function class = f_predict_AHE(record) %/* f_predict_AHE.m % forecast acute hypotension using an SVM structure build from % training data % Copyright (C) 2009 Florian Jousset % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % */ % % CLASS = F_PREDICT_AHE(RECORD) % % INPUT % record record ID, '201bn' % % OUTPUT % class classification 'H' | 'C' % load the arterial blood pressure signals [ABP] = f_load_ABPs_test(record); % select the mean ABP ABP.M(ABP.M == 0) = []; ABP.M = resample(ABP.M,1,60); % keep only the last 2 hours x = ABP.M(end-119:end); medM = median(x); madM = mad(x,1); % compute the slope of the last 20 min x = x(end-19:end); brob = robustfit((1:length(x)), x); slope = brob(2); params = [medM, madM, slope]; % classify if strcmp(record(1), '1') load svmStructA class = svmclassify(svmStructA,params(1:2)); else load svmStructB class = svmclassify(svmStructB,params); end if class class = 'H'; else class = 'C'; end disp([record ' ' class]);