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el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1560 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-1560 tf=160440 dt=2700 id=174 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Clear v2=5-7 st=NotStopdXôø\üt0=-1560 tf=1006440 dt=16800 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Clamped st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1560 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1560 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1560 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô!øLüt0=-1560 tf=1787160 dt=29812 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 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st=NotStopdXôFø4üt0=60 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clamped st=NotStopdXôGø4üt0=60 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôHø6üt0=60 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=60 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Reverse T-Berg st=NotStopdXôJø6üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôLø4üt0=60 id=227 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôMøLüt0=60 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdXôNøHüt0=60 tf=1180860 dt=19680 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôOøDüt0=60 tf=1180860 dt=19680 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôPøVüt0=60 tf=1180860 dt=19680 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôQø0üt0=60 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôRø4üt0=60 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôSø0üt0=60 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôTø\üt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=241 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôUøHüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=243 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôVøDüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=244 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôWø0üt0=60 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôXøFüt0=60 tf=1180860 dt=19680 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôYø3üt0=60 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôZø:üt0=60 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô[øKüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô\øKüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô]øEüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô^øEüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô_øLüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô`øLüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôaøDüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôbøDüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôcøGüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôdøIüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôeøIüt0=60 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôfø1üt0=60 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôgø1üt0=60 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôhø:üt0=60 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôiø3üt0=60 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôjø3üt0=60 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôkø<üt0=60 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôløYüt0=60 tf=291660 dt=4860 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ecchymotic v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXômø=üt0=60 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXônøIüt0=60 tf=291660 dt=4860 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôoø=üt0=60 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôpø:üt0=60 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôqø5üt0=60 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôrø8üt0=60 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None/Remarks st=NotStopdXôsøEüt0=60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôtø6üt0=60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôuø3üt0=60 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôvø1üt0=60 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôwøMüt0=60 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôxø;üt0=60 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôyø6üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôzø7üt0=60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=59.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô{ø3üt0=60 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô|ø3üt0=60 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô}ø<üt0=60 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô~ø1üt0=60 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô€ø6üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô‚ø6üt0=60 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôƒø=üt0=60 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=BehaviorSubsided st=NotStopdXô„ø:üt0=60 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô…ø5üt0=60 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô†ø4üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô‡ø5üt0=60 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôˆø:üt0=60 id=702 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Anterior Apex st=NotStopdXô‰ø/üt0=60 id=703 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=ON st=NotStopdXôŠø1üt0=60 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô‹ø<üt0=60 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôŒø<üt0=60 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=60 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôŽø4üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô‘øGüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô’øNüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô“øLüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô”øJüt0=60 tf=1781580 dt=29692 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occ. 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F st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3720 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=100 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=59.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=640 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-120 id=140 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=6.975 vu=mlXô ø7üt0=-120 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.44531 vu=mlXô!ø*üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=80 vu=mlX ô"øVüt0=-120 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô#ø_üt0=-120 tf=16080 dt=270 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô$øRüt0=-120 id=43 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=3 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÀXôø>üt0=-1320 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=22.5 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-1320 tf=1762200 dt=29392 id=1483 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=PEEP >10 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=0.6 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=45 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1320 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-1320 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=6 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1320 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=18 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1320 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=14.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1320 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7.2 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=30 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1320 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1320 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1320 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdìä Xôø6üt0=-11820 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-11820 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-11820 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-11820 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-11820 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-11820 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-11820 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-11820 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-11820 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-11820 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-4620 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4620 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not 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cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô+ø4üt0=-4620 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô,ø4üt0=-4620 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô-ø4üt0=-4620 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-4620 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-4620 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=-4620 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô1ø;üt0=-4620 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô2ø;üt0=-4620 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=-4620 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô4ø3üt0=-4620 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô5ø3üt0=-4620 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô6ø6üt0=-4620 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-4620 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô8ø?üt0=-4620 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-4620 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXô:øLüt0=-4620 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip 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Done st=NotStopdXôJøPüt0=-4620 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-4620 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôLø:üt0=-4620 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=59.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=-4620 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-4620 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=-4620 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôPø8üt0=-4620 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=-4620 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôRø9üt0=-4620 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôSø9üt0=-4620 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôTø9üt0=-4620 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôUø>üt0=-4620 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=-4620 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=-4620 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôXø;üt0=-4620 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tan v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôYøBüt0=-4620 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=-4620 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô[ø=üt0=-4620 id=702 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Anterior Apex st=NotStopdXô\ø2üt0=-4620 id=703 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=ON st=NotStopdXô]ø?üt0=-4620 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô^ø?üt0=-4620 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô_ø<üt0=-4620 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô`ø7üt0=-4620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôaø6üt0=-4620 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôbø6üt0=-4620 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôcø4üt0=-1020 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôdø9üt0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôeø4üt0=-1020 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôfø:üt0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôgø5üt0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôhø9üt0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=87 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st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Very Sedated st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Arouse to Pain st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-900 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ecchymotic v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-900 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-900 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-900 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-900 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-900 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-900 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=EKG st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-900 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=702 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Anterior Apex st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-900 id=703 el=0 cu=1 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st=StoppedXôø3üt0=-540 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=9.3 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-540 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø]üt0=-540 id=43 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedZôø+üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=42 vu=mlìXô5üt0=-2640 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2640 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2640 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2640 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2640 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2640 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2640 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-2640 id=241 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2640 id=243 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2640 id=244 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2640 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-2640 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2640 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2640 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2640 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purple st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2640 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2640 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2640 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-2640 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXô"ø=üt0=-2640 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-2640 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=-2640 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô%ø>üt0=-2640 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-2640 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-2640 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-2640 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-2640 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=-2640 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô+ø=üt0=-2640 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=-2640 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-2640 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô.øIüt0=-840 tf=33360 dt=570 id=701 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô/ø6üt0=-2640 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô0ø3üt0=-840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô2ø@üt0=-840 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=-840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô4ø2üt0=-840 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXô5øOüt0=-840 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô6ø7üt0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Frequent st=NotStopdXô7ø4üt0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô8ø8üt0=-840 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-840 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô:øGüt0=-840 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXô;ø3üt0=-840 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô<øAüt0=-840 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clamped v2=Bilious st=NotStopdXô=ø6üt0=-840 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-840 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôAø2üt0=-840 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=-840 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôCø5üt0=-840 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-840 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôEøIüt0=-840 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ecchymotic v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôFø?üt0=-840 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXôGø2üt0=-840 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôHø?üt0=-840 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-840 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôJø7üt0=-840 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-840 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôLø8üt0=-840 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôMøGüt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôOøOüt0=-840 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôPø8üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôQø9üt0=-840 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôRø9üt0=-840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôSø7üt0=-840 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôTø5üt0=-840 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôUø6üt0=-840 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôVø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôWø6üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-840 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tan v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôYøAüt0=-840 id=657 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C st=NotStopdXô\ø=üt0=-840 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô]ø8üt0=-840 id=701 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô^ø<üt0=-840 id=702 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Anterior Apex st=NotStopdXô_ø1üt0=-840 id=703 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=ON st=NotStopdXô`ø>üt0=-840 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôaø>üt0=-840 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôbø;üt0=-840 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôcø6üt0=-840 id=733 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôdø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôeø9üt0=-840 id=763 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôfø8üt0=-840 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdX ôgøVüt0=-840 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìDXôø3üt0=-900 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-900 id=604 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-900 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-900 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=9.3 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=27 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-900 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì Xôø<üt0=-13620 id=785 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=54 rs=Final st=NotStopdììXô&üio=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ra=15 ru=ml/hrX ôø=üid=166 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 io=481 du=str rt=Gastric/Feeding TubeX ôø;üid=95 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 io=128 du=ml rt=Gastric/Feeding Tube¤Yôø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdì°Xô4üt0=-1620 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1620 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=ml nb=1Xô ø4üt0=-1620 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=9.3 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1620 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôøPüt0=-180 tf=1739940 dt=29002 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=185 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìTXô0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=0 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=0 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=0 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-3600 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=21 vu=mlXôø0üt0=0 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=9.3 vu=mlXôø'üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=15 vu=mlX ôøSüt0=0 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.16 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø,üt0=-3900 id=640 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-300 id=640 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopd,Yôø:üt0=-600 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXZô4üt0=-4800 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlXôø9üt0=-1200 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=500 vu=ml nb=1Xôø3üt0=-1200 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlìœ Xôø?üt0=-3660 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=18.75 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=45 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3660 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3660 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3660 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-3660 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=18 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3660 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3660 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.2 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3660 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3660 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=60 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3660 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=32 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3660 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3660 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3660 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3660 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3660 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3660 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 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cu=1 cg=104 v1=Cardiac Echo st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-840 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=37 vu=mlüt0=-29100 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-29100 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-29100 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-29100 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øNüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-29100 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-29100 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-29100 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-29100 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-21900 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-21900 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-21900 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-21900 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-21900 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-21900 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-21900 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-21900 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-21900 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-21900 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-21900 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-21900 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-21900 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-21900 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-21900 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-21900 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-21900 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-21900 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-21900 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-21900 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-21900 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-14700 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$øAüt0=-14700 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô%øLüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô&øBüt0=-14700 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-14700 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXô(øNüt0=-300 tf=1712820 dt=28552 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô)øMüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-14700 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô+øIüt0=-14700 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare 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st=NotStopdXô;øSüt0=-300 tf=1712820 dt=28552 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-14700 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=-14700 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXô>øFüt0=-14700 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô?øPüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-14700 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-14700 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø7üt0=-14700 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôCø5üt0=-14700 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôDø7üt0=-14700 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôEø7üt0=-14700 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôFø@üt0=-14700 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôGø5üt0=-14700 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôHø8üt0=-14700 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôIøDüt0=-14700 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Withdraws st=NotStopdXôJø:üt0=-14700 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-14700 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôLø?üt0=-14700 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôMø>üt0=-14700 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôNøIüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôOøOüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=-14700 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôQø@üt0=-14700 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôRø@üt0=-14700 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôSøOüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôTø=üt0=-14700 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôUøHüt0=-14700 tf=1712820 dt=28792 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôVø7üt0=-14700 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôWø?üt0=-11100 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôXø5üt0=-11100 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôYø8üt0=-11100 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôZø7üt0=-11100 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô[ø5üt0=-7500 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô\ø@üt0=-7500 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô]ø@üt0=-7500 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Fam Talked to MD st=NotStopdXô^ø:üt0=-7500 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô_øYüt0=-3900 tf=1712820 dt=28612 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô`øGüt0=-3900 tf=1712820 dt=28612 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôaø7üt0=-7500 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôbø3üt0=-7500 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôcøKüt0=-7500 id=241 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXôdø7üt0=-7500 id=243 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôeø3üt0=-7500 id=244 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôfø5üt0=-7500 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôgø6üt0=-7500 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôhø=üt0=-7500 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôiø:üt0=-7500 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôjø:üt0=-7500 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôkø:üt0=-7500 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôlø4üt0=-7500 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXômø9üt0=-7500 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Petechiae st=NotStopdXônø4üt0=-7500 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôoø;üt0=-7500 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôpø;üt0=-7500 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôqø;üt0=-7500 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôrø3üt0=-7500 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôsø6üt0=-7500 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purple st=NotStopdXôtø3üt0=-7500 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôuø6üt0=-7500 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôvø8üt0=-7500 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôwø?üt0=-7500 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôxø8üt0=-7500 id=380 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Betadine st=NotStopdXôyøLüt0=-7500 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôzø4üt0=-7500 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô{ø4üt0=-7500 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô|ø=üt0=-7500 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô}øEüt0=-7500 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô~ø6üt0=-7500 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7500 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô€ø>üt0=-7500 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7500 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô‚ø4üt0=-7500 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôƒø9üt0=-7500 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô„ø9üt0=-7500 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô…ø>üt0=-7500 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô†ø=üt0=-7500 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô‡ø8üt0=-7500 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôˆø8üt0=-7500 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô‰ø9üt0=-7500 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôŠø6üt0=-7500 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô‹ø=üt0=-7500 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôŒø=üt0=-7500 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-7500 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôŽø8üt0=-7500 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7500 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=9 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7500 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXô‘ø[üt0=-3900 tf=1712820 dt=28612 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô’ø7üt0=-3900 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô“ø3üt0=-3900 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô”øEüt0=-3900 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô•ø3üt0=-3900 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô–ø7üt0=-3900 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô—ø3üt0=-3900 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô˜øKüt0=-3900 id=241 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXô™ø7üt0=-3900 id=243 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôšø3üt0=-3900 id=244 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô›ø5üt0=-3900 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôœø>üt0=-3900 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Line Placement st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-300 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôžø?üt0=-300 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôŸø6üt0=-300 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-300 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô¡ø2üt0=-300 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXô¢ø3üt0=-300 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô£ø:üt0=-300 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô¤ø7üt0=-300 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô¥ø:üt0=-300 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô¦øGüt0=-300 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXô§ø3üt0=-300 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô¨øIüt0=-300 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô©ø6üt0=-300 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôªø8üt0=-300 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô«ø9üt0=-300 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô¬ø<üt0=-300 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô­ø5üt0=-300 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô®ø5üt0=-300 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô¯ø7üt0=-300 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô°ø>üt0=-300 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô±ø<üt0=-300 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô²ø5üt0=-300 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô³ø5üt0=-300 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô´ø?üt0=-300 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôµø?üt0=-300 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô¶ø3üt0=-300 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô·ø?üt0=-300 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô¸ø<üt0=-300 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô¹ø7üt0=-300 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôºø:üt0=-300 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô»ø8üt0=-300 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô¼ø8üt0=-300 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô½ø5üt0=-300 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô¾ø3üt0=-300 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô¿ø=üt0=-300 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôÀø5üt0=-300 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôÁø5üt0=-300 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôÂø9üt0=-300 id=604 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdXôÃø>üt0=-300 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôÄø3üt0=-300 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôÅø6üt0=-300 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôÆøBüt0=-300 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Withdraws st=NotStopdXôÇø8üt0=-300 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôÈø8üt0=-300 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôÉø=üt0=-300 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôÊø<üt0=-300 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôËø3üt0=-300 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôÌø9üt0=-300 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôÍø?üt0=-300 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôÎø7üt0=-300 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôÏø6üt0=-300 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôÐø>üt0=-300 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôÑø9üt0=-300 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôÒø;üt0=-300 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôÓø2üt0=-300 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôÔø5üt0=-300 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdìXôø3üt0=-300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øMüt0=-300 tf=21300 dt=360 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15 vu=ml st=StoppedXô ø7üt0=-3900 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xô ø3üt0=-300 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-300 id=140 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=6.975 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=240 vu=mlX ôøRüt0=-300 id=43 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=3 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìðXôø>üt0=-780 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=18.75 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-780 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-780 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-780 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=18 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-780 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=12.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-780 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=6.5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=32 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-780 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=Brown v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=440 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-780 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=290 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì(Xôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.671 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=62 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=92 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdhYôø4üt0=-2460 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2460 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=94 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2460 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Runs Vtach st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-660 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=140 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-660 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=-660 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-660 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks 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st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2100 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2100 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2100 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2100 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2100 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-300 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-300 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v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-9720 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-9720 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9720 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-9720 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-9720 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-9720 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-9720 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-9720 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-9720 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9720 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9720 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No v2=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2520 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2520 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2520 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-2520 tf=728280 dt=12180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2520 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2520 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2520 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-2520 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2520 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=-2520 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=-2520 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-2520 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô$øHüt0=-2520 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-2520 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-2520 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-2520 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-2520 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-2520 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-2520 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-2520 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô,øGüt0=-2520 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô-øKüt0=-2520 tf=1689000 dt=28192 id=239 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô.ø3üt0=-2520 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô/øEüt0=-2520 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô0ø3üt0=-2520 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô1ø7üt0=-2520 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô2ø3üt0=-2520 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô3ø7üt0=-2520 id=239 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô4øKüt0=-2520 id=241 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Left Femoral st=NotStopdXô5ø7üt0=-2520 id=243 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô6ø3üt0=-2520 id=244 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô7ø=üt0=-2520 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=-2520 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-2520 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô:ø3üt0=-2520 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Good st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=-2520 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô<ø:üt0=-2520 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-2520 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô>ø:üt0=-2520 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-2520 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-2520 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-2520 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=-2520 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=-2520 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôDø;üt0=-2520 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôEø;üt0=-2520 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=-2520 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôGø4üt0=-2520 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôHø4üt0=-2520 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-2520 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôJø4üt0=-2520 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôKø6üt0=-2520 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôLø8üt0=-2520 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôMø?üt0=-2520 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôNø;üt0=-2520 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXôOøLüt0=-2520 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôPø4üt0=-2520 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôQø>üt0=-2520 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None v2=Intact st=NotStopdXôRø=üt0=-2520 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôSø6üt0=-2520 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôTø6üt0=-2520 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôUø?üt0=-2520 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôVø<üt0=-2520 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-2520 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôXø>üt0=-2520 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXôYø4üt0=-2520 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôZø@üt0=-2520 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô[ø=üt0=-2520 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô\ø8üt0=-2520 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXô]øEüt0=-2520 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô^ø;üt0=-2520 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô_ø9üt0=-2520 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô`ø9üt0=-2520 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôaøHüt0=-2520 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôbø9üt0=-2520 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôcø:üt0=-2520 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôdø4üt0=-2520 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôeøNüt0=-2520 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôfø>üt0=-2520 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôgø9üt0=-2520 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôhø:üt0=-2520 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôiø6üt0=-2520 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôjø6üt0=-2520 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôkø?üt0=-2520 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôlø4üt0=-2520 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXômø7üt0=-2520 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXônø9üt0=-2520 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôoøCüt0=-2520 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Verbal v2=Withdraws st=NotStopdXôpø9üt0=-2520 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôqø9üt0=-2520 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôrø>üt0=-2520 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôsø=üt0=-2520 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôtø4üt0=-2520 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôuø8üt0=-2520 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôvø7üt0=-2520 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôwø:üt0=-2520 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôxø8üt0=-2520 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôyø:üt0=-2520 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôzø?üt0=-2520 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô{ø?üt0=-2520 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô|ø8üt0=-2520 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No v2=No st=NotStopdXô}ø<üt0=-2520 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô~ø3üt0=-2520 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô€ø6üt0=-2520 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2520 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô‚ø6üt0=-2520 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôƒø;üt0=-2520 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô„ø9üt0=-2520 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô…ø8üt0=-2520 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXô†ø;üt0=-2520 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXô‡ø;üt0=-2520 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôˆø>üt0=-13320 id=140 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=7 vu=ml st=StoppedXô‰ø3üt0=-13320 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXôŠø-üt0=-9720 id=140 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vu=mlXô‹ø-üt0=-6120 id=140 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vu=mlXôŒø8üt0=-2520 id=372 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=2.90625 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlX ôŽøWüt0=-2520 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.05 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø<üt0=-13560 id=640 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2760 id=640 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Fluid Bolus st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-9960 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=55 vu=mlH[ôø&üio=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ra=20 ru=ml/hrX ôø?üid=18 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 io=134 vo=1000 du=ml rt=Intravenous Pushì| Xôø4üt0=-2940 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2940 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2940 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2940 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2940 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2940 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2940 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2940 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=52 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 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Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8940 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8940 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8940 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8940 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-8940 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-8940 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-8940 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1740 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1740 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1740 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1740 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1740 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare 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F st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=144 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X ôøTüt0=0 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.075 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø3üt0=51300 dt=24 id=3 el=1 cu=1 cg=140 cv=750 ap=noneìXôø3üt0=-660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=127 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=122 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-660 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø7üt0=-660 id=213 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=4.35938 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-660 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.075 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=240 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.04 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì$ Xôø2üt0=600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øUüt0=600 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.04 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìØ Xôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-120 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-120 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1920 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1920 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø8üt0=-1920 id=213 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=2.83359 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1920 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=25 vu=mlXôøAüt0=-120 id=213 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=1.1625 vu=ml st=StoppedX ôø^üt0=-120 id=120 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedììXôøNüt0=-10380 tf=871620 dt=14700 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-10380 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-10380 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10380 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-10380 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10380 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10380 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-10380 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10380 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-10380 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-10380 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-10380 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-10380 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-10380 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10380 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10380 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10380 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10380 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10380 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10380 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10380 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10380 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10380 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10380 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10380 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10380 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10380 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10380 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-10380 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10380 id=380 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Betadine st=NotStopdXôøMüt0=-10380 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10380 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-10380 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=-10380 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô"øFüt0=-10380 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-10380 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=-10380 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-10380 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô&ø@üt0=-10380 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=-10380 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-10380 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-10380 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-10380 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô+ø>üt0=-10380 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô,ø5üt0=-10380 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-10380 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=-10380 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-10380 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô0ø4üt0=-10380 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô1ø7üt0=-10380 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=-10380 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô3ø>üt0=-10380 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.42 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-23340 tf=91860 dt=1920 id=144 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=375 vu=mlXôøGüt0=-1740 tf=1285260 dt=21450 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1740 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1740 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1740 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-1740 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=0 vu=mlXôø7üt0=-1740 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X ôøgüt0=-1740 tf=41460 dt=720 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.01 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1740 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìDXôø$üt0=0 id=174 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dhYô3üt0=-360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=122 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=59 u1=mmHg v2=33 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. 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v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô3øLüt0=-22920 tf=1625400 dt=27472 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô4øDüt0=-22920 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô5øGüt0=-22920 tf=869880 dt=14880 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=-22920 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô7ø4üt0=-22920 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô8øFüt0=-22920 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô9ø4üt0=-22920 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=-22920 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô;ø4üt0=-22920 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô<ø4üt0=-22920 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô=øIüt0=-22920 tf=682680 dt=11760 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô>ø6üt0=-22920 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-22920 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô@øKüt0=-22920 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôAø7üt0=-22920 id=31 el=0 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cu=1 cg=104 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôÍø?üt0=-8520 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôÎø?üt0=-8520 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôÏø:üt0=-8520 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôÐø<üt0=-8520 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôÑø3üt0=-8520 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôÒø6üt0=-8520 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôÓø6üt0=-8520 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôÔø=üt0=-8520 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôÕø=üt0=-8520 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôÖø;üt0=-8520 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô×ø?üt0=-8520 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôØø;üt0=-8520 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôÙø<üt0=-8520 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôÚø5üt0=-1320 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôÛø@üt0=-1320 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôÜø6üt0=-1320 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôÝø8üt0=-1320 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôÞø?üt0=-1320 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôßø=üt0=-1320 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôàø4üt0=-1320 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôáø?üt0=-1320 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôâø4üt0=-1320 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôãø9üt0=-1320 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôäø9üt0=-1320 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôåø>üt0=-1320 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôæø=üt0=-1320 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôçø8üt0=-1320 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXZôø=üt0=-1920 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=150 rs=Manual st=NotStopdüt0=-12780 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-12780 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdàYôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.9037 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=-4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=20 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=77 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=96 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdìXôø?üt0=360 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21.7391 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:2.6 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=360 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=360 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=360 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=360 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=360 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=360 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=6.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=360 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=26.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=360 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=19.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=360 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=360 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=360 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì8Xôø2üt0=-720 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Mouthing Words st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-720 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-720 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-720 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=38 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=59 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-720 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-720 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'øBüt0=-720 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Verbal v2=Withdraws st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-720 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô)ø=üt0=-720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=-720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô+ø>üt0=-720 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-720 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-720 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô.ø6üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô/ø3üt0=-4320 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô0ø3üt0=-4320 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô1ø4üt0=-4320 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXô2ø3üt0=-4320 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô3ø4üt0=-4320 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=6.2 vu=mlXô4ø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô5ø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô6ø3üt0=-720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXô7ø2üt0=-720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô8ø*üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=50 vu=mlXô9ø3üt0=-720 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=6.2 vu=mlX ô:øVüt0=-720 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.01 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô;øOüt0=-720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìô Xôø9üt0=-180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=57 u1=mmHg v2=31 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-180 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=6.2 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-180 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.01 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip”Zôø<üt0=0 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=33 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdì€Xô>üt0=-2760 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2760 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1242.11 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2760 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2000 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2760 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=11 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2760 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2760 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3.79259 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=56 u1=mmHg v2=30 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøNüt0=840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø2üt0=600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=48 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=600 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=62 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=600 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=600 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=600 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10200 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-6600 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-3000 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-3000 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-3000 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-3000 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-3000 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-3000 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=6.2 vu=mlXôø1üt0=600 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø1üt0=600 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=600 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø1üt0=600 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-3000 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøUüt0=600 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øNüt0=600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripZôø(üt0=60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=45 vu=mlðXô2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=18 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=45 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=61 u1=mmHg v2=35 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=-2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.43 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd”Zôø>üt0=-60 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xô>üt0=-1440 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.04969 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1440 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1527.27 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1440 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2458.54 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1440 id=814 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v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-13320 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-13320 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-13320 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-13320 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-13320 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-13320 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-13320 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-13320 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-13320 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-13320 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-13320 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-13320 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2520 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2520 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2520 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2520 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-2520 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2520 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-2520 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô"øHüt0=-2520 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Right Nare st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-2520 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-2520 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-2520 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-2520 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-2520 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-2520 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô)øCüt0=-2520 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô*ø2üt0=-2520 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-2520 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô,ø3üt0=-2520 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô-øEüt0=-2520 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô.ø2üt0=-2520 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-2520 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô0ø3üt0=-2520 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=-2520 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô2ø5üt0=-2520 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=-2520 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=-2520 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô5øJüt0=-2520 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô6ø6üt0=-2520 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô7ø=üt0=-2520 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-2520 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soap & 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st=NotStopdXôIø8üt0=-2520 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôJø?üt0=-2520 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôKø;üt0=-2520 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXôLøLüt0=-2520 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=-2520 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=-2520 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôOø=üt0=-2520 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôPø6üt0=-2520 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôQø6üt0=-2520 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôRø?üt0=-2520 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôSøMüt0=-2520 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôTø@üt0=-2520 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôUø3üt0=-2520 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôVø4üt0=-2520 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-2520 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôXø=üt0=-2520 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôYø8üt0=-2520 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôZøFüt0=-2520 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXô[ø;üt0=-2520 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô\ø9üt0=-2520 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô]ø9üt0=-2520 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô^ø9üt0=-2520 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô_ø4üt0=-2520 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô`øNüt0=-2520 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôaø>üt0=-2520 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôbø6üt0=-2520 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôcø6üt0=-2520 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôdø?üt0=-2520 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôeø4üt0=-2520 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôfø7üt0=-2520 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôgøCüt0=-2520 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôhø9üt0=-2520 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôiø9üt0=-2520 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôjø>üt0=-2520 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôkø3üt0=-2520 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 u1=... st=NotStopdXôlø=üt0=-2520 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXômø4üt0=-2520 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXônø8üt0=-2520 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôoø:üt0=-2520 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôpø8üt0=-2520 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôqø9üt0=-2520 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôrø>üt0=-2520 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôsø?üt0=-2520 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôtø:üt0=-2520 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôuø<üt0=-2520 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôvø3üt0=-2520 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôwø6üt0=-2520 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdüt0=-2580 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2580 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2580 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2580 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdì°Xôø3üt0=-180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-180 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=18.8285 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=115 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-180 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-180 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:1.7 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-180 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=14.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=42 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=59 u1=mmHg v2=33 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=29.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=14.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-180 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-180 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=100.22 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-180 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=470 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-180 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=-180 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-180 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXô*ø4üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXô+ø3üt0=-180 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô-øVüt0=-180 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=529 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô.øOüt0=-180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=529 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripàYôø4üt0=-172260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3960 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3960 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdhYôø=üt0=-1020 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=884 v1=223 rs=Manual st=NotStopd,Yô<üt0=-4620 id=855 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdìTXô<üt0=-1380 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=70 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1380 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=70 rs=Final st=NotStopdìô Xôø4üt0=-6000 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6000 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6000 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2400 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2400 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2400 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2400 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2400 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2400 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2400 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2400 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2400 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=42 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2400 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=56 u1=mmHg v2=34 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2400 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2400 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2400 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2400 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2400 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2400 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2400 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2400 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=100.22 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-9600 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-6000 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-6000 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-6000 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-6000 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-6000 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=80 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2400 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2400 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2400 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2400 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlX ô øWüt0=-2400 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô!øPüt0=-2400 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì Xôø3üt0=-240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-240 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-240 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-240 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-240 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø5üt0=-11280 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-7680 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-4080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-4080 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-480 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-480 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-480 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-480 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-480 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlìPXôø?üt0=240 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=17.7165 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=240 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:1.9 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=240 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=240 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=240 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5040 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5040 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1440 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1440 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1440 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1440 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1440 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø@üt0=-1440 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1440 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-1440 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1440 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-1440 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô&ø;üt0=-1440 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-1440 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-1440 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô)øNüt0=-1440 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô*ø4üt0=-1440 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô+ø5üt0=-1440 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-1440 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-1440 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1440 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1440 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô0ø9üt0=-1440 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-1440 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-1440 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô3ø:üt0=-1440 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=-1440 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô5øCüt0=-1440 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô6ø3üt0=-1440 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=-1440 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô8ø3üt0=-1440 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô9øEüt0=-1440 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô:ø2üt0=-1440 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-1440 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô<ø3üt0=-1440 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô=ø3üt0=-1440 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-1440 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô?ø5üt0=-1440 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô@ø7üt0=-1440 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôAøJüt0=-1440 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôBø6üt0=-1440 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôCø3üt0=-1440 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôDø=üt0=-1440 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=-1440 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôFø4üt0=-1440 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôGø4üt0=-1440 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôHø4üt0=-1440 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=-1440 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôJø;üt0=-1440 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôKø;üt0=-1440 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôLø;üt0=-1440 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=-1440 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=-1440 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôOø4üt0=-1440 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôPø4üt0=-1440 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôQø6üt0=-1440 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôRø8üt0=-1440 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôSø?üt0=-1440 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôTø;üt0=-1440 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXôUøLüt0=-1440 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôVø4üt0=-1440 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôWø>üt0=-1440 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None v2=Intact st=NotStopdXôXø=üt0=-1440 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôYø6üt0=-1440 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôZø6üt0=-1440 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô[ø7üt0=-1440 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô\øMüt0=-1440 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô]ø@üt0=-1440 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXô^ø3üt0=-1440 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô_ø4üt0=-1440 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô`ø@üt0=-1440 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôaø=üt0=-1440 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôbø8üt0=-1440 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôcø:üt0=-1440 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôdøHüt0=-1440 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôeøFüt0=-1440 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXôfø;üt0=-1440 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôgø9üt0=-1440 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôhø9üt0=-1440 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôiøHüt0=-1440 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôjø9üt0=-1440 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôkø9üt0=-1440 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôlø4üt0=-1440 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXômøNüt0=-1440 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXônø>üt0=-1440 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôoø9üt0=-1440 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôpø:üt0=-1440 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôqø6üt0=-1440 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôrø6üt0=-1440 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôsø?üt0=-1440 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôtø4üt0=-1440 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôuø7üt0=-1440 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôvø9üt0=-1440 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôwøEüt0=-1440 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Nail Bed v2=Withdraws st=NotStopdXôxø9üt0=-1440 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôyø9üt0=-1440 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôzø>üt0=-1440 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô{ø=üt0=-1440 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô|ø8üt0=-1440 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô}ø4üt0=-1440 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô~ø>üt0=-1440 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1440 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô€ø8üt0=-1440 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1440 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô‚ø>üt0=-1440 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôƒø9üt0=-1440 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô„ø?üt0=-1440 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô…ø?üt0=-1440 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô†ø:üt0=-1440 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô‡ø<üt0=-1440 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôˆø7üt0=-1440 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô‰ø6üt0=-1440 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôŠø2üt0=360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô‹ø8üt0=360 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôŒø7üt0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôŽø2üt0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô‘ø8üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô’ø8üt0=360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô“øFüt0=360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô”øFüt0=360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô•ø7üt0=360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô–ø7üt0=360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô—ø8üt0=360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô˜ø7üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô™ø5üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôšø<üt0=360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô›ø=üt0=360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôœø5üt0=360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-5040 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôžø3üt0=-5040 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôŸø4üt0=-5040 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXô ø>üt0=-5040 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=ml st=StoppedXô¡ø.üt0=-5040 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vu=ml es=SmallXô¢ø+üt0=-5040 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=70 vu=mlXô£ø4üt0=-5040 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlXô¤ø3üt0=-1440 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô¥ø3üt0=-1440 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô¦ø4üt0=-1440 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXô§ø+üt0=-1440 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXô¨ø4üt0=-1440 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=9.3 vu=mlX ô©øWüt0=-5040 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôªøPüt0=-5040 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô«øWüt0=-1440 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.15 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô¬øPüt0=-1440 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô­øUüt0=360 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô®øNüt0=360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø5üt0=-19320 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdì` Xôø:üt0=-4020 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=138 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=-2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=111 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.39 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=138 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-120 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=98 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdX ô ø:üt0=64380 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 cv=0 ap=carryForwardì€Xôø4üt0=-2340 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2340 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2340 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2340 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2340 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=87 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2340 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2340 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2340 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2340 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2340 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2340 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2340 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô#ø=üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô&ø3üt0=-2340 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô'ø3üt0=-2340 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô(ø4üt0=-2340 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXô)ø5üt0=-2340 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=52.7 vu=mlXô*ø+üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=100 vu=mlX ô+øvüt0=-1740 tf=1584780 dt=26442 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedX ô,øPüt0=-2340 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô-øWüt0=-1740 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô.øVüt0=-540 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô/øOüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø:üt0=-840 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-840 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-840 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-840 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-840 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-840 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdÐZôø>üt0=-3360 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3360 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3360 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-3360 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.8 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3360 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=280 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3360 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.46 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3360 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3060 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.5267 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdðXôø>üt0=-60 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=33 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdxXô>üt0=-3420 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=354 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1920 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1920 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1326.32 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1920 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2135.59 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1920 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=61 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1920 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=98 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1920 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3.75842 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=30 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-120 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô!øVüt0=-120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô"øOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø2üt0=-420 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-420 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-420 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø4üt0=-420 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlH[ôø5üt0=-12060 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=-8460 tf=1582260 dt=26512 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-8460 tf=1582260 dt=26512 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-8460 tf=1582260 dt=26512 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1260 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-22860 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-8460 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXô ø2üt0=-1260 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml´Xôø>üt0=-5040 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5040 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5040 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=94 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5040 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5040 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5040 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=94 rs=Final st=NotStopdðXôø<üt0=-5280 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-5280 id=1522 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.6 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=115 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=129 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5280 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-5280 id=1534 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5280 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=144 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-5280 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-5280 id=786 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.6 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-5280 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=21 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-5280 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=115 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-5280 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5280 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=129 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5280 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-5280 id=827 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5280 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5280 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=144 rs=Final st=NotStopdì˜ XôøAüt0=-1560 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=16.0714 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=1:3.3 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1560 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-1560 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=13 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1560 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=34 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1560 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=440 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdàYôø3üt0=-2040 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=20 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2040 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=113 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=47 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2040 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=56 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2040 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-2040 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-2040 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì Xôø>üt0=-4860 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-4860 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô øRüt0=-1260 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-1260 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1260 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1260 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1260 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô!ø4üt0=-1260 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô"ø4üt0=-1260 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-1260 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-1260 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-1260 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-1260 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-1260 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXô(øLüt0=-1260 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô)ø=üt0=-1260 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=-1260 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-1260 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô,ø?üt0=-1260 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=-1260 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô.ø3üt0=-1260 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô/ø@üt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-1260 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXô2ø:üt0=-1260 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô3øHüt0=-1260 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=53 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-1260 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-1260 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-1260 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô7øHüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9øNüt0=-1260 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-1260 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô=ø7üt0=-1260 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô>ø?üt0=-1260 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô?ø7üt0=-1260 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôAøCüt0=-1260 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-1260 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-1260 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôDø=üt0=-1260 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=-1260 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=-1260 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôGø;üt0=-1260 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôHø7üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôIø=üt0=-1260 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nonpurposeful st=NotStopdXôJø8üt0=-1260 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôKø>üt0=-1260 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=960 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=950 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìP Xôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=105 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôøDüt0=-2520 tf=238680 dt=4020 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=134 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2520 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=9.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=50 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=25 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-2520 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=120 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2520 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôø4üt0=47880 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 cv=200 ap=none”Zôø1üt0=420 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8.25 vu=mlXôø1üt0=420 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=35 vu=mlXôø*üt0=420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=240 vu=mlXôø3üt0=420 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlìXôø3üt0=-1380 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=18 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1380 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1380 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1380 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=47 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1380 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-1380 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1380 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø*üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=420 vu=mlìXô2üt0=360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=360 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=360 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø1üt0=360 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=35 vu=mlXôø*üt0=360 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=300 vu=mlXôø3üt0=360 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=360 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø:üt0=43560 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=150 cv=150 ap=noneX ôø@üt0=43560 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=-119.6 cv=-119.6 ap=noneX ôø@üt0=43560 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=30.4 cv=1729.65 ap=noneX ôø?üt0=43560 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=30.4 cv=2739.65 ap=noneX ôø9üt0=43560 dt=24 id=24 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=0 cv=810 ap=noneX ôø<üt0=43560 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=150 cv=4435 ap=noneX ô øKüt0=43560 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=-119.6 cv=-1695.35 ap=carryForwardX ô!øCüt0=43560 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=150 cv=4435 ap=carryForwardX ô"øUüt0=43560 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 pv=-119.6 cv=11751.8 ap=carryForwardì Xôø<üt0=-1080 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.7 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1080 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-1080 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1080 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1080 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=11 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1080 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=9.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=22 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1080 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdìØ Xôø0üt0=0 id=213 el=2 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'dXZô3üt0=-600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-600 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-600 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-600 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-600 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-600 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-600 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=35 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=340 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-600 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-600 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=85 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-8340 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-8340 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8340 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1140 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1140 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1140 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1140 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøRüt0=-1140 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1140 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1140 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô!øBüt0=-1140 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 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st=NotStopdXô2ø4üt0=-1140 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-1140 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-1140 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-1140 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô6ø?üt0=-1140 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=-1140 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXô8øLüt0=-1140 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô9ø4üt0=-1140 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-1140 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô;ø?üt0=-1140 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô<ø@üt0=-1140 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô=ø@üt0=-1140 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-1140 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=-1140 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-1140 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1140 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=-1140 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôCøNüt0=-1140 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-1140 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=-1140 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôFø7üt0=-1140 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôGøCüt0=-1140 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-1140 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôIø9üt0=-1140 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôJø>üt0=-1140 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-1140 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôLø4üt0=-1140 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=-1140 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôNø;üt0=-1140 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôOø=üt0=-1140 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nonpurposeful 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C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-540 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¼Xôø2üt0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø1üt0=180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=180 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=180 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø4üt0=-4140 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-540 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlì| Xôø:üt0=-17880 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10680 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=120 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=120 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=120 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=120 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=120 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=120 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=120 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=120 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=120 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=120 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=120 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=120 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$øFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'ø2üt0=120 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô)ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=72.7 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=120 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô+ø2üt0=120 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô,ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=120 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô.ø7üt0=120 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=120 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=120 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô1ø2üt0=120 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=120 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô4ø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô5ø=üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô7ø1üt0=120 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô9ø1üt0=120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô:ø0üt0=120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXô;ø1üt0=120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô<ø*üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=140 vu=mlXô=ø3üt0=120 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ô>øUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô?øNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÀXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=130 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1080 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1080 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø:üt0=-1500 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=70 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1.12227 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=71 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1.31171 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=733 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=0 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=763 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìøXôø@üt0=-120 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21.4286 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=45 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=36 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=11 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=27 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=22 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdìXôø4üt0=-1740 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1740 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Mouthing Words st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1740 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1740 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1740 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô øRüt0=-1740 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1740 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1740 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1740 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1740 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1740 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1740 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1740 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1740 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1740 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1740 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1740 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1740 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1740 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-1740 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1740 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-1740 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$øHüt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%øKüt0=-1740 tf=1545780 dt=25792 id=522 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=At Rest st=NotStopdXô&øHüt0=-1740 tf=1545780 dt=25792 id=526 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô'øKüt0=-1740 tf=1545780 dt=25792 id=527 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=IV Push st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-1740 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Constant st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*øNüt0=-1740 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô,ø:üt0=-1740 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-1740 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXô.ø5üt0=-1740 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1740 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô0ø9üt0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô1øCüt0=-1740 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô2ø:üt0=-1740 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô3ø>üt0=-1740 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô4ø?üt0=-1740 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=0 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø/üt0=0 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø'üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=45 vu=mlXôø1üt0=0 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøSüt0=0 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøLüt0=0 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¤Xôø4üt0=-162660 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.2696 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=91 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xôø=üt0=-180 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.04969 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=60 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-180 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.30008 u1=L/min st=NotStopdZôø4üt0=-1380 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1380 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=53 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1380 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2.04969 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=328 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-780 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=53 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=25 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=624.39 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1357.58 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2185.37 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=624.39 u1=... st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-1380 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1380 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-23100 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=190 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=181 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=181 rs=Final st=NotStopdì4Xôø0üt0=0 id=144 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'd„[ô>üt0=-3120 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=57.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3120 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=57.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdÀ[ôø?üt0=-60 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=17.3077 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:2.5 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=31 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=420 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì°Xôø2üt0=540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=540 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=540 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=180 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=180 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=180 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=L Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=180 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=180 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=180 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=180 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Present st=NotStopdxXôø2üt0=60 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=60 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=60 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=60 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Extremities, Up st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=60 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=60 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=60 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=60 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=60 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Appropriate st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=60 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=60 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdxXôø:üt0=-7260 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-60 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-60 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-60 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-60 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-60 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-60 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-60 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôøRüt0=-60 tf=1533060 dt=25552 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdì8Xôø4üt0=-1380 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1380 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1380 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1380 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1380 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1380 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-1380 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1380 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1380 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1380 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1380 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìDXôø5üt0=-6840 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6840 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6840 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6840 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Clear st=NotStopdxXôø,üt0=-3360 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=300 vu=mlXôø1üt0=240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=240 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=300 vu=mlXôø3üt0=240 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlxXôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Occasional st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø4üt0=-3600 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3600 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Done st=NotStopd,Yôø3üt0=-300 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=140 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-300 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlìä Xôø?üt0=-10800 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-10800 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=0 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdxXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=150 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-120 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlüt0=-180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopd,Yôø3üt0=-480 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-480 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-480 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-480 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-480 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìtXôø;üt0=-12420 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-12420 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5220 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5220 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdZôø@üt0=1440 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=25.4237 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1440 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:1.7 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1440 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1440 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=1440 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=1440 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=1440 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=1440 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=13.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=1440 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1440 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=22.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=22.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1440 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1440 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1440 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1440 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1440 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1440 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1440 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì` Xôø3üt0=-960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-960 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-960 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-960 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-960 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø4üt0=-1080 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=130 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1080 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlðXôø/üt0=-12120 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vu=ml es=Smallüt0=-60 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.4903 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=109 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.44 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=98 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-780 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=3.49759 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-540 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=11.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdüt0=-2400 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2400 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-2400 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-2400 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-300 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìl Xôø3üt0=-3480 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-3480 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-3480 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-3480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=35 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-3480 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXôø1üt0=120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 vo=30 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=120 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=ml´Xôø:üt0=-3660 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3660 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3660 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=-60 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì”Xôø@üt0=-960 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=18.2186 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:3.1 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-960 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-960 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-960 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-960 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=10.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-960 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=6.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=29.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-960 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-960 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=420 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-960 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-960 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdhYôøAüt0=-1320 id=1397 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=93.5484 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1320 id=595 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=93.5484 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=651 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=652 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.31 u1=L st=NotStopd´Xôø4üt0=-1500 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1500 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1500 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1500 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1500 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1500 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1500 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1500 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1500 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1560 id=1483 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdìpXô3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=21 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=300 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=175 rs=Manual st=NotStopdH[ôø6üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-900 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=61 rs=Manual st=NotStopdüt0=-3540 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=71.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3540 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3540 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3540 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=71.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-900 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=342 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-900 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-900 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=342 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-5340 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5340 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-5340 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=35.3 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-5340 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=11.2 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5340 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=290 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-5340 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.81 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5340 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4800 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7996 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4800 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.29814 u1=... st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-4800 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=345 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-4800 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1254.05 u1=... st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-4800 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2017.39 u1=... st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-4800 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.72487 u1=L/min st=NotStopdìˆXôø1üt0=840 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=840 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=136 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=53 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=840 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=840 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø1üt0=840 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôø1üt0=840 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôø)üt0=840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=60 vu=mlXôø3üt0=840 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=24.8 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=840 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdxXôø#üt0=0 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø#üt0=0 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø#üt0=0 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'd´Xôø@üt0=-180 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=16.6667 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=45 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=36 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.9 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-180 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-180 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=32 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=23 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdü[ôø7üt0=-1200 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1200 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1200 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1200 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1200 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1200 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1200 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1200 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1200 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1200 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdìÌXôø5üt0=-2940 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2940 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2940 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2940 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2940 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2940 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2940 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2940 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2940 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2940 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2940 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2940 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2940 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2940 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2940 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2940 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2940 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2940 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2940 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2940 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2940 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2940 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2940 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2940 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-2940 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-2940 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô#ø>üt0=-2940 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô$øBüt0=-2940 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-2940 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=-2940 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô'ø6üt0=-2940 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXô(ø6üt0=-2940 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=-2940 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=-2940 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=-2940 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-2940 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=-2940 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-2940 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-2940 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô0ø6üt0=660 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô1ø2üt0=660 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=660 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=660 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô4øAüt0=660 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô5ø1üt0=660 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô6ø5üt0=660 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô7ø1üt0=660 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô8øCüt0=660 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô9ø1üt0=660 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=660 id=237 el=0 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st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=240 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=20 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=240 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=240 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=31 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=240 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!øFüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=240 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô&ø5üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=240 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1740 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1740 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1740 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=27 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1740 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=32 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1740 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1740 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7.32 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1740 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=59 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-1740 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-1740 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3.18259 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-420 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=16.1842 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXô#ø?üt0=-420 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=318.4 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdX ô$øWüt0=-1740 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô%øPüt0=-1740 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip„[ôø1üt0=660 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=660 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=660 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=320 vu=mlXôø3üt0=660 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlì¤Xôø>üt0=-7200 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3.9 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7200 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3.9 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3600 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3600 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3600 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3600 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3600 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=0 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=0 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=0 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=0 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô!ø4üt0=0 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=0 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=0 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=0 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%øDüt0=0 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=47 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&øDüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô(ø0üt0=0 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô+ø;üt0=0 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô,ø0üt0=0 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô.ø5üt0=0 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô/ø5üt0=0 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=0 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=0 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô2ø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=0 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô6ø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô7ø2üt0=0 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXô8ø/üt0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô9ø.üt0=0 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô:ø/üt0=0 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô;ø(üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=140 vu=mlXô<ø1üt0=0 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ô=øWüt0=-3600 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô>øPüt0=-3600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô?øSüt0=0 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô@øLüt0=0 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìpXôø4üt0=-9360 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-5760 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2160 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlìhXôø6üt0=-6360 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6360 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6360 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=840 tf=101640 dt=1680 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6360 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6360 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6360 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6360 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6360 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-6360 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2760 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2760 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2760 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=38 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2760 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=30 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2760 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=840 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=840 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô#ø2üt0=840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=840 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%ø>üt0=840 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=840 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=840 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXô)ø2üt0=840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=840 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô+ø2üt0=840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô,ø3üt0=840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=840 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=840 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô/ø@üt0=840 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô0ø2üt0=840 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô1ø5üt0=840 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô2ø5üt0=840 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô3ø7üt0=840 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô6ø5üt0=840 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=840 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô8ø1üt0=840 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=840 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô:ø1üt0=840 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô;øCüt0=840 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô<ø1üt0=840 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=840 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô>ø1üt0=840 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô?ø1üt0=840 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô@ø3üt0=840 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôAø3üt0=840 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=840 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôCøHüt0=840 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôDø1üt0=840 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôEø5üt0=840 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôFø3üt0=840 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôGø=üt0=840 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôHø]üt0=840 tf=101640 dt=1680 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôIø>üt0=840 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôJøNüt0=840 tf=101640 dt=1680 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXôKø>üt0=840 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôLø;üt0=840 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôMø6üt0=840 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=R Femoral st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôOøFüt0=840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=31 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=840 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=840 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôRø7üt0=840 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôSøFüt0=840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôTø7üt0=840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôUø2üt0=840 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôVø7üt0=840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôXø5üt0=840 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôYø3üt0=840 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôZø=üt0=840 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô[ø2üt0=840 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô\ø5üt0=840 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô]ø7üt0=840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô^ø2üt0=840 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô_ø7üt0=840 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô`ø<üt0=840 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôaø;üt0=840 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôbø5üt0=840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôcø8üt0=840 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôdø<üt0=840 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôeø@üt0=840 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôfø<üt0=840 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Golden v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôgø6üt0=840 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôhø<üt0=840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôiø=üt0=840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôjø=üt0=840 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôkø=üt0=840 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôlø:üt0=840 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXômø5üt0=840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXônø4üt0=840 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôoø3üt0=-2760 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôpø2üt0=-2760 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôqø3üt0=-2760 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôrø,üt0=-2760 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=160 vu=mlXôsø5üt0=-2760 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXôtø1üt0=840 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôuø0üt0=840 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôvø1üt0=840 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôwø*üt0=840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=160 vu=mlXôxø3üt0=840 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôyøWüt0=-2760 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôzøPüt0=-2760 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô{øUüt0=840 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô|øNüt0=840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¨ Xôø;üt0=-2400 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=45 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2400 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=36 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2400 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2400 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-2400 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2400 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=9.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2400 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=8.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2400 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=16 u1=. st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2400 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2400 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2400 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2400 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2400 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìØ Xôø4üt0=-1320 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1320 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=31 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-4920 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-4920 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1320 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1320 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=140 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1320 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1320 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1320 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì4Xôø2üt0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=180 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=81 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=80 vu=mlXôø3üt0=180 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=180 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=74 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-780 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=373.057 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-780 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-780 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-780 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-780 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1909.68 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-780 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3067.36 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-780 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=12.1 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=56 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=3.10303 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-600 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15.7948 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-600 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=308.8 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdìtXôø2üt0=1440 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1440 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1440 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1440 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1440 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1440 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1440 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1440 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=1440 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=1440 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=1440 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1440 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=1440 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1440 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1440 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1440 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôøLüt0=1440 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1440 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1440 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Dry Sterile Dsg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1440 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1440 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=R Femoral st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1440 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=38 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=1440 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1440 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1440 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=1440 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1440 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1440 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=1440 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=1440 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=1440 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=1440 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=1440 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=1440 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=1440 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=1440 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô)ø>üt0=1440 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=1440 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô+ø>üt0=1440 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=1440 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=1440 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô.ø2üt0=1440 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXô/ø2üt0=1440 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô0ø2üt0=1440 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXô1ø2üt0=1440 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXô2ø4üt0=1440 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=24.8 vu=mlX ô3øVüt0=1440 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô4øOüt0=1440 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø@üt0=1320 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Family at Bedsid st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1320 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1320 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1320 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1320 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1320 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1320 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1320 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1320 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=1320 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1320 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1320 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1320 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1320 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1320 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1320 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1320 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1320 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1320 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Restless st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1320 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1320 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1320 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1320 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdZôø)üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=50 vu=mlìXô;üt0=-1020 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1020 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1020 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:1.9 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1020 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1020 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1020 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø/üt0=60 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø0üt0=60 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=400 vu=mlXôø2üt0=60 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøTüt0=60 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøMüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripììXôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=120 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-120 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.26635 u1=L/min st=NotStopdðXôø:üt0=-1620 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdüt0=-1680 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2.04969 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=421 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3.27624 u1=kg x m st=NotStopdXôøRüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=422 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2.04969 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=430 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=31.7696 u1=g * m st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=431 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=19.8758 u1=g*m/m2 st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=588 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1.61568 u1=kg * m st=NotStopdXôøRüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=589 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1.00621 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=601 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=15.6672 u1=g * m st=NotStopdXôøUüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=602 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=9.75155 u1=g*m/m2 st=NotStopdXô øRüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=625 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=19.8758 u1=... st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1680 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1478.79 u1=... st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1680 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2380.49 u1=... st=NotStopdXô øQüt0=-1680 tf=1441440 dt=24052 id=662 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=32.3529 u1=ml st=NotStopdXô øMüt0=-1680 tf=480720 dt=8040 id=90 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôøQüt0=-540 tf=1441440 dt=24033 id=1390 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=528 u1=ml/min st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=328 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôøQüt0=-540 tf=1441440 dt=24033 id=1401 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=528 u1=ml/min st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-540 tf=1441440 dt=24033 id=1402 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=327.95 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-540 tf=1441440 dt=24033 id=472 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=528 u1=ml/min st=NotStopdXôøSüt0=-540 tf=1441440 dt=24033 id=473 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=327.95 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdìTXôø4üt0=-3300 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø1üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=300 vu=mlXôø3üt0=300 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlì Xôø;üt0=-1140 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=978 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdìtXô>üt0=-5880 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-5880 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2280 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2280 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2280 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2280 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2280 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2280 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2280 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1320 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1320 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1320 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1320 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1320 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1320 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1320 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1320 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1320 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=1320 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=1320 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=1320 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=1320 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô%øKüt0=1320 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô&ø3üt0=1320 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=1320 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô(ø3üt0=1320 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô)ø>üt0=1320 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô*ø3üt0=1320 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø3üt0=1320 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=1320 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô-ø=üt0=1320 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô.ø<üt0=1320 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=1320 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Children st=NotStopdX ô0øWüt0=-2280 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô1øPüt0=-2280 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-5940 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5940 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1260 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1260 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1260 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1260 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1260 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=1260 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=1260 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1260 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1260 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1260 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1260 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdìpXôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=58 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopd,Yôø4üt0=-1200 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1200 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=60 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1200 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1200 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1200 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1200 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1200 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1200 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1200 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=180 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1200 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1200 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1200 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø=üt0=-12300 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=18 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-12300 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=30 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=300 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=20.7373 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:2.3 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=300 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=300 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=300 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=300 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=300 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=300 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=11.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=6.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=300 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=26.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=300 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=19.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd„[ôø:üt0=1200 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1200 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1200 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1200 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1200 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=1200 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1200 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1200 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1200 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=1200 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=1200 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=1200 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=1200 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô øLüt0=1200 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1200 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1200 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=1200 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=1200 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1200 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=R Femoral st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=1200 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1200 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1200 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1200 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=1200 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1200 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1200 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1200 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1200 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1200 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1200 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=1200 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1200 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXô ø.üt0=-6000 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vu=ml es=Smallì€Xôø3üt0=-720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=120 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-720 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-720 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripZôø>üt0=-1260 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=194 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=194 rs=Manual st=NotStopdðXôø<üt0=-2520 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2520 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=109 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2520 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2520 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=167 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2520 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2520 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=109 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2520 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2520 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=167 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2520 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopdìdXôø=üt0=-3900 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3900 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-420 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-420 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-420 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=90 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-420 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-420 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-420 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì4Xôø:üt0=-720 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdðXôø:üt0=-2760 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdðXô>üt0=-3000 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3000 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdìŒ Xôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.9787 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=81 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xôø4üt0=-2280 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2280 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2280 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2280 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2280 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2280 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2280 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2280 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2280 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2280 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2280 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2280 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2280 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2280 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-2280 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-2280 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-2520 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2520 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-2520 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2520 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-2520 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=50 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2520 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-2520 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-2520 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÀ[ôø4üt0=120 id=1397 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=1:2.6 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=11.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=11 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=120 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=29.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=120 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=21.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=595 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=651 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=652 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=0.12 u1=L st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=529 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdìdXôø5üt0=-8460 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-8460 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-8460 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8460 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8460 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8460 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-8460 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8460 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8460 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-8460 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-8460 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-8460 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-8460 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-8460 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8460 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4860 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4860 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-4860 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-4860 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4860 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4860 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4860 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1260 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1260 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1260 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1260 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXô!øAüt0=-1260 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-1260 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô$øBüt0=-1260 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-1260 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-1260 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-1260 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-1260 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-1260 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô,øCüt0=-1260 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=-1260 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô.øEüt0=-1260 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1260 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô0ø3üt0=-1260 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô1ø7üt0=-1260 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô2øJüt0=-1260 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-1260 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=-1260 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-1260 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô6ø=üt0=-1260 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=-1260 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=-1260 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-1260 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô:øMüt0=-1260 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clean and Dry v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô;ø@üt0=-1260 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô<ø3üt0=-1260 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXô=ø@üt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-1260 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=R Femoral st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-1260 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôAøHüt0=-1260 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôBø;üt0=-1260 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-1260 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=-1260 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôEøHüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôFø=üt0=-1260 id=522 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôGø=üt0=-1260 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-1260 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôIø9üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôJø4üt0=-1260 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôLø:üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-1260 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdXôNø5üt0=-1260 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=-1260 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôPø4üt0=-1260 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=-1260 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôRø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôSø4üt0=-1260 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=None st=NotStopdXôTø9üt0=-1260 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôUø>üt0=-1260 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=-1260 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôWø:üt0=-1260 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=-1260 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôYø5üt0=-1260 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôZø>üt0=-1260 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô[ø>üt0=-1260 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô\ø?üt0=-1260 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô]ø?üt0=-1260 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô^ø<üt0=-1260 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô_ø7üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô`ø9üt0=-1260 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdXôaø3üt0=-1260 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôbø3üt0=-1260 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôcø2üt0=-1260 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôdø3üt0=-1260 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôeø,üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=400 vu=mlXôfø5üt0=-1260 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôgøWüt0=-1260 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôhøPüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÈ Xôø3üt0=-420 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=91 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-420 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-420 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=23 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-420 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-420 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-420 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-420 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=400 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-420 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-420 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-420 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÀ[ôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=40 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=81 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-2580 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2.23602 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=214.286 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2580 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1244.44 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2000 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2580 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=58 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2580 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=3.56061 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=336 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdxXôø:üt0=-2700 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2700 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2700 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-420 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-420 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34.4 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-420 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=11.5 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-420 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=256 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-420 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.69 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-420 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=900 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=900 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=900 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=900 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=900 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=900 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=900 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=900 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=900 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=900 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2760 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøXüt0=-2760 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-2760 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-480 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-480 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-480 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-480 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-660 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø3üt0=-840 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-840 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-840 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 vo=300 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-840 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlìpXôø?üt0=-6600 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=2.98137 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6600 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=700 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6600 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1127.52 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6600 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=67 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6600 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=4.83693 u1=L/min st=NotStopd´Xôø;üt0=-6780 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=21 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6780 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=214.765 u1=... st=NotStopdZôø>üt0=-7320 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7320 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-7320 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=74.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7320 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7320 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7320 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=74.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdìØ Xôø5üt0=-2640 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2640 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2640 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2640 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2640 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-2640 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-2640 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2640 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2640 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2640 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2640 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2640 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2640 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2640 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=960 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=960 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=960 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=38 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=960 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=71.1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô#ø=üt0=960 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô$ø>üt0=960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô&øXüt0=-2640 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô'øQüt0=-2640 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô(øVüt0=960 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô)øOüt0=960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø5üt0=-6420 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-2820 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2820 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2820 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2820 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-2820 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXôø2üt0=780 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=780 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô ø+üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 vo=400 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=780 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlxXôø5üt0=-2940 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2940 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2940 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2940 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2940 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2940 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2940 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2940 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2940 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2940 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdìŒ Xôø:üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=16 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìXôø;üt0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=33.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=10.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=6.77 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=16 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=380 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì XôøCüt0=-35100 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-35100 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-35100 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-35100 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-35100 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-35100 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-35100 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-35100 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-35100 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-35100 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-35100 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-35100 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-35100 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-31500 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-31500 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-31500 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-31500 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-31500 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-31500 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-31500 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-31500 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôøNüt0=-31500 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-31500 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-24300 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-24300 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-24300 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-24300 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-24300 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-24300 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-24300 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-24300 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-24300 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-24300 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-24300 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-24300 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-24300 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô$ø@üt0=-24300 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-24300 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-24300 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô'ø@üt0=-20700 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Very Agitated st=NotStopdXô(ø@üt0=-20700 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô)øGüt0=-20700 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-17100 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-17100 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô,øBüt0=-17100 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-17100 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô.ø:üt0=-17100 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Limited st=NotStopdXôFø6üt0=-17100 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôGø9üt0=-17100 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôHø=üt0=-17100 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-17100 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôJø@üt0=-13500 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôKøDüt0=-13500 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=-9900 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôMøAüt0=-9900 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôNøBüt0=-9900 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôOøBüt0=-9900 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôPø7üt0=-9900 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôQø9üt0=-9900 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôRø<üt0=-9900 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôSø>üt0=-9900 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôTø5üt0=-9900 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôUø@üt0=-9900 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=-9900 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôWø5üt0=-9900 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-9900 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôYø?üt0=-9900 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôZø>üt0=-9900 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô[ø9üt0=-9900 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô\ø?üt0=-6300 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô]øCüt0=-6300 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXô^ø5üt0=-2700 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô_ø;üt0=-2700 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô`ø:üt0=-2700 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôaø8üt0=-2700 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôbøBüt0=-2700 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôcø5üt0=-2700 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôdø=üt0=-2700 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôeø5üt0=-2700 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôfø6üt0=-2700 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôgøBüt0=-2700 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Both Legs v2=8 mm st=NotStopdXôhø@üt0=-2700 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôiø=üt0=-2700 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôjøCüt0=-2700 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôkø8üt0=-2700 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôlø8üt0=-2700 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXômø:üt0=-2700 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXônø;üt0=-2700 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=121 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôoø;üt0=-2700 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôpø7üt0=-2700 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôqø9üt0=-2700 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôrø<üt0=-2700 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôsø>üt0=-2700 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôtø7üt0=-2700 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôuø7üt0=-2700 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôvø6üt0=-2700 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôwøAüt0=-2700 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôxøAüt0=-2700 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôyø>üt0=-2700 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôzø9üt0=-2700 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=R Femoral st=NotStopdXô{ø;üt0=-2700 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô|øIüt0=-2700 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô}ø<üt0=-2700 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô~ø:üt0=-2700 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2700 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô€øIüt0=-2700 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2700 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô‚ø:üt0=-2700 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôƒø7üt0=-2700 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô„ø7üt0=-2700 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô…ø@üt0=-2700 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô†ø8üt0=-2700 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô‡ø:üt0=-2700 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôˆø5üt0=-2700 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=None st=NotStopdXô‰ø:üt0=-2700 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôŠø>üt0=-2700 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô‹ø8üt0=-2700 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôŒø;üt0=-2700 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2700 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôŽø9üt0=-2700 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2700 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2700 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô‘ø@üt0=-2700 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô’ø@üt0=-2700 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô“ø@üt0=-2700 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô”ø=üt0=-2700 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô•ø8üt0=-2700 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô–ø4üt0=-2700 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô—ø3üt0=-2700 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô˜ø4üt0=-2700 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô™ø-üt0=-2700 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 vo=100 vu=mlXôšø6üt0=-2700 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ô›øXüt0=-2700 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôœøQüt0=-2700 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=39 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=145 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdxXôø@üt0=540 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=19.7044 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=540 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=1:2.8 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=540 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=540 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=33.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=540 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=540 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=540 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=540 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=540 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=4.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=540 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=25.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=18.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=2 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=540 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=390 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=540 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=540 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=540 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=540 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=1280 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdüt0=-60 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=35 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.5 rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xôø5üt0=-2400 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2400 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2400 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=117 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2400 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2400 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2400 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2400 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2400 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2400 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2400 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2400 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2400 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=159 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1800 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=73 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=87 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=107 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=32 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=18 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=136 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-1500 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=46 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$øIüt0=-1500 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=65 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%øIüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=73 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô)ø8üt0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-1500 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô+ø@üt0=-1500 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô-ø5üt0=-1200 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-1200 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=18 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô/ø:üt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=-1200 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô1ø;üt0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=138 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô2ø;üt0=-1200 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=44 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô3øIüt0=-1200 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=67 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô4øIüt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=87 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô5ø:üt0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô6ø:üt0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-1200 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô8ø8üt0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-1200 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô:ø@üt0=-1200 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-1200 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô<ø4üt0=-600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-600 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-600 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôBøHüt0=-600 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôCøHüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôHø>üt0=-600 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôIø>üt0=-600 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôJø7üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôKø3üt0=300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=300 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôNø3üt0=300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôOø8üt0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=300 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôQøGüt0=300 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=38 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôRøGüt0=300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôSø8üt0=300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôTø8üt0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôUø8üt0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=300 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôWø=üt0=300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôXø6üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôYø2üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôZø1üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô[ø2üt0=300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô\ø*üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 vo=60 vu=mlXô]ø4üt0=300 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ô^øXüt0=-2400 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô_øQüt0=-2400 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô`øXüt0=-1800 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôaøQüt0=-1800 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôbøXüt0=-1500 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôcøQüt0=-1500 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôdøXüt0=-1200 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôeøQüt0=-1200 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôføWüt0=-600 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôgøPüt0=-600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôhøVüt0=300 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôiøOüt0=300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø3üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdxXôø;üt0=-3540 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3540 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3540 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3540 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3540 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdì| Xôø3üt0=720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=720 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=720 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 vo=40 vu=mlXôø4üt0=720 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=720 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1016 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì| Xôø<üt0=-7920 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1900 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7620 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1.98758 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7620 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1850 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7620 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=2974.87 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-7620 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=11.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7620 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=58 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-7620 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=3.20911 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7320 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=1016 v1=1925 u1=... st=NotStopdì XôøNüt0=-120 tf=1362720 dt=22714 id=822 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32 rs=Final st=NotStopdììXô4üt0=-2460 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.23602 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2460 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2460 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2460 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2460 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2460 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1422.22 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2285.71 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2460 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2460 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2460 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2460 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=61 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2460 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2460 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3.56568 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX ôøWüt0=-2460 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-2460 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripü[ôø@üt0=-120 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21.0526 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2.8 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdxXôø#üt0=0 id=43 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø#üt0=0 id=45 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø#üt0=0 id=47 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dxXôø=üt0=-3540 id=855 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdìl Xô8üt0=-3300 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3300 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-3300 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3300 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3300 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3300 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3300 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3300 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3300 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3300 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3300 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3300 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3300 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3300 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3300 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3300 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3300 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3300 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3300 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3300 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3300 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Right 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cg=889 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=300 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô+ø<üt0=300 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=300 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=300 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô.ø@üt0=300 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô/ø2üt0=300 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=300 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô1ø5üt0=300 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=300 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô3ø7üt0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô5ø1üt0=300 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô6ø2üt0=300 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô7ø2üt0=300 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô8ø2üt0=300 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô9ø2üt0=300 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=300 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=300 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=300 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=300 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô>ø2üt0=300 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô?ø2üt0=300 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=300 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôAø2üt0=300 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=300 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=300 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=300 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=300 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXôFøJüt0=300 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôGø2üt0=300 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôHø<üt0=300 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None v2=Intact st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=300 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôJø4üt0=300 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôKø4üt0=300 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôLø3üt0=300 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôMø>üt0=300 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôNø>üt0=300 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôOø;üt0=300 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôPø8üt0=300 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôQø8üt0=300 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôRø9üt0=300 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôSø7üt0=300 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôTø7üt0=300 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôUøFüt0=300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôVø;üt0=300 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôWø7üt0=300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôXø2üt0=300 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôYø7üt0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôZø4üt0=300 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô[ø4üt0=300 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô\ø=üt0=300 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô]ø2üt0=300 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô^ø5üt0=300 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô_ø7üt0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô`øAüt0=300 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôaø7üt0=300 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôbø<üt0=300 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôcø;üt0=300 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôdø=üt0=300 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôeø6üt0=300 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôfø9üt0=300 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôgø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôhø8üt0=300 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôiø=üt0=300 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôjø6üt0=300 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôkø4üt0=300 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôlø<üt0=300 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXômø=üt0=300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXônø=üt0=300 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôoø=üt0=300 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôpø8üt0=300 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôqø:üt0=300 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôrø5üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôsø1üt0=300 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôtø4üt0=300 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôuø4üt0=300 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôvø;üt0=300 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôwø9üt0=300 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôxø9üt0=300 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXôyø=üt0=300 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôzø9üt0=300 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô{ø:üt0=300 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXô|ø3üt0=-6900 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô}ø2üt0=-6900 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô~ø3üt0=-6900 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-6900 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=60 vu=mlXô€ø5üt0=-6900 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-3300 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXô‚ø3üt0=-3300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôƒø2üt0=-3300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô„ø3üt0=-3300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô…ø5üt0=-3300 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXô†ø0üt0=300 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô‡ø1üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôˆø0üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô‰ø1üt0=300 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=70 vu=mlXôŠø1üt0=300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô‹ø*üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=100 vu=mlXôŒø3üt0=300 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=300 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôŽøNüt0=300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôø=üt0=-180 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=15.4898 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=30 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=91 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-180 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xôø?üt0=-180 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdxXô?üt0=-480 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=316.5 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-360 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.1118 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=265.403 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1294.12 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2085.31 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-360 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=11.9 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-360 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdìXôø3üt0=-360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-360 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=59 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøVüt0=-360 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì°Xôø<üt0=-120 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=133 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-1620 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=169.492 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=968.421 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1559.32 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1620 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=11.9 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=62 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=95 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdüt0=-1080 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=842.105 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1355.93 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=62 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=3.82446 u1=L/min st=NotStopdüt0=-360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-360 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-360 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=70 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-360 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-360 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì\ Xôø@üt0=-180 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=22.2222 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=1:2.6 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-180 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-180 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-180 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=8.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=23 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=20 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=4 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-180 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=420 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-180 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd„[ôø4üt0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=30 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1080 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1080 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìèXôø(üt0=0 id=54 el=2 cu=1 cg=-1 vo=0 st=D/C'dìÜXôFüt0=-23100 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-19500 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-12300 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-12300 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-12300 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-12300 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-12300 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-12300 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-12300 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-12300 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-8700 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-8700 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-8700 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-8700 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Gesturing st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8700 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-8700 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-8700 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-8700 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-8700 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8700 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8700 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8700 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8700 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8700 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8700 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-8700 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-8700 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8700 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-8700 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-8700 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-8700 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8700 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-8700 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-8700 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-8700 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô#ø5üt0=-8700 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-8700 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô%øJüt0=-8700 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô&ø3üt0=-8700 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô'ø6üt0=-8700 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-8700 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=-8700 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=-8700 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-8700 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-8700 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-8700 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô.ø@üt0=-8700 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô/ø@üt0=-8700 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=-8700 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô1ø;üt0=-8700 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-8700 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô3ø9üt0=-8700 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=-8700 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXô5ø6üt0=-8700 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô6ø5üt0=-8700 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô7ø?üt0=-8700 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô8ø8üt0=-8700 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=-8700 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô:øCüt0=-8700 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=-8700 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-8700 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-8700 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-8700 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-8700 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô@ø8üt0=-8700 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôAø;üt0=-8700 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=-8700 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-8700 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-8700 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôEø?üt0=-8700 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-8700 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôGø<üt0=-8700 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôHø6üt0=-8700 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-5100 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôJø:üt0=-5100 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-5100 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôLø4üt0=-5100 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=-5100 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôNø4üt0=-5100 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôOø9üt0=-5100 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-5100 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôQø:üt0=-5100 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôRøHüt0=-5100 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôSøHüt0=-5100 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôTø9üt0=-5100 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôUø9üt0=-5100 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôVø9üt0=-5100 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôWø7üt0=-5100 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôXø>üt0=-5100 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôYø?üt0=-5100 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôZø7üt0=-5100 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô[ø5üt0=-1500 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô\ø4üt0=-1500 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô]ø:üt0=-1500 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô^ø@üt0=-1500 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô_ø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô`ø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôaø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôbø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôcøAüt0=-1500 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôdø:üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôeø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôfø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôgø6üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôhø=üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôiø6üt0=-1500 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôjø8üt0=-1500 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôkø;üt0=-1500 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôlø=üt0=-1500 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXômø:üt0=-1500 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXônøHüt0=-1500 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôoøEüt0=-1500 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôpøHüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôqø9üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôrø9üt0=-1500 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôsø4üt0=-1500 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôtø>üt0=-1500 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôuø9üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôvø?üt0=-1500 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôwø4üt0=-1500 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôxø9üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôyø9üt0=-1500 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôzø9üt0=-1500 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô{ø>üt0=-1500 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô|ø=üt0=-1500 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô}ø4üt0=-1500 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô~ø7üt0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô€ø>üt0=-1500 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô‚ø@üt0=-1500 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôƒø9üt0=-1500 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô„ø3üt0=-1500 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô…ø7üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô†ø3üt0=-5100 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô‡ø2üt0=-5100 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôˆø3üt0=-5100 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô‰ø5üt0=-5100 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlXôŠø3üt0=-1500 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô‹ø2üt0=-1500 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôŒø3üt0=-1500 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=70 vu=mlXôŽø5üt0=-1500 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-5100 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-5100 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô‘øWüt0=-1500 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô’øPüt0=-1500 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì Xôø4üt0=-10140 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-10140 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10140 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-10140 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2940 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2940 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=660 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=660 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=-17340 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vu=ml es=SmallXôø4üt0=-10140 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=-2940 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vu=ml es=SmallXôø1üt0=660 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=660 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=660 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø3üt0=660 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=660 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øNüt0=660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô!ø;üt0=-13740 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 cv=0 ap=carryForwardìÌXôø>üt0=-1080 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1080 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdìØ Xôø5üt0=0 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=0 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU 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French st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=0 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=0 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=0 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=0 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=0 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô!ø1üt0=0 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=0 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô#øFüt0=0 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô$ø/üt0=0 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=WNL 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C st=NotStopdXôZø:üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô[ø;üt0=0 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô\ø;üt0=0 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô]ø6üt0=0 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô^ø8üt0=0 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô_ø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô`ø2üt0=0 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôaø.üt0=0 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXôbø/üt0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôcø.üt0=0 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôdø/üt0=0 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôeø1üt0=0 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôføSüt0=0 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôgøLüt0=0 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¤Xôø@üt0=-660 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=14.2857 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=1397 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=125 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-660 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=34 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-840 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-840 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-840 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=130 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-840 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøVüt0=-840 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdxXôø>üt0=-60 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xô<üt0=-1200 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=61 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1200 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=97 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-12000 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-4800 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlüt0=-4860 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4860 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4860 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4860 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1260 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1260 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 v1=No/Hemodyn Issue st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1260 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopd¤Yôø>üt0=-1680 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.54658 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=313.725 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=936.585 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1505.88 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1680 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31.8 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1680 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1680 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=237 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1680 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.44 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1680 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1680 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.05034 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-840 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=13.6607 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-840 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=357 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdì°Xôø<üt0=-2880 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-2880 id=1522 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=183 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-2880 id=1534 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.5 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=138 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2880 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=18 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-2880 id=786 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2880 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2880 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=104 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2880 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=183 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2880 id=827 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.5 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=138 rs=Final st=NotStopdXZôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 vo=32 vu=mlXôø3üt0=120 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø>üt0=-3780 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3780 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=93.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=93.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdàYôø2üt0=240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=240 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=240 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=240 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=889 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=240 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=889 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìü!Xôø9üt0=-5760 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5760 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5760 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5760 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5760 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5760 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-5760 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5760 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5760 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5760 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5760 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-5760 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. 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st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2160 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2160 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2160 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2160 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-2160 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô"ø<üt0=-2160 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô#øBüt0=-2160 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=-2160 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô%øJüt0=-2160 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-2160 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-2160 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-2160 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-2160 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-2160 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-2160 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô,øCüt0=-2160 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô-ø3üt0=-2160 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô.ø7üt0=-2160 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô/ø3üt0=-2160 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô0øEüt0=-2160 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=-2160 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-2160 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=-2160 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô4ø3üt0=-2160 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô5ø5üt0=-2160 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô6ø5üt0=-2160 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=-2160 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô8øJüt0=-2160 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-2160 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô:ø3üt0=-2160 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô;ø=üt0=-2160 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô<ø:üt0=-2160 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-2160 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô>ø:üt0=-2160 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô?ø:üt0=-2160 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-2160 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-2160 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=-2160 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôCø4üt0=-2160 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôDø;üt0=-2160 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôEø;üt0=-2160 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=-2160 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôGø;üt0=-2160 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôHø4üt0=-2160 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-2160 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôJø4üt0=-2160 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôKø4üt0=-2160 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=-2160 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôMø8üt0=-2160 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôNø;üt0=-2160 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôOø;üt0=-2160 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back, Lower st=NotStopdXôPøLüt0=-2160 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-2160 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôRø>üt0=-2160 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None v2=Intact st=NotStopdXôSø=üt0=-2160 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôTø6üt0=-2160 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôUø6üt0=-2160 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=-2160 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-2160 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôXø4üt0=-2160 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôYø@üt0=-2160 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôZø=üt0=-2160 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô[ø:üt0=-2160 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô\øHüt0=-2160 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô]øEüt0=-2160 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô^ø:üt0=-2160 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô_ø;üt0=-2160 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô`ø9üt0=-2160 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôaø9üt0=-2160 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôbøHüt0=-2160 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôcø=üt0=-2160 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôdø4üt0=-2160 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôeø9üt0=-2160 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôfø:üt0=-2160 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôgø4üt0=-2160 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôhø>üt0=-2160 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôiø9üt0=-2160 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôjø:üt0=-2160 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôkø:üt0=-2160 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôlø,üt0=-2160 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXômø6üt0=-2160 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXônø6üt0=-2160 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôoø:üt0=-2160 id=604 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdXôpø?üt0=-2160 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôqø4üt0=-2160 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôrø7üt0=-2160 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôsø9üt0=-2160 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôtøCüt0=-2160 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôuø9üt0=-2160 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôvø9üt0=-2160 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôwø>üt0=-2160 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôxø=üt0=-2160 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôyø4üt0=-2160 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôzø?üt0=-2160 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô{ø8üt0=-2160 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô|ø;üt0=-2160 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô}ø7üt0=-2160 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô~ø:üt0=-2160 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2160 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Frothy st=NotStopdXô€øEüt0=-2160 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2160 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXô‚ø6üt0=-2160 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôƒø5üt0=-2160 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXô„ø>üt0=-2160 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô…ø>üt0=-2160 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô†ø@üt0=-2160 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô‡ø:üt0=-2160 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôˆø?üt0=-2160 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô‰ø?üt0=-2160 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôŠø<üt0=-2160 id=70 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.08105 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXô‹ø:üt0=-2160 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôŒø<üt0=-2160 id=71 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.26463 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2160 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôŽø3üt0=-2160 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2160 id=733 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2160 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô‘ø:üt0=-2160 id=763 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô’ø6üt0=-2160 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Anxious st=NotStopdXô“ø6üt0=-2160 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô”ø6üt0=-2160 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô•ø=üt0=-2160 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô–ø=üt0=-2160 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô—ø;üt0=-2160 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô˜ø7üt0=-2160 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXô™ø;üt0=-2160 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXôšø<üt0=-2160 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXô›ø4üt0=-2160 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=120 vu=mlXôœøFüt0=-2160 tf=872640 dt=14580 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2160 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôžø3üt0=-2160 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôŸø3üt0=-2160 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-2160 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXô¡ø+üt0=-2160 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=95 vu=mlXô¢ø5üt0=-2160 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=24.8 vu=mlX ô£øWüt0=-5760 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô¤øPüt0=-5760 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô¥øWüt0=-2160 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô¦øPüt0=-2160 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-2220 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.23602 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=214.286 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1311.11 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2107.14 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2220 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=57 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2220 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2220 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.64531 u1=L/min st=NotStopdì Xôø?üt0=-60 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=15.3846 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=1:2.6 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=33.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=5.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=31 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=8 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-60 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdxXôø9üt0=-180 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdxXôø8üt0=-300 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdìtXô5üt0=-1440 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7200A st=NotStopd¤Yô4üt0=-1860 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1860 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1860 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1860 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1860 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1860 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1860 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1860 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1860 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1860 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1860 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1860 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1860 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1860 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1860 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1860 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=35 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1860 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1860 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1860 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø*üt0=120 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøUüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¸ Xôø4üt0=-1980 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1980 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1980 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1980 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1980 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1980 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1980 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1980 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1980 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1980 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1980 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1980 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1980 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=25 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1980 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=mlX ôøWüt0=-1980 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.02 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1980 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìTXôø9üid=124 el=100 cu=1 cg=104 io=602 am=50 du=mghr rt=IV DripX ôø=üid=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 io=602 vo=50 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushhYôø9üt0=-360 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=118 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-360 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø6üt0=-360 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=ml nb=1Xôø2üt0=-360 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø-üt0=-360 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=SmallXôø9üt0=-360 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=12.4 vu=ml nb=1X ôøWüt0=-360 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø:üt0=42840 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=0 ap=carryForwardÀ[ôø+üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=30 vu=mlì(Xô<üt0=960 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=960 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdàYôø2üt0=480 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=480 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=480 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=480 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=480 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=480 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3120 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø2üt0=480 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø1üt0=480 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=480 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=480 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=170 vu=mlXôø5üt0=480 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø3üt0=480 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ôø`üt0=480 tf=81480 dt=1350 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=480 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=480 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø3üt0=40080 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=90 ap=noneH[ôø<üt0=-360 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=159 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìŒ Xô?üt0=-60 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=21.0526 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=1:5 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=24 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=21 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdìÌXôø4üt0=-1200 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1200 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1200 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1200 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1200 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1200 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1200 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1200 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1200 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1200 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=500 vu=mlXôøEüt0=-1200 tf=76200 dt=1290 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0.5 vu=mlXôø5üt0=-1200 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-1200 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøXüt0=-1200 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1200 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì°Xôø>üt0=-2400 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.23602 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2400 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1222.22 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2400 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1964.29 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2400 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=56 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2400 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2400 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.64531 u1=L/min st=NotStopdì@ Xôø4üt0=-1680 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1680 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1680 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1680 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=89 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=55 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1680 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1680 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1680 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1680 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø3üt0=-1680 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô$ø2üt0=-1680 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô%ø3üt0=-1680 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô&ø,üt0=-1680 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=140 vu=mlXô'ø4üt0=-1680 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0.5 vu=mlXô(ø5üt0=-1680 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ô)øQüt0=-1680 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=0.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô*øXüt0=-1680 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô+øPüt0=-1680 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô,øMüt0=120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô-øVüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô.øNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø2üt0=120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø3üt0=120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0.75 vu=mlXôø3üt0=120 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=120 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø:üt0=-180 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=34.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-180 tf=1291920 dt=21535 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=25 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-180 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=16 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=500 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7200A st=NotStopd [ôø*üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=85 vu=ml´Xô4üt0=-4560 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlì Xô<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.55 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=116 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.55 rs=Final st=NotStopdììXôø:üt0=-240 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-240 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-240 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=34.5 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1440 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøQüt0=-1440 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøXüt0=-1440 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1440 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1800 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.61491 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=121 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1800 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1800 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1800 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1800 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1800 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø,üt0=-1800 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1907.69 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3080.75 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1800 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1800 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11.9 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=49 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1800 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1800 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.62932 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1800 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1800 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-1800 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô!ø,üt0=-1800 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=760 vu=mlXô"ø2üt0=-1800 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlXô#ø5üt0=-1800 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ô$øOüt0=-1800 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô%øXüt0=-1800 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô&øPüt0=-1800 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø;üt0=-2400 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2400 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopd„[ôø:üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=6.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=328 v1=7200A st=NotStopdðXôø2üt0=480 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=109 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=480 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=480 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=480 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø*üt0=480 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=480 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=480 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3780 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=53 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3780 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2.93505 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1980 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1980 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-1980 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=-1980 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô#ø?üt0=-1980 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-1980 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø>üt0=-1320 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=288 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdX ô&øOüt0=-3780 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô'øXüt0=-3780 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô(øPüt0=-3780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô)øOüt0=-1980 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô*øXüt0=-1980 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô+øPüt0=-1980 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìä Xôø8üt0=-5280 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5280 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Gesturing st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5280 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-5280 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5280 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5280 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-5280 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5280 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5280 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5280 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-5280 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5280 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-5280 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-5280 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5280 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-5280 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5280 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-5280 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-5280 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5280 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-5280 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5280 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5280 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5280 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5280 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-5280 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5280 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5280 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-5280 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-5280 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-5280 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-5280 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-5280 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-5280 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-5280 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-5280 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô(øEüt0=-5280 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Nail Bed v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-5280 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-5280 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô+ø=üt0=-5280 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô,ø4üt0=-5280 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-5280 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô.ø6üt0=-5280 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô/ø?üt0=-5280 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô0ø<üt0=-5280 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=-5280 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø3üt0=-1680 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-1680 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-1680 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô5ø4üt0=-1680 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-1680 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô7ø4üt0=-1680 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-1680 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=115 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-1680 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô:ø:üt0=-1680 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=38 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô;øHüt0=-1680 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô<ø:üt0=-1680 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=22 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô=øHüt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-1680 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1680 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø7üt0=-1680 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôCø>üt0=-1680 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôDø@üt0=-1680 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôEø7üt0=-1680 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôFø,üt0=-5280 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=240 vu=mlXôGø3üt0=-1680 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôHø3üt0=-1680 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôIø3üt0=-1680 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôJø2üt0=-1680 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlXôKø3üt0=-1680 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=31 vu=mlX ôLøOüt0=-1680 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôMøXüt0=-1680 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôNøPüt0=-1680 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø2üt0=240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=114 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=44 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=240 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=35 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=240 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=240 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=240 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6960 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-3360 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø1üt0=240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=240 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=60 vu=mlXôø0üt0=240 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlXôø3üt0=240 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=240 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=240 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=0.025 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripZôø;üt0=-11100 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3900 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdì(Xôø;üt0=-10620 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-10620 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1131.03 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-10620 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1822.22 u1=... st=NotStopd´Xôø>üt0=-16620 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-16620 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9000 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-9000 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9000 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-9000 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-9000 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-9000 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9000 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-9000 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-9000 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-9000 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-9000 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-9000 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9000 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-9000 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-9000 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1800 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1800 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1800 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1800 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1800 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1800 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1800 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=0 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"øDüt0=0 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#øCüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=91 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=59 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô(ø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=300 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=300 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=300 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=300 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=300 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=300 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=22 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=17 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=4 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=450 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdxXôø2üt0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=85 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=55 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=20 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlXôø3üt0=180 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=15.5 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=180 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøRüt0=180 id=172 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø6üt0=180 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=20 cv=20 ap=noneX ôø<üt0=180 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=160.5 cv=160.5 ap=noneX ôø>üt0=180 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=135.5 cv=1901.3 ap=noneX ôø=üt0=180 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=180.5 cv=3071.3 ap=noneX ôø9üt0=180 dt=24 id=24 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=45 cv=1080 ap=noneX ôø9üt0=180 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=20 cv=2792 ap=noneX ô øEüt0=180 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=160.5 cv=279.3 ap=carryForwardX ô!ø@üt0=180 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=20 cv=2792 ap=carryForwardX ô"øRüt0=180 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 pv=160.5 cv=9990.36 ap=carryForwardìÄXôø0üt0=0 id=761 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'd”Zô2üt0=-660 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-660 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-660 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-660 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-660 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Arouse to Pain st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Flex-withdraws st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-660 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-660 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=55 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-660 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-660 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-660 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=34 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=-660 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô%ø=üt0=-660 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô&ø=üt0=-660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=480 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=240 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1140 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=1140 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=1140 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=1140 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=40 vu=mlXôø3üt0=1140 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1.5 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=240 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø3üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=111 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=103 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøPüt0=-540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø3üt0=-780 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlì| Xô3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=118 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. 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cu=1 cg=103 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3720 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3720 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3720 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3720 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-3720 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=RL Ant Forearm v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3720 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3720 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3720 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3720 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3720 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3720 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3720 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3720 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3720 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3720 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô#ø@üt0=-120 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXô$øAüt0=-120 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-120 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-120 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=105 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-120 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=-120 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-120 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô,ø<üt0=-120 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-120 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô.ø5üt0=-120 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô/ø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô0øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-120 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-120 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-120 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô4øFüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô5ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô7ø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-120 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-120 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô:ø>üt0=-120 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=-120 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-120 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-120 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-120 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô@ø<üt0=-120 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôAø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=-120 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôCø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2520 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2520 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2520 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2520 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2520 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5.1 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2520 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-2520 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=55 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=25 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=23 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2520 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2520 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2520 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=410 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2520 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2520 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=Assist Control st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2520 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2520 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=962 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdì$ Xôø4üt0=-1260 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=112 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1260 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=83 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=58 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1260 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøQüt0=-1260 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì\ Xôø4üt0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=127 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=47 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=47 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1080 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=157 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-15480 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-11880 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=100 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=3 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-1080 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø<üt0=-180 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=38 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=92 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=98 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdðXôøGüt0=-12360 tf=9240 dt=360 id=291 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-12360 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Infiltrated st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1560 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=56 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1560 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdìTXôø>üt0=-3180 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.98758 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3180 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1100 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3180 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1768.84 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3180 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.22151 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2280 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2280 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-2280 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=11.1 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2280 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=223 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-2280 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.65 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2280 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-2040 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.8617 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-2040 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=298.5 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdì°Xôø>üt0=-3480 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3480 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=93.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3480 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3480 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=93.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdìœ Xôø?üt0=360 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=22.2222 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=1:4.9 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=360 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=360 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=34.1 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-6960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6060 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6060 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6060 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6060 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=119 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6060 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-6060 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-6060 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=78 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6060 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=54 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6060 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6060 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6060 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6060 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6060 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6060 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6060 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6060 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5160 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-4260 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-4260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô"ø4üt0=-4260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-4260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=-4260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-4260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-4260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-4260 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô(øHüt0=-4260 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô)øGüt0=-4260 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-4260 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô+ø9üt0=-4260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô,ø:üt0=-4260 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-4260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=-4260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-4260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô0ø>üt0=-4260 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô1ø?üt0=-4260 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-4260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-3360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-3360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô5ø4üt0=-3360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-3360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô7ø4üt0=-3360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-3360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=124 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=-3360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô:ø:üt0=-3360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô;øHüt0=-3360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=30 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô<øGüt0=-3360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=89 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=-3360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-3360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô?ø:üt0=-3360 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-3360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-3360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø7üt0=-3360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôCø>üt0=-3360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôEø7üt0=-3360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôFø4üt0=-2460 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôGø9üt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôHø4üt0=-2460 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-2460 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôJø4üt0=-2460 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-2460 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=121 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôLø:üt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôMø:üt0=-2460 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôNøHüt0=-2460 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôOøGüt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôPø9üt0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôQø9üt0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôRø:üt0=-2460 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôSø:üt0=-2460 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôTø9üt0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôUø7üt0=-2460 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôVø>üt0=-2460 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôWø?üt0=-2460 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôXø7üt0=-2460 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôYø3üt0=-660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô[ø3üt0=-660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô\ø3üt0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô]ø3üt0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô^ø9üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=118 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô_ø9üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô`øFüt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôaø8üt0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôbø8üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôcø9üt0=-660 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôdø9üt0=-660 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôeø8üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôfø=üt0=-660 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôgø=üt0=-660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôhø6üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôiø3üt0=-4260 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôjø2üt0=-4260 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôkø3üt0=-4260 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôlø4üt0=-4260 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1.5 vu=mlXômø2üt0=-660 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXônø1üt0=-660 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôoø2üt0=-660 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôpø*üt0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=80 vu=mlXôqø3üt0=-660 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1.5 vu=mlX ôrøQüt0=-6960 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôsøPüt0=-6960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôtøQüt0=-6060 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôuøPüt0=-6060 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôvøQüt0=-4260 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôwøPüt0=-4260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôxøQüt0=-3360 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôyøPüt0=-3360 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôzøQüt0=-2460 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô{øPüt0=-2460 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô|øPüt0=-660 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô}øOüt0=-660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø<üt0=-7260 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-7260 id=1522 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=183 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-7260 id=1534 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7260 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-7260 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-7260 id=786 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-7260 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=26 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-7260 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=103 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-7260 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7260 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=183 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7260 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-7260 id=827 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7260 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7260 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=137 rs=Final st=NotStopdÀ[ôø:üt0=-1920 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1920 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1920 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=19 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=114 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=137 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=33 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøOüt0=-60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø%üt0=0 id=1479 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=291 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=292 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=294 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=324 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dø@üt0=-3660 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô?ø=üt0=-3660 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô@øEüt0=-3660 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôAø;üt0=-3660 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-3660 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=-3660 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôDø6üt0=-3660 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=-3660 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôFø>üt0=-3660 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôGø6üt0=-3660 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôHø?üt0=-3660 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôIø4üt0=-3660 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôJø6üt0=-3660 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=-3660 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôLøCüt0=-3660 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôMø9üt0=-3660 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôNø9üt0=-3660 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôOø>üt0=-3660 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-3660 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-3660 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôRø4üt0=-3660 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôSø8üt0=-3660 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôTø;üt0=-3660 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôUø:üt0=-3660 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôVø>üt0=-3660 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=-3660 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôXø6üt0=-3660 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôYø@üt0=-3660 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôZø4üt0=-3660 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô[ø?üt0=-3660 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô\ø?üt0=-3660 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô]ø:üt0=-3660 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô^ø<üt0=-3660 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô_ø3üt0=-3660 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô`ø6üt0=-3660 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôaø6üt0=-3660 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôbø6üt0=-3660 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôcø=üt0=-3660 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôdø=üt0=-3660 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôeø9üt0=-3660 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôfø7üt0=-3660 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôgø;üt0=-3660 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôhø<üt0=-3660 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôiø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôjø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôkø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôlø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXômø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXônø8üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=146 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôoø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôpø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôqøFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=32 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôrøFüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=102 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôsø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôtø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôuø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôvø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôwø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôxø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôyø3üt0=-1860 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôzø3üt0=-1860 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô{ø%üt0=-1860 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=mlXô|ø1üt0=-60 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô}ø0üt0=-60 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô~ø1üt0=-60 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=105 vu=mlXô€ø2üt0=-60 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1.5 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-1860 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô‚øOüt0=-60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôƒøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø:üt0=-1140 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.1118 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1317.65 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2123.22 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=58 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1140 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1140 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.38258 u1=L/min st=NotStopdüt0=-1320 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopd¤Yôø1üt0=60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=127 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø)üt0=60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=260 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1.5 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøMüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-360 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=mmHg v2=39 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-360 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=-360 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø1üt0=240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô$ø0üt0=240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô%ø1üt0=240 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô&ø)üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=30 vu=mlXô'øDüt0=240 tf=504240 dt=8400 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=0.5 vu=mlX ô(øNüt0=-660 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô)øOüt0=-660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô*øMüt0=240 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô+øNüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìtXôø<üt0=-900 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=134 rs=Manual st=NotStopdì Xô3üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=116 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÀ[ôø2üt0=300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=124 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=300 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=300 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=300 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=110 vu=mlXôø0üt0=300 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=300 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì´Xôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=34 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=40 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôø3üt0=-480 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-480 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlì` Xôø:üt0=-1080 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1080 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=52 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1080 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøOüt0=-1080 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø7üt0=-24660 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17460 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-17460 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-17460 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-17460 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-17460 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-17460 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-17460 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-17460 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-17460 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-10260 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-10260 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-10260 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-10260 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-10260 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10260 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-10260 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-10260 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10260 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10260 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-10260 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-10260 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøKüt0=-10260 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10260 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-10260 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-10260 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10260 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-10260 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10260 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10260 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10260 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-10260 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-10260 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-10260 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô"ø4üt0=-10260 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-10260 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-10260 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-10260 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-10260 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXô'øGüt0=-10260 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-10260 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-10260 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=-10260 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=-10260 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-10260 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô-ø<üt0=-10260 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô.ø>üt0=-10260 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-10260 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô0ø7üt0=-10260 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-10260 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô2øAüt0=-10260 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô3øAüt0=-10260 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô4ø>üt0=-10260 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô5øFüt0=-10260 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô6ø<üt0=-10260 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-10260 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-10260 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=-10260 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-10260 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø?üt0=-10260 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-10260 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô=ø7üt0=-10260 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô>ø@üt0=-10260 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô?ø5üt0=-10260 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô@ø7üt0=-10260 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôAø>üt0=-10260 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXôBøDüt0=-10260 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-10260 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-10260 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôEø?üt0=-10260 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôFø>üt0=-10260 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôGø5üt0=-10260 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-10260 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-10260 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôJø;üt0=-10260 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôKø@üt0=-10260 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=-10260 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-10260 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôNøAüt0=-10260 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôOø:üt0=-10260 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôPø@üt0=-10260 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôQø@üt0=-10260 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôRø;üt0=-10260 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôSø=üt0=-10260 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôTø7üt0=-10260 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôUø7üt0=-10260 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôVø6üt0=540 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôWø2üt0=540 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=540 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôYø5üt0=540 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôZøAüt0=540 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô[ø1üt0=540 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô\ø5üt0=540 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô]ø1üt0=540 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô^øCüt0=540 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô_ø1üt0=540 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô`ø5üt0=540 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôaø1üt0=540 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôbø3üt0=540 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôcø3üt0=540 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôdø5üt0=540 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôeøDüt0=540 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôfø4üt0=540 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôgø;üt0=540 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôhø2üt0=540 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôiøCüt0=540 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôjø4üt0=540 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôkø<üt0=540 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôlø2üt0=540 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXômø>üt0=540 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXônø8üt0=540 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôoø1üt0=540 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôpø.üt0=-3060 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=LargeðXôø4üt0=-24900 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-24900 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-24900 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-24900 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-24900 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-17700 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-17700 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10500 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10500 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-10500 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-10500 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-3300 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-3300 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=300 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=300 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=300 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=300 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=300 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=300 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=300 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=300 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=300 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=300 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=300 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø;üt0=300 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=300 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô&ø4üt0=300 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=300 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô(ø4üt0=300 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=300 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXô*øAüt0=300 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô+ø8üt0=300 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô,ø<üt0=300 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXô-øCüt0=300 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXô.ø=üt0=300 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Loose st=NotStopdXô/ø6üt0=300 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=300 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô1ø=üt0=300 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=300 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô3ø:üt0=300 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô4ø4üt0=300 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdxXôø3üt0=180 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=180 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=180 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=180 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=180 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=180 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=180 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=180 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=180 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=180 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=180 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=180 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=180 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=180 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô"ø2üt0=180 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=180 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=180 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=180 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô&ø4üt0=180 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=180 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=180 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=180 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=180 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô+ø5üt0=180 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=180 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=180 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdðXôø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=-60 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-60 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=160 vu=mlXôø0üt0=-60 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=-60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø>üt0=-2280 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2280 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1200 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2280 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1932.2 u1=... st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2280 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11.1 u1=gm/dl rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2280 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2280 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.75842 u1=L/min st=NotStopdì¬Xôø9üt0=900 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=900 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=33.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=900 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=900 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=900 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=900 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=900 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=8.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=900 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=900 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=900 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=900 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=White v2=Frothy st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=900 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=330 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=900 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=900 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìTXôø3üt0=-720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=19 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=38 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=65 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-720 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìtXôø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=19 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=56 u1=mmHg v2=29 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøMüt0=-60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì@ Xôø4üt0=-1140 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1140 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=55 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=135 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1140 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1140 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1140 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1140 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1140 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1140 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1140 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-1140 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1140 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip¤Yôø7üt0=-6000 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6000 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6000 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6000 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6000 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1560 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7.44 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1560 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-1560 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=-1560 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=82 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1560 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7.44 rs=Manual st=NotStopd,Yôø=üt0=-1860 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1860 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=56 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø#üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=-60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôø<üt0=-420 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=884 v1=124 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìÜXô3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=30 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.22 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=390 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø=üt0=-3960 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3960 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[ôø2üt0=540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=28 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.22 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=-4860 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=LargeXôø*üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=155 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø3üt0=-3240 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXôø1üt0=360 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=40 vu=ml´Xôø>üt0=-1620 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.36025 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1557.89 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1620 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2508.47 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=64 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1620 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.75842 u1=L/min st=NotStopdì Xôø2üt0=540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=26 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=540 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.22 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=540 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=540 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=260 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì\ Xôø7üt0=-2880 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2880 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2880 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2880 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2880 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2880 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2880 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2880 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2880 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2880 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-2880 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-2880 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2880 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2880 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2880 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2880 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2880 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2880 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2880 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2880 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2880 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2880 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2880 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2880 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2880 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2880 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=720 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=720 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=720 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô#ø2üt0=720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô$ø2üt0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô&ø?üt0=720 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXô'ø>üt0=720 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Fam 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st=NotStopdXô8ø4üt0=720 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô9ø1üt0=720 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=720 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=720 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=720 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=720 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=720 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô?ø2üt0=720 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=720 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôAø2üt0=720 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôBø2üt0=720 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôCø9üt0=720 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=720 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=720 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=720 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôGø2üt0=720 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôHø1üt0=720 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôIø2üt0=720 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôJø2üt0=720 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôKø4üt0=720 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=720 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôMø9üt0=720 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXôNø9üt0=720 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Back, Upper st=NotStopdXôOøJüt0=720 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXôPø2üt0=720 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôQø2üt0=720 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôRø;üt0=720 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôSø8üt0=720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôTøFüt0=720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=52 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôUøCüt0=720 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôVøFüt0=720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôWø7üt0=720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôXø4üt0=720 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cg=103 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôiø<üt0=720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôjø=üt0=720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôkø5üt0=720 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôlø5üt0=720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXômø8üt0=720 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cooperative st=NotStopdXônø4üt0=720 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôoø;üt0=720 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôpø9üt0=720 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôqø2üt0=720 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Moist st=NotStopdXôrø=üt0=720 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôsø9üt0=720 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôtø:üt0=720 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdXôuø1üt0=720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôvø0üt0=720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôwø1üt0=720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôxø*üt0=720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=320 vu=mlXôyø0üt0=720 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôzøMüt0=720 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô{øNüt0=720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø>üt0=-15420 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-15420 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4680 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-4680 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1080 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=36 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1080 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=52 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1080 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1080 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1080 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1080 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1080 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô øOüt0=-1080 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô!øPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø7üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=34.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=0 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=0 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=9.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=0 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=9.11 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø-üt0=0 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=0 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=White v2=Frothy st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=0 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=340 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7200A st=NotStopd,Yôø,üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=200 vu=mlÐZôIüt0=-1020 tf=1084980 dt=18100 id=141 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1020 id=158 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Done st=NotStopdìdXôø0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=0 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=23 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=120 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø.üt0=0 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø/üt0=0 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø/üt0=0 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=0 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vu=ml es=SmallXôø(üt0=0 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=200 vu=mlXôø.üt0=0 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøKüt0=0 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøLüt0=0 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø3üt0=3600 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=345 ap=noneX ôø9üt0=3600 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=0 ap=carryForwardàYôø<üt0=-480 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=884 v1=139 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìøXô4üt0=-2760 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=25 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2760 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-2760 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=82 u1=mmHg v2=36 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=49 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2760 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2760 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=840 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=840 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=840 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=840 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=840 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=840 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=840 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Sleeping st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=840 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=840 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%øFüt0=840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=840 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=840 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=840 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô)øFüt0=840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=840 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXô.ø7üt0=840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô/øAüt0=840 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=840 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô2ø<üt0=840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô3ø=üt0=840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=500 vu=mlXôø0üt0=300 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=300 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìèXôø7üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=0 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=0 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=15 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=0 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=8.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=0 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=4.57 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=0 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø-üt0=0 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=490 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=0 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7200A st=NotStopdì0 Xôø4üt0=-1500 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1500 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1500 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1500 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1500 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1500 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1500 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=425 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1500 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-1500 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1500 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø4üt0=74100 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=260 ap=noneì€Xôø?üt0=-14220 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-14220 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-7020 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-7020 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3420 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=39 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=50 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=180 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=180 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=50 vu=mlXôø0üt0=180 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=180 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øNüt0=180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô!ø1üt0=72180 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=0 ap=noneX ô"ø1üt0=72180 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=0 ap=noneX ô#ø4üt0=72180 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=456 ap=noneX ô$ø4üt0=72180 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=1796 ap=noneX ô%ø5üt0=72180 dt=24 id=24 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=1080 ap=noneX ô&ø5üt0=72180 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=3113 ap=noneX ô'ø6üt0=72180 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=-1317 ap=noneX ô(ø4üt0=72180 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=3113 ap=noneX ô)øKüt0=72180 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 cv=8986.11 ap=carryForwardìÀXôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=385 v1=34.4 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=-1860 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-2820 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô:ø7üt0=-2820 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô;ø1üt0=780 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXô<ø2üt0=780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=780 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø7üt0=780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô?ø2üt0=780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôAø2üt0=780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=780 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôCø7üt0=780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôDø8üt0=780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=780 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=780 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôGø2üt0=780 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôHø8üt0=780 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôIøFüt0=780 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôJøFüt0=780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôLø<üt0=780 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=780 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôOø7üt0=780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôPø2üt0=780 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôQø5üt0=780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôRø<üt0=780 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôSøCüt0=780 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôTø<üt0=780 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôUø=üt0=780 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=780 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôWø1üt0=780 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôXø5üt0=780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôYø:üt0=780 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôZø:üt0=780 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=58 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô[ø1üt0=780 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô\ø1üt0=780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXô]ø1üt0=780 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXô^ø1üt0=780 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXô_ø)üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=80 vu=mlXô`ø0üt0=780 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlX ôaøOüt0=-2820 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôbøPüt0=-2820 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôcøMüt0=780 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôdøNüt0=780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-1260 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.17391 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1257.14 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1260 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2027.65 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1260 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.50085 u1=L/min st=NotStopdàYôø>üt0=-3540 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3540 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3540 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3540 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3540 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3540 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdðXôø<üt0=-3780 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3780 id=1522 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=102 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=132 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-3780 id=1534 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.1 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3780 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3780 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=136 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3780 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=19 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-3780 id=786 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3780 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3780 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=102 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3780 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=132 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3780 id=827 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.1 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3780 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3780 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=136 rs=Final st=NotStopdìÈ Xôø4üt0=-1140 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1140 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=53 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1140 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1140 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1140 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1140 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1140 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1140 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-1140 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1140 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìœ Xôø$üt0=0 id=340 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=341 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=346 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=347 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=358 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=359 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=364 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=365 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=377 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dàYôø:üt0=-480 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-480 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-480 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-480 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-480 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-480 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=9.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-480 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=11.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-480 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-480 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=35 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=32 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-480 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-480 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=370 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-480 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7200A st=NotStopdhYôø3üt0=-840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-840 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=32 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-840 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-840 id=70 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.08559 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-840 id=71 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.26983 u1=m2 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=733 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=763 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-840 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-840 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-840 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-840 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÜXôø:üt0=-2340 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2340 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2340 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2340 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2340 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2340 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2340 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2340 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2340 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2340 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-2340 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2340 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-2340 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Feeding v2=Undigested Food st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2340 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2340 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2340 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2340 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2340 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2340 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2340 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2340 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-2340 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-2340 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-2340 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô"ø=üt0=-2340 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=-2340 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-2340 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-2340 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-2340 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Petechiae st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=-2340 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-2340 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-2340 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô*ø3üt0=-2340 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-2340 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=-2340 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-2340 id=376 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Body, Upper st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-2340 id=380 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Betadine st=NotStopdXô/øLüt0=-2340 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô0ø4üt0=-2340 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô1ø4üt0=-2340 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô2ø=üt0=-2340 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-2340 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-2340 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô5ø7üt0=-2340 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô6ø@üt0=-2340 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô7ø4üt0=-2340 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô8ø@üt0=-2340 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô9ø=üt0=-2340 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô:øEüt0=-2340 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-2340 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-2340 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=-2340 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô>ø6üt0=-2340 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-2340 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô@ø>üt0=-2340 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôAø6üt0=-2340 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôBø6üt0=-2340 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôCø?üt0=-2340 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôDø4üt0=-2340 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôEø6üt0=-2340 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôFø=üt0=-2340 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXôGøCüt0=-2340 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-2340 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôIø9üt0=-2340 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôJø>üt0=-2340 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-2340 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôLø4üt0=-2340 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=-2340 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-2340 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôOø;üt0=-2340 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-2340 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôQø>üt0=-2340 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôRø8üt0=-2340 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôSø6üt0=-2340 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôTø@üt0=-2340 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôUø4üt0=-2340 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôVø?üt0=-2340 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôWø?üt0=-2340 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-2340 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôYø<üt0=-2340 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôZø3üt0=-2340 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô[ø6üt0=-2340 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô\ø6üt0=-2340 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô]ø=üt0=-2340 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô^ø=üt0=-2340 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXô_ø9üt0=-2340 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô`ø7üt0=-2340 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôaø;üt0=-2340 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôbø<üt0=-2340 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôcø3üt0=-2340 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlXôdø3üt0=-2340 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôeø8üt0=-2340 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=ml nb=1Xôfø,üt0=-2340 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=140 vu=mlüt0=-2400 id=1087 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Grimace Scale st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2400 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2400 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2400 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXZôø>üt0=-2160 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.54 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2160 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.8933 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2160 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2160 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=30 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2160 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2160 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2160 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.54 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2160 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=99 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd„[ôø>üt0=-3900 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.42236 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3900 id=513 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=297.521 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3900 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1312.82 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3900 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2115.7 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3900 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=64 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3900 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3900 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3.90095 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3060 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=363 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-300 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-300 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-300 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-300 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô øOüt0=-300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìtXôø,üt0=-1440 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=435 vu=mlìøXô9üt0=120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=4.69 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdðXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=390 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìhXôø>üt0=-4320 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-4320 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-720 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=200 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-720 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì€Xôø2üt0=960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=960 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=62 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=960 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=960 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=960 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=960 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=960 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=960 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=960 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=60 vu=mlXôø0üt0=960 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=960 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripðXôø;üt0=720 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=121 rs=Manual st=NotStopd´Xô=üt0=-180 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.49 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.2169 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=43 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=69 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.49 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=95 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd´Xôø=üt0=-360 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=357 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.54658 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1014.63 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=360 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1631.37 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=360 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=62 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=360 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=360 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4.13737 u1=L/min st=NotStopdÀ[ôø:üt0=-600 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-600 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-600 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=34.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-600 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-600 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-600 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=8.64 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-600 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-600 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=35 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-600 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-600 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=300 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-600 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7200A st=NotStopd´Xôø6üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.54658 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1631.37 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2.54658 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1631.37 u1=... st=NotStopdì Xôø3üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=48 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-540 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-540 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-540 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=135 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-540 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripàYôø=üt0=-780 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-780 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-780 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=88 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdìØ Xôø1üt0=60 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=60 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=49 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=60 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=60 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø/üt0=60 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø0üt0=60 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø(üt0=60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=20 vu=mlXôø/üt0=60 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøLüt0=60 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøMüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì0Xôø9üt0=300 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=34.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=300 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=300 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=9.7 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=300 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7.75 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=300 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=300 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=35 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Clear v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=300 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=290 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXZôø4üt0=-3900 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3900 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3900 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3900 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-3900 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3900 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3900 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99.86 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=54 u1=mmHg v2=25 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=73 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=-300 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood Cultured st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-300 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Blood st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-300 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-300 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô'ø3üt0=-3900 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô(ø2üt0=-3900 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô)ø3üt0=-3900 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô*ø2üt0=-3900 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlXô+ø2üt0=-300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô,ø1üt0=-300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXô-ø2üt0=-300 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô.ø+üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=125 vu=mlXô/ø1üt0=-300 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô0øOüt0=-3900 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô1øPüt0=-3900 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô2øNüt0=-300 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô3øOüt0=-300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì| Xôø5üt0=360 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=910 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdxXô<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=69 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdðXôø0üt0=0 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=0 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=0 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=0 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=47 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øDüt0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=0 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=0 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100.04 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=540 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø1üt0=540 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=90 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=46 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=87 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdüt0=-360 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4.55111 u1=L/min st=NotStopdìX Xôø8üt0=60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø.üt0=60 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=20 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=White v2=Thick st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=60 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=60 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=430 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 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st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3120 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3120 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3120 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3120 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3120 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3120 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3120 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3120 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-3120 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3120 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3120 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3120 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3120 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3120 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3120 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3120 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-3120 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-3120 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô#ø5üt0=-3120 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-3120 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXô%øFüt0=-3120 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-3120 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô'ø3üt0=-3120 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=-3120 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-3120 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-3120 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô+ø4üt0=-3120 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô,ø4üt0=-3120 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-3120 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-3120 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô/ø4üt0=-3120 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô0ø4üt0=-3120 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-3120 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-3120 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô3ø=üt0=-3120 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô4ø:üt0=-3120 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô5ø6üt0=-3120 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô6ø?üt0=-3120 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô7ø@üt0=-3120 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô8ø4üt0=-3120 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-3120 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-3120 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=-3120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô<øHüt0=-3120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=46 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô=øEüt0=-3120 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô>ø;üt0=-3120 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=-3120 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô@ø9üt0=-3120 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôAøHüt0=-3120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=108 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-3120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-3120 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôDø>üt0=-3120 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-3120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=-3120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôGø6üt0=-3120 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôHø6üt0=-3120 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôIø?üt0=-3120 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôJø6üt0=-3120 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-3120 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=-3120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôMøCüt0=-3120 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôNø9üt0=-3120 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôOø9üt0=-3120 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-3120 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-3120 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôRø7üt0=-3120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôSø:üt0=-3120 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôTø=üt0=-3120 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Brown v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôUø8üt0=-3120 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôVø6üt0=-3120 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôWø>üt0=-3120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôYø@üt0=-3120 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôZø7üt0=-3120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXô[ø?üt0=-3120 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô\ø<üt0=-3120 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô]ø3üt0=-3120 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô^ø7üt0=-3120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô_ø6üt0=-3120 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô`ø2üt0=480 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôaø8üt0=480 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôbø7üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôcø2üt0=480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôdø2üt0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôeø2üt0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôfø7üt0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôgø8üt0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôhø8üt0=480 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=31 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôiøFüt0=480 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=45 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôjøFüt0=480 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôkø7üt0=480 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôlø7üt0=480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXômø6üt0=480 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXônø7üt0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôoø5üt0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôpø<üt0=480 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôqø<üt0=480 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôrø5üt0=480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôsø3üt0=-3120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôtø3üt0=-3120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôuø3üt0=-3120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôvø2üt0=-3120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlXôwø1üt0=480 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôxø0üt0=480 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôyø1üt0=480 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôzø*üt0=480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=225 vu=mlXô{ø0üt0=480 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô|øOüt0=-3120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô}øPüt0=-3120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô~øMüt0=480 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=480 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø8üt0=300 id=504 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=21 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdìXô:üt0=-4980 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=1154 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-4980 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=1154 v1=35 st=NotStopdìÔ Xôø3üt0=-1320 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1320 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1320 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1320 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1320 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1320 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=80 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1320 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-1320 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1320 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.55 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.5365 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=77 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.55 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-60 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdìˆXôø>üt0=-5160 id=116 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2.23602 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5160 id=626 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1444.44 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5160 id=627 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2321.43 u1=... st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5160 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=58 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5160 id=89 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=3.59298 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3780 id=1391 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=336 u1=ml/m/m st=NotStopdì¸ Xôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3.5 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=4.9 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=-60 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=20 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-60 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=420 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7200A st=NotStopdðXôø=üt0=-8400 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=114 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1200 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1200 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1200 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1200 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1200 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1200 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1200 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1200 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-1200 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1200 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-1200 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1200 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1200 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1200 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1200 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1200 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1200 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1200 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1200 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1200 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1200 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-1200 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô"ø@üt0=-1200 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=-1200 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø<üt0=-1200 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-1200 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô&øHüt0=-1200 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô'øFüt0=-1200 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-1200 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-1200 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-1200 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+øHüt0=-1200 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=-1200 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-1200 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô.ø>üt0=-1200 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô/ø9üt0=-1200 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-1200 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-1200 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1200 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-1200 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô4ø=üt0=-1200 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-1200 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-1200 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=-1200 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô8ø>üt0=-1200 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-1200 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.78 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô:ø@üt0=-1200 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-1200 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXô<ø?üt0=-1200 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô=ø<üt0=-1200 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô>ø3üt0=-1200 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô?ø7üt0=-1200 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô@ø3üt0=-1200 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôAø3üt0=-1200 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôBø3üt0=-1200 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôCø3üt0=-1200 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôDø,üt0=-1200 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=120 vu=mlXôEø2üt0=-1200 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlX ôFøOüt0=-1200 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôGøPüt0=-1200 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôHø5üt0=81600 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 cv=175 ap=noneìxXôø>üt0=-10980 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-10980 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1560 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1560 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1560 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1560 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1560 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1560 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=60 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-1560 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-1560 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1560 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìpXôø3üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-120 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=40 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-120 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=-120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø;üt0=75480 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=180 cv=180 ap=noneX ôø=üt0=75480 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=-117 cv=-117 ap=noneX ôø;üt0=75480 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=18 cv=563 ap=noneX ôø;üt0=75480 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=63 cv=1863 ap=noneX ôø<üt0=75480 dt=24 id=24 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=45 cv=1125 ap=noneX ôø=üt0=75480 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=180 cv=3352 ap=noneX ô øGüt0=75480 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=-117 cv=-1489 ap=carryForwardX ô!øDüt0=75480 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=180 cv=3352 ap=carryForwardX ô"øTüt0=75480 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 pv=-117 cv=7497.11 ap=carryForwardìdXôø=üt0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=114 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=14.5706 u1=ml/dl st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=31 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=41 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=88 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=97 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdìøXôø=üt0=-7380 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-7380 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3780 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=14 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3780 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3780 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=52 u1=mmHg v2=23 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-3780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3780 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3780 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3780 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=17 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-180 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-180 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-180 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô!øAüt0=-180 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-180 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-180 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô$ø9üt0=-180 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=-180 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-180 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-180 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=-180 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô+ø<üt0=-180 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô,ø5üt0=-180 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô-ø4üt0=-180 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-180 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô/ø?üt0=-180 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô0ø3üt0=-180 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô1ø<üt0=-180 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=40 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô3øGüt0=-180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=57 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô4øDüt0=-180 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô5ø:üt0=-180 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô6ø8üt0=-180 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-180 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô8øGüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø8üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-180 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=-180 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-180 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô?ø>üt0=-180 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô@ø5üt0=-180 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôAø<üt0=-180 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôCø8üt0=-180 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôDø8üt0=-180 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôEø<üt0=-180 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôFø3üt0=-180 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôGø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôHø<üt0=-180 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôIøDüt0=-180 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Suctioned v2=Moderate st=NotStopdXôJø5üt0=-180 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôKø=üt0=-180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.7 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôMø?üt0=-180 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-180 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôOø>üt0=-180 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôPø;üt0=-180 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôQø2üt0=-180 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôRø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôSø2üt0=-180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôTø2üt0=-180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXôUø2üt0=-180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXôVø+üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 vo=120 vu=mlXôWø1üt0=-180 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlX ôXøOüt0=-3780 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôYøPüt0=-3780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôZøNüt0=-180 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô[øOüt0=-180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=103 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì@ Xôø<üt0=-360 id=1397 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=200 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-360 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-360 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4920 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4920 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=32 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1320 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=44 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1320 id=580 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô$ø>üt0=-1320 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=103 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. 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st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-780 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=43 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-780 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!øGüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=79 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-780 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-780 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-780 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô'ø>üt0=-780 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Ext/TXInterfere 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C st=NotStopdXô/ø>üt0=-780 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-780 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-780 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=-780 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô3ø;üt0=-780 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô4ø2üt0=-780 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô5ø6üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô6ø2üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô7ø2üt0=-780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=16 vu=mlXô8ø2üt0=-780 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXô9ø+üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=140 vu=mlXô:ø1üt0=-780 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=2 vu=mlX ô;øNüt0=-780 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô<øOüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø:üt0=-300 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-300 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-300 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=34.2 u1=Deg. 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Limited st=NotStopdXô<ø2üt0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô=ø8üt0=180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø7üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô?ø2üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôAø2üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=180 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôCø7üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôDø8üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=180 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=180 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôGø8üt0=180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôHøFüt0=180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=22 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôIøCüt0=180 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôJøFüt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôLø7üt0=180 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôMø<üt0=180 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôNø7üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôOø6üt0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôPø7üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôQø5üt0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôRø<üt0=180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôSø=üt0=180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôTø>üt0=180 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôUø7üt0=180 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôWø1üt0=180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôXø0üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôYø1üt0=180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôZø)üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=60 vu=mlXô[ø0üt0=180 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô\øMüt0=180 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô]øNüt0=180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì Xôø3üt0=-840 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=30 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-840 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=42 u1=mmHg v2=21 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-840 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-840 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-840 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ôøNüt0=-840 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÌXôø3üt0=-2580 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-2580 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2580 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-2580 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=80 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-2580 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlì°Xôø=üt0=-180 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-180 id=158 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-180 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-180 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-180 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-180 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-180 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Feeding v2=Yellow st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-180 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-180 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-180 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-180 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-180 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-180 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô"ø4üt0=-180 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=-180 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXô$ø<üt0=-180 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=-180 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô&ø5üt0=-180 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô'ø5üt0=-180 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô(ø>üt0=-180 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=-180 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô*ø3üt0=-180 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-180 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô,ø<üt0=-180 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-180 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô.øGüt0=-180 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô/øDüt0=-180 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=-180 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-180 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-180 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô3øGüt0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô4ø8üt0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô5ø5üt0=-180 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô6ø=üt0=-180 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô8ø7üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-180 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-180 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô;ø>üt0=-180 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô<ø5üt0=-180 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô=ø<üt0=-180 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-180 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô@ø8üt0=-180 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôAø<üt0=-180 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôBø6üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôCø<üt0=-180 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôDøAüt0=-180 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôEø5üt0=-180 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôFø=üt0=-180 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôGø>üt0=-180 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôHø?üt0=-180 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôIø3üt0=-180 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôJøAüt0=-180 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôKø>üt0=-180 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôLø5üt0=-180 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôMø4üt0=-180 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôNø;üt0=-180 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôOø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôPø5üt0=-180 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôQø5üt0=-180 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôRø2üt0=-180 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôSø1üt0=-180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôTø2üt0=-180 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôUø+üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=290 vu=mlXôVø1üt0=-180 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôWøNüt0=-180 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôXøOüt0=-180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì@ Xôø2üt0=540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=36 u1=mmHg v2=17 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=68 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=540 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø1üt0=540 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø*üt0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=450 vu=mlXôø0üt0=540 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøMüt0=540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø4üt0=-13980 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø1üt0=420 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlì°Xôø+üt0=1020 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=180 vu=mlxXô9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=34.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=9.1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=11 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=-60 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=15 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=460 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìøXôø?üt0=-2940 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 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st=NotStopdXô9ø2üt0=0 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=0 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Cheyne-Stokes st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=0 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø5üt0=0 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=0 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô>ø:üt0=0 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=0 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô@ø3üt0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=0 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=0 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4920 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1320 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1320 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1320 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1320 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1320 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1320 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1320 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1320 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1320 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-1320 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô!øCüt0=-1320 id=203 el=0 cu=1 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st=NotStopdXô1ø6üt0=-1320 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1320 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-1320 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXô4øGüt0=-1320 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô5ø7üt0=-1320 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-1320 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô7ø>üt0=-1320 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô8ø;üt0=-1320 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-1320 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-1320 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=-1320 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-1320 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-1320 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-1320 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô?ø5üt0=-1320 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô@ø7üt0=-1320 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1320 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-1320 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=-1320 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôDø6üt0=-1320 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôEøAüt0=-1320 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôFøAüt0=-1320 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôGøAüt0=-1320 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôHø>üt0=-1320 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=-1320 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôJøIüt0=-1320 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôKøFüt0=-1320 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôLø<üt0=-1320 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôMø:üt0=-1320 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôNø:üt0=-1320 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôOøIüt0=-1320 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=40 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-1320 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=61 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôQø7üt0=-1320 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôRø?üt0=-1320 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôSø:üt0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôTø9üt0=-1320 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôUø;üt0=-1320 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôVø6üt0=-1320 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-1320 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôXø7üt0=-1320 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôYø8üt0=-1320 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôZø:üt0=-1320 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô[ø:üt0=-1320 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô\ø:üt0=-1320 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô]ø>üt0=-1320 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô^ø5üt0=-1320 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXô_ø7üt0=-1320 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô`ø<üt0=-1320 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôaø8üt0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôbø9üt0=-1320 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôcø=üt0=-1320 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôdø?üt0=-1320 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôeøAüt0=-1320 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôfø=üt0=-1320 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôgø@üt0=-1320 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôhø@üt0=-1320 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôiø=üt0=-1320 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôjø8üt0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôkø7üt0=-1320 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôlø4üt0=-4920 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXômø3üt0=-4920 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXônø4üt0=-4920 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôoø3üt0=-4920 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlXôpø4üt0=-1320 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôqø4üt0=-1320 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôrø3üt0=-1320 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôsø4üt0=-1320 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=15 vu=mlXôtø4üt0=-1320 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôuø,üt0=-1320 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=22 vu=mlXôvø3üt0=-1320 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôwøPüt0=-4920 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôxøQüt0=-4920 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôyøPüt0=-1320 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôzøQüt0=-1320 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripXZôø:üt0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=34.1 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=9.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=6.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-120 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=10 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=240 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìXôø4üt0=-120 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-120 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=35 u1=mmHg v2=17 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-120 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=57 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-120 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø,üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-120 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì(Xôø4üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-540 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=41 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=52 u1=mmHg v2=27 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.4 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1440 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1440 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1440 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1440 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì(Xôø@üt0=-2760 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.51 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2760 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2760 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2760 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=664 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=56 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2760 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2760 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=6 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2760 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=30 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-2760 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-2760 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=160 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2760 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.51 rs=Manual st=NotStopd,Yôø=üt0=-3060 id=823 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=56 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3060 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=96 u1=% rs=Manual st=NotStopdì8Xôø4üt0=-540 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-540 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-540 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-540 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-540 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-540 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-540 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-540 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-540 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-540 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-540 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-540 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-540 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Arouse to Stimul st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-540 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-540 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-540 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-540 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-540 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=40 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-540 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-540 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-540 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-540 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-540 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-540 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=-540 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-540 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-540 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-540 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô&ø5üt0=-540 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô'ø6üt0=-540 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô(ø7üt0=-540 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô)ø9üt0=-540 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=-540 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô+ø>üt0=-540 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô,ø?üt0=-540 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=98.96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô-ø@üt0=-540 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô.ø<üt0=-540 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXô/ø?üt0=-540 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-540 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô1ø<üt0=-540 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-540 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô3ø6üt0=-540 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô4ø3üt0=-540 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô5ø2üt0=-540 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXô6ø3üt0=-540 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô7ø+üt0=-540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=60 vu=mlXô8ø2üt0=-540 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô9øOüt0=-540 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô:øPüt0=-540 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø:üt0=-660 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-60 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=34.2 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=-60 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-60 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=8.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=5.3 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=-60 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=300 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7200A st=NotStopdìøXôø<üt0=-13740 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-13740 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-13740 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-13740 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2940 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Family at Bedsid st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2940 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2940 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Both Legs v2=6 mm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2940 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Breast st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2940 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2940 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-2940 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2940 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2940 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2940 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=RestraintReapply st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2940 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2940 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Children st=NotStopd”Zôø$üt0=0 id=131 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=221 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=530 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=535 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=543 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=614 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=619 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=682 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXô ø$üt0=0 id=683 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXô ø$üt0=0 id=732 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dhYôøPüt0=-14760 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-14760 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-7560 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7560 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-7560 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-7560 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-7560 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-7560 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7560 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-3960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3960 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=35 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3960 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=47 u1=mmHg v2=24 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=32 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3960 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3960 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1260 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1260 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1260 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=-1260 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-1260 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-1260 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-1260 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=31 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô%øEüt0=-1260 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=39 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô&øEüt0=-1260 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=98 u1=mmHg rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô'ø>üt0=-1260 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-360 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Translator st=NotStopdXô)ø;üt0=-360 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=-360 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô+øNüt0=-360 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô,ø=üt0=-360 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 No Response st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-360 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 u1=points st=NotStopdXô.øBüt0=-360 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-360 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô0ø7üt0=-360 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-360 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô2ø:üt0=-360 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô3ø3üt0=-360 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-360 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô5ø=üt0=-360 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô6ø:üt0=-360 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô7ø5üt0=-360 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=-360 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-360 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô:ø@üt0=-360 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô;ø=üt0=-360 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô<øEüt0=-360 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô=ø;üt0=-360 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-360 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô?ø9üt0=-360 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-360 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôAøRüt0=-360 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôBø>üt0=-360 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-360 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôDø5üt0=-360 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôEø6üt0=-360 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôFø7üt0=-360 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôGøCüt0=-360 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-360 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-360 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôJø?üt0=-360 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôKø?üt0=-360 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôLø<üt0=-360 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôMø6üt0=-360 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-1260 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=17.5 vu=mlXôOø7üt0=-1260 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=12.25 vu=mlXôPø7üt0=-1260 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=78.75 vu=mlXôQø-üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=490 vu=mlXôRø6üt0=-1260 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1.75 vu=mlX ôSøPüt0=-3960 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôTøQüt0=-3960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¼Xôø;üt0=-2340 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2340 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2340 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2340 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2340 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=35 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-2340 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=4 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2340 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2340 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2340 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=10.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2340 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-2340 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2340 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=1 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2340 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=330 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2340 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2340 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7200A st=NotStopdZôø5üt0=-2880 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2880 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2880 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2880 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2880 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2880 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=87 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2880 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2880 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2880 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-2880 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2880 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2880 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2880 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2880 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2880 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2880 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2880 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=720 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=720 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=35 u1=mmHg v2=17 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=75 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=720 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=720 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.6 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=720 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.68 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø4üt0=720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=12.5 vu=mlXô$ø4üt0=720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=8.75 vu=mlXô%ø5üt0=720 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=56.25 vu=mlXô&ø+üt0=720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=300 vu=mlXô'ø4üt0=720 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1.25 vu=mlX ô(øPüt0=-2880 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô)øQüt0=-2880 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô*øNüt0=720 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô+øOüt0=720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì\ Xôø3üt0=900 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=900 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=900 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=900 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=900 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=900 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=900 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=900 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=900 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=900 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Sleeping st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=900 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=28 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=900 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=39 u1=mmHg v2=19 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=900 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=900 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=900 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=900 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=900 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=900 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=900 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=900 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=900 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô#ø>üt0=900 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=900 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô&ø2üt0=900 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô'ø1üt0=900 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXô(ø2üt0=900 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô)ø+üt0=900 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=260 vu=mlXô*ø1üt0=900 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô+øNüt0=900 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô,øOüt0=900 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìŒ Xôø<üt0=-12600 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1800 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=13 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdü[ôø<üt0=-6420 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6420 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6420 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6420 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-6420 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-6420 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6420 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6420 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=7200A st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2820 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2820 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2820 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-2820 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2820 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2820 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2820 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Golden v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2820 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2820 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=780 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=25 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=780 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=36 u1=mmHg v2=17 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=125 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=71 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=780 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=780 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=780 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1158 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô#ø0üt0=-2820 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vu=ml es=MediumXô$ø2üt0=780 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô%ø1üt0=780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXô&ø2üt0=780 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXô'ø+üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 vo=180 vu=mlXô(ø1üt0=780 id=602 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 ai=107 vo=1 vu=mlX ô)øNüt0=780 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô*øOüt0=780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô+ø9üt0=780 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=1158 cv=0 ap=carryForwardì¤Xôø9üt0=120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=785 v1=35 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4860 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=99.32 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4860 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=27 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1260 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=36 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1260 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=-1260 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-1260 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô$øOüt0=-4860 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=105 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô%øPüt0=-4860 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=105 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô&øOüt0=-1260 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=105 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô'øPüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=105 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-6240 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=37.3 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6240 id=679 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=99.14 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=10 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=491 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=29 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=960 id=492 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=41 u1=mmHg v2=20 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=960 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=67 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=960 id=676 el=0 cu=1 cg=105 v1=37 u1=Deg. 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id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=600 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Feeding v2=Bilious st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=600 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=600 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô$øGüt0=600 tf=957720 dt=15952 id=227 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=600 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô&øCüt0=600 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô'ø1üt0=600 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô(ø5üt0=600 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô)ø1üt0=600 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô*ø1üt0=600 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô+ø3üt0=600 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô,ø5üt0=600 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXô-øDüt0=600 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô.ø1üt0=600 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=600 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô0ø4üt0=600 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1ø=üt0=600 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=600 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô3ø>üt0=600 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=600 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=600 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô6ø7üt0=600 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô7ø7üt0=600 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô8øFüt0=600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô:ø2üt0=600 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=600 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô=ø4üt0=600 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=600 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st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-720 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=450 vu=mlìÄXôø3üt0=-900 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-900 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-900 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.2778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-900 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=99.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-900 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-900 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-900 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=180 vu=mlìŒ Xôø$üt0=0 id=283 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=325 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXZôø=üt0=-360 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.56 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-360 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=35 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-360 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=132 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-360 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.56 rs=Final st=NotStopd¤Yôø:üt0=-120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=21cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-120 id=194 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=195 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=547 v1=35.1 u1=Deg. 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el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-9240 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-9240 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5640 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-5640 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3840 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3840 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2040 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2040 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2040 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Translator st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-2040 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-2040 tf=940680 dt=15712 id=1480 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Clotted off st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2040 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2040 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2040 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Feeding v2=Bilious st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-2040 id=227 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=-2040 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô#øCüt0=-2040 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=PA line v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-2040 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=24 st=NotStopdXô%øEüt0=-2040 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-2040 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-2040 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXô(øIüt0=-2040 tf=940680 dt=15712 id=295 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô)ø7üt0=-2040 id=296 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=30 st=NotStopdXô*øFüt0=-2040 id=297 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Right Hand v2=20 gauge st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-2040 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô,ø=üt0=-2040 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=-2040 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô.ø5üt0=-2040 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô/ø5üt0=-2040 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô0ø@üt0=-2040 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô1ø4üt0=-2040 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô2ø@üt0=-2040 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô3ø=üt0=-2040 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô4øEüt0=-2040 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô5ø;üt0=-2040 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-2040 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô7ø9üt0=-2040 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô8øHüt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø9üt0=-2040 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-2040 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô;ø>üt0=-2040 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô=ø6üt0=-2040 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-2040 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 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st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=42 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=79 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdìä Xôø2üt0=660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=135 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô 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v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô6øDüt0=-5100 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-5100 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-5100 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô9ø>üt0=-5100 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-5100 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø@üt0=-5100 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-5100 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô=ø<üt0=-5100 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô>ø;üt0=-5100 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô?øAüt0=-5100 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô@ø=üt0=-5100 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXôAøAüt0=-5100 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXôBø@üt0=-5100 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôCø=üt0=-5100 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXôDø4üt0=-5100 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôEø6üt0=-5100 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Apathy st=NotStopdXôFø7üt0=-5100 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-5100 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôHø>üt0=-5100 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-5100 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôJø:üt0=-5100 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôKø8üt0=-5100 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôLø<üt0=-5100 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôMø<üt0=-5100 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdìˆXôø5üt0=-1620 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1620 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=104 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=9 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1620 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1620 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1620 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1620 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1620 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=60 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-1620 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-1620 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø4üt0=1980 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 cv=190 ap=noneìØXôø9üt0=120 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=120 id=194 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=120 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=120 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=120 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=120 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=8.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=120 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=4.8 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=120 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=120 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=411 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=120 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=120 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7200A st=NotStopdü[ôø>üt0=-3780 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 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v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-13380 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-13380 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-13380 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-13380 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-13380 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-9780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-9780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-9780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-6180 id=1043 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Orientation st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-6180 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô"øAüt0=-6180 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=-6180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=-6180 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-6180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô&ø=üt0=-6180 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXô'øOüt0=-6180 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô(ø5üt0=-6180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-6180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô*ø@üt0=-6180 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô+ø=üt0=-6180 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXô,øCüt0=-6180 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-6180 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Feeding st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-6180 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô/ø:üt0=-6180 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=-6180 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-6180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô2ø;üt0=-6180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô3ø5üt0=-6180 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=-6180 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô5ø>üt0=-6180 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô6ø5üt0=-6180 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô7ø<üt0=-6180 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô8ø4üt0=-6180 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô9ø9üt0=-6180 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-6180 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-6180 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-6180 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô=øAüt0=-6180 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=-6180 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô?øAüt0=-6180 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô@ø>üt0=-6180 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôAøFüt0=-6180 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=-6180 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-6180 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-6180 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôEøIüt0=-6180 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-6180 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-6180 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôHø5üt0=-6180 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôIøOüt0=-6180 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôJø?üt0=-6180 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-6180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôLø;üt0=-6180 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-6180 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôNø@üt0=-6180 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôOø7üt0=-6180 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-6180 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôQø:üt0=-6180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôRøDüt0=-6180 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôSø:üt0=-6180 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôTø:üt0=-6180 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXôUø?üt0=-6180 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXôVø>üt0=-6180 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôWø5üt0=-6180 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=-6180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôYø;üt0=-6180 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôZøAüt0=-6180 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C st=NotStopdXôrø@üt0=-2580 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=101.6 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2160 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2160 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-20160 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2160 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2160 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2160 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2160 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2160 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-2160 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=90 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-2160 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-2160 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÈ XôøBüt0=-15720 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-15720 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-15720 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-15720 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-15720 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-15720 id=622 el=0 cu=1 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st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3180 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3180 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3180 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=420 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=420 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=420 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=420 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=420 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=420 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=420 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Feeding v2=Yellow st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=420 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=420 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=420 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=420 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô#ø2üt0=420 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=420 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô%ø;üt0=420 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=420 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=420 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô(ø4üt0=420 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô)ø2üt0=420 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô*ø>üt0=420 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô+øCüt0=420 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô,ø9üt0=420 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=420 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô.ø7üt0=420 id=517 el=0 cu=1 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v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=420 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô@ø2üt0=420 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=420 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Brown v2=Loose st=NotStopdXôCø4üt0=420 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Rectal st=NotStopdXôDø?üt0=420 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=37.7778 u1=Deg. 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st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-900 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-900 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-900 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-900 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-900 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-900 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-900 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-900 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-900 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=27 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st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-360 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Feeding v2=Yellow st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-360 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-360 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-360 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-360 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-360 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-360 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-360 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-360 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-360 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-360 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-360 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-360 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-360 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-360 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F st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-360 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-360 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=-360 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô3ø>üt0=-360 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-360 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô5ø5üt0=-360 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-14760 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXô7ø1üt0=-360 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlXô8ø2üt0=-360 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô9ø2üt0=-360 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=14 vu=mlXô:ø2üt0=-360 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXô;ø2üt0=-360 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=90 vu=mlXô<ø*üt0=-360 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=36 vu=mlì Xôø9üt0=660 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=660 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=660 id=194 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=0 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=660 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=660 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=660 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=660 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=34 u1=Deg. 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id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô2ø6üt0=-1740 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô3ø>üt0=-1740 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô4ø9üt0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô5ø?üt0=-1740 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-1740 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô7ø9üt0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô8øCüt0=-1740 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô9ø9üt0=-1740 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-1740 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô;ø4üt0=-1740 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=-1740 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-1740 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-1740 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô?ø@üt0=-1740 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 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el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1980 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=-1980 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô#øGüt0=-1980 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-1980 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô%øEüt0=-1980 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-1980 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-1980 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXô(ø=üt0=-1980 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-1980 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-1980 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô+ø3üt0=-1980 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô,ø8üt0=-1980 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô-ø6üt0=-1980 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô.ø6üt0=-1980 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô/ø?üt0=-1980 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Arouse to Voice 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F st=NotStopdXôaø?üt0=1620 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôbø8üt0=1620 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôcø2üt0=1620 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôdø6üt0=1620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=492 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôeø3üt0=-1980 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlX ôføNüt0=1620 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôgøOüt0=1620 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip”Zôø1üt0=960 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø0üt0=960 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø1üt0=960 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXôø1üt0=960 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø)üt0=960 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=492 vo=55 vu=mlàYôø9üt0=480 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=480 id=194 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=0 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=480 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=480 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=480 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=426 v1=34 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-720 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-720 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-720 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=9.3 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-720 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-720 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-720 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-720 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=420 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-720 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7200A st=NotStopdì˜ Xôø6üt0=-4200 id=1047 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-4200 id=127 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4200 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4200 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tube Feeding st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-4200 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4200 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4200 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4200 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=10 u1=points st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-4200 id=200 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-4200 id=202 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-4200 id=203 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Feeding v2=Yellow st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4200 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-4200 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-4200 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4200 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Obese st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4200 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4200 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4200 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4200 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4200 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4200 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4200 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4200 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4200 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-4200 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4200 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-4200 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4200 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-4200 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4200 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4200 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-4200 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-4200 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-4200 id=548 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô#øOüt0=-4200 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-4200 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=-4200 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-4200 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô'ø@üt0=-4200 id=605 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXô(ø5üt0=-4200 id=610 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô)ø7üt0=-4200 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-4200 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô+øDüt0=-4200 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô,ø:üt0=-4200 id=621 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-4200 id=622 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXô.ø?üt0=-4200 id=623 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdXô/ø>üt0=-4200 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=-4200 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô1ø;üt0=-4200 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô2ø7üt0=-4200 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô3øBüt0=-4200 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=38.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô4ø@üt0=-4200 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=100.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô5øAüt0=-4200 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-4200 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=-4200 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô8ø@üt0=-4200 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô9ø=üt0=-4200 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXô:ø4üt0=-4200 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-4200 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô<ø4üt0=-600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô=ø9üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô>ø4üt0=-600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôCøHüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôDø9üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôHø7üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôIø3üt0=-600 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôJø2üt0=-600 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôKø3üt0=-600 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôLø,üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=120 vu=mlX ôMøOüt0=-600 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôNøPüt0=-600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìdXôø5üt0=-2220 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2220 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=89 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2220 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=92 u1=mmHg v2=38 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=56 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2220 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-2220 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2220 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2220 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=45 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-2220 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=80 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-2220 id=124 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=18 vo=0 v1=1 du=mghr sv=50 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøQüt0=-2220 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøKüt0=87780 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=4104.11 ap=carryForwardìXôø7üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=0 id=194 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=0 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=0 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=0 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=0 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=34 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=300 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=300 id=434 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=300 id=436 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=10 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=300 id=444 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=12.4 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=300 id=450 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=9.6 u1=L/min st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=506 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø/üt0=300 id=50 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=25 st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=545 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=578 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=12 u1=. st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=595 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=185 u1=units st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=615 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=300 id=631 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=651 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=37 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=300 id=652 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=0.2 u1=L st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=684 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=400 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=300 id=720 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=300 id=721 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=3 u1=# st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=638 v1=7200A st=NotStopdü[ôø=üt0=-300 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-300 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=36 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-300 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=120 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-300 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.47 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-300 id=834 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=99 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopd¤Yôø6üt0=-20940 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-20940 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20940 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20940 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20940 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-20940 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-20940 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-20940 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-20940 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-20940 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-20940 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-20940 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-20940 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-17340 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17340 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17340 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17340 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17340 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17340 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-17340 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-17340 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=110 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17340 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17340 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17340 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-17340 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-17340 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=37.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-17340 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-17340 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-13740 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-13740 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-13740 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-13740 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-13740 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-13740 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø<üt0=-13740 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô#øJüt0=-13740 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô$ø;üt0=-13740 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=72 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%ø;üt0=-13740 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô&ø;üt0=-13740 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-13740 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-13740 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=-10140 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-10140 id=128 el=0 cu=1 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C st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-6060 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6060 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2460 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2460 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2460 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2460 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2460 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2460 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=115 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=66 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2460 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2460 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2460 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6060 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-6060 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=7 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F st=NotStopdðXôø9üt0=300 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=218 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=40 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=219 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=40 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=300 id=39 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=7.5 mm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=300 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=300 id=417 el=0 cu=1 cg=963 v1=35.1 u1=Deg. 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v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-4920 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôRø?üt0=-4920 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôSø?üt0=-4920 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôTø:üt0=-4920 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôUø:üt0=-4920 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôVø3üt0=-4920 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôWø6üt0=-4920 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôXø>üt0=-1320 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôYø8üt0=-1320 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdìØ Xôø3üt0=-240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=145 u1=mmHg v2=59 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=700 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì,Xôø3üt0=-780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 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v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-660 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-660 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-660 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=37.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-660 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-660 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=60 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìdXôø4üt0=-16440 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-16440 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-16440 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-16440 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-16440 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-16440 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-9240 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-9240 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5640 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-5640 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-5640 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-5640 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5640 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2040 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2040 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-2040 tf=767880 dt=12832 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2040 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2040 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2040 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2040 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2040 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2040 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2040 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2040 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2040 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2040 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2040 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2040 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-2040 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-2040 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=-2040 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô#øEüt0=-2040 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXô$ø3üt0=-2040 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-2040 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô&ø3üt0=-2040 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô'ø3üt0=-2040 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô(ø5üt0=-2040 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=-2040 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=-2040 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-2040 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô,ø:üt0=-2040 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô-ø4üt0=-2040 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-2040 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-2040 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô0ø;üt0=-2040 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=-2040 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô2ø4üt0=-2040 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô3ø8üt0=-2040 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô4øLüt0=-2040 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô5ø4üt0=-2040 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô6ø4üt0=-2040 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô7ø=üt0=-2040 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô8ø6üt0=-2040 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô9ø6üt0=-2040 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-2040 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô;ø@üt0=-2040 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXô<ø<üt0=-2040 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXô=ø=üt0=-2040 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-2040 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-2040 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-2040 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôAø@üt0=-2040 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=-2040 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôCøEüt0=-2040 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôDø;üt0=-2040 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-2040 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=-2040 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôGø=üt0=-2040 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôHø4üt0=-2040 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-2040 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôJø>üt0=-2040 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôKø6üt0=-2040 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=-2040 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-2040 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Shallow st=NotStopdXôNø9üt0=-2040 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôOøCüt0=-2040 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôPø=üt0=-2040 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-2040 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôRø4üt0=-2040 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôSø6üt0=-2040 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôTø;üt0=-2040 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôUø:üt0=-2040 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôVø=üt0=-2040 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Brown v2=Soft st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=-2040 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôXø6üt0=-2040 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôYø@üt0=-2040 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôZø7üt0=-2040 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXô[ø?üt0=-2040 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô\ø?üt0=-2040 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô]ø:üt0=-2040 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô^ø?üt0=-2040 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdXô_ø3üt0=-2040 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô`ø3üt0=-2040 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôaø6üt0=-2040 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôbø6üt0=-2040 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôcø6üt0=-2040 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôdø=üt0=-2040 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôeø9üt0=-2040 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôfø7üt0=-2040 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Adequate st=NotStopdXôgø;üt0=-2040 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXôhø<üt0=-2040 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdì$ Xôø3üt0=-780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-25980 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=MediumXôø.üt0=-4380 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=LargeXôø2üt0=-780 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=140 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø:üt0=20820 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=0 ap=carryForwardì Xôø2üt0=240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø2üt0=240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø)üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø<üt0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=40 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=155 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.42 rs=Final st=NotStopdìØ Xôø;üt0=-3420 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3420 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3420 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3420 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4 rs=Final st=NotStopdì(Xôø$üt0=0 id=230 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dì8Xô8üt0=-1080 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1080 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear Liquid st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=182 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=8 v2=4 st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1080 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1080 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1080 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1080 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1080 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1080 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1080 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1080 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1080 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1080 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1080 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1080 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-1080 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô#ø@üt0=-1080 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-1080 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô&ø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXô'ø3üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXô(ø,üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 vo=100 vu=mlX ô)øPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¼Xôø>üt0=-3060 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Mouthing Words st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3060 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3060 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3060 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3060 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=12 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-3060 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3060 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-3060 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3060 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-3060 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3060 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3060 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3060 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3060 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3060 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Exp Wheeze st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3060 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3060 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3060 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3060 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3060 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3060 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3060 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3060 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Shallow st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-3060 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3060 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-3060 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-3060 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-3060 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô#ø8üt0=-3060 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô$ø@üt0=-3060 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-3060 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô&ø@üt0=-3060 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=3 Inapprop words st=NotStopdXô'ø3üt0=-3060 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô(ø3üt0=-3060 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=-3060 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô*ø6üt0=-3060 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-3060 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXô,ø;üt0=-3060 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-3060 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô.ø?üt0=-3060 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô/ø;üt0=-3060 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXô0ø:üt0=-3060 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdì(Xôø4üt0=-4620 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4620 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4620 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4620 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4620 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4620 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4620 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-4620 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4620 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4620 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4620 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4620 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1020 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1020 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1020 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1020 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1020 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-1020 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=63 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1020 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1020 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1020 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-1020 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1020 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 vo=110 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-4620 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøPüt0=-1020 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø0üt0=2580 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=0 ap=noneX ô ø3üt0=2580 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=394 ap=noneX ô!ø4üt0=2580 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=2700 ap=noneX ô"ø;üt0=2580 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=2700 ap=carryForwardì$X ôø+üid=56 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 io=102 du=ml rt=OralhYô<üt0=-14760 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3960 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear Liquid st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3960 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3960 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3960 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-3960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-3960 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3960 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3960 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3960 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3960 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-3960 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3960 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=109 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=64 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3960 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3960 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3960 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-3960 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=36.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=-3960 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô"ø@üt0=-3960 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-3960 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô$ø@üt0=-3960 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô%ø?üt0=-3960 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-3960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô'ø6üt0=-3960 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô(ø3üt0=-360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô)ø8üt0=-360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô*ø3üt0=-360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô+ø3üt0=-360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô,ø3üt0=-360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô-ø8üt0=-360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=-360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô/øGüt0=-360 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-360 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 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F st=NotStopdXô7ø@üt0=-5160 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-5160 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-5160 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXô:ø?üt0=-5160 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô;ø@üt0=-5160 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=3 Inapprop words st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-5160 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô=ø4üt0=-1560 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-1560 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôDøHüt0=-1560 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-1560 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôFø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôGø9üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôHø7üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôIø7üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôJø3üt0=-5160 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXôKø3üt0=-1560 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôLø3üt0=-1560 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlX ôMøPüt0=-1560 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì°Xôø;üt0=840 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=100 rs=Manual st=NotStopdüt0=-5460 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=75.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5460 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=75.1 rs=Final st=NotStopd”Zôø3üt0=-1620 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1620 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1620 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1620 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear Liquid st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1620 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1620 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1620 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1620 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1620 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1620 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1620 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1620 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1620 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1620 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-1620 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1620 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1620 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1620 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1620 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1620 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bed as Chair st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1620 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1620 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1620 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-1620 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô"ø;üt0=-1620 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô#ø3üt0=-1620 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=-1620 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-1620 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-1620 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô'øLüt0=-1620 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Steri-strip v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô(ø4üt0=-1620 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô)ø>üt0=-1620 id=398 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None v2=Intact st=NotStopdXô*ø=üt0=-1620 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-1620 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-1620 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô-ø5üt0=-1620 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô.ø@üt0=-1620 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=-1620 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXô0ø=üt0=-1620 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô1ø9üt0=-1620 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-1620 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-1620 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô4ø@üt0=-1620 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô5ø<üt0=-1620 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô6øEüt0=-1620 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=-1620 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô8ø9üt0=-1620 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô9ø9üt0=-1620 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô:ø=üt0=-1620 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô;ø4üt0=-1620 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-1620 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-1620 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô>ø6üt0=-1620 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô?ø6üt0=-1620 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô@ø6üt0=-1620 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôAø9üt0=-1620 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôBøCüt0=-1620 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôCø=üt0=-1620 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôDø4üt0=-1620 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôEø4üt0=-1620 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXôFø8üt0=-1620 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôGø;üt0=-1620 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-1620 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôIø8üt0=-1620 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôJø@üt0=-1620 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôKø7üt0=-1620 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Logroll st=NotStopdXôLø@üt0=-1620 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdXôMø?üt0=-1620 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôNø:üt0=-1620 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôOø:üt0=-1620 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôPø3üt0=-1620 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôQø:üt0=-1620 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Appropriate st=NotStopdXôRø6üt0=-1620 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôSø6üt0=-1620 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôTø6üt0=-1620 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôUø=üt0=-1620 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXôVø9üt0=-1620 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôWø?üt0=-1620 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-1620 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=9 u1=number st=NotStopdXôYø<üt0=-1620 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. 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st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1620 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1620 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1620 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1620 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1620 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=114 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1620 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1620 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1620 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=40 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-1620 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÄXôø4üt0=-1800 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1800 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1800 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM 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C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1080 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1080 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1080 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1080 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1080 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=85 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-1080 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì(Xôø4üt0=-2640 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2640 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2640 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2640 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2640 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2640 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2640 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=90 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2640 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2640 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2640 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2640 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=960 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=960 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2640 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2640 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 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Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-10920 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-10920 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-10920 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-10920 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-10920 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10920 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-10920 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10920 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10920 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-10920 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10920 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10920 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10920 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10920 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-10920 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10920 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bed as Chair st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-10920 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10920 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10920 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-10920 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10920 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10920 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-10920 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-10920 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô!øAüt0=-10920 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô"ø=üt0=-10920 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô#øFüt0=-10920 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô$ø<üt0=-10920 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-10920 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô&ø:üt0=-10920 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-10920 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 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st=NotStopdXô7ø=üt0=-7320 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXô8øEüt0=-7320 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Expectorated v2=Small st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=-120 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-120 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXô;ø3üt0=-120 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXô<ø>üt0=-120 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Product/Congest st=NotStopdXô=ø;üt0=-120 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear Liquid st=NotStopdXô>ø>üt0=-120 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXô?ø<üt0=-120 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXô@ø6üt0=-120 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôAø8üt0=-120 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-120 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=90 degrees st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-120 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôDøFüt0=-120 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôEø5üt0=-120 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôFø2üt0=-120 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôGøDüt0=-120 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôHø2üt0=-120 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-120 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôJø2üt0=-120 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôKø2üt0=-120 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôLø4üt0=-120 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôMø3üt0=-120 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Chair st=NotStopdXôNø<üt0=-120 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôOø7üt0=-120 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôPø5üt0=-120 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôQø<üt0=-120 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôRø5üt0=-120 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôSø5üt0=-120 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôTø?üt0=-120 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôUøEüt0=-120 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXôVø:üt0=-120 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôWø8üt0=-120 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=-120 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôYø9üt0=-120 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Slide Board st=NotStopdXôZø5üt0=-120 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô[ø5üt0=-120 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô\ø5üt0=-120 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô]ø8üt0=-120 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXô^ø<üt0=-120 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô_ø<üt0=-120 id=656 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=White v2=Thin st=NotStopdXô`øDüt0=-120 id=657 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Expectorated v2=Scant st=NotStopdXôaø5üt0=-120 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôbø?üt0=-120 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôcø3üt0=-120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôdø>üt0=-120 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôeø>üt0=-120 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôfø5üt0=-120 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôgø3üt0=-7320 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlxXôø;üt0=-25440 id=604 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Chest Xray st=NotStopdXôø-üt0=-18240 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-11040 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-240 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdìðXôø3üt0=-720 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=160 u1=mmHg v2=76 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=107 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô 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C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-960 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-960 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-960 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-960 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=90 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø4üt0=20640 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=120 ap=noneì¨ Xôø3üt0=-600 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-600 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-600 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripììXôø6üt0=-2100 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2100 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2100 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2100 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2100 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2100 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2100 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2100 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2100 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-2100 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2100 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-2100 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2100 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2100 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2100 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Slide Board st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2100 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2100 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Irregular st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2100 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2100 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2100 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2100 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2100 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2100 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2100 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=97 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-300 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-300 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô#øOüt0=-300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÀXôø4üt0=-3300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3300 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3300 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-3300 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-3300 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-3300 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-3300 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-3300 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3300 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3300 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-3300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3300 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3300 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=36.9444 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=78 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=300 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=300 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø5üt0=300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô$ø5üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø+üt0=-3300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=75 vu=mlXô&ø1üt0=300 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=330 ai=107 vo=30 vu=mlXô'ø3üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=22.5 vu=mlXô(ø)üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=75 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st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-6120 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6120 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-6120 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6120 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6120 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-6120 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-6120 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-6120 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-6120 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-6120 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Present st=NotStopdìXôø;üt0=-13320 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-13320 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-13320 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-9720 tf=652200 dt=11032 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9720 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9720 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-9720 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-9720 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2520 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2520 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2520 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø,üt0=-2520 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2520 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2520 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=79 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2520 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-2520 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2520 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2520 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-2520 id=235 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=A-Line v2=Left Radial st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2520 id=236 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=237 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2520 id=238 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2520 id=284 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2520 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-2520 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2520 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2520 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2520 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2520 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=37 u1=Deg. 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vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì¬Xôø8üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-240 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-240 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-240 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-240 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-240 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-240 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=41 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=65 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-240 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-240 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=134 el=2 cu=1 cg=330 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlXôø2üt0=-240 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì,Xôø8üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 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u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2820 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2820 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2820 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1020 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-1020 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô"ø7üt0=-1020 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô#ø2üt0=780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXô$ø2üt0=780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô'ø;üt0=780 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô(ø6üt0=780 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô)øFüt0=780 id=51 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=156 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô*ø7üt0=780 id=52 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô+ø7üt0=780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô,ø5üt0=780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=96 u1=% 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st=NotStopdXôøRüt0=-1260 tf=610260 dt=10192 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=74.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1260 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1260 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-1260 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1260 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=36.2778 u1=Deg. 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1260 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôøEüt0=-1260 tf=70740 dt=1200 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 vo=60 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-1260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripxXôø<üt0=-1380 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Clear Liquid st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1380 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1380 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1380 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1380 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-1380 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-1380 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1380 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1380 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1380 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1380 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1380 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1380 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1380 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1380 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Calm st=NotStopdì|Xôø8üt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-960 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=70 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=399 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-4560 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-4560 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXô ø3üt0=-960 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-960 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 vo=60 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-960 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=399 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=840 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=840 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=840 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=88.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=840 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=840 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=840 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=840 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=840 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=840 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=840 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô!ø7üt0=840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=840 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$øAüt0=840 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=840 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=840 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô(ø2üt0=840 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô)ø?üt0=840 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=35.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô*ø<üt0=840 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=118 v1=95.2 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXô%ø<üt0=840 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=95.8 u1=Deg. 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C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=720 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=95.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-6480 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=107 vo=10 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-6480 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=107 vo=60 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-6480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=100 vu=mlXôø1üt0=720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlXôøFüt0=720 tf=15120 dt=240 id=481 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=107 vo=56.6667 vu=mlXôø)üt0=720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=80 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôø1üt0=-2880 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø1üt0=-2880 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=0 ap=noneX ô ø6üt0=-2880 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=1227.5 ap=noneX ô!ø3üt0=-2880 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=60 ap=noneX ô"ø4üt0=-2880 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=945 ap=noneX ô#ø6üt0=-2880 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=282.5 ap=noneX ô$ø3üt0=-2880 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=945 ap=noneX ô%øKüt0=-2880 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=3296.11 ap=carryForwardì Xôø+üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-960 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-960 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=94.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdì0 Xôø<üt0=-7680 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7680 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7680 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7680 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7680 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7680 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-7680 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-7680 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-7680 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-7680 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-7680 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-7680 id=411 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7680 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7680 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7680 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7680 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Problem st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-7680 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-7680 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-7680 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=80 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-480 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-480 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-480 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-480 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô$øHüt0=-480 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô%ø>üt0=-480 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 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id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=35.9444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=720 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=96.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=720 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=22.5 vu=mlXôø*üt0=720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=150 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìxXôø4üt0=-3480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=112 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=120 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=120 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=120 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=92.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=120 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø*üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=150 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DriphYôø=üt0=-1140 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-1140 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1140 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.3 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=403 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1140 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.46 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.5 rs=Final st=NotStopd¤Yôø3üt0=-660 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-660 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=35.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-660 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdhYôø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=120 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-120 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=171 u1=mmHg v2=76 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=107.667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=32 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì°Xôø<üt0=-3120 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=13 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3120 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=106 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3120 id=1525 el=0 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st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-5100 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5100 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5100 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø,üt0=-5100 id=582 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5100 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-5100 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5100 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Shallow st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5100 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tachypneic st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-5100 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5100 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5100 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5100 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-5100 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Agitated st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=88 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-3300 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=157 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-3300 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-3300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-3300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-3300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-3300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô&ø9üt0=-2400 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô'ø4üt0=-2400 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô(ø4üt0=-2400 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-2400 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô*ø9üt0=-2400 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=84 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+ø:üt0=-2400 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô,øIüt0=-2400 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô-ø:üt0=-2400 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô.ø9üt0=-2400 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô/ø9üt0=-2400 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô0ø7üt0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô1ø3üt0=-1500 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXô2ø8üt0=-1500 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-1500 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXô4ø<üt0=-1500 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô6ø7üt0=-1500 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nodding st=NotStopdXô7ø8üt0=-1500 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXô8ø4üt0=-1500 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-1500 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nonprod/Congest st=NotStopdXô:øAüt0=-1500 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô;ø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô<ø3üt0=-1500 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXô=ø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô>ø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-1500 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=General v2=4 mm st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-1500 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôAø;üt0=-1500 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôBø8üt0=-1500 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôCø<üt0=-1500 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXôDø7üt0=-1500 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-1500 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôFø:üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=45 degrees st=NotStopdXôGø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôIø7üt0=-1500 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôJøGüt0=-1500 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôKø6üt0=-1500 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôLø3üt0=-1500 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôMø=üt0=-1500 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôNø;üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bed as Chair st=NotStopdXôOø=üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-1500 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôQø:üt0=-1500 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôRø4üt0=-1500 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôSø8üt0=-1500 id=345 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Abrasion st=NotStopdXôTø;üt0=-1500 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôUø;üt0=-1500 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Transparent st=NotStopdXôVø3üt0=-1500 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXôWø4üt0=-1500 id=363 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôXø8üt0=-1500 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôYø6üt0=-1500 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôZøGüt0=-1500 id=386 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Healed v2=Clean and Dry st=NotStopdXô[ø4üt0=-1500 id=392 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô\ø=üt0=-1500 id=411 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Moist st=NotStopdXôŽø?üt0=-1500 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1500 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=10 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXô‘ø4üt0=-1500 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXô’ø7üt0=-1500 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xô“ø+üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=80 vu=mlX ô”øPüt0=-3300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô•øPüt0=-2400 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô–øPüt0=-1500 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì8Xôø=üt0=-6180 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6180 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2580 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2580 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 u1=lpm st=NotStopdZôøIüt0=-3120 tf=4080 dt=120 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=12 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=480 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=124 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=480 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=75.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=480 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôøDüt0=480 tf=176880 dt=2940 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø)üt0=480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=70 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=480 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìðXôø$üt0=0 id=113 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'd¤Yô3üt0=-420 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-420 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-420 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=43 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-420 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-420 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=36 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-420 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø4üt0=-2220 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2220 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=127 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2220 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2220 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-2220 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlX ô øPüt0=-2220 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripÐZôø2üt0=660 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=51 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=660 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=660 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=660 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=660 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=660 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=136 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø2üt0=660 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø)üt0=660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=50 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=660 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÄXôø4üt0=-3360 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3360 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3360 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal 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v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-10080 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-10080 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-10080 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-10080 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-10080 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-10080 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-10080 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô!ø<üt0=-10080 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-10080 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô#ø:üt0=-10080 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø7üt0=-10080 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô%ø7üt0=-10080 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-10080 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-10080 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô(ø8üt0=-10080 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô)øDüt0=-10080 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st=NotStopdXôYøAüt0=720 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=720 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô[ø=üt0=720 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô\ø=üt0=720 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô]ø8üt0=720 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô^ø8üt0=720 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXô_ø4üt0=720 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdì8Xôø4üt0=-4200 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4200 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4200 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4200 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=101 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4200 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-4200 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=151 u1=mmHg v2=96 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4200 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=114.333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4200 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4200 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4200 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4200 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-600 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-600 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=33 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-600 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=200 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=125 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-4200 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøOüt0=-600 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì\ Xôø<üt0=-420 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=884 v1=133 rs=Manual st=NotStopdìtXô4üt0=-5160 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-5160 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=36.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5160 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=59 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-1560 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1560 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1560 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-1560 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripàYôø3üt0=-240 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-240 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-240 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=84.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-240 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vu=ml nb=1X ô øOüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø+üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=220 vu=mlìpXô3üt0=-780 id=1125 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=CCU st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=72 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-780 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=81.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=7.5 vu=mlXô ø2üt0=-780 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripXZôø,üt0=-1380 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=680 vu=mlìÈXô8üt0=-780 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-780 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-780 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-780 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-780 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô øHüt0=-780 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=71 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=91.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-780 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-780 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-780 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-780 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-780 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-780 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-780 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=450 vu=mlX ô øOüt0=-780 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìXôø4üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=86 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1560 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-1560 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-1560 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdì´Xôø4üt0=-1980 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1980 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=82 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1980 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=132 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1980 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=80.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1980 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=34 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1980 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1980 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXô ø4üt0=-1980 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô ø,üt0=-1980 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=300 vu=mlX ô øPüt0=-1980 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ô ø0üt0=1620 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=0 ap=noneX ô ø0üt0=1620 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø4üt0=1620 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=1470 ap=noneX ôø6üt0=1620 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=1566.67 ap=noneX ôø4üt0=1620 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=2631 ap=noneX ôø8üt0=1620 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=-1064.33 ap=noneX ôø3üt0=1620 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=2631 ap=noneX ôøJüt0=1620 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 cv=2231.77 ap=carryForwardìÜXôø;üt0=-14520 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-14520 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7320 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-7320 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nonproductive st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7320 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-7320 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-7320 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-7320 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7320 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-120 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-120 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=76 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-120 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-120 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-120 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-120 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-120 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-120 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=90.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-120 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-120 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-120 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-120 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô"ø3üt0=-120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô#ø2üt0=-120 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$ø6üt0=-120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=-120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXô&ø3üt0=-120 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô'ø+üt0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=150 vu=mlX ô(øOüt0=-120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripìp&Xôø@üt0=-17160 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-17160 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17160 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-17160 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-17160 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-17160 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-9960 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Dozing Intermit st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2760 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2760 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2760 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2760 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2760 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Sleeping st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2760 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2760 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2760 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2760 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2760 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2760 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2760 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2760 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=330 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2760 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=15 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-2760 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-2760 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 vo=100 vu=mlX ôøPüt0=-2760 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=330 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø0üt0=0 id=155 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dì0 Xô7üt0=480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 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v1=125.333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô5ø7üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô6ø7üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=31 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô7ø5üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô8ø5üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô:ø2üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø8üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô=øGüt0=-240 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-240 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=93.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô?ø7üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô@ø7üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôCø0üt0=60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôDø0üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None 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cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôTøNüt0=-840 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôUøNüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôVøVüt0=60 id=121 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôWøLüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Yôø7üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=60 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=79.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øXüt0=-540 id=121 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=60 id=121 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøLüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripXZôø7üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=90 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-240 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=117 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=70.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=29 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=60 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=105 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=60 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=71.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-3540 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=150 vu=mlX ôøXüt0=-240 id=121 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøNüt0=-240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøVüt0=60 id=121 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=4.30108 du=mcgkgmin sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôøLüt0=60 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=750 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-4080 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4080 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4080 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-480 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=-480 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 st=NotStopdìÜXôø7üt0=-1980 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1980 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-1980 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1980 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-1980 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-1980 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1980 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdì°Xôø6üt0=420 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=420 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=420 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=420 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=420 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=420 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=420 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=111 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=420 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=70.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=420 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=420 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=420 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø/üt0=420 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlX ô øMüt0=420 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip´Xôø)üt0=240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=120 vu=mlðXô0üt0=0 id=128 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dìXô6üt0=240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=240 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=240 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=6 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ô øMüt0=240 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=1260 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=92.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=1260 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=1260 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=1260 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=1260 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[ôø)üt0=420 id=40 el=0 cu=1 cg=894 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=420 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=894 v1=5 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=420 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=894 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=420 id=722 el=0 cu=1 cg=894 st=NotStopdìhXôø8üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rare st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=PVC's st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-180 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-180 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=36.0556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=96.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-3780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=10 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=10 vu=mlX ôøOüt0=-180 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1560 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXôø,üt0=-1560 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1560 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1560 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1560 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1560 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-1560 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-1560 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1560 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1560 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1560 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1560 id=339 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1560 id=357 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1560 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1560 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1560 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1560 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1560 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1560 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1560 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1560 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1560 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø>üt0=-1560 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1560 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-1560 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-1560 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-1560 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô(øCüt0=-1560 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô)ø=üt0=-1560 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô*ø4üt0=-1560 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô+ø?üt0=-1560 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô,ø6üt0=-1560 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXô-ø;üt0=-1560 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô.ø:üt0=-1560 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=-1560 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Children st=NotStopdXô0ø@üt0=-1560 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô1ø:üt0=-1560 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=-1560 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô3ø?üt0=-1560 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô4ø3üt0=-1560 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô5ø3üt0=-1560 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXô6ø6üt0=-1560 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô7ø6üt0=-1560 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô8ø=üt0=-1560 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô9ø;üt0=-1560 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-1560 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô;ø?üt0=-1560 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-1560 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdXô=ø:üt0=-1560 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=Sl. 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C st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=300 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=96.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=199 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=300 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôø)üt0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 vo=20 vu=mlX ôøNüt0=300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=199 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripüt0=-3120 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=26.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3120 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3120 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=4.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3120 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=26.3 rs=Final st=NotStopdì°Xôø?üt0=-8160 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=105.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-8160 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=105.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-600 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-600 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-600 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-600 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-600 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 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st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-600 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-600 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-600 id=375 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Coccyx st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-600 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-600 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=152 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-600 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=83.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-600 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-600 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=-600 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-600 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô#ø<üt0=-600 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-600 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô%ø8üt0=-600 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-600 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô'ø=üt0=-600 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 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Limited st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4860 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4860 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Very Poor st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4860 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4860 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1260 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1260 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1260 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=75 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1260 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Chair st=NotStopdXô!øIüt0=-1260 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-1260 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-1260 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô%ø9üt0=-1260 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-1260 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-1260 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìl Xôø8üt0=-840 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-840 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=48 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=78.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-840 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-840 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1Xôø*üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=30 vu=mlìP Xôø1üt0=120 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=120 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=120 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=120 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=120 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=91.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=120 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=120 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=36.2778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=120 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=97.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=120 tf=183720 dt=3060 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXôø)üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=20 vu=ml”Zôø>üt0=-2340 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=24.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2340 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2340 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=41.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2340 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2340 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=24.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2340 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=41.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdì´Xôø7üt0=-960 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-960 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=H2 Blocker st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-960 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-960 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-960 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-960 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-960 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-960 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-960 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Bedrest 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C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=180 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=6 vu=mlXôø2üt0=180 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXôø*üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=20 vu=mlX ôøQüt0=-3420 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=600 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Dripì€Xôø:üt0=-1980 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1980 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1980 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1980 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1980 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=106 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1980 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=71.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1980 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1980 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1980 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-1980 id=646 el=0 cu=1 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st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-26760 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-26760 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-26760 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-26760 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-26760 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-26760 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-26760 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-26760 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-26760 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-26760 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-26760 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Dyspneic st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-26760 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-26760 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-26760 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Incomp sounds st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-26760 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-12360 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Gesturing st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-12360 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-12360 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-12360 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-12360 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-12360 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô!ø>üt0=-12360 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-12360 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô#ø;üt0=-12360 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô$ø?üt0=-12360 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô%ø:üt0=-12360 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-12360 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-12360 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô(øBüt0=-12360 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô)øBüt0=-12360 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL 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cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô9ø5üt0=-1560 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô:ø5üt0=-1560 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô;ø:üt0=-1560 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø;üt0=-1560 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô=ø;üt0=-1560 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô>ø8üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-1560 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=105 vo=25 vu=mlXô@ø3üt0=-1560 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=6 vu=mlXôAø4üt0=-1560 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=25 vu=mlXôBø-üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=100 vu=mlZôø:üt0=-27300 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-27300 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-27300 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-27300 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-27300 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-27300 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 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Moist st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-27300 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-27300 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-27300 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20100 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20100 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-20100 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô!ø8üt0=-20100 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô"ø?üt0=-20100 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-20100 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô$øGüt0=-20100 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô%ø@üt0=-20100 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-20100 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô'øBüt0=-20100 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-20100 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-20100 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-12900 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô+øAüt0=-12900 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXô,ø<üt0=-12900 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXô-ø9üt0=-12900 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô.øIüt0=-12900 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô/ø8üt0=-12900 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=-12900 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-12900 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô2ø?üt0=-12900 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô3ø<üt0=-12900 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô4ø6üt0=-12900 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô5ø=üt0=-12900 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô6ø6üt0=-12900 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-12900 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô8øGüt0=-12900 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-12900 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô:ø?üt0=-12900 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô;øAüt0=-12900 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô<ø:üt0=-12900 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô=ø=üt0=-12900 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô>øBüt0=-12900 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô?ø;üt0=-12900 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô@ø8üt0=-12900 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôAø?üt0=-12900 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôBø=üt0=-12900 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=-12900 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Occ. 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Limited st=NotStopdX ôGøRüt0=-12900 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôHøQüt0=-9300 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôIøQüt0=-5700 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripìÄXôø6üt0=-31320 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-20520 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-20520 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Diff to Palpate v2=Diff to Palpate st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-20520 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø.üt0=-20520 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-20520 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-20520 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13320 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-13320 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-13320 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-13320 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Back st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-9720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-9720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-9720 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-9720 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=82.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-9720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-9720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6120 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6120 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6120 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Gesturing st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-6120 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6120 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6120 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6120 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôøOüt0=-6120 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable 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cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-6120 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôIø<üt0=-6120 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôJø8üt0=-6120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôKø;üt0=-6120 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôLø@üt0=-6120 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Brown v2=Formed st=NotStopdXôMø9üt0=-6120 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôNøAüt0=-6120 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôOø:üt0=-6120 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôPøIüt0=-6120 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Light Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôQø@üt0=-6120 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôRø;üt0=-6120 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôSø;üt0=-6120 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdXôTø8üt0=-6120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôUø7üt0=-6120 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôVø7üt0=-6120 id=82 el=0 cu=1 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F st=NotStopdXôkø8üt0=-2520 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôlø4üt0=-6120 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=105 vo=25 vu=mlXômø3üt0=-6120 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXônø4üt0=-6120 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=25 vu=mlXôoø-üt0=-6120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=120 vu=mlXôpø3üt0=-2520 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlXôqø4üt0=-2520 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXôrø-üt0=-2520 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=100 vu=mlX ôsøQüt0=-9720 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôtøQüt0=-6120 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 v1=800 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX ôuøUüt0=-2520 id=25 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 so=13 vo=0 du=Uhr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip st=StoppedìXôø<üt0=-780 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=9.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-780 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=9.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-780 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-780 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10.8 u1=gm/dl rs=Final 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st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1140 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1140 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1140 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1140 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1140 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Chair st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1140 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1140 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1140 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1140 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1140 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1140 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=155 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1140 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=94.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô!ø=üt0=-1140 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô"ø8üt0=-1140 id=470 el=0 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Limited st=NotStopdXô>ø;üt0=-1140 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Rarely Moist st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-1140 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô@ø;üt0=-1140 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 u1=number st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-1140 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=-1140 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôCø+üt0=-1140 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=30 vu=mlìXôø7üt0=660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=660 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=162 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=660 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=87.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=660 id=581 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=52.9 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=660 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXôø)üt0=660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=20 vu=mlì¨*Xôø9üt0=-6660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-6660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-6660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=77 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-6660 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=63 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-6660 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=89.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6660 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-6660 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-6660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-6660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-6660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3060 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3060 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=85 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3060 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3060 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3060 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3060 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3060 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3060 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-3060 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=36.7222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3060 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3060 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-6660 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-6660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=30 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-3060 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlXô ø+üt0=-3060 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=30 vu=mlìœ Xôø9üt0=-1920 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1920 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1920 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1920 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1920 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=74 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1920 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1920 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1920 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=83.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1920 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-1920 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1920 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-1920 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìl Xôø9üt0=-15900 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-15900 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-15900 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-15900 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-1500 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-1500 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1500 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Family Visited st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1500 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-1500 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-1500 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1500 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1500 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1500 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1500 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1500 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-1500 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=83.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1500 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1500 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-1500 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô!ø9üt0=-1500 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1500 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô$ø8üt0=-1500 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô%ø5üt0=-1500 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-1500 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô'ø7üt0=-1500 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô)øCüt0=-1500 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-1500 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô+ø6üt0=-1500 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXô,øHüt0=-1500 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Light Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-1500 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô.ø:üt0=-1500 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô/ø7üt0=-1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô0ø6üt0=-1500 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô1ø,üt0=-1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=100 vu=mlìèXôø3üt0=-4020 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-4020 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4020 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4020 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4020 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4020 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4020 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øIüt0=-4020 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=42 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-4020 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=69 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-4020 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4020 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4020 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4020 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=20 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4020 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-4020 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-420 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-420 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-420 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=136 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-420 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=82.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-7620 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-420 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø*üt0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=50 vu=mlìl Xôø0üt0=0 id=137 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'dì¬Xô9üt0=-2220 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2220 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2220 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2220 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2220 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=84.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-2220 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-2220 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2220 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-2220 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2220 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2220 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2220 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2220 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2220 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=36.8889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-2220 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2220 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2220 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2220 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2220 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-2220 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=40 vu=mlìˆXôø3üt0=-2580 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-2580 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôøAüt0=-2580 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2580 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-2580 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-2580 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-2580 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-2580 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2580 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2580 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2580 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2580 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2580 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=81 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-2580 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-2580 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-2580 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-2580 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2580 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-2580 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2580 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-2580 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô!ø?üt0=-2580 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô"ø:üt0=-2580 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-2580 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô$ø4üt0=-2580 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô%ø+üt0=-2580 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=50 vu=mlì 2Xôø4üt0=-8340 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8340 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-8340 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8340 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8340 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8340 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8340 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-8340 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-8340 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-8340 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-8340 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-8340 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-8340 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-8340 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-8340 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8340 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-8340 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-8340 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=71 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-8340 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-8340 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-8340 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8340 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-8340 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-8340 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-8340 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-8340 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-8340 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-8340 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8340 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-8340 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8340 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-8340 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-8340 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô!øJüt0=-8340 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô"ø@üt0=-8340 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=80.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô#øAüt0=-8340 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue 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st=NotStopdXô3ø<üt0=-8340 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-8340 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô5øBüt0=-8340 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=37.2222 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô6ø=üt0=-8340 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=-8340 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô8ø?üt0=-8340 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Amber v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-8340 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-8340 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=-8340 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-8340 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô=ø7üt0=-8340 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô>ø>üt0=-8340 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô?ø<üt0=-8340 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-8340 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôAø@üt0=-8340 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôBø<üt0=-8340 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôCø;üt0=-8340 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-4740 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôEø5üt0=-4740 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôFø5üt0=-4740 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôGø5üt0=-4740 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-4740 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôIø;üt0=-4740 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôJøJüt0=-4740 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=154 u1=mmHg v2=52 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôKø;üt0=-4740 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôLø:üt0=-4740 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôMø:üt0=-4740 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=30 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôNø8üt0=-4740 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôOø8üt0=-4740 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôPø:üt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôQø5üt0=-1140 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôRø5üt0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôSø5üt0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôTø:üt0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôUø;üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôVøJüt0=-1140 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=114 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-1140 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=70.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôXø:üt0=-1140 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôYø:üt0=-1140 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=-1140 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô[ø8üt0=-1140 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô\ø5üt0=-8340 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô]ø,üt0=-8340 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=35 vu=mlXô^ø4üt0=-4740 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXô_ø,üt0=-4740 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=15 vu=mlXô`ø4üt0=-1140 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlìÀ!Xôø.üt0=-16980 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 st=NotStopdXôøTüt0=-16980 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-16980 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôøPüt0=-16980 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-16980 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-9780 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-9780 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-9780 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-9780 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô øAüt0=-9780 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-6180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-6180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-6180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-6180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-6180 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-6180 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=80.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2580 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2580 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2580 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2580 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2580 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2580 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-2580 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-2580 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-2580 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXô øSüt0=-2580 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-2580 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô"ø5üt0=-2580 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô#ø@üt0=-2580 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXô$ø@üt0=-2580 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô%ø=üt0=-2580 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=-2580 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô'ø:üt0=-2580 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô(ø;üt0=-2580 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-2580 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô*ø;üt0=-2580 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô+ø8üt0=-2580 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô,øHüt0=-2580 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=-2580 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-2580 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô/ø>üt0=-2580 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXô0ø7üt0=-2580 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô1ø>üt0=-2580 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô2ø5üt0=-2580 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô3ø<üt0=-2580 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô4ø5üt0=-2580 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô5ø9üt0=-2580 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-2580 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô7ø6üt0=-2580 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô8ø6üt0=-2580 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô9øAüt0=-2580 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô:øJüt0=-2580 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=46 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô;ø;üt0=-2580 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=74 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô<øAüt0=-2580 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô=ø=üt0=-2580 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô>øFüt0=-2580 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô?ø<üt0=-2580 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô@ø:üt0=-2580 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôAø:üt0=-2580 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôBøOüt0=-2580 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXôCø?üt0=-2580 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-2580 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-2580 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôFø6üt0=-2580 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-2580 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôHø8üt0=-2580 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôIø:üt0=-2580 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôJøDüt0=-2580 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôKø>üt0=-2580 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôLø5üt0=-2580 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôMø@üt0=-2580 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôNø9üt0=-2580 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXôOø<üt0=-2580 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôPø8üt0=-2580 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôQø;üt0=-2580 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôRøBüt0=-2580 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=37.1667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôSø?üt0=-2580 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=98.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôTøAüt0=-2580 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôUø;üt0=-2580 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôVøBüt0=-2580 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Amber v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXôWø@üt0=-2580 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôXø;üt0=-2580 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôYø4üt0=-2580 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=-2580 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô[ø7üt0=-2580 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô\ø7üt0=-2580 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô]ø>üt0=-2580 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô^ø<üt0=-2580 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô_ø:üt0=-2580 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô`ø@üt0=-2580 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôaø<üt0=-2580 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôbø;üt0=-2580 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôcø,üt0=-9780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=25 vu=mlXôdø4üt0=-6180 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôeø,üt0=-6180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=25 vu=mlXôfø4üt0=-2580 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôgø,üt0=-2580 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=15 vu=mlX ôhø9üt0=-6180 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=25 cv=25 ap=noneX ôiø9üt0=-6180 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=50 cv=50 ap=noneX ôjø<üt0=-6180 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=75 cv=1540 ap=noneX ôkø;üt0=-6180 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=75 cv=1540 ap=noneX ôlø<üt0=-6180 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=25 cv=1750 ap=noneX ômø<üt0=-6180 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=50 cv=-210 ap=noneX ônø;üt0=-6180 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=25 cv=1750 ap=noneX ôoøRüt0=-6180 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 pv=50 cv=1245.35 ap=carryForwardìŒXôø:üt0=-5520 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-5520 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-5520 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-5520 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5520 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5520 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-5520 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-5520 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=89.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5520 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-5520 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-5520 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-5520 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-1920 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-1920 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1920 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1920 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1920 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-1920 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-1920 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1920 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=77.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1920 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1920 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1920 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1920 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5520 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-5520 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=15 vu=mlXôø4üt0=-1920 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1920 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=10 vu=mlX ôø1üt0=73680 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø1üt0=73680 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø5üt0=73680 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=1625 ap=noneX ôø4üt0=73680 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=1735 ap=noneX ô ø4üt0=73680 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=855 ap=noneX ô!ø4üt0=73680 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=880 ap=noneX ô"ø3üt0=73680 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=855 ap=noneX ô#øKüt0=73680 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 cv=2125.35 ap=carryForwardìpXôø:üt0=-4320 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4320 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4320 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4320 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4320 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4320 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-4320 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4320 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=77 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4320 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-4320 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4320 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4320 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-720 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-720 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=87.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4320 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-4320 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=12 vu=mlXôø3üt0=-720 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 ai=189 vo=75 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=1258 vo=13 vu=mlìt"Xôø4üt0=-2340 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-2340 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2340 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2340 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-2340 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=81.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2340 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2340 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=478 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2340 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=478 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô ø+üt0=-2340 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=478 vo=60 vu=ml”Zôø.üt0=-24600 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-17400 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-17400 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10200 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-10200 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-6600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-6600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-6600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øJüt0=-6600 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-6600 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-6600 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-6600 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6600 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-6600 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3000 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3000 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXôøSüt0=-3000 id=156 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3000 id=163 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=General v2=2 mm st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-3000 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3000 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-3000 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3000 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-3000 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=15 degrees st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3000 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-3000 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-3000 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-3000 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-3000 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-3000 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Pink st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-3000 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô#ø6üt0=-3000 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô$øAüt0=-3000 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô%øAüt0=-3000 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô&ø=üt0=-3000 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdXô'øFüt0=-3000 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô(ø<üt0=-3000 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô)ø:üt0=-3000 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-3000 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô+øOüt0=-3000 id=549 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Weak Palpable v2=Weak Palpable st=NotStopdXô,ø?üt0=-3000 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô-ø7üt0=-3000 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô.ø8üt0=-3000 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô/øDüt0=-3000 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô0ø>üt0=-3000 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô1ø5üt0=-3000 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Pale st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-3000 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô3ø<üt0=-3000 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô4ø;üt0=-3000 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô5øBüt0=-3000 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=36.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô6ø?üt0=-3000 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô7øAüt0=-3000 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-3000 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXô9ø@üt0=-3000 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô:ø;üt0=-3000 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô;ø7üt0=-3000 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-3000 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô=ø>üt0=-3000 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô>ø<üt0=-3000 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô?ø:üt0=-3000 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô@ø@üt0=-3000 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôAø<üt0=-3000 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôBø;üt0=-3000 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopd,Yôø=üt0=-3300 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3300 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3300 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=30.4 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3300 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=10 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3300 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=363 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3300 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.22 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3300 id=861 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=7.2 rs=Final st=NotStopd,Yôø9üt0=-3600 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-3600 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3600 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=1258 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdì Xôø<üt0=-5040 id=1286 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5040 id=1530 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-5040 id=1533 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-5040 id=815 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-5040 id=824 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5040 id=825 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=37.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdììXôø<üt0=-6300 id=1162 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1523 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=102 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1525 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1529 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=121 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1532 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-6300 id=1534 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1535 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-6300 id=1536 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=139 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-6300 id=781 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-6300 id=787 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=32 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-6300 id=788 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=102 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-6300 id=791 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-6300 id=811 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=121 rs=Final st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-6300 id=821 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-6300 id=827 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6300 id=829 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-6300 id=837 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=139 rs=Final st=NotStopdì8Xôø7üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=128 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=86 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-180 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlìXôø(üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=45 vu=mlxXô2üt0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=36.6667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdì4Xôø6üt0=-480 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-480 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-480 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô ø1üt0=-480 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-480 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-480 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-480 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=143 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=91 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopd”Zôø<üt0=-1140 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1140 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1140 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1140 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1140 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-1140 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1140 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1140 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdìl Xôø<üt0=-7920 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-7920 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø+üt0=-2520 id=604 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=180 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=180 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=78 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=180 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=180 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlXôø(üt0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=25 vu=mlìXôø4üt0=-10500 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10500 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-10500 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-10500 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-5100 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5100 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=300 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Chair st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=300 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Fair st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=300 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=300 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=300 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdìøXôø:üt0=60 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=133 rs=Manual st=NotStopdxXô0üt0=-60 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôø1üt0=-60 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø)üt0=-60 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=240 vu=mlxXôø7üt0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-180 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-180 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-180 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-180 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=85.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=36.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=97.7 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìDXôø2üt0=-2280 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=80 vu=mlXôø2üt0=1320 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlìXôø7üt0=-240 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-240 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-240 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-240 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-240 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-240 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-240 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-240 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-240 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-240 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø0üt0=-240 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXô ø*üt0=-240 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=120 vu=mlì\ Xôø3üt0=-21660 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-21660 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø1üt0=-60 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-60 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-60 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-60 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô øFüt0=-60 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-60 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=76 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø6üt0=-60 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-60 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-60 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-60 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-60 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdìXôø0üt0=-60 id=104 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=105 vo=50 vu=mlXôø>üt0=-60 tf=1740 dt=30 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=50 vu=mlì` Xôø7üt0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-660 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=62 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-660 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-660 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-660 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-660 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-660 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-660 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-660 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=36.8333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-660 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=98.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-660 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=-660 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXôø)üt0=-660 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=90 vu=mlÐZôø2üt0=-1380 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlX ôø3üt0=23820 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 cv=110 ap=nonexXôø,üt0=-26700 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-15900 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-15900 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-15900 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-15900 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-15900 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-15900 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXôøCüt0=-15900 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-15900 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-15900 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-12300 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-12300 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-12300 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô ø?üt0=-12300 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdìXôø7üt0=-720 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-720 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-720 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=139 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-720 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=80.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô øCüt0=-720 tf=60480 dt=1020 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXô ø)üt0=-720 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=96 vo=75 vu=mlüt0=-11580 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-11580 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-7980 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-7980 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-7980 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-7980 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô ø2üt0=-7980 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-2580 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=96 v1=Supine st=NotStopdì¼Xôø7üt0=600 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=600 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=64 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=600 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=600 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=74 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=600 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97.3333 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st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-1620 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1620 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1620 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1620 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-1620 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-1620 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô øEüt0=-1620 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô!ø;üt0=-1620 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-1620 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô#ø9üt0=-1620 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô$ø=üt0=-1620 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô%ø4üt0=-1620 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô&ø6üt0=-1620 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô'ø>üt0=-1620 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô(ø:üt0=-1620 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô)ø5üt0=-1620 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F st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1560 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1560 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=150 vu=mlXôø+üt0=-1560 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=45 vu=mlX ôø1üt0=74040 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø1üt0=74040 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=0 ap=noneX ôø4üt0=74040 dt=24 id=18 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=800 ap=noneX ôø4üt0=74040 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=1080 ap=noneX ôø5üt0=74040 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=2452 ap=noneX ôø>üt0=74040 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=-1432 ap=carryForwardX ôø<üt0=74040 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=2512 ap=carryForwardX ôøKüt0=74040 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=693.347 ap=carryForwardìäXôø>üt0=-19500 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-19500 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-15900 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-15900 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-15900 id=121 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done v2=Done st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-15900 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-15900 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-15900 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-15900 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nonprod/Congest st=NotStopdXô øBüt0=-15900 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXô ø;üt0=-15900 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXô ø@üt0=-15900 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô ø=üt0=-15900 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-15900 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-15900 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-15900 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-15900 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-15900 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-15900 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-15900 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL 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el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXô3ø;üt0=-15900 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXô4ø@üt0=-15900 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXô5ø@üt0=-15900 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-15900 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=-15900 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô8ø7üt0=-15900 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô9ø3üt0=-1500 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=-1500 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=-1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô<ø6üt0=-1500 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXô=øAüt0=-1500 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXô>ø4üt0=-1500 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Weak st=NotStopdXô?ø?üt0=-1500 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nonprod/Congest st=NotStopdXô@øAüt0=-1500 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôBø:üt0=-1500 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXôCø4üt0=-1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôDø4üt0=-1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôEø;üt0=-1500 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdXôFø<üt0=-1500 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-1500 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôHø9üt0=-1500 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôIø:üt0=-1500 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXôJø9üt0=-1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôLø7üt0=-1500 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôMøGüt0=-1500 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôNø6üt0=-1500 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôOø3üt0=-1500 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôPø3üt0=-1500 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôQø6üt0=-1500 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôRø=üt0=-1500 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôSø6üt0=-1500 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôTø5üt0=-1500 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôUø?üt0=-1500 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Dozing Intermit st=NotStopdXôVø@üt0=-1500 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôWøIüt0=-1500 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=163 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôXø?üt0=-1500 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=85.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôYø=üt0=-1500 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôZø8üt0=-1500 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô[ø@üt0=-1500 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô\ø<üt0=-1500 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXô]øEüt0=-1500 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô^ø;üt0=-1500 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô_ø9üt0=-1500 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô`ø9üt0=-1500 id=517 el=0 cu=1 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st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-4740 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4740 id=183 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4740 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4740 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4740 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-4740 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-4740 id=210 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=90 degrees st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-4740 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô øGüt0=-4740 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4740 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-4740 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-4740 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4740 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-4740 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-4740 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4740 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-4740 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4740 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-4740 id=477 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-4740 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-4740 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdXôøEüt0=-4740 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-4740 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4740 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-4740 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-4740 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-4740 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-4740 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Crackles st=NotStopdXô!ø5üt0=-4740 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô"ø6üt0=-4740 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=-4740 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô$øCüt0=-4740 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 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st=NotStopdXô4ø4üt0=-3840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô5ø4üt0=-3840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô6ø9üt0=-3840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=-3840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô8øIüt0=-3840 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=158 u1=mmHg v2=82 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô9ø?üt0=-3840 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=107.333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô:ø9üt0=-3840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô;ø9üt0=-3840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø7üt0=-3840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=86 u1=% st=NotStopdXô=ø7üt0=-3840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô>ø9üt0=-2940 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô?ø4üt0=-2940 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô@ø4üt0=-2940 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-2940 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôBø9üt0=-2940 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=torr st=NotStopdXôCø:üt0=-2940 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=105 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôDø:üt0=-2940 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôEøIüt0=-2940 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=170 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôFø;üt0=-2940 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=108 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôGø=üt0=-2940 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôHø<üt0=-2940 id=468 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdXôIø8üt0=-2940 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôJø9üt0=-2940 id=471 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=10 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôKø9üt0=-2940 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôLø9üt0=-2940 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôMø7üt0=-2940 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôNø7üt0=-2940 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôOø9üt0=-2040 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôPø4üt0=-2040 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôQø4üt0=-2040 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôRø4üt0=-2040 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôSø9üt0=-2040 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôTø:üt0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôUøIüt0=-2040 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôVø;üt0=-2040 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=101 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôWø9üt0=-2040 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôXø9üt0=-2040 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôYø7üt0=-2040 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=91 u1=% st=NotStopdXôZø7üt0=-2040 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô[ø9üt0=-1140 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô\ø4üt0=-1140 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô]ø4üt0=-1140 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô^ø4üt0=-1140 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô_ø;üt0=-1140 id=190 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdXô`ø9üt0=-1140 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôaø:üt0=-1140 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôbøIüt0=-1140 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=165 u1=mmHg v2=66 u2=mmHg 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st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=120 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=120 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=4 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø0üt0=120 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXôø*üt0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 vo=360 vu=mlxXôø$üt0=0 id=141 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=157 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=158 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=182 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dXôø$üt0=0 id=418 el=0 cu=1 cg=-1 st=D/C'dì Xôø;üt0=-13620 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-13620 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Chairfast st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-13620 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13620 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13620 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Rarely Moist 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Inadequate st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-13620 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=15 u1=number st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-13620 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Sl. 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C st=NotStopdXô7ø:üt0=780 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXô8ø=üt0=780 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXô9ø8üt0=780 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=780 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXô;ø5üt0=780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô<ø4üt0=780 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô=ø4üt0=-13620 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=60 vu=mlXô>ø=üt0=-10020 tf=93900 dt=1732 id=67 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 vo=60 vu=mlXô?ø4üt0=-6420 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=100 vu=mlX ô@ø3üt0=40380 dt=24 id=16 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 cv=60 ap=noneì°Xôø<üt0=-420 id=807 el=0 cu=1 cg=642 v1=145 rs=Manual st=NotStopdH[ô:üt0=-4860 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1260 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Productive st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-1260 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=901 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlXôø,üt0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=901 vo=100 vu=mlìXôø9üt0=-5340 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5340 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5340 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-5340 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-5340 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=67 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-5340 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-5340 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=142 u1=mmHg v2=56 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5340 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=84.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-5340 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-5340 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5340 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-5340 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5340 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-5340 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-1740 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=81 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-1740 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=134 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-1740 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=80 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-1740 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-1740 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-1740 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-1740 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXZôø-üt0=0 id=69 el=1033 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=1.6097 u1=m2Xôø*üt0=0 id=762 el=1032 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=62 u1=kgXôøüt0=0 id=916 el=1020 cu=1 cg=-1Xôø/üt0=0 id=917 el=1023 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=CHF,PNEUMONIAXôø%üt0=0 id=919 el=1026 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=CMEXôø.üt0=0 id=920 el=1034 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=54 u1=inchesXôø$üt0=0 id=924 el=1014 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=NoXôø#üt0=0 id=925 el=1006 cu=1 cg=-1 v1=MXôø%üt0=0 id=926 el=1000 cu=1 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cg=901 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=-960 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=-960 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Good st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-960 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-960 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=87 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-960 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-960 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-960 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-960 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-960 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-960 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-960 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=901 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C st=NotStopdXôHø<üt0=480 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. 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st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=780 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=63 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=780 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=780 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=141 u1=mmHg v2=49 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=780 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=79.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=780 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=780 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=780 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=780 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø,üt0=-2820 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=120 vu=mlXô ø0üt0=780 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXôø*üt0=780 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=320 vu=mlH[ôø0üt0=0 id=151 el=1 cu=1 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'dìl Xô7üt0=360 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=360 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=69 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=360 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=360 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=360 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=79.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=360 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=360 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=360 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=360 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=488 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø,üt0=360 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vu=ml es=LargeXô ø*üt0=360 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 vo=300 vu=mlX ôø9üt0=3960 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=1 cg=488 cv=0 ap=carryForwardì¬Xôø9üt0=-12900 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-12900 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Brown v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôøJüt0=-12900 tf=51420 dt=1072 id=661 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-12900 id=661 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Mushroom Cath st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-5700 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-5700 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Brown v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-5700 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-5700 id=661 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2100 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2100 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2100 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø4üt0=-2100 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-2100 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=66 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø:üt0=-2100 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-2100 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=45 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-2100 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2100 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-2100 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2100 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-2100 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø2üt0=1500 id=1046 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=1500 id=1079 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=1500 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1500 id=130 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1500 id=1337 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm/Cooperative st=NotStopdXôø5üt0=1500 id=136 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Strong st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1500 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Product/Congest st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1500 id=139 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=1500 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=1500 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=1500 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=1500 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=1500 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô!ø3üt0=1500 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô"ø>üt0=1500 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXô#ø7üt0=1500 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXô$ø;üt0=1500 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXô%ø6üt0=1500 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXô&ø8üt0=1500 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXô'ø8üt0=1500 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=73 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=1500 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô)ø6üt0=1500 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô*øFüt0=1500 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô+ø5üt0=1500 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô,ø2üt0=1500 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô-ø2üt0=1500 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô.ø5üt0=1500 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô/ø<üt0=1500 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô0ø5üt0=1500 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô1ø4üt0=1500 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=1500 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Dozing Intermit st=NotStopdXô3ø?üt0=1500 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô4ø<üt0=1500 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô5ø7üt0=1500 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô6ø?üt0=1500 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô7ø;üt0=1500 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô8øDüt0=1500 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXô9ø:üt0=1500 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=1500 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô;ø8üt0=1500 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô<ø<üt0=1500 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô=ø3üt0=1500 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô>ø5üt0=1500 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô?ø=üt0=1500 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô@ø8üt0=1500 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôAø5üt0=1500 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôBø4üt0=1500 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôCø5üt0=1500 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôDø6üt0=1500 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôEø8üt0=1500 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôFøBüt0=1500 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôGø<üt0=1500 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXôHø3üt0=1500 id=642 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôIø>üt0=1500 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôJø5üt0=1500 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôKø:üt0=1500 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôLø6üt0=1500 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=92 u1=% st=NotStopdXôMø9üt0=1500 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôNø>üt0=1500 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Brown v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=1500 id=661 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Fecal Incont Bag st=NotStopdXôPø5üt0=1500 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdXôQø?üt0=1500 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôRø8üt0=1500 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXôSø>üt0=1500 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôTø>üt0=1500 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôUø9üt0=1500 id=717 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes v2=Yes st=NotStopdXôVø9üt0=1500 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôWø2üt0=1500 id=72 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Done st=NotStopdXôXø6üt0=1500 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôYø2üt0=1500 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôZø5üt0=1500 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXô[ø5üt0=1500 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXô\ø<üt0=1500 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXô]ø:üt0=1500 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXô^ø8üt0=1500 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXô_ø>üt0=1500 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXô`ø:üt0=1500 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXôaø;üt0=1500 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Comp. Limited st=NotStopdXôbø2üt0=1500 id=102 el=2 cu=1 cg=104 ai=189 vo=30 vu=mlXôcø+üt0=1500 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=140 vu=mlX ôdø4üt0=84300 dt=24 id=1 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=466 ap=noneX ôeø4üt0=84300 dt=24 id=20 el=1 cu=-1 cg=40 cv=150 ap=noneìÌXôøIüt0=-4080 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=135 u1=mmHg v2=58 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-4080 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=70 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøHüt0=-480 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=126 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø>üt0=-480 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=83.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô ø<üt0=-480 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-480 id=674 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-480 id=677 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=36.1667 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-480 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97.1 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=-480 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=30 vu=mlüt0=-840 id=138 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Product/Congest st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=1425 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 v1=No/Not Sedated st=NotStopdXôø@üt0=-840 id=1427 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-840 id=154 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft Solid st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-840 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø>üt0=-840 id=184 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-840 id=187 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdXôø7üt0=-840 id=193 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Positive st=NotStopdXôø;üt0=-840 id=198 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-840 id=206 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=23 st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=207 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 French st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-840 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-840 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXô!ø6üt0=-840 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXô"øFüt0=-840 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô#ø5üt0=-840 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô$ø2üt0=-840 id=232 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=-840 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô&ø5üt0=-840 id=31 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXô'ø<üt0=-840 id=32 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXô(ø9üt0=-840 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô)ø<üt0=-840 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXô*ø:üt0=-840 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô+ø2üt0=-840 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô,ø7üt0=-840 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô-ø5üt0=-840 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXô.ø4üt0=-840 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô/ø4üt0=-840 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô0ø?üt0=-840 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô1øHüt0=-840 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=118 u1=mmHg v2=44 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXô2ø>üt0=-840 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXô3ø<üt0=-840 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô4ø7üt0=-840 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô5ø?üt0=-840 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô6ø;üt0=-840 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô7øEüt0=-840 id=49 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=Off st=NotStopdXô8ø:üt0=-840 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô9ø8üt0=-840 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô:ø8üt0=-840 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô;ø<üt0=-840 id=525 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdXô<ø3üt0=-840 id=527 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXô=ø5üt0=-840 id=547 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXô>ø=üt0=-840 id=54 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdXô?ø8üt0=-840 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô@ø5üt0=-840 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Coarse st=NotStopdXôAø4üt0=-840 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXôBø5üt0=-840 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXôCø6üt0=-840 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXôDø8üt0=-840 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôEøBüt0=-840 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXôFø>üt0=-840 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXôGø5üt0=-840 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXôHø:üt0=-840 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXôIø6üt0=-840 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=94 u1=% st=NotStopdXôJø9üt0=-840 id=655 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Purposeful st=NotStopdXôKø?üt0=-840 id=659 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Golden v2=Liquid st=NotStopdXôLø7üt0=-840 id=660 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Negative st=NotStopdXôMø<üt0=-840 id=661 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdXôNø7üt0=-840 id=663 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Children st=NotStopdXôOø?üt0=-840 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôPø3üt0=-840 id=704 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Back st=NotStopdXôQø>üt0=-840 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôRø>üt0=-840 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôSø9üt0=-840 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôTø6üt0=-840 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôUø2üt0=-840 id=77 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Calm st=NotStopdXôVø5üt0=-840 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôWø.üt0=-840 id=54 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vu=ml es=MediumXôXø*üt0=-840 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=70 vu=mlX ôYø2üt0=71160 dt=1 id=23 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=0 ap=noneX ôZø2üt0=71160 dt=1 id=29 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=0 ap=noneX ô[ø;üt0=71160 dt=24 id=22 el=1 cu=-1 cg=104 cv=0 ap=carryForwardX ô\ø5üt0=71160 dt=24 id=26 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=465 ap=noneX ô]ø;üt0=71160 dt=24 id=27 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=1 ap=carryForwardX ô^ø<üt0=71160 dt=24 id=2 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=465 ap=carryForwardX ô_øLüt0=71160 dt=multiple days id=28 el=1 cu=-1 cg=187 cv=694.347 ap=carryForwardìXôø9üt0=-3900 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø4üt0=-3900 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=65 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-3900 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-3900 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=54 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø?üt0=-3900 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=80.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-3900 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXô ø9üt0=-3900 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3900 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdXô ø7üt0=-3900 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXô ø8üt0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXô ø3üt0=-300 id=1484 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Yes st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø3üt0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=None st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=68 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôøIüt0=-300 id=455 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=148 u1=mmHg v2=109 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø:üt0=-300 id=456 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=122 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXôø8üt0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=95 u1=% st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=1 cg=104 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXôø*üt0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=1 cg=104 vo=35 vu=mlìXôø=üt0=-3240 id=1127 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø=üt0=-3240 id=1542 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=8.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøBüt0=-3240 id=813 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=34.6 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøDüt0=-3240 id=814 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=11 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=828 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=410 rs=Final st=NotStopdXôøGüt0=-3240 id=833 el=0 cu=1 cg=140 v1=3.76 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXôø<üt0=-3240 id=861 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French st=NotStopdXôø9üt0=-720 id=212 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Atrial Fib st=NotStopdXôø6üt0=-720 id=228 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=7 v2=25 st=NotStopdXôøFüt0=-720 id=229 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right IJ st=NotStopdXô ø5üt0=-720 id=231 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=8 v2=2 st=NotStopdXô!ø2üt0=-720 id=27 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Soft st=NotStopdXô"ø9üt0=-720 id=338 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Soap & H20 st=NotStopdXô#ø3üt0=-720 id=344 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Rash st=NotStopdXô$ø:üt0=-720 id=356 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Open to Air st=NotStopdXô%ø2üt0=-720 id=362 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Red st=NotStopdXô&ø7üt0=-720 id=374 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Perineum st=NotStopdXô'ø9üt0=-720 id=425 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô(ø4üt0=-720 id=428 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô)ø4üt0=-720 id=432 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXô*ø?üt0=-720 id=454 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdXô+ø<üt0=-720 id=467 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Nasal Cannula st=NotStopdXô,ø7üt0=-720 id=470 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=2 u1=lpm st=NotStopdXô-ø?üt0=-720 id=478 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXô.ø;üt0=-720 id=479 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdXô/ø:üt0=-720 id=515 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Vent Demand st=NotStopdXô0ø8üt0=-720 id=516 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Permanent st=NotStopdXô1ø8üt0=-720 id=517 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=60 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXô2ø9üt0=-720 id=593 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdXô3ø4üt0=-720 id=599 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Clear st=NotStopdXô4ø5üt0=-720 id=616 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Normal st=NotStopdXô5ø6üt0=-720 id=617 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Regular st=NotStopdXô6øBüt0=-720 id=620 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Verbal v2=Localizes st=NotStopdXô7ø<üt0=-720 id=637 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXô8ø>üt0=-720 id=643 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Normal for Race st=NotStopdXô9ø7üt0=-720 id=644 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Impaired st=NotStopdXô:ø:üt0=-720 id=645 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Warm v2=Dry st=NotStopdXô;ø6üt0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=93 u1=% st=NotStopdXô<ø9üt0=-720 id=655 el=0 cu=1 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C st=NotStopdXôAø=üt0=-720 id=678 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=97.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXôBø?üt0=-720 id=680 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=AirMatt/1st Step st=NotStopdXôCø>üt0=-720 id=706 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXôDø>üt0=-720 id=707 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXôEø9üt0=-720 id=723 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdXôFø5üt0=-720 id=80 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Present st=NotStopdXôGø7üt0=-720 id=82 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Chairfast st=NotStopdXôHø<üt0=-720 id=83 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXôIø9üt0=-720 id=84 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Sl. Limited st=NotStopdXôJø8üt0=-720 id=85 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXôKø>üt0=-720 id=86 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXôLø:üt0=-720 id=87 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=15 u1=number st=NotStopdXôMø9üt0=-720 id=88 el=0 cu=1 cg=187 v1=Sl. 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