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3060 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3060 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3060 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-3060 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-3060 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-3060 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô øPüt0=-3060 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3060 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3060 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3060 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3060 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3060 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3060 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3060 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopd [ôø:üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-240 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=40 vu=mlìœ Xôø<üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=39 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=70 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopdìXôø;üt0=-3480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3480 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd”Zôø=üt0=-540 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-540 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=150 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=65 vu=mlðXôø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdxXô5üt0=-900 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=103 vo=120 vu=mlìdXôAüt0=-2280 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-2280 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks v2=Moderate st=NotStopdì(Xôø7üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=0 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXô ø)üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=35 vu=mlüt0=-780 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-780 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-780 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-780 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-780 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-780 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-780 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-780 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø-üt0=-780 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-780 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-780 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-780 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-780 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-780 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-780 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô&ø>üt0=-780 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=-780 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-780 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-780 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-780 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-780 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXô,ø5üt0=-4380 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXô-ø5üt0=-4380 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXô.ø-üt0=-4380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=40 vu=mlìXôø;üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=123 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1560 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-1560 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-12360 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=103 vo=200 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-5160 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-1560 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1560 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=80 vu=ml,Yôø;üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=130 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdhYôø5üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìpXôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=120 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-780 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=80 vu=mlìÔ Xôø=üt0=-720 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=123 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=358 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlìP Xôø7üt0=-3360 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdìXô9üt0=-5280 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5280 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=132 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-5280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-5280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5280 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5280 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5280 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5280 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5280 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5280 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1680 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-1680 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1680 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=90 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=124 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1680 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1680 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1680 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1680 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1680 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-1680 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-1680 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô#ø=üt0=-1680 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô$ø3üt0=-1680 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-1680 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-1680 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=-1680 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô(ø@üt0=-1680 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô)ø<üt0=-1680 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-1680 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô+ø4üt0=-1680 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô,ø@üt0=-1680 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô-ø<üt0=-1680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 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C st=NotStopdXô@ø<üt0=-1680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-1680 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôBø?üt0=-1680 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôCø?üt0=-1680 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-1680 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôEø7üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôFø3üt0=-1680 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôGø6üt0=-1680 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôHø6üt0=-1680 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôIø=üt0=-1680 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôJø;üt0=-1680 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-1680 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôLø8üt0=-1680 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôMø;üt0=-1680 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôNø:üt0=-1680 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôOø3üt0=-1680 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôPø,üt0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=200 vu=mlì4Xôø=üt0=-2580 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2580 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-2580 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdìlXôø9üt0=-7200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=123 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-7200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-7200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-7200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7200 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-7200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-7200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-7200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-3600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=124 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3600 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg 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id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXô øMüt0=-360 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-360 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=117 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-360 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-360 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-360 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-360 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô"ø2üt0=-360 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=-360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-360 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-360 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-360 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-360 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô)ø3üt0=-360 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-360 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-360 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô,øDüt0=-360 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô-øGüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô/ø5üt0=-360 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=-360 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô3ø7üt0=-360 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô4ø5üt0=-360 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-360 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô7ø<üt0=-360 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô8ø3üt0=-360 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-360 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô:ø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=-360 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXô<ø@üt0=-360 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.8889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-360 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-360 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô?ø>üt0=-360 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô@ø>üt0=-360 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-360 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôBø2üt0=-360 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=-360 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Appropriate st=NotStopdXôEø5üt0=-360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôFø5üt0=-360 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôGø<üt0=-360 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-360 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôIø8üt0=-360 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôJø7üt0=-360 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-360 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=-360 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôMø3üt0=-3960 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôNø3üt0=-360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXôOø2üt0=-360 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôPø+üt0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlX ôQø6üt0=-3960 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=0 cv=0 ap=noneX ôRø;üt0=-3960 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=60 cv=3575 ap=noneX ôSø:üt0=-3960 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=60 cv=3920 ap=noneX ôTø:üt0=-3960 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=0 cv=2715 ap=noneX ôUøFüt0=-3960 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 pv=0 cv=11244 ap=noneX ôVø3üt0=82440 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=0 ap=noneX ôWø3üt0=82440 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=0 ap=noneX ôXø7üt0=82440 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=2010 ap=noneX ôYø6üt0=82440 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=2040 ap=noneX ôZø6üt0=82440 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=873 ap=noneX ô[ø7üt0=82440 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=1167 ap=noneX ô\ø5üt0=82440 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=873 ap=noneX ô]øCüt0=82440 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=12411 ap=noneìÈ Xôø<üt0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdì\XôøAüt0=-10380 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Fam Talked to RN st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10380 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Relative st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Arrhythmia st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-6780 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-6780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=107 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-6780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-6780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-6780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=107 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=420 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=420 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=420 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô!ø:üt0=420 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=420 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=90 degrees st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=420 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô%øCüt0=420 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô&ø0üt0=420 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=420 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=17 st=NotStopdXô(ø1üt0=420 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=420 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô*øHüt0=420 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô+ø5üt0=420 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô,ø1üt0=420 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô-ø1üt0=420 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô.ø3üt0=420 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô/ø4üt0=420 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=420 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=420 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô2ø4üt0=420 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=420 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô4ø>üt0=420 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô5ø2üt0=420 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô6ø>üt0=420 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=420 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô8øCüt0=420 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô9øFüt0=420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô:ø7üt0=420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=420 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô<ø<üt0=420 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô>øBüt0=420 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Through Dermis v2=No st=NotStopdXô?ø2üt0=420 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô@ø8üt0=420 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=420 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôBø1üt0=420 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=420 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôDø;üt0=420 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Gluteal, Left st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôFø6üt0=420 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôGø4üt0=420 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôHø8üt0=420 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôIø7üt0=420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôJø;üt0=420 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôKø2üt0=420 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=420 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôMø5üt0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=420 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôPø;üt0=420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=420 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôRø=üt0=420 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôSø=üt0=420 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôTø8üt0=420 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôUø1üt0=420 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=420 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Appropriate st=NotStopdXôXø4üt0=420 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôYø4üt0=420 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôZø4üt0=420 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXô[ø9üt0=420 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô\ø7üt0=420 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô]ø6üt0=420 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô^ø9üt0=420 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXô_ø8üt0=420 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXô`ø3üt0=-3180 id=130 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôaø,üt0=-3180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=120 vu=mlì@Xôø>üt0=-17100 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=212 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìèXô=üt0=-1560 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-1560 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdì°Xôø=üt0=-13380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-9780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-6180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-6180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-6180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-6180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-6180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2580 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2580 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2580 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2580 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=62.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2580 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô!ø:üt0=-2580 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=-2580 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-2580 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg 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vu=ml st=RestartXô4ø3üt0=-6180 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô5ø,üt0=-6180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlXô6ø3üt0=-2580 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô7ø+üt0=-2580 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=50 vu=mlXô8ø2üt0=1020 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô9ø*üt0=1020 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=50 vu=ml¤YôøDüt0=-3000 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=33.2 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3000 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.5 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3000 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=76 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3000 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.04 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3000 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdìèXôø=üt0=-5280 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5280 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5280 id=811 el=0 cu=70 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F st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2284 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-6780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2284 vo=40 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-3180 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2284 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-3180 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2284 ai=107 vo=10 vu=ml,Yôø?üt0=120 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Bloody v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=120 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Nasotracheal Sxn v2=Moderate st=NotStopdì Xôø;üt0=-3240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=127 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-3240 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 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C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-840 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-840 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8040 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2284 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2284 vo=110 vu=mlì@ Xôø;üt0=-14520 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-14520 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-14520 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-14520 id=67 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-14520 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=1 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Spontaneous st=NotStopdìXôø<üt0=-960 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-960 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-960 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=332 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-960 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopd”Zôø9üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopd¤Yô;üt0=-3000 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3000 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3000 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3000 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=105 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3000 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3000 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3000 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=64.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3000 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3000 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3000 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2284 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdH[ôø4üt0=-240 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2284 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2284 vo=16 vu=mlìô Xôø;üt0=300 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=244 rs=Manual st=NotStopd [ô@üt0=-25680 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=195 rs=Manual st=NotStopdì0 Xô7üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=0 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø%üt0=0 id=141 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø%üt0=0 id=158 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø8üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø%üt0=0 id=182 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø=üt0=0 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=0 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=0 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø%üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø8üt0=0 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=0 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=0 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=0 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=64.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=0 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=35.2778 u1=Deg. 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cg=1939 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-15480 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-15480 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-15480 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-15480 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-15480 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-15480 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-15480 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-15480 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-15480 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-15480 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-15480 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-15480 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-15480 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8280 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8280 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 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vu=mlì\ Xôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=105 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=64.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdxXôø8üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-660 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=140 vu=mlìDXôø3üt0=-720 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=105 vu=ml nb=1üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.37 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-900 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=98 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd¤Yôø;üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=64.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1320 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=100 vu=mlìl XôøBüt0=-8100 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8100 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-8100 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8100 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8100 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8100 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8100 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8100 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-900 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-900 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-900 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-900 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-900 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-900 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic 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st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=35.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-60 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-60 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-60 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-60 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô$ø;üt0=-60 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-60 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdìÜXôø9üt0=-1080 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=67 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopdü[ôøDüt0=-4380 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30.9 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-4380 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.6 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4380 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=58 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-4380 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.78 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4380 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdZôø<üt0=-3120 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3120 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3120 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3120 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3120 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3120 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3120 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3120 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3120 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3120 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdì8Xôø=üt0=-6000 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=44 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6000 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6000 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=243 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=128 rs=Final st=NotStopdìüXôøBüt0=-1860 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-1860 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1860 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1860 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1860 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1860 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1860 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1860 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1860 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô!øLüt0=-1860 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1860 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô#ø?üt0=-1860 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-1860 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-1860 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô&ø@üt0=-1860 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=-1860 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-1860 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô)ø<üt0=-1860 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-1860 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô+øAüt0=-1860 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-1860 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø<üt0=-1860 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-1860 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=-1860 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô1øBüt0=-1860 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô2ø?üt0=-1860 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô3ø:üt0=-1860 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-1860 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô6ø:üt0=-1860 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô7øCüt0=-1860 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=35.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô8ø@üt0=-1860 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô9øAüt0=-1860 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô:øAüt0=-1860 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô;ø<üt0=-1860 id=733 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=-0.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô<ø<üt0=-1860 id=763 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=-1860 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-1860 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-1860 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô@ø?üt0=-1860 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôAø=üt0=-1860 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôBø;üt0=-1860 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-1860 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôDø=üt0=-1860 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôEø<üt0=-1860 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôFø5üt0=-1860 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôGø.üt0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=240 vu=mlìŒ Xôø=üt0=-960 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-960 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-960 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-960 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-960 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-960 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=100 vu=mlìÈ Xôø:üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=120 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=73 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-120 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=70 vu=mlìÈ Xôø7üt0=-60 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=alb/atr st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=67 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=1961 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopdüt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø-üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=90 vu=mlìTXôø;üt0=-3180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-3180 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=148 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-3180 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-3180 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-3180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=180 vu=mlì°Xôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=60 vu=mlxXôø<üt0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-780 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.34 rs=Final st=NotStopdìøXôø=üt0=-2940 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2940 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2940 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2940 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-2940 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdì(Xôø<üt0=-4260 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4260 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-4260 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4260 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4260 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4260 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4260 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-660 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=35.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-660 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-660 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=170 vu=ml´Xôø9üt0=-8040 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdì˜ Xô:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% 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ø6üt0=-8700 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-8700 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8700 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8700 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8700 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1500 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-1500 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1500 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1500 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1500 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1500 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-1500 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$ø<üt0=-1500 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô%øAüt0=-1500 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô&øBüt0=-1500 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=-1500 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô(ø>üt0=-1500 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô)øGüt0=-1500 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress 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cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô9ø<üt0=-1500 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-1500 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-1500 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô<øBüt0=-1500 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-1500 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô>ø6üt0=-1500 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô?øAüt0=-1500 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô@øAüt0=-1500 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôAø<üt0=-1500 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-1500 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôCø8üt0=-1500 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-1500 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôEø=üt0=-1500 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=-1500 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôGø:üt0=-1500 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-1500 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-1500 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdìXôø;üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1500 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø.üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=180 vu=mlìøXôø?üt0=-384000 id=798 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=90 rs=Final st=NotStopdìÌXô;üt0=-1680 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1740 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1740 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1740 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdàYôø5üt0=1260 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1260 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1260 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=1260 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1260 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1260 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1260 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=1260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=1260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=1260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=1260 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 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cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Independent st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1800 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1800 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=1800 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=1800 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=185 rs=Manual st=NotStopdðXôø;üt0=-900 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-900 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-900 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=42 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-1320 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=0.35 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=480 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdàYôø5üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdìtXô;üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=38 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=62 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-840 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=90 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdü[ôø5üt0=-2160 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-2160 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=120 vu=ml´Xôø<üt0=-540 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdìXôøDüt0=-7620 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=33.6 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-7620 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7620 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=67 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-7620 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.15 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-7620 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-6480 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.1718 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3720 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.614 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=604 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdìøXôøBüt0=-2460 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2460 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2460 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-2460 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2460 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2460 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2460 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2460 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2460 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2460 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2460 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2460 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2460 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Confused st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2460 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2460 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2460 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2460 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2460 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2460 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2460 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2460 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2460 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2460 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2460 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2460 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-2460 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64.3 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô"ø<üt0=-2460 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-2460 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$øAüt0=-2460 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-2460 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-2460 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-2460 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=-2460 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô*øBüt0=-2460 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-2460 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-2460 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-2460 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse 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Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-900 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-900 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=45 vu=mlì<Xôø;üt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=88 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C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-600 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-600 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=90 vu=mlì(Xôø;üt0=-2160 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2160 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2160 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=alb/atr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=89 u1=% st=NotStopdðXôø7üt0=-13200 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-13200 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-13200 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13200 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13200 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-13200 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-13200 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-9600 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9600 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-9600 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-9600 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-9600 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-9600 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-9600 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-6000 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6000 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-6000 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6000 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6000 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6000 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-6000 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6000 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2400 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2400 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2400 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2400 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2400 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2400 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2400 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2400 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-2400 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=155 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-2400 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-2400 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô#ø@üt0=-2400 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-2400 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô%ø<üt0=-2400 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô&ø;üt0=-2400 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-2400 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-2400 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-2400 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô+ø5üt0=-2400 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô,ø.üt0=-2400 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=180 vu=mlì4Xôø:üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-4500 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-900 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlìXôø:üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-900 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-900 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-900 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-900 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-900 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=190 vu=mlüt0=-3360 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3360 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-3360 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3360 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished 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F st=NotStopd„[ôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=60 vu=mlÐZôø:üt0=-300 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 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id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø.üt0=-2160 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=240 vu=mlìÌXôø:üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=50 vu=ml´Xôø>üt0=-480 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=185 rs=Manual st=NotStopdü[ô>üt0=-1500 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1500 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1500 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1500 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdì$XôøAüt0=-480 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-480 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-480 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-480 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-480 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-480 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-480 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-480 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Confused st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-480 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-480 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=173 u1=mmHg 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C st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-480 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-480 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô+øCüt0=-480 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô,ø@üt0=-480 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-480 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-480 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô0ø4üt0=-480 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô1ø-üt0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=260 vu=mlÀ[ôø=üt0=-1440 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1440 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1440 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1440 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXZôø@üt0=-20040 id=793 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=<500 rs=Final st=NotStopdì°Xô9üt0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=179 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=103 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=360 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=200 vu=mlì` Xôø>üt0=-2940 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2940 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2940 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdìP XôøBüt0=-1080 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code 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el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=1380 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1380 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=145 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1380 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXôø4üt0=1380 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø-üt0=1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=260 vu=ml„[ôø;üt0=480 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=480 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdxXôø6üt0=360 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=360 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=360 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=35.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=360 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Present st=NotStopdìÄXôø>üt0=-3420 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdhYô?üt0=-18180 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-18180 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-14580 id=121 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-14580 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Other/Remarks v2=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 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st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlì$ Xôø=üt0=-23760 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-23760 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-20160 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-20160 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-16560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-16560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-12960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-12960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-9360 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-9360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 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st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2160 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2160 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2160 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2160 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2160 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2160 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-2160 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2160 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-2160 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=-2160 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-2160 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$øEüt0=-2160 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-2160 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô&ø<üt0=-2160 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô'ø=üt0=-2160 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Transparent 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Immobile st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=-2160 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-2160 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô9ø=üt0=-2160 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-2160 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=1440 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=1440 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXô=ø6üt0=1440 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô>ø:üt0=1440 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô?ø=üt0=1440 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô@øIüt0=1440 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=171 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=1440 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=1440 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=1440 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=1440 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=1440 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=1440 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg 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ø<üt0=-6660 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdì€XôøBüt0=-1380 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1380 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1380 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1380 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1380 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 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C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3840 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdhYôø5üt0=-600 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-600 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Irregular st=NotStopd,Yôø<üt0=-900 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopd´Xôø;üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 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u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-180 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdüt0=1560 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=202 rs=Manual st=NotStopdhYô<üt0=-1020 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1020 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1020 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=49 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1020 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=117 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1020 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1020 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdì\ Xôø;üt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2220 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2220 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2220 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2220 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=164 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2220 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=93 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2220 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2220 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Independent st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2220 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 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st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-8880 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=98 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-8880 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-8880 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=216 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-8880 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-8880 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.3 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-8880 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-8880 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdì¬Xôø;üt0=-1020 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1020 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopdìHXôø:üt0=-540 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=ALB/ATR st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-540 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopdàYôø;üt0=-7620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-7620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-7620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=178 u1=mmHg v2=76 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=113 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7620 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-7620 id=618 el=0 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cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4020 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4020 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=19 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-4020 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4020 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-4020 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-4020 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-4020 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô#ø@üt0=-4020 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ins/Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-4020 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Confused st=NotStopdXô%øBüt0=-4020 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-4020 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô'ø>üt0=-4020 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Oriented 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id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ins/Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=-4020 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô8ø6üt0=-4020 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-4020 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-4020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-4020 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-4020 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô=ø@üt0=-4020 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô>ø?üt0=-4020 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô?ø:üt0=-4020 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-4020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôAø8üt0=-4020 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=-4020 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôCøCüt0=-4020 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôDø@üt0=-4020 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=97.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôEøDüt0=-4020 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôFøAüt0=-4020 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôGø<üt0=-4020 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-4020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôIø9üt0=-4020 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôJø8üt0=-4020 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôKø8üt0=-4020 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôLø?üt0=-4020 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôMø=üt0=-4020 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-4020 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôOøAüt0=-4020 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-4020 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôQø=üt0=-4020 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôRø:üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôSø9üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXôTø6üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôUø:üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôWøIüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôYø<üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôZø;üt0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô[ø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô\ø8üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô]ø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô^ø6üt0=-14820 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 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st=NotStopdhYô:üt0=-900 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-900 id=63 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=bpm st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=64 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-900 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=66 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=68 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Spont/Timed st=NotStopd”Zôø9üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=169 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=540 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø+üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=80 vu=mlìÌXôø;üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=48 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=98 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.34 rs=Final st=NotStopdì0 Xôø:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=177 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=100 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2320 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2320 vo=30 vu=mlì¤Xôø>üt0=-28020 id=835 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10 rs=Final st=NotStopd¤YôBüt0=-1800 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=136 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=138 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-1800 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1800 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1800 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1800 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1800 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1800 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=19 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1800 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Firm Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1800 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1800 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1800 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ins/Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Confused st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1800 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1800 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øTüt0=-1800 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-1800 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 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st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=188 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=112 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-420 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô!øSüt0=-420 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=-420 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-420 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-420 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ins/Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô&ø@üt0=-420 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=-420 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-420 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-420 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-420 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb 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C st=NotStopdXô4ø@üt0=-1500 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=95.1 u1=Deg. 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Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-29760 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-29760 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-29760 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-29760 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-29760 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-29760 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-29760 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-29760 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-29760 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-29760 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-29760 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-29760 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-18960 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-18960 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-18960 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-18960 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-18960 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-18960 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-18960 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-18960 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-18960 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-18960 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-11760 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-11760 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-11760 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-11760 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-11760 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-11760 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-11760 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô"øAüt0=-11760 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Behavior Conts 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st=NotStopdXô2ø,üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=45 vu=mlXô3ø5üt0=-360 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXô4ø9üt0=-360 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=43.3333 vu=mlXô5ø9üt0=-360 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=108.333 vu=mlüt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=78 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=48 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øjüt0=-1140 tf=7860 dt=150 id=43 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.71143 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1680 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1680 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1680 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Right Antecub v2=18 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1680 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1680 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=425 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C st=NotStopdXôBø@üt0=-1680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=98.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôCø<üt0=-1680 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôDøAüt0=-1680 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Amber v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXôEøAüt0=-1680 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôFø>üt0=-1680 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôGø5üt0=-1680 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôIø8üt0=-1680 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôJø8üt0=-1680 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôKø8üt0=-1680 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôLø?üt0=-1680 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôMø=üt0=-1680 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-1680 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôOøAüt0=-1680 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-1680 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôQø<üt0=-1680 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sl. 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cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô,øFüt0=-60 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô-ø2üt0=-60 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=No st=NotStopdXô.ø7üt0=-60 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô/ø3üt0=-60 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô0ø7üt0=-60 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô1øJüt0=-60 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-60 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=-60 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô4ø3üt0=-60 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô5ø5üt0=-60 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô6ø7üt0=-60 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô7øIüt0=-60 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Right Antecub v2=18 gauge st=NotStopdXô8ø3üt0=-60 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-60 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô:ø6üt0=-60 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-60 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô<ø@üt0=-60 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXô=ø6üt0=-60 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-60 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô?øHüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-60 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôBøRüt0=-60 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Neutropenic st=NotStopdXôDøCüt0=-60 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXôEøEüt0=-60 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=None v2=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-60 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôGø;üt0=-60 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôHø3üt0=-60 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôIø=üt0=-60 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôJø6üt0=-60 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-60 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=-60 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdXôMø?üt0=-60 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=-60 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôOø7üt0=-60 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôQø9üt0=-60 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôRø9üt0=-60 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôSø>üt0=-60 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôTø=üt0=-60 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôUø8üt0=-60 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=-60 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôWø6üt0=-60 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=-60 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôYø<üt0=-60 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=36 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXô3øAüt0=-1140 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô4øAüt0=-1140 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô5ø>üt0=-1140 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-1140 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=-1140 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô9ø0üt0=-13740 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vu=mlXô:ø/üt0=-6540 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vu=mlXô;ø5üt0=-1140 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=189 vo=70 vu=mlXô<ø5üt0=-1140 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXô=ø9üt0=-1140 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=10.188 vu=mlXô>ø5üt0=-1140 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXô?ø-üt0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=35 vu=mlX ô@øXüt0=-1140 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôAøUüt0=-1140 id=43 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV 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el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2280 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2280 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2280 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2280 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-2280 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=10.188 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2280 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-2280 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=120 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-2280 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=-2280 id=43 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì(Xôø?üid=43 el=200 cu=70 cg=1741 io=140 am=400 du=mcgkgmin rt=IV DripX ôø@üid=13 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 io=140 vo=250 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C st=NotStopdXô2ø@üt0=-1140 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=97.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô3øAüt0=-1140 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô4øAüt0=-1140 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô5ø>üt0=-1140 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô7ø9üt0=-1140 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Restless st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=-1140 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-1140 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=103 vo=30 vu=mlXô:ø5üt0=-1140 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=189 vo=60 vu=mlXô;ø:üt0=-1140 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=8.33333 vu=mlXô<ø7üt0=-1140 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=2.83 vu=mlXô=ø:üt0=-1140 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=8.33333 vu=mlXô>ø-üt0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=35 vu=mlX ô?øXüt0=-1140 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=20 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô@øfüt0=-1140 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.71143 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedX ôAø5üt0=38460 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=30 ap=nonexXôø?üt0=-15660 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-15660 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-1260 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=42.9448 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1260 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1260 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1260 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1260 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.1 u1=Deg. 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st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1260 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1260 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdìÜXôø?üt0=-2760 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=193 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=112 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=155 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=93 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 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ø?üt0=300 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=300 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-1500 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=11.886 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1500 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø0üt0=-1500 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vu=ml es=SmallXôø.üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=120 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-1500 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=25 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôø<üt0=32700 dt=24 id=22 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=0 ap=carryForwardìLXôø<üt0=-3360 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3360 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3360 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3360 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3360 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3360 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=240 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=240 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø7üt0=240 id=149 el=1 cu=70 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st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-420 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-420 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-420 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Antecub v2=18 gauge st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-420 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-420 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-420 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-420 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg 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C st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6300 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-6300 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-6300 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=7.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-6300 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6300 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6300 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6300 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=20.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6300 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=14.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6300 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6300 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6300 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6300 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-6300 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-6300 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=710 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6300 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6300 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6300 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdZôø;üt0=-3240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=93 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-3240 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=218 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1440 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1440 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1440 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1440 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1440 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1440 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1440 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1440 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1440 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1440 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1440 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=25.5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1440 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1440 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=75 vu=mlX ôø]üt0=-3240 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripìtXôø9üt0=-4620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=164 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=103 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1020 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1020 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1020 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1020 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1020 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1020 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1020 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1020 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1020 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Antecub v2=18 gauge st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1020 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-1020 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô"ø=üt0=-1020 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=-1020 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-1020 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô%ø@üt0=-1020 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXô&ø@üt0=-1020 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-1020 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø6üt0=-1020 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô)ø=üt0=-1020 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*øEüt0=-1020 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô+øHüt0=-1020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=155 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-1020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=-1020 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô.ø>üt0=-1020 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô0øKüt0=-1020 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Through Dermis v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXô1ø4üt0=-1020 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô2ø3üt0=-1020 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-1020 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-1020 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô5ø:üt0=-1020 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô6ø:üt0=-1020 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=-1020 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô9ø>üt0=-1020 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Restraint DC'd st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-1020 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô;ø4üt0=-1020 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-1020 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô=ø7üt0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô>ø>üt0=-1020 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thin st=NotStopdXô?øBüt0=-1020 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô@ø6üt0=-1020 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-1020 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=38.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôBø?üt0=-1020 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=101.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôCø4üt0=-1020 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôDøBüt0=-1020 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôEø?üt0=-1020 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôFø<üt0=-1020 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôGø3üt0=-1020 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôHø7üt0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-1020 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôJø9üt0=-1020 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXôKø6üt0=-1020 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=-1020 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôMø=üt0=-1020 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôNø=üt0=-1020 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Consist. Moist st=NotStopdXôOø7üt0=-1020 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-1020 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=number st=NotStopdXôQø<üt0=-1020 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôRø3üt0=-1020 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=10 vu=mlXôSø5üt0=-1020 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=15.3 vu=mlXôTøGüt0=-1020 tf=481380 dt=8040 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=61.5 vu=mlXôUø3üt0=-1020 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôVø,üt0=-1020 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlX ôWøUüt0=-4620 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôXøUüt0=-1020 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripü[ôøCüt0=-2040 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=36.0825 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2040 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2040 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2040 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-2040 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2040 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2040 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2040 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=7.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2040 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=11.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=24.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=760 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2040 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2040 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì$ Xôø8üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-4380 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-780 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10.2 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-780 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-780 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøTüt0=-780 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì)XôøBüt0=-480 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=29.1667 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-480 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-480 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-480 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-480 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-480 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=29 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-480 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=660 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-480 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdZôøFüt0=-1020 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopd¤Yô9üt0=-8640 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8640 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8640 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-8640 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8640 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-8640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8640 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-8640 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8640 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-8640 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô 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cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=195 u1=mmHg v2=73 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=112 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-960 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-960 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-960 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10.2 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-960 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-960 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=120 vu=mlX ôøTüt0=-960 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Drip [ôø=üt0=-5340 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=220 rs=Manual st=NotStopdì€Xô9üt0=-3900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=56 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-300 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-300 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-300 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-300 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-300 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=291 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-300 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Antecub v2=18 gauge st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Infiltrated st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-300 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô&ø4üt0=-11100 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=20 vu=mlXô'ø-üt0=-7500 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vu=mlXô(ø5üt0=-3900 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10.2 vu=mlXô)ø3üt0=-3900 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXô*ø3üt0=-3900 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXô+ø,üt0=-3900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlXô,ø3üt0=-300 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=130 vu=mlXô-ø4üt0=-300 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=10.2 vu=mlXô.ø2üt0=-300 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXô/ø7üt0=-300 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vu=ml st=StoppedXô0ø+üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=220 vu=mlX ô1øUüt0=-3900 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô2øTüt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripìhXôøCüt0=-1140 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=29.1667 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1140 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1140 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1140 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1140 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1140 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=7.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=29 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=680 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1140 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1140 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdìÄXôø9üt0=-8520 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8520 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8520 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8520 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-8520 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-8520 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=180 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8520 id=526 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=IV Push st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8520 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8520 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-8520 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-8520 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-8520 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4920 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-4920 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4920 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4920 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4920 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4920 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4920 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-4920 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4920 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=203 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=526 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=IV Push st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=117 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø,üt0=-8520 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlXô&ø5üt0=-4920 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=20.4 vu=mlXô'ø3üt0=-4920 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXô(ø,üt0=-4920 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=100 vu=mlX ô)øUüt0=-8520 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô*øUüt0=-4920 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô+øUüt0=-1320 id=131 el=1 cu=70 so=140 vo=0 v1=30.0353 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripììXôøAüt0=-34980 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-34980 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-34980 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-34980 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-34980 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-34980 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-34980 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-34980 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-34980 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-34980 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-24180 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-24180 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-24180 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-24180 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-24180 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-24180 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-24180 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-24180 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-13380 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-13380 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9780 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9780 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-9780 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Large st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9780 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Alginate/Kalstat st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-9780 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9780 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9780 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-9780 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Through Dermis v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-9780 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9780 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9780 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-9780 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-9780 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô"ø4üt0=-9780 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-9780 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=-9780 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô%ø>üt0=-9780 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô&ø=üt0=-9780 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=-9780 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô(ø6üt0=-9780 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=-9780 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=-9780 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXô+ø=üt0=-9780 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô,ø=üt0=-9780 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Consist. Moist st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-9780 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô.ø:üt0=-9780 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7 u1=number st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-9780 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=-6180 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô1ø;üt0=-6180 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô2ø=üt0=-6180 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô3ø:üt0=-6180 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-6180 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô5ø@üt0=-6180 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXô6ø@üt0=-6180 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô7ø6üt0=-6180 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô8ø=üt0=-6180 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-6180 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô:ø:üt0=-6180 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-6180 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô<øBüt0=-6180 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô=ø?üt0=-6180 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô>ø<üt0=-6180 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1.0 ET/Trach 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ø7üt0=-10200 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-10200 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-10200 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-10200 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10200 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-10200 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10200 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10200 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3000 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3000 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3000 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3000 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3000 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3000 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3000 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3000 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3000 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3000 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3000 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=242 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìXôø6üt0=-206400 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-195600 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-192000 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-192000 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-181200 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-177000 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=63.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-177000 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-6600 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.5 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-6600 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-6600 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=39 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-6600 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.78 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-6600 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.1 rs=Final 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C st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-240 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-240 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=9.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-240 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=9.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-240 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=27.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-240 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=24.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-240 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=685 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-240 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-240 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdÀ[ôø1üt0=0 id=102 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=103 vo=0 st=D/C'dXôø1üt0=0 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dX ôø>üid=144 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 io=155 du=ml rt=Gastric/Feeding TubeìDXôø=üt0=-10860 id=795 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10860 id=796 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10860 id=797 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10860 id=798 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10860 id=799 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-10860 id=800 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=88 rs=Final 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st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-3360 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3360 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3360 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3360 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3360 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3360 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3360 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3360 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Large st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3360 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Alginate/Kalstat st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3360 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3360 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3360 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-3360 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô"øBüt0=-3360 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXô#øBüt0=-3360 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-3360 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-3360 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-3360 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô'øGüt0=-3360 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô(øJüt0=-3360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=178 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô)ø=üt0=-3360 id=522 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Situational st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-3360 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-3360 id=526 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=IV Push st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-3360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø<üt0=-3360 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô.ø6üt0=-3360 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô/øTüt0=-3360 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXô0ø@üt0=-3360 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-3360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô2øMüt0=-3360 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Through Dermis v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-3360 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdXô4ø<üt0=-3360 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô5ø=üt0=-3360 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô6ø6üt0=-3360 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-3360 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô8ø8üt0=-3360 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô9ø<üt0=-3360 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô:ø<üt0=-3360 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô;øAüt0=-3360 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-3360 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=-3360 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô>ø;üt0=-3360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=-3360 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô@ø;üt0=-3360 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôAø@üt0=-3360 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôBøAüt0=-3360 id=628 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Awake, Commands st=NotStopdXôCø?üt0=-3360 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôDø6üt0=-3360 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôEø:üt0=-3360 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=-3360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôGøAüt0=-3360 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Brown v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôHø8üt0=-3360 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-3360 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôJø6üt0=-3360 id=705 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdXôKøDüt0=-3360 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôLøAüt0=-3360 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôMø>üt0=-3360 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôNø5üt0=-3360 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôOø9üt0=-3360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôPø8üt0=-3360 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôQø8üt0=-3360 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôRø8üt0=-3360 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôSø?üt0=-3360 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôTø?üt0=-3360 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôUø?üt0=-3360 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consist. Moist st=NotStopdXôVøAüt0=-3360 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôWø<üt0=-3360 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 u1=number st=NotStopdXôXø>üt0=-3360 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôYø5üt0=-3360 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=60 vu=mlXôZø4üt0=-3360 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXô[ø7üt0=-3360 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=20.4 vu=mlXô\øGüt0=-3360 tf=492120 dt=8258 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=109 vo=40 vu=mlXô]ø5üt0=-3360 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXô^øBüt0=-3360 tf=492120 dt=8258 id=59 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vu=ml es=SmallXô_ø.üt0=-3360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=125 vu=mlXô`ø-üt0=-3360 id=59 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=50 vu=mlX ôaø]üt0=-3360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôbø<üt0=50640 dt=24 id=22 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 cv=0 ap=carryForwardüt0=-8940 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-8940 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-8940 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-8940 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-8940 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=BPM 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cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1200 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1200 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1200 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1200 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1200 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1200 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1200 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1200 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1200 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=726 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1200 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì XôøBüt0=-2820 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2820 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2820 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2820 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2820 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2820 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2820 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2820 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2820 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2820 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-2820 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2820 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2820 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2820 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2820 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2820 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-2820 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Serosanguinous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2820 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Alginate/Kalstat st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2820 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2820 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-2820 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô"øBüt0=-2820 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-2820 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-2820 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-2820 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô&øGüt0=-2820 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô'øJüt0=-2820 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=171 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=-2820 id=522 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Situational st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-2820 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-2820 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=93 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô+ø8üt0=-2820 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-2820 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=-2820 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=-2820 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô/øMüt0=-2820 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Through Dermis v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXô0ø6üt0=-2820 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdXô1ø<üt0=-2820 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô2ø=üt0=-2820 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-2820 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-2820 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-2820 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-2820 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô7ø<üt0=-2820 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô8øAüt0=-2820 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-2820 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-2820 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-2820 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-2820 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô=ø;üt0=-2820 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-2820 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-2820 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô@ø6üt0=-2820 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-2820 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-2820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôCø8üt0=-2820 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôDøCüt0=-2820 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôEø@üt0=-2820 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôFø<üt0=-2820 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôGøDüt0=-2820 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôHøAüt0=-2820 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôIø>üt0=-2820 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôJø5üt0=-2820 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-2820 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôLø<üt0=-2820 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Appropriate st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=-2820 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=-2820 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=-2820 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôPø?üt0=-2820 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôQø?üt0=-2820 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consist. Moist st=NotStopdXôRø:üt0=-2820 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôSø<üt0=-2820 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=7 u1=number st=NotStopdXôTø>üt0=-2820 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôUø5üt0=-2820 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=20 vu=mlXôVø?üt0=-2820 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml st=RestartX ôWø]üt0=-2820 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DriphYôø'üt0=-3180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vu=mlìÜXôüt0=0 id=69 el=1033 cu=70 cg=-1Xôø-üt0=0 id=762 el=1032 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=56.6 u1=kgXôøüt0=0 id=916 el=1020 cu=70 cg=-1XôøBüt0=0 id=917 el=1023 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SHORTNESS OF BREATH-NEUTROPENIAXôø&üt0=0 id=919 el=1026 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MEDXôøüt0=0 id=920 el=1034 cu=70 cg=-1Xôøüt0=0 id=924 el=1014 cu=70 cg=-1Xôø$üt0=0 id=925 el=1006 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MXôø&üt0=0 id=926 el=1000 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RCAXô øüt0=0 id=927 el=1021 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=930 el=1010 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=932 el=1012 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=935 el=1022 cu=70 cg=-1üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=199 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=114 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1140 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=226 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-8340 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=20 vu=ml nb=1Xôø9üt0=-1140 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø5üt0=-1140 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø:üt0=-1140 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=82 vu=ml nb=1XôøEüt0=-1140 tf=52860 dt=900 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=300 vu=mlX ôø]üt0=-1140 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì0XôøBüt0=-2700 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2700 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-2700 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2700 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2700 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2700 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2700 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2700 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2700 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2700 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2700 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2700 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2700 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=No st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2700 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2700 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2700 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-2700 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2700 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2700 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2700 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2700 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2700 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2700 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2700 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2700 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2700 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2700 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2700 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Serous v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2700 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2700 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2700 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2700 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-2700 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXô!øBüt0=-2700 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-2700 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-2700 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-2700 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô%øGüt0=-2700 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô&øJüt0=-2700 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'ø?üt0=-2700 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-2700 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=96 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô)ø<üt0=-2700 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=-2700 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-2700 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-2700 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-2700 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô.ø<üt0=-2700 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-2700 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0øAüt0=-2700 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-2700 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-2700 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô3ø;üt0=-2700 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-2700 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-2700 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô6ø@üt0=-2700 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô7ø?üt0=-2700 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-2700 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô9ø9üt0=-2700 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô:øCüt0=-2700 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Suctioned v2=None st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-2700 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-2700 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô=øCüt0=-2700 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=36.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-2700 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=-2700 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô@øDüt0=-2700 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-2700 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-2700 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-2700 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø8üt0=-2700 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôEø;üt0=-2700 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXôFø6üt0=-2700 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôGø5üt0=-2700 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlXôHøHüt0=-2700 tf=85500 dt=1470 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=37.5 vu=mlXôIø5üt0=-2700 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlXôJø5üt0=-2700 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=109 vo=50 vu=mlXôKø7üt0=-2700 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=61.5 vu=mlXôLø:üt0=-2700 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=15 vu=ml nb=1XôMø.üt0=-2700 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=600 vu=mlX ôNø]üt0=-2700 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôOø5üt0=9900 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=120 ap=none´Xôø=üt0=-1080 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1080 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1080 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1080 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=11.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1080 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=880 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì4Xôø;üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1620 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=35 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1620 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=600 vu=mlX ôø]üt0=-1620 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôø2üt0=3780 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø2üt0=3780 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø8üt0=3780 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=1224.3 ap=noneX ôø7üt0=3780 dt=24 id=19 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=963.5 ap=noneX ôø7üt0=3780 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=2487.8 ap=noneX ôø5üt0=3780 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=180 ap=noneX ôø6üt0=3780 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=2945 ap=noneX ôø@üt0=3780 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=-607.2 ap=carryForwardX ôø=üt0=3780 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=3095 ap=carryForwardX ôøLüt0=3780 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1663 cv=12190.2 ap=carryForwardìèXôø<üt0=-480 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-480 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-480 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=4.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-480 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=9.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-480 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-480 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Suctioned v2=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=840 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-480 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2363 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì¼Xôø?üt0=-7920 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-720 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-720 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-720 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-720 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-720 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-720 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-720 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô%ø;üt0=-720 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô&ø;üt0=-720 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô'ø@üt0=-720 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô(ø5üt0=-720 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô)ø8üt0=-720 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-720 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô,ø:üt0=-720 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-720 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô.ø>üt0=-720 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô0øFüt0=-720 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô1øFüt0=-720 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-720 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=-720 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô4øBüt0=-720 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=36.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô5ø?üt0=-720 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=97.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-720 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô7øCüt0=-720 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô8ø@üt0=-720 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô9ø=üt0=-720 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-720 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-720 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=239 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-720 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô>ø4üt0=-720 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=189 vo=40 vu=mlXô?ø6üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=62.5 vu=mlXô@ø4üt0=-720 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlXôAø7üt0=-720 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=102.5 vu=mlXôBø9üt0=-720 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=50 vu=ml nb=1XôCø-üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=600 vu=mlX ôDø\üt0=-720 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=29.4464 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX 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cg=1774 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3240 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3240 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3240 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-3240 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3240 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3240 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3240 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3240 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3240 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3240 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3240 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3240 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3240 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3240 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Alginate/Kalstat st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3240 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Arm, Right Lower 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st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-3240 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-3240 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-3240 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô1øAüt0=-3240 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-3240 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô3ø9üt0=-3240 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-3240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=9 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-3240 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-3240 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô7øBüt0=-3240 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô8ø?üt0=-3240 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-3240 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-3240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-3240 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-3240 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô=øCüt0=-3240 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=36.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-3240 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=98.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô?ø<üt0=-3240 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô@øDüt0=-3240 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-3240 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-3240 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-3240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=-3240 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Restless st=NotStopdXôEø;üt0=-3240 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=-3240 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôGø?üt0=-3240 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-3240 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-3240 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôJøAüt0=-3240 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-3240 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôLø=üt0=-3240 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôOø<üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôRø5üt0=-3240 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôSø9üt0=-3240 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=25.376 vu=mlXôTø5üt0=-3240 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôUø5üt0=-3240 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôVø.üt0=-3240 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=220 vu=mlXôWø4üt0=360 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=189 vo=120 vu=mlXôXø3üt0=360 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=109 vo=20 vu=mlXôYø>üt0=360 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=30 vu=ml st=StoppedXôZø,üt0=360 id=59 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=120 vu=mlX ô[øXüt0=-3240 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô\ø6üt0=50760 dt=24 id=16 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 cv=120 ap=noneì¤Xôø;üt0=-3900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ultrasound st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-300 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=27.168 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-300 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=120 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-3900 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøWüt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripìüXôø;üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=164 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1560 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø.üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=450 vu=mlX ô øXüt0=-1560 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripÐZôø-üt0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=240 vu=mlì4Xô:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-180 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-180 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=804 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopd [ôøBüt0=-1560 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1560 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1560 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1560 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1560 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1560 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=-1560 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Clamped v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1560 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1560 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1560 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1560 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1560 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1560 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1560 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1560 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1560 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô"øBüt0=-1560 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-1560 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1560 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-1560 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô&øGüt0=-1560 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô'øJüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô(ø?üt0=-1560 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-1560 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-1560 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-1560 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-1560 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-1560 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-1560 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô1øAüt0=-1560 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1560 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô3ø9üt0=-1560 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-1560 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-1560 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô7øBüt0=-1560 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô8ø?üt0=-1560 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-1560 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-1560 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-1560 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô=øCüt0=-1560 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=36.8333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-1560 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=98.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=-1560 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô@øJüt0=-1560 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Light Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-1560 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-1560 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø5üt0=-1560 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-1560 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôFø5üt0=-1560 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôGø9üt0=-1560 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=30.564 vu=mlXôHø5üt0=-1560 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôIø.üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=240 vu=mlX ôJøXüt0=-1560 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Drip„[ôø?üt0=-2460 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=244 rs=Manual st=NotStopdì Xô;üt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øXüt0=-1680 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì¨ Xôø>üt0=-8520 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-8520 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=150 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1320 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1320 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-1320 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1320 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-1320 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø.üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=520 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-1320 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì Xôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-540 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripìDXôø:üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=78 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=50 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-600 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-600 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlX ô øWüt0=-600 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì XôøBüt0=-1380 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=6 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1380 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=-1380 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1380 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1380 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1380 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1380 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1380 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1380 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1380 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô!øIüt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=83 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1380 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=53 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-1380 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-1380 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-1380 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-1380 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô)øAüt0=-1380 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=-1380 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-1380 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-1380 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1380 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô/øBüt0=-1380 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-1380 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-1380 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-1380 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-1380 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô5ø@üt0=-1380 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=36.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô6ø@üt0=-1380 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=-1380 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô8øAüt0=-1380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô9ø>üt0=-1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-1380 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=-1380 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=-1380 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXô>ø9üt0=-1380 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xô?ø8üt0=-1380 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXô@ø5üt0=-1380 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôAøEüt0=-1380 tf=50820 dt=870 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôBø.üt0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=160 vu=mlX ôCøXüt0=-1380 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôDøeüt0=-1380 tf=52320 dt=895 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 so=13 vo=0 v1=3 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripàYôø:üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øTüt0=-360 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø:üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øTüt0=-360 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø<üt0=-780 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlìXôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=9 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-780 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øTüt0=-780 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì°Xôø<üt0=-1980 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1980 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1980 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1980 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1980 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1980 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1980 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-1980 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Through Dermis v2=Unchanged st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1980 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1980 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1980 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1980 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1980 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1980 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1980 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdH[ôø:üt0=-420 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-420 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-420 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-420 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-420 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-420 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-420 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=802 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdH[ôø9üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-60 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=276 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-60 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-60 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôøDüt0=-60 tf=7140 dt=120 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=2.83 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-60 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-60 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-60 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 vo=360 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-60 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1774 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøSüt0=-60 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1774 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì| XôøCüt0=-31800 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-31800 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-31800 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-31800 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-31800 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-31800 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-31800 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-31800 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-17400 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-17400 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-17400 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-17400 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-17400 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-17400 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-17400 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-17400 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3000 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3000 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3000 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3000 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3000 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3000 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1774 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdìhXôø1üt0=0 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dìÜXô=üt0=-1500 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1500 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1500 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1500 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1500 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=9.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1500 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=768 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdììXôøBüt0=-2760 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2760 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2760 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-2760 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2760 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2760 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=199 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Negative v2=6 st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-2760 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=-2760 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2760 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2760 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2760 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2760 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-2760 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2760 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2760 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Redness st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-2760 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2760 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô!øBüt0=-2760 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXô"ø<üt0=-2760 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-2760 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=-2760 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô%øBüt0=-2760 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-2760 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô'ø?üt0=-2760 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô(øGüt0=-2760 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô)øJüt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=161 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-2760 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-2760 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=-2760 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-2760 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXô/ø9üt0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô0øGüt0=-2760 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Through Dermis v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-2760 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXô2ø=üt0=-2760 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-2760 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-2760 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-2760 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-2760 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô7ø<üt0=-2760 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô8øAüt0=-2760 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-2760 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-2760 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-2760 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô=ø;üt0=-2760 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-2760 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-2760 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-2760 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-2760 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-2760 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôDøCüt0=-2760 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=36.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôEø@üt0=-2760 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=97.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=-2760 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôGøAüt0=-2760 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôHøAüt0=-2760 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôIø>üt0=-2760 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôJø9üt0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-2760 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Restless st=NotStopdXôLø;üt0=-2760 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=-2760 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=-2760 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=-2760 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôPø6üt0=-2760 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôQø:üt0=-2760 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôRø<üt0=-2760 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=7 u1=number st=NotStopdXôSø>üt0=-2760 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôTøGüt0=-2760 tf=363120 dt=6098 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=189 vo=10 vu=mlXôUø@üt0=-2760 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=50 vu=ml st=StoppedXôVø8üt0=-2760 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXôWø5üt0=-2760 id=155 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=109 vo=60 vu=mlXôXø5üt0=-2760 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôYø5üt0=-2760 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôZø.üt0=-2760 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=360 vu=mlX ô[øXüt0=-2760 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô\øUüt0=-2760 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô]ø4üt0=8040 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 cv=80 ap=noneì¬Xôø;üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=172 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1620 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1620 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=300 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-1620 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=50 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì°"XôøBüt0=-1500 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1500 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1500 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1500 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1500 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1500 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Infiltrated st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1500 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1500 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1500 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=167 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø<üt0=-1500 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-1500 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø;üt0=-1500 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Total Lift st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-1500 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=-1500 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-1500 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô)øAüt0=-1500 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=-1500 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-1500 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-1500 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1500 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô/ø@üt0=-1500 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-1500 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-1500 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô3øGüt0=-1500 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô4øFüt0=-1500 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXô5øAüt0=-1500 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Brown v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXô6ø:üt0=-1500 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-1500 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô8ø6üt0=-1500 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô9øCüt0=-1500 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô:ø>üt0=-1500 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô;ø<üt0=-1500 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô<øAüt0=-1500 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô=øAüt0=-1500 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô>ø>üt0=-1500 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô?ø5üt0=-1500 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1500 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-1500 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôCø8üt0=-1500 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=42.45 vu=mlXôDø8üt0=-1500 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=102.5 vu=mlXôEø5üt0=-1500 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlXôFø.üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 vo=380 vu=mlX ôGøXüt0=-1500 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Drip,Yôø%üt0=0 id=295 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø%üt0=0 id=325 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dìÈ Xôø%üt0=0 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø%üt0=0 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'd,Yôø:üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-360 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-360 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-360 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Wrist v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=296 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=8 v2=26 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=297 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Left Antecub v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=188 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì¬Xôø=üt0=-1680 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1680 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1680 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1680 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=11.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1680 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1680 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1680 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Tan v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1680 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=727 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1680 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1680 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdàYôøBüt0=1440 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=26.8199 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1440 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1440 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1440 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1440 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=1440 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1598 v1=33.3 u1=Deg. 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du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DriphYôø:üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=74 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-720 id=640 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=89 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 tf=4380 dt=85 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vu=ml st=StoppedXô ø5üt0=-720 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-720 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml 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st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-660 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-660 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.71143 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøWüt0=-360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-360 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=2.35571 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=85 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1741 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øKüt0=-780 tf=132720 dt=2225 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=2.91667 vu=mlXô ø7üt0=-780 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=6.792 vu=mlXô ø9üt0=-780 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 ai=107 vo=13.6667 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-780 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1741 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøeüt0=-780 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1741 so=13 vo=0 v1=2.35571 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedìP Xôø?üt0=480 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=29.1667 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=480 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=480 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=480 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=480 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=480 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=480 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=480 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=480 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=480 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=480 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=29 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=480 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=480 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Clear v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=480 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=719 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=480 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=480 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=480 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì$ XôøBüt0=-1860 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-1860 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1860 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô 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st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1860 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Wrist v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1860 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1860 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Edema/Swelling st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1860 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-1860 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-1860 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô"øBüt0=-1860 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-1860 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1860 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô%ø@üt0=-1860 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arouse to Pain st=NotStopdXô&øBüt0=-1860 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=-1860 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô(ø?üt0=-1860 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô)øJüt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-1860 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-1860 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-1860 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-1860 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-1860 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1øAüt0=-1860 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1860 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô3ø9üt0=-1860 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-1860 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-1860 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô7øBüt0=-1860 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXô8ø?üt0=-1860 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-1860 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-1860 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô<øDüt0=-1860 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô=øAüt0=-1860 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô>ø>üt0=-1860 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô@ø5üt0=-1860 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôAø8üt0=-1860 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-1860 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôCø?üt0=-1860 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-1860 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôEø6üt0=-1860 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-1860 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôGø<üt0=-1860 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=9 u1=number st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-1860 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-1860 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=189 vo=5 vu=mlXôJø:üt0=-1860 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5.41667 vu=mlXôKø9üt0=-1860 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=22.074 vu=mlXôLø:üt0=-1860 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=44.4167 vu=mlXôMø4üt0=-1860 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôNø-üt0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=90 vu=mlX ôOøXüt0=-1860 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Drip„[ôø>üt0=840 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=840 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdH[ôø(üio=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ra=10 ru=ml/hrX ôø=üid=90 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 io=370 du=ml rt=Gastric/Feeding Tube„[ôø:üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-900 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-900 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-900 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-900 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-900 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-900 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=37.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-900 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-900 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-900 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-900 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-900 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vu=mlXôøFüt0=-900 tf=318180 dt=5318 id=501 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-900 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Dripì4Xôø:üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=75 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-300 tf=316080 dt=5273 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=500 vu=mlX ô øWüt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV Drip,Yôø:üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=74 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô ølüt0=-300 tf=155100 dt=2590 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2.35571 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø<üid=25 el=100 cu=70 cg=2291 io=137 am=25000 du=Uhr rt=IV DripX ôø@üid=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 io=137 vo=250 du=ml rt=Intravenous Pushüt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.33 rs=Final st=NotStopdìœ Xôø;üt0=-2040 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2040 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-2040 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2040 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2040 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Clear v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2040 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=680 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2040 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdðXôø;üt0=-2280 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2280 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2280 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2280 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=189 vo=5 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-2280 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-2280 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2280 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-2280 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-2280 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôø[üt0=-2280 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.71143 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø:üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=89 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=55 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-420 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=37.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-420 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-420 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=5.65371 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=53 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-540 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øZüt0=-540 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=9.42285 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip”Zôø:üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-600 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=11.8333 vu=mlXô ø8üt0=-600 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-600 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-600 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=70 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-600 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-600 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=9.42285 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì@ Xôø=üt0=-35880 id=769 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-35880 id=770 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-35880 id=773 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=109 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-35880 id=848 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopd,Yôø=üt0=-10980 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10980 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-10980 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-10980 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10980 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-10980 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10980 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3780 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-3780 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-3780 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3780 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-3780 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3780 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=82 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=54 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-180 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-180 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-180 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-180 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-180 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.3074 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø;üt0=-900 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-900 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=55 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-900 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=62 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopd,Yôø?üt0=-1200 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=7.31 rs=Final st=NotStopd,Yô7üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=0 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=0 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=693 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdxXôø>üt0=-1620 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlì0 Xôø:üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-540 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-540 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=37.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-540 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-14940 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-11340 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-7740 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-4140 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-540 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=24 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-540 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-540 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-540 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.3074 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø;üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=50 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=64 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopd¤Y ôøeüt0=-15660 tf=296220 dt=5198 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøSüt0=-12060 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-8460 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-4860 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìœ XôøCüt0=-21720 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-21720 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-21720 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-21720 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-21720 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-21720 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-21720 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-21720 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-21720 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-14520 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-14520 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-14520 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-14520 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-14520 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-14520 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-14520 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-14520 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-7320 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7320 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-7320 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7320 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7320 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7320 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-7320 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7320 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3720 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Fam Talked to MD st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3720 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3720 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-120 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-120 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=-120 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-120 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô$øCüt0=-120 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-120 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô&øKüt0=-120 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-120 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=-120 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-120 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Edema/Swelling st=NotStopdXô,øCüt0=-120 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=-120 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-120 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô/øAüt0=-120 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=-120 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô1ø7üt0=-120 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô2ø?üt0=-120 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arouse to Pain st=NotStopdXô3øAüt0=-120 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=-120 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô5ø>üt0=-120 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô6øIüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=-120 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô9ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô:øEüt0=-120 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=-120 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-120 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô=ø<üt0=-120 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-120 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=-120 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô@ø7üt0=-120 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôAø;üt0=-120 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôBø7üt0=-120 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôCø@üt0=-120 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôDø5üt0=-120 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-120 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôGø:üt0=-120 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-120 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôIøAüt0=-120 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôJø>üt0=-120 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-120 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôLø8üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-120 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôNøCüt0=-120 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôOø@üt0=-120 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-120 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôQø8üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôRø7üt0=-120 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôSø7üt0=-120 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôTø7üt0=-120 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôUø>üt0=-120 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôVø>üt0=-120 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôWø5üt0=-120 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôXø9üt0=-120 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôYø;üt0=-120 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=9 u1=number st=NotStopdXôZø<üt0=-120 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô[ø4üt0=-120 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=189 vo=45 vu=mlXô\ø3üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô]ø4üt0=-120 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=24 vu=mlXô^ø8üt0=-120 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXô_ø4üt0=-120 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXô`ø4üt0=-120 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôaø,üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=70 vu=mlX ôbøWüt0=-120 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôcøQüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôdøZüt0=-120 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.3074 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-180 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-180 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-180 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXZôø5üt0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlì0 Xô?üt0=-7500 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=7.35 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-300 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=24 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-300 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-300 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-300 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-300 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-300 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøZüt0=-300 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.3074 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìØ Xôø?üt0=-2760 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=73.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdhYô@üt0=-21180 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=193 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=420 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=294 rs=Manual st=NotStopd¤Yôø7üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=100 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô ø1üt0=0 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=24 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=0 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø1üt0=0 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø1üt0=0 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø)üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=80 vu=mlX ôøTüt0=0 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripxXôø5üt0=-120 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=37.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX ôøQüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø4üt0=-240 id=128 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=189 vo=50 vu=ml,Yô?üt0=-540 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-540 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdàYôø?üt0=-420 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=27.451 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-420 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-420 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-420 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-420 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-420 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-420 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-420 id=529 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-420 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-420 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-420 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=869 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-420 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXô!ø:üt0=-420 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdxXôø9üt0=-1140 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1140 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Left Wrist v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bleeding st=NotStopdX ôø[üt0=-1140 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=10.3651 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø<üt0=-1440 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1440 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1440 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1440 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1440 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1440 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1440 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdì¼Xôø:üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=116 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=81 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-420 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øQüt0=-420 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øZüt0=-420 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.3074 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø:üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=110 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=89 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=59 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øWüt0=-240 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ô øQüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øYüt0=-240 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=13.192 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì8Xôø;üt0=-4860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-4860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=93 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1260 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1260 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=TPN st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1260 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1260 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1260 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=119 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1260 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-1260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1260 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXô"øMüt0=-1260 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-1260 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=-1260 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-1260 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=-1260 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô(ø?üt0=-1260 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-1260 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*ø@üt0=-1260 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Edema/Swelling st=NotStopdXô+øDüt0=-1260 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô,øAüt0=-1260 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXô-ø5üt0=-1260 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô.øBüt0=-1260 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-1260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-1260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1ø@üt0=-1260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Arouse to Pain st=NotStopdXô2øBüt0=-1260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-1260 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô5ø?üt0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô6øGüt0=-1260 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô7øJüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø8üt0=-1260 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô:ø6üt0=-1260 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø@üt0=-1260 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô=øFüt0=-1260 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô>ø6üt0=-1260 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-1260 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô@ø=üt0=-1260 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôAø6üt0=-1260 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=-1260 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôCø8üt0=-1260 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôDø<üt0=-1260 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-1260 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôFøAüt0=-1260 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôGø6üt0=-1260 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-1260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôJø;üt0=-1260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôKø;üt0=-1260 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôLøBüt0=-1260 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôMø?üt0=-1260 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-1260 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôOø:üt0=-1260 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXôQø8üt0=-1260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôRø6üt0=-1260 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôSøCüt0=-1260 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=37.8333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôTøAüt0=-1260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=100.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôUø6üt0=-1260 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôVøDüt0=-1260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôWøAüt0=-1260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôXø>üt0=-1260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôYø5üt0=-1260 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôZø9üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô[ø8üt0=-1260 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô\ø8üt0=-1260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô]ø8üt0=-1260 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô^ø?üt0=-1260 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô_ø?üt0=-1260 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô`ø6üt0=-1260 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôaøAüt0=-1260 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôbø=üt0=-1260 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXôcø=üt0=-1260 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôdø5üt0=-1260 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôeø:üt0=-1260 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=50.6667 vu=mlXôfø9üt0=-1260 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=40.752 vu=mlXôgø5üt0=-1260 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=82 vu=mlXôhø5üt0=-1260 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=359 vo=40 vu=mlXôiø.üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=210 vu=mlX ôjøXüt0=-4860 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôkøRüt0=-4860 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôløZüt0=-4860 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=13.192 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ômøXüt0=-1260 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ônøRüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôoø[üt0=-1260 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.7786 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì0 Xôø:üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=117 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-780 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlXô ø8üt0=-780 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-780 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-780 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-780 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1800 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1800 id=189 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1800 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1800 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1800 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1800 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1800 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1800 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=33 u1=Deg. 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v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=360 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=360 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=360 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=37.8333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=360 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=100.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1966 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=360 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlXôø7üt0=360 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø3üt0=360 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø3üt0=360 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø+üt0=360 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 vo=40 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=360 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=360 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøYüt0=360 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1966 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.7786 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì€Xôø(üt0=-660 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=20XôøBüt0=-660 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=31.8182 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=189 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-660 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-660 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2161 v1=33 u1=Deg. 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du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø[üt0=-1140 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1771 so=13 vo=0 v1=11.7786 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìdXôøBüt0=-2220 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.6546 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-2100 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.8 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2100 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.4 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2100 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=63 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2100 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.74 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2100 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=15.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdÀ[ôø>üt0=-3060 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3060 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-3480 id=773 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=56 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3480 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3480 id=788 el=0 cu=70 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st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=60 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=60 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=60 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø.üt0=60 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=60 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=60 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=60 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=60 id=529 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=60 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=27.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=60 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=60 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 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st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-4260 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-4260 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=-4260 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-4260 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-4260 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4260 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4260 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4260 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4260 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4260 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-4260 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4260 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4260 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4260 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-4260 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4260 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4260 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4260 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4260 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-4260 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4260 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4260 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-4260 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Arm, Right Lower st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4260 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4260 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-4260 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-4260 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-4260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-4260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Other/Remarks 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id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-4260 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-4260 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-4260 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=-4260 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=-4260 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-4260 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô:ø?üt0=-4260 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=-4260 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=-4260 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=-4260 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXô>øCüt0=-4260 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=37.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô?ø@üt0=-4260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=99.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô@øDüt0=-4260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-4260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-4260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-4260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôDø5üt0=-4260 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=-4260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=-4260 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôGø?üt0=-4260 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-4260 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-4260 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôJøAüt0=-4260 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-4260 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXôLø>üt0=-4260 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2320 v1=Comp. 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cg=1640 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-960 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=140 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Atrial Flutter st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-960 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-960 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-960 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-960 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-960 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-960 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-960 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-960 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Regular 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C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3360 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-3360 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3360 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3360 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3360 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=42.8 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3360 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3360 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3360 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3360 id=682 el=0 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rt=IV DripX ô øJüt0=-1440 id=25 el=1 cu=70 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øNüt0=-1440 id=43 el=2 cu=70 so=13 vo=0 v1=16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÜXôø6üt0=-2940 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2940 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2940 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-2940 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-2940 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2940 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2940 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=660 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXô ø6üt0=660 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXô ø7üt0=660 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=660 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=660 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=660 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=220 vu=mlðXôø8üt0=-6780 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6780 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6780 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6780 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=60 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=420 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-3180 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø3üt0=420 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=420 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=420 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=420 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø7üt0=180 id=228 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=180 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=180 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=180 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=PICC line v2=Left Antecub st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=180 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXô øKüt0=180 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=180 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=WNL st=NotStopdìÄXôø<üid=126 el=100 cu=70 cg=1640 io=173 am=100 du=mghr rt=IV DripXôø=üid=127 el=100 cu=70 cg=1640 io=181 am=80 du=mcgmin rt=IV DripXôø;üid=141 el=100 cu=70 cg=1640 io=162 am=20 du=mghr rt=IV DripX ôø@üid=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 io=162 vo=200 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX ôø@üid=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 io=173 vo=100 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX ôø@üid=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 io=181 vo=250 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushìDXôø;üt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=96 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=54 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1860 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-1860 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=36.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1860 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=97.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1860 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-1860 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-1860 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1860 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1860 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-1860 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-1860 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=-1860 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÀ[ôø9üt0=780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=780 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXô ø6üt0=780 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=33.96 vu=mlXô ø7üt0=780 id=149 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=20.376 vu=mlXôø7üt0=780 id=181 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=154 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø3üt0=780 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=107 vo=41 vu=mlXôø3üt0=780 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=359 vo=20 vu=mlXôø,üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 vo=280 vu=mlX ôøjüt0=780 tf=208260 dt=3458 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=53.3333 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=780 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=140 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX 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id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=53.3333 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øVüt0=-900 id=131 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=140 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=100 su=vl rt=IV DripX ôøcüt0=-900 tf=205680 dt=3443 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-900 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-900 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 so=13 vo=0 v1=8 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=120 id=370 el=1 cu=70 cg=1640 ai=359 vo=10 vu=ml st=StoppedX ôø6üt0=21720 dt=24 id=24 el=2 cu=70 cg=1640 cv=360 ap=noneXZôø7üt0=-480 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-480 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-480 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-480 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Blood Tinged v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-480 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Right Side st=NotStopd´Xôø;üt0=-660 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-660 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-660 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-660 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-660 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-660 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Done st=NotStopdxXôø&üt0=-180 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20Xôø@üt0=-180 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22.8013 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-180 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.6 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=96.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdüt0=-1320 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1320 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=6 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1320 id=199 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1320 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1320 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Clamped v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1320 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1320 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1320 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1320 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1320 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1320 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1320 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1320 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1320 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Absent st=NotStopdüt0=-1380 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1640 v1=Comp. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1680 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1680 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=117 vo=12 vu=mlXôø?üt0=-1680 id=140 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml st=StoppedXôø7üt0=-1680 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=37.5 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1680 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1680 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=4 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1680 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=120 vu=mlX ôøRüt0=-1680 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=-1680 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=95 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-1680 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-1680 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=-1680 id=43 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì€Xôø=üid=127 el=101 cu=70 cg=1939 io=161 am=60 du=mcgmin rt=IV DripXôø5üt0=-3600 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3600 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3600 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Clamped st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3600 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3600 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3600 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=-3600 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3600 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3600 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô øMüt0=-3600 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3600 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3600 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3600 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3600 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3600 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3600 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3600 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3600 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Insp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3600 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3600 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3600 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3600 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-3600 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-3600 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô"ø@üt0=-3600 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-3600 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô$ø<üt0=-3600 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=-3600 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-3600 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô'øDüt0=-3600 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô(øAüt0=-3600 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô)ø>üt0=-3600 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-3600 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô+ø8üt0=-3600 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô,ø?üt0=-3600 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-3600 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Comp. 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v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2040 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-2040 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Clamped v2=Bilious st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=45 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2040 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2040 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-2040 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-2040 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=339 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-2040 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2040 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2040 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arm, Right Upper st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2040 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2040 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2040 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-2040 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-2040 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Thrush st=NotStopdXô#ø?üt0=-2040 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô$øJüt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=135 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-2040 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô&ø;üt0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô(øEüt0=-2040 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-2040 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-2040 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô+ø=üt0=-2040 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-2040 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=-2040 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-2040 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-2040 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-2040 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô1ø.üt0=-2040 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-2040 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô3ø;üt0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-2040 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=-2040 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô7øDüt0=-2040 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô8øAüt0=-2040 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô9ø>üt0=-2040 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-2040 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-2040 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=-2040 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô>ø?üt0=-2040 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-2040 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô@ø?üt0=-2040 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Consist. Moist st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-2040 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=-2040 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=7 u1=number st=NotStopdXôCø>üt0=-2040 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôDø5üt0=-2040 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôEø4üt0=-2040 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôFø7üt0=-2040 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=22.5 vu=mlXôGø5üt0=-2040 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôHø4üt0=-2040 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôIø5üt0=-2040 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôJø.üt0=-2040 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôKøRüt0=-2040 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôLøUüt0=-2040 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôMøRüt0=-2040 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôNøRüt0=-2040 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì4XôøAüt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=44 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-540 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=36.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-540 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-540 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-540 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-540 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-540 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=45 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-540 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-540 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-540 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìèXôø'üt0=-2820 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20XôøAüt0=-2820 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=28.8066 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2820 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-2820 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2820 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2820 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2820 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2820 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-2820 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2820 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2820 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10.2 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2820 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=40.8 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2820 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=29.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2820 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2820 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2820 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2820 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2820 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=706 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2820 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2820 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2820 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2820 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopd„[ôøAüt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=42 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-120 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-120 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-120 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-120 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=70 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-120 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-120 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-120 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì@ Xôø5üt0=-3000 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=EKG st=NotStopdìXôAüt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=46 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-960 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-960 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-960 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-960 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-960 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-960 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-960 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-960 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-4680 id=815 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4680 id=824 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopd [ôø>üt0=-5460 id=806 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=785 rs=Final st=NotStopdìXô?üt0=-7020 id=825 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=51.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=240 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1616 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdxXôøüt0=0 id=69 el=1033 cu=70 cg=-1Xôø-üt0=0 id=762 el=1032 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=56.6 u1=kgXôøüt0=0 id=916 el=1020 cu=70 cg=-1XôøBüt0=0 id=917 el=1023 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SHORTNESS OF BREATH-NEUTROPENIAXôø&üt0=0 id=919 el=1026 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MEDXôøüt0=0 id=920 el=1034 cu=70 cg=-1Xôøüt0=0 id=924 el=1014 cu=70 cg=-1Xôø$üt0=0 id=925 el=1006 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MXôø&üt0=0 id=926 el=1000 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RCAXô øüt0=0 id=927 el=1021 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=930 el=1010 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=932 el=1012 cu=70 cg=-1Xô øüt0=0 id=935 el=1022 cu=70 cg=-1ðXôø@üt0=-25320 id=855 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdìÌXô5üt0=-16260 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø'üt0=-1860 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20XôøAüt0=-1860 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=27.3438 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-1860 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1860 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1860 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1860 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-1860 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1860 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1860 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1860 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=38.4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1860 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1860 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=707 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1860 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1860 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1860 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdüt0=-2700 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopd [ôøCüt0=-3480 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=None st=NotStopdì°XôAüt0=-19080 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8280 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Fam Talked to MD st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4680 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4680 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4680 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4680 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-4680 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4680 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4680 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-4680 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4680 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-4680 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1080 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1080 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Clamped st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=44 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1080 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-1080 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=PICC line v2=Left Brachial st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-1080 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1080 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-1080 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô"ø.üt0=-1080 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXô#øBüt0=-1080 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arm, Right Upper st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1080 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-1080 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-1080 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô'ø?üt0=-1080 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=-1080 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-1080 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*øJüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-1080 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô.øEüt0=-1080 id=551 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red, Unbroken v2=No st=NotStopdXô/øAüt0=-1080 id=558 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Serous v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-1080 id=564 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô1ø=üt0=-1080 id=567 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1080 id=570 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô3ø:üt0=-1080 id=573 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=-1080 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô5ø<üt0=-1080 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-1080 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô7ø.üt0=-1080 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-1080 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô:ø:üt0=-1080 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=-1080 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô=øCüt0=-1080 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=35.5556 u1=Deg. 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Limited st=NotStopdXôLø5üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôMø5üt0=-1080 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=24 vu=mlXôNø5üt0=-1080 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôOø4üt0=-1080 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôPø5üt0=-1080 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôQø.üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=100 vu=mlX ôRøRüt0=-1080 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôSøUüt0=-1080 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôTøRüt0=-1080 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripàYôø(üt0=-660 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=20Xôø=üt0=-660 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=28 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-660 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-660 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-660 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-660 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=8.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=9.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=39.2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=30 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=20 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2235 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=720 el=0 cu=70 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st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1860 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1860 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=12 vu=mlXô ø5üt0=-1860 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1860 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1860 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=46 vu=mlX ôøRüt0=-1860 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=-1860 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=-1860 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV Dripìô XôøBüt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1320 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1320 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Clamped st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=49 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1320 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1320 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1320 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=60 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 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C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1320 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1320 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1320 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=12 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1320 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-1320 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXô!ø5üt0=-1320 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=46 vu=mlX ô"øRüt0=-1320 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô#øUüt0=-1320 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô$øRüt0=-1320 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø<üt0=-2160 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2160 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2160 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2160 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2160 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdÐZôø(üt0=-780 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20XôøBüt0=-780 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23.3333 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-780 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-780 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-780 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-720 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=96.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdìl XôøAüt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=47 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=59 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-300 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=12 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-300 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-300 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-300 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=46 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-300 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-300 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-300 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø2üt0=3300 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø9üt0=3300 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=2130.81 ap=noneX ôø6üt0=3300 dt=24 id=19 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=1039 ap=noneX ôø6üt0=3300 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=1885 ap=noneX ôø5üt0=3300 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 cv=1885 ap=noneüt0=-1260 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô)øDüt0=-1260 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô*øAüt0=-1260 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô+ø>üt0=-1260 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-1260 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=323 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-1260 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô/ø5üt0=-1260 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô0ø5üt0=-1260 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=24 vu=mlXô1ø5üt0=-1260 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=20 vu=mlXô2ø4üt0=-1260 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=4 vu=mlXô3ø5üt0=-1260 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=92 vu=mlXô4ø.üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 vo=100 vu=mlX ô5øRüt0=-4860 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô6øUüt0=-4860 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô7øRüt0=-4860 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô8øRüt0=-1260 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô9øUüt0=-1260 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô:øRüt0=-1260 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô;ø3üt0=81540 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=0 ap=noneX ô<ø3üt0=81540 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=0 ap=noneX ô=ø:üt0=81540 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=833.667 ap=noneX ô>ø6üt0=81540 dt=24 id=19 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 cv=506 ap=noneX ô?ø9üt0=81540 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=1339.67 ap=noneX ô@ø6üt0=81540 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=620 ap=noneX ôAø:üt0=81540 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=719.667 ap=noneX ôBø5üt0=81540 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=620 ap=noneX ôCøMüt0=81540 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=1616 cv=14503.3 ap=carryForwardìpXôøBüt0=-3480 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3480 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.5 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXZôøAüt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=52 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øQüt0=-420 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øTüt0=-420 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øQüt0=-420 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôø(üt0=-660 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20XôøBüt0=-660 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=24.2215 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-660 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-660 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-660 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-660 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=8.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=9.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-660 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=529 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=39.2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-660 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=33.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-660 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=21.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=707 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-660 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-660 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=SQUARE st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-660 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì` Xôø<üt0=-6840 id=784 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdhYô?üt0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=60 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=33 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=49 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=60 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø2üt0=60 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=24 vu=mlXô ø2üt0=60 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø1üt0=60 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=4 vu=mlXôø2üt0=60 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=92 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=60 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=60 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=48 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=60 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1200 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-1200 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-1200 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô1ø?üt0=-1200 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô2ø?üt0=-1200 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Comp. 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Moist st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-1200 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô5ø=üt0=-1200 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXô6ø=üt0=-1200 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdüt0=-960 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=10.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=529 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=39.2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-960 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=31.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=23 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=705 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=683 el=0 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st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=52 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=48 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1939 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-960 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-960 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=117 vo=12 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-960 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=154 vo=21 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-960 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=153 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-960 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=170 vo=4 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-960 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 ai=107 vo=92 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-960 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-960 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=56 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-960 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-960 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=1939 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø>üt0=-3480 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-13 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3480 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=21 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3480 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=61 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3480 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.29 rs=Final st=NotStopdxXôøBüt0=-3600 id=114 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12.2826 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3600 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.58 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3600 id=834 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=95 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdÐZôøDüt0=-4020 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29.6 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-4020 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.2 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4020 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-4020 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.36 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4020 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-5640 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5640 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5640 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=264 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5640 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-5640 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-5640 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-5640 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdàYôøBüt0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1020 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1020 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=3 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1020 id=199 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Negative v2=7 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1020 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1020 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-1020 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Clamped v2=Bilious st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=52 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1020 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1020 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=18 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=240 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-1020 id=241 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=243 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=28 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=244 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=246 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1020 id=247 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left IJ st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=249 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1020 id=250 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Ecchymotic st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1020 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=345 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1020 id=353 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Serous v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1020 id=357 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=363 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1020 id=375 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Arm, Right Upper st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1020 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1020 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1020 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1020 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô#ø=üt0=-1020 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Oral Ulcers st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-1020 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô%øIüt0=-1020 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-1020 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-1020 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=47 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXô)ø8üt0=-1020 id=576 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô*ø8üt0=-1020 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô+ø8üt0=-1020 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô,ø.üt0=-1020 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-1020 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô/ø:üt0=-1020 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô0ø9üt0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô1ø@üt0=-1020 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô2øDüt0=-1020 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-1020 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô4øDüt0=-1020 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô5øAüt0=-1020 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô6ø>üt0=-1020 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô7ø9üt0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô8ø8üt0=-1020 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-1020 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=-1020 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô;ø?üt0=-1020 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô<ø?üt0=-1020 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô=ø6üt0=-1020 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXô>ø:üt0=-1020 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô?ø<üt0=-1020 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=8 u1=number st=NotStopdXô@ø>üt0=-1020 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=-1020 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôBø4üt0=-1020 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôCø5üt0=-1020 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=14 vu=mlXôDø5üt0=-1020 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôEø4üt0=-1020 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôFø5üt0=-1020 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=46 vu=mlXôGø-üt0=-1020 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=35 vu=mlX ôHøRüt0=-1020 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôIøUüt0=-1020 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôJøRüt0=-1020 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôKøRüt0=-1020 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø<üt0=-840 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=-1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=26 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=49 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-840 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=57 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.32 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-840 id=818 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdìXôøAüt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=52 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=37 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=53 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-780 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-780 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-780 id=137 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=117 vo=6 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-780 id=161 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=154 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-780 id=162 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=153 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-780 id=173 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=170 vo=2 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-780 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 ai=107 vo=46 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 vo=40 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-780 id=126 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøTüt0=-780 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-780 id=141 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=200 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=70 cg=2291 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripXZôø#üt0=0 id=1032 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20Xôø=üt0=0 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=26.9231 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=185 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=55 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=186 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=45 u1=decFrc st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø-üt0=0 id=1 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=25% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8.0 mm st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=0 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=0 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø-üt0=0 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=0 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=449 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=10.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=0 id=529 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=532 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=39.2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=31 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=22 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=0 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Rusty v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=0 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=705 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=# st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Servo 900c st=NotStopdXô!ø0üt0=0 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=0 id=734 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=70 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdìÄXôøBüt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=CPR Not Indicate st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=51 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Sinus Brady st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=97 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=48 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 v1=Contact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2291 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