function [X,FULLFMT] = saveascii(X,varargin) %SAVEASCII Save/display a matrix with specific format for each column. % % SYNTAX: % saveascii(X) % Displays % saveascii(X,...,FMT) % saveascii(X,...,DLM) % saveascii(X,FILE,...) % Saves % saveascii(X,FILE,...,'a') % Appends % [Y,FULLFMT] = saveascii(...); % % INPUT: % X - 2-dimensional numeric, logical or string array with Ncol % columns to be saved/display, with/without NaNs, or a vector of % cell of strings. % DLM - One or Ncol-1 strings on a cell specifying the delimiter(s) % between every/each pair if columns. % DEFAULT: {' '} or {''} (the latter if X is char) % FMT - One or Ncol integers in a vector specifying the PRECISION for % every/each column, or One or Ncol strings in a cell specifying % its format(s). See NOTE below. % DEFAULT: '% 8.7e' or '%c' (the latter if X is char) % FILE - File name or identifier specifying the output file. % DEFAULT: not used (just displays) % 'a' - Appends to the given FILE in text mode. Use 'w -i' to active a % OVERWRITE warning. See NOTE below. % DEFAULT: 'w' (creates/OVERWRITES! the given FILE in text mode) % % OUTPUT (all optional): % Y - Matrix X converted to a string with specified format(s) and % delimiter(s). % FULLFMT - Format used to save/dislay the matrix. If X is a cell of % strings, this is also a cell of strings without the End of % Line. % % DESCRIPTION: % This program saves/displays a matrix array by using SPRINTF/FPRINTF % with specific format (FMT) and delimiter (DLM) for every or EACH % column in a very handy way, which is the mayor difference with SAVE % or DLMWRITE function. % % The point of this program is to allow the user to save/display any % numeric or char matrix as easy as posible without messing with the % appropiate format ('%...') to do it, only with the precision (if is % numerical). See the EXAMPLE below. % % NOTE: % * Optional inputs use its DEFAULT value when not given or []. % * Optional outputs may or not be called. % * FMT and DLM may be a single string. % * When FMT is used as precision integers, negative ones indicates to % treat column(s) of X as integers rounded up to those significant % digits to the left! % * ADDITIONAL NOTES are included inside this file. % % EXAMPLE: % x = [ 1 2 pi % 4 NaN 6 % 75.4 Inf 8.5 ]; % % Display with 3 significant decimals. % saveascii(x,3) % % RETURNS: % % 1.000 2.000 3.142 % % 4.000 NaN 6.000 % % 75.400 Inf 8.500 % % % % Display with specific significant decimals. % saveascii(x,[-1 2 0]) % % RETURNS: % % 0 2.00 3 % % 0 NaN 6 % % 80 Inf 9 % % % % Displays with ' hello ' and ' bye ' as delimiter. % saveascii(x,{' hello ',' bye '},2) % % RETURNS: % % 1.00 hello 2.00 bye 3.14 % % 4.00 hello NaN bye 6.00 % % 75.40 hello Inf bye 8.50 % % % % Saves on 'saveascii_demo.txt' with heading. % FILE = 'saveascii_demo.txt'; % saveascii('% Demo file' ,FILE) % saveascii(['% Pi = ' saveascii(pi,3) ';'],FILE,'a') % saveascii(x ,FILE,'a',0) % edit(FILE) % demo = load(FILE) % % RETURNS: % % demo = % % % % 4 NaN 6 % % 75 Inf 9 % % % % NOTE: see how the heading is ignored by the LOAD function. % % SEE ALSO: % SAVE, FPRINTF, SPRINTF, DLMWRITE, CSVWRITE, FOPEN, STR2DOUBLE, % STR2NUM, NUM2STR % and % READLINE by Carlos Vargas % at % % % --- % MFILE: saveascii.m % VERSION: 6.2 (Oct 30, 2009) (download) % MATLAB: (R2008b) % AUTHOR: Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (MEXICO) % CONTACT: % ADDITIONAL NOTES: % * X must be the first input always, and, if used, FILE must be the % second one. Afterwards FMT, DLM and 'a' may be given in any order. % * By default the program writes with in text mode by append a 't' in % the open permission mode ('wt' or 'at') rather than in the default % binary mode ('wb' or 'ab'). This allows Windows OS users to read % the saved file with any ascii program. See FOPEN for more details. % * By default, the program OVERWRITES without warning, to use a % warning use the optional input 'w -i' instead of the default 'w'. % * To create a NEWLINE the program uses: '\n'. I guess Mac OS users % should change the program to use '\r' instead. % * The program works faster when a single delimiter and format/ % precision are used for every column. % * The FMT may be a FULL format, which is a single string with Ncol % formats within as the FULLFMT output. % REVISIONS: % 1.0 Released. (Mar 06, 2006) % 2.0 Allows delimiter and format for each column. (Sep 28, 2006) % 2.1 English translation from spanish. (Nov 13, 2006) % 3.0 Now allows input decimals for floating-point. 'wt' and 'at' % for Windows users. Output to Command Window and check errors. % (Feb 21, 2007) % 3.1 Now accepts zero and negative decimals. (Feb 26, 2007) % 3.1.1 Bug fixed with row vectors (thanks to Emilio Velazquez). (Mar % 01, 2007) % 3.1.2 Bug fixed on get_digits subfunction. Used SUM of logicals % instead of ANY. (Mar 02, 2007) % 4.0 Cleaner and rewritten code (cells). Reduced running time and % memmory usage. Fixed bugs. Accounts Inf and NaN's. Changed % default delimiter '\t' to ' '. Changed beginner char '@' to % '<'. Added ending option. Optionaly format string output. (Mar % 11, 2008) % 4.0.1 Fix little bug with INTEGER type. (Mar 13, 2008) % 4.0.2 Fixed bug with not numeric elements (NAN's, Inf's and -Inf's). % (Mar 13, 2008) % 4.0.3 Fixed bug when the whole column is no finite (NaN, Inf, or % -Inf's). (May 06, 2008) % 5.0 Rewritten help and code. Fixed minor bugs related with empty % X. No more reversed outputs. No more Begginig and Ending % string optional inputs allowed. No more inputs separated by % commas for DLM, FMT or precision FMT are allowed, instead cell % of strings or a vector of integers must be used. DLM optional % input is forced to be a cell of strings. New overwrite warning % added. (Jun 08, 2009) % 5.0.1 When FMT is numeric (precision) now the program rounds up to % it before saving. This eliminates any negative zero output % like '-0.00'. (Jun 19, 2009) % 6.0 Now save a cell of strings. Again accepts a single delimiter % as string. (Sep 30, 2009) % 6.1 Ignores optional empty inputs. Added some title comments (Oct % 03, 2009) % 6.2 Fixed small bug with parse inputs. Now creates file directory % if not exist. (Oct 30, 2009) % DISCLAIMER: % saveascii.m is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, under the % revised BSD license. % Copyright (c) 2004,2006,2007,2008,2009 Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera % INPUTS CHECK-IN % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Checks number of inputs and outputs. if nargin<1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:notEnoughInputs',... 'At least 1 input is required.') elseif nargin>5 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyInputs',... 'At most 5 inputs are allowed.') elseif nargout>2 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyOutputs',... 'At most 2 outputs are allowed.') end % Sets defaults: FILE = []; % Function mode: % [] : display % filename/fid : save PER = 'w'; % Open permission: % 'w' : OVERWRITES without warning % 'a' : ppends TOB = 't'; % Write mode: % 't' : text % 'b' : binary (FOPEN default) WAR = false; % Overwrite warning: % false : do not warns % true : do warns if ischar(X) ||... % String matrix iscellstr(X) % or cell of strings input: FMT = {'%c'}; % Format string for each (every) column. DLM = {''}; % If just text, nothing between chars. else % Numeric (real) or logical matrix input: FMT = {'% 8.7e'}; % Ugly, but MATLAB seems to like it, do you? DLM = {' '}; % Single space. Try '\t' (tab). end % BOEL = ''; % String at the Begining of Each line. EOEL = '\n'; % String at the End Of Each Line % '\n' : for Windows and Unix OS users % '\r' : for Mac OS users (I guess, not tested) PRE = []; % Not used by default. WID = []; % Not used by default. SPC = 'f'; % Floating-point specifier. % CHECKS X ================================================================ % Checks X size. Nrow = size(X); if length(Nrow)>2 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectXDimension',... 'X must be a 2-dimensional matrix array.') else Ncol = Nrow(2); Nrow = Nrow(1); end % Checks X empty, type and complex. Xemp = isempty(X); Xnum = false; Xcell = false; if ~Xemp && (isnumeric(X) || islogical(X)) % Fixed BUG (May 07, 2009) if ~isreal(X) warning('CVARGAS:saveacii:complexInput',... 'Imaginary parts on X were ignored.') X = real(X); end Xnum = true; elseif ischar(X) % continue elseif iscellstr(X) Xcell = true; if Ncol>1 if Nrow~=1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectXCellSize',... 'X must be a vector of cell of strings, not a matrix.') end Nrow = Ncol; Ncol = 1; end X = X(:); Ncolcell = cellfun(@length,X); if Nrow==1 % Cell of length 1? X = X{1}; Xcell = false; end elseif ~Xemp error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectXType',... 'X must be numerical, logical, string or cell of strings type.') end % CHECKS VARARGIN ========================================================= % Checks number of optional inputs by type. % Fixed bug with empty inputs. Oct 2009 Nopt = length(varargin); inum = false(1,Nopt); ichar = inum; icell = inum; iempty = inum; for k = 1:Nopt if isempty(varargin{k}) iempty(k) = true; elseif ischar(varargin{k}) ichar(k) = true; elseif iscellstr(varargin{k}) icell(k) = true; % Fixed bug, Oct 2009 elseif isnumeric(varargin{k}) inum(k) = true; % Fixed bug, Oct 2009 else error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectTypeInput',... 'Optional inputs must be numerical, char or cell of strings type.') end end % Checks numeric inputs. [newFILE,PRE] = get_num(PRE,Ncol,varargin(inum),find(inum),find(iempty)); clear inum iempty % Gets format. newFMT = []; if Xnum % Checks PRE. % Avoids a subfunction to optimize memory usage. if ~isempty(PRE) % Rounds down to positive PRE and up to negative PRE. ind = (PRE<0); if any(ind) % Negative PRE. if length(PRE)==1 temp = 10^PRE; X = round(X*temp)/temp; else temp = repmat(10.^PRE(ind),Nrow,1); X(:,ind) = round(X(:,ind).*temp)./temp; end clear temp PRE(ind) = 0; end if any(~ind) % (Fixed BUG, Jun 19 2009) % Positive PRE. if length(PRE)==1 temp = 10^PRE; X = round(X*temp)/temp; else temp = repmat(10.^PRE(~ind),Nrow,1); X(:,~ind) = round(X(:,~ind).*temp)./temp; end clear temp end X(X==0) = 0; % Forces positive zeros. % Generate format from precision. % First, creates a short matrix x3 to get the width and helps to save % memory, with only 3 rows: % 1. Maximum of X columns (ignoring Inf's) % 2. Flags if columns of X has: NaN->1; Inf->1; -Inf->-1; otherwise->0 % 3. Minimum of X columns (ignoring -Inf's) iinf = ~isfinite(X); % 1's if NaN, Inf or -Inf, 0 otherwise. iinfn = find(iinf); % To get the -Inf indexes: iinfn(isnan(X(iinfn)) ) = []; % ... deletes the NaN's. Bug fixed mar08 iinfn( X(iinfn)>0) = []; % ... deletes the Inf's iinf = double(iinf); % Turns them to double values iinf(iinfn) = -1; % Put -Inf flags as -1. x3 = [maxinf(X,[],1); any(iinf,1)-2*any(iinf<0,1); mininf(X,[],1)]; clear iinf iinfn % Creates the format string from precision options. newFMT = pre2fmt(PRE,WID,SPC,Ncol,x3); clear x3 end else if ~isempty(PRE) error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFmtNumericalInput',... 'FMT cannot be numerical because X is not numeric.') end end % Checks cell inputs: [newDLM,newFMT,EOEL,full1] = ... get_cell([],newFMT,EOEL,Ncol,varargin(icell)); clear icell % Checks string inputs. % Fixed bug to work with char DELIMITERS besides of cells. Sep 2009. [newFILE,PER,TOB,WAR,newDLM,newFMT,EOEL,full2] = get_char(newFILE,PER,... TOB,WAR,newDLM,newFMT,EOEL,Ncol,varargin(ichar),find(ichar)); clear ichar varargin % CHECKS FORMAT =========================================================== % Given FMT?: if ~isempty(newFMT) if ~Xnum warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFmtCharInput',... 'Ignored specific format because X is char.') else FMT = newFMT; end end % Given DLM: if ~isempty(newDLM) if full1 || full2 warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:ignoredDlmInput',... 'DLM ignored because FMT is a full format.') DLM = {''}; else DLM = newDLM; end end % Generates full format: if ~Xemp if ~Xcell FULLFMT = [BOEL get_strform(DLM,FMT,Ncol) EOEL]; else FULLFMT = cell(Nrow,1); eoel = EOEL; if ~isempty(EOEL) for k = 1:2 if strcmp(eoel(end-1:end),'\n') eoel(end-1:end) = []; elseif strcmp(eoel(end-1:end),'\r') eoel(end-1:end) = []; end if isempty(eoel), break, end end elseif length(FMT)>1 for k = 1:2 if isempty(FMT), break, end if strcmp(FMT(end-1:end),'\n') EOEL = FMT(end-1:end); FMT(end-1:end) = []; elseif strcmp(FMT(end-1:end),'\r') EOEL = FMT(end-1:end); FMT(end-1:end) = []; end end end for k = 1:Nrow FULLFMT{k} = [BOEL get_strform(DLM,FMT,Ncolcell(k)) eoel]; end end else % Empty array. X = ''; % Fixed BUG (May 07, 2009) FULLFMT = ''; end clear BOEL WID FMT DLM SPC Ncol % CHECKS FILE ============================================================= % Given FILE?: if ~isempty(newFILE) FILE = newFILE; % Warning for the file id used. To check that FILE is a fid and not a % precision. if isempty(PRE) && isempty(newFMT) && isnumeric(FILE) if ~isempty(fopen(FILE)) warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:usedFileNumericalInput',... 'Filename used was ''%s'' with file identifier %.0f.',fopen(FILE),FILE) % To ignore this warning use % >> warning('off','CVARGAS:saveascii:usedFileNumericalInput') % before calling this program. else error('CVARGAS:saveascii:invalidNumericalSecondInput',... ['Numerical second input must be a valid File Identifier. If it is '... 'PRECISION, give an empty, [], as second input.']) end end end if ~isempty(FILE) && isnumeric(FILE) % File id: fid = FILE; [FILE,per] = fopen(fid); if ~ismember(per(1),'aAwW') error('CVARGAS:saveascii:noWrittingPermission',... ['Filename ''%s'' with file identifier %.0f does not have writting ' ... 'permision. See FOPEN for details.'],fopen(FILE),FILE) end if Xcell && ~ismember(per(1),'aA') error('CVARGAS:saveascii:noAppendPermission',... ['Filename ''%s'' with file identifier %.0f does not have append ' ... 'permision. Elements of cell X will overwrite the file each time.']... ,fopen(FILE),FILE) end else fid = []; end Femp = isempty(FILE); if (~Femp && WAR) && ((isempty(fileparts(FILE)) && ... (exist(fullfile(pwd,FILE),'file')==2)) || (exist(FILE,'file')==2)) % Overwrite warning. h = questdlg({'Is it OK to overwrite the file:'; [FILE '?']},... 'saveascii.m','Yes','Cancel','Cancel'); if isempty(h) || ~strcmp(h,'Yes') if nargout==0 clear X return end Femp = true; end end clear newFILE clear newFMT % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MAIN % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SAVES IN FILE =========================================================== if ~Femp % Saves the matrix to the ascii file using FPRINTF. if ~isempty(fid) if ~Xcell fprintf(fid,FULLFMT,X.'); else for k = 1:Nrow fprintf(fid,FULLFMT{k},X{k}.'); end end else % Fixed bug. Oct 2009 [DIR FILE EXT] = fileparts(FILE); if ~isempty(DIR) if ~(exist(DIR,'dir')==7) [flag,temp] = mkdir(DIR); if ~flag error('CVARGAS:saveascii:invalidDirectoryName',... 'Unable to create the output directory ''%s''.',DIR) end end end FILE = fullfile(DIR,[FILE EXT]); fid = fopen(FILE,[PER TOB]); % 1. if fid<0 error('CVARGAS:incorrectFileStringInput',... ['FILE was not a valid file name. If it is a DELIMITER put it ' ... 'between brackets, {}, or put an empty, [], in the second input.']) end if ~Xcell fprintf(fid,FULLFMT,X.'); % 2. fclose(fid); % 3. lines of the SAVEASCII v1.0 else % Writes first element and then appends the others. fprintf(fid,[FULLFMT{1} EOEL],X{1}.'); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(FILE,['a' TOB]); for k = 2:Nrow fprintf(fid,[FULLFMT{k} EOEL],X{k}.'); end fclose(fid); end end if (nargout==0) clear X return end end % DISPLAYS IN COMMAND WINDOW ============================================== if nargout==0 if ~Xcell % Display string matrix. if ~Xnum && (Xemp || isempty(newDLM)) % Fixed BUG (May 07, 2009) disp(X) clear X return end X = sprintf(FULLFMT,X.'); if isempty(X) % Incorrect FULLFMT. error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFormat',... 'Incorrect format.') end Ncol2 = numel(X)/Nrow; if isnatural(Ncol2) % Reshapes it into a string matrix. Y = reshape(X,Ncol2,Nrow); Yn = double(Y(end,1)); if all(Yn==double(sprintf(FULLFMT(end-1:end)))) Y = Y(1:end-1,:)'; X = Y; else warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:matrixNotSquare',... ['The displayed string matrix is a vector because the array ' ... 'cannot be squared with this format.']) % NOTE: SAVEASCII tries to convert the output from SPRINTF, which is a % vector string, to a matrix string but fails, probably due to an % incorrect format row. end elseif ~isempty(X) warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:matrixNotSquare',... ['The displayed string matrix is a vector because the array ' ... 'cannot be squared with this format.']) % NOTE: SAVEASCII tries to convert the output from SPRINTF, which is a % vector string, to a matrix string but fails, probably due to an % incorrect format row. end disp(X) else for k = 1:Nrow fprintf(1,[FULLFMT{k} EOEL],X{k}.') end end clear X return end % OUTPUTS VARIABLE ======================================================== % Output or displays the result. % Displays the result matrix string on the Command Window or as an output % argument using SPRINTF and DISP. % Fixed BUG (May 07, 2009). if ~Xnum && (Xemp || (isempty(newDLM) && ~Xcell)) return end % Output string matrix. if ~Xcell X = sprintf(FULLFMT,X.'); Ncol2 = numel(X)/Nrow; if isnatural(Ncol2) % Reshapes it into a string matrix. Y = reshape(X,Ncol2,Nrow); Yn = double(Y(end,1)); if all(Yn==double(sprintf(FULLFMT(end-1:end)))) Y = Y(1:end-1,:)'; X = Y; else warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:matrixNotSquare',... ['The displayed string matrix is a vector because the array ' ... 'cannot be squared with this format.']) % NOTE: SAVEASCII tries to convert the output from SPRINTF, which is a % vector string, to a matrix string but fails, probably due to an % incorrect format row. end elseif ~isempty(X) warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:matrixNotSquare',... ['The output string matrix is a vector because the array ' ... 'cannot be squared with this format.']) % NOTE: SAVEASCII tries to convert the output from SPRINTF, which is a % vector string, to a matrix string but fails, probably due to an % incorrect format row. end else Y = cell(Nrow,1); for k = 1:Nrow Y{k} = sprintf(FULLFMT{k},X{1}.'); X(1) = []; end Mcolcell = cellfun(@length,Y); X = repmat(' ',Nrow,max(Mcolcell)); for k = 1:Nrow X(k,1:Mcolcell(k)) = Y{1}; Y(1) = []; end end % ========================================================================= % SUBFUNCTIONS % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [fid,PRE] = get_num(PRE,Ncol,numopt,inum,iempty) % Extract precision from options in a vector array. % New input "iempty". Oct 2009. % Forces row PRE: PRE = round(PRE(:).'); fid = []; % Checks no input. if isempty(numopt) return end % Checks FILE id input. % Fixed bug to accept 1 and 2 file identifiers. Oct 2009. if isempty(iempty) && inum(1)==1 && (numel(numopt{1})==1) && ... (numopt{1}>0) && isnatural(numopt{1}) && ~isempty(fopen(numopt{1})) fid = numopt{1}; numopt(1) = []; if isempty(numopt) return end end % Checks X empty: if Ncol==0 return end % Checks many inputs. if length(numopt)>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyFmtInput',... 'More than one FMT precision given.') end % Checks values: if any(~isfinite(numopt{1})) error('CVARGAS:saveascii:notFiniteFmtInput',... 'Precision FMT must be all finite.') end % Checks size: nPRE = numel(numopt{1}); if (nPRE~=1) && (nPRE~=Ncol) error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFmtLongInput',... 'Precision FMT vector must have 1 or Ncol integers.') end % Checks integer: if any(~isnatural(numopt{1})) error('CVARGAS:saveascii:notIntegerFmtInput',... 'Precision FMT must be integers.') end % Forces integers and row vector: PRE = numopt{1}(:).'; function FMT = pre2fmt(PRE,WID,SPC,Ncol,x3) % Calculates the width for each column and creates the format string for % each column with that width, precision and delimiter. % Reduce the size of x3 if a single precision is given. if length(PRE)==1 x3 = [max(x3(1,:)); any(x3(2,:),2)-2*any(x3(2,:)<0,2); min(x3(3,:))]; end if isempty(WID) WID = get_wid(PRE,x3([1 3],:)); % Check at least 3 digits when NaN's or INF's: isbad = logical(x3(2,:)); isbad(isbad) = (WID(isbad)<=3); WID(isbad) = 3 + any(x3(2,isbad)<0,1); % Converst from numeric format to format string: end FMT = pre2fmtcol(PRE,WID,SPC,Ncol); function FMT = pre2fmtcol(PRE,WID,SPC,Ncol) % Creates the format string for each (or every) column from precision, % width and specifier. % Added to reduce running time by reducing the usage of INT2STR. Feb 2008 [w,w,iw] = unique(WID); [p,p,ip] = unique(PRE); Nw = length(w); Np = length(p); Sw = cell(1,Nw); Sp = cell(1,Np); for k = 1:Nw Sw{k} = int2str(WID(w(k))); end for k = 1:Np Sp{k} = int2str(PRE(p(k))); end % Checks flag on specifier: if length(SPC)==2 flag = SPC(1); SPC(1) = []; else flag = ''; end % Writes the format strings: FMT = cell(1,1+(Ncol-1)*(Nw*Np~=1)); FMT{1} = ['%' flag Sw{iw(1)} '.' Sp{ip(1)} SPC]; if Nw*Np~=1 for k = 2:Ncol FMT{k} = [ '%' flag Sw{iw(k)} '.' Sp{ip(k)} SPC]; end end function WID = get_wid(PRE,x) % Calculates the maximum number of digits for each (or every) column of x. M = get_order(x); M(M<0) = 0; % M=0 if 00); % If NaN, InF or -Inf sets at least 3, 3 or 4 digits respectively. isbad = any(~isfinite(x),1); isbad(isbad) = (WID(isbad)<=3) | ~isfinite(WID(isbad)); WID(isbad) = 3 + any(x(:,isbad)<0,1); function [DLM,FMT,EOEL,full] = get_cell(DLM,FMT,EOEL,Ncol,cellopt) % Reads cell optional inputs. % Initializes. nDLM = 0; nFMT = double(~isempty(FMT)); full = false; while ~isempty(cellopt) n = length(cellopt{1}); ind = regexp([' ' cellopt{1}{1} ' '],'[^%]%[^%]'); m = length(ind); if (n==1 ) && ((m~=0) && (((m==1) || (m==Ncol)) || (Ncol==0))) % FMT for every column. FMT = cellopt{1}; nFMT = nFMT+1; full = (m==Ncol); elseif (m==1) && ((n~=0) && ((n==Ncol) || (Ncol==0))) % FMT for each column. for k = 2:Ncol % Checks if all of them are formats. ind = regexp([' ' cellopt{1}{k} ' '],'[^%]%[^%]'); if length(ind)~=1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFmtCellInput',... 'Incorrect FMT cell of strings input.') end end FMT = cellopt{1}; nFMT = nFMT+1; elseif (n==1) && (m==0) % DLM for every column. DLM = cellopt{1}; nDLM = nDLM+1; elseif (m==0) && ((n==(Ncol-1)) || (Ncol==0)) % DLM for each column. DLM = cellopt{1}; nDLM = nDLM+1; else if m==0 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectCellLengthInput',... 'DLM cell of string must be of length 1 or Ncol-1.') else error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectFmtLengthInput',... 'FMT cell of string must be of length 1 or Ncol.') end end cellopt(1) = []; end % Checks for errors: if nDLM>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyDlmInput',... 'More than one DLM given.') end if nFMT>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyFmtInput',... 'More than one FMT given.') end % Checks ending of full format: if full && (length(FMT{1})>1) && (strcmp(FMT{1}(end-1:end),'\n') || ... strcmp(FMT{1}(end-1:end),'\r')) EOEL = ''; end function [FILE,PER,TOB,WAR,DLM,FMT,EOEL,full] = ... get_char(FILE,PER,TOB,WAR,DLM,FMT,EOEL,Ncol,stropt,ichar) % Reads string optional inputs. % Initializes. nFILE = double(~isempty(FILE)); nPER = 0; nDLM = ~isempty(DLM); nFMT = double(~isempty(FMT)); full = false; % Checks strings inputs while ~isempty(stropt) % Looks for '%' chars. ind = regexp([' ' stropt{1} ' '],'[^%]%[^%]'); m = length(ind); if m~=0 && (((m==1) || (m==Ncol)) || (Ncol==0)) % Sets FMT: FMT = stropt(1); nFMT = nFMT+1; full = (m==Ncol); else % Looks for PER or FILE: switch stropt{1} case {'w','a'} PER = stropt{1}; nPER = nPER+1; case {'wt','at','wb','ab'} PER = stropt{1}(1); nPER = nPER+1; TOB = stropt{1}(2); case {'w -i'} PER = stropt{1}(1); nPER = nPER+1; WAR = true; case {'wt -i','wb -i'} PER = stropt{1}(1); nPER = nPER+1; TOB = stropt{1}(2); WAR = true; otherwise if ichar(1)==1 FILE = stropt{1}; nFILE = nFILE+1; else if nDLM error('CVARGAS:saveascii:incorrectCharInput', ... ['Incorrect char input. \n\n' ... 'Must be a valid OPEN MODE (''a'',''w'') or a valid FILE NAME ' ... '(as second input). ']) end DLM = {stropt{1}}; end end end stropt(1) = []; ichar(1) = []; end % Checks for errors: if nFILE>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyFileInput',... 'More than one FILE given.') end if nPER>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyPermissionsInput',... 'More than one open file permission given.') end if nFMT>1 error('CVARGAS:saveascii:tooManyFmtInput',... 'More than one FMT given.') end if (nPER==1) && (nFILE==0) warning('CVARGAS:saveascii:ignoredPermissionInput',... 'Ignored Permission input because no FILE given.') end % Checks ending of full format: if full && (length(FMT{1})>1) && (strcmp(FMT{1}(end-1:end),'\n') || ... strcmp(FMT{1}(end-1:end),'\r')) EOEL = ''; end function FULLFMT = get_strform(DLM,FMT,Ncol) % Generates the whole format string from the options or defaults. FULLFMT = ''; Nf = length(FMT); % a) Super format: if Nf==1 Nf = numel(strfind(FMT{1},'%')); if Nf==Ncol FULLFMT = FMT{1}; elseif Nf~=1 % Error in the full format string option. error('CVARGAS:saveascii:invalidStrOptionsSize',... 'Number of format strings must be 0, 1 or Ncol.') end end % b) Piecewise format: if isempty(FULLFMT) FULLFMT = FMT{1}; Nd = length(DLM); if Nd==1 % Single delimiter? if Nf==1 % + single format? FULLFMT = [FULLFMT repmat([DLM{1} FMT{1}],1,Ncol-1)]; else % + Ncol formats? for k = 2:Ncol FULLFMT = [FULLFMT DLM{1} FMT{k}]; end end elseif Nd==(Ncol-1) % Ncol-1 delimiters? if Nf==1 % + single format? for k = 2:Ncol FULLFMT = [FULLFMT DLM{k-1} FMT{1}]; end else % + Ncol formats? for k = 2:Ncol FULLFMT = [FULLFMT DLM{k-1} FMT{k}]; end end else % No delimiters (all failed) if Nf==1 % + single format? FULLFMT = repmat(FULLFMT,1,Ncol); else % + Ncol formats? for k = 2:Ncol FULLFMT = [FULLFMT FMT{k}]; end end end end function M = get_order(x) % Gets the order of magnitud in 10 base, i.e., in scientific notation: % M = get_order(y) => y = X.XXXXXX x 10^M if isinteger(x) % Allows integer input: uint8, etc. x = double(x); % bug fixed Mar 08 end temp = warning('off','MATLAB:log:logOfZero'); M = floor(log10(abs(x))); % In cientific notation x = XXX x 10^M. M(x==0) = 0; % M=0 if x=0. (Bug fixed 10/jan/2008) (bug fixed 05/may/2008) warning(temp.state,'MATLAB:log:logOfZero') function y = maxinf(x,varargin) %MAXINF Largest component ignoring INF's as posible. % % Y = MAXINF(X) is equivalent to MAX but ignoring INF's. If there is no % finite elements, then the INF or -INF value is returned; NaN's are % return if all the elements are NaN's. y = max(x,varargin{:}); iinf = isinf(y); if any(iinf(:)) xinf = y(iinf); x(~isfinite(x)) = NaN; y = max(x,varargin{:}); inan = isnan(y(iinf)); if any(inan(:)) y(iinf(inan)) = xinf(inan); end end function y = mininf(x,varargin) %MININF Smallest component ignoring -INF's as posible. % % Y = MININF(X) is equivalent to MIN but ignoring -INF's. If there is no % finite elements, then the INF or -INF value is returned; NaN's are % return if all the elements are NaN's. y = min(x,varargin{:}); iinf = isinf(y); if any(iinf(:)) xinf = y(iinf); x(~isfinite(x)) = NaN; y = min(x,varargin{:}); inan = isnan(y(iinf)); if any(inan(:)) y(iinf(inan)) = xinf(inan); end end function n = isnatural(n) %ISNATURAL Checks if an array has natural numbers. % Y = ISNATURAL(X) returns a logical array of the same size as X with % ones in the elements of X that are natural numbers % (...-2,-1,0,1,2,...), and zeros where not. % Written by % M.S. Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera % Physical Oceanography PhD candidate % CICESE % Mexico, November 2006 % % n = (n==floor(n)) & isreal(n) & isnumeric(n) & isfinite(n); % [EOF] saveascii.m