QXt0=74351 tf=391976 id=a40473Xt0=68219 tf=391859 id=a40473nX)dd=00845 ds=4 ld=INTESTIN INF CLOSTRIOIUMX(dd=25000 ds=7 ld=DIABETES MELLITUS W/OUTX'dd=2720 ds=6 ld=PURE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMX&dd=2721 ds=5 ld=PURE HYPERGLYCERIDEMIAX$dd=5119 ds=2 ld=PLEURAL EFFUSION NOSX"dd=5180 ds=3 ld=PULMONARY COLLAPSEX"dd=5770 ds=1 ld=ACUTE PANCREATITISX>id=118 el=100 cu=70 cg=2285 io=417 am=2500 du=mcghr rt=IV DripX=id=127 el=100 cu=70 cg=2285 io=161 am=60 du=mcgmin rt=IV DripX @id=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=161 vo=250 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX @id=18 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=417 vo=250 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushRX Aid=18 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=134 vo=1000 du=ml rt=Intravenous Push8Xtf=317700 dt=5295 cu=70 de=30X t0=0 id=69 el=1033 cu=70 cg=1531X!t0=0 id=762 el=1032 cu=70 cg=1531X!t0=0 id=916 el=1020 cu=70 cg=1531X1t0=0 id=917 el=1023 cu=70 cg=1531 v1=PANCREATITISX(t0=0 id=919 el=1026 cu=70 cg=1531 v1=MEDX!t0=0 id=920 el=1034 cu=70 cg=1531X!t0=0 id=924 el=1014 cu=70 cg=1531X&t0=0 id=925 el=1006 cu=70 cg=1531 v1=MX &t0=0 id=926 el=1000 cu=70 cg=1531 v1=UX !t0=0 id=927 el=1021 cu=70 cg=1531X !t0=0 id=930 el=1010 cu=70 cg=1531X !t0=0 id=932 el=1012 cu=70 cg=1531X !t0=0 id=935 el=1022 cu=70 cg=1531X >id=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 io=104 vo=100 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX +id=56 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 io=102 du=ml rt=OralZCt0=-1200 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=18.9189 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=1 u1=torr st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-1200 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-1200 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=1:3 st=NotStopdX7t0=-1200 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX=t0=-1200 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-1200 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=33 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 3t0=-1200 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=4 st=NotStopdX t0=-600 id=1127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-600 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23.3 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXFt0=-600 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8.1 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-600 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=248 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-600 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.96 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-600 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.9 rs=Final st=NotStopd8X?t0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.52 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.52 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-120 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.01 rs=Final st=NotStopdhY9t0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX6t0=0 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=1949 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopd[=t0=-3060 id=795 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-3180 id=772 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=773 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=74 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=775 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=97 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3180 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.1 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=108 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3180 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3180 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=276 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3180 id=817 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=739 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3180 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-3180 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=147 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=848 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopd8XGt0=-4260 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.8 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-420 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-420 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:3.3 st=NotStopdX4t0=-420 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-420 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.7 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 0t0=-420 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX 9t0=-420 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=-420 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-8640 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-8640 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=57 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-8640 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=75.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-8640 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-8640 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdXCt0=-8640 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=38.3333 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX ?t0=-8640 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=101 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 9t0=-8640 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6840 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-6840 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX id=127 el=101 cu=70 cg=2285 io=1477 am=40 du=mcgmin rt=IV DripX Aid=13 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=1477 vo=100 du=ml rt=Intravenous Push4XIt0=-2100 tf=41100 dt=720 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X@t0=-9300 tf=305280 dt=5243 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=500 vu=mlX6t0=-2100 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=450 vu=mlX.t0=-2100 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=500 vu=mlX 3t0=-5700 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=0 ap=noneX 6t0=-5700 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=500 ap=noneX 5t0=-5700 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=500 ap=nonexX6t0=-7620 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-7620 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-7620 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-7620 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-7620 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7620 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=84 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-7620 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=10 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-7620 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-7620 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX It0=-9420 tf=-420 dt=150 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X 5t0=-9420 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=9 vu=mlX Kt0=-7620 tf=163380 dt=2850 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X 5t0=-7620 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=5 vu=mlX 4t0=-7620 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=5 vu=mlX ht0=-11220 tf=305160 dt=5273 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=72 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX gt0=-9420 tf=305160 dt=5243 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Ut0=-9420 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=40 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=-7620 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX :t0=-5820 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=10 cv=10 ap=noneX ;t0=-5820 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=10 cv=19 ap=noneX :t0=-5820 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=10 cv=19 ap=noneX =t0=-5820 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=10 cv=-481 ap=noneX Ht0=-5820 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=10 cv=-481 ap=nonet0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopdX:t0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=8 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=34 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=48 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=124 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopd0 Xt0=-2400 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=38 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXAt0=-2400 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX9t0=-2400 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ut0=-2400 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=-2400 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DriphY9t0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX3t0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5.97 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX8t0=-60 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX4t0=-60 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX6t0=-60 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7t0=-60 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 6t0=-60 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 5t0=-60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 9t0=-60 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=680 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX 9t0=-60 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX 9t0=-60 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=230 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SIMV+PS st=NotStopdX5t0=-60 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=# st=NotStopdX3t0=-60 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX2t0=-60 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdY?t0=-14160 id=850 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=599 rs=Final st=NotStopdXBt0=-14280 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXGt0=-14280 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Suctioned v2=Copious st=NotStopdX6t0=-3480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=103 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdX Ht0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=130 u1=mmHg v2=62 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX 9t0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=85 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX 9t0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX ?t0=120 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXBt0=120 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX7t0=120 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=120 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=300 vu=mlX3t0=120 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX3t0=120 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=15 vu=mlX,t0=120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=130 vu=mlX St0=120 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Rt0=120 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX:id=45 el=100 cu=70 cg=2285 io=211 am=100 du=Uhr rt=IV DripX @id=18 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 io=211 vo=100 du=ml rt=Intravenous PushX5t0=-780 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-780 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-780 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-780 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=135 u1=mmHg v2=64 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-780 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-780 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-780 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX >t0=-780 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=304 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX Tt0=-780 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX St0=-780 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip\ X5t0=-600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=-600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=93 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=-600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=-600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=82 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX >t0=-600 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=298 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX 5t0=-4200 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX 9t0=-4200 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1X 5t0=-4200 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX bt0=-4200 tf=292380 dt=4943 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=8 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=-600 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX St0=-600 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Y.t0=-4500 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=120 vu=mlX4t0=-900 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXCt0=-900 tf=35100 dt=600 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlX4t0=-900 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX,t0=-900 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=85 vu=mlX Ot0=-900 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=6 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripZ6t0=-1620 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX>t0=-1620 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=37 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-1620 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdhY>t0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdX:t0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=33 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=45 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=104 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.46 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.07 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-3180 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.037 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-3180 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-3180 id=221 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1:3.4 st=NotStopdX5t0=-3180 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-3180 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX 1t0=-3180 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX :t0=-3180 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=-3180 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-3180 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6.37 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX :t0=-3180 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-3180 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=535 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23.9 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX=t0=-3180 id=543 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23.6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX3t0=-3180 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX6t0=-3180 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX2t0=-3180 id=609 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=No st=NotStopdX8t0=-3180 id=614 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-3180 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-3180 id=619 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-3180 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=690 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX;t0=-3180 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=330 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX7t0=-3180 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SIMV+PS st=NotStopdX7t0=-3180 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-3180 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX4t0=-3180 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdDX6t0=-1440 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1440 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-1440 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1440 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=65 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1440 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=88 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1440 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=17 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-1440 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1440 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1440 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=230 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX Ut0=-1440 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=-1440 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX Pt0=-1440 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=4 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripY?t0=-1800 id=1127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-1800 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=22.7 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1800 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.6 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=243 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1800 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.86 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=6.7 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3480 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3480 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.3 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3480 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3480 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=111 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3480 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3480 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=230 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3480 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3480 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=149 rs=Final st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1920 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=96 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-1920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1920 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=129 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1920 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX9t0=-1920 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX ?t0=-1920 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=200 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX 7t0=-12720 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=-9120 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=-5520 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=100 vu=mlX 6t0=-1920 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlX5t0=-1920 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlX5t0=-1920 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=10 vu=mlX5t0=-1920 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=20 vu=mlX.t0=-1920 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=140 vu=mlX Ut0=-1920 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=-1920 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripY5t0=1200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=1200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=1200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=94 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX=t0=1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXIt0=1200 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=1200 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=1200 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=18 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=1200 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX8t0=1200 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Pt0=-2400 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX Tt0=1200 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX St0=1200 id=127 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX Ot0=1200 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip\ X=t0=-2220 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=166 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX;t0=1380 id=1043 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Orientation st=NotStopdX4t0=1380 id=1047 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdX?t0=1380 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXQt0=1380 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX3t0=1380 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=1380 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX:t0=1380 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdX 9t0=1380 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX 8t0=1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX ;t0=1380 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX Et0=1380 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdX 2t0=1380 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX6t0=1380 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 v2=28 st=NotStopdX2t0=1380 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXNt0=1380 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX2t0=1380 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXt0=1380 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Arouse to Voice st=NotStopdX?t0=1380 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdX?t0=1380 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdXt0=1380 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX%3t0=1380 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdX&6t0=1380 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX'8t0=1380 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX(8t0=1380 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdX)8t0=1380 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX*=t0=1380 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX+t0=1380 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX6;t0=1380 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX76t0=1380 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX82t0=1380 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Calm st=NotStopdX98t0=1380 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Hypoactive st=NotStopdX:5t0=1380 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX;>t0=1380 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX?:t0=1380 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdX@:t0=1380 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXA4t0=-2220 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXB3t0=-2220 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXC2t0=-2220 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlXD3t0=-2220 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlXE3t0=1380 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXF2t0=1380 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 vu=mlXG1t0=1380 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlXH2t0=1380 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlXI*t0=1380 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=80 vu=mlX JLt0=1380 id=118 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX KKt0=1380 id=127 el=1 cu=70 so=13 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcgmin sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX LGt0=1380 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX2t0=0 id=1477 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'd,Y@t0=-360 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=33.6538 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-360 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-360 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-360 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX0t0=-360 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX 9t0=-360 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-360 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXAt0=-360 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=660 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX:t0=-360 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=280 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SIMV+PS st=NotStopdX6t0=-360 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=# st=NotStopdX4t0=-360 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX3t0=-360 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopd [=t0=-1140 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=164 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX4t0=-1140 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=170 vu=ml X9t0=-3900 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX4t0=-3900 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdX3t0=-3900 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdX3t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=95 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXGt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX 8t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=12 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 6t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX t0=-2640 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX 4t0=-2640 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdXt0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98.9 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 7t0=-1320 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 2t0=480 id=158 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Done st=NotStopdX2t0=480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX2t0=480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX8t0=480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXFt0=480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=78 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=105 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=480 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=480 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX7t0=480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX=t0=480 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdX@t0=480 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Small st=NotStopdX5t0=480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXGt0=-21120 tf=264660 dt=4763 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=105 vo=500 vu=mlX6t0=480 id=134 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vu=ml st=StoppedX0t0=480 id=144 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=153 vu=ml nb=1X0t0=480 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlX1t0=480 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX )t0=480 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=90 vu=mlX !Mt0=-1320 id=118 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX "Ht0=-1320 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX #Kt0=480 id=118 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX $Ft0=480 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX8t0=240 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdXDt0=240 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdX1t0=240 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX5t0=240 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 v2=28 st=NotStopdX1t0=240 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXMt0=240 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX5t0=240 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 v2=26 st=NotStopdX1t0=240 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX3t0=240 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX 4t0=240 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX Ht0=240 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdX 4t0=240 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX 1t0=240 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX ;t0=240 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXCt0=240 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdX4t0=240 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Supine st=NotStopdXt0=-11400 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX >t0=-11400 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdX t0=-4200 id=584 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Brisk v2=Brisk st=NotStopdXt0=-4200 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX(=t0=-4200 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX)6t0=-4200 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Intact st=NotStopdX*=t0=-4200 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdX+?t0=-4200 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX,?t0=-4200 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX-8t0=-600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX?6t0=-600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX@6t0=-600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXA1t0=-600 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlXB2t0=-600 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlXC*t0=-600 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=85 vu=mlX DLt0=-600 id=118 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX EGt0=-600 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX:t0=-20400 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX:t0=-20400 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-16800 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX:t0=-16800 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-13200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX:t0=-13200 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-9600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX9t0=-9600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-6000 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 9t0=-6000 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2400 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 9t0=-2400 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX 8t0=1200 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 3t0=1200 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=1200 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX9t0=1200 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX8t0=1200 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=1200 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdX5t0=1200 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdXt0=-420 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-420 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.11 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-2760 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2760 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.4 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2760 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=116 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2760 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2760 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=134 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-2760 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.8 rs=Final st=NotStopd(Xt0=-4080 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX =t0=-4080 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX =t0=-4080 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdX =t0=-4080 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30 rs=Final st=NotStopdX =t0=-4080 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=138 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX >t0=-4080 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=153 rs=Final st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX3t0=-480 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX3t0=-480 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=-480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXGt0=-480 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=171 u1=mmHg v2=85 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-480 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=118 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-480 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=-480 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=-480 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX6t0=-480 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXt0=-2580 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX1t0=-2580 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX :t0=-2580 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=60 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?;t0=60 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@9t0=60 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Side to Side st=NotStopdXAt0=-180 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=200 vu=ml st=StoppedX1t0=-180 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlX2t0=-180 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=42 vu=mlX2t0=-180 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX*t0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=80 vu=mlX Lt0=-180 id=118 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Gt0=-180 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX7t0=120 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX2t0=120 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX2t0=120 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=None st=NotStopdX7t0=120 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=120 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXFt0=120 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=144 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=120 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=101 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=120 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX8t0=120 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 7t0=120 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 5t0=120 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 2t0=120 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX ?t0=120 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.3889 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX t0=-2100 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX1t0=-2100 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX :t0=-2100 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=-2100 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX t0=-2040 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-2040 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXt0=-120 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.06 rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-1620 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=29.7 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdhY@t0=-420 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=32.5581 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-420 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-420 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX0t0=-420 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX 9t0=-420 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-420 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6.2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-420 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6.7 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX 9t0=-420 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 8t0=-420 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXt0=-420 id=656 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Yellow v2=Thick st=NotStopdXAt0=-420 id=657 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Suctioned v2=Scant st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=682 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=680 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=683 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=700 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX:t0=-420 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=410 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX6t0=-420 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=SIMV+PS st=NotStopdX6t0=-420 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=# st=NotStopdX4t0=-420 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX3t0=-420 id=732 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=RAMP st=NotStopdZ=t0=-2520 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=28 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=113 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.8 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2520 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2520 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=148 rs=Final st=NotStopdY6t0=-1440 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX>t0=-1440 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=38 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXAt0=-1440 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX?t0=-1440 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=168 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX4t0=-5040 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlX5t0=-5040 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=42 vu=mlX5t0=-5040 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX4t0=-1440 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlX5t0=-1440 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=42 vu=mlX 5t0=-1440 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX .t0=-1440 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=180 vu=mlt0=-1500 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1500 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=83 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1500 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-5100 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=454 cv=4409 ap=noneX =t0=-5100 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=454 cv=5243 ap=noneX >t0=-5100 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=454 cv=2608 ap=noneX It0=-5100 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 pv=454 cv=2127 ap=noneX 3t0=81300 dt=1 id=23 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=0 ap=noneX !3t0=81300 dt=1 id=29 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=0 ap=noneX "7t0=81300 dt=24 id=18 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=4936 ap=noneX #6t0=81300 dt=24 id=1 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=6108 ap=noneX $7t0=81300 dt=24 id=26 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=2340 ap=noneX %?t0=81300 dt=24 id=27 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=2818 ap=carryForwardX &>t0=81300 dt=24 id=2 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=3290 ap=carryForwardX 'Jt0=81300 dt=multiple days id=28 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=4945 ap=carryForwardX;t0=-5340 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-5340 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-1740 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-1740 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=133 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1740 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-27300 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdXEt0=-27300 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX:t0=-27300 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXCt0=-27300 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdX@t0=-27300 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX7t0=-27300 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdX Bt0=-27300 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX 7t0=-27300 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdX :t0=-27300 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX t0=-27300 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdX>t0=-27300 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX:t0=-23700 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdXIt0=-23700 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdX:t0=-23700 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=2 v2=28 st=NotStopdX6t0=-23700 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX9t0=-23700 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX Rt0=-23700 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX!:t0=-23700 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=2 v2=26 st=NotStopdX"6t0=-23700 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX#8t0=-23700 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX$9t0=-23700 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX%Mt0=-23700 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdX&6t0=-23700 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX'Et0=-16500 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX(t0=-12900 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=8 u1=points st=NotStopdX1Et0=-12900 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX2:t0=-12900 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdX3Ct0=-12900 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=5 Localizes Pain st=NotStopdX4@t0=-12900 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX5Bt0=-12900 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX6:t0=-12900 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX79t0=-12900 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX?@t0=-12900 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX@@t0=-12900 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXAt0=-12900 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXD>t0=-12900 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXEBt0=-5700 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXF6t0=-5700 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Done st=NotStopdXGAt0=-5700 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdXH;t0=-5700 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdXI;t0=-5700 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdXJ?t0=-5700 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXK?t0=-5700 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdXL9t0=-2100 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdXMHt0=-2100 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdXN9t0=-2100 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=2 v2=28 st=NotStopdXO5t0=-2100 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXP8t0=-2100 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdXQQt0=-2100 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdXR9t0=-2100 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=2 v2=26 st=NotStopdXS5t0=-2100 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXT8t0=-2100 id=292 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdXULt0=-2100 id=294 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=LL Ant Forearm v2=22 gauge st=NotStopdXV5t0=-2100 id=324 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=WNL st=NotStopdXWAt0=1500 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdXX:t0=1500 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXY5t0=1500 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdXZ;t0=1500 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX[t0=1500 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdXe8t0=1500 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdXf>t0=1500 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdXg8t0=1500 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXh6t0=-2100 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXi4t0=-2100 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlXj5t0=-2100 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=42 vu=mlXk5t0=-2100 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlXl.t0=-2100 id=59 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=450 vu=mlX mTt0=1500 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX nOt0=1500 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX3t0=1320 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=No st=NotStopdX?t0=1320 id=584 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Brisk v2=Brisk st=NotStopdX=t0=1320 id=585 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=4 mm v2=4 mm st=NotStopdX5t0=1320 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXBt0=1320 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=38.4444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=101.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@t0=-240 id=131 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=38.4615 u1=ml/cmH st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX8t0=-240 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX4t0=-240 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX:t0=-240 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX=t0=-240 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.9 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX0t0=-240 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX 9t0=-240 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 9t0=-240 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX ;t0=-240 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.4 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX 9t0=-240 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX 8t0=-240 id=530 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=L/m st=NotStopdXt0=-180 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX It0=-180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=145 u1=mmHg v2=75 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX ;t0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX:t0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=11 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX@t0=-180 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX=t0=-180 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-180 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlX3t0=-180 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlX4t0=-180 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=42 vu=mlX4t0=-180 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX-t0=-180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=110 vu=mlX Tt0=-180 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripH[;t0=-1020 id=595 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=60 u1=units st=NotStopdX9t0=-1020 id=651 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=21 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-1020 id=652 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.35 u1=L st=NotStopd,Y?t0=-1320 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=137 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX Pt0=-1320 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip,Y:t0=-1620 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX:t0=-1620 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX7t0=-1620 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdXZ?t0=-2220 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX8t0=-2220 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Present st=NotStopdX:t0=1380 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=1380 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=1380 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-120 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.09 rs=Final st=NotStopdX%t0=0 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=642 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=676 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dY=t0=-900 id=1127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-900 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=31.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-900 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.8 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-900 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=215 rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-900 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.88 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-1800 id=585 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=4 mm v2=4 mm st=NotStopdX7;t0=-1800 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bronchial st=NotStopdX8At0=-1800 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX96t0=-1800 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX:9t0=-1800 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX;;t0=-1800 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX<;t0=-1800 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdX=;t0=-1800 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX>@t0=-1800 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX??t0=-1800 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX@8t0=-1800 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Intact st=NotStopdXA9t0=-1800 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXB?t0=-1800 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdXC6t0=-1800 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXDCt0=-1800 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=38.5556 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXEAt0=-1800 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=101.4 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXF6t0=-1800 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Back st=NotStopdXGDt0=-1800 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdXHAt0=-1800 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXI>t0=-1800 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1.0 ET/Trach st=NotStopdXJ5t0=-1800 id=72 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXK9t0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdXL8t0=-1800 id=77 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdXM?t0=-1800 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=179 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXN8t0=-1800 id=80 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Present st=NotStopdXO8t0=-1800 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdXP?t0=-1800 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdXQ?t0=-1800 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Comp. Immobile st=NotStopdXR;t0=-1800 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXSAt0=-1800 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXT=t0=-1800 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdXU=t0=-1800 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXV6t0=-1800 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=105 vo=250 vu=mlXW6t0=-1800 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXX6t0=-1800 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=588 vu=mlXY4t0=-1800 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlXZ?t0=-1800 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml st=StoppedX[5t0=-1800 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlX\.t0=-1800 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=200 vu=mlX].t0=-1800 id=59 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=250 vu=mlX ^Ut0=-1800 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX _Pt0=-1800 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripXZ;t0=-2400 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX;t0=-2400 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX;t0=-2400 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX9t0=-2400 id=219 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=35 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX5t0=-2400 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX;t0=-2400 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=417 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=34.8 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX1t0=-2400 id=434 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 st=NotStopdX:t0=-2400 id=436 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX :t0=-2400 id=444 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=6 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX =t0=-2400 id=450 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.03 u1=L/min st=NotStopdX :t0=-2400 id=506 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX >t0=-2400 id=545 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Not Applicable st=NotStopdX 6t0=-2400 id=578 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=5 u1=. st=NotStopdX9t0=-2400 id=615 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=15 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-2400 id=631 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=2 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX;t0=-2400 id=684 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=500 u1=ml/B st=NotStopdX7t0=-2400 id=720 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=CPAP+PS st=NotStopdX7t0=-2400 id=721 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=16 u1=# st=NotStopdX5t0=-2400 id=722 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7200A st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3120 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=26 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=110 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=124 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3120 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.5 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=4.4 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3120 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=144 rs=Final st=NotStopdZt0=-1800 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=38.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?t0=-1800 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=101.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 7t0=-1800 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX =t0=-1800 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=166 rs=Manual st=NotStopdTX8t0=-10620 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX7t0=-7020 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX7t0=-3420 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-3420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-3420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX=t0=-3420 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=180 id=1043 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Medicated st=NotStopdX 5t0=180 id=1047 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX 5t0=180 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX @t0=180 id=127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Circulation Adeq st=NotStopdX 9t0=180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 4t0=180 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=180 id=210 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=30 degrees st=NotStopdX:t0=180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=108 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=180 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdX6t0=180 id=31 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedrest st=NotStopdX=t0=180 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdXEt0=180 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXHt0=180 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=131 u1=mmHg v2=67 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=180 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=89 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX6t0=180 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX>t0=180 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX9t0=180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX?t0=180 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX4t0=180 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX9t0=180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=13 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=180 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdX 9t0=180 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX!>t0=180 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX"=t0=180 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX#7t0=180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX$=t0=180 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdX%9t0=180 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdX&7t0=180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX'9t0=180 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=600 vu=ml nb=1X(4t0=180 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=126 vu=mlX)Dt0=180 tf=140580 dt=2340 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=6 vu=mlX*3t0=180 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=416 vo=30 vu=mlX+,t0=180 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=250 vu=mlX ,Ut0=-3420 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX -Pt0=-3420 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX .St0=180 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=100 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX /Nt0=180 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip [>t0=-60 id=1126 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopdX:t0=-60 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-60 id=777 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=27 rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-60 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=38 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-60 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=109 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopd X?t0=-3060 id=187 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Family Called st=NotStopdX4t0=540 id=1046 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX7t0=540 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX@t0=540 id=1087 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Non-verbal cues st=NotStopdX5t0=540 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX9t0=540 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdXRt0=540 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX4t0=540 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=540 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX 9t0=540 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 To pain st=NotStopdX >t0=540 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Inconsistently st=NotStopdX ;t0=540 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=9 u1=points st=NotStopdX Bt0=540 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX 4t0=540 id=202 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdXKt0=540 id=203 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Low Intermittent v2=Bilious st=NotStopdX:t0=540 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=110 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=540 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXFt0=540 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=A-Line v2=Right Radial st=NotStopdX2t0=540 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=No st=NotStopdX7t0=540 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 v2=28 st=NotStopdX3t0=540 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX6t0=540 id=234 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdXOt0=540 id=235 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Multi-lumen v2=Right Subclavian st=NotStopdX7t0=540 id=237 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 v2=26 st=NotStopdX3t0=540 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX=t0=540 id=27 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Distended st=NotStopdX5t0=540 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sharp st=NotStopdX:t0=540 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdX5t0=540 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX7t0=540 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sedated st=NotStopdX@t0=540 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX@t0=540 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX =t0=540 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX!Ht0=540 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=146 u1=mmHg v2=77 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX"9t0=540 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Abdominal st=NotStopdX#6t0=540 id=526 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=IV Gtt st=NotStopdX$=t0=540 id=527 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX%:t0=540 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=102 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX&Rt0=540 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX'9t0=540 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX(:t0=540 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX),t0=540 id=585 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 st=NotStopdX*:t0=540 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Diminished st=NotStopdX+5t0=540 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Clear st=NotStopdX,7t0=540 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX-9t0=540 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=16 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX.6t0=540 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Intact st=NotStopdX/7t0=540 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX04t0=540 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX1At0=540 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=38.6111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX2?t0=540 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=101.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX3Bt0=540 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Sediment st=NotStopdX4?t0=540 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX5;t0=540 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=11 u1=number st=NotStopdX?;t0=540 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdX@4t0=540 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=200 vu=mlXA3t0=540 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=42 vu=mlXB2t0=540 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=2 vu=mlXC3t0=540 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=416 vo=10 vu=mlXD+t0=540 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=80 vu=mlX ERt0=540 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX FNt0=540 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripZ?t0=-3060 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1.01 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=0 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=169 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX1t0=0 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=105 vo=70 vu=mlX>t0=-15060 id=775 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=51 rs=Final st=NotStopd X5t0=600 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX9t0=600 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX4t0=600 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX4t0=600 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX:t0=600 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=107 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX;t0=600 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Sinus Tachy st=NotStopdXHt0=600 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=159 u1=mmHg v2=79 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=600 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=107 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=600 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX :t0=600 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 9t0=600 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=19 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=600 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Rt0=600 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=80 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX Nt0=600 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripZ9t0=-60 id=157 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=20cm v2=Lip st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0.4 u1=torr st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=218 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=50 u1=cmH2O st=NotStopdX3t0=-60 id=39 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=7.0 mm st=NotStopdX9t0=-60 id=40 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Endotracheal st=NotStopdXt0=-300 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX Ft0=-300 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdXIt0=-300 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=169 u1=mmHg v2=87 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=119 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=-300 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=548 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX?t0=-300 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=75.5 u1=kg st=NotStopdX@t0=-300 id=605 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Ext/TXInterfere st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=610 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=22 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=621 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Both Arms st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=622 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Soft Limb st=NotStopdX?t0=-300 id=623 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Behavior Conts st=NotStopdX>t0=-300 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX9t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX>t0=-300 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Many Supports st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 5t0=-300 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=400 vu=mlX!4t0=-300 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=84 vu=mlX"3t0=-300 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=4 vu=mlX#4t0=-300 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=416 vo=16 vu=mlX$-t0=-300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=250 vu=mlX %Ot0=-300 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripxXBt0=-420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=38.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=101.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX St0=-600 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=60 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV Drip4X=t0=-60 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.14 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=858 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-60 id=859 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdXCt0=-60 id=860 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.52 u1=pH rs=Final st=NotStopd8X=t0=-3780 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3780 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=26 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=109 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=127 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3780 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.4 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3780 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=141 rs=Final st=NotStopd[7t0=-1080 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX6t0=-1080 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-240 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.48 rs=Final st=NotStopdZ5t0=-5160 id=1046 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=No st=NotStopdX9t0=-5160 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX7t0=-5160 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdXt0=-5160 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consistently st=NotStopdX >t0=-5160 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdX Dt0=-5160 id=200 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Salem Sump v2=Oral st=NotStopdX t0=-5160 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=39 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX-At0=-5160 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=102.2 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX.At0=-5160 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdX/At0=-5160 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdX0Pt0=-3300 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX ?Qt0=300 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX @6t0=3900 dt=24 id=19 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 cv=1172 ap=none[>t0=-600 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=238 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX Ot0=-600 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=4 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip X:t0=60 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX2t0=60 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB st=NotStopdX;t0=60 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX8t0=60 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX6t0=60 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdXt0=-16680 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX?t0=-16680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXCt0=-16680 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX?t0=-16680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdX=t0=-16680 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=4 Confused st=NotStopdX=t0=-2280 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=3 To speech st=NotStopdX>t0=-2280 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdX;t0=-2280 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Lethargic st=NotStopdXBt0=-2280 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX >t0=-2280 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdX t0=-3720 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXJt0=-3720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=149 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-120 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=181 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX4t0=-120 id=151 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX4t0=-120 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=115 vo=82 vu=mlX3t0=-120 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=4 vu=mlX4t0=-120 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=84 vu=mlX3t0=-120 id=417 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=416 vo=0 vu=mlX -t0=-120 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=190 vu=mlX !St0=-3720 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX "Pt0=-3720 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX #Rt0=-120 id=118 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=mcghr sv=250 su=ml rt=IV DripX $Ot0=-120 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DrippX?t0=-120 id=1126 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.53 rs=Final st=NotStopdX;t0=-120 id=776 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.53 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-120 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.06 rs=Final st=NotStopd8X@t0=-1560 id=1127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-1560 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=30.1 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXHt0=-1560 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=10.5 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1560 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=196 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1560 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.81 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1560 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=13.2 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[=t0=-2400 id=775 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=44 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-2400 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-2400 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=23 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=108 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=178 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-2400 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.5 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-2400 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX >t0=-2400 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopd[1t0=0 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB st=NotStopd` Xt0=-1680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdX#Jt0=-1680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=137 u1=mmHg v2=70 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX$;t0=-1680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=92 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX%;t0=-1680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX&t0=-180 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.54 rs=Final st=NotStopd0 X;t0=900 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=181 rs=Manual st=NotStopdt0=-4680 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consistently st=NotStopdX>t0=-4680 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=13 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-4680 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX";t0=-4680 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX#6t0=-4680 id=477 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Done st=NotStopdX$Bt0=-4680 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX%>t0=-4680 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oriented x 1 st=NotStopdX&Gt0=-4680 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdX'@t0=-4680 id=508 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Left Leg v2=On st=NotStopdX(Jt0=-4680 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=140 u1=mmHg v2=72 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX);t0=-4680 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Abdominal st=NotStopdX*?t0=-4680 id=527 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Other/Remarks st=NotStopdX+;t0=-4680 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX,8t0=-4680 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX-Tt0=-4680 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX.@t0=-4680 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX/;t0=-4680 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX0t0=-4680 id=585 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=6 mm v2=6 mm st=NotStopdX39t0=-4680 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX49t0=-4680 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX59t0=-4680 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX6;t0=-4680 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX7?t0=-4680 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX88t0=-4680 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Intact st=NotStopdX99t0=-4680 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX:Bt0=-4680 id=659 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Golden v2=Liquid st=NotStopdX;:t0=-4680 id=660 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Positive st=NotStopdX<=t0=-4680 id=661 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Rectal Tube st=NotStopdX=8t0=-4680 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdX>Ct0=-4680 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=38.6111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX?At0=-4680 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=101.5 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX@;t0=-4680 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Left Side st=NotStopdXAAt0=-4680 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Clear st=NotStopdXBAt0=-4680 id=707 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Indwelling Cath st=NotStopdXCt0=-960 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=208 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX6t0=-4560 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXEt0=-960 tf=85440 dt=1440 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=20 vu=mlX4t0=-960 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=82 vu=mlX3t0=-960 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlX,t0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=70 vu=mlX Ot0=-960 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=6 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Dript0=-720 id=32 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Tolerated Well st=NotStopdX Ft0=-720 id=49 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Compress Sleeves v2=On st=NotStopdX @t0=-720 id=508 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Leg v2=On st=NotStopdX It0=-720 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=147 u1=mmHg v2=68 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX :t0=-720 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=95 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX7t0=-720 id=547 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Supine st=NotStopdX?t0=-720 id=54 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2 Person Assist st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX;t0=-720 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX:t0=-720 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=25 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-720 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX;t0=-720 id=704 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Right Side st=NotStopdXAt0=-720 id=706 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yellow v2=Cloudy st=NotStopdX8t0=-720 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Ot0=-720 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=6 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX6t0=-17820 id=238 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=WNL st=NotStopdX6t0=-3420 id=1046 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX9t0=-3420 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX@t0=-3420 id=1087 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Pt Verbalized st=NotStopdX7t0=-3420 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=5 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-3420 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXTt0=-3420 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3420 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX 6t0=-3420 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX At0=-3420 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX =t0=-3420 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX >t0=-3420 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consistently st=NotStopdX>t0=-3420 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-3420 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX ;t0=-3420 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX!Bt0=-3420 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX">t0=-3420 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX#Jt0=-3420 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=153 u1=mmHg v2=69 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX$;t0=-3420 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=98 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX%Tt0=-3420 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX&;t0=-3420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX';t0=-3420 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdX?At0=-3420 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdX@=t0=-3420 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=13 u1=number st=NotStopdXAt0=-120 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-120 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-120 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.55 rs=Final st=NotStopdX6t0=-960 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX:t0=-960 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-960 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-960 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-960 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=102 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-960 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=135 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX4t0=-960 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX4t0=-960 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=82 vu=mlX3t0=-960 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=8 vu=mlX-t0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=300 vu=mlX Ot0=-960 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripdX=t0=-6840 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=12 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-6840 id=786 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.2 u1=mg/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-6840 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=25 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6840 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=109 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6840 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6840 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=123 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6840 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-6840 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=142 rs=Final st=NotStopdXZ5t0=660 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=albUter st=NotStopdZ%t0=0 id=229 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=230 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=231 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=232 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX%t0=0 id=283 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX$t0=0 id=51 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'dX$t0=0 id=52 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 st=D/C'd,Y7t0=-25500 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX7t0=-18300 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX7t0=-11100 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=1046 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Yes st=NotStopdX6t0=-300 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=104 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX t0=-300 id=582 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Line Cultured st=NotStopdX:t0=-300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=27 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oral st=NotStopdXBt0=-300 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=38.7778 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX@t0=-300 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=101.8 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX8t0=-300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX5t0=-300 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=105 vo=100 vu=mlX Ot0=-300 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip@ X;t0=420 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=154 rs=Manual st=NotStopdXHt0=-12960 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2.2 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-12960 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=2.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX@t0=-11460 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=1.08 rs=Final st=NotStopdXt0=-1260 id=197 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Consistently st=NotStopdX>t0=-1260 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=14 u1=points st=NotStopdXt0=-1260 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX';t0=-1260 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX(Bt0=-1260 id=478 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL st=NotStopdX)>t0=-1260 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Oriented x 2 st=NotStopdX*Tt0=-1260 id=549 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX+;t0=-1260 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX,8t0=-1260 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX??t0=-1260 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX@=t0=-1260 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXA;t0=-1260 id=85 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Occ. Moist st=NotStopdXBAt0=-1260 id=86 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Prob. Inadequate st=NotStopdXC=t0=-1260 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=12 u1=number st=NotStopdXD=t0=-1260 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXE.t0=-4860 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=100 vu=mlXF6t0=-1260 id=104 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=105 vo=200 vu=mlXG5t0=-1260 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlXH5t0=-1260 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=115 vo=82 vu=mlXI4t0=-1260 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=189 vo=4 vu=mlXJ9t0=-1260 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 ai=107 vo=0 vu=ml nb=1XK-t0=-1260 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=60 vu=mlX LPt0=-1260 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV Drip X6t0=-660 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX:t0=-660 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=159 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX5t0=-660 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-660 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=1740 v1=106 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXt0=-960 tf=68820 dt=1163 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=600 vu=mlX"-t0=-960 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 vo=120 vu=mlX #Ot0=-960 id=45 el=1 cu=70 cg=1740 so=18 vo=0 v1=2 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX $5t0=17040 dt=24 id=20 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 cv=30 ap=noneX %>t0=17040 dt=24 id=22 el=2 cu=70 cg=1740 cv=600 ap=carryForwardX;t0=420 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=154 rs=Manual st=NotStopdHX=t0=-3600 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX5t0=-3600 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB st=NotStopdX>t0=-3600 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX;t0=-3600 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX9t0=-3600 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=98 u1=% st=NotStopdX7t0=-5460 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-5460 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-5460 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-5460 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-5460 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-5460 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=116 u1=mmHg v2=61 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-5460 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=79.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-5460 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-3660 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3660 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.6 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdpX>t0=-5820 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.9 rs=Final st=NotStopdX9t0=0 id=190 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=0.5 u1=torr st=NotStopdX1t0=0 id=446 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=ALB st=NotStopdX:t0=0 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX7t0=0 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX5t0=0 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdTX@t0=-15720 id=637 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Side Rails Up st=NotStopdX9t0=-15720 id=644 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Intact st=NotStopdX9t0=-15720 id=663 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Spouse st=NotStopdX9t0=-15720 id=82 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Bedfast st=NotStopdX@t0=-15720 id=83 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Potential Prob st=NotStopdX>t0=-15720 id=84 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Very Limited st=NotStopdXt0=-15720 id=87 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=14 u1=number st=NotStopdX ?t0=-15720 id=88 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=No Impairment st=NotStopdX Bt0=-12120 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdX ?t0=-12120 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX :t0=-12120 id=425 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX :t0=-12120 id=428 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX8t0=-12120 id=432 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Alert st=NotStopdXCt0=-12120 id=454 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=6 Obeys Commands st=NotStopdX?t0=-12120 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX:t0=-12120 id=593 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX:t0=-12120 id=599 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Rhonchi st=NotStopdX:t0=-12120 id=617 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Regular st=NotStopdX=t0=-12120 id=723 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=5 Oriented st=NotStopdX?t0=-8520 id=807 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=156 rs=Manual st=NotStopdX7t0=-4920 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-4920 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX>t0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-4920 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=123 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-4920 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=76.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1320 id=198 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=15 u1=points st=NotStopdX*t0=-1320 id=479 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oriented x 3 st=NotStopdX7?t0=-1320 id=525 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Not Indicated st=NotStopdX8;t0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9:t0=-1320 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX?6t0=-1320 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Oral st=NotStopdX@@t0=-1320 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=38.5 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdXAAt0=-1320 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=101.3 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdXBt0=-4920 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-4920 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=112 u1=mmHg v2=47 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-4920 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=68.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4920 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-1320 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1320 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=113 u1=mmHg v2=51 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1320 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=71.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1320 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-2100 id=467 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=Aerosol-Cool st=NotStopdX;t0=-2100 id=470 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=12 u1=lpm st=NotStopdX9t0=-2100 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=2183 v1=96 u1=% st=NotStopd4X7t0=-4680 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=6 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-4680 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX6t0=-4680 id=161 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=None st=NotStopdXt0=-1080 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-1080 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=119 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-1080 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=76.3333 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-1080 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdXt0=-3480 id=212 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Normal Sinus st=NotStopdXKt0=-3480 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=122 u1=mmHg v2=60 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdXAt0=-3480 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=80.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX;t0=-3480 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=2285 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX t0=-300 id=778 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-300 id=779 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 u1=mmHg rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-300 id=780 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=7.45 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-300 id=816 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=1.15 rs=Final st=NotStopdH[5t0=-2640 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=40 vu=mlX5t0=-2640 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=115 vo=82 vu=mlX4t0=-2640 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlX5t0=-2640 id=249 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 ai=107 vo=84 vu=mlX.t0=-2640 id=54 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=460 vu=mlX.t0=-2640 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=2285 vo=160 vu=mlX@t0=-1800 id=1127 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdXDt0=-1800 id=813 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=28.2 u1=% rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-1800 id=814 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=9.7 u1=gm/dl rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-1800 id=828 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=196 rs=Final st=NotStopdXIt0=-1800 id=833 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.51 u1=/mic l rs=Final st=NotStopdX?t0=-1800 id=861 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=11.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=781 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=14 rs=Final st=NotStopdX=t0=-3720 id=787 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=24 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=788 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=110 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=791 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=0.5 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=811 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=195 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=821 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 rs=Final st=NotStopdXGt0=-3720 id=827 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=2.1 u1=mEq/L rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=829 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=3.6 rs=Final st=NotStopdX>t0=-3720 id=837 el=0 cu=70 cg=1663 v1=141 rs=Final st=NotStopd[5t0=-3300 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX:t0=-3300 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=26 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-3300 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX:t0=-3300 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXIt0=-3300 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=101 u1=mmHg v2=50 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX:t0=-3300 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=67 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-3300 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-3300 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX9t0=-3300 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=28 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=-3300 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=-3300 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX *t0=300 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=150 vu=mlX Ht0=-3300 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripY4t0=-180 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX9t0=-180 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXHt0=-180 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=121 u1=mmHg v2=53 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX>t0=-180 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=75.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-180 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=-180 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=23 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX 7t0=-180 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX 7t0=-180 id=674 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Axillary st=NotStopdX ;t0=-180 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX =t0=-180 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 6t0=-180 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX Gt0=-180 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DriplX1t0=0 id=134 el=2 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=107 vo=0 st=D/C'dX1t0=0 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 st=D/C'dY5t0=-4020 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX9t0=-4020 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=8 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX9t0=-4020 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX9t0=-4020 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=97 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX9t0=-4020 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX:t0=-4020 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX9t0=-4020 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=26 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX8t0=-4020 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100 u1=% st=NotStopdX;t0=-4020 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=0 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX 7t0=-4020 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX 4t0=-420 id=1125 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=MICU st=NotStopdX 8t0=-420 id=113 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX 8t0=-420 id=128 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Full Code st=NotStopdX 8t0=-420 id=211 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=98 u1=BPM st=NotStopdXHt0=-420 id=455 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=138 u1=mmHg v2=55 u2=mmHg st=NotStopdX>t0=-420 id=456 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=82.6667 u1=mmHg st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=550 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Universal st=NotStopdX9t0=-420 id=580 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX9t0=-420 id=581 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=73.4 u1=kg st=NotStopdX8t0=-420 id=618 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=24 u1=BPM st=NotStopdX6t0=-420 id=646 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=99 u1=% st=NotStopdX@t0=-420 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=38.1111 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX>t0=-420 id=678 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=100.6 u1=Deg. F st=NotStopdX6t0=-420 id=742 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=1 u1=kg st=NotStopdX4t0=-11220 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=115 vo=41 vu=mlX3t0=-11220 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlX3t0=-7620 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=115 vo=41 vu=mlX2t0=-7620 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlX3t0=-4020 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=115 vo=41 vu=mlX2t0=-4020 id=211 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=189 vo=0 vu=mlX2t0=-420 id=186 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 ai=115 vo=41 vu=mlX+t0=-420 id=55 el=1 cu=70 cg=-1 vo=300 vu=mlX Ht0=-4020 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX !Gt0=-420 id=45 el=1 cu=70 so=18 vo=0 v1=0 du=Uhr sv=100 su=ml rt=IV DripX7t0=-7860 id=1080 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=3 v2=1 st=NotStopdX3t0=-7860 id=154 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=NPO st=NotStopdXRt0=-7860 id=156 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Easily Palpable v2=Easily Palpable st=NotStopdX?t0=-7860 id=184 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=4 Spontaneously st=NotStopdXt0=-7860 id=584 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=Brisk v2=Brisk st=NotStopdXt0=60 id=677 el=0 cu=70 cg=-1 v1=37.9444 u1=Deg. C st=NotStopdX