id Label 1 % Inspir. Time 2 ABI (L) 3 ABI (R) 4 ABI Ankle BP R/L 5 ABI Brachial BP R/L 6 ABP 7 APACHE II Age Score 8 APACHE II ChronicPts 9 APACHE II Total Pts. 10 APS Arterial pH 11 APS Glasgow Coma 12 APS Heart Rate 13 APS Hematocrit 14 APS MAP 15 APS Oxygenation 16 APS Respiratory Rate 17 APS Serum Creatinine 18 APS Serum HCO3 19 APS Serum Potassium 20 APS Serum Sodium 21 APS Temperature C 22 APS Total Pts. 23 APS White Bld. Count 24 ART Lumen Volume 25 AV Interval 26 AaDO2 27 Abdominal Assessment 28 Abdominal Girth 29 Access mmHg 30 Active ROM 31 Activity 32 Activity Tolerance 33 Acute Renal Failure 34 Add Gas Flow (Vent) 35 Additional Gas (lpm) 36 Additional Gas(Mask) 37 Additional Gas(Vent) 38 Airway 39 Airway Size 40 Airway Type 41 Alarms Activated 42 Alveolar Ventilation 43 Angio Appearance #1 44 Angio Appearance #2 45 Angio Dressing #1 46 Angio Dressing #2 47 Angio Site #1 48 Angio Site #2 49 AntiEmbDevice/Status 50 Apnea Time Interval 51 Arterial BP 52 Arterial BP Mean 53 Arterial Pressure 54 Assistance Device 55 Assisted Systole 56 Atrial Sens/Capture 57 Atrial Threshold 58 AtrialmA/Sensitivity 59 Augmented Diastole 60 Auto-PEEP Level 61 AvDO2 62 BAEDP 63 BIPAP - BPM 64 BIPAP - EPAP 65 BIPAP - Est. Vt 66 BIPAP - IPAP 67 BIPAP - O2 lpm 68 BIPAP-Mode 69 BSA 70 BSA - English 71 BSA - Metric 72 Back Care 73 Barometric Pressure 74 Base Excess 75 Baseline Current/mA 76 Bath 77 Behavior 78 Bladder Irrigation 79 Blood Flow ml/min 80 Bowel Sounds 81 Brachial Pulse R/L 82 Braden Activity 83 Braden Frict/Shear 84 Braden Mobility 85 Braden Moisture 86 Braden Nutrition 87 Braden Score 88 Braden SensoryPercep 89 C.O. (fick) 90 C.O.(thermodilution) 91 CPM 92 CPP 93 CT #1 Crepitus 94 CT #1 Drainage 95 CT #1 Dressing 96 CT #1 Fluctuate/Leak 97 CT #1 Suction Amount 98 CT #2 Crepitus 99 CT #2 Drainage 100 CT #2 Dressing 101 CT #2 Fluctuate/Leak 102 CT #2 Suction Amount 103 CT #3 Crepitus 104 CT #3 Drainage 105 CT #3 Dressing 106 CT #3 Fluctuate/Leak 107 CT #3 Suction Amount 108 CT #4 Crepitus 109 CT #4 Drainage 110 CT #4 Dressing 111 CT #4 Fluctuate/Leak 112 CT #4 Suction Amount 113 CVP 114 CaO2 115 Capillary Refill R/L 116 Cardiac Index 117 Catheter Insert Date 118 Cerv Collar Status 119 Cervical Collar Type 120 Chart Row 121 Chest PT R/L 122 Chest Tube Site #1 123 Chest Tube Site #2 124 Chest Tube Site #3 125 Chest Tube Site #4 126 Chronic Health Pts 127 Circulation/SkinInt 128 Code Status 129 Collar Care 130 Communication 131 Compliance (40-60ml) 132 Compliance-Corrected 133 Cont.Nebulizer(Drug) 134 CoolingDevice/Status 135 Corneal Reflex R/L 136 Cough Effort 137 Cough Reflex 138 Cough Type 139 Cough/Deep Breathe 140 Cuff Leak 141 Cuff Pressure-Airway 142 Current Goal 143 CvO2 144 Dead Space 145 Decubitus Care 146 Dialysate Flow ml/hr 147 Dialysate Infusing 148 Dialysis Access Site 149 Dialysis Access Type 150 Dialysis Machine 151 Dialysis Site Appear 152 Dialysis Type 153 Diastolic Unloading 154 Diet Type 155 Doppler BP 156 Dorsal PedPulse R/L 157 ETT Mark/Location 158 ETT Position Change 159 Ectopy Frequency 160 Ectopy Frequency 2 161 Ectopy Type 162 Ectopy Type 2 163 Edema Location/Amt#1 164 Edema Location/Amt#2 165 Education Barrier 166 Education Handout 167 Education Learner 168 Education Method 169 Education Readiness 170 Education Response 171 Education Topic #1 172 Education Topic #2 173 Effluent Press mmHg 174 Emesis Appearance/ph 175 Energy Expenditure 176 Epi Infusion Rate 177 Epidural Appearance 178 Epidural Bolus 179 Epidural Location 180 Epidural Medication 181 Epidural Total Dose 182 Extubation Date 183 Eye Care 184 Eye Opening 185 FIO2 Alarm-High 186 FIO2 Alarm-Low 187 Family Communication 188 Femoral Pulse R/L 189 FiO2 (Analyzed) 190 FiO2 Set 191 FiO2/O2 Delivered 192 Filter Pressure mmHg 193 Flatus 194 Flow-By (lpm) 195 Flow-by Sensitivity 196 Foley Care 197 Follows Commands 198 GCS Total 199 GI Guaiac/ph 200 GI Intub #1/Site 201 GI Intub #2/Site 202 GI#1 Tube PlaceCheck 203 GI#1 Tube Stat/Drain 204 GI#2 Tube PlaceCheck 205 GI#2 Tube Stat/Drain 206 GU Cath Insert Date 207 GU Catheter Size 208 Gag Reflex 209 Graft/Flap Pulse 210 HOB 211 Heart Rate 212 Heart Rhythm 213 Heart Sounds 214 Height 215 Height Cms 216 Height of Bed 217 Heparin Dose 218 High Insp. Pressure 219 High Resp. Rate 220 I&O Totals Reset 221 I:E Ratio 222 I:E Ratio-Calculated 223 I:E Ratio-TCPCV 224 IABP Mean 225 IABP setting 226 ICP 227 INV Line#1 D/C Date 228 INV Line#1 Site Date 229 INV Line#1 Type/Site 230 INV Line#1 Zero/Cal 231 INV Line#1InsertDate 232 INV Line#1SiteAppear 233 INV Line#2 D/C Date 234 INV Line#2 Site Date 235 INV Line#2 Type/Site 236 INV Line#2 Zero/Cal 237 INV Line#2InsertDate 238 INV Line#2SiteAppear 239 INV Line#3 D/C Date 240 INV Line#3 Site Date 241 INV Line#3 Type/Site 242 INV Line#3 Zero/Cal 243 INV Line#3InsertDate 244 INV Line#3SiteAppear 245 INV Line#4 D/C Date 246 INV Line#4 Site Date 247 INV Line#4 Type/Site 248 INV Line#4 Zero/Cal 249 INV Line#4InsertDate 250 INV Line#4SiteAppear 251 INV Line#5 D/C Date 252 INV Line#5 Site Date 253 INV Line#5 Type/Site 254 INV Line#5 Zero/Cal 255 INV Line#5InsertDate 256 INV Line#5SiteAppear 257 INV Line#6 D/C Date 258 INV Line#6 Site Date 259 INV Line#6 Type/Site 260 INV Line#6 Zero/Cal 261 INV Line#6InsertDate 262 INV Line#6SiteAppear 263 INV Line#7 D/C Date 264 INV Line#7 Site Date 265 INV Line#7 Type/Site 266 INV Line#7 Zero/Cal 267 INV Line#7InsertDate 268 INV Line#7SiteAppear 269 INV Line#8 D/C Date 270 INV Line#8 Site Date 271 INV Line#8 Type/Site 272 INV Line#8 Zero/Cal 273 INV Line#8InsertDate 274 INV Line#8SiteAppear 275 INV LineInsertDate#1 276 INV LineInsertDate#2 277 INV LineInsertDate#3 278 INV LineInsertDate#4 279 INV LineInsertDate#5 280 INV LineInsertDate#6 281 INV LineInsertDate#7 282 INV LineInsertDate#8 283 INV#1 WaveformAppear 284 INV#2 WaveformAppear 285 INV#3 WaveformAppear 286 INV#4 WaveformAppear 287 INV#5 WaveformAppear 288 INV#6 WaveformAppear 289 INV#7 WaveformAppear 290 INV#8 WaveformAppear 291 IV #1 D/C Date 292 IV #1 Insert Date 293 IV #1 Site Appear 294 IV #1 Site/Size 295 IV #2 D/C Date 296 IV #2 Insert Date 297 IV #2 Site/Size 298 IV #3 D/C Date 299 IV #3 Insert Date 300 IV #3 Site/Size 301 IV #4 D/C Date 302 IV #4 Insert Date 303 IV #4 Site/Size 304 IV D/C Date #1 305 IV D/C Date #2 306 IV D/C Date #3 307 IV D/C Date #4 308 IV Drip Dose #1 309 IV Drip Dose #2 310 IV Drip Medication#1 311 IV Drip Medication#2 312 IV Drsg Change #2 313 IV Drsg. Change #1 314 IV Drsg. Change #3 315 IV Drsg. Change #4 316 IV Insert Date #1 317 IV Insert Date #2 318 IV Insert Date #3 319 IV Insert Date #4 320 IV Site #1 321 IV Site #2 322 IV Site #3 323 IV Site #4 324 IV Site Appear #1 325 IV Site Appear #2 326 IV Site Appear #3 327 IV Site Appear #4 328 IV Start Date #1 329 IV Start Date #2 330 IV Start Date #3 331 IV Start Date #4 332 IV Tubing Change #1 333 IV Tubing Change #2 334 IV Tubing Change #3 335 IV Tubing Change #4 336 IV#1 Site AppearZZZZ 337 Immunocompromised 338 Imp Skin Cleanse #1 339 Imp Skin Cleanse #2 340 Imp Skin Cleanse #3 341 Imp Skin Cleanse #4 342 Imp Skin Cleanse #5 343 Imp Skin Cleanse #6 344 ImpSkin Character #1 345 ImpSkin Character #2 346 ImpSkin Character #3 347 ImpSkin Character #4 348 ImpSkin Character #5 349 ImpSkin Character #6 350 ImpSkin Drain/Amt #3 351 ImpSkin Drain/Amt #6 352 ImpSkin Drain/Amt#1 353 ImpSkin Drain/Amt#2 354 ImpSkin Drain/Amt#4 355 ImpSkin Drain/Amt#5 356 ImpSkin Treatment #1 357 ImpSkin Treatment #2 358 ImpSkin Treatment #3 359 ImpSkin Treatment #4 360 ImpSkin Treatment #5 361 ImpSkin Treatment #6 362 ImpSkin Wound Base#1 363 ImpSkin Wound Base#2 364 ImpSkin Wound Base#3 365 ImpSkin Wound Base#4 366 ImpSkin Wound Base#5 367 ImpSkin Wound Base#6 368 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #1 369 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #2 370 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #3 371 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #4 372 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #5 373 ImpSkin Wth/Lth #6 374 Impaired Skin Site#1 375 Impaired Skin Site#2 376 Impaired Skin Site#3 377 Impaired Skin Site#4 378 Impaired Skin Site#5 379 Impaired Skin Site#6 380 Inc Cleansing #1 381 Inc Cleansing #2 382 Inc Cleansing #3 383 Inc Cleansing #4 384 Inc Cleansing #5 385 Inc Cleansing #6 386 Inc Closure/Appear#1 387 Inc Closure/Appear#2 388 Inc Closure/Appear#3 389 Inc Closure/Appear#4 390 Inc Closure/Appear#5 391 Inc Closure/Appear#6 392 Inc Drainage/Amt #1 393 Inc Drainage/Amt #2 394 Inc Drainage/Amt #3 395 Inc Drainage/Amt #4 396 Inc Drainage/Amt #5 397 Inc Drainage/Amt #6 398 Inc Dsg/Status #1 399 Inc Dsg/Status #2 400 Inc Dsg/Status #3 401 Inc Dsg/Status #5 402 Inc Dsg/Status #6 403 Inc Dsg/Status#4 404 Inc/Wound Packing #1 405 Inc/Wound Packing #2 406 Inc/Wound Packing #3 407 Inc/Wound Packing #4 408 Inc/Wound Packing #5 409 Inc/Wound Packing #6 410 Incentive Spirometry 411 Incision/Wound #1 412 Incision/Wound #2 413 Incision/Wound #3 414 Incision/Wound #4 415 Incision/Wound #5 416 Incision/Wound #6 417 Inspired Gas Temp 418 Intubation Date 419 KneeImmobilizer/Loc 420 LAP 421 LCW 422 LCWI 423 LL Strength/Movement 424 LLE Temp/Color 425 LLL Lung Sounds 426 LU Strength/Movement 427 LUE Temp/Color 428 LUL Lung Sounds 429 LVAD Flow LPM 430 LVSW 431 LVSWI 432 Level of Conscious 433 Linen Change 434 Low Exhaled Min Vol 435 Low Exhaled Vt 436 Low Insp. Pressure 437 Low Peep 438 MAP 439 MDI #1 (Puff/Drug) 440 MDI #2 (Puff/Drug) 441 MDI #3 (Puff/Drug) 442 Manual BP 443 Manual BP Mean(calc) 444 Mean Airway Pressure 445 Mech. Minute Volume 446 Micro-Neb Treatment 447 Minimal Leak Present 448 Minute Volume 449 Minute Volume (Set) 450 Minute Volume(Obser) 451 Mixed Venous CO2 452 Mixed Venous pH 453 Motor Deficits 454 Motor Response 455 NBP 456 NBP Mean 457 NMB Medication 458 Nares R/L 459 Neg Insp Force(>-25) 460 Nerve Stimulated 461 Neuro Drain Drainage 462 Neuro Drain Lev/Loc 463 Neuro Drain Status 464 Neuro Drain Type 465 Neuro Symptoms 466 Nursing Consultation 467 O2 Delivery Device 468 O2 Delivery Device#2 469 O2 Delivery Mode 470 O2 Flow (lpm) 471 O2 Flow (lpm) #2 472 O2AV 473 O2AVI 474 O2ER 475 OOB 476 Operative Status 477 Oral Care 478 Oral Cavity 479 Orientation 480 Orthostat BP sitting 481 Orthostat HR sitting 482 OrthostatBP standing 483 OrthostatHR standing 484 Orthostatic BP lying 485 Orthostatic HR lying 486 Ostomy Care 487 Ostomy/Appearance 488 Other BP 489 Other BP Mode 490 PAO2 491 PAP Mean 492 PAP S/D 493 PCA 1 Hr Limit (mg) 494 PCA Basal Rate 495 PCA Bolus 496 PCA Dose 497 PCA Inject/Attempt 498 PCA Lockout (Min) 499 PCA Medication 500 PCA Total Dose 501 PCV Exh Vt (Obser) 502 PCV Insp Vt (Obser) 503 PCV Set Insp. Press 504 PCWP 505 PEEP 506 PEEP Set 507 PIP 508 PT Splint Loc/Stat#1 509 PT Splint Loc/Stat#2 510 PT Splint Loc/Stat#3 511 PT Splint Loc/Stat#4 512 PVR 513 PVRI 514 PaO2/FI02 (>200) 515 Pacemaker Mode 516 Pacemaker Type 517 Pacer Rate 518 Pacer Wire Condition 519 Pacer Wires Atrial 520 Pacer Wires Ground 521 Pacer Wires Vent 522 Pain Cause 523 Pain Level (Movemnt) 524 Pain Level (Rest) 525 Pain Location 526 Pain Management 527 Pain Type 528 Passive ROM 529 Pause Time % 530 Peak Flow 531 Peak Flow % (pred) 532 Peak Flow (Calc) 533 Peak Flow (Pred) 534 Peak Flow (actual) 535 Peak Insp. Pressure 536 Peri Care 537 Pericard Drain Site 538 Pericard Drain Stat 539 Pericardial Drainage 540 PetCO2 541 PetCO2/TcCO2 542 Pin Care 543 Plateau Pressure 544 Plateau Time (7200) 545 Plateau-Off 546 Popliteal Pulse R/L 547 Position 548 Position Change 549 PostTib. Pulses R/L 550 Precautions 551 PresSoreStage/Heal#1 552 PresSoreStage/Heal#2 553 PresSoreStage/Heal#3 554 Press Sore Site #2 555 PressSore Depth #1 556 PressSore Depth #2 557 PressSore Depth #3 558 PressSore Drng/Amt#1 559 PressSore Drng/Amt#2 560 PressSore Drng/Amt#3 561 PressSore Wth/Lth #1 562 PressSore Wth/Lth #2 563 PressSore Wth/Lth #3 564 PressSoreCleansing#1 565 PressSoreCleansing#2 566 PressSoreCleansing#3 567 PressSoreTreatment#1 568 PressSoreTreatment#2 569 PressSoreTreatment#3 570 PressSoreWoundBase#1 571 PressSoreWoundBase#2 572 PressSoreWoundBase#3 573 Pressure Sore Odor#1 574 Pressure Sore Odor#2 575 Pressure Sore Odor#3 576 Pressure Sore Site#1 577 Pressure Sore Site#3 578 Pressure Support 579 PressureReduceDevice 580 Previous Weight 581 Previous WeightF 582 Procedures 583 Pulses Paradoxus 584 Pupil Response R/L 585 Pupil Size R/L 586 QTc 587 Qs/Qt 588 RCW 589 RCWI 590 RL Strength/Movement 591 RLE Temp/Color 592 RLE/LLE Sensation 593 RLL Lung Sounds 594 ROM 595 RSBI (<200) 596 RU Strength/Movement 597 RUE Temp/Color 598 RUE/LUE Sensation 599 RUL Lung Sounds 600 RVAD Flow LPM 601 RVSW 602 RVSWI 603 Radial Pulse R/L 604 Radiologic Study 605 Reason For Restraint 606 Rec. Breath Pressure 607 Rec.Breath Time(sec) 608 Recruit Breath 609 Remote Alarm 610 Removed x 5 Mins 611 Replace Rate ml/hr 612 Replace.Fluid Infuse 613 Resp Quotient - (R) 614 Resp Rate (Spont) 615 Resp Rate (Total) 616 Respiratory Effort 617 Respiratory Pattern 618 Respiratory Rate 619 Respiratory Rate Set 620 Responds to Stimuli 621 Restraint Location 622 Restraint Type 623 Restraints Evaluated 624 Return Pressure mmHg 625 SVI 626 SVR 627 SVRI 628 Sedation Score 629 Seizure Activity 630 Seizure Duration 631 Sensitivity-Vent 632 Sensory Level 633 Severe Cardio Insuff 634 Severe Liver Insuff. 635 Severe Renal Insuff. 636 Severe Resp Insuff. 637 Side Rails 638 Sigh Rate 639 Sigh Tidal Volume 640 Significant Events 641 Sitter 642 Skin Care 643 Skin Color 644 Skin Integrity 645 Skin Temp/Condition 646 SpO2 647 Spare Trach Present 648 Speech 649 Spiritual Support 650 Spon Minute VE L/min 651 Spon RR (Mech.) 652 Spon. Vt (L) (Mech.) 653 Spont. Resp. Rate 654 Spont. Tidal Volume 655 Spontaneous Movement 656 Sputum Color/Consist 657 Sputum Source/Amt 658 Static Compliance 659 Stool Color/Consist 660 Stool Guaiac 661 Stool Management 662 Stroke Volume 663 Support Systems 664 Swan SVO2 665 System Integrity 666 Systolic Unloading 667 TCPCV Apnea Settings 668 TCPCV Fixed I Time 669 TCPCV I:E Ratio 670 TCPCV Insp. Pressure 671 TCPCV Insp. Time 672 TCPCV-MAP 673 TOF Response/Twitch 674 Temp. Site 675 Temp. Site/Value 676 Temperature C 677 Temperature C (calc) 678 Temperature F 679 Temperature F (calc) 680 Therapeutic Bed 681 Tidal Volume 682 Tidal Volume (Obser) 683 Tidal Volume (Set) 684 Tidal Volume (Spont) 685 Total GCS score 686 Total PEEP Level 687 Trach Care 688 Trach Cuff/Fenestra 689 Trach Date 690 Trach Size 691 Tracheostomy Cuff 692 Tracheostomy Type 693 Tract/Imm Location#1 694 Tract/Imm Location#2 695 Tract/Imm Location#3 696 Tract/Imm Location#4 697 Traction/Immobile #1 698 Traction/Immobile #2 699 Traction/Immobile #3 700 Traction/Immobile #4 701 Transcut Pacer Rate 702 Transcut Pad Place 703 Transcutan Pacer 704 Turn 705 Untoward Effect 706 Urine Color/Appear 707 Urine Source 708 VAD Beat Rate R/L 709 VCO2 (180-200) 710 VEN Lumen Volume 711 VO2 712 VO2 (200-250) 713 VO2I 714 Vd/Vt Ratio 715 Vd/Vt Ratio (40-60%) 716 Venous Pressure 717 Vent Sens/Capture 718 Vent Threshold 719 Vent mA/Sensitivity 720 Ventilator Mode 721 Ventilator No. 722 Ventilator Type 723 Verbal Response 724 Vision - EPAP 725 Vision - IPAP 726 Vision - Mode 727 Vision FiO2 728 Vision Mask 729 Vision Rate 730 Vital Cap (>1.0)L 731 WarmingDevice/Status 732 Waveform-Vent 733 Weight Change 734 Working Pressure 735 Wound Care 736 ZZO2 (Set) 737 ZZO2 Set 738 ZZZ2 Set 739 ZZZPTT(22-35) 740 Zeak Flow % (pred) 741 avDO2 742 calprevflg 743 zPaO2/FiO2 (>200) 744 zzFIO2 (Analyzed) 745 zzV Line#6 Site Date 746 zzz Line#2 Site Date 747 zzz Line#8 Site Date 748 zzzCath Insert Date 749 zzzCompliance 750 zzzMotor Response 751 zzzNBP 752 zzzPT11-13.5) 753 zzzRom 754 zzzod Products 755 zzzubation Date 756 zzzzzation Date 757 zzzzzne#1 Site Date 758 zzzzzzze#5 Site Date 759 zzzzzzzz#3 Site Date 760 zzzzzzzzz4 Site Date 761 zzzzzzzzzzzSite Date 762 Admit Wt 763 Daily Weight 764 Post-Dialysis Wt. 765 Post-op Weight 766 Pre-Dialysis Wt. 767 Pre-op Weight 768 ACT (102-142) Coags 769 ALT Enzymes 770 AST Enzymes 771 Acetone Chemistry 772 Albumin (>3.2) Chemistry 773 Alk. Phosphate Enzymes 774 Ammonia Chemistry 775 Amylase Enzymes 776 Arterial Base Excess ABG 777 Arterial CO2(Calc) ABG 778 Arterial PaCO2 ABG 779 Arterial PaO2 ABG 780 Arterial pH ABG 781 BUN (6-20) Chemistry 782 Bleeding Time Coags 783 Blood Products Hematology 784 CPK Enzymes 785 CPK/MB Enzymes 786 Calcium (8.4-10.2) Chemistry 787 Carbon Dioxide Chemistry 788 Chloride (100-112) Chemistry 789 Cholesterol (<200) Chemistry 790 Cortisol Chemistry 791 Creatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry 792 Cyclosporin Drug Level 793 D-Dimer (0-500) Coags 794 Differential-Atyps Hematology 795 Differential-Bands Hematology 796 Differential-Basos Hematology 797 Differential-Eos Hematology 798 Differential-Lymphs Hematology 799 Differential-Monos Hematology 800 Differential-Polys Hematology 801 Digoxin Drug Level 802 Dilantin Drug Level 803 Direct Bili (0-0.3) Chemistry 804 Ethanol Drug Level 805 FK506 Drug Level 806 Fibrinogen (150-400) Coags 807 Fingerstick Glucose Chemistry 808 Gentamycin/Peak Drug Level 809 Gentamycin/Random Drug Level 810 Gentamycin/Trough Drug Level 811 Glucose (70-105) Chemistry 812 HCO3 ABG 813 Hematocrit Hematology 814 Hemoglobin Hematology 815 INR (2-4 ref. range) Coags 816 Ionized Calcium Chemistry 817 LDH Enzymes 818 Lactic Acid(0.5-2.0) Chemistry 819 Lidocaine Drug Level 820 Lipase Enzymes 821 Magnesium (1.6-2.6) Chemistry 822 Mixed Venous O2 Blood Gases 823 Mixed Venous O2% Sat Blood Gases 824 PT(11-13.5) Coags 825 PTT(22-35) Coags 826 Phenobarbital Drug Level 827 Phosphorous(2.7-4.5) Chemistry 828 Platelets Hematology 829 Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry 830 Pregnancy Qual.HCG Chemistry 831 Procan Drug level 832 Procan Napa Drug Level 833 RBC Hematology 834 SaO2 ABG's 835 Sed Rate Hematology 836 Serum Osmolality Chemistry 837 Sodium (135-148) Chemistry 838 SvO2 Mixed Venous Gases 839 T3 Chemistry 840 T4 Chemistry 841 TSH Chemistry 842 Theophylline Drug Level 843 Thiocyanate Drug Level 844 Thrombin (16-21) Coags 845 Tobramycin/Peak Drug Level 846 Tobramycin/Random Drug Level 847 Tobramycin/Trough Drug Level 848 Total Bili (0-1.5) Chemistry 849 Total Protein(6.5-8) Chemistry 850 Triglyceride (0-200) Chemistry 851 Troponin Enzymes 852 Tylenol Drug Level 853 Uric Acid (2.7-7.0) Chemistry 854 Vancomycin/Peak Drug Level 855 Vancomycin/Random Drug Level 856 Vancomycin/Trough Drug Level 857 Venous CO2(Calc) VBG'S 858 Venous PvCO2 VBG's 859 Venous PvO2 Mixed Venous Gases 860 Venous pH VBG's 861 WBC (4-11,000) Hematology 862 ZZProcan Drug Level 863 ZZZPT (11-13.5 secs) Coags 864 ZZZPTT (22-35 secs) Coags 865 pH ABG's 866 zzALT Enzymes 867 zzAST Enzymes 868 zzH Enzymes 869 zzatelets Hematology 870 zzz. Phosphate Enzymes 871 zzzCPK Enzymes 872 zzzWBc Hematology 873 zzzatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry 874 zzzbon Dioxide Chemistry 875 zzzium (135-148) Chemistry 876 zzzz(6-20) Chemistry 877 zzzzose (70-105) Chemistry 878 zzzzssium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry 879 zzzzzide (100-112) Chemistry 880 Sample Field 881 Age 882 Allergies/Manifestations 883 - 884 Spokesperson 885 Spokesperson Work Phone # 886 Spokesperson Home Phone # 887 -- 888 Events 889 Events 890 ANEMIA 891 ANGINA 892 ARRHYTHMIAS 893 ASTHMA 894 CAD 895 COPD 896 CVA 897 DIABETES/ORAL AGENT 898 DIABETES/INSULIN 899 GI BLEED 900 ETOH 901 HEPATITIS 902 HYPERTENSION 903 LIVER FAILURE 904 MI 905 PACEMAKER 906 PANCREATITIS 907 PVD 908 HEMO/PD 909 RENAL FAILURE 910 RENAL INSUFF 911 SEIZURES 912 SMOKER 913 ICU Adm Date/Time 914 Pt. Name 915 MRN# 916 Allergy 1 917 Diagnosis/op 918 Attending MD 919 Service 920 Admit Ht 921 DOB 922 Sex 923 Admit Date 924 Readmission 925 Marital Status 926 Religion 927 Allergy 2 928 Home Phone No. 929 Work Phone No. 930 Ext 931 Page Phone No. 932 PIN 933 Cell Phone No. 934 Account # 935 Allergy 3 936 Other Notes 937 ambu 938 blood cultures 939 nephrostomy dsg. 940 trach care 941 urine culture 942 BLOOD CULTURES 943 C. DIFF 944 Chest PT 945 FOLEY CHANGED 946 STV 947 FUNDUS CHECK 948 PERIPAD CHANGE 949 Dilaudid 950 METHANOL 951 CLOT TO BLOODBANK 952 ABG HCT 953 AMMONIA LEVEL 954 TYLENOL LEVEL 955 ABD PRESSURE 956 CPT 957 CRYOGLOBULIN 958 Dilaudid gtt 959 GALLBLAD DSD/FLUSH 960 H PYLORI SEROLOGY 961 HEP C VIRAL LOAD 962 MP splints 963 PPD PLANTED 4/12 964 THAM CC/HR 965 fdp 966 Lt arm sling 967 MASK O2 % 968 EKG 969 PROCEDURES COMPLETED 970 TRACH CARE 971 blood cult 972 passy muir valve 973 urine cult 974 HEMOVAC DRAIN SITE 975 rt finger sat 976 rt thumb sat 977 TRACHE CARE 978 MULTIPODUS SPLINTS 979 TSH LEVEL 980 diluadid 981 dilaudid 982 VACC dsg 983 LEECH THERAPY 984 DILAUDID 985 bearhugger 986 ABG Hct 987 Clot to Blood Bank 988 CDIFF SAMPLE 989 CPT RIGHT/LEFT 990 Abd pressure 991 Cisatracuri mg/kg/mn 992 PGE 1 MCG/MIN 993 bladder pressure 994 recruitment breath 995 vt 996 BLADDER PRESSURE 997 INSUFFLATED O2/ETT 998 amiodarone mg/hr 999 CISATRACURIUM 1000 cisatricurium 1001 rotation 1002 MULTIPODIS 1003 cuff pressure 1004 L ulnar pulse 1005 RT radial pulse 1006 Rt ulnar pulse 1007 vac dsg 1008 VAC THERAPY 1009 COLLAR CARE 1010 High exhaled min vol 1011 urine osmolarity 1012 INNER CANNULA 1013 FACIAL DROOP 1014 MULTIPODUS SPLINTS. 1015 PASSY MUIR VALVE 1016 clot to BB 1017 Recruit Breath Pres. 1018 Recruit. Breath time 1019 THIGH HI TEDS 1020 CLOT TO BLOOD BANK 1021 PEG DSG CHANGE 1022 Trach care 1023 cisatra mcg/kg/min 1024 FLUID BAGS TO CHEST 1025 clot to blood bank 1026 Clot To Blood Bank 1027 abdominal binder 1028 Cisatracurium 1029 INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 1030 JP DRAIN CREAT 1031 Incentive spirometer 1032 Hi/minute/vol/alarm 1033 DRSG CHANGE COCCYX 1034 RA SAT 1035 WEDGE SAT 1036 protonics 1037 O2 % 1038 Hi/minute/vols alarm 1039 MDI #4 1040 BIpap FIO2 1041 flap doppler 1042 acetomenophen 1043 Less Restrict Meas. 1044 Pain Level 1045 Pain Level/Response 1046 Pain Present 1047 Range of Motion 1048 zzzn Management 1049 AICD 1050 left thigh hematoma 1051 passy-muir valve 1052 rocuronium 1053 bed/bath linen 1054 protonix 1055 Hi/Minute/vol/alarm 1056 chest pt 1057 edema 1058 foley cath. care 1059 shampoo hair 1060 ammonia 1061 mulitpodis boots 1062 PMV on/off 1063 bath 1064 oett tap change 1065 oett tape change 1066 shave 1067 apnea test 1068 cortisol level 1069 seizure activity 1070 shampoo 1071 amount of oral sx 1072 color of oral sx 1073 cooling blanket 1074 oral suction 1075 thyroxine 1076 tsh 1077 HAIR WASHED 1078 BATH 1079 INV#1Chg o/Wire Date 1080 INV#2Chg o/Wire Date 1081 INV#3Chg o/Wire Date 1082 INV#4Chg o/Wire Date 1083 INV#5Chg o/Wire Date 1084 INV#6Chg o/Wire Date 1085 INV#7Chg o/Wire Date 1086 INV#8Chg o/Wire Date 1087 Pain Assess Method 1088 Pain Management #2 1089 PainLevel Acceptable 1090 Ramsey SedationScale 1091 Trach Insert Date 1092 zzzzz Date 1093 coccyx drsg change 1094 PODUS BOOT 1095 cuff leak present 1096 Auto-PEEP level 1097 Pantoprazole mg/hr 1098 cisatracurium mg/kg 1099 tegretol 1100 PRESSURE BAG R.GROIN 1101 PROTONIX 1102 high exhaled min vol 1103 cvp 1104 HI/Minute/vol/alarm 1105 Meperidine 1106 Meperidine mg/hr 1107 DEMEROL DRIP 1108 mucomyst 1109 PINK PADS CHANGED 1110 drsg change 1111 PEG TUBE DRESSING 1112 l/r heel drsg change 1113 sacral drsg change 1114 FOLLOWS CONSISTENTLY 1115 passey muir valve 1116 passey-muir valve 1117 PASSEY MUIR VALVE 1118 multipodus boot 1119 seizure pads 1120 trach 1121 HI/Minute/Vol/Alarm 1122 lepirudin 1123 dsg change to coccyx 1124 NESIRITIDE 1125 Service Type 1126 Art.pH ABG 1127 WBC (4-11,000) Hematology 1128 ZArterial pH ABG 1129 ZCreatinine (0-1.3) Chemistry 1130 ZPotassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry 1131 ZSodium (135-148) Chemistry 1132 ZWBC (4-11,000) Hematology 1133 Multi-podis boots 1134 pad change 1135 PAD CHANGE 1136 vasopressin 1137 Admit Date: 1138 MR#: 1139 Attending MD: 1140 Age: 1141 Patient Name: 1142 Admit Diagnosis: 1143 Code Status: 1144 Today's Date: 1145 Transfered From: 1146 Transfer To: 1147 Time of Transfer: 1148 SpO2: 1149 NBP: 1150 Heart Rate: 1151 Respiratory Rate: 1152 24h Total In: 1153 24h Total Out: 1154 Temperature F: 1155 PaO2 1156 PaCO2 1157 CO2(Calc) 1158 Na+ 1159 K+ 1160 Cl- 1161 CO2 1162 BUN 1163 BS 1164 Hct 1165 Hgb 1166 Type In: 1167 Prosthesis: 1168 Sent Home with 1169 Receipt # 1170 Cash Amt: 1171 Credit Cards: 1172 Cash/Credit Cards sent home with: 1173 Jewelry: 1174 Glasses 1175 Contact Lens 1176 Dentures: 1177 Upper 1178 Lower 1179 Partial/Bridge 1180 Hearing Aid: 1181 R Ear 1182 L Ear 1183 Transferred with Patient 1184 No Money/Wallet 1185 Hospital Cashier 1186 Signature of Transferring RN: 1187 demerol 1188 dressing change 1189 finger stick 1190 natrecor mcg/kg/min 1191 Glucometer 1192 Pericardial Pressure 1193 L. ARM SLING 1194 natrecor 1195 HFI Bias Flow: 1196 HFO % I time 1197 HFO Amplitude 1198 HFO Frq. (Hz) 1199 HFO MAP 1200 High MAP Alarm 1201 Low MAP alarm 1202 bathed 1203 fleets enema 1204 Bias Flow 1205 HFO Amplitude deta P 1206 HFO FIO2: 1207 HFO Hz: 1208 HFO max pres. alarm 1209 HFO mean airway Pres 1210 HFO min. pres. alarm 1211 Insp Time % 1212 EOMs 1213 shoulder shrug r/l 1214 smile 1215 swallow 1216 tongue 1217 vision 1218 rotating bed 1219 PASat 1220 Psa02 1221 RAD. ALINE 1222 VASOPRESSIN 1223 HIGH EXHALED MIN VOL 1224 Heliox PSI 1225 check bruit l arm 1226 Pantoprazole mg/hr 1227 autopeep 1228 aerosol mask 1229 sling 1230 peri care 1231 side rails padded 1232 RLE Aspiration Site 1233 heliox 1234 Lines/Tubes/Drains: 1235 Date/Time of Transfer 1236 Signature of RN: 1237 No 1238 Yes 1239 Good 1240 Fair 1241 Poor 1242 Pt 1243 Family member 1244 Friend 1245 Other 1246 Identified Spiritual/Cultural Needs 1247 Changes/Concerns 1248 Due Date 1249 Last Menses 1250 Lives alone 1251 With family 1252 With spouse 1253 Requested 1254 No Problems 1255 Post menopausal 1256 Allergies 1257 Additional History 1258 Reason for Admission/Present Illness 1259 Spokesperson / Home Phone # 1260 PreAdmission Medications 1261 Anemia 1262 Angina 1263 Arrhythmias 1264 Asthma 1265 Diabetes/Oral Agent 1266 Diabetes/Insulin 1267 GI Bleed 1268 Hepatitis 1269 Hypertension 1270 Liver Failure 1271 Pacemaker 1272 Pancreatitis 1273 Renal Failure 1274 Seizures 1275 Smoker 1276 CHF 1277 ld 1278 Steady 1279 Unsteady 1280 Intact 1281 Impaired 1282 Cane 1283 Walker 1284 Wheelchair 1285 OT 1286 PT 1287 Pastoral Services 1288 Addiction Nurse 1289 Nutrition 1290 Pain Service 1291 Respiratory 1292 Psych Liaison Nurse 1293 Social Work 1294 Diabetes Nurse Specialist 1295 Interpreter 1296 Swallowing 1297 The Learning Ctr 1298 Palliative Care 1299 ET Nurse 1300 Adm Weight 1301 24h Total In 1302 Prothesis 1303 Receipt 1304 Cash/Credit Cards sent home With: 1305 Credit Cards 1306 Hearing Aid 1307 Dentures 1308 Partial Bridge 1309 No Wallet/Money 1310 FINGERSTICK GLUCOSE. 1311 XIGRIS 1312 abductor pillow 1313 High Exhaled min vol 1314 r leg drsg change 1315 T-pice 1316 left foot dressing 1317 DEMEROL 1318 None 1319 Signature of Receiving RN: 1320 Arrival Time 1321 map 1322 rad. aline 1323 high exhaled min.vol 1324 nif 1325 vc 1326 chest tube drsgs. 1327 vasopressin unit/min 1328 Cartridge/Bag Change 1329 Initials (2 RNs) 1330 Med Wasted/Amt 1331 Protonix mg/hr 1332 pulse 1333 perineum care 1334 MDI # 4 (drug/puffs) 1335 Tacrolimus 1336 Protonix 1337 Riker-SAS Scale 1338 L stump dsg changed 1339 bed rotation q2hrs. 1340 high minute volume 1341 PULSE 1342 fentanyl 1343 versed 1344 arterial b/p 1345 arterial b/p mean 1346 l upper body drsg 1347 CVP SAT 1348 podus boots 1349 PTH 1350 ionized calcium 1351 ASA 1352 urine pH 1353 multi podus 1354 vanco peak 1355 Fentanyl IV 1356 Rubinul IV 1357 versed IV 1358 ciwa 1359 complete bath 1360 face mask 02% 1361 mcgs Fentanyl IV 1362 mg Versed IV 1363 Bivalirudin 1364 ALCOHOL BATH 1365 periph edema 1366 CCI 1367 CCO 1368 dressing changes 1369 COMPLETE BATH 1370 Demerol 1371 cco 1372 ci 1373 svr 1374 ICP Right 1375 bed bath 1376 NEB 1377 bivalirudin 1378 Continuous CI 1379 Continuous CO 1380 High exhaled min.vol 1381 ARGATROBAN 1382 bedbath 1383 high minute vol. 1384 MultiPodus Splints 1385 NO tank 1386 nitric 1387 Multipodus Splints 1388 decub drsg. 1389 egg crate 1390 DO2 1391 DO2I 1392 Ejection Fraction 1393 F-Ideal Body Wgt Kg 1394 Height Inches 1395 M-Ideal Body Wgt Kg 1396 PaO2/FiO2 (>200) 1397 RSBI (<100) 1398 RVEDV 1399 RVEF 1400 RVESV 1401 zzO2AV 1402 zzO2AVI 1403 zzzPaO2/FiO2 (>200) 1404 Bladder pressure 1405 L AND R CALF DRSG 1406 L AND R HEEL DRSG 1407 CIWA SCALE 1408 foley irrigated. 1409 incentive spiromety 1410 IS 1411 Bladder Pressure 1412 fentanyl iv 1413 midazolin iv 1414 rubinol 1415 robinul 1416 picc 1417 L&R DECUB DRSG CHGE 1418 multipodus boots 1419 FLOLAN 1420 Aggitation 1421 Anxiety 1422 Ataxia 1423 Auditory Disturbance 1424 CIWA Sum Total 1425 Daily Wake Up 1426 Drowsiness 1427 GI Prophylaxis 1428 Headache 1429 Insomnia 1430 Nausea and Vomiting 1431 Orient/Clouding Sens 1432 Paroxysmal Sweats 1433 Seizure 1434 Slurred Speech 1435 Sustained Nystamus 1436 Tactile Disturbances 1437 Tremor 1438 Ulnar Pulse R/L 1439 Visual Disturbances 1440 zzSustained nystamus 1441 zzzAtaxia 1442 zzzDrowsiness 1443 zzzInsomnia 1444 zzzSeizure 1445 zzzSlurred speech 1446 zzzzGI Prophylasis 1447 Transpulmonary Pres 1448 Vd/Vt: 1449 Arterial BP(Rad) 1450 level one 1451 L girth size 1452 #1 chest tube irrig. 1453 CT DRSG 1454 r hips drsg change 1455 fingerstick glucose 1456 popliteal pulse r/l 1457 CPAP 1458 L ankle dsg change 1459 gluteral drsg change 1460 D5W 100meq NaHC03 1461 DW5100meq Nabicarb 1462 wrist restraints 1463 pad count 1464 ZZZly Wake Up 1465 Back Dsg 1466 ATC 1467 Pericare 1468 HI/Minute/Vol/alarm 1469 LLE circumference 1470 drsgs change 1471 left leg measurement 1472 Bivaliruden 1473 Ferritin 1474 Folate 1475 Haptoglobin 1476 Transferrin 1477 Vit B12 1478 pericard drain irr. 1479 IV #1 Reason DC'D 1480 IV #2 Reason DC'D 1481 IV #3 Reason DC'D 1482 IV #4 Reason DC'D 1483 RSBI Not Completed 1484 Risk for Falls 1485 Bivalirudin mg/kg/hr 1486 High Minute Volume 1487 hi min vent 1488 HIGH MIN. VENTIL. 1489 Transtracheal 1490 oob to chair 1491 apnea time 1492 High MV Alarm 1493 LAVAGE 1494 r nare-saline irrign 1495 urine ph 1496 HIGH MIN. VENT. 1497 High Vent Alarm 1498 High Minute Vo;ume 1499 high min. vol 1500 HI MV ALARM 1501 FOLEY CLAMPED 1502 bladder irrig. 60cc 1503 Bed Bath 1504 High min. volume 1505 Palmer Pulses R/L 1506 high min. vol. 1507 HIGH MINUTE VOL 1508 Hi/Minute/Vol/Alarm 1509 bld pres 1510 high Ve 1511 FENa 1512 bbaaath 1513 Hi Min Vol 1514 Hi Tidal Vol 1515 decub drsg change 1516 Family Meeting 1517 Readmit <48 hrs 1518 xxxx 1519 zzzReadmit <48 hrs 1520 ACT Coags 1521 Albumin Chemistry 1522 Calcium Chemistry 1523 Chloride Chemistry 1524 Cholesterol Chemistry 1525 Creatinine Chemistry 1526 D-Dimer Coags 1527 Direct Bili Chemistry 1528 Fibrinogen Coags 1529 Glucose Chemistry 1530 INR Coags 1531 Lactic Acid Chemistry 1532 Magnesium Chemistry 1533 PTT Coags 1534 Phosphorous Chemistry 1535 Potassium Chemistry 1536 Sodium Chemistry 1537 Thrombin Coags 1538 Total Bili Chemistry 1539 Total Protein Chemistry 1540 Triglyceride Chemistry 1541 Uric Acid Chemistry 1542 WBC Hematology 1543 chest tube drsg. 1544 high min 1545 hand drsg change 1546 high ve 1547 fundus 1548 Lt hand splint &ace 1549 liperudin 1550 lipirudin 1551 high MV 1552 d5w 10gm ca+ glucon 1553 flank drsg change 1554 nephr. tubes irrig. 1555 Apnea Interval 1556 High min. vol 1557 automatic tube comp. 1558 APRV P HIGH 1559 APRV P LOW 1560 APRV T HIGH 1561 APRV T LOW 1562 High Minute Ventil. 1563 ob pad change 1564 pink pad change 1565 High MV Limit 1566 high min vol 1567 apnea 1568 high me 1569 high min vol. 1570 HI TIDAL VOL 1571 ABG 1572 low me 1573 Right Carotid Site 1574 GU cath flush 1575 HIGH MINUTE VOL. 1576 automatic tube com 1577 high minute vent 1578 HI/Minute/Vol 1579 CORNEAL REFLEXES 1580 HI/Minute/Volume 1581 APRV 1582 P high 1583 P lo 1584 T hi 1585 T lo 1586 Xigris mcg/kg/hr 1587 xigris mg/hr 1588 min vol 1589 RA 1590 disconnect alarm 1591 waffle boots 1592 Left Arm Girth (cm) 1593 hi min vol. 1594 HI/MINUTE/VOL 1595 Seizure Pads 1596 HIGH MV 1597 Flolan chart cc/hr 1598 Flovan chart as cchr 1599 HIGH MINUTE VENT. 1600 HIGH MINUTE VOLUME 1601 C.C.O 1602 hepa filter 1603 multi podis boots 1604 HI/Minute/Vol/ 1605 METHYLPRED 450MG/HR 1606 spinal precautions 1607 Disconnect alarm 1608 air mattress 1609 Isuprel 1mcg/min 1610 THERA VEST 15 MIN. 1611 I time 1612 Pres. High 1613 Pres. Low 1614 Time High 1615 Time Low 1616 High MV. 1617 peripad change 1618 high tidal vol 1619 Lepirudin 1620 L foot CSM check 1621 High/Min/Vent 1622 Alarms 1623 Parameters Checked 1624 PreSep Catheter SVO2 1625 zzzzmeters Checked 1626 CPT/VEST 1627 Muco lavg 1628 Percussive vest 1629 vanco 1630 podis boots 1631 High/MIN/VENT 1632 PMV 1633 HIGH/MIN/VENT 1634 lactated ringers 1635 HIGH Resp Rate 1636 Lavage 1637 pneumo boots 1638 cortisol 1639 High MV 1640 PEG care 1641 high min. volume 1642 Brachial Site 1643 Brachial Site Appear 1644 Brachial Site Dressi 1645 LLE drsg change 1646 RLE drsg change 1647 coccyx dsg change 1648 HIGH ME 1649 Hi MV Alarm Set 1650 high mv 1651 High Tidal Volume 1652 MP boots 1653 Bed Alarm 1654 HIGH VE 1655 Insp. Time 1656 Press Low 1657 Pressw High 1658 driving pressure 1659 high min vent 1660 High Tidal volume 1661 Bed alarms on 1662 High min vol 1663 Calcium gluconate 1664 Low exhaled min vol 1665 High Min Vol 1666 phigh 1667 plow 1668 thigh 1669 tlow 1670 driveP 1671 act 1672 MEAN AIRWAY PRESS 1673 PH 1674 PL 1675 TH 1676 TL 1677 Altepase mg/hr 1678 Time disconnect 1679 high min. vent. 1680 flush catheter 1681 high MV. 1682 multi podus boots 1683 Low minute volume 1684 APNEA 1685 HI MV 1686 Hi insp. pressure 1687 high minute vol 1688 passy muir 1689 P High 1690 P low 1691 T high 1692 T low 1693 check for pulsus q4h 1694 HI VE 1695 Atr Sens Thresh mV 1696 Atr Stim Thresh mA 1697 Atrial Sens mV/mA 1698 GI#1 Intub Site 1699 GI#2 Intub Site 1700 GI#3 Intub Site 1701 GI#3 Tube Stat/Drain 1702 GI#3 tube PlaceCheck 1703 Health Care Proxy 1704 PA line cm Mark 1705 Vent Sens Thresh mV 1706 Vent Sens mV/mA 1707 Vent Stim Thresh mA 1708 zz#3 Tube PlaceCheck 1709 zzz Sens Thresh mV 1710 zzz Stim Thresh mA 1711 zzzt Stim Thresh mA 1712 zzzz Sens Thresh mV 1713 Dexmedetomine HCl 1714 Nicardipine HCl 1715 Nicardipine mg/hr 1716 hand mitts 1717 tPA mg/hr 1718 High Minute Vent. 1719 NRB 1720 high exhale MV 1721 Ribaviron 1722 Waffle boots 1723 HIGH EXHALE MV 1724 High exhaled MV 1725 Pulse 1726 HIGH MIN VENT 1727 TDISCONNECT 1728 nebulizer 1729 Hi Min Vent 1730 RIBAVIRIN RX 1731 drive P. 1732 Hair washed 1733 Nimbex Mcg/kg/min 1734 TOF 1735 Multipodus boots 1736 hi/min/vent 1737 HI/Minute/vol 1738 high/min/vent 1739 Passey Muir Valve 1740 R rad pulse 1741 Auto Tube Comp 1742 QTC 1743 bed alarm 1744 R NEPHROSTOMY 1745 Passey Muir valve 1746 hi MV 1747 l.heel drsg change E 1748 sse's and fleets 1749 milk/molasses enema 1750 HI/minute/vol/alarm 1751 BUTTUCK DRSG CHANGE 1752 CHEST DRSG. 1753 Lepirudin _mg/hr 1754 HI/MINUTE/VOL/ALARM. 1755 venodyne boots 1756 Low min. volume 1757 cardiac index 1758 HI MIN VOL 1759 apnea interval 1760 DRSG CHANGE R ARM 1761 HI/MINUTE/VOL/ALARM 1762 DEFLATE RECTAL FOLEY 1763 GU AMPHO IRRIGATION 1764 HUMIDIFIED O2 1765 MASK VENTILATION 1766 OFT 1767 URINE FOR KETONES 1768 nasal cannula 1769 open mask 40% 1770 COOLING BLANKET 1771 Cisatricurium 1772 TROMETHAMINE 1773 Posey belt 1774 TEGRETOL 1775 INCENTIVE SPIROMETY 1776 CHEST PAIN 1777 chest pain 1778 lamp tx to donor si 1779 SEREVENT 1780 hi/minute/vol/alarm 1781 BED ALARM 1782 High Exhaled min.vol 1783 bag/mask/ecap/alarm 1784 Posey 1785 bed alarm on 1786 quinidine 1787 ambu/mask/ecap/alarm 1788 drsgs 1789 Heli-ox 1790 bag/mask/e-cap/alarm 1791 multi-podis boot 1792 RT thigh Girth 1793 Verapimil mg/hr 1794 verapamil 1795 Vent equipment check 1796 Protonex 1797 Lepuridin mg/hr 1798 Neosynephrine 1799 versed iv 1800 VERSED IV 1801 captopril 1802 lopressor 1803 Solumedrol 1804 fingersticks 1805 RECTAL FOLEY CARE 1806 bronchoscopy 1807 cisatracurim 1808 BedBath 1809 PA sat 1810 Recruitment Br Cm/s 1811 Mouth Care 1812 abg: glucose 1813 Morphine Sulfate 1814 Nitroglycerine drip 1815 Propofol Drip 1816 QUINIDINE 1817 ETCO2 1818 PECO2 1819 Protonix ml/hr 1820 alcohol bath 1821 potassium phosphate 1822 PASSE-MUIR VALVE 1823 traach care 1824 C&DB 1825 ua, c&s 1826 lepirudin mg/hr 1827 sacra decub dressing 1828 Cont Neb Dosage 1829 autosigh 1830 etco2 1831 cpt and quad cough 1832 Trach care. 1833 L arm circumference 1834 TPA 10mg/500ccNS 1835 Heparin level 1836 Calcium Glu 2gms/D5W 1837 Flolan 1838 Lithium level 1839 Multi podis boot 1840 IRRIGATE PIGTAIL 1841 PHILI COLLAR INTACT 1842 IPPB 1843 PEG dsg Change 1844 position 1845 fingerstick bs 1846 back dressing change 1847 CIWA scale 1848 D5W 1849 PEG Care 1850 Carotid Artery Pulse 1851 DSG CHANGE 1852 ETT rotation 1853 protonix mg/hr 1854 AT PULSES 1855 TRACH care 1856 Vecuronium mcg/min 1857 nesiritide 1858 cisatracurium 1859 HFO %I-time 1860 HFO Delta P (amplt) 1861 HFO Hz 1862 HFO-Bias Flow 1863 HFO-FiO2 1864 HFO-Max mean airway 1865 HFO-Min mean airway 1866 RLE PT/DP pulses 1867 LITHIUM 1868 VALPROIC 1869 CIWA Scale 1870 multipodis boots 1871 versed 400mg/100ml 1872 Shave 1873 HELIOX 1874 methadone 1875 Signs of DT's 1876 PROTONIX MG/HR 1877 Cold colorics 1878 methylprednisolone 1879 xigris 1880 Urine pH 1881 peak flow 1882 cardiac echo 1883 Spont Minute vols 1884 Spont Resp rate 1885 Fingerstick glucose 1886 dextrose 1887 Neo 120mg/250ml 1888 pitressin u/hr 1889 acetycysteine 1890 Right Groin Check 1891 Heliox 1892 BED BATH 1893 RIGHT ARM 1894 Right LE w->d drsg 1895 Intra abd pressure 1896 MPB 1897 Protonix 80mg/250mL 1898 pantoprazole 1899 passe muir valve 1900 MULTIPODIS BOOTS 1901 acetone 1902 sodium phosphate 1903 OOB TO CHAIR 1904 Qtc 1905 Left LE drsg change 1906 Elastic gloves 1907 PAsat 1908 GROIN DRESSING 1909 RT LE PULSE 1910 BAth 1911 N/V 1912 ASTERIXIS 1913 Venodynes 1914 Cpap 1915 Morphine 1916 ice packs 1917 Urine Na+ 1918 Urine Osm 1919 Urine creat 1920 GT Care 1921 Phenytoin 1922 1.Nausea &vomitting 1923 2.tactile Disturban 1924 3.Tremor 1925 4.Auditory disturban 1926 5.Paroxysmal sweats 1927 6.visual Disturbanc 1928 7.anxiety 1929 8.headach,fullness 1930 9.agitation 1931 Total CIWA scale 1932 1. Nausea and Vomit. 1933 2.Tremor 1934 3.Paroxysmal Sweats 1935 4. Anxiety 1936 5. Auditory Disturb. 1937 6. Agitation 1938 7. Tactile Disturb. 1939 8. Visual Disturb. 1940 9. H/A Head fullness 1941 Total CIWA 1942 INO Tank Press 1943 INO Vent 1944 Coccyx w->d drsg chg 1945 LLcalf w->d drsg chg 1946 fsbs 1947 CHEST PT. 1948 Trache Care 1949 famotidine mg/hr 1950 Back 1951 ABDOMINAL DRESSING 1952 Aveeno Bath 1953 L arm manual BP 1954 R arm manual BP 1955 Xygris 1956 R ARM SPLINT 1957 mycomist 1958 OWN CPAP MACHINE 1959 1% lidocaine 1960 High Min. Vol. 1961 bathg 1962 LIVER FLAPPING 1963 SITTER 1964 Camino Monitor 1965 hi min vol 1966 HI MV Alarm 1967 insentive spir 1968 Verapamil 1969 abduction pillow 1970 magnesium 2gm/hr 1971 Oral drng 1972 Ptosis 1973 mpodus boot 1974 Inflated boots 1975 apnea time interval 1976 hi min vent. 1977 Lt ft drsg change 1978 high me alarm 1979 cpt 1980 cast /splint r leg 1981 HighMV Alarm 1982 HIGH MV ALARM 1983 done 1984 abd/bldr press 1985 Neb 1986 hi tidal vol 1987 glucagon 1988 Inc. sprirometry 1989 Medium full mask 1990 High minute vent. 1991 pronator drift 1992 ATC ON: 1993 Inc. spirometry 1994 DEXMEDETOMIDINE 1995 posey vest 1996 HIGH MIN. VOL. 1997 HELIOX(80/20) 1998 Facial Droop 1999 Pronator Drift 2000 Inspiratory Time 2001 TLSO Brace 2002 fistula 2003 HIGH MIN VOL 2004 left groin pressure 2005 right groin pressure 2006 high min volume 2007 Urine Cl 2008 Urine K 2009 Urine Na 2010 Urine osm 2011 inc spirometry 2012 lo MV 2013 Bupivacaine 2014 lithium level 2015 ATC ON 2016 Apnea Test 2017 Done 2018 High min volume 2019 High min vol. 2020 r leg elevated 2021 Seizure Precautions 2022 NIF 2023 Irrigate oral tube 2024 BACK 2025 High pressure 2026 High time 2027 Low pressure 2028 Low time 2029 Xigris 2030 automatic tube comp 2031 60 second apnea test 2032 high min. vent 2033 High VE 2034 High min. vent. 2035 multipod boots 2036 high min. 2037 PC driving press 2038 ATC % 2039 PHIGH 2040 PLOW 2041 THIGH 2042 TLOW 2043 Tidal Vol (P High) 2044 Tidal Vol (P Low) 2045 icp left 2046 hi minute vol 2047 Bacteria Fil. Change 2048 C/A cool neb 2049 HI TIDAL VOLUME 2050 Low MV 2051 Collar care 2052 Nicardipine 2053 high VE 2054 side rails 2055 Ext. flow comp. 2056 Nitric Oxide 2057 nitric tank pressure 2058 Hi VE 2059 Driving pressure 2060 Disconnect alarm. 2061 EPOPROSTENOL 2062 NO ppm 2063 NO tank psi 2064 in-exsufflator 2065 HIGH TIDAL VOLUME 2066 atc 2067 chest bags 2068 ino vent 2069 hi tidal volume 2070 nicardipine gtt 2071 P (drive) 2072 Pinsp 2073 auto peep 2074 AV Fistula 2075 ETT rotated 2076 HI(GH MV 2077 nicardipine 25mg/250 2078 Nitric Oxide ppm 2079 Nitric tank psi 2080 high NO 2081 high NO2 2082 left lower arm 2083 left upper arm 2084 right lower arm 2085 right upper arm 2086 R groin angio site 2087 Nebulizer 2088 FOOT CARE 2089 highmv 2090 HI/minute/Vol 2091 dexmedetomidine 2092 T deconnect 2093 Nicardipine mcg/k/mn 2094 Spont VT 2095 Octreotide 2096 Automatic Tube Comp 2097 high tidal volume 2098 BariAir Auto Turn 2099 lymphedema sleeve 2100 cardene mcg/kg/min 2101 nicardipine mg/hr 2102 Heliox Tank Pressure 2103 High minute volume 2104 BRONCHOSCOPY 2105 hi minute volume 2106 study drug/24mcg/k/h 2107 pinsp 2108 I Time 2109 High MV alarm 2110 Mucomyst 2111 airway P high 2112 continuous C.O 2113 waffleboots 2114 Assess Peak Flow 2115 soap suds enema 2116 Disconnect 2117 Low resp rate 2118 I.T 2119 Slope 2120 R elastic glove 2121 Incentive Spirometer 2122 congested 2123 High exhale MV 2124 high mn vent 2125 slope 2126 Hi/Minute/Vol 2127 high exhale mv 2128 FDPs 2129 Driving Pressure 2130 NO tank PSI 2131 Nitric oxide 2132 flolan 2133 PCV-Delta P 2134 USN 2135 CCO CI 2136 CCO CO 2137 Nephrostomy Drain 2138 ett rotated 2139 EDVI 2140 Glucagon 2141 Glucagon mg/hr 2142 Bed Rotation Mode 2143 multipodus 2144 BED EXIT ALARM ON 2145 tpa 2146 edvi 2147 Left Ulnar Pulse 2148 SureStep Glucose 2149 Amiodarone mg/min 2150 CHEST PT 2151 VENT DRAIN ^ TRAGUS 2152 BETADINE TO STERNUM 2153 Cisatracur. mcg/kg/m 2154 MOUTH CARE 2155 deflate rectal tube 2156 BLD CULT 2157 PASSE- MUIR VALVE 2158 PERIP BLD CULT 2159 SPUTUM CULT 2160 URINE "A" 2161 aprotinin cc/hr 2162 IABP TIMING ADJUSTED 2163 NIMBEX MCG/KG/MIN 2164 NIMBEX MG/KG/HR 2165 NIMBEX mcg/kg/min 2166 PRECEDEX MCG/KG/HR 2167 ALCOHOL CC/HR. 2168 nasal prongs. 2169 AOEDP 2170 ASSISTED SYSTOLE 2171 DIASTOLIC AUGMENTAT 2172 DIASTOLIC UNLOADING 2173 EYE CARE 2174 SYSTOLIC UNLOADING 2175 TIMING ADJUSTED 2176 UNASSISTED SYSTOLE 2177 AMIOD. MG/MIN 2178 LT. AV FISTULA BRUIT 2179 LOWER GRAFT PULSE 2180 amiodarone mg/min 2181 Pancuronium mg/hr 2182 RT groin 2183 Rt groin check 2184 tounge/smile midline 2185 CALCIUM GLUCONATE 2186 drain irrigation 2187 AMIODARONE MG/MIN 2188 precedex mcg/kg/hr 2189 precedex mcg/kg/m 2190 MULTI PODUS BOOTS 2191 FACIAL DROOP-RT 2192 CHEST TUBES IRRIGAT. 2193 picc flushed 2194 SVO2 2195 precedex 2196 PRECEDEX 2197 TRACH PCKING CHGED 2198 EPIDURAL 2199 stool c-diff 2200 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 2201 Precedex 2202 PRECEDEX MCG/K/HR 2203 SOLUMEDROL 2204 sputum c&s 2205 rectal foley deflate 2206 fem art bp 2207 fem art mean 2208 fem. art bp 2209 MULTIPODUS BOOT 2210 LT ARM AV FISTULA 2211 PRECEDEXMCG/KG/HR 2212 MEDICATED SHAMPOO 2213 bicarb meq/hr 2214 transvenous pacer 2215 SPONT.TIDAL VOLUME 2216 left flank pulse 2217 lepirdun 2218 pubic pulse 2219 PRECEDEX MCG/K/H 2220 chest pain level 2221 NP'S 2222 Precedex mcg/kg/hr 2223 PRECEDEX MCQ/KG/HR 2224 URINE CREAT 2225 URINE NA 2226 URINE OSMO 2227 URINE SPEC GRAV 2228 BEDSIDE SITTER 2229 PAW 2230 MAMMARY BINDER 2231 AMBU/MASK/SYRIN/ECAP 2232 AMBU/MASK/ECAP/SYRIN 2233 UE SPLINTS 2234 Trach Collar 2235 DIALYSIS DONE 2236 MULTIPODUS BOOTS 2237 feml bp 2238 LEVEL ABOVE TRAGUS 2239 AMBU/MASK/ECAP/SYRNG 2240 PEG TUBE PLACEMENT 2241 PERCUTANEOUS TRACH 2242 SUBDURAL DRAIN 2243 NASAL PRONG 2244 PRECEDEX (MCG/KG/HR) 2245 Narcan mg/hr 2246 RIGHT AV FIST BRUIT 2247 FEML ART 2248 VASOPRESSIN UNIT/MIN 2249 cisatrac.mcg/kg/min 2250 BLOOD CULTURES PER 2251 restraints 2252 type restraint 2253 MULTI PODIS BOOTS 2254 Pulses R/L 2255 CUFF LEAK 2256 FEM A LINE 2257 IRRIG FOLEY 60CC NS 2258 OPEN WOUND DSG CHG 2259 FREE T4 (0.7 - 1.8) 2260 T3 (60-170) 2261 T4 (5-12) 2262 TSH LEVEL (0.3 - 5.) 2263 Echo at bedside 2264 Clot in Blood Bank 2265 MVO2 2266 LOGROLL 2267 FS glucose 2268 BREAST BINDER 2269 SPONT Vt 2270 L AV FISTULA 2271 cuff leak 2272 gastric ph 2273 vanco level 2274 APROTININ U/HR 2275 FEM LINE BP 2276 FENTANYL 2277 VERSED 2278 angiogram/w/ coil 2279 URINE KETONES 2280 1:1 sitter 2281 VENT DRAIN 2282 vent drain level 2283 PRECEDEX MG/K/HR 2284 Cisatra mcg/kg/min 2285 nimbex mcg/kg/min 2286 URINE MYOGLOBIN 2287 APROTININ CC/HR 2288 L ARM ELEVATION 2289 HEPARIN 2290 nimbex mcg/kg/m 2291 FOLEY CATH IRRIG 2292 APNEA TEST 2293 ART BP 2294 ART MEAN 2295 Clot to blood bank 2296 Precedex (mcg/kg/hr) 2297 Aggrastat cc/hr 2298 CISATRICURIUM 2299 Compression sleeve 2300 L LEG WAFFLE BOOT 2301 CIS/CURIUM MG/KG/HR 2302 R GOIN DRSG CHANGED 2303 Rknee immobilizer 2304 aprotamine 2305 aprotinin 2306 TPA 1MG/5CC 2307 WAFFLE BOOTS 2308 FEM ALINE 2309 FEM ALINE MAP 2310 cisatracuri/mcg/kg/m 2311 VT 2312 cx&gm sent 2313 ICE PACKS OU 2314 cpp 2315 HAIR WASH 2316 Passy-Muir valve 2317 Cortisol Level 2318 Cortisol level 2319 low exhaled min. vol 2320 Lower leg splint 2321 PEJ SITE CARE 2322 suprapubic tube care 2323 TV 2324 PACING WIRES 2325 CLOT TO BB 2326 (R) FEMORAL SHEATH 2327 30 MIN CORTISOL 2328 60 MIN CORTISOL 2329 BASELINE CORTISOL 2330 CISATRACUR MCG/K/MIN 2331 HI-FLOW NEB 2332 Clot in blood bank. 2333 vasopressin 200u/250 2334 vasopressin u/hr 2335 ICEPACK TO R EYE 2336 cist mcg/kg/min. 2337 peric. drain flushed 2338 finger stick glucose 2339 APROTONIN 2340 HIGH EXHALED MIN.VOL 2341 CLOT IN BLOODBANK 2342 ABD DSG CHANGED 2343 CHANGE PERI PAD 2344 TPA MG/HR 2345 RT GROIN DSG CHANGE 2346 RT LEG DSG NS W-D 2347 BLADDER PRESSURE. 2348 FINGERSTICK GLUCOSE 2349 APROTONIN U/HR 2350 mammary supporter 2351 GROIN BP 2352 R FEM ARTERIAL BP 2353 R FEM MAP 2354 breast pumping 2355 solumedrol mg/kg/hr 2356 RIGHT HEEL DRESSING 2357 CORTISOL 2358 ALBUMIN 2359 thrill/bruit 2360 CISATRACUR MCG/KG/MN 2361 FOOT WOUND 2362 STRENAL WOUND 2363 CINA SCALE 2364 solumedrol gtt 2365 aprotonin250,000u/hr 2366 RUE-sling/swath 2367 HI LOW NEB 2368 fem abp 2369 fem map 2370 R arm sling 2371 PASSE MUIR VALVE 2372 FICK CO 2373 APROTININ ML/HR 2374 RAD ART BP 2375 RAD ART MAP 2376 APROTININ 2377 MULTIPODUS BOOT RT 2378 epidural 2379 RAD ART S/D 2380 APROTONIN 250,000U/ 2381 SOMI BRACE 2382 Protonix gtt 2383 Pentobarb mg/hr 2384 pentobarb level 2385 clot to bloodbank 2386 passey muir 2387 CHEST DRSG W->D 2388 FREE DILANTIN (1-2) 2389 MANNITOL IV (GM) 2390 cisatracurium mg/hr 2391 IABP 2392 Hepatitis Panel 2393 VISUAL FIELDS 2394 IVF 2395 PPN/TPN 2396 MIVED VENOUS O2 SAT 2397 BAIR HUGGER 2398 MIXED VENOUS SAT 2399 peg dsg change QD 2400 tidal volumes 2401 inner cannula 2402 sp tidal volumes 2403 ARM SLING 2404 .45%ns 2405 mouth flap color 2406 mouth flap pulse 2407 chg inner cannula 2408 tidal vol 2409 nitro mcg/kg/min 2410 RIGHT GRION SHEATH 2411 THYMOGLOBLIN 2412 lipase 2413 CISATRICURI MCG/K/MI 2414 HEPARIN INDUCED ANTB 2415 RECRUITMENT BREATH 2416 finger stick glucos. 2417 SURGI BREAST SUPPORT 2418 CARIPORIDE 20MG/HR 2419 THIGH HI TEDS. 2420 TIDAL VOLUME 2421 QT interval 2422 PEG SITE CARE 2423 DECUBITI CARE 2424 2ND RA ALINE 2425 ARTERIAL 2426 BIPAP MASK 2427 EXSUFFLATOR TIME 2428 QUAD COUGHING 2429 VENOUS/DOPPLER/BFM 2430 AMBU/NS INSTILLATION 2431 Passey-muir 2432 insulin 2433 pej site 2434 CAGLUCONATE2GMS/L. 2435 CALGLUCONATE20GMS/L 2436 Rantecub wound 2437 Sod Bicarb/NS 2438 TPN 2439 lle dsg nsw-d 2440 Heparin Antiplt test 2441 CISATRACURIUMMCQ/KG 2442 CDIFF 2443 PROTONIX DRIP 2444 CISATRACUR.MCGKGMIN 2445 Vasopressin 2446 FREE DILANTIN LEVEL 2447 HEARING AID 2448 IRRIG PERICARD DRAIN 2449 LT. AVF BRUIT/THRILL 2450 CLOT IN BLOOD BANK 2451 Passy-Muir Valve 2452 LEG DSD CHANGE 2453 clot in blood bank 2454 CISATRA MCG/KG/MIN 2455 percussion 2456 CARIPROSIDE 2457 HEPATITIS SCREEN 2458 mvo2 sat 2459 osomolarity 2460 CARIPORIDE ML/HR 2461 APROTANIN ML/HR 2462 cisatacurium mcg/k/m 2463 CISATRAC. MCG/KG/MIN 2464 epidural ml/hr 2465 amikacin 2466 KCL 2467 DEXTROSE GM/HR 2468 NAHCO3- MEQ/HR 2469 deflate rectal foley 2470 BLADDER 2471 3 PILLOW HEAD ^ 2472 INTRATHECAL PRESSURE 2473 COCCYX GEL/ALLEVYN 2474 L HEEL W-D 2475 cuffpressure 2476 rectal tube deflate 2477 cisatric mcg/kg/min 2478 Amiodarone mg/hr 2479 INTRATHECAL CATHL2-3 2480 CISATRACUR.MCG/KG/MI 2481 Amicar cc/hr 2482 SOLUMEDROL MG/KG/HR 2483 PAVULON MCG/KG/MIN 2484 incentive spirometer 2485 warm pack picc 2486 mask 2487 carioride cc/hr 2488 sandbag->chest 2489 BILAT HEARING AIDS 2490 gtube dsg 2491 OGT placement check 2492 ABD BINDER 2493 cariporide 2494 eeg strip 2495 Blood Clot 2496 blakemore weight up 2497 cisatricurium/mc/k/m 2498 CARIPORIDE CC/HR 2499 AV THRILL 2500 L RADIAL AV FISTULA 2501 NO B/P LABS IN LUE 2502 cisatricurium mg/k/h 2503 bupivacaine 2504 no 2505 no2 2506 right hand 2507 ITRATHECAL 2508 SOLUMEDEROL 2509 APROTONIN CC/HR 2510 DEXTRAN LML 10% 2511 CISATRACURIUM GTT 2512 SILVADENE FEET BID 2513 ET tube rotation 2514 pigtail flush 2515 IABP-BP 2516 CARIPORIDE 2517 Cisatracu mg/kg/hr 2518 HFO- FIO2 2519 HFO-% I Time 2520 HFO-Delta P (amplit) 2521 HFO-Hz 2522 HFO-MAP 2523 HOT LINE WARMER 2524 multipodis splints 2525 Peg DSG 2526 RT CT dsg 2527 HFO-Bias Flow (lpm) 2528 Induced cuff leak 2529 arterial pulse flap 2530 venous pulse 2531 passy-muir 2532 folic acid 2533 vit. b 12 level 2534 tidal volume 2535 flap check 2536 q15min flap checks 2537 pca morphine 2538 STUDY DRUG 2539 INTEGRELIN 2540 NAPA 2541 PROCAN 2542 TOF TWICH MONITOR 2543 FEM ART 2544 FEM ART MAP 2545 ARTERIAL POSITION 2546 CISATRACURIUMMG/KG/H 2547 Precedex mcg/kg/hr 2548 nimbex mg/kg/hr 2549 L AV FISTULA BRUIT 2550 L AV FISTULA THRILL 2551 study drug 2552 cistracurium mg/min 2553 svt 2554 Cisatr mcg/kg/min 2555 THAM-trisaminomethan 2556 Cisatra. MG/KG/HR 2557 BRONCH 2558 Tof 2559 MCG/KG/MIN 2560 CISATRA. MCG/KG/MIN 2561 VASOPRESSIN U/HR 2562 INTRA ABD PRESSURE 2563 abd girth 2564 A/V Fistula, right 2565 Bruit/Thrill 2566 Spontaneous VT 2567 K Phosphate 2568 SOLUMEDROL DRIP. 2569 cath site 2570 valproic acid 2571 CLOT IN BLOODBAND 2572 V02I 2573 cistra mgm/kg/hr 2574 MVO2 SAT 2575 GROIN A-LINE 2576 rt groin 2577 CARIIPORIDE ML/HR 2578 aprotonin 2579 mammary support 2580 L TOES W->D DSG CHG 2581 bladder pres. 2582 uvp 2583 Multipodus boots. 2584 Waffle Boots 2585 chest PT 2586 peripad changes 2587 Aprotinin 2588 AV FISTULA BRUIT 2589 cariporide @ 21/ml 2590 HI/Minute/vol/Alarm 2591 FENOLDOPAM MCG/KG/MN 2592 MULTIPODUS SPLINT 2593 PENTOBARB DRIP MG/HR 2594 AEROSOL 2595 1% Lidocaine 2596 Train of 4 2597 intrathecal cath 2598 TLSO-backbrace 2599 physical therapy 2600 Ca Gluc 20Gm/D5W 2601 APROTIN 2602 APROTINEN 2603 troponin 2604 CHEST WT ON/OFF 2605 CARAIPORIDE CC/HR 2606 halo traction 2607 hemo 2608 LIDOCAINE VIA ETT. 2609 TED STOCKINGS 2610 L ARM SLING 2611 KNEE IMMOBILIZER-RT 2612 LT ARM MOBILITY 2613 R SHEATH SITE 2614 BAER HUGGER 2615 venodynes 2616 PASSY-MUIR VALVE 2617 PEJ care 2618 Cistracurium 2619 3% NS 2620 RIGHT THUMB/HANDLACS 2621 r arm imobilizer 2622 CA GLUC GM/HR 2623 1 HR CORTISOL LEVEL 2624 30 MIN CORTISOL LEVL 2625 PRE CORTISOL LEVEL 2626 wound gel to coccyx 2627 RIGHT FEM ALINE 2628 bivalirudin mg/hr 2629 SOLUMEDROL DRIP 2630 right fem aline(she) 2631 DRAIN FLUSH 2632 unassisted diastole 2633 unassisted systole 2634 VENT CPP 2635 VENT ICP 2636 left groin 2637 RT FEMORAL ART BP 2638 CEREBRAL LACTATE 2639 JPO2 2640 SJ PH 2641 SJO2 2642 FEMORAL ABP 2643 N.O. 2644 pericare 2645 retic cnt 2646 Vent CPP 2647 art mean 2648 art sys/dia 2649 Police Gaurd 2650 fibrinogen 2651 Abd Cmprtmnt Pressur 2652 APROTANIN 2653 POLICE 2654 Ambulate in unit 2655 ALCOHOL 10%DRIP G/HR 2656 SOLUMEDROL MG/KG/HR 2657 SOLUMEDROL CC/H 2658 ALCOHOL 2659 Camino CPP 2660 ICP Camino 2661 ALCOHOL 5% DRIP G/HR 2662 DRSG CHANGE NS W->D 2663 ACETYCYSTEINE 2664 INO alarms 2665 NO 2666 alteplase 2667 alteplase mg/hr 2668 TEMP GRAFT 2669 svo2 2670 nimbex 2671 NO2 TANK PRESSURSE 2672 fentanyl mg/hr 2673 aprotanin 2674 WAFFLE BOOT 2675 NO tank pressure 2676 NOppm 2677 Mammary Support 2678 Mulitpodus Boot 2679 PENTOBARBITAL MG/HR 2680 vancomycin 2681 FINGERSTICK 2682 CORTISOL LEVEL 2683 r lung chest pt 2684 Cisat mcg/kg/hr 2685 Cisat mcg/kg/min 2686 TPA MG/MIN 2687 AMMONIA 2688 URINE CL. 2689 URINE CREAT. 2690 URINE OSM 2691 URINE POTASSIUM 2692 URINE SODIUM 2693 LEPIRUDIN 2694 LEPIRUDIN MG/HR 2695 D02-1 2696 EDV1 2697 EF % 2698 V02 2699 EF 2700 tslo brace 2701 multi-podus boots 2702 ulnar pulse right 2703 ULNAR PULSE R/L 2704 ABDOMINAL PRESSURE 2705 TPA - left mg/hr 2706 TPA -right mg/hr 2707 ULNAR PULSE LEFT 2708 OOB to chair 2709 Transfered to bed 2710 multipodis boot l 2711 qtc interval 2712 Lithium 2713 BLOOD CLOT 2714 DO2 INDEX 2715 VO2 INDEX 2716 EDV 2717 NITRIC OXIDE 2718 no hi 2719 no low 2720 no2 hi 2721 DEVI 2722 URINE K+ 2723 URINE NA+ 2724 VANCOMYCIN PEAK 2725 VANCOMYCIN TROUGH 2726 INO PPM 2727 INO TANK PRESSURE 2728 passe muir 2729 PIGTAIL CATH FLUSH 0 2730 CAMINO 2731 Femoral ABP 2732 Femoral ABP (Mean) 2733 RIGHT VENT ICP 2734 right vent drain 2735 l rad a line 2736 right fem bp 2737 FDP 2738 Bladder pressures 2739 FENOLDOPAM 2740 DO2 I 2741 VO2 I 2742 BLOOD PRODUCT 2743 VENOUS DOPPLER 2744 ALINE, RIGHT RADIAL 2745 ICP LEFT 2746 corlopam mcgs/kg/min 2747 CHECK L ARM BRUIT 2748 D02 2749 nesirtide 2750 NS w/20kcl 2751 DVO2 2752 DVO2I 2753 multipods boot 2754 PITRESSIN U/MIN 2755 XIGRIS CC/HR 2756 KETAMINE 2757 KETAMINE MG/HR 2758 FEM BP 2759 epidural pressure 2760 aprotanine 2761 passey-muir 2762 R SHEATH 2763 train of four 2764 Aprotinin cc/hr 2765 VASOPRESSIN UNIT/R 2766 CAVR Rewarming 2767 Mixed Venous SaO2 2768 fem a-line 2769 left radial ABP 2770 left radial MAP 2771 mid sternal dsg w->d 2772 SJ CO2 2773 sjlactate 2774 sjo2 2775 sjph 2776 SV 2777 TLSO 2778 Pantoprazole 2779 bladder pressures 2780 stv 2781 fetal heart sound 2782 fetal heart tones 2783 edv 2784 irrigate pigtail 2785 RIGHT THIGH GIRTH 2786 PGTAILS/FLUSH/10MLNS 2787 urine irrigation 2788 ABD GIRTH 2789 MAMMARY SUPPORT 2790 FEM. ART BP 2791 RADIAL Art Line 2792 pr interval 2793 postmordem care 2794 r wrist brace 2795 leg dsg w-d packing 2796 Alcohol Gm/hour 2797 3,4,5 finger doppler 2798 arm 90 degrees 2799 PERMANENT PACER 2800 ACE WRAP RIGHT LEG 2801 TROPONIN 2802 VENOUS FLOW/GRAFT 2803 10%alcohl 2804 10% alcohol/ cc/hr 2805 alcohol 10%/d5w 2806 ALCOHOL GTT ML/HR 2807 facial droop 2808 tongue midline 2809 xigris mcg/kg/hr 2810 SPIROCARE 2811 RECTAL TUBE CHECK 2812 Fick cardiac output 2813 Hard Cast L FA 2814 c&db 2815 INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY 2816 Incentive Spiro 2817 ART LINE 2818 GT SITE IRRIG 2819 RIGHT LEG DRSG 2820 STERNAL DRSG 2821 binder 2822 gt drsg 2823 incentive spirometry 2824 SHAMPOO 2825 Cough/Deep Breath 2826 Incentive spirometry 2827 OSMALALITY 2828 I.S. 2829 fenoldopam mcg/kg/mn 2830 INCENTIVE SPIROCARE 2831 FEM ABP 2832 APROTININE 2833 Femoral A-Line 2834 ICS 2835 cough/deep breath 2836 DEEP BREATH & COUGH 2837 I.E. 2838 HALDOL MG IVP 2839 Fundus palpation 2840 Peri Pads/hour 2841 Pitocin 2842 JV O2 Sat 2843 incentive spirocare 2844 ulnar pulse bilat 2845 SCDS 2846 CDB/I.S> 2847 i.s. 2848 JP #1 R SITE/DRAINAG 2849 JP#2 L SITE/DRAINAGE 2850 T TUBE SITE/DRAINAGE 2851 ammonia level 2852 COUGH/DEEP BREATHE 2853 chin dsg 2854 rectal tube 2855 coccyx drsg 2856 Potassium phosphate 2857 CDB 2858 RT ABD GRAFT PULSE 2859 FUNDUS HEIGHT 2860 LEG VAC DRSGS 2861 TPA mg/HR 2862 PEG DSG/CARE QD 2863 DEEP BREATH&COUGH 2864 RIGHT FOOT DSG 2865 iabp-bp 2866 CPAP MASK 2867 MULTIPODAS SPLINTS 2868 FEMORAL A-LINE 2869 PORK INSULIN U/HR 2870 ICP-ventriculostomuy 2871 rad aline 2872 abd binder 2873 change inner cannula 2874 lepirudin mg/kg/hr 2875 VAC MACHINE 2876 10% ALCOHOL CC/HR 2877 trach collar trial 2878 AMBUED 2879 Prostaglandin m/k/mn 2880 A GAP 2881 flushed picc line 2882 FLAP COLOR/TEMP 2883 Venous signal 2884 LFEM ABP 2885 Left Fem A.Line 2886 RFEM ABP 2887 Rt Fem A.Line 2888 PENTOBARB LEVEL 1-4 2889 MIXED VENOUS 2890 r femoral aline 2891 CAP/SENS 2892 MA/SENS 2893 TRANSVENOUS PACER 2894 DILANTIN 2895 rhand cone on2hroff2 2896 VASOPRESSIN UNITS/HR 2897 Femerol aline 2898 AMBUED Q4 AND PRN 2899 CALC TBG (0.8-1.3) 2900 FREE T4 ( 0.9-1.7) 2901 T3 (NML 80-200) 2902 T4 (NML 4.6- 12.0) 2903 TSH (NML 0.27-4.2) 2904 URINE SPEC. GRAVITY 2905 SPUTUM. 2906 free dilantin level 2907 R groin sheath 2908 ETOH Grams/hour 2909 HI/Minute/Vol Alarm 2910 R drain flush 2911 SITTERS 2912 AMYLASE 2913 R FEM ART LINE 2914 radial abp 2915 HI/Minute/Vol/Alarm^ 2916 L ABD DRAIN FLUSH 2917 R HEPAT. DRAIN FLUSH 2918 BINDER 2919 ABDOMINAL GIRTH 2920 cyclosporin mg/h 2921 Delta P 2922 P-insp 2923 compression sleeves 2924 sitter 2925 flow trigger 2926 LOW ME 2927 SPONTANEOUS VT. 2928 bleach free bedding 2929 sputum culture 2930 Fistula-bruit/thrill 2931 nebulizer tx 2932 aprotinine 2933 SVO2 SAT 2934 high minute ven n 2935 P Low 2936 T High 2937 T Low 2938 ART 2939 warm pack to l arm 2940 L rad art BP 2941 AMBUED. 2942 lt bruit 2943 low min vol 2944 Abdominal Binder. 2945 BLOWDRY RT THIGH 2946 APPROTININ CC/HR 2947 approtinin cc/hr 2948 femoral ART Line 2949 HIGH MIN.VOLUME 2950 PPM 2951 TANK PRESSURE 2952 RT RAD A LINE 2953 ESMOLOL MCG/MIN 2954 LP SITE 2955 JVO2 SAT 2956 ventriculostomy icp 2957 ECMO FLOW 2958 NECK FLAP CAP REFILL 2959 Solumedrolmg/kg/hr 2960 lepirudin mgs/kg/hr 2961 leprudin 2962 fenoldopam mcg/k/min 2963 CHECK BRUIT L ARM 2964 left AV thrill/bruit 2965 INTRAABDOM. PRESSURE 2966 OFFICERS/HANDCUFFED 2967 APROTININ. 2968 FEM ART BP 2969 R GROIN A LINE 2970 HEAD JP TO BULB SX 2971 LR 2972 LOW MIN VOL 2973 High Mv 2974 FEM LINE MAP 2975 URINE CREATININE 2976 SHAVE 2977 amylase 2978 peritoneal amylase 2979 Siiter 2980 HOGH MIN VOL 2981 FiO2 2982 R groin ABP 2983 solumedrol mg/hr 2984 Camino Bolt 2985 ICP ventricle 2986 neuro drain type 2 2987 Epidural 2988 ORAL AIRWAY 2989 APOTININ CC/HR 2990 High Tidal Vol 2991 RECRUITMENT MANEUVER 2992 Argatroban mcg/kg/m 2993 trache care 2994 Mixed Venous O2 Sat 2995 D5W WITH 10%ALCOHOL 2996 packing ct site 2997 lidocaine 1% 2998 Vt 2999 CAMINO DRAIN 3000 CPP WITH CAMINO ICP 3001 Solumedrol mg/kg/hr 3002 pad changed torso 3003 SPNIOT TIDAL VOLUMES 3004 spontaneous VT 3005 Aprotiinin ml/hr 3006 JP DRAIN #1 3007 JP DRAIN #2 3008 Epidural rate 3009 Insp.Time 3010 Integrellin cc/hr 3011 ICE PACKS TO R EYE 3012 SITTER. 3013 shaved/bedbath 3014 bath/shampoo 3015 CHEST TUBE #5 3016 CT #5 CREPITUS. 3017 CT #5 DRAINAGE. 3018 CT #5 DRESSING. 3019 CT #5 FLUCTUATE/LEAK 3020 CT #5 SUCTION AMOUNT 3021 CT #6 CREPITUS 3022 CT #6 RT 3023 CT#6 DRAINAGE 3024 CT#6 DSG 3025 CT#6 FLUX/LEAK 3026 CT#6 SUCTION AMT 3027 mode 3028 p high 3029 p low 3030 slop 3031 t high 3032 t low 3033 hair washed 3034 left arm sling 3035 CSF 3036 P HIGH 3037 THAM 3038 XYGRIS 3039 pressure high/low 3040 time high/low 3041 lt arm sling 3042 LEFT FEM ABP 3043 RIGHT FEM ABP 3044 10% ETOH CC/HR 3045 SPONT VT 3046 HIGH MINUTE VENT. N 3047 BEDBATH/SHAVED 3048 PEJ CARE TID 3049 spont Ve 3050 spont tidal volumes 3051 high min.vol. 3052 waffle boot 3053 lu leg 3054 ru leg 3055 Chest Binder 3056 APNEA INTERVAL TIME 3057 advair 3058 shaved 3059 REE 3060 RQ 3061 VCO2 3062 Trach IC change 3063 High MV Limits 3064 DISCONNECT ALARM 3065 FAN TO R STSG 3066 albumin 3067 FEM MAP 3068 High Pressure Limit 3069 ART R Groin 3070 Nicardipine (mg/h) 3071 ACE WRAP B LEGS 3072 IRON 45-160 3073 TRANSFERRIN TIBC 3074 TRF 200-400 3075 calTIBC 264-432 3076 heparin induced ant. 3077 Migh Min Volume 3078 alarm/high minute vl 3079 high volume 3080 ALK PHOS BONE SPECIF 3081 SPONT TV'S 3082 HIGH TIDAL VOL 3083 spont Tidal volumes 3084 photosensitive prec 3085 Fem art BP 3086 spont Vt's 3087 DEXTRAN 40 10% 3088 DEXTRAN 40% 3089 ELEVATE R ARM 3090 ELEVATE R LEG 2 PIL 3091 PILLOW AROUND R ARM 3092 CHLORHEXIDINE 3093 femoral aline 3094 (L) FEM ART 3095 (R) FEM ART 3096 CPAP O2 LITER FLOW 3097 lf flap pulse 3098 hi mv 3099 T3 CC/HR 3100 LOW MV 3101 High Minute volume 3102 NICARDIPINE MCQ/KG/' 3103 cough assist 3104 mycomyst 3105 HIGH MIN.VOL. 3106 alcohol gtt 3107 INS time 3108 PA PRESSURE 3109 Sodium Bicarb 3110 bicarb drip 200/200 3111 cpap level 3112 epinephrine mcg/min 3113 high min.vol 3114 PCV Driving Pressure 3115 PCV Total Pressure 3116 Coccyx dsg q 48 hr 3117 Briggs T 3118 THORACIC EXTENSION 3119 HI MINUTE VOL 3120 L AVF-BRUIT/THRILL 3121 himv 3122 Apnea 3123 TLSO on/off 3124 LEFT AXILLA PULSE 3125 NICARDIPINE 5-15MG/H 3126 SLOPE 3127 Sitter at bedside. 3128 BRACHIAL S/D 3129 R fem sheath 3130 1% LIDOCAINE 3131 Shampoo 3132 20# to skeletal tx 3133 Solumedrol gtt 3134 solumed mg/kg/hr 3135 ATG 3136 Tongue midline 3137 Visual Field CheckL) 3138 Visual field checkR) 3139 LUE fistula 3140 Urine Cl- 3141 Urine K+ 3142 high rr 3143 low insp pressure 3144 magnesium 3145 L breast doppler 3146 BRACE 3147 TPA #2 mg/hr 3148 TPA#1 mg/hr 3149 Lactate 3150 S 3151 SWAN Measurement 3152 CT drsg change 3153 Left ant thorax drsg 3154 Lt f/a drsg change 3155 Rt ant thorax drsg 3156 Rt f/a drsg change 3157 m/s drsg change 3158 CK/VAGINAL BLEEDING 3159 FETAL HEART BEAT 3160 HIGH MV LIMIT 3161 Hi Minute Volume 3162 Hi Tidal Volume 3163 BP 3164 multip[odus boots 3165 chlorhexadine bath 3166 SHAVED/BED BATH 3167 Drive Pres 3168 HIGH MIN. VOL 3169 multipodous boots 3170 c-reactive protein 3171 random Vanco level 3172 right groin sheath 3173 bumex 3174 Labetalol mcg/kg/min 3175 BEAR HUGGER 3176 Nicardip.mcg/kg/min 3177 left fem. aline 3178 right femoral aline 3179 1:1 Sitter 3180 APRV P-HI 3181 APRV P-LOW 3182 APRV T-HI 3183 APRV T-LOW 3184 Neo mcg/kg/min 3185 Factor VIII 3186 nicardipine 3187 Lidocaine Instilled 3188 neo mcq/kg/min 3189 High Min. Vol 3190 high minute vol 3191 DEFLATE RECTAL TUBE 3192 BUMEX MG/HR 3193 BP via doppler 3194 lab svo2 3195 P insp 3196 high min. vol, 3197 INO LEVEL 3198 T-PIECE 3199 valpro acid 3200 High Minute Volume m 3201 Methylhemaglobin 3202 pin care 3203 FSP 3204 Pinsp. 3205 left knee immobiliz 3206 40GmCaGluc/1000ccNS 3207 High MMV 3208 ATC % (size 7) 3209 P LOW 3210 pressure high 3211 time high 3212 time low 3213 RT FEM ART LINE 3214 Ca++ Gluconate 3215 Xgris 3216 NS FLUSH FOLEY 3217 Abd binder 3218 TCPCV Driving Press. 3219 calcium gluconate 3220 tbili 3221 guard at bedside 3222 logroll 3223 Bedbath 3224 FREE DILANTIN 3225 serevent Diskus 3226 %cool mist 3227 trach type 3228 trch size 3229 PERIPAD PRN 3230 hogh mv 3231 R femoral sheath 3232 PASSY MUIR VALVE. 3233 PEG SITE DRESSING 3234 reticular count 3235 DRIVING PRESS 3236 HI MINUTE VOLUME 3237 mannitol 3238 CSF PRESSURE 3239 NICARDIPINE MCG/KG/M 3240 Nicardipine gtt 3241 LFEMABP 3242 NICARDIPINE MCQ/KG/M 3243 RUPPER ARM FISTULA 3244 RT FEM A-LINE 3245 ileostomy 3246 MULTPODIS SPLINT 3247 HEPARIN DEP. ANTIBOD 3248 mittens 3249 BEDBATH 3250 Nephrostomy tube 3251 bicarb 3252 PEP THERAPY 3253 Sigh Breath/Pressure 3254 High minute Vent. 3255 passe-muir valve 3256 L ulnar ABP 3257 XIGRIS @ 1.66 MG/HR 3258 d10w 3259 mv 3260 high minnute volume 3261 R femoral A-line 3262 extremities elevated 3263 BATHED 3264 MULTI PODUS SPLINTS 3265 ecmo flow 3266 Left abd drain 3267 right abd drain 3268 INSP TIME 3269 XIGRIS MG/HR 3270 aprotinin ml/hr 3271 insp time 3272 ostomy output 3273 HIGH FLOW NEB 3274 domeboro soaks 3275 MIP 3276 VC 3277 NICARDIPINE--MG/HR 3278 Arterial Sheath 3279 L radial art line 3280 sling R shoulder 3281 Xigres mg/hr 3282 Amonia 3283 warm pack to lt arm 3284 JP Drain 3285 ROTATION ON/OFF 3286 solumedrol 3287 ICE PACKS TO EYES 3288 02 sat Pre/Post 3289 >60/min with retract 3290 A-Line Tubing Change 3291 Abdominal Appearance 3292 Abdominal Color 3293 Abdominal Exam 3294 Abdominal Girth (cm) 3295 Abdominal Loops 3296 Abnormalities 3297 Airleak 3298 Albuterol MDI 3299 Albuterol MiniNeb 3300 Aline Tubing Change 3301 Aminophylline 3302 Amphotericin 3303 Ampicillin 3304 Anterior Fontanelle 3305 Anus 3306 Apnea/Duration[secs] 3307 Appearance 3308 Atropine 100 mcg 3309 Atrovent MDI 3310 Auditory Evokes 3311 BP Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3312 BP Cuff [Mean] 3313 BP Cuff [S/D] 3314 BP Left Arm [Mean] 3315 BP Left Arm [S/D] 3316 BP Left Leg [Mean] 3317 BP Left Leg [S/D] 3318 BP PAL [Mean] 3319 BP PAL [S/D] 3320 BP Right Arm [Mean] 3321 BP Right Arm [S/D] 3322 BP Right Leg [Mean] 3323 BP Right Leg [S/D] 3324 BP UAC [Mean] 3325 BP UAC [S/D] 3326 Babygram 3327 Bag & Mask Present 3328 Behavioral State 3329 BehavioralIntervent 3330 Bicitra 3331 Blink Reflex [L/R] 3332 Blood Culture 3333 Blood Cultures 3334 Blood Out 3335 Boundaries 3336 Breast Assessment 3337 Breath Rate 3338 Breath Sounds [L] 3339 Breath Sounds [R] 3340 Bruising/Location 3341 CBC 3342 CNS Score 3343 CT Scan 3344 CVL Dressing Change 3345 CVP Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3346 Caffeine 3347 Calcium Gluconate 3348 Capillary Refill 3349 Captopril 3350 Caput 3351 Car SafetySeatScreen 3352 Cardiac Echo 3353 Cardiac Murmur 3354 Cardiac Rhythm 3355 Ceftriaxone 3356 Cephalohematoma 3357 Cerebral Spinal Fld 3358 Chest Appearance 3359 Chest Circum (cm) 3360 Chest Compressions 3361 Chest Tube #1 3362 Chest Tube Assessm't 3363 Chest Tube Site 1 3364 Chest Tube Site 2 3365 Chest Tube Suction 3366 Chest X-Ray 3367 Circumcision 3368 Cl 3369 Clindamycin 3370 Cobedding 3371 Colloids/Crystalloid 3372 Color 3373 Color (Overall) 3374 Color Change 3375 Color [ac/pc] 3376 Combivent 3377 Combivent MDI 3378 Consent for visitors 3379 Cont Hi Pitch Cry 3380 Cry 3381 Cyclogyl 3382 Cyclomydril 3383 DTaP 3384 Dad held infant 3385 Dad in to visit 3386 Day of Life 3387 Day of Life New 3388 Decadron 3389 Dextrose 3390 Diamox 3391 Direct Coombs 3392 Directed Donor 3393 Disease State 3394 Diuril 3395 Dopamine 5-20 mcs/kg 3396 ECG 3397 EEG 3398 ETT (Re)Taped 3399 ETT Changed 3400 ETT Size 3401 ETT Sx Color 3402 ETT Sx Quality 3403 ETT Sx Quantity 3404 ETT Taped at (cm) 3405 Edema/Location 3406 Engerix 3407 Enteral In for Calc. 3408 Environment 3409 Environmental Interv 3410 Epinephrine 1:10,000 3411 Equip Change [MM/DD] 3412 Erythromycin Oint. 3413 Excessive Sucking 3414 Excoriated 3415 Excoriation 3416 Eye Abnormalities 3417 Eye Drainage [L/R] 3418 Eye Lids 3419 Eye Shields 3420 FIO2 3421 FIO2 Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3422 FIO2 [Meas] 3423 Family Meeting held 3424 Family Mtg. Planned 3425 FeSO4 3426 Feeding 3427 Feeding Tube Check 3428 Feeding Tube Loc 3429 Feeding Tube Size 3430 Feeding Tube Type 3431 Fellow/NNP/PMD 3432 Fentanyl 3433 Fever 3434 Fever < 101 3435 Fever > 101 3436 Flowrate (cc/min) 3437 Flowrate (l/m) 3438 Fluid In for Calc. 3439 Furosemide/Lasix 3440 GI Studies 3441 GT Site Care 3442 Gastric Secretions 3443 Generalized Seizures 3444 Genitalia 3445 Gentamicin 3446 Gestational Age 3447 Glucose Monitor # 3448 Grandparents Visit 3449 Grasp 3450 HR Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3451 Head Circ (cm) 3452 Head US 3453 Head of Bed 3454 Heptavax 3455 Hernia Left 3456 Hernia Right 3457 Hertz 3458 HiB Vaccine 3459 High Pressure Relief 3460 Humidity Temp [Meas] 3461 Humidity Temp [Set] 3462 Hyaluronidase/Wydase 3463 Hydrocortisone 3464 Hyperactive Moro 3465 IV #1 Location 3466 IV #2 Location 3467 IV #3 Location 3468 IV #4 Location 3469 IV #5 Location 3470 IV Placement 3471 IV Site #5 3472 Image Transmission 3473 Increase Muscle Tone 3474 Indomethacin/Indocin 3475 Infant ABO/Rh 3476 Infant Position 3477 Infant's Behavior 3478 Initials of Scorer 3479 Intervention 3480 InterventionAssess 3481 K 3482 KUB 3483 Kangaroo Care[Tm/Tl] 3484 Latch On 3485 Length Calc (cm) 3486 Length in Inches 3487 Lesions 3488 Lipid Change Q 12 hr 3489 Lips 3490 Liver 3491 Loose Stools 3492 Lorazepam/Ativan 3493 Lower GI 3494 Lowest Heart Rate 3495 Lowest SaO2 3496 Lumbar Puncture 3497 MAWP Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3498 MRI 3499 MVP 3500 Marijuana 3501 Marked Hyper Moro 3502 Mean PAW 3503 Mean PAW [Meas] 3504 Midazolam/Versed 3505 Mild Trem Undisturb 3506 Mild Tremors Disturb 3507 Mod-Sev Trem Disturb 3508 Mod-Sev Trem Undistu 3509 Mode 3510 Molding 3511 Mom held Infant 3512 Mom in to Visit 3513 Moro Reflex 3514 Mottles 3515 Mottling 3516 Multi-Vitamins 3517 Murmur Description 3518 Murmur Intensity 3519 Muscle Tone 3520 Muscular Abnormality 3521 Myoclonic Jerks 3522 NG Feedings 3523 NG Tube Taped at: 3524 NGT Placement 3525 NICU Procedures 3526 Na 3527 Na Bicarb 1-2 mEq/kg 3528 Na Bicarbonate 3529 Naloxone 3530 Narcotic Analgesic 3531 Nares Patent [L/R] 3532 Nasal Congestion 3533 Nasal Flaring 3534 Nasal Flaring. 3535 Nasal Stuffiness 3536 Nasal Sx Color 3537 Nasal Sx Quality 3538 Nasal Sx Quantity 3539 Neonatal Opium Solut 3540 Nipple Type 3541 Nonnutritive Sucking 3542 Nursing Intervention 3543 O2 Administration 3544 O2 Analyzer Cal 3545 O2 Sat W/Seizure 3546 O2 Tubing Present 3547 OG/NG Residual 3548 Oral Abnormalities 3549 Oral Sx Color 3550 Oral Sx Quality 3551 Oral Sx Quantity 3552 Ostomies 3553 Ostomy Bag Change 3554 Oxacillin 3555 PEEP Alarm 3556 PIP Alarm 3557 PMI 3558 PO Feeding 3559 Pain 3560 Pain/Stress 3561 Pain/Stress Assess 3562 Palate 3563 Parent Called 3564 Parent Ed/Support 3565 Parent Info given 3566 Parents in to visit 3567 Pavulon 3568 Peripheral Pulses 3569 Phototherapy Blanket 3570 Phototherapy Light 3571 Physiologic Changes 3572 Physioregulation 3573 Polio Vaccine 3574 Polycitra 3575 Poor Feeding 3576 Position at Breast 3577 Posterior Fontanelle 3578 Potassium Chloride 3579 Precordium 3580 Present Weight (kg) 3581 Present Weight (lb) 3582 Present Weight (oz) 3583 Previous Weight (kg) 3584 Prevnar 3585 Primary RN 1 3586 Primary RN 2 3587 Primary RN 3 3588 Primary RT 3589 Primary SW 3590 Projectile Vomiting 3591 Prong Size 3592 Prongs Changed 3593 Pupil ReactivityL/R 3594 Racemic Epi MiniNeb 3595 Recombivax 3596 Reglan 3597 Regurgitation 3598 Related Activity 3599 Remote Alarm [S/D] 3600 Renal US 3601 Replogle Irrigation 3602 Repogle Tube 3603 Resp Rate 3604 Resp Rate >60/min 3605 Respiratory Support 3606 Response To Stimuli 3607 Retractions 3608 Root Reflex 3609 SaO2 Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3610 Secretions 3611 Sedation 3612 Seizure Act/Dur(sec) 3613 Self Regulation 3614 Sensitivity 3615 Sheepskin 3616 Skeletal Abnormality 3617 SkinInteg1/1 3618 Sleep 3619 Sleeps <1 hr pc 3620 Sleeps <2hrs pc 3621 Sleeps <3hrs pc 3622 Sneezing 3623 Sneezing (3-4/inter) 3624 Sodium Chloride 3625 Source 3626 Spits 3627 State 3628 State Screen Sample 3629 State [ac/pc] 3630 Stimulation 3631 Stool Hemoccult 3632 Stool [Amt]/[Color] 3633 Stools 3634 Stress 3635 Stress Response[pc] 3636 Stress Responses[ac] 3637 Suck 3638 Suck Reflex 3639 Sucking 3640 Surgical Procedures 3641 Survanta 3642 Sutures 3643 Swallow Study 3644 Sweating 3645 Sx Equip Functional 3646 Synagis 3647 TCP02 3648 TCom Site Change 3649 TcCO2 Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3650 TcO2 Alarm [Lo/Hi] 3651 TcO2/TcCO2 3652 Temp Axillary [F] 3653 Temp CoB 1/W/C 3654 Temp Rectal [F] 3655 Temp Skin [C] 3656 Temp/Iso/Warmer [C] 3657 Terminal Sensitivity 3658 Testes [L/R] 3659 Time CPR Terminated 3660 Time at Breast 3661 Tone 3662 Tone [ac/pc] 3663 Total Enteral/kg/day 3664 Total Fluids cc/kg/d 3665 Total Fluids/kg/day 3666 Transducer Calibrate 3667 Transfusion Consent 3668 Tremors 3669 Turgor 3670 UAC Tubing Change 3671 UVC Tubing Change 3672 Umbical Cord 3673 Upper GI 3674 Urine Calcium 3675 Urine Collected 3676 VS Change W/Seizure 3677 Vanceril 3678 Vanceril MDI 3679 Vancomycin 3680 Ventilation 3681 Ventilator Number 3682 Ventilator Support 3683 Vital Sign 3684 Vitamin E 3685 Vitamin K 3686 Void 3687 Vomiting 3688 Vt [Spontaneous] 3689 Vt [Ventilator] 3690 Water Pillow 3691 Watery Stools 3692 Weight Change (gms) 3693 Weight Kg 3694 Work of Breathing 3695 Yawning 3696 Yawning (3-4/inter) 3697 ZOG/NG Residual 3698 ZZZZZZZTotal Score 3699 ZZZZZZZog/ngresidual 3700 zTemp Iso/Warmer [C] 3701 zzz 3702 zzz AaDO2 3703 zzz Taped at (cm) 3704 zzzOld Auditory Evok 3705 zzzOldEKGField 3706 zzzT 3707 zzzal Signs 3708 zzzaline Phosp 3709 zzzanterior font 3710 zzzdh 3711 zzzgth Inches 3712 zzzgth cm Calc 3713 zzzheadcirc 3714 zzzng Size 3715 zzztamicin Trough 3716 zzztempisowarmer 3717 zzzuterol MDI 3718 zzzzBirthweight 3719 zzzzTaped at (cm) 3720 zzzzlength (cm) 3721 zzzzzh (in) 3722 zzzzzlength (cm) 3723 Birth Weight (kg) 3724 ABG CHLOIRDE ABG's 3725 ABG POTASSIUM ABG'S 3726 ABG SODIUM ABG'S 3727 Albumin (3.9-4.8) Chemistry 3728 Alkaline Phosphatase Chemistry 3729 Aminophyllin Drug Level 3730 Aminophyllin(10-20) Drug Level 3731 Amphetamines Toxicology 3732 Anion Gap (8-20) Chemistry 3733 Atyps CSF 3734 BANDS Heme/Coag 3735 BASOs Heme/Coag 3736 BE ABG's 3737 BUN (6-20) Chemistry 3738 Bands Heme/Coag 3739 Barbiturates Toxicology 3740 Base Excess (other) Other ABGs 3741 Baso Heme/Coag 3742 Basos CSF 3743 Benzodiazepines Toxicology 3744 Blood Glucose Chemistry 3745 BloodGlucose Quick Admit 3746 Calcium (8.8-10.8) Chemistry 3747 Chloride (100-112) Chemistry 3748 Cholesterol (0-199) Chemistry 3749 Cocaine Toxicology 3750 Creatinine (0-0.7) Chemistry 3751 Digoxin (1-2ng/ml) Drug level 3752 EOS CSF 3753 Eos Heme/Coag 3754 Eosinophils Heme/Coag 3755 FIBRINOGEN Heme/Coag 3756 Gentamicin Post 5-10 Drug Level 3757 Gentamicin Pre (0-2) Drug level 3758 HCT CSF 3759 HGB (10.8-15.8) Heme/Coag 3760 Hct (35-51) Heme/Coag 3761 Hematocrit (35-51) ABG'S 3762 Hgb (10.8-15.8) Heme/Coag 3763 IT Ratio Heme/Coag 3764 IT/Ratio Heme/Coag 3765 Indirect Bili(0-1.0) Chemistry 3766 Ion Calcium ABG's 3767 Ion. Calcium ABG'S Gases 3768 LYMPHS Heme/Coag 3769 Lymph CSF 3770 Lymphs Heme/Coag 3771 MONOs Heme/Coag 3772 Methadone Toxicology 3773 Mix Venous CO2(calc) Mixed VBGs 3774 Mix Venous PCO2 Mixed VBGs 3775 Mix Venous PO2 Mixed VBGs 3776 Mix Venous Sat Mixed VBGs 3777 Mix Venous pH Mixed VBGs 3778 Mono Heme/Coag 3779 Monos CSF 3780 NEUTS Heme/Coag 3781 Neonatal Bili Chemistry 3782 Neuts Hemo/Coag 3783 Opiates Toxicology 3784 PCO2 ABG's 3785 PO2 ABG's 3786 Phenobarbitol(15-40) Drug Level 3787 Phenothiazines Toxicology 3788 Phenytoin (10-20) Drug level 3789 Platelet (150-440) Heme/Coag 3790 Platelets (150-440) Heme/Coag 3791 Polys CSF 3792 Potassium (3.5-5.3) Chemistry 3793 ProTime Heme/Coag 3794 Propoxyphene Toxicology 3795 Protein CSF 3796 Ptt Heme/Coag 3797 RBC (3.6-6.2) Heme/Coag 3798 RETIC Count(0.5-1.5) Heme/Coag 3799 Red Blood C(3.6-6.2) Heme/Coag 3800 Retic Count (.5-1.5) Heme/Coag 3801 SGOT Chemistry 3802 SGPT Chemistry 3803 Sodium (135-148) Chemistry 3804 Sputum Micro 3805 Stool [Amt/Color} Micro 3806 SureStep II Pro Chemistry 3807 T. Protein (5-7.5) Chemistry 3808 TCO2 (21-30) Chemistry 3809 TCO2 (other) Other ABGs 3810 Total CO2 Chemistry 3811 Triglyceride (0-250) Chemistry 3812 Urine Bacteria Urine 3813 Urine Bili Urine 3814 Urine Chloride(2-10) Urine 3815 Urine Creat (8-20) Urine 3816 Urine Glucose Urine 3817 Urine Heme Urine 3818 Urine Ketones Urine 3819 Urine Leukocytes Urine 3820 Urine Nitrite Urine 3821 Urine Potassium Urine 3822 Urine Protein Urine 3823 Urine RBC's (0-2) Urine 3824 Urine Sodium Urine 3825 Urine Spec Gravity Urine 3826 Urine Yeast Urine 3827 Vancomycin Post Drug Level 3828 Vancomycin Pre Drug Level 3829 Venous Base Excess Venous ABG 3830 Venous CO2 Venous ABG 3831 Venous O2 Venous ABG 3832 Venous TCO2 Venous ABG 3833 WBC (4.0-11.0 Heme/Coag 3834 WhiteBloodC 4.0-11.0 Heme/Coag 3835 pCO2 ABG'S 3836 pCO2 (other) Other ABGs 3837 pO2 ABG'S 3838 pO2 (other) Other ABGs 3839 ph (other) Other ABGs 3840 total CO2 ABG'S 3841 zz Protein (5-7.5) Chemistry 3842 zzN (6-20) Chemistry 3843 zzdium (135-148) Chemistry 3844 zzeatinine (0-0.7) Chemistry 3845 zziglyceride0-250) Chemistry 3846 zzncomycin Pre5-10 Chemistry 3847 zzntamicin Post-10 Chemistry 3848 zzolesterol 0-199) Chemistry 3849 zzrect Bili(0-0.3) Chemistry 3850 zzz2 (21-30) Chemistry 3851 zzzcium 8.8-10.8) Chemistry 3852 zzzcomycin Post Chemistry 3853 zzzirect Bi(0-1.0) Chemistry 3854 zzznatal Bili Chemistry 3855 zzznytoin (10-20) Chemistry 3856 zzzod Glucose Chemistry 3857 zzzon Gap (8-20) Chemistry 3858 zzzoride 100-112) Chemistry 3859 zzzsphorous Chemistry 3860 zzztamicin Pr 0-2 Chemistry 3861 zzzumin (3.9-4.8) Chemistry 3862 zzzzobarbitol) Chemistry 3863 zzzzophylline( Chemistry 3864 zzzzzin(1-2ng/ml) Chemistry 3865 Gravida 3866 Para: 3867 Abs: 3868 Prior Breastfeeding Experience: 3869 Length of Lactation: 3870 Reason for Weaning: 3871 Other Significant Information: 3872 Medications: 3873 Vaginal 3874 C-Section 3875 VBAC 3876 General 3877 Prenatal Breastfeeding Information 3878 Other: 3879 Anatomy 3880 Meds 3881 Mastitis 3882 Premature 3883 Engorgement 3884 Sore Nipples 3885 Maternal Illness 3886 Plugged Ducts 3887 Ineffective Suck 3888 Always Hungry 3889 Sleepy 3890 Prematurity 3891 Won't Nurse 3892 Jaundice 3893 DOB: 3894 5 minute Apgar 3895 1 minute Apgar 3896 Gestational Age: 3897 Birthweight: 3898 Pediatrician: 3899 Delivery Room 3900 2-6 hr 3901 > 6 hr. 3902 Within 24 hr 3903 Supplement 3904 Human Milk 3905 Water 3906 Year: 3907 Surgeon: 3908 Flat 3909 Saggy 3910 Firm 3911 Round 3912 Pendulous 3913 Engorged 3914 Small 3915 Medium 3916 Large 3917 Extra Large 3918 Pliable 3919 Bilateral 3920 Everted 3921 Normal 3922 Inverted 3923 Dimple 3924 Short Shank 3925 Long Shank 3926 Augment 3927 Reduction 3928 Implants 3929 Fibrocystic Disease 3930 Receeding 3931 Protruding 3932 Cleft 3933 Channel 3934 V Arch 3935 Short 3936 Long 3937 Dry 3938 Hypotonic 3939 Hypertonic 3940 Electric 3941 Manual 3942 Battery 3943 Single 3944 Double 3945 <4 X/day 3946 6-8 X/day 3947 >8 X/day 3948 < 10 min 3949 10 -15 min 3950 >15 min 3951 1 3952 5 3953 10 3954 Head Circumference 3955 Length 3956 Diagnosis 3957 Maternal Age 3958 Para 3959 Antepartum History 3960 Delivery Room Course: 3961 Mother's Name: 3962 Father's Name: 3963 NVD 3964 Significant Social History: 3965 Social Worker: 3966 date: 3967 Hearing Exam: 3968 Eye Exam: 3969 Head Ultrasound: 3970 Recommended 3971 Not Needed 3972 DPT or DT 3973 OPV or IPV 3974 Haemophilus bCV 3975 HBV 3976 Return Demo/Date 3977 Date Attended 3978 Reviewed 3979 Private Pediatrician: 3980 Early Intervention 3981 Visiting/Public Health Nurse 3982 Family Support Services 3983 Infant Follow Up Program 3984 Date of Discharge: 3985 Agency To: 3986 Address:(Street) 3987 City: 3988 State: 3989 Zip Code: 3990 Place of Birth: 3991 Hospital Medical Record Number: 3992 Infant's Name: 3993 Date of Birth: 3994 Date of Admission: 3995 Parent's Names: 3996 Religion: 3997 Tel. No.: 3998 Baptized 3999 Blood Type: 4000 G: 4001 P: 4002 Type: 4003 Marital Status: 4004 Where: 4005 Delivery Type: 4006 Significant Prenatal History: 4007 Frequency: 4008 Additives: 4009 Amount: 4010 Time: 4011 Mode: 4012 Breastfed 4013 Formula Fed 4014 1. 4015 2. 4016 3. 4017 Coombs: 4018 dates: 4019 exam: 4020 Current Wt: 4021 T: 4022 R: 4023 Maximum FiO2: 4024 Duration of Therapy: 4025 B/P: 4026 Hct: 4027 Bili: 4028 Date: 4029 1 min: 4030 5 min: 4031 10 min: 4032 Birthwt: 4033 Problem: 4034 Plan: 4035 Primary Hospital Physician: 4036 tel: 4037 Person Completing Form: 4038 Primary Nurse: 4039 Maternal Age: 4040 Gravida: 4041 EDC: 4042 Antepartum History: 4043 Head Circumference: 4044 Length: 4045 Diagnosis: 4046 L&D 4047 Newborn Nursery 4048 EW 4049 RN Signature: 4050 time: 4051 Normal Male 4052 Normal Female 4053 Hypospadias 4054 Descended 4055 Undescended 4056 Location 4057 3 vessel 4058 2 vessel 4059 Abdominal Girth: 4060 Soft 4061 Distended 4062 Active 4063 Inaudible 4064 Present 4065 Absent 4066 Loud 4067 Intermittent 4068 Shifted 4069 quiet 4070 active 4071 Bounding 4072 Brisk 4073 Delayed 4074 Circumference 4075 Symmetrical 4076 Asymmetrical 4077 Barrel 4078 Pigeon 4079 clear 4080 coarse 4081 diminished 4082 rales 4083 wheezes 4084 Stridor 4085 Intercostal 4086 Subcostal 4087 Substernal 4088 Smooth 4089 Overriding 4090 Moveable 4091 Widespaced 4092 Open 4093 Fused 4094 Left 4095 Right 4096 soft 4097 firm 4098 full 4099 flat 4100 bulging 4101 depressed 4102 symmetrical 4103 asymmetrical 4104 hypotonic 4105 hypertonic 4106 Right>Left 4107 Left>Right 4108 Upper>Lower 4109 Lower>Upper 4110 Weak 4111 Unassessable 4112 Hyperactive 4113 Markedly Hyperactive 4114 High Pitched 4115 Poor Rebound 4116 Smooth Pink 4117 Transparent 4118 Friable 4119 Peeling 4120 Cracking 4121 Pale 4122 Pink 4123 Achrocyanotic 4124 Mottled 4125 Dusky 4126 Cyanotic 4127 Slight Jaundice 4128 Ruddy 4129 Head 4130 Trunk 4131 Extremity 4132 Mongolian Spot 4133 Transient Pustular Melanosis 4134 Strawberry Hemangioma 4135 Petecchiae 4136 UVC placed 4137 UAC placed 4138 Peripheral IV access obtained 4139 Compressions 4140 Heart Rate <100 4141 Heart Rate > 100 4142 Epinephrine 4143 Atropine 4144 Na Bicarb 4145 date/time: 4146 Blow By O2 4147 Positive Pressure Ventilation 4148 Intubation 4149 date started: 4150 date ended: 4151 Triple 4152 Result: 4153 consent obtained 4154 location: 4155 start: 4156 stop: 4157 dc'd: 4158 UAC Placed 4159 PICC placed 4160 X-Ray for confirmation of placement 4161 CXR obtained 4162 HFV 4163 CMV 4164 NCO2 4165 Patient's Name 4166 Obstetrician 4167 Medical Record # 4168 Primary Pediatrician 4169 EDC 4170 NICU Admit Date 4171 Time 4172 BirthDate 4173 Admitted From 4174 NICU Attending 4175 Admit Reason 4176 Race 4177 Home Phone 4178 Language 4179 Other Hospital MR # 4180 Current Level 4181 Highest Level 4182 Mother's Name 4183 Birthweight (kg) 4184 Apgar 1 min 4185 5 min 4186 10 min 4187 Length Calc Inches 4188 Length in cm 4189 Sucrose 4190 zzS Score 4191 zzzgth Calc (cm) 4192 zzzzth in Centimeter 4193 ABG Chloride ABG's 4194 ABG Potassium ABG'S 4195 ABG Sodium ABG'S 4196 Base Excess (cap) Other ABGs 4197 RBC(3.6-6.2) Heme/Coag 4198 Retic count (.0-1.5) Heme/Coag 4199 TCO2 (cap) Other ABGs 4200 WBC 4.0-11.0 Heme/Coag 4201 pCO2 (cap) Other ABGs 4202 pH (cap) Other ABGs 4203 pO2 (cap) Other ABGs 4204 CIRC CARE 4205 Neuro blood work 4206 karyotype sent 4207 urine for OA 4208 Bath + Shampoo 4209 eye exam 4210 Glycerine Suppos. 4211 POLY VI SOL 4212 HEPARIN FLUSH 4213 Pressure Transducer 4214 acycloviv 4215 cefotaxime 4216 Fer-in-sol 4217 Hep Flush 4218 miconozole powder 4219 Lasix 4220 ceftazidime 4221 Pulmozyme MiniNeb 4222 hepflush 4223 Bacitracin ointment 4224 Bath Demo 4225 Heparin flush 4226 state screen 4227 lytes 4228 circumcision site 4229 Beclovent 4230 Eye exam 4231 NaCl 4232 bath given 4233 nystatin oral 4234 nystatin oral suspen 4235 Aquaphor 4236 DESITIN 4237 Glycerin supp 4238 Eye Exam 4239 Caffeine bolus 4240 glycerine 4241 polyvisol 4242 Beclovent MDI 4243 glycerin supp 4244 tobradex ointment 4245 Beclovent puffs 4246 Combivent puffs 4247 KCL supps 4248 Hydrocele: 4249 IPV 4250 Poly Vi Sol 4251 glycerine supp 4252 Acyclovir 4253 Blood Gas: 4254 Broviac Dsg: 4255 CVL dressing change 4256 Cefotaxime 4257 EKG: 4258 Echo: 4259 Hep B.Vaccine 4260 ID consult 4261 Lytes: 4262 Neuro consult 4263 PICC 4264 Shunt Site 4265 Shunt dressing 4266 abdomen dsg. 4267 heparin flush 4268 left head dsg. 4269 Feeding consult 4270 Glycerine Supp: 4271 Prune juice 4272 Ranitidine 4273 Zantac 4274 RSV culture 4275 Glyserin supps 4276 UA sent 4277 caffiene bolus 4278 Caffeine Bolus 4279 Hep flush 4280 Billirubin 4281 Polyvisol 4282 Bath: 4283 BiCarb: 4284 Bladder tap 4285 Broviac site/dsg 4286 NONNUTRITIVE SUCKING 4287 Picc Line Placement: 4288 urine cx 4289 Baptism 4290 Foley in place 4291 Fosphenytoin 4292 artificial tears 4293 foley care 4294 picc line insertion 4295 Caffeine (bolus) 4296 Glycerin supp. 4297 Na bicarb 4298 umbi site 4299 Glycerin 4300 Umbi. site 4301 Hep.B Vaccine: 4302 Air evacuation chest 4303 CT dsg 4304 CVL site 4305 Caffeine Citrate 4306 Nacl Supp. 4307 Pot.supp. 4308 abrasion R/ thigh 4309 chest tube placement 4310 combivent 4311 glycerin 4312 hydrocortisone 4313 lateral film 4314 CT dressing change 4315 Gent 4316 Vecuronium 4317 nutritional lab 4318 PVS 4319 Skin 4320 hearing screen 4321 Glycerine 4322 Circumsion Site: 4323 Polyvisol: 4324 Urine cath 4325 indocen 4326 Hep B Vaccine 4327 HepB Immune Globulin 4328 HepB immune globulin 4329 Recombivax HB 4330 Chloryl Hydrate 4331 Neuro Consult. 4332 Triple Dye 4333 Criticaid ointment 4334 aquaphor 4335 loading caffeine 4336 SYNAGIS 4337 kcl supps 4338 Abdominal Tap 4339 sucrose 4340 Hep B vaccine 4341 Ranitidine IV 4342 Rash 4343 Viral swab 4344 nitric oxide (NO) 4345 caffeine load dose 4346 glycerin sup 4347 Hearing screen 4348 CT removal 4349 Chloral Hydrate 4350 PKU 4351 PIV placed 4352 Vigilon dressing 4353 hep flush 4354 Bili level 4355 circ care 4356 sponge bath/shampoo 4357 Vigilon 4358 abdominal US 4359 Hepatitis B 4360 Nystatin oral. 4361 Atropine Drops 4362 Prune Juice 4363 Gel Pillow: 4364 CEFOTAXIME 4365 k phosphorus 4366 NICU Procedure 4367 Picc Insertion: 4368 pheumo needle 4369 thoracentesis 4370 Circ site 4371 Criticaid cream 4372 Desitin 4373 Mineral oil/ skin 4374 desetin 4375 Neut 4376 Urine for CMV 4377 circumcision 4378 mong. spot 4379 NAS SCORE 4380 hearing test 4381 Potassium Phosphate 4382 ABD U/S 4383 Aldactone 4384 KCL supplement 4385 metoclopramide 4386 ranitidine 4387 tacheal aspirate 4388 EYE EXAM 4389 Nystatin powder 4390 Nystatin Cream 4391 gentamycin 4392 bilirubin 4393 Car Seat Test 4394 HEP B 4395 nasal flaring 4396 Labs sent 4397 pnuemogram ph probe 4398 Picc line placed 4399 Type and screen 4400 cefotoxime 4401 lt. lat decubitus. 4402 Opthalmology consult 4403 neosynephrine 4404 spine xray 4405 Lactation consult 4406 Poly-vi-sol 4407 Polivisol 4408 Hib 4409 PCV7 4410 umbilical hernia 4411 Pulmozyme 4412 caffeine bolus 4413 cyclomydril 4414 cyclopentolate 1% 4415 Ceftazidime 4416 PICC Line placed 4417 Erythro eye oint 4418 Hep.B: 4419 Hep B 4420 Narcan 4421 Ca gluconate 4422 partial xchange 4423 Dbl/Volume Exchange 4424 Chest needling 4425 PKU sample 4426 Cefazolin 4427 AMOXICILLIN 4428 Bronch 4429 Bronchoscopy 4430 NS eye drops 4431 Toby 4432 pulmazime 4433 EMLA 4434 synagis 4435 Circ. Site 4436 Circ care 4437 Bathed 4438 Hyperoxyia Test 4439 HBIG 4440 Cosyntropin 4441 trach care/site 4442 Chest Ultrasound 4443 Optiray 320 4444 Water bed 4445 Bath and Shampoo 4446 caffeine 4447 Erythropetin SQ 4448 Erythropoetin SQ 4449 Cardiac consult 4450 EMLA cream 4451 aclyclovir 4452 Hep. B vaccine 4453 ionized cal 4454 stridor 4455 ranitadine 4456 na bicarb 4457 Chest tube fluc 4458 chest tube air leak 4459 trach collar 4460 Polio Vacc 4461 COMBIVENT 4462 Flovent 4463 Flowvent Puffs 4464 glycerine supposit. 4465 Glycerine supp. 4466 hep B 4467 hep b 4468 Fen-in-sol 4469 Neuro Consult 4470 ORL CONSULT 4471 OT consult 4472 Hep B immunization 4473 OT Consult 4474 Thumb splints 4475 Insulin 4476 PICC line placement 4477 narcan 4478 triple antibiotic 4479 VRE culture 4480 zantac 4481 urinary cath 4482 Hip ultrasound 4483 Splint 4484 Toes 4485 X-ray 4486 k phosphate 4487 Bilat Ing Hernias s 4488 R Ing Hernia 4489 BATH: 4490 NAS Score 4491 chest needling 4492 chest ultrasound 4493 oral sucrose 4494 glycerin chip 4495 caffine bolus 4496 Hep. Flush 4497 PENICILLIN G 4498 02 DELIVERY DEVICE 4499 FLOW RATE 4500 PIV restart 4501 DOPAMINE DRIP 4502 ADEK vitamins 4503 Actigall 4504 Heparin Flush 4505 Polyvisol po 4506 BECLOVENT 4507 Na replacement 4508 Na supp 4509 Caffiene bolus 4510 PN sample 4511 Amoxicillin 4512 Ultrasound 4513 sponge bath 4514 Chromosomes 4515 chromosome analysis 4516 hep. vaccine 4517 dexamethasine 4518 Tent 4519 Atropine Opthamic 4520 Tobradex opthalmic 4521 CARDIAC CONSULT 4522 dermatology consult 4523 PDA incision site 4524 Acetominophen 4525 Glycerin suppository 4526 lacrilube 4527 heparin 4528 Car seat test 4529 180 turn 4530 Bolus D10W 4531 Telfa dressing 4532 Indomethacin 4533 choral hydrate po 4534 Circ Site 4535 Hep.B Vaccine 4536 d10w bolus 4537 Spine X-Ray 4538 amoxicillin 4539 Nystatin 4540 Simethicone 4541 Atropine 1% eye gtts 4542 Tobradex 4543 UMBI HERNIA 4544 Glycerine Supp. 4545 CPR 4546 Caffiene Bolus PO 4547 Epoetin 4548 nystatin ointment 4549 criticaid 4550 Cheeks 4551 Triple ABX cream 4552 MRSA/VRE swabs 4553 Glycerin Supp. 4554 Carseat Test 4555 Circ. site 4556 Hearing Screen 4557 cefazolin 4558 skull x-ray 4559 Cardiology Consult: 4560 Umbilical hernia 4561 bacitracin oint 4562 non nutritive suck 4563 Nystatin (oral) 4564 Nystatin oral 4565 miconazole cream 4566 oral thrush 4567 pneumococcal 7-val. 4568 circ site 4569 CA Gluconate 4570 Chest U/S 4571 skin 4572 Disxharge 4573 Hip x ray 4574 abd US 4575 urine organic labs 4576 pre ductal sat 4577 flaring 4578 grunting 4579 Hydralazine 4580 chloralhydrate 4581 pneum vaccine 4582 chromosome, fish 4583 Skeletal films 4584 Feeding consult. 4585 circ 4586 Abd. U/S 4587 Meropenem 4588 trach aspirate 4589 urine sample 4590 zosyn 4591 DIAMOX 4592 car seat test 4593 post-op 4594 Nystatin S&S 4595 Criticaid 4596 NEURO CONSULT 4597 Abdominal US 4598 chromesomes 4599 Hepatitis B Vaccine 4600 hyperoxygen test 4601 Bath demo 4602 Trach Site Care 4603 Trach/Size 4604 poly-vi-sol 4605 bath demo 4606 hernia 4607 tylenol 4608 Hearing Test 4609 LLateral decub 4610 PICC attempt 4611 abd. ulstrasound 4612 rectal dilation 4613 circ. site 4614 abdomenal x ray 4615 Mylicon 4616 Groin dressings 4617 Neurology consult 4618 ferinsol 4619 Nystatin Powder 4620 monilial rash 4621 cannula changed 4622 miconazole powder 4623 Circumcision site 4624 Hep 10U/cc flush 4625 Nystatin ointment 4626 anterior fontanelle 4627 posteria fontanelle 4628 skelatal series 4629 Hep lock flush 4630 cord care 4631 sacral dimple 4632 Glycerin Supp 4633 Ammonia level 4634 Hep B Immune Globuln 4635 Prostaglandin drip 4636 Umb Hernia 4637 He b vaccine 4638 atropine eye drops 4639 tobradex 4640 buttocks 4641 desitin 4642 mylicon 4643 poly vi sol 4644 ATROPINE DROPS 4645 PRED FORTE DROPS 4646 Knee Abrasions 4647 normal saline bolus 4648 chloral hydrate 4649 Adenosine 4650 Umbilical Hernia 4651 BABY BATH 4652 Hernia Repair 4653 parent cpr 4654 Hepatitis B vaccine 4655 PCV7 Vaccine 4656 GLYCERIN SUPP. 4657 abd u/s 4658 teaching w/interpret 4659 Bath given 4660 Bactroban ointment 4661 Bactoban 4662 Bactoban ointment 4663 CIRC 4664 gyycerin supp 4665 RECOMBIVEX 4666 head 4667 hep. vac 4668 anal dilatation 4669 Cardiology consult 4670 heprin lock 4671 hep vaccine 4672 Head Circ. 4673 Alb/Atrovent 4674 Metocloprimide 4675 Ventolin/Atrovent 4676 Critic-aid 4677 nystatin powder 4678 Atropine Oint. 4679 KPHOS 4680 co-bedding 4681 triple abx oint 4682 Ctitic-aid 4683 KPhos 4684 Synthroid 4685 Zantac(Ranitidine) 4686 broviac lt saphenou. 4687 Abdo/Pelvic US 4688 Endocrine consult 4689 Genetics consult 4690 Urology consult 4691 skeletal x-rays 4692 Atropine eye drops 4693 Bacitracin Eye Oint 4694 Cosopt 4695 PredForte 4696 Calcium Glubionate 4697 DRESSING CHANGE 4698 Gtube site 4699 ILEOSTOMY ULCER 4700 SURGERY CONSULT 4701 Stoma 4702 Vit D 4703 albuterol/atrovent 4704 hep B vacc 4705 Skin tags 4706 initial bath 4707 Circ 4708 umbi hernia 4709 Humatrope 4710 iv insertion 4711 levothyroxine 4712 SPIT 4713 Heplock flush 4714 gly. suppository 4715 penicillin 4716 acyclovir 4717 GT placement 4718 Broviac dsg Change 4719 Ca Glubionate 4720 K Phos 4721 Hernias 4722 Atropine eye oint 4723 Metoclopramide 4724 Pred Forte 4725 Pred Forte to nares 4726 ZANTAC 4727 mitoclopramide 4728 hepatitis b vaccine 4729 Miconazole powder 4730 Neut Bicarb 4731 HEARING TEST 4732 Keflex 4733 left groin incision 4734 ATROPINE OINTMENT 4735 BACITRACIN OINTMENT 4736 COSOPT DROPS 4737 PREDFORTE DROPS 4738 RANITIDINE 4739 prune juice 4740 Keflex pg/po 4741 cyclogyl 4742 BATH WITH PARENTS 4743 Circumcision Site 4744 NYSTATIN 4745 Dilantin load 4746 NH3 level 4747 Phenobarb level 4748 phenobarb bolus 4749 urine organic acids 4750 Hyperoxia test 4751 Hep flush10units/1cc 4752 pH (Ar) 4753 pH (Art) ABG 4754 zzpH ABG'S 4755 zzzpH ABG's 4756 Folinic Acid 4757 Pyridoxine 4758 ABGs 4759 BATH, SHAMPOO 4760 Urine sent 4761 ORL consult 4762 Penicillin 4763 AMOXICILLIIN 4764 UROLOGY CONSULT 4765 4 pt bp 4766 Decadron Ophth. 4767 Degadron gtts 4768 Ferinsol 4769 rash 4770 Umbi Hernia 4771 Cath. for Urine Cx 4772 Fer-In-Sol 4773 Poly-Vi-Sol 4774 POLYVISOL 4775 fergensol 4776 Cord Blood 4777 Heparin 10 unit/ml 4778 G-Tube site 4779 LARYGOSCOPPY 4780 pneumogram 4781 Erythromycin IV 4782 left lateral 4783 picc placement 4784 desitin ointment 4785 Critical labs DS<50 4786 liver U/S 4787 ACETAMINOPHEN PO 4788 aldactone 4789 hyperoxia 4790 simethicone 4791 Circ Care 4792 bacitracin 4793 nystatin cream 4794 polyvison 4795 nystatin 4796 MYCOZINOL POWDER 4797 Nystatin Oint 4798 critical labs DS<40 4799 synthroid 4800 HepB immuninzation 4801 Bath+Shampoo 4802 G-Tube 4803 GT Site 4804 PO MSO4 Q 6 HRS 4805 DIAZOXIDE 4806 Gentamycin 4807 RASH 4808 TFT'S 4809 vigor 4810 Prilosec 4811 FLUCONAZOLE 4812 Bacitracin 4813 nutrition labs 4814 cardioversion 4815 family meeting held 4816 heprin flush 4817 IVIG 4818 HEP B VACCINE 4819 Ergocalciferol 4820 HEP FLUSH 4821 IV Zantac 4822 Mylanta 4823 PRILOSEC 4824 triple abx oint. 4825 Feeding Team Consult 4826 Fish test 4827 ORL exam 4828 TFT 4829 chromosomes 4830 hib 4831 long bone xrays 4832 Hyperoxia Test 4833 SaO2 (post) 4834 SaO2 alarm (post) 4835 SpO2 (post) 4836 HEARING SCREEN 4837 cord 4838 bath teaching 4839 kefzol 4840 desitin cream 4841 DTaP vaccine 4842 Nystatin (PO) 4843 calciferol 4844 Nystatin Ointment 4845 emla 4846 Bath and shampoo 4847 Sponge bath 4848 hyperoxy test 4849 umbi care 4850 diaper rash 4851 PolyViSol 4852 Tobradex ointment 4853 atropine ointment 4854 HEP.B 4855 Urine culture 4856 hydrocele 4857 recombivax 4858 AZT 4859 circ. 4860 Myconizole powder 4861 umb.hernia 4862 CIRC SITE 4863 Chromosome study 4864 urine toxic screen 4865 Clonus 4866 clonis 4867 Trivisol 4868 hepB 4869 PVC7 4870 tooth buds 4871 vit d 4872 TRI VI SOL 4873 Tobradex oint. 4874 atropine 4875 cyclopentolate 4876 toberdex 4877 family meeting 4878 Bath/ Shampoo 4879 Bath/shampoo 4880 Levothyroxin (T4) 4881 O2 sat 4882 INITIAL BATH 4883 Thrush 4884 Carseat test 4885 rsv cult 4886 viral culture np 4887 flow rate 4888 lasix 4889 Cyclopentolate 4890 Acetominophen drops 4891 ORL Consult 4892 hernia sutures s 4893 right hydrocele 4894 left hydrocele 4895 Nystatin susp 4896 Ploivisol 4897 45 HOB 4898 MVI 4899 hep b vaccine. 4900 Oral Nystatin 4901 SKIN 4902 neuro consult 4903 Type and Coombs 4904 Feeding Consult 4905 Fluconazole 4906 GI surgery consult 4907 clonus 4908 Gentian Violet 4909 Jentian Violet 4910 glycerin supp. 4911 hep B vaccine 4912 right eye culture 4913 EYE MEDS 4914 tub 4915 PRUNE JUICE 4916 dtap 4917 ipv 4918 hep b vaccine 4919 pectus 4920 teeth 4921 HepB 4922 open crib 4923 OPEN CRIB 4924 hep.B 4925 Amoxicillan 4926 Dexamethasone, gtts 4927 ENT consult 4928 Neo-Synephrine gtts 4929 Prednisolone 4930 RENAL CONSULT 4931 urology consult 4932 Nevirapine syrup 4933 zidovudine syrup 4934 Hep B #2 4935 Glycerin sliver. 4936 Nystatin Oint. 4937 circumcision care 4938 polivisol 4939 eye culture 4940 gent eye gtts 4941 Genetics Consult 4942 circumcission care 4943 Proparacaine HCL 4944 hearing 4945 Proparecaine HCl 4946 Myconazole Pdr. 4947 Nystatin cream 4948 Bilirubin 4949 lytes and/or bili 4950 Dexamethasone drops 4951 Diaper rash 4952 Bactroban 4953 sucrose pacifier 4954 Mineral Oil 4955 sweating 4956 Umbi hernia 4957 Atropine drops 4958 Tobramycin oint 4959 Hearing test 4960 Ilex 4961 Hyperoxy 4962 airway x-ray 4963 Lat skull&neck xrays 4964 Sacral US 4965 Skeletal xrays 4966 GI consult 4967 Circumcision. 4968 diaper area 4969 CSM R LE 4970 NS bolus 4971 Hip U/S 4972 erythromycin 4973 DaTP vaccine 4974 Holter 4975 vi-day-lin 4976 prune juice po/pg 4977 circcare 4978 Hepatitis Vaccine 4979 NS Flush 4980 Prostaglandins 4981 chromosomal study 4982 type/screen,coombs 4983 Lactate Pyrevate 4984 cardiology consult 4985 Glycerin supp sliver 4986 Vi-Daylin 4987 EMG 4988 Feeding consultation 4989 hip ultrasound 4990 wrist slpints 4991 Neck irritation 4992 Strep culture 4993 Caffeine Load 4994 ECHO 4995 Nystatin Oral suspen 4996 Critic Aid 4997 hyperoxia test 4998 Bath/ shampoo 4999 Bath/Shampoo 5000 Right hydrocele 5001 ACTH level 5002 cortrosyn 5003 prednisolone 5004 vidalin 5005 pneumogram/pH probe 5006 Vi Daylin 5007 Vit. D 5008 Hemoph 5009 first photo 5010 hep. flush 5011 choral hydrate 5012 glycerin suppository 5013 glycerin suppositry 5014 ostomy bag change 5015 vidaylin 5016 Tri Visol 5017 Vidaylin 5018 sponge bath demo 5019 hep.b 5020 Cyclopentalate 5021 Proparacaine 5022 Emycin ointment 5023 Glycerin supp chip 5024 triple abx ointment 5025 Bacitracin oint 5026 extra digit rt/lt fr 5027 plastic S consult 5028 Hep. B Vaccine 5029 Hpe flush 5030 PICC placement 5031 UA/UV placement 5032 bili 5033 hematocrit/retic 5034 Stool Culture 5035 Glycerin Suppository 5036 Tri-Vi-Sol 5037 Echo 5038 cyclopentolate 1 % 5039 dressing. 5040 scrotum 5041 UVC placement 5042 cc's/minute 5043 gentamycin ointment 5044 umbi 5045 Bili 5046 Glycerine. 5047 caff. loading dosee 5048 trivisol 5049 zantc 5050 LP 5051 CAFFEINE BOLUS 5052 umbi line 5053 Hep Vacc 5054 ekg 5055 gel pillow 5056 CEFTAZIDIME 5057 NEONATAL MORPHINE 5058 TRACH ASPIRATE 5059 URINE CATH 5060 meropenem 5061 DNASE 5062 MEROPENEM 5063 Tobramycin 5064 intubation 5065 tobramycin 5066 Epogen 5067 Folic Acid 5068 5069 Meropenm 5070 stool specimen 5071 Criticaid Paste 5072 RT INGUINAL HERNIA 5073 Rt hydrocele 5074 ABG: 5075 Bicarb 5076 Caffiene Load: 5077 Fentanyl: 5078 left lateral decub 5079 bladder tap 5080 K phos 5081 glycerine suppos 5082 inguinal hernia 5083 rt. hernia 5084 mineral oil 5085 Caffiene Bolus: 5086 ceftazadime 5087 PERFUSION 5088 fingers 5089 toes 5090 Caffiene load 5091 pic line insertion. 5092 Nuet 5093 Methylene Blue 5094 right inguinal herna 5095 umbelical hernia. 5096 PDA ligation site 5097 Tylenol PR: 5098 KCl Supps 5099 NaCl Supps 5100 PICC LINE PLACEMENT 5101 Orthopedics consult 5102 Circumcision care 5103 CIRCUMSION SITE: 5104 Hep.B vaccine: 5105 Caffeine Cit. load 5106 caffeine citrate 5107 Recombivax-HB 5108 Nacl Supps 5109 epogen 5110 folate 5111 Tobramycin neb 5112 tobramycin MiniNeb 5113 Calciferol 5114 Calcium glubionate 5115 bactroban 5116 ACYCLOVIR UNG 5117 Lesion 5118 acyclovir oint. 5119 Rhythm 5120 rectal fissure 5121 glycerin sliver supp 5122 bath demo returned 5123 Chloral hydrate 5124 AQUAPHOR 5125 Cord care 5126 Rt. shoulder xray 5127 GLYCERINE SLIVER 5128 Zantac pg 5129 Hep Bvaccine 5130 PICC LINE DSG 5131 Miconozle 5132 diaper dermatitis 5133 Actigall (Ursodiol) 5134 Vitamin K/ IM 5135 RECOMBIVAX 5136 Factor XIII 5137 PT/PTT 5138 Caffeine loading doe 5139 penrose site 5140 6.5% Ca glubionate 5141 Erythromycin oint 5142 Butt Paste 5143 RT FOOT XRAY 5144 keflex 5145 tremors 5146 NEUROLOGY CONSULT 5147 eye shields 5148 phototherapy 5149 Urine toxic screen 5150 Chest tube insertion 5151 PIC placement 5152 Abcess/ Location 5153 Ceftazadime 5154 double abx oint 5155 R. test. hydrocele 5156 Surgical Consult 5157 Ambisome 5158 Foley Cath. Placed 5159 RANGE OF MOTION 5160 cardiac consult 5161 GROIN 5162 PROPRANOLOL 5163 Head ultrasound 5164 Carnitine 5165 Hida Scan 5166 Vitamin D 5167 potassium Phosphate 5168 Shunt 5169 birthmark 5170 glycerine supps 5171 Ferrisol 5172 HEp B vaccine 5173 needle biopsy 5174 removal of cxt 5175 LACTATION CONSULT 5176 Caffeine loading 5177 Mongolian spot 5178 NaCl bolus 5179 atrovent 5180 Atrovent 5181 retaped picc line 5182 SYPHILLIS CULTURES 5183 PIC placement. 5184 NS BOLUS 5185 R hand color 5186 Kphos 5187 RSV rapid screen 5188 Ceftaz 5189 Sodium supps 5190 Fe 5191 L lateral decub 5192 Cardiology Consult 5193 cardiology exam 5194 Metoclopromide 5195 potassium phosphorus 5196 abdominal ultrasound 5197 baby bath 5198 D10W bolus x 1 5199 NS Bolus 5200 triple abx cream 5201 Prednisone nose gtts 5202 Pred Forte drops 5203 glycerine supp. 5204 CEFAZOLIN 5205 op site 5206 Gent eye ointment 5207 Eye cx 5208 Glycerine Suppos 5209 PAL placement 5210 Atropine eye oint. 5211 ROP surgery 5212 tobra dex eye ointmt 5213 NaCl supp 5214 Prednisone drops 5215 Na Cl supps 5216 hct/retic 5217 mrsa swab 5218 Heparin/PIC flush 5219 KCL SUPPS 5220 Na Supps 5221 DOPA mcg/k/min 5222 hep globulin 5223 ADENOSINE 5224 esmolol 5225 cal. gluconate 5226 Cough 5227 Feeding team consult 5228 nasal cannula change 5229 NACL SUPPS 5230 Elgan study sample 5231 Hyperoxy. test 5232 UVC/UAC plamement 5233 Pred Forte 1% 5234 umbical site 5235 PRED-FORTE NASAL DRP 5236 baptisim 5237 Circ. 5238 Suurgicel 5239 bath demp 5240 Pneumococcal7-valent 5241 Kefzol 5242 Tooth 5243 CBC and bld cx 5244 Left lateral decub 5245 Repogyle 5246 Hep Lock Flush 5247 Chest tube dsg 5248 glycerine suppos. 5249 ceftazidine 5250 A&D oint 5251 bath.shampoo 5252 PICC LINE INSERTION 5253 L leg biopsy site 5254 PEG tube 5255 Penicillin G 5256 urine tox 5257 ALDACTONE 5258 calcium glubionate 5259 ABD INC LINE 5260 BROVIAC DSG 5261 Fentanyl Bolus 5262 Lytes 5263 STOMA 5264 cdiff 5265 Hepflush 5266 GLYCERIN CHIP 5267 pic placement 5268 glycerine sliver 5269 baptism 5270 Factor 8 Bolus 5271 Factor 8 continuous 5272 abdomial tap 5273 Erythropoetin 5274 HEPARIN FLUSH to PIC 5275 dimples 5276 genetics consult 5277 Cardiology 5278 Left wrist lac. 5279 needle aspiration 5280 flowrate cc's 5281 oral nystatin 5282 propanolol 5283 glycerin sliver 5284 bicitra 5285 Cord Drg. 5286 Caffine bolus 5287 pku 5288 DTaP Vaccine 5289 cefotaxine 5290 urine clt 5291 heparin flush 10u/ml 5292 Propranolol 5293 Aquafor 5294 HUS done 5295 SC Regular Insulin 5296 TURNING 180 5297 abdom x-ray 5298 caffeine loading 5299 labs 5300 Fish21,chromoso.stu 5301 180 degree rotation 5302 CT dressing 5303 Lumbar Puncture. 5304 Gylcerin supp 5305 NP SX QUANTITY 5306 Sodium Bicarb/Neut 5307 lactation consult 5308 caffeine citr. load 5309 180 degree turn 5310 CHORAL HYDRATE 5311 Chest tube 5312 throcentesis 5313 tracheal aspirate 5314 PICCL Placement 5315 blood gas 5316 CLONIS 5317 nystatin oint 5318 Mitrazol Powder 5319 spit 5320 flowrate cc/min 5321 ns bolus 5322 tetanus immune globn 5323 Baby bath 5324 Labs 5325 Hernia 5326 NA Supps 5327 caffeine cit. load 5328 hepb 5329 Dopamine 5330 NaCHO3 5331 Procainamide 5332 right nare 5333 saline flush 5334 caffeine loadingdose 5335 HYPEROXIA TEST 5336 bactoban 5337 Line placement xray 5338 Left lateral xray 5339 surgical consult 5340 Glycerine supp 5341 back of left knee 5342 DTAP 5343 KPhosphate 5344 amoxicillian 5345 Laser Eye Surgery 5346 atropine drops 5347 tobradex oint 5348 pneumococcal 5349 ETT culture and GS 5350 PICC line placed 5351 Hep B immune glob 5352 Urine Toxicology 5353 type and coombs 5354 skeletal films 5355 Dobutamine 5356 Dexamethasone eye ds 5357 dexamethasone/nares 5358 IPV Vaccine 5359 Atropine oint. 5360 Urine Culture 5361 Combivent Puffs 5362 Partial excahnge 5363 NaHCO3 5364 Bacitricin 5365 CO-BEDDING 5366 heparin 10units/cc 5367 Heplock solution 5368 Nystatin Pdr. 5369 cpr video watched 5370 heparin 10u/cc piv 5371 NS 5372 Initial Bath 5373 Left hand 5374 position rotated 180 5375 Atropine ointment 5376 K PHOS 5377 GLYCERIN SUPP 5378 Hepb 5379 na bicarbonate 5380 piperacillin-tazbac 5381 surgical procedure 5382 left foot. 5383 Caffiene-Loading 5384 OP site 5385 Open crib 5386 penrose drain area 5387 chesttube site 5388 incision 5389 Gentamycin Level P/T 5390 aquafor 5391 ligation incision 5392 D10W bolus 5393 180 rotation 5394 stoma 5395 Beclamethasone 5396 ferrous sulfate 5397 metronidazole powder 5398 vitamin E 5399 Vanco levels 5400 Bactroban both nares 5401 Gentamycin gtts OU 5402 Heploc flush 5403 NASAL SWAB 5404 CAFFEINE LOAD 5405 Ca Gluconate 10% 5406 Lytes and Bili drawn 5407 Hyperoxy. tes. 5408 Normal Saline Boluss 5409 Sodium Bicarbonate 5410 Post ductal sat 5411 urine tox screen 5412 healed penrose site 5413 Ativan 5414 Caff bolus 5415 Hep Flush to PICC 5416 Gly supp 5417 Vigilon dsg 5418 hep b Vaccination 5419 hep b vaccination 5420 regular insulin 5421 Abdominal xray 5422 UAC line placement 5423 UV line placement 5424 Heparin 5425 combivent mdi 5426 24 hr lytes and bili 5427 toes(left leg) 5428 Hep flushed 5429 Hyperoxygen test 5430 partial exchange 5431 CBG 5432 hct 5433 isolette 5434 lytes,bili 5435 mupirocin ointment 5436 nasal secret.cult 5437 Bactroban oint 5438 nasl secret.v.cult 5439 Miconazole pwdr 5440 nasal viral wash 5441 mupricin 5442 pic line placement 5443 broviac placed 5444 groin rash 5445 D 10 W bolus 5446 U-V line placed 5447 d10 bolus 5448 chest tube insertion 5449 glycerin supps 5450 Nystatin oint 5451 genetic consult 5452 Abdominal Ultrasound 5453 mitrazol powder 5454 batized 5455 Lactation Consult 5456 Chest Tube 5457 DART 5458 CVP Zero 5459 Glycerin supp. prn 5460 DEXAMETHASONE NASAL 5461 phenylephrine drops 5462 Tobradex eye ung 5463 hepB vacc 5464 Fentanyl bolus 5465 neurology consult 5466 spinal u/s 5467 Lytes and bili 5468 PIC line placement 5469 lytes and bili 5470 Pneumogram 5471 cbg,lytes,trigl 5472 Bili Level 5473 op. site 5474 Blood transfusion 5475 Meropenum 5476 U/A and urine cx 5477 xray l.extremities a 5478 Gentamycin oint 5479 Sponge Bath 5480 zosyn(piperacillin) 5481 Accyclovir 5482 Herpes culture 5483 bili level 5484 cbc/diff 5485 Vit A 5486 NYSTATIN ORAL 5487 NYSTATIN POWDER 5488 Abd U/S 5489 Blood draw 5490 Dexamethasone,nasal 5491 Herparin Flush 5492 Vitamin A 5493 Extremity X-ray 5494 Heart Echo 5495 U/S of Knee 5496 gentimicin 5497 LBC,BILI, ABG 5498 bld cx 5499 cbcd,lytes,abg 5500 vit a 5501 O2 sat probe change 5502 R ankle 5503 L nare 5504 MD at bedside 5505 O2 sat probe site 5506 Plastics 5507 laceration 5508 Hepatitis B immune n 5509 Cord blood for genes 5510 Neurology Consult 5511 Skeletal xray 5512 orthopedic consult 5513 hydrocyle 5514 Vi-day-lin 5515 Na supps 5516 calcium chloride 5517 TSH,T4.FreeT4 5518 Parents- CPR 5519 Destin 5520 NEUT 5521 Hyperoxia 5522 CHLORAL HYDRATE 5523 Amoxacillin 5524 Hydralizine 5525 Lytes BUN creatinine 5526 Bili T/D 5527 Bacitracin nose oint 5528 Dexamethasone nasal 5529 CBC with retic count 5530 ZOSYN 5531 bactroban ointment 5532 head ultrasound. 5533 head ultrasound 5534 PICC line placedment 5535 BBO2 5536 picc line placement 5537 Echocardiogram 5538 UVC pulled back 5539 pic line attempt 5540 COAGS 5541 Heparin flush 10u/cc 5542 PHENOBARBITAL LEVEL 5543 BILI 5544 UMBI 5545 Vit A IM 5546 proparacaine 5547 left index finger 5548 Dressing change 5549 lytes,bili abg 5550 inguinal swelling 5551 bolus d10 5552 bolus ns 5553 dopamine 5554 zzzzuent Press mmHg 5555 waffle boots bil 5556 TPA mg/hr 5557 peri pad 5558 HI/Minute/VOl 5559 Peak flow Pred 5560 Coccyx drsg change 5561 INEXSUFF 5562 Breath Sounds 5563 HIGH MINUTE VOLUMER 5564 bed alarms 5565 Isuprel 5566 posey 5567 ostomy Left 5568 ostomy right 5569 cont neb 5570 cont. med 5571 microneb 5572 Multipodus boot 5573 albuterol 5574 NO2 PPM. 5575 Tank pressure 5576 Ti 5577 acytylcisteine 5578 Breath sound 5579 Nitric [PSIG] 5580 Nitric{PPM} 5581 T-Low 5582 p-high 5583 p-low 5584 t-high 5585 MINUTE VOL. HIGH 5586 JP drainage color 5587 CYCLOSPORIN --MG/HR 5588 cyclosporin 3mg/hr 5589 eeg-run 4sheets q1hr 5590 warm pack to LUE 5591 Hibiclens scrub 5592 MMV rate 5593 MMV tidal volume 5594 Sling, left arm 5595 factor ten 5596 INTRATHECAL 5597 safety officer 5598 LEFT RADIAL A-LINE 5599 nasal balloon 5600 L fem art bp 5601 Neb Treatment 5602 combi 5603 Tri Vi Sol 5604 criticaide 5605 Miconazole Powder 5606 Nutrition Labs 5607 Nutrition labs 5608 24 hr labs 5609 hydroactive gel 5610 BP Q8H 5611 Afrin nasal gtts 5612 Dexamethasone gtts 5613 Neonatal Morphine PO 5614 PRBC trx 5615 umbilical site 5616 caffeine-load dose 5617 vitamin a 5618 PICC Placement 5619 24hr Lytes & Bili 5620 Abd US 5621 DSD 5622 Myelo 5623 B.S 5624 rebound bili 5625 Pinps 5626 Vidalyn 5627 Rebound Bili 5628 head circ. 5629 csm to right hand 5630 DRIVING PRESSURE 5631 High MV alarm. 5632 R BREAST TEMP/COLOR 5633 cyclosporine 5634 Vidalin 5635 Physical therapy 5636 2nd O2 Sat 5637 LeadII cardiac strip 5638 sheath a line 5639 r axilla-bupivacaine 5640 r popliteal bupivace 5641 fer-gen-sol 5642 bupivacaine.1%-axila 5643 bupivacaine.1%-pop 5644 PASSY MUIR/CUFF DOWN 5645 ct dressing 5646 trach ties 5647 trembling 5648 multi-podis boots 5649 PRBCS 5650 WASH ABD--HIBICLENS 5651 High Ve 5652 PICC Attempt 5653 HOMOCYSTEINE 5654 rt art line 5655 Multi podis Boots 5656 phenylephrine 5657 PECo2 5658 Erythromycin Oint 5659 D5W & 40Gm CaGluc 5660 LYTES 5661 PLTS 5662 lt. lat. decub 5663 hepatitis B vaccine 5664 CHOLEY TUBE 5665 CHOLEY TUBE DRAINAGE 5666 EDEMA 5667 heliox tank pressure 5668 CUFF PRESSURE 5669 gent oint. 5670 LT. LATERAL DECUB 5671 r fem art line 5672 icd 5673 vancomycin trough 5674 vest 5675 High Mv. 5676 RIGHT FEM. ALINE 5677 scrotal ultrasound 5678 bath/ shampoo 5679 RADIAL ABP 5680 RADIAL MAP 5681 umbi hernia measure 5682 Neosynephrine gtts 5683 Hourly PFR 5684 INV#1 Dsg Change 5685 INV#2 Dsg Change 5686 INV#3 Dsg Change 5687 INV#4 Dsg Change 5688 INV#5 Dsg Change 5689 INV#6 Dsg Change 5690 INV#7 Dsg Change 5691 INV#8 Dsg Change 5692 BILI, HCT. RETIC 5693 Left Lateral decub 5694 Abdominal ultrasound 5695 CORTISOL LEVEL 30 MN 5696 p Hi 5697 CORTISOL LEVEL PRE 5698 Vi-Day-Lin 5699 CHROMOSOMES 5700 Gent eye oint 5701 TriViSol 5702 FEM ART MEAN 5703 FEM ART S/D 5704 g-tube flush 5705 j-tube flush 5706 T HIGH 5707 T LOW 5708 MgSO4 5709 TOX SCREEN 5710 inital bath 5711 x-ray 5712 orogastric sxn 5713 incision sites 5714 CPM MACHINE 5715 gentamycin eye ointt 5716 bed exit alarm 5717 5718 PIC 5719 mucumyst 5720 TOTAL BATH 5721 abd lateral 5722 AV fistula T/B 5723 Caffiene Bolus 5724 TEA BAGS TO R EYE. 5725 umbilical 5726 Hi Ve 5727 Hi MV 5728 Solumedrol mg/kg/hr 5729 bair hugger 5730 hernia repair 5731 FEMORAL ABP MEAN 5732 FEMORAL ABP S/D 5733 granuloma 5734 spits 5735 peri pad chg 5736 inst spir 5737 breast pump 5738 Pericardial flush 5739 NAS assessment 5740 Active ROM RUE/LUE 5741 Passive ROM RUE/LUE 5742 Colostomy Stoma 5743 NT suction 5744 High Exhaled Min vol 5745 Hep flush 10units/cc 5746 HEPARIN DEPEND ANTBY 5747 dobutamine 5748 VItamin A inj. 5749 Percussion per bed 5750 24hr Lytes&Bili 5751 PRBCs 5752 Epinephrin 5753 Calcium Chloride 5754 APNEA TIME 5755 Time Disconnect 5756 PINPS 5757 mucous fistula 5758 MV hi 5759 gentics consult 5760 Bed bath 5761 Chromosomal analysis 5762 rectal tube care 5763 NGT NS FLUSH Q/4HR 5764 driving press 5765 CPR instruction 5766 High mv 5767 trach button 5768 Left nephro. tube 5769 multipodus splints 5770 dexamethasone eye ds 5771 Heliox PSI pressure 5772 FLAP TEMP/COLOR 5773 WAffle Boots 5774 nipple shield used 5775 Decadron nose drops 5776 FEM, ABP 5777 Cyclomydril eye drop 5778 low mv 5779 high mv 5780 NT SX 5781 Lab results 5782 High Minute Ventilan 5783 aprotinen cc/hr 5784 lab results 5785 Vath 5786 high pressure 5787 t-tube 5788 LLE Cast care 5789 RT. AVF BRUIT/THRILL 5790 Cyclosporine mg/hr 5791 RIGHT FEMORAL A-LINE 5792 left lower leg cast 5793 DTR 5794 DaPT 5795 URETERAL STENT. 5796 lochia 5797 L FEM ALINE 5798 Ecmo Flows 5799 R LEG ELEVATED 5800 mushroom catheter 5801 high ve n 5802 HYPEROXYIA TEST 5803 Femoral Sheath Aline 5804 sheath MAP 5805 DOPAMINE MICS/KG/MIN 5806 180 DEGREE TURN 5807 color of toes 5808 Zygris 5809 foely 5810 urine calcium 5811 urine creatinine 5812 Urine lytes 5813 ABP Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5814 CVP Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5815 HR Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5816 ICP Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5817 NBP Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5818 PAP Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5819 Resp Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5820 SpO2 Alarm (Lo/Hi) 5821 TBILI 5822 Auqafor 5823 Bed Percussion 5824 HiMV 5825 Nose Wound 5826 CBC and blood cx 5827 Nystatin Po suspensn 5828 Multipodus Boots 5829 ABG, Io CA 5830 HCL 5831 Heparin Flush 10U/cc 5832 DRIVING PRSSR 5833 Lytes.Tbili,ABG 5834 Thoracentesis 5835 Hep B vac 5836 mask/sz 5837 time disc. 5838 jobst bra 5839 eye movements 5840 rest d/ced 5841 TPA 5842 Decadron drops 5843 Neosynephrine drops 5844 hep. b 5845 fem art 5846 rigors 5847 MV Hi 5848 disconnect 5849 Hep B vaccination 5850 Home Bipap Unit 5851 cool aerosol mask 5852 Multi-Podus 5853 Elevate L leg 5854 fem aline 5855 t diconnect 5856 icp 5857 aterial line 5858 bedside observer 5859 left eye 5860 Bed side Observer 5861 TED STOCKINGS BILAT 5862 right leg bruit 5863 Opthamology consult 5864 ostomy 5865 APRV Pressure High 5866 APRV Pressure Low 5867 APRV Time High 5868 APRV Time low 5869 ATC on 5870 HOME VENT 5871 SIZURE PADS 5872 Inner canula 5873 Vanco trough 5874 High min. vent 5875 UA/UVC placement 5876 bun 5877 LFT's 5878 ABP (L) fem. 5879 Right Arm Cellulitis 5880 low rr 5881 vidaln 5882 Vanco peak 5883 desitin prn 5884 Ranitidine pg 5885 Lytes,ABG,Bili 5886 GlycerineSuppository 5887 Gentamicin Opthalmic 5888 HIGH Flo 5889 Bladder cath 5890 dulc.supp andenema 5891 SSE 5892 tpa mg/hr 5893 NGT lavage 5894 perit/bladder pressu 5895 Abduction Wedge 5896 VEN0US O2 SAT 5897 Baptize 5898 urine na 5899 Triple Antibx Oint 5900 Xeroform Dsg 5901 Lytes,Bili 5902 yi MV 5903 abdomenal incision 5904 02 Tubing Present 5905 Alarms Checked 5906 Analgesic 5907 Bag and Mask Present 5908 Feeding Label Match 5909 ID band(s) on 5910 IVimmunoglobulin 5911 L&D bands(s) on 5912 Sx Equip Functioning 5913 Tolerated new med? 5914 zz Equip Functioning 5915 zz band(s) on 5916 zz tubing present 5917 zzD band(s) on 5918 zzeding Label Match 5919 zzg and Mask Present 5920 passymuir valve 5921 ABDOMINAL BINDER 5922 bleedig at meatus 5923 GI #2 guiac 5924 Afrin Nasal Drops 5925 Abdominal Hernia 5926 right arm sling 5927 NAS score 5928 circumcison site 5929 180 Degree rotation 5930 VALPROA 50-100 UG/ML 5931 ECMO 5932 PMV. 5933 Triple Abx ointment 5934 R arm sensation 5935 L Hand Grasp 5936 R Hand Grasp 5937 ecmo l/min 5938 lvad svr 5939 Lumbar drain 5940 Ileostomy care 5941 Feeding Team Eval 5942 HIGH VT 5943 sigh breath 5944 I-Time 5945 Continuous Neb 5946 PIC Line placement 5947 NEBS 5948 Heb B 5949 ivp 5950 NO PPM 5951 NO tank pr 5952 nitric oxide 5953 CRITICAID 5954 ileostomy appearance 5955 Analyzed INOV FiO2 5956 Cardiologist visit 5957 Cyclopentolate 1% 5958 R) LE 5959 scalp 5960 vitamin A 5961 PT Eval 5962 Spironolactone 5963 ceftaxime 5964 Autopeep 5965 Vitamin A injections 5966 Continuous EEG q1hr 5967 PROM 5968 AF fistula T/B 5969 IV infiltrate 5970 LYTES, BILI 5971 LYTES,BILI 5972 fetal heartrate 5973 R hand infiltrate 5974 Nitric Dioxide 5975 O2% on INOvent 5976 lab draw 5977 labs drawn 5978 qtc 5979 NITRIOUS OXIDE 5980 INO TANK PRESS 5981 L FEM ART BP 5982 Triple antibx oint. 5983 Fungal Blood cx 5984 TSH NML(0.27-4.2) 5985 Urine Creat 5986 AV fistula bruit 5987 Abd drsg change 5988 AV Fistula Thrill 5989 Right heel drsg chae 5990 Valproate 5991 CVL 5992 Surgical site 5993 Peak exp flow rate 5994 Hi min vol 5995 Peak flow post tx. 5996 T discon 5997 HEPA FILTER 5998 meds 5999 prone/supine 6000 HIGH MIN VOL. 6001 Rebound bili 6002 Desitin prn 6003 ph level 6004 fundus check 6005 Security Guard 6006 peripad 6007 badbath 6008 SPUTUM INDUCTION 6009 pictures taken 6010 P-Lo 6011 P Hi 6012 T-Hi 6013 T-Lo 6014 PHENYFREE (1.0-2.0) 6015 Triple abx. 6016 Neo Bili 6017 metabolic labs 6018 PIC line placed 6019 Left arm Edema 6020 gent peak/trough 6021 (R) nephrostomy 6022 Critic Aide 6023 AV FISTULA 6024 venous o2 sat 6025 Mineral oil 6026 NECKJP/DRAINAGE/SITE 6027 thrush 6028 abdominal girth 6029 uac/uvc placement 6030 Face 6031 PADS/NECK INCISION. 6032 TRACH CUFF TAKENDOWN 6033 wound care 6034 EPOGEN 6035 Urinalysis sent 6036 Blocked tear duct 6037 ilex 6038 Pediarix vaccine 6039 Bath. 6040 eco 6041 hi Ve 6042 VIDALYN 6043 surface cultures 6044 Trn of 4 6045 1-10 ML 20% MUCOMYST 6046 Gentamicin ointment 6047 Hi insp press 6048 right armpit 6049 pediarix 6050 Pediarix Vaccination 6051 Pediarix 6052 Neonatal bili, lytes 6053 Hep flush 10U/CC 6054 Neonatal bili 6055 Peg Care 6056 right fem sheath 6057 Triple Antbx Oint 6058 uric acid 6059 micro neb 6060 Bipap mask 6061 Sucrose H20 6062 J-tube 6063 P insp. 6064 ORL Exam 6065 High minute Volume 6066 Chest tube DSG 6067 Neonatal Bili & Lyts 6068 dtap-hepb-ipv comb. 6069 Suprapubic cath site 6070 Full Skeletal X-Ray 6071 Hep B Imm Globulin 6072 vision fields 6073 MV HI 6074 NEONATAL BILI 6075 Hep Flush 10U/cc 6076 Flowrate 6077 Prograf 6078 MV 6079 Mitrazole powder 6080 Sucrose 24% 6081 straight cath 6082 Spinal Scan 6083 OGT Placement 6084 TRACH SITE 6085 caffeine Bolus 6086 Micro-Neb tx 6087 PMV Trial 6088 circumcission 6089 Emla 6090 neosynepherin 6091 leg dressings 6092 Sclerea edema 6093 enema 6094 line placement 6095 INO 6096 MV-HI 6097 suprapubic cath 6098 Bacitracin topical 6099 P-HI 6100 P-LO 6101 T-HI 6102 T-LO 6103 vit A 6104 Chromosomal study 6105 High PIP 6106 High RR 6107 Low Pressure 6108 u/s of left arm/neck 6109 EEG run 6110 xygris 6111 prednisone 6112 left vent drain 6113 sacral ultrasound 6114 LUMBAR DRAIN 6115 high/min /vent 6116 Aveeno bath 6117 wound drsg changes 6118 NYSTATIN OINTMENT 6119 caffeine load 6120 IV Lasix 6121 Miconazole 6122 PRE OP PREP 6123 Mag sulfate 6124 R fem art line 6125 L thigh circumferenc 6126 HI press 6127 LO Press 6128 time High 6129 time Lo 6130 Hi min vent 6131 CHEST PERCUSSOR T 6132 Calcium gluconate 6133 Magnesium Sulfate 6134 esoph balloon 6135 Ptp exp 6136 Free Dilantin 6137 PEG site 6138 Unable to Assess 6139 See Chart for Initial Pt Assessment 6140 *Proxy Name/Phone # 6141 Spokesperson / Phone # 6142 derm consult 6143 Lacrilube Ointment 6144 ABD BINDR/THIGH HI'S 6145 Fem Art BP 6146 sodium bicarbonate 6147 APNEA INT. 6148 Valproic acid 6149 PeCO2 6150 GT care 6151 TRACHEOSTOMY CARE 6152 Mixed Venous 6153 PERCUSSION VIA BED 6154 pnuemogram 6155 surgery consult 6156 R fem art BP 6157 Hep Flush 10u/cc 6158 Lytes,Trig,Bili 6159 high minute 6160 R/L FLAP PULSE 6161 PMV on. 6162 Lumbar drain level 6163 Lumbar drain output 6164 Lumbar open/clamped 6165 LYTES AND BILI 6166 left flap check 6167 right flap check 6168 hi VE 6169 Diaper 6170 Actual PEFR 6171 Pred PEFR 6172 cpr class 6173 circumsision site 6174 PLT transfusion 6175 Coag bld wk 6176 ISUPREL 1mg/250ccD5W 6177 Miconozole powder 6178 Pediatrix 6179 I TIME 6180 Lacrilube 6181 1o cc ns irrigation 6182 jt flush 20cc q 8 hs 6183 aorta axillary graft 6184 remote alarm 6185 Hi Min vent 6186 Paw 6187 sling L arm - pacer 6188 Left Arm Massage 6189 phosphenytoin 6190 Normal saline 6191 Creamy Desitin 6192 Vidalgn 6193 Bili & Lytes 6194 JP drain #1 amylase 6195 JP drain #2 amylase 6196 IRRIG FOLEY 50ML NS 6197 cap gas 6198 CAP GAS 6199 L. lower abd. kidney 6200 foley changed 6201 cephalexin 6202 Pediatrix Combi 6203 Caffeine(bolus) 6204 urine for CMV 6205 qt 6206 Tank A psi. 6207 Tank B psi. 6208 Ve High 6209 LYTES,BILI,LIVER PRF 6210 PHENOBARB & DILANTIN 6211 BILI & LYTES 6212 VBG 6213 TANK A 6214 AMMONIA/12-47 UMOL/L 6215 TANK B 6216 hi flow O2 6217 phenylephrine nasal 6218 peri pad count 6219 Breast Pump 6220 Lytes, Phenobarb 6221 tank A 6222 tank B 6223 tank-A 6224 Tank-b 6225 Caffeine load 6226 urine for AA 6227 passy muir valve on 6228 LEFT AV FISTULA 6229 Pec02 6230 Bath Care 6231 Tank 1 6232 reg insulin 6233 Tank 2 6234 L AV fistula 6235 Circumsion 6236 high pip 6237 Cap gas 6238 propofol 6239 mitrazole pwd 6240 CT scan 6241 sv02 6242 c collar 6243 tri abx ointment 6244 Surgery 6245 Surgury 6246 SAFETY OFFICER 6247 caf load 6248 d51/2NSc 20meq kcl 6249 leg retraints 6250 lt av fistula 6251 wrist restraints 6252 Abdominal U/S 6253 NUTR PANEL,Hct, reti 6254 Post-Ductal SaO2 6255 VAsopressin 0.04 s 6256 Platelet Count 6257 Heated Humid 6258 fluconazole 6259 Tank Pressure (NO) 6260 R fem Art line 6261 Vanco level 6262 Hep Flush 10UNITS/CC 6263 J tube port 6264 high NO alarm 6265 high NO2 alarm 6266 Low NO alarm 6267 NO2 6268 drive pr 6269 Dressing 6270 Thigh Tourniquet 6271 Subgaliel tap 6272 right fem. a-line 6273 Driving P. 6274 Triple Antibx 6275 GI tube #3 6276 Critic-Aid Skin Pst 6277 PICC line attempt 6278 fingerstick 6279 TPA 50MG IN 500NS 6280 flovent 6281 LEFT LEG DRSG 6282 Bed Rotation 6283 Nitric Tank Pressure 6284 Merepenum 6285 right nephrost irrig 6286 FLOW 6287 antibiotic ointmt. 6288 tri-vi-sol 6289 spontaneous vt 6290 Bath & shampoo 6291 NITRIC TANK PRESSURE 6292 APRV HIGH 6293 APRV LOW 6294 FETAL HR BY L&D RN 6295 amonia 6296 spironolactone 6297 VP shunt placement 6298 foley d/c 6299 sodium bicarb 6300 methylene blue test 6301 3X ABX ointment 6302 low press 6303 Pigtail dressing 6304 urine cath 6305 freeform alarm 6306 Sclera 6307 Scleral jaundice 6308 TEDS 6309 24hr Caregiver 6310 Hep B ImmuneGlobulin 6311 heparin lock flush 6312 Abdominal Binder 6313 catherization 6314 e 6315 Insp time 6316 vac canister change 6317 iv diuril 6318 Bili Sent 6319 bronched 6320 cuff press 6321 r leg 6322 Face Droop 6323 solumedol 6324 Tongue Deviation 6325 PICC Line Insertion 6326 Bair hugger 6327 echo 6328 Foley cath insert 6329 ceftazadine 6330 Bed rotation 6331 rt anterior foot 6332 mucocous fstula 6333 bed rotation 6334 meropnem 6335 drsg changes 6336 PCV driving pressure 6337 PICC line site 6338 femoral line left 6339 PRESSURE SUPPORT 6340 knee immobilizer 6341 Vydaylin 6342 P Insp 6343 DONE 6344 CUFF PRESS. 6345 Nitric oxide/PPM 6346 Cuff Pressure 6347 femoral pulses 6348 FLUTTER VALVE RX 6349 AUTOPeeP 6350 total PeeP 6351 Train of Four 6352 fentanyl mcg/hr 6353 rt groin sheath 6354 ABP left Radial 6355 Dexamethasone 0.1% 6356 Phenylephrine 0.125% 6357 Prednisolone 0.125% 6358 spont rr 6359 Halo 6360 Ancef 6361 iliostomy 6362 potassium bolus 6363 EDM CI 6364 EDM CO 6365 left wrist pressure 6366 P HI 6367 P LO 6368 T HI 6369 T LO 6370 B12 6371 Multipod. boot 6372 Kepra 6373 cyclopentalate 6374 guard 6375 Trache care 6376 TOF twitches 6377 renal ultrasound 6378 ViDaylin 6379 vidalyn 6380 TRACH SIZE 6381 Zosyn 6382 ROM RUE 6383 rt fem sheath 6384 PINSP 6385 glycerin suppos 6386 Foley d/c 6387 Lytes,Bili, HcT 6388 ambisome 6389 to CHMC for VCUG/US 6390 fem a line 6391 rad a line 6392 Nystatin ung 6393 Axilla ultrasound 6394 Miconazole Pdr 6395 Phenylephrine gtts 6396 Prednisolone gtts 6397 Caspofungin 6398 FEM LINE 6399 ART MAP 6400 HIT 6401 surg incision 6402 TRAIN OF FOUR 6403 carseat test 6404 Atravent 6405 Albuterol 6406 Rt Neck Massage 6407 Warm compress 6408 Multi podis boots 6409 PR interval 6410 Auto Rotation 6411 Dressing Change 6412 Nystatin Oral Susp. 6413 chromosone study 6414 Nephrostomy 6415 Tri-Visol 6416 Bilateral hernia 6417 low pressure 6418 Rt heel drsg change 6419 mlti podus boots 6420 PERICARE 6421 OCTREOTIDE 6422 Xigris mg/hour 6423 Octreotide mcg/hr 6424 IABP BP 6425 auto flow 6426 auto tube comp 6427 Ribavirin RX 6428 L fem art line 6429 Glucagon mg/hr 6430 Multipodis Boot 6431 ribo rx 6432 Lytes& Neonatal Bili 6433 SIGH BREATH 6434 RSBI 6435 Benadryl 6436 Ostomy Changed 6437 EPIDURAL RATE 6438 Nitric Oxide PPM 6439 Nitric tank pressure 6440 Ambulated 6441 nitrofuratoin 6442 Hep Flush 10Units/CC 6443 AMONIA 6444 Fissure 6445 Glycerin chip 6446 multipod boot 6447 vydalin 6448 P Lo 6449 PROTONIX MG/HOUR 6450 urine screen 6451 Phigh 6452 lumbar drain 6453 Plow 6454 Thigh 6455 Tlow 6456 bath and stoma care 6457 L FEM ART LINE 6458 Multipodus 6459 safety helmet on 6460 Scrotal U/S 6461 fem sheat 6462 Interpretor 6463 intermit pacer beats 6464 Regular insulin SQ 6465 P-High 6466 P-Low 6467 T-High 6468 hearing exam 6469 nephostomy 6470 CA GLUCONATE 6471 Edema 6472 R antecub redness 6473 Ct Scan 6474 HSV swabs 6475 tracheostomy care 6476 Urine muco and poly 6477 Viral studies 6478 eye care 6479 recruitment pressure 6480 p hi 6481 p lo 6482 t hi 6483 t lo 6484 Rt Thigh Girth 6485 sacral wound 6486 SvO2 MVG 6487 ART. SHEATH 6488 MUSHROOM CATH 6489 auto-peep 6490 L thigh appearance 6491 L Thigh Circumfrence 6492 blader scaner 6493 BED ALARM ON 6494 groin care 6495 foley insertion date 6496 urine cmv 6497 pal 6498 Miconazole Pdr. 6499 blood /amino acids 6500 trach asp viral panl 6501 u/a 6502 urine/organic acids 6503 moves legs well 6504 atropine eye gtts 6505 Electrolytes 6506 FEMORAL ART LINE 6507 Radial a-line 6508 check bruit r arm 6509 VITAMIN A 6510 VIT A 6511 Dexamethesone gtt 6512 Phenylephrine gtt 6513 Prednsolone gtt 6514 cont. dose/hour 6515 Multi podus boot 6516 triple antib oint t 6517 ABD Binder 6518 Knee film 6519 rt femoral sheath 6520 P-high 6521 P-low 6522 T-high 6523 T-low 6524 Amikacin 6525 TOF level 6526 Indocin 6527 Head U/S 6528 Warm hand pack 6529 CVL Placement 6530 PICC Line Placemant 6531 vest cpt 6532 Bed Exit Alarm 6533 Coccyx WTD Dressing 6534 Rifampin 6535 splints removed 6536 Erythromycin 6537 Ketamine 6538 tpn 6539 eccho 6540 IntraABd pressure 6541 methadone mg /hr 6542 edi 6543 phenylepherine 2.5% 6544 warm compress 6545 express pus, subman 6546 pm valve 6547 neosinephrine 6548 art 6549 ca, phos, alk phos 6550 Depamethasone 6551 sputum site cultures 6552 low insp press 6553 cyclosporin 6554 foot and leg xray 6555 pt shaved 6556 Prednisolone drops 6557 LYTES.CBG 6558 Bapitism 6559 L Lower leg CAST 6560 CORTISOL 30 MIN 6561 CORTISOL 60 MIN 6562 diuril 6563 ABP-RT FEMORAL 6564 angio site 2 6565 Neonatal Opium Sol'n 6566 Picc line placement 6567 peri pad changed 6568 Phenylephrine nasal 6569 dexamethasone ophtha 6570 MAGNESIUM 6571 MANESIUM 6572 mouth/tongue 6573 MgSO4 mg/hr 6574 D/C UAC 6575 Heparin flush. 6576 Lidocaine Instill 6577 Myconizol Powder 6578 IR SHEATH ABP 6579 IR Sheath MAP 6580 DIET OTHER 6581 decub dressing chane 6582 left femerol artery 6583 CHG scrub 6584 HumR SSI 6585 NPH units 6586 Heliox Tank PSI 6587 Heliox total flow 6588 mboots 6589 arterial bp #2 6590 arterial mean #2 6591 Urinary Catheter 6592 furosemide po 6593 Multipodis Boots 6594 Versed 6595 back 6596 Acety42gm/1L-mg/kg/h 6597 train of 4 6598 x-rays of arms 6599 right arm 6600 PKU Sent 6601 Auto PeeP 6602 INAMRINONE LACTATE 6603 INAMRINONE MCG/KG/MN 6604 Fem sheath 6605 Fem sheath MAP 6606 Barium Swallow 6607 Vitamin A IM 6608 Primo II 6609 Ribavrin TX # 6610 rifampin 6611 physical Therapy 6612 flowvent MDI 6613 SNEAKERS 6614 right facial droop 6615 bili sent 6616 Pantoprazole mg/hr 6617 Hct,ret,Nut, Lytes 6618 HumR #Units 6619 skin tag 6620 PAUSE TIME L/R 6621 ROTATION 6622 hernia repair site 6623 umbi hernia repair 6624 hepb vaccine 6625 Femoral aline 6626 Femoral aline L. 6627 linen change 6628 critic-aid 6629 Rash left hand 6630 left arm laceration 6631 pressure low 6632 head circumference 6633 urine osmolality 6634 Manual Disimpaction 6635 Aprotinin ml/hr 6636 R FEM 6637 VIT A INJ 6638 Chest tube dressing 6639 Vit A injection 6640 35 QVar 6641 Heliox flow 6642 HeO2 delivery device 6643 Temp Rectal 6644 QVar 6645 pmv 6646 TriVisol 6647 50% Dextrose gm 6648 cxray 6649 Urine CMV 6650 DSD on head 6651 ca gluc ml/hr 6652 femoral abp 6653 femoral abp mean 6654 femoral sheath 6655 PCV Level 6656 PHigh 6657 DP 6658 VALPROIC ACID 6659 right femoral sheath 6660 Sterile Cath 6661 Nephrology consult 6662 Lytes, BUN CR 6663 Artificial tears 6664 right groin arterial 6665 Lovenox 6666 Akwa Eye Lubricant 6667 G-Tube Site 6668 hepb vacc 6669 APRV Phi 6670 APRV Plo 6671 APRV T hi 6672 APRV T lo 6673 hepb vacc. 6674 Tracheal Lavarge 6675 Atropine oint 6676 Lytes and HCT 6677 Humulin Reg 6678 nitric ppm 6679 Art 6680 trusopt 6681 Oral nystatin 6682 INO PRESS 6683 Routine 6684 Abdominal u/s 6685 Recuitment breath 6686 TRIVISOL 6687 PPN 6688 High NO alarm 6689 High NO2 alarm 6690 phenylephrine gtts 6691 DRIV PRESS 6692 Peep>10 6693 metabolic consult 6694 blood tests 6695 GLY Suppository 6696 10 l fist open/close 6697 l arm ^ 2 pillows 6698 Dexamethason drops 6699 Abdominal x-ray 6700 barium enema 6701 Arterial BP #2 6702 Arterial BP Mean #2 6703 INV#1 Cap Change 6704 INV#1 Tubing Change 6705 INV#2 Cap Change 6706 INV#2 Tubing Change 6707 INV#3 Cap Change 6708 INV#3 Tubing Change 6709 INV#4 Cap Change 6710 INV#4 Tubing Change 6711 INV#5 Cap Change 6712 INV#5 Tubing Change 6713 INV#6 Cap Change 6714 INV#6 Tubing Change 6715 INV#7 Cap Change 6716 INV#7 Tubing Change 6717 INV#8 Cap Change 6718 INV#8 Tubing Change 6719 SpO2-L 6720 Trip antibiotic oint 6721 Thr/bruit L AVfistua 6722 BIL STENTS 6723 Type and Cross 6724 Left decub x-ray 6725 SSI HumR #u 6726 Urine CMV, Culture 6727 Suicide Precautions 6728 Reticulocyte 6729 Act CPP 6730 baptizm 6731 Dex nose gtts. 6732 chromosomes sent 6733 GENT DROPS 6734 Left Foot 6735 Ampi 6736 adenosine 6737 Mammary Binder On